Franchises with minimal investment for small towns. Features of doing business

  • 23.09.2019

What franchises are suitable for small towns? In our article, we will talk about the features of maintaining own business in such localities and will lead a small catalog of franchises in various fields.

Advantages and disadvantages of doing business in small towns

Each locality has its own characteristics, so business in small towns may also have some nuances that you should know about in advance. Let's look at the main pros and cons of running such a business.

Benefits can be cited.

  • Real estate. To open any business, you need to either buy or rent a room. If we are talking about a small town, then everything is much simpler here - prices are usually low, which allows you to save a lot
  • Low competition. In not big cities business is underdeveloped, which is why you will not have as many competitors as you can in a big city - this greatly increases the chances of success.
  • Low personnel costs. In addition to the above advantages, it can be separately noted that the cost of hiring staff in a small town will be minimal.

However, there are difficulties and nuances. First of all, it is rather low purchasing power and activity. This point is important to consider when choosing a franchise for a small town. In addition, remember the word of mouth principle, which is why in small towns you need to provide services of the highest quality - otherwise you will simply lose customers.

What areas should you focus on?

Small towns, as we have already said, are very specific - not all types of business are suitable for such an area. Therefore, when choosing a franchise, remember that you need to satisfy the needs of local residents, and not your interests. In addition, as we have already said, salaries in such an area are low, so you should not engage in selling or providing expensive services. For example, it is unlikely that you will be able to develop a business by selling expensive cars or opening a boutique with expensive clothes.

When choosing a franchise, first of all, you need to consider catering or fast foods - even in a small town they will find their customers. With this, you can even open a franchise of a well-known brand (if the conditions are suitable and you meet the requirements). In addition, in small towns, the grocery delivery service is underdeveloped - if you buy a franchise in this direction, you definitely won’t burn out.

In addition, in small towns it is very difficult to spend leisure time. Therefore, you can open a small nightclub here - this will give a good influx of customers not only from the city itself, but also from nearby ones. If you don't feel like going into a nightclub, open a small coffee shop with cheap prices and good food.

Children's goods and services for babies are also in demand, because even in the case of small incomes, they try not to save on children. And when compared with large cities, then in small villages the birth rate is usually higher - here you can’t surprise anyone with a family with 2-3 or more children. That is why the business in this area will be profitable.

There are many options:

  • Shop selling children's goods.
  • Opening of a children's commission store.

In addition, children's leisure is not very developed either, so you can purchase a franchise for a children's entertainment center, club or even a hairdresser.

The main thing for any person is food. That is why, to open even a small shop, you will definitely lose - this business will definitely be profitable. You can open an inexpensive clothing store, especially for women - any of them want to look good and stylish. You can try to open a bookmaker's office or a pawnshop, which will also bring a small but stable profit.

A few nuances of doing business in a small town

Business in a small town always has its own nuances that you should be aware of. In this case, it can be made successful. Let's take a closer look at all the nuances.

Real estate

Despite the fact that business in the regions is not very developed, in towns there may be problems with renting or buying premises to open a business - there are not many ready-made premises, which slows down the launch of the project. Therefore, one of the main tasks is to find suitable real estate and preferably in the city center, where there are always a lot of people.

Choice of direction

As we have already said, not every business will feel “comfortable” in a small town. In small towns, people are very conservative, so they will not immediately begin to acquire something new. It is best to conduct a small survey among the population in advance in order to understand what people need.


In smaller cities, the population has the advantage of a more mature age, which should be considered when buying a franchise. You do not need to open the business that you like if it does not match the needs of your potential buyers, because you will receive revenue and profit only in case of good demand. True, seasonality should also be taken into account - many people come to small towns to visit relatives and friends, therefore, in the warm season, the number of visitors may increase. Consider this and, if necessary, add any goods or services.

Several additional features

In addition to everything that we have already listed, it is worth talking about a few additional nuances that you should keep in mind if you decide to do business in a small town.

First of all, it is the speed of dissemination of information. As soon as you open, the population of the town will immediately know about you. Therefore, your first task is to please all customers, satisfy their demand, otherwise not the best gossip will go around the word of mouth about you.

If there are any competitors on the market, you need to remember that they may not let the best rumors about you - you should be prepared for this. Do not do the same, but simply produce a quality product or provide services at the highest level. In this case, the choice of clients will be made in your favor.

