Mosquitoes in the country how to get rid of folk remedies. Different ways to get rid of mosquitoes in the area

  • 06.06.2019

What is the best remedy for treating a summer cottage from mosquitoes?

With the onset of heat in late April - early May, the period of mosquito activity begins. You need to be afraid of these insects not only for reasons of annoying squeaking and combing bites, mosquitoes are also carriers of diseases dangerous to humans.

Spraying the site with insecticidal agents will help to cope with mosquitoes, their larvae, which will positively affect living in the country. In order to get rid of insects for the whole season, there are several ways to destroy them.

When using nets, mosquito curtains and fumigators, you can protect yourself from mosquitoes only indoors, so we will consider more effective methods, allowing you to get rid of bloodsuckers not only in the house, but throughout the area.

Use of chemicals

The use of chemicals can provide protection against mosquitoes for the entire season, but this method is not the safest for children and adults, since the substances contained in the preparations are toxic in most cases. When choosing a disinfectant, give preference to those that are safe, especially for children.

Attention! During rain, the chemicals are partially washed away and their effect weakens, therefore, for a rainy summer, treatment should be carried out at least three to four times per season.

At independent work Some precautions should be taken with chemicals:

  • during processing and the next day after spraying, people and animals should not be on the site.
  • mandatory use of personal protective equipment for the skin, respiratory organs and eyes.
  • Drain all water containers and refill clean water and close carefully.
  • it is good to wash products from the treated area, especially greens and fruits.

The treatment of the suburban area by specialists will be performed more efficiently, as exterminators use good spraying equipment and stronger substances to kill mosquitoes.

Treatment of the site with chemicals

Chemical means that allow you to get rid of mosquitoes for a long time:

  1. "Biolavricid-100". Used to kill mosquito larvae. All wet places in the area where larvae can develop are treated with a solution of this substance.
  2. "Doctor Klaus" - insecticidal spray for spraying the area from mosquitoes and flies.
  3. "Cifox" - a concentrated agent that destroys mosquitoes (also used in the removal of cockroaches and bedbugs).
  4. "Bioneutral I 50" is effective in the fight against mosquitoes and flies. The solution should be sprayed throughout the summer cottage, protects against insects for 2-3 weeks.
  5. Medilis Ziper. Is used for open areas and enclosed spaces.

Modern ways to kill mosquitoes

Effective in the fight against mosquitoes are devices for the destruction of insects. These include ultrasonic devices, carbon dioxide traps, insecticidal lamps.

  • Ultrasonic devices. Safe, different in range, so they can protect the entire area. This method allows you to scare away, but not destroy insects. When they are turned off, the mosquitoes return. Popular lamps that combine ultraviolet and electricity, they fit perfectly into the environment of the suburban area and fight mosquitoes in a safe way.

Safe for humans ultrasonic mosquito repeller

  • Traps with carbon dioxide. The operation of the device is based on imitation of human breathing, baiting mosquitoes to a powerful suction device into a container, where mosquitoes die. Safety for animals and humans, an excellent degree of protection against mosquitoes makes this method reliable and popular.
  • Insecticide lamps. With the help of light attract the attention of insects, and the built-in mesh destroys them. Effective and safe mosquito killer.

A wide range of mosquito repellents and devices will help you choose suitable remedy and protect the family from these insects for the entire summer period. Without mosquitoes, life in the country will become calm and pleasant.

Mosquito treatment: video

As a rule, it is overshadowed by hordes of mosquitoes. Blood-sucking insects sometimes just drive summer residents inside country house, and the desired dinner for fresh air turns into an extreme event. But there are quite reliable means of combating mosquitoes. We will talk about them.

Folk remedies

Before you start fighting mosquitoes with all sorts of means, it is worth taking some simple preventive measures that will reduce the number of blood-sucking flyers.

First of all, you need to take care covering all open containers with water with a lid or film located on suburban area, because it is in stagnant water that mosquito larvae feel great. It is also good to completely change the water in such containers once a week.

