What is the average check in marketing? Increase in the average check. Sales volumes

  • 11.10.2019

Below are 5 proven metric optimization techniques:

  • Up-sell.
  • cross-sell.
  • Package offers.
  • Minimum order.
  • Wholesale and dropshipping.


Up-sell is a technique of selling a more expensive product instead of a similar one that the site visitor is considering at that moment. Using special widgets, you offer to pay attention to an expensive model using the “similar / recommended products” block. When choosing this tactic, the main thing is to be unobtrusive, to offer non-random products from the entire assortment in the store. That is, try to present the client with a product that more or less suits his needs and budget - the restaurant is unlikely to order lobsters instead of pizza.

Example: A user visited your store from on request "iPhone 7", landed on a page with a 32 GB model. In this case, it's time to offer to buy an improved model with more memory on board - 128 GB.

Suitable when the difference in price is not very significant, and the potential benefits for buyers are significant at times.


Cross-selling is the additional sale of an additional service or product "to the load" to the main product chosen by the buyer. The strategy is implemented through the formation of packages of related products.

Example: laptop sellers may offer to buy additionally from a licensed software to laptop bags - it all depends on the range, the benefits in terms of obtaining potential benefits, as well as the analysis of confirmed orders. It is a detailed study of the completed shopping carts that will help you determine which combinations are most in demand.

Package offers

If you want to gently hint to your customers that they need to buy more, create a package offer! The scheme works well in the service sector, retail and wholesale trade. In addition, you will have the opportunity to work with the average check and sell the leftovers in the warehouse.

Example: Most men prefer to shop quickly and receive goods quickly as well. Therefore, men's clothing stores practice selling not individual items, but entire sets - jacket + jeans + jumper.

The formation of kits must be treated extremely scrupulously. Remember, packages should not be formed based on your personal preferences, but after analysis, since analytics in Internet marketing is everything.

An alternative option could be to provide the buyer with the opportunity to independently form the "ideal" package. For example, when choosing furniture, let users use the designer on the site - individuality can always be sold at a higher price. Thus, you will kill two birds with one stone: increase the average bill and create the illusion of personalization and care for your client.

Minimum order

Setting a minimum order threshold for getting a "bun" is another the right way stimulate the growth of your average check.

Example: free shipping is common in retail when ordering a certain amount.

In addition to free shipping, you can operate with any arguments (discount, etc.). The main thing in the chosen strategy is that you should encourage the client to buy more or more, without incurring losses. Because if you offer an 80% discount on orders over 5000 rubles. the whole idea may automatically lose its meaning, since the average check will increase along with the decrease in the return on investment.

Wholesale and dropshipping

If activity allows, the best measure to increase AOV is to implement a system wholesale sales. Wholesale in itself implies the purchase of 3-5 units.

The situation is similar with sales through the dropshipping system (sending on behalf of a partner to the final buyer). Traditionally, dropshipping also involves an order with a minimum threshold for the number of products, and only after paying for such a partner opens "new horizons" in the form of discounts, installments, and other privileges.

Distribution of offers


Making a unique selling proposition, "packaging" goods and kits on the site showcase, using widgets and special plugins, and other site-side manipulations allow you to influence the size of the average order value.

Sales department

Finalizing the sales script for the commercial department plays an important role in managing the average check indicator. A big plus is the live communication of the sales manager with potential customers, since it is possible to adapt the offer to the needs of the client, who is waiting for a solution to his problem here and now. In terms of efficiency, you will get a greater effect by offering upselling in person (ex. - services with a high average check), and not over the phone.

E-mail newsletters

A powerful tool for working with the formed database of contacts. It helps to increase the average cost of orders by sending letters to different audience segments.

Example: a visitor made a purchase, after which he received an automatically generated email confirming the receipt of his application by the company. Such templates do not have to contain dry formalized information; the text can be diluted with a banner for a discount when buying a second unit of goods. If you have a one-page advertising one main product offer or service, the letter can be diluted with a selection with an additional block that contains an offer built on the cross-selling technique.

Combination of methods

Promotions and discounts will work regardless of the chosen method and channel for attracting traffic.

Deadline limit works with a bang in tandem with the provision of discounts for the second and subsequent purchases. With a limited amount of time allotted to perform a targeted action, your audience does not yet have time to forget about the company, does not have time to think, and, of course, does not want to miss the opportunity to save money (suddenly they won’t offer more?). Hence the impulsive purchases from the client base and, as a result,.

Implementation of loyalty programs it is advisable in industries where, in addition to selling the main product, they sell consumables for it.