Franchises for Small Towns - Short Directory

Now there are hundreds of franchise offers in all areas - there are expensive options for megacities and budget options that are just right for small towns. Let's look at which of the options will suit us by examining the TOP 3 franchises.

Baby Potato

These are small cafes, the main feature of which is a large assortment goods, however, almost everything is made from potatoes. When buying a franchise, you can choose two options:

  • A complete coffee option. In addition to various dishes, drinks will be sold. main feature- people come to a full-fledged cafe where you can sit and relax.
  • More cheap option- opening a franchise store. This option is suitable for those who do not have large funds to start. The main thing is to choose a busy place - near the station, stops, in the city center, where there are people.

The maximum cost of the franchise is 500 thousand rubles for a full-fledged cafe and about half as much when opening a "stall". Another advantage is that by buying a franchise, you will get a ready and working business model, you will also be helped with business promotion.

Jeans. Super price

Clothing is in demand at all times, however, in small towns it is better to sell high-quality and not very expensive clothes. Variant with the franchise "Jeans. Super Price" can be called ideal, because there is no first installment here - after the acquisition, you will only have to pay royalties (a certain percentage of the profits). The franchisee will also help with advertising and promotion.

True, there are several additional requirements. It is necessary to have a long-term lease agreement for a premises suitable for a store or to buy it out, to make repairs. The franchisee takes care of everything else: advertising costs, creating booklets, assistance with sign design, etc. Another advantage is that when a stale product appears, you can exchange it. The average cost of a franchise is about 300 thousand rubles, however, the final cost will depend on the location, rent, etc.

Jeans store franchise. Super price"

magic book

As we have already said, they usually don’t save on children, so it’s worth trying to open a Magic Book franchise store, the main specialization of which is the sale of literature for children. If we are talking about a small town, then it is better to choose the cheapest franchise option, which includes staff training, a set of books and their delivery. If necessary, the franchisee will help with the creation of the site. The cost of this option is from 45 thousand rubles, while there are no royalties. If you only have the minimum start-up capital, then this option is just fine.

Some interesting facts about franchises

You can earn not only on the purchase ready business- if it is well promoted, "make" a name for itself, then you can start selling your franchise. To do this, it is enough to have a slightly promoted name, at least at the regional level. This is exactly what the owners of companies that are currently successfully selling their franchises for thousands of rubles did.

How much can you buy? You will learn more about this in our material.

In the material, we will look at how to open a dry cleaning franchise as quickly as possible.

How to open a Sushi Wok franchise, conditions, business cost? we will talk about it in detail.

For example, if we are talking about Russian fast food, then the Dodo Pizza franchise can be called the most striking example. Initially, this company was created as an ordinary pizzeria, but over time, the owners of Dodo Pizza began to sell their franchise. By the way, an important difference between this franchise is a small lump-sum fee and royalties. This is also due to the economic situation - not every entrepreneur is ready to pay 500 thousand for using the brand, and with many competitors, which is why it is necessary to reduce the requirements for partners.

The company that does not take money for the franchise also includes Beer Boutique. Another important difference is that there is no standard for monthly payments - this is worth talking to business owners, but the average cost is no more than 5% of profit. Another interesting example successful business, which has grown into the sale of franchises - the Green Pharmacy Lavka Zhizni, which sells homeopathic remedies. Unlike the network of ordinary pharmacies, the main emphasis in this organization is on the quality of the goods offered.

If you decide to develop your business in this direction, you must first promote your brand, which can only be achieved by providing quality services or manufacturing quality products. When the brand becomes famous, you can offer a franchise to novice businessmen, carefully considering the promotion strategy.

In contact with

The main areas in demand in small towns: goods and services for children, pregnant women, medical diagnostic services, furniture, goods at low prices, flowers, goods for construction and repair


To understand what kind of business is better to open in a small city, you need to focus on demand. We conducted a survey on the topic: “What goods / services do you lack in your city” among residents of small towns. By small towns we mean district centers with a population of approximately 5,000 to 100,000 people.

After reviewing the responses received, Additional information, franchise offers, we have selected franchises suitable for a small town: 10 inexpensive profitable franchises, the focus of which corresponds to the wishes of residents and the specifics of district centers.

For reference: A franchise is a packaged business model. The buyer (franchisee) pays an entrance (lump-sum) fee to the seller (franchisor), for which he receives the right to use the company's corporate identity and apply ready-made business processes. For this, franchisees, as a rule, pay periodic payments to the franchisor - royalties (a certain percentage of profits or revenues or a fixed amount).