Did you know? Only mosquito females feed on blood, they need it for the reproduction of offspring, while males adhere to an exclusively plant-based diet.

Another attractive place for mosquitoes are puddles that do not dry out for a long time and waterlogged land. The elimination of dense thickets and thinning of overgrown ones will also reduce the number of bloodsuckers, because it is in the thickets that they sit out, waiting for their victims.

Directly from mosquitoes, some types of plants protect well. For example, these insects have an unpleasant smell. But since rest among the beds will look somehow strange, then the recreation areas can be protected by plantings of such plants like tansy - they also scare away bloodsuckers.
The shores of decorative summer cottages can be decorated with plantings, which is also a good natural repellant.

A certain effect is given by leaves or branches thrown on smoldering ones. Cedar oil is also used as a repellent, as well as essential oils, eucalyptus,. They are applied directly to the skin.

Excellent mosquito repellant is a decoction that is so undesirable in the country.

It is very easy to make it with your own hands: 100 g of a crushed plant are poured with boiling water and boiled over low heat for 15 minutes.
The finished decoction can be applied to the skin, or you can wet a piece of cloth with it, which will serve as a repellent.

At home, you can also build a simple trap, which, although it will not help get rid of mosquitoes, will contribute to a significant decrease in their numbers. To do this, they take, cut off the upper part, and put sugar and a spoon into the lower part, pour the mixture warm water. Next, cover the lower part with the cut off top, using it as a funnel (the joints must be secured with tape).

Mosquitoes are attracted by the carbon dioxide released, they enter through the funnel and die there. For greater effectiveness, wrap the trap with something opaque, such as newspaper.

Did you know? The most effective exterminator of mosquito larvae in water bodies is a small gambusia fish. In a day, one fish is capable of exterminating several hundred mosquito larvae.

Modern technologies

Protozoa modern means mosquitoes are repellents which are widely available on the market. They are issued in different types: lotions, sprays, gels, aerosols. The latter are good in that they can process not only open areas body, but also clothing. There are also repellent bracelets that are worn on the hand. The duration of such funds is usually from two to six hours.

A modern analogue of odorous plants smoldering on coals are pyrotechnic fumigators. open air. They are made in the form of a candle or a spiral. When the tip of such a spiral is ignited, it begins to smolder, and the emitted smoke repels.
Ultrasonic repellents, or, as they are often called, "repellers", can be quite effective. These devices generate ultrasound, which keeps mosquitoes away from the area covered by the radiation. Repellers can be stationary or individual. V last version the devices are attached to a belt, clothing or keychain and provide the wearer with personal comfort. Stationary models can protect up to 50 sq. m of open space.

Important! There are many types of mosquitoes, and many perceive ultrasonic vibrations differently. Because of this, repellers can be effective in one area and ineffective in another. Therefore, in more advanced models of these devices, it is possible to change the radiation frequency (manually or automatically).

Chemical treatment

In the matter of getting rid of the suburban area from mosquitoes, you can trust the achievements modern chemistry. In this case, the place where mosquito larvae develop is first processed: containers with stagnant water, country decorative ones, ditches, storm drains, etc.
Then they proceed to residential and non-residential premises, with special attention being paid to basements, where mosquitoes feel especially good. Are also processed , .

For such a procedure, it is better to involve specialized companies, since the complex processing of a summer cottage from mosquitoes is carried out by various chemicals, and you need to know the features of their application. In addition, special protective suits and masks are used during processing, as well as special equipment - all this is available from professionals.

The chemicals used selectively act on mosquitoes and are practically safe for humans and animals. Of course, this only applies to certified chemicals that comply with safety regulations. Complex treatment helps to get rid of mosquitoes in the country quickly and for a period of one to 2.5 months - it all depends on how often it will rain.