Example: by selling a grinder and providing a loyal customer card, you encourage the buyer to return to make further purchases of metal discs in your store.

The strategy works both to retain the client and to increase the average check. The optimization of the latter is achieved by incentivizing to make more purchases at a time in order to earn more points. And so in a circle. "Faithful" customers allow you to increase the indicator by 15-20%.

Research conducted by TechnologyAdvice has proven that in stores with an implemented loyalty program, people are more willing to put more goods in the basket, and all because they get some pleasure when the seller returns part of the personal funds spent (cashback) to them.

The advantage of this method is the ease of implementation, the main thing is to choose the right strategy.

Correlation with other KPIs

Conversion, margin, turnover and average check are the four pillars on which profit is based. As a rule, a set of works aimed at increasing the average revenue from orders is more efficient, easier and cheaper to implement than other levers of influence on the income of an online store.

AOV may correlate with:

  • Site conversion (CR).

As a rule, the higher the average check, the longer the decision-making time for sending an application, and therefore the conversion rate to a transaction may fall. It should be borne in mind that a drop in conversion is observed with a cardinal increase in the indicator. For example, if you decide to increase the AOV by 2 times, it may cause such a reaction, if only by 5% - there should not be a significant change in CR. The interaction of these KPIs also depends on the topic, so optimization solutions are developed strictly on an individual basis.

  • turnover and margin.

There is a possibility that a product or service with a lower margin will have a higher turnover.

1×50,000 = 50 tr.

50 × 3,000 = 150 tr.

As a result, the sale of spare parts with a lower margin brought the site owner more profit than the 1st car.

In the process of increasing AOV, it is important to control both indicators: margin and turnover.

  • Return on marketing investment (ROMI).

Evaluation of the effectiveness of measures to increase the average check should always be measured in terms of the return on investment for each invested ruble. Tools are used to obtain reliable data.


The article describes far from all the ways to increase the average check. Moreover, AOV optimization involves an integrated approach to solving the problem. Test, test the put forward hypotheses in practice, or rather, entrust this task to specialists to get a 100% guaranteed result.

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How to increase the average check? Typically, this question is asked by the heads of companies that already have a stable flow of customers, or have reached the maximum possible market size. The topic of increasing revenue is very extensive, there are many options for how to increase the average bill and earn more from one client. We will discuss these methods in this article.

To increase the average check, it must be correctly calculated

For a business owner or company manager, the average check is a convenient tool to assess the state of the business and the process of its development. By tracking the dynamics of changes in the average check, the manager can understand at what stage his business is.

The calculation of the average check depends on the range of goods and services provided by the company. For each type of business, this parameter will have its own characteristics. For example, if the assortment matrix of products is small, then the calculation will be simple, but if there are a lot of goods, then the formula for calculating the average bill will become more complicated.

There is a myth that it is not possible to calculate the average check for any company, but this is an erroneous statement. Focusing on the basic formula, you can roughly calculate the average amount of one purchase: we take the entire sales volume for a certain period of time and divide it by the number of completed transactions. As a result, we get the average check.

But not everything is so simple, there are moments that can spoil and distort such a seemingly simple calculation. We are talking about a number of the following circumstances.

  1. seasonality. If your business has different indicators depending on seasonal demand, then when calculating it is worth taking short periods: the greater the demand jumps, the higher the volatility and volatility of the market, the shorter the time period for which the calculation is made should be.
  2. Range. If your firm provides consumers a large assortment goods and services, then when calculating the average bill, you need to divide your products into certain groups. It is necessary to perform calculations separately for each of the groups of goods and services.
  3. Clients. If your clients are representatives of different income groups of people, then consider the average check for each of them, at least it is worth dividing buyers into two categories - economy and VIP.

As a rule, the calculation of the average check does not cause difficulties, and in most cases a basic formula is sufficient, which can be adjusted according to the specifics of the business.

2 strategies to increase the average check in the store

  1. Increase the depth of the check, that is, the number of units of goods sold in one check.

Thus, we will increase the turnover - with the same number of transactions, the amount of the sale will be greater. This is a commonplace and often used method to increase the average check. Traditionally, they try to increase revenue in this way by selling related positions.

But in general, it is worth understanding the depth of the check as an increase in the number of any sold goods in one transaction, and it does not matter if these goods are accompanying the main purchase or simply an increase in the amount of the same product.

  1. Increase the cost of goods in the receipt while maintaining the number of positions.

We sell the same quantity of goods, but at a higher price, thus increasing the average bill.