There is no universal advice on a specific type of business for absolutely all small towns. But there is general recommendations on the choice of the direction of activity, including the franchise:

  • Study the infrastructure of the goods and services offered in your city: for example, if a small city already has four veterinary clinics, then it makes no sense to open a fifth one.
  • Pay attention to the goods and services for which you personally and your friends most often go to the regional center, since there are simply no analogues of decent quality in your city.
  • Talk to representatives of franchise companies, ask them for examples of successful cases in cities with a population close to your city.
  • Ask friends, acquaintances, relatives living in the city what goods/services they lack.
  • Keep in mind that the income of residents of small towns, as a rule, is lower than in megacities, therefore, average check your offer should not be calculated in astronomical amounts.
  • Take into account the characteristics of the population: if the city is predominantly retired, then it makes no sense to open a sex shop, but a round-the-clock pharmacy will come in handy. Conversely, if the main inhabitants are young people, then such areas as a bar, a vape shop or a fashion store deserve attention.
  • Location, walking distance, availability of parking are also important. For example, it is advisable to open a toy store near parks, kindergartens, and microdistricts. Stationery store - close to school, etc.

What do residents of various cities-regional centers lack?

Among the answers given by the respondents participating in the survey, there were even such unusual wishes as:

  • downhill track;
  • round-the-clock sale of alcohol;
  • sex shop;
  • car hair dryer.

And yet, the most common undeveloped areas of small towns, for which the majority of respondents spoke, were children's goods and services, clothing, goods for pregnant women, flowers, furniture, consumer goods of the economy segment and others, see Table 1.

List of profitable small town franchises

Table 1 presents the names of ten franchisor offers, capital investments and potential income.

Franchise name

Capital investments, rub.

Potential income, rub.

Goods for pregnant women and

children's goods "Our

flower business franchised AMORE+FIORI

Shop "BENEFIT" all

at one price

Children's hairdresser

"Kesha is good"

Delivery laboratory

analyzes "Citylab"

Depending on the city and the number of services

Tourist agency


Express delivery

documents and cargo

the world with a franchise

"Science Show"

Professor Nicolas"

Furniture store

discount center for

Franchise "Half price"

Depends on sales volume

Construction and

finishing materials

Up to 350,000 from one point

Current business model: Opening a rental company for laborers, income 1.7 million rubles. in year .

Products for pregnant women and children's products "Our Mom"

The franchise of the Nasha Mom company is stores of goods for pregnant and lactating women and children's goods. A store of this format is often not enough in small towns, because pregnant women, and even more so women who have recently become mothers, are at least inconvenient and have no time to go to the regional center for the necessary goods. Here you can buy everything you need under one roof.

Shop products:

  • linen, clothes and accessories for pregnant women;
  • feeding accessories;
  • cosmetic and hygiene products for care during pregnancy and children;
  • clothing and accessories for newborns;
  • children's clothing and toys;
  • strollers, bicycles, children's furniture (depending on the initial investment).

Under the terms of the franchise offer, partners are granted the right to use a recognizable brand, assistance in registration retail space, stable supply of goods, development of a design project for the premises, assistance at all stages of business development.

Terms of the franchise "Our Mom":

  • the presence of an active individual entrepreneur or LLC;
  • store area from 20 sq. m;
  • lump-sum payment - none;
  • fee for the right to use a trademark - 1,000 rubles. per month;
  • investment in a new store - from 80 thousand rubles (without product content);
  • the amount for the initial filling with goods - from 100 thousand rubles (depending on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe store);
  • payback - 4-9 months;
  • profit - from 45 thousand rubles per month.

Franchise flower business AMORE+FIORI

Residents of small towns also celebrate birthdays, play weddings, congratulate teachers on September 1, Teacher's Day, women on March 8, colleagues and relatives on anniversaries and the birth of children. Are there any reasons to buy flowers? However, it can be very difficult to find a good bouquet in a small town, and going to a neighboring city for a bouquet is not too much. a good option- flowers can wrinkle, fade, lose their charm.

From the personal experience of one of the survey participants: “We were invited to a wedding that took place in the district center. There was only one in the whole city flower shop, and there is horror that they offered - not bouquets, but brooms.

The solution to this problem is offered by the company AMORE+FIORI. The essence of the business is the sale of fresh flowers.