Means for the destruction of pests

The simplest trap that destroys mosquitoes is the long-used special adhesive tape, which is attached to the ceiling of the veranda or. Insects that land on the tape adhere securely and die. Its effectiveness, in general, is very low, because whether an insect sits on it or not is a matter of chance. Of the advantages of the tape, you can only indicate its low cost. But there are also much more effective traps.

According to the principle of action, the antagonist of ultrasonic repellents are ultraviolet lamps luring and destroying insects. The principle of operation is simple: mosquitoes (like other insects) fly to the source ultraviolet radiation, fall on the grid, which is under a small voltage, which surrounds the source, and die there. Such

We understand how to get rid of mosquitoes in the country. Let's analyze the most common methods of control in the form of spraying, personal protective equipment and the use of insecticidal lamps. And also evaluate their effectiveness. We will teach you how to fight mosquitoes in the country with the help of mosquito traps and tell you how to treat mosquito bites.

Ways to protect the site from mosquitoes - planting plants that repel insects

Mosquitoes are insects that are not only harmful, but also dangerous, because they carry many infections with a bite. The female mosquito causes harm, it is she who feeds on human blood, males prefer vegetable juice

  1. The most hated smell for mosquitoes emit junipers - Cossack, ordinary, virgin and etc.
  2. Keep up with them thuja western, spruce common and prickly, fir.

Juniper or other conifers planted near the house repel mosquitoes. (Although not all of them know about it.)

In addition to conifers, other plants are used that emit a specific smell:

  • walnut,
  • horse chestnut,
  • Elderberry black and red.

Elderberry not only protects against mosquitoes, but cleans and disinfects the air

From grassy mosquitoes do not like the aroma:

  • Basilica;
  • Valerian;
  • Pyrethrum;
  • Marigold;
  • Sagebrush;
  • lavender;
  • catnip;
  • Mathiola;
  • Black currant.

Gardeners claim that there are almost no mosquitoes where tomatoes grow. Planting these plants in the country, "kill two birds with one stone", you get a double benefit, both beautiful and useful.

Comparative analysis of purchased products for mosquito treatment of the garden, advantages and disadvantages

Protection from mosquitoes is a continuous and persistent process, you just have to relax a little or gape, uninvited bloodsuckers are right there. Unfortunately, if only with the help of plants it would be possible to get rid of mosquitoes, then there would be no need to use chemical means.

Among the huge range of insecticides, the following drugs are most often chosen:

Name Peculiarities Flaws Price
"Medilis - Ziper" Relatively recently it was used only by professionals. The drug is now commercially available. It is important to spray it in deadlines:

in early spring, immediately after the snow melts, in the absence of people on the site.

- after treatment, you can not stay on the site for 3 days.

The drug can be used indoors under the same conditions.

The consumption of the product is 5 ml per 10 liters of water per 100 m 2.

The tool is effective provided that the instructions are strictly followed. 500 ml -
"Cifox" An emulsion that emits a sharp, bad smell. In areas with a small number of mosquitoes, a weakly concentrated 0.01% solution is used. In severely affected areas, the solution is increased 5 times to 0.05%. Processing is carried out with the mandatory use of personal protective equipment. 500 ml -
"Bioneutral I 50" Strong insecticide, sold as a clear liquid with a slight odor. After spraying, the area is protected for several weeks, then the spraying must be repeated. The high cost of the drug. 1l - 2000 rubles.
"Doctor Klaus" The tool is effective not only against mosquitoes, it destroys ticks, wasps, ants and flies.

The solution is sold ready-made with a spray bottle, which is convenient to use.

Unfortunately, the remedy acts on the bees, so the treatment should be carried out only in the evening. 630 rub. for one vial.
"Biolavricid - 100" Environmentally friendly bio-based insecticide. The effect of the drug on mosquito larvae is possible due to bacterial spores that are harmful to insects. Better to use with "Biolavricide - 30", then the effect comes much faster. 890 rub. for 100 g.

When using protective equipment, it is important to follow the instructions exactly.