9 ways to increase the average check in retail

Attracting cheap goods, and selling expensive

It is very important for the company to create a line of the same type of goods in various price categories - from economy class to expensive branded brands. At the same time, care must be taken that sellers can interest the buyer in purchasing goods of the highest price category.

To do this, you can develop and apply a system of bonuses and incentives that motivate sellers. It is also necessary to use techniques that remind specialists of the need to sell more expensive goods.

For example, when selling items for sports, sellers may interest the client in purchasing more expensive, but at the same time multifunctional training equipment or offer to buy another model instead of a cheap tourist backpack at a higher price, but allowing more comfortable travel due to ergonomic design.

Submit your application

As a rule, having heard arguments in favor of expensive items from a sales assistant, buyers are ready to purchase them, despite the overpayment and the fact that they initially came to the store for a low-cost product. As a result, the sale of goods at a higher price brings an increase in the average bill.

Additional sales

As practice shows, people who come to the store for one specific product often immediately buy related products. The simplest example of this is the sale of paint, in which the consultant may suggest that the buyer immediately purchase brushes and trays suitable for him for further work.

Another way to sell related products is to place frequently needed items near the checkout. For example, a person who stopped by on the way to the country house for paint can buy not only brushes as an accompanying product, but also take a lighter, a felt-tip pen, and chewing gum at the checkout.

In addition, arranging attractive little things at the checkout stimulates a person to make impulsive purchases: he may like Beautiful design lighters and he will buy it, despite the fact that he already has a couple of previously purchased lighters in his pocket and, in principle, he does not need a new one.

Selling more items

This method is not always possible, since a person in any case will not acquire certain groups of goods in quantities he does not need. But often the average check can be increased by offering the customer more goods than he was going to buy initially.

For example, in flower shop you can be advised to buy not five roses, but a bouquet of nine, or when selling an air conditioner, draw the consumer's attention to the advantages of installing two at once - one for each room.


When conducting sales or providing promotional discounts, the buyer is inclined to compare the new price with the old one. At the same time, he has little understanding of how much the cost was initially increased, and it seems to him that purchasing goods at a discount is beneficial.

Comparing the old amount on the price tag and the new amount, taking into account the discount, the client subconsciously feels the benefit and is inclined to purchase the product. Discounts and markdowns on products provoke a person to make a purchase.


Very often, having come to the store, the buyer, along with the main product, also purchases related ones. By forming sets and providing a discount on them, we can encourage a person to make a deal.

Buying sets is beneficial, since when purchasing each item separately, the buyer will pay a larger amount than for a ready-made set. We, having sold several goods to him at once instead of one, albeit with a small discount for everything, will receive an increase in the average bill due to the amount of goods sold at a time.

A classic example is the sale of shaving kits on the eve of February 23, when women buy them as a gift.

Big Pack

Selling products in large packages can increase the average bill. Many take goods in such containers when buying household chemicals, pet products, building materials. In addition, for some social groups, such as families with many children, the issue of buying goods in large packages and saving money is very relevant.

For the seller, the sale of goods in large containers will increase the amount of the average bill.

Additional options

Many firms provide almost identical sets of goods and services, but at the same time they can offer their customers various additional services, guarantees, programs and conditions that add value to the purchase of the main product.

So, buying a large household appliances, the client can order the delivery and lifting of items to high floors to the apartment. At the same time, consumers are willing to pay for the urgency and convenience of delivery. You can offer customers an additional guarantee, which will cost separately, but people will be sure exactly what they are giving money for.

Offering different payment methods

Apart from difficult ways increase in the average check, there are also simpler ones. Practice shows that working with financial instruments, you can end up with a good increase in the average bill.

  • Credit

If you trade in expensive goods, then it makes sense to negotiate with banks to issue loans to your customers on favorable terms. Having the opportunity to immediately purchase goods on credit for a small part of the cost, many will agree to purchase without hesitation.

At the same time, transaction and loan support must be carried out from beginning to end: the buyer must feel secure, understand the essence of the loan. You must give the client confidence that by purchasing an expensive product from you on credit, he does not make a mistake, but, on the contrary, even wins in something, getting what he wants right away, instead of saving up for it.

  • Cashless payments

Despite the ubiquity of bank cards, many business owners are in no hurry to provide a credit card payment service. But what if a person wants to buy a product, but he only has a card with him, but there is not enough cash and the terminal is far away? He will simply refuse to purchase the goods or postpone it until later.

It is very important that the buyer has the opportunity to pay for the goods by all means, including with the help of bank cards. In order for the payment by credit card to be beneficial to both the seller and the bank, it is necessary in each case to conclude agreements that suit both parties.