The offer for partners includes:

  • analysis of the region, choosing a place to open a store;
  • design project of interior and exterior;
  • selection of florists;
  • purchases in a centralized distribution center, discounts 10-12% off wholesale price;
  • marketing events;
  • Internet Marketing;
  • automation system;
  • setting up advertising channels on the Internet.

There are three franchise plans:

  • package "Social networks" - an entrance fee - 50 thousand rubles;
  • online store - 150 thousand rubles;
  • stationary point of sale (plus an online store) - 250 thousand rubles;
  • royalties on the amount of revenue 3%.

Potential income - from 100 thousand rubles per month.

Cosmetics store under the franchise "Belarusian cosmetics": A simple and understandable business, with an income of 100 thousand rubles. per month

Shop "BENEFIT" all at one price

The business model is a one-price store - everything costs 50 rubles. The assortment includes more than 4 thousand products: clothes, food, dishes, household chemicals, hygiene products, goods for the garden, jewelry, accessories and many others. 80% of goods are made in Russia.

Franchising packages include services from finding a place for a store, purchasing goods and equipment to developing an individual advertising campaign. Two main packages: "Standard" and "Departure" are reflected in table 2.

What includes

Package "Standard"

Package "Departure"

Lump sum

200 thousand rubles

300 thousand rubles

The right to open a store and use a trademark

Finding a suitable location and premises

Assistance in the purchase of equipment and goods

Consulting on all issues

Recruitment and training of personnel

Departure of a specialist to the opening place and assistance in organizing (up to 7 days, the ticket is paid by the dealer)

General requirements and estimated financial indicators:

  • The company works with dealers from cities with a population of 5,000 to 8 million people.
  • The area of ​​the premises for the store is 120-200 sq. meters.
  • The required initial investment is 1.5-2 million rubles.
  • The declared payback period is 18 months.
  • The average profit is 140 thousand rubles.

Children's hairdresser "Kesha good"

In every small town there are small children, but not all have children's hairdressers. The federal network "Kesha Horoshiy" offers to purchase a franchise or a consulting package in which the company shares its experience in opening a children's hairdresser.

The target audience of hairdressing salons "Kesha Horoshiy" is children from 1 year old, teenagers, their parents. Special psychological training is provided for the staff to work with babies, as well as with children in need of a special approach.

The cost of the consulting package is 27,000 rubles. A hairdressing salon can be opened under any name. The package includes videos, drawings, texts, tables, examples of advertising layouts. It also includes information on how to open a business, how to select and equip premises, and how to hire staff.

  • The cost of the franchise is 95 thousand rubles - an institution using the corporate identity and brand name "Kesha Horoshiy".
  • General investments: 150-200 thousand rubles.
  • Payback 5-7 months.
  • Profit 30-40 thousand rubles.

Testing laboratory

In small towns, most often there is only one clinic, in which there is no opportunity to undergo a comprehensive examination and diagnosis of the body. For some tests, you have to go to the region. This is not very convenient, especially for older residents. Opening a clinical laboratory under the Citylab franchise will help solve this problem.

The conditions are as follows:

  • lump-sum fee - from 50 thousand rubles (depending on the region of opening);
  • agency fee - 50%;
  • total capital investments for launch - from 800 thousand rubles (repair, equipment, licensing).

What's in the package:

  • the activities of each partner are supervised by a personal manager;
  • automation of workplaces, connection to the laboratory service "Citylab";
  • support and training of personnel;
  • logistics and courier services for the transportation of biomaterial with control temperature regime;
  • the company holds regular conferences and lectures;
  • a marketing policy that ensures a constant flow of patients thanks to the work of a medical representative.

You can find out the details of the franchise offer on the company's website at the link:

Travel agency ""

Everyone loves to travel, and residents of small towns are no exception. The company offers to open a franchise office for a travel agency.

Forbes magazine in 2016 included in the TOP-25 most profitable Russian franchises.

The company provides its partners with:

  • applications from the portal, mobile application, call center and social media networks;
  • own site with a tour search module;
  • bonuses that can be exchanged monthly for additional services;
  • due to the fact that the company has its own booking center, higher commissions for tour operators are provided;
  • a full package of documents and promotional products (promotional materials, recommendations for marketing activities and promotion on the Internet);
  • assistance in organizational matters and office design.

Investments in opening an office - 350 thousand rubles.