How to get rid of mosquitoes in the country: folk methods of personal protection

Learn more about those that are used more often than others.

  1. cork lemon or other citrus lightly press down, and with the juice that appears, lubricate the skin of the hands, neck, face. This smell, mosquitoes fly around. The disadvantage is individual intolerance.
  2. Infusion of available plants:
  • lavender,
  • mint,
  • melissa,
  • basilica,
  • carnations,
  • eucalyptus,
  • anise.

For preparation, 1 tablespoon is mixed with 100 g of boiling water, kept until completely cooled, filtered, applied to the skin.

  1. Essential oils that repel mosquitoes.

Essential oils of different sizes and designs can be bought at a pharmacy or cosmetic store.

  1. Juice of plants with anti-mosquito flavor - plantain, black currant, feverfew.
  2. A weak solution of vanillin helps.

Efficiency of insecticidal lamps and other devices, range, cost estimation

State-of-the-art mosquito killers are electric traps that attract insects with a specific range of light waves. The device attracts insects that die when they fall on an open electrode. Depending on the model, it is used indoors and outdoors.

The following brands are on sale:

Brand name + manufacturer Mode of action Price
Insect exterminator EGO-03 60W (Poland) It is applied in the house and on a site. The radius of action is 250 m 2. Easy to use - dead insects fall on the tray, which is easy to clean. 4500 rub.
Insecticidal lamp Camry CR 7932 (Poland) Designed for indoor areas up to 20 m 2 . Can work around the clock. 1800 rub.
Mosquito expeller Manufacturer: SANGEMAMА – (China) Environmentally friendly device solar panels, destroys insects with ultrasonic radiation within a radius of 300 m. With the help of a probe, it is easily inserted into the ground. used in the garden

The use of personal protective equipment, all the pros and cons

Certainly the most effective methods mosquitoes are chemicals. They provide long-term protection, unfortunately, are not harmless, and sometimes dangerous to health. Repellents are sold in the form of creams, gels, sprays. Designed for application to exposed skin.

Tip #1. It is important to study the composition of the product in order to exclude components that cause individual intolerance.

Summer residents, tourists, fishermen prefer such drugs:

Name Peculiarities Flaws
En'jee repellant bracelet

"Shoo mosquito!"

Action based on vegetable oil Citronella. Individual rejection of citronella.
Gardex "Family" Mosquito Repellent Aerosol Spray onto skin and clothing. Can only be applied to natural fabrics.
Cream from mosquitoes and insects "SRL-123M Ultrathoun" The repellent lasts up to 12 hours, is not washed off by river and sea water. Cannot be used by small children.
Anti-mosquito liquid "Nebite for children" At the heart of the preparation is an infusion of Caucasian chamomile (feverfew). In order for the child not to accidentally lick the treated skin, bitter food additive harmless to children.

Mosquito bracelets for sale various colors and look like fashion accessories

How to get rid of mosquitoes in the house

To repel mosquitoes in the house, you can use only safe fragrances. It is believed that there will be no insects if the following types of odorous oil are added to the aromatic lamp:

  • camphor,
  • eucalyptus,
  • anise,
  • clove,
  • Cedar,
  • citronella,
  • tea tree,
  • rosemary,
  • geranium,
  • Balm "Asterisk".

Tip #2. Any mosquito repellent can be used if it does not cause allergies.

Do-it-yourself mosquito repellent recipe

Recipes for repelling mosquitoes have the following features cooking:

Name Cooking Application
Mosquito Repellent Gel - Juice of two large leaves of aloe - 1 teaspoon,

ü Olive peeled cosmetic - 2 tablespoons,

ü Lavender oil - 5 drops

ü Geranium oil - 5 drops

The product is applied to all exposed areas of the skin.
Mosquito spray In 50 ml warm water add a pinch of refined table salt (on the tip of a knife), 20 - 30 drops of any oil that mosquitoes do not like, for example, lemon balm.