  • Installment plan

Interest-free installments are increasingly in demand among buyers, while sellers began to offer it instead of bank loans more and more often. But, despite the benefits, many companies are still hesitant to offer customers interest-free installments, fearing non-payments, and as a result, loss of money.

Although statistics show that only 10-15% of buyers do not pay debts by installments. At the same time, in order to compensate for the losses, it is enough to make the price 5-10% higher with this method of calculation. Thus, when providing installments, even despite the risks of non-payment, you will still remain in the black.

Goods / services of different pricing policies

If there are goods from only one price category in the assortment of a store, it is extremely difficult to achieve an increase in the average check - the buyer today is already used to choosing goods from different price ranges, so if you do not give him the opportunity to choose, you will most likely not only not increase the average check, but you will lose most of your customers.

Therefore, for the successful implementation of sales, it is necessary to have products of various pricing policies.

In addition to increasing the average check, creating a number of value groups and product lines will bring you additional bonuses:

  • A customer who has already made a purchase with you is likely to come to the store again, as they trust you.
  • Against the background of expensive goods, cheaper analogues will look more affordable, and the buyer will be more willing to purchase them.

Having a line of both expensive and cheap goods in stock is also beneficial because there is a certain category of people who think by price, believing that the higher it is, the better quality goods. Such people are more willing to buy an expensive item than its cheap counterpart, despite the fact that both products will be comparable in characteristics and quality and equally.

How to increase the average check in a cafe or restaurant

Waiter phrases

If your waiters use only standard, on-duty phrases when communicating with customers, then most likely you will not be able to increase the average bill. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct special trainings for the staff, in which people will have the opportunity to learn what words can stimulate the visitor to place an order.

In order to make it easier for the waiter, it is necessary to draw up a table of main and additional dishes. Waiters must memorize this table and on the fly offer the client to try other suitable dishes for the main order. It is also necessary to prepare templates for phrases that the service staff will use to advise the client on dishes and drinks.

  • Offer a clear, concrete alternative. Instead of the phrase: "Any more drinks?" say: “Tea, coffee, lemonade, or maybe beer?”
  • Forget the negative. Particles "not" in your speech should not be.
  • Be persistent, compose affirmative sentences, using the words: advise, recommend, try.
  • Offer specific positions: "Try our new product - a signature cocktail from the best bartender of the capital!"

Avoid being overbearing

The management of any cafe or restaurant is afraid that customers will find the staff too intrusive. In order to avoid such an assessment from visitors, you can prohibit waiters from offering dishes that are not in addition to the main ones and are not intended to expand the order.

Add words to the list of rules for the waiter, after which he must stop offering additional positions to the client. If the visitor said “that's it”, “thank you, that's enough”, “nothing else”, the waiter needs to stop the recommendations for ordering dishes.

Use a feedback system that allows you to evaluate the work of your staff. Find out from your visitors whether the waiter was too intrusive, whether he performed his duties well, whether his offer was useful when choosing an additional order.

The experience of Russian restaurants shows that waiters are often not active on their own, so it is very difficult to find an obsessive waiter, most often they do not at all try to tell customers about the additional features of the establishment.

Waiter motivation

Staff motivation is very important for increasing the average bill: the percentage of sales, which affects the salary, perfectly stimulates waiters to sell more.

Tipping also depends on the average check, despite the fact that waiters often do not believe that additional sales can increase this type of their income. Practice shows that the average tip is about 16% of the order amount.

It will be useful to organize competitions on the average check among waiters, counting their results for a month. At the same time, it is very important not to skimp on the prize reward, because the subordinate who showed the best result has already brought you considerable profit.

Some restaurateurs are sure that the policy of separating tables with different average check indicators is beneficial for the establishment, because it makes no sense to keep tables where the check is obviously high for a weak waiter, since the establishment loses money.

When holding competitions, it must be remembered that they must be honest: it is necessary to create such conditions under which it will be unprofitable for waiters to cheat and they will not be able to fraudulently raise the amount of the average check, for example, by reducing the number of customers relative to their real number.

But often competitions among waiters are perceived by them bleakly and even negatively, as they force them to leave their comfort zone, start working more actively, and offer additional dishes and drinks. It is necessary to ensure that competition between waiters does not take on an unhealthy look.

In order for the service staff to more adequately perceive the management's attempts to increase the average bill, it is necessary to work not only with the waiters, but also with the management staff, training them modern techniques management.

How to increase the average check in an online store

Increasing the average check in online commerce is not much different from a regular store, but it has its own characteristics.