Monthly fee for cities with a population of less than 250 thousand people - 10 thousand rubles. per month (when paying for 6 months in advance - 15% discount, plus 1 month free of charge; when paying for 12 months in advance - 20% discount and 2 months free of charge).

Detailed franchise conditions can be requested on the company's website and received at email.

Express delivery of documents and cargo around the world with the CDEK franchise

This is a Novosibirsk company that offers to open a franchise office. Business works equally well both in large cities and in small ones, and even in villages and villages. The company has franchisees even in China.

  • The lump-sum fee is 150 thousand rubles.
  • Investments for a start - from 300 thousand rubles.
  • Royalty is provided from the 7th month in the amount of 10%.

Before starting a business, future partners take courses at the head office, where they are taught all the intricacies of doing business. During the period of cooperation, partners are assigned specialists who provide professional advice on all issues.

Watch the video on how to open a business with a CDEK franchise

"Professor Nicolas Science Show"

For small towns, the issue of organizing children's leisure is relevant. The Veselay Nauka company, a member of the Russian Franchising Association (RAF), offers a solution to the problem - to open the "Professor Nicolas Science Show" on a franchise basis. The business model includes three formats:

  • science shows(profitability 30-50%);
  • sale of branded sets (shopping islands, profit - 50-70 thousand rubles per month);
  • social projects and master classes.

Conditions and content of the franchise package:

  • entrance fee - 200 thousand rubles;
  • royalties (depending on the region) - 5,000 rubles per month;
  • investments for start-up on average - 400 thousand rubles.

Watch the video about opening a business under the franchise of the company "Merry Science"

Shop furniture discount center franchise "Half price"

In small towns, there are often no full-fledged furniture stores. And given the fact that the income of their residents is lower than in large cities, it is advisable to open a furniture store in the economy segment.

This opportunity is offered to entrepreneurs by the discount center "Half Prices". The franchisor positions its offer as an “anti-crisis franchise”. More than 100 stores have already been opened in 15 regions of the country.

The amount of initial investment, taking into account the lump-sum fee, rent of premises, advertising, decoration, equipment, acquisition of exhibition samples - from 344 thousand rubles.

  • The lump-sum fee is 100 thousand rubles.
  • Royalty - absent.
  • A prerequisite is the cost of an advertising campaign of at least 2% of the turnover per month.
  • Can be opened in any city or region.

Partners are provided with training and comprehensive support, the right to use the brand and assistance in complying with company standards. The company has two own factories for the production of upholstered and cabinet furniture.

Shop of building and finishing materials ""

Construction, repair, decoration - an activity that never stops. Not in small or big cities. When people have enough money, they build new things. During economic crises - repair the old. Profitable solution - open a store building materials, tools, fasteners and hardware franchised under the brand.

Conditions for partners:

  • The area of ​​the store can be from 30 sq. meters;
  • entrance fee - 50 thousand rubles;
  • royalties - 5 thousand rubles per month;
  • total capital investments for launch - from 450 thousand rubles;
  • advertising layouts are provided free of charge;
  • profit (depending on the format) - up to 300 thousand rubles.

Flexible formats for opening a business are offered: a sales office and a warehouse or a retail store. It is possible to open in the format of a wholesale and retail network or work via the Internet. Partners, in addition to assistance in starting and organizing a business, are provided with comprehensive marketing support (from exterior design to office supplies).

It is necessary to take into account the mentality of citizens, their ability to pay. There is no need to hope that by opening expensive optics you can earn income, not at all. If there is another one nearby, then the residents will bypass everything, but they will find it cheaper.

YaMica Franchise - Good Small Town Franchise with High ROI

A city with a large number of retirees will appreciate an inexpensive grocery store, a pharmacy, young people who are bored will visit an ice cream parlor, sit in a fast food diner, be sure to buy something from vending machines for snacks and coffee, which can also be purchased under a franchise. If there are many small children, then you can safely open a toy store, this will also be accepted with a bang.

So, store "Your" opened by franchise, will quickly pay back your investment at the expense of a diverse and affordable youth product, but it’s not worth bringing expensive clothing brands to a small town, not the level of solvency, not the style of clothing.

Pros of a small town

  • A positive image of the company is quickly formed.
  • Low level of competition.
  • Low wages and easy recruitment.
  • Inexpensive rental space, the cost of buildings.