The liquid is thoroughly mixed and poured into a vial with a spray bottle.

The mixture is sprayed on the hair and hands. It is not desirable to get funds on the face.
After bite remedy 1 tablespoon of chamomile oil mixed with five drops of lavender oil, one teaspoon of aloe juice Apply to the bite site.

Store in a dark glass vial in a dark place - 1 month.

Rubric: "Questions and answers"

Question number 1. How to quickly get rid of itching when bitten by a mosquito?

Answer: There is an opinion that discomfort removes:

  1. Mixture of drinking soda ½ teaspoon with a few drops ammonia in a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate).
  2. Any sour - dairy products without sugar - sour cream, kefir, curdled milk, yogurt.
  3. Juice of crushed leaves of plantain, parsley, bird cherry, basil, valerian, mint.
  4. A tablet of validol soaked in water, if you rub it on the bite site.
  5. Balm "Asterisk", however, first you have to endure a slight burning sensation.
  6. Tea tree oil.
  7. Fish fat.

Question #2. How to quickly get rid of mosquitoes?

Answer: Unfortunately, it will not work quickly. Destroying some, we get the next batch. Insect control is an ongoing process. The best results can be achieved by a set of measures:

- plant trees and shrubs in the garden that repel mosquitoes,

- place fragrant plants closer to the house, lay them out throughout the house.

If natural remedies did not help, fumigators are connected - substances that, when evaporated, create an anti-mosquito aroma:

- "Raptor"

— Picnic Family.

The preparations are sold in the form of liquid or plates. When connected to the mains, a vibration is formed that contributes to evaporation.

Question number 3. What to put in a mosquito fire?

Answer: Branches on firewood of all coniferous trees and shrubs are well suited. It is better to build such a fire away from the place of rest, it will scare away mosquitoes, but not suffocate with smoke.

Serious mistakes gardeners make when fighting mosquitoes on the site and in the house

The main mistakes of gardeners in the fight against mosquitoes are:

  1. The use of chemical repellents for children.

Do not use "adult" products for children. Babies can be protected with herbal infusions or special baby products that have a natural base, such as Gardex Baby.

  1. Failure to comply with the recommended measures in the use of individual repellents.

If ingested with food, you need to urgently rinse the stomach. If the drug irritates the skin, it must be washed off and applied protective agent, for example, "Panthenol". If it was not around, you can process it with any sour - dairy product without sugar.

A wonderful summer vacation in the country, as a rule, is overshadowed by hordes of mosquitoes. Blood-sucking insects sometimes simply drive summer residents inside a country house, and a welcome dinner in the fresh air turns into an extreme event. But there are quite reliable means of combating mosquitoes. We will talk about them.

Folk remedies

Before you start fighting mosquitoes with all sorts of means, it is worth taking some simple preventive measures that will reduce the number of blood-sucking flyers.

First of all, you need to take care covering all open containers with water with a lid or film located in the summer cottage, because it is in stagnant water that mosquito larvae feel great. It is also good to completely change the water in such containers once a week.

Did you know? Only mosquito females feed on blood, they need it for the reproduction of offspring, while males adhere to an exclusively plant-based diet.

Another attractive place for mosquitoes are puddles that do not dry out for a long time and waterlogged land. The elimination of dense thickets of weeds and thinning of overgrown shrubs will also reduce the number of bloodsuckers, because it is in the thickets that they sit out, waiting for their victims.

Directly from mosquitoes, some types of plants protect well. For example, these insects dislike the smell of tomatoes. But since rest among the tomato beds will look somehow strange, the recreation areas can be protected by plantings of such plants, like tansy, wormwood, mint, lavender - they also scare away bloodsuckers.

The shores of decorative country water bodies can be decorated with plantings of castor bean, which is also a good natural repellant.

Important! It should be remembered that castor beans, tansy and wormwood are poisonous plants.