  • Recommend other products.

Sometimes it is difficult for customers of an online store to understand the entire range of goods, and they focus only on buying the one they are going to buy. But perhaps they would like to order other items in addition - show them the most suitable ones from your assortment in the special offers block.

This can be done, for example, on the "cart" page, where the buyer will complete the final steps to place an order. Perhaps, having seen a suitable offer, the client of the online store will put a few more products in the basket, thereby increasing the average bill.

  • Related products.

In addition to popular goods or products from different categories, in the advertising block you can offer the buyer to choose related items, accessories for the main order. For example, to mobile phone you can advise covers, spare batteries or a connection service to favorable rates cellular operators.

  • Minimum order amount.

Many online stores set a minimum purchase amount, for example, with a free shipping service. Thus, the client is encouraged to place an order for a larger amount than the item he needs.

By purchasing additional goods and accessories, a person spends more money to cross the minimum price threshold, thereby increasing the average check of an online store. It is also possible to offer a discount on subsequent purchases, provided that the client makes the current order for an amount equal to or greater than the minimum.

  • Together is cheaper.

If you want to increase the average check of an online store, try holding special offers when a visitor, having selected and ordered two or more items at the same time, receives a certain discount, for example, buying a set of clothes from two skirts and a sweater will cost the client 15% cheaper.

Or prepare collections, for example, of books by one author: it will be convenient for a person to purchase all the books at once with a 10% discount. Thus, when buying sets or sets of things, the client receives a favorable discount, and you increase the average bill.

  • Loyalty program.

If an online store sells consumer goods of daily demand, for example household chemicals, then you can develop a loyalty program in which the client receives bonus points on his special account or accumulates a discount. The next time the person comes back to your store and makes another purchase using points or a discount.

Loyalty programs are aimed at strengthening cooperation with customers. Loyal customers give online stores up to 70% of all profits and increase the average bill.

8 more ways to increase the average check on the Internet

  1. SMS mailing. Make a newsletter with great offers to those who have already made a purchase in your store once. But do not use such alerts all the time, annoying customers.
  2. Purchase Gift. Make an inexpensive but pleasant gift for the buyer. Present a beautiful or useful thing when a certain purchase amount is reached. Everyone loves to receive gifts.
  3. Joint action. For example, start working with a good aspiring photographer and give your customers coupons for a free photo session. So you can increase sales, and the photographer will develop his client base.
  4. Increase or give an additional guarantee. Practice shows that customers are more willing to make a purchase if an additional guarantee is attached to it, even though the customer himself pays for it in a small increase in the price of the goods.
  5. Price optimization. Today it is very easy for a customer of an online store to compare prices with competitors, so look at their sites and make your price match the current market situation.
  6. Certificate for future purchases. A profitable offer - to pay a part of the amount with a certificate at the next transaction attracts customers and allows the online store to bind the customer to itself, and it is beneficial for the person to make another purchase.
  7. Be sure to adapt your online store website for various mobile devices: today, a third of all traffic comes from mobile devices, and this number will only grow, so the interface of your online store should be convenient both on a desktop computer and on mobile devices.
  8. Limited offer. Make a reminder that every day on the site will offer to buy something at a bargain price with a limited number of products participating in the promotion.

What NOT to do in pursuit of an increase in the average check in an online store

  • Don't put rubbish. When selling a stale product, remember: it must be free of defects and useful to the user. Don't make this offer to everyone.
  • Don't offer too many products, the visitor will simply get confused in them and, as a result, will not buy anything.
  • Do not forget about profits, make discounts and great offers so that sales do not go to zero or even negative.
  • Don't break the "Rule 25", that is, do not sell additional and related products for an amount greater than 25% of the main order. Each buyer has a spending bar, which he is psychologically unable to overcome.
  • Don't be afraid to downsell. If the buyer added an expensive product to the cart, spent a lot of time on the site, but did not make a purchase, offer him a similar product with a lower cost, but with the same functionality. At the same time, show the person that a cheap product is no worse, and sometimes even better than an expensive counterpart.

Mikhail Merkulov "Restaurant. 50 Ways to Increase Profit"

The book allows you to look at the restaurant business through the prism of world experience. Many restaurant owners forget that their business is also based on sales, and no matter how much they improve dishes and assortment, the main thing in business is successful implementation.

Dmitry Kolodnik, Denis Podolsky "Retail store. How to double your sales

Pavel Lisovsky "Secrets of the average check" (2nd edition)

The book offers a description of an effective technology to increase pharmacy sales. The technology is based on increasing the average check due to additional sales: dietary