Its cons

  • Not every business will be profitable, as everything is within walking distance.
  • The average check can be small due to low incomes of the population.
  • The sale of exotic food, clothing and drinks will not go. People are not used to this.

Before buying a franchise, you need to calculate whether the investment will be profitable, and if it is not advisable. It is not worth starting, otherwise the business will suffer losses. In a small town, people are used to saving money, and if they have time, they will find it cheaper.

What niches do not fit

  1. expensive brands of clothing;
  2. elite wines and snacks;
  3. innovative technologies;
  4. cars;
  5. real estate.

However, even in a crisis, you can earn, and with minimum investment no lump sum and no royalty.

So, the priority areas of activity:

  • T-shirts and accessories;
  • gifts and souvenirs antistress;
  • clothes and underwear for pregnant women;
  • gifts, souvenirs, interior items;
  • photoengraving;
  • tailoring of bean bags;
  • production of stained-glass windows;
  • ice cream retail.

This business will pay off anyway, as there will be demand for such services and goods even in a small town.

Ice cream parlor "33 penguins" - low cost of entry, payback 3-4 months

Overview of profitable and inexpensive franchises


Franchise Jamaica costs only 100 thousand, there is no lump-sum payment and royalties, the payback period is 1-3 months.

Clothes and underwear for pregnant women Newform. Investments 539 thousand, payback from six months to a year. There are no royalties or lump sum fees.


Production is always popular, because it is the availability of new jobs, the opportunity will expand, so production frameless furniture, tailoring chairs, bags profitable business. The costs will be only 15 thousand rubles, but it is necessary to purchase material for 100 bags. This is a lump sum. There is no royalty, the payback of the business is 3-4 months.

Stained glass production is also a very interesting business area, you can even recruit students on the basis of production and teach them the skill. Investments will have to be made about 29 thousand, there are no royalties, there is no lump sum. Payback 1-2 months.


If there are enough franchised cafes, then you can choose to sell 33 penguin ice cream. As a rule, it is always taken.

It will cost the most, for three points you need 800 thousand rubles, and the lump-sum fee will be 350 thousand, there are no royalties. Payback 3-4 months. You can buy it in bulk, it's more convenient.

The most profitable business coffee machines and snacks, they are best placed in crowded places of young people: near schools, institutes, at bus and railway stations. As a rule, young people are better oriented when buying such things and do not regret it.

Pitfalls of working in a small town

  • Franchising also has its downsides in both small and big cities. This is bureaucracy. Lease problems, standards that can't be changed in a franchise, so you need to think a few times. before buying such a business. You will have to give everything to work, because in order for such a business to be profitable, you need to burn.
  • This is not my own shop, which, if desired, can be covered up, there is a lot at stake here.
  • At first, you will have to face the rejection of business. In a small town, all life goes on a knurled track, and it is very difficult to break stereotypes. Over time, this will come, but the proceeds are needed right away.
  • Inexpensive areas can have poor conditions, so you will have to additionally invest in landscaping or change the point. Spiteful critics can denigrate the business, which will also become known to everyone, as rumors spread quickly in a small town.
  • Do not take out a franchise on credit. Revenue in a small town will not be immediately large. It is better to find partners or investors in order to then divide income and expenses in half, but each participant will invest only a fraction of the total amount.

What you need to do to avoid pitfalls:

  • To study the demand of the population.
  • Find out solvency.
  • Find out if there are competitors nearby and if the franchise can grab customers.

On the one hand, it is profitable to take a franchise in a small town, because there are practically no competitors, on the other hand, it is very important to decide on a niche, otherwise you can burn out. If you wish, you can start a business on the Internet, open your own online store. It's much easier and safer.

Examples of successful entrepreneurs

  • Most often, the most popular are Mac Donald's, KFC, SUBWAY and other catering outlets. Ice cream 33 penguins, Pyaterochka and Fix Price stores are very popular.
  • Interesting solutions are also offered by youth clothing stores Tvoye, Centro, ZARA.
  • Services, the offer of the program "1C".
  • Entrepreneurs are investing in the development of a network of food and liquor stores, which are always popular in a small town.

If the niche is found correctly, then the store will pay off quickly. For example, the franchise is very interesting. This is advertising on checks and tickets. At low costs, it will pay off very quickly, because in a small town they pay attention even to such a trifle as a check. You can place information for gardeners and summer residents who travel by bus and train. They will read the advertisement on the way and will definitely use it.