A certain effect is given by mint leaves or juniper branches thrown on smoldering coals. Cedar oil is also used as a repellent, as well as essential oils of anise, eucalyptus, and cloves. They are applied directly to the skin.

Excellent mosquito repellant is a decoction of wheatgrass, which is so undesirable in the country.

It is very easy to make it with your own hands: 100 g of a crushed plant are poured with boiling water and boiled over low heat for 15 minutes.

The finished decoction can be applied to the skin, or you can wet a piece of cloth with it, which will serve as a repellent.

At home, you can also build a simple trap, which, although it will not help get rid of mosquitoes, will contribute to a significant decrease in their numbers. For this they take plastic bottle, cut off the upper part, and sugar and a spoonful of yeast are poured into the lower part, the mixture is poured with warm water. Next, cover the bottom of the bottle with a cut off top, using it as a funnel (the connection points must be secured with tape).

Mosquitoes are attracted by the carbon dioxide released, they enter the bottle through the funnel and die there. For greater effectiveness, wrap the trap with something opaque, such as newspaper.

Did you know? The most effective exterminator of mosquito larvae in water bodies is a small gambusia fish. In a day, one fish is capable of exterminating several hundred mosquito larvae.

Modern technologies

The simplest modern mosquito repellents are repellents which are widely available on the market. They are available in different forms: lotions, sprays, gels, aerosols. The latter are good because they can handle not only open areas of the body, but also clothes. There are also repellent bracelets that are worn on the hand. The duration of such funds is usually from two to six hours.

A modern analogue of odorous plants smoldering on coals are open air pyrotechnic fumigators. They are made in the form of a candle or a spiral. When the tip of such a spiral is ignited, it begins to smolder, and the emitted smoke repels insects.

Ultrasonic repellents, or, as they are often called, "repellers", can be quite effective. These devices generate ultrasound, which keeps mosquitoes away from the area covered by the radiation. Repellers can be stationary or individual. In the latter version, the devices are attached to a belt, clothing or keychain and provide the wearer with personal comfort. Stationary models can protect up to 50 sq. m of open space.

Important! There are many types of mosquitoes, and many perceive ultrasonic vibrations differently. Because of this, repellers can be effective in one area and ineffective in another. Therefore, in more advanced models of these devices, it is possible to change the radiation frequency (manually or automatically).

Chemical treatment

In the matter of ridding the summer cottage of mosquitoes, you can trust the achievements of modern chemistry. In this case, the place where mosquito larvae develop is first processed: containers with stagnant water, country decorative ponds, ditches, storm drains, etc.

Then they proceed to residential and non-residential premises, with special attention being paid to basements, where mosquitoes feel especially good. Trees, fences, shrubs are also processed.

For such a procedure, it is better to involve specialized companies, since the complex treatment of a summer cottage from mosquitoes is carried out by various chemical means, and you need to know the features of their use. In addition, special protective suits and masks are used during processing, as well as special equipment - all this is available from professionals.

The chemicals used selectively act on mosquitoes and are practically safe for humans and animals. Of course, this only applies to certified chemicals that comply with safety regulations. Complex treatment helps to get rid of mosquitoes in the country quickly and for a period of one to 2.5 months - it all depends on how often it will rain.

Means for the destruction of pests

The simplest trap that destroys mosquitoes is the long-used special adhesive tape, which is attached to the ceiling of the veranda or gazebo. Insects that land on the tape adhere securely and die. Its effectiveness, in general, is very low, because whether an insect sits on it or not is a matter of chance. Of the advantages of the tape, you can only indicate its low cost. But there are also much more effective traps.

According to the principle of action, the antagonist of ultrasonic repellents are ultraviolet lamps luring and destroying insects. The principle of operation is simple: mosquitoes (like other insects) fly to a source of ultraviolet radiation, fall on a grid that is under low voltage, which surrounds the source, and die there. Such lamps are effective only at night, they can have a different radius of action, several of these lamps can be installed in a summer cottage.