Before buying a franchise, weigh the pros and cons. Do you want to be engaged in this business for many years, do you have enough patience to go through all the obstacles and obstacles.

Anyone who wants to open a business for the first time should start with the simplest: gifts. T-shirts, underwear or vending machines for coffee, chewing gum. Shoe covers and other things. When there is no experience in managing people or the age is young, then with a machine gun it is much easier than with a team that takes out brains.

Find a place for business that is considered "frontal". It can be a city center, a square, a train station. You should not open a business in the backyards, in basements and on the second third floors of buildings, buyers in a small town simply will not find it there.

  • You should not count on high profitability, despite the promotion of the brand, in the provinces people do not care if it is a brand or not.
  • If you want to organize a business, then do not be afraid to start. The advantage of a franchise is that the franchisor helps the businessman in everything, from products to equipment and technologies. The main thing is to find and remove good room with high traffic, and the rest is a matter of technology.
  • There is no need to hope that incomes will immediately be high, the calculation is made for large cities, and not for small ones.
  • Before you buy a franchise, ask questions, you don’t need to pay for it, but you can immediately understand whether it’s worth it to engage in this type of business or not. You can give the contract to a lawyer to read, and he will immediately tell you. Which aspects are positive and which are not. Do not be afraid to consult with experienced people, who is warned is armed.
  • If you wish, you can go to another city where this franchise is already working and promoted, look there, ask questions to employees and owners. This is not forbidden, but you can learn a lot of pros and cons of business.

You need to dream about your business. To burn them, to be able to give everything of yourself, then everything will work out. Otherwise, it will be very difficult to overcome many obstacles.

At this stage, investing in a franchise is more profitable than in a bank, since it consistently brings a small income, does not really depend on the dollar exchange rate, and always has a cash reserve. Ordinary business burns out much more often. Than one that is already hyped and has its fans, so a franchise, especially an inexpensive one, can be seen as a kind of financial investment if funds are available.

Such a business building model as the acquisition of a franchise with the right to represent any famous brand, is no longer new. Moreover, franchising continues its rapid growth in the economy of the countries of the Western market, as well as in Russia.

To determine the most suitable franchise for your small town, we are happy to share a catalog best offers as well as a few tips.

For aspiring entrepreneurs, starting a franchise business is the right step.

To begin with, let us recall what benefits franchising promises and why it is generally worth considering such an option for entrepreneurial activity:

  • Minimum financial investment;
  • No need to develop whole line complex business processes and technologies;
  • There is no need to create and promote your own brand;
  • You will be provided with all the necessary information on the product, its sales statistics in other regions, etc.;
  • If the franchise is quite famous, you immediately get a huge bonus to brand awareness;
  • As a rule, a rather short payback period;
  • Advertising and technical support of the parent company.

As you can see such a system of building a business has a number of advantages. But to use them, as practice shows, is very difficult. The key to the success of such a project is right choice franchises, especially when it comes to a small town.

What niches do not fit

Let's immediately define franchising in which categories would be inappropriate for almost any small town:

  1. Cars - you can open a beautiful car dealership with high glass showcases, but, most likely, they will only look at the cars sold. In small towns, people mainly buy cars at car markets, from friends and acquaintances, or through the Avito service. Wealthy residents are not averse to once again taking a ride to the nearest metropolis and choosing the right model there. An exception to this rule are towns that are located near large cities, preferably along a federal highway;
  2. Innovations - a small town, as a rule, it is a settlement with very conservative residents who do not care about new technologies. Eco-food stores, 3D printer shops, and a franchise of a large Internet business will beautify the city, but will not pay off;
  3. Real estate - this new for Russia, but long-spread in the West, area of ​​franchising, there are more and more offers. These are all kinds of brokerage and brokerage services, real estate management consulting, insurance risk assessment, etc. Potential customers of such a company, most likely, do not live in your town.

Catalog of current franchises

What now let's get on with the good– an overview of possible and most suitable franchises for a small town.

The good news is that and there are quite a lot of niches themselves, and franchises that are offered are also sufficient.

So, what areas are the most attractive and promising.


Public catering is relevant, one might say, in any city, regardless of its size. In this segment, there are several proposals for franchising Russian companies, which we will consider further.

The product is already prepared dishes of a wide range, which need only warming up. The most popular among the products offered by this franchise are "Dumplings".