Mosquitoes are lured not only by ultraviolet light, but also by thermal radiation, carbon dioxide, propane combustion products - all this imitates the vital activity of a living organism. There are also complex traps that use several factors to lure bloodsuckers, including attractants (substances that attract insects).

Methods for the direct destruction of mosquitoes in such devices are also diverse. They die not only from electric current, but also drown in containers with water, are sucked into special containers by a fan, and become victims of insecticides.

Sophisticated installations are capable of protecting an area of ​​several thousand square meters. Such devices lure and destroy bloodsuckers by all available methods and provide absolute comfort in the area of ​​action. However, these supertraps are expensive, massive, and need to be adjusted, replenished. consumables and service.

As we can see, the choice of means for repelling and destroying mosquitoes is huge. You can build a biological protection of the site by planting certain plants, use essential oils or decoctions of plants as repellents.

You can attract professionals to treat the suburban area with modern, effective and safe chemicals. And you can scare away or exterminate bloodsuckers with the help of modern electronic devices. Therefore, you should not give up before the mosquito threat, because you can always find a suitable way to deal with them.

material from the site:

In contact with

Very often, when people come to the dacha to rest, in the evening, a bunch of mosquitoes constantly flock, which cause a lot of inconvenience. They fly to the heat radiated by a person, so it's hard to hide from them (even in the house). In this regard, the question arises, how to get rid of mosquitoes in their summer cottage?

It is hardly possible to meet at least one person who would not be bitten by mosquitoes. These small insects feed on the blood of warm-blooded creatures, including animals. However, they attack people more often, since they are much easier to bite. Humans do not have thick hair and skin is much softer than that of mammals. It is for this reason that a person is more vulnerable to these pests while on the street. Of course, thick clothes can become a significant obstacle for them, but since the greatest activity of mosquitoes is manifested in summer time, then no one will dress warmly.

Being at their summer cottage, you can be sure that there are a lot of mosquitoes here. V daytime they are almost invisible if you are in an open sunny place. But if you wander into dense thickets, where there are many tall plants, and also preserved high humidity, you can encounter bloodsuckers even during the day.

It should be noted that only females feed on blood, since this substance is necessary for active reproduction (laying eggs) and rearing young offspring. All males feed on plant sap. In plants, they have enough necessary nutrients and normal temperature regime to ensure the normal functioning of the species. For this reason, mosquitoes are most numerous in dense vegetation. In addition to constant access to food, there are many secluded places to lay eggs. In any densely overgrown area, insects feel comfortable.

Mosquitoes also prefer wet places, so there are always more of them near water bodies than in areas remote from them. Dachas that are located on the banks of rivers or lakes on a summer night can simply teem with these insects.

Of course, you can always hide in the house, but even in this case there is no guarantee that there will be no insects. Usually during the day you often open the door to enter or leave the premises. During these intervals, mosquitoes can have time to fly inside.

As long as the lights are on in the house, they will not bother you. But as soon as you go to bed, they will immediately begin to attack and sting. If you have time to fall asleep, then a slight injection into the skin can not be felt. The next morning, these traces on oneself can be found in a fair amount.

The consequences of bites often cause severe discomfort for a person: severe itching, pain, irritation, redness, and inflammatory processes. Since this situation does not allow you to make your vacation comfortable, people want to know how to get rid of mosquitoes in the country.

The destruction of mosquitoes on the site requires the use of special preparations, devices or traps. Of course, to solve a similar problem, previously used folk remedies, but their effectiveness is now questionable. You can use these funds only in rare situations in order to maintain their effect for a relatively long time.

Video "Why a mosquito bites"

From the video you will learn why this insect brings so much inconvenience to humans.


So how do you get rid of mosquitoes in your yard using insect traps?

You can make such mosquito repellents at your dacha yourself or buy several devices in the store.

The simplest bottle trap

Mosquito repellent can be made with your own hands using simple improvised means that can be found in almost any home.

One of the most simple designs, which you can make yourself, can be from a plastic bottle.

First you need to cut off the top of the bottle with a knife, and then pour 100 grams of boiling water into the resulting vessel. Then you need to pour a little sugar into the water (2 tablespoons are enough). After mixing, you can add a little yeast. They do not need to be mixed. After filling the bottle with a cut piece of plastic, you need to cover the hole. Only now the narrow neck should be located down, not up. When the trap is ready, place it next to your resting place. In a few hours it will be possible to see how enough a large number of mosquitoes get inside. Even if they do not drown in water, they will accumulate near a heat source.

Velcro trap

You can use another type of trap that attracts and sticks to the base of insects.

Velcro for mosquitoes is not necessarily sold in rolls, they can be in the form of small adhesive pieces that are placed in any convenient place - on the gazebo support, near the lighting lamp, on the window glass.

Electrical traps

Typically, this type of trap is designed to kill mosquitoes in the country. The principle of their work is to emit ultraviolet radiation. Such a cure attracts insects, and a special element carries out their complete destruction if the bloodsuckers are in the affected area. However, now there are a lot of similar products on the market, about which there are not the most positive reviews. Perhaps, when buying electric traps, people do not pay attention to the power of the ultraviolet lamp or choose cheap devices, which affects the quality of their work.

For this reason, if you want to buy an electric trap, carefully study them specifications, and also ask the experts about the rules for using the exterminator.

Tablets and liquid

But also against bloodsuckers, you can use special pills and liquid. To activate them, you will need a special electrical adapter that will need to be plugged into a power outlet. By connecting the device to the device, the elements are heated, which allow the release of chemical components into the air.

Tablets are laid out in a special slot, which has a square or rectangular shape. The liquid is usually contained in a small transparent reservoir that is connected to an adapter.

Such devices are intended for indoor use, even where a person will sleep. During their action, do not open the vents and windows for ventilation. It is necessary that the concentration of chemical compounds is increased to maximize the effect.

The main problem with this mosquito control method is that the market is oversaturated with products, and now many of the manufacturers ignore all the necessary standards that chemical plates or liquid must meet. As a result, the included adapter produces components that will not have the desired effect on insects.

Of course, if you manage to choose a quality product when buying, you can see a very interesting result. Mosquitoes will not die, but will fall on furniture or the floor. After that, they can be swept up, and then taken out of the house. If this is not done in time and the device is turned off, then they will come to their senses again and begin to take revenge on the offender.

Some people may use fumigator-free tablets. The plate is clamped with pliers or scissors, set on fire and extinguished after 5-7 seconds. At this moment, acrid smoke comes out of the plate, which kills mosquitoes. It is only necessary to walk around the room and let this smoke rise like a veil in the room. But do not forget that this method is effective against mosquitoes, but it may well cause harm to human health.


Insect control on the site can be carried out using special spirals. They serve as a mosquito repellent, emitting a strong odor that insects do not like.

These mosquito repellents can be purchased in specialized stores or on the market, as they are a very common product. There are from 6 to 10 spirals in boxes.

The mosquito repeller is hung indoors or near the place of rest. Then the tip of the spiral is ignited. It is necessary to fire the spiral for 15-20 seconds. It should not burn, but smolder slightly, exuding a strong smell. It should be noted that their use is not recommended indoors.

This type of mosquito repeller is well suited for the street if you decide to stay outdoors in the evening.

Folk remedies

How to deal with mosquitoes in the country, using folk remedies. This method is very well suited for giving, as land plot it will be possible to plant suitable plants that can repel insects. This method does not guarantee complete disposal of bloodsuckers, but will help to significantly reduce their number in your territory.

Folk remedies for mosquitoes are convenient in that you do not need to spend time replacing various baits, setting fire to spirals, and the like. Planted plants will constantly emit odors that are unpleasant for pests, and they will be less likely to fly to your home.