Collaboration: no down payment or royalty payments; the required amount of investments is from 150 to 750 thousand rubles.

Project concept consists in opening establishments with a very simple but functional design, as well as cheap alcohol and related products. It is very popular among young people both in megacities and in the regions. The number of establishments under the auspices of this franchise is approaching the first hundred.

Conditions: lump-sum payment - 600,000 rubles and 6% of the turnover monthly.

Beauty salons and hairdressers

No matter where people live, they always have a need for hairdressing services. This line of business also has franchising offers.

The offer includes assistance in staff training, participation in all advertising campaigns of the company, developed corporate identity and much more. The payback period for a business is 6-8 months on average.

Royalties for using the franchise 2.5%.

Collaboration: There are three options for studios: from a small island to mall to a full-fledged boutique with an area of ​​50 sq.m. Starting investments will be in the region of 1,000 to 2,800,000 rubles.

Clothes and accessories

Always and everywhere women want to look beautiful and fashionable. In a small town, it is profitable to open jewelry and inexpensive clothing stores.

Main advantage This brand is high quality products and low price.

Products for children

Goods for children will be especially relevant in cities where there are many young families and where there are jobs. , toys, diapers, as well as food for the little ones - this is your main assortment.

There are two big franchise companies in this area.

Key conditions: There are no royalties and a lump sum, the investment is 2.8 million rubles, the area is from 70 to 100 square meters.

Terms of cooperation: the volume of investments is 175,000 rubles, the lump-sum contribution is 15,000 rubles, there are no royalties.

Services for children

They go hand in hand with the segment discussed above. There are not many franchises in this area yet, but, like products for children, services are an ever-growing market.

We will offer you a couple of franchises that can be implemented in a small town.

Terms of cooperation: lump-sum payment - 90 thousand rubles, royalties - no for the first six months, after 2% of the turnover, but not more than 12,000 rubles per month. Estimated total investment, including all contributions and initial expenses - 500,000 thousand rubles.

To date throughout Russia there are more than 120 clubs opened under this franchise in both large and small cities.

Key conditions: lump-sum payment - 900,000 rubles, royalties from 15 to 25 thousand rubles, area - from 70 sq.m.


The entertainment industry and, in particular, betting on sports events, does not cease to gain popularity. Betting companies are trying to increase audience reach and get into small towns.

To do this, they also offer profitable options for cooperation.

Terms of cooperation: no lump-sum contribution and royalties, starting capital - 159,000 rubles.

Escape rooms are gaining huge popularity, as they are an excellent composite of atmosphere and the desire to test your intelligence.

The lion's share of the future success of any quest room is provided by high-quality thematic design of the room in the style of a famous movie or book, as well as a well-thought-out plot of puzzles and the flawless operation of various mechanisms (levers, switches, locks, etc.).

The parent company has everything
everything you need to successfully launch your branch: experienced scriptwriters and ready-made script templates, all the necessary electronics and decoration equipment, advertising support and phone applications.

Conditions: lump-sum contribution 200,000 rubles, royalties 10% of turnover.


Despite the high competition in the tourism industry, this business is still attractive and profitable. If you decide to open your own travel agency, then take a look at a wide range of offers from major travel companies.

The network of travel agencies "POPUTI" offers profitable cooperation. Starting costs for starting a business are 230,000 rubles. The main advantage of this network is the sale of inexpensive last minute trips to the most popular destinations. Payback travel agency on average 5-9 months.


People always and everywhere used the services of usurers. This is still a profitable and highly profitable niche. During a protracted economic and financial crisis, pawnshop services became very popular in 2015-2017.

In addition to working with the reception of the population different kind jewelry and precious metals, pawnshops began to provide unsecured micro-crediting services and commission services.

The only negative is the inevitable paperwork in obtaining licenses and permits.

Terms of cooperation pretty flexible. It is possible to choose different starting plans, which differ in the amount of the initial payment and the royalty rate.

In addition, you receive a ready-made scheme of work and all marketing materials.

If this is your first business project, then we recommend that you carefully approach the issue of studying the entrepreneurial climate in your locality. The idea, the desire and the ability to realize your plans are a good basis for a successful start, but try not to rush.

Evaluate the general standard of living in the city, estimate how many young people there are in it, visit key points of commerce. If the locality lives well, then you can take a closer look at well-known franchises that are designed for large cities.

After weighing all the pros and cons, proceed to the realization of your goal and luck will surely smile at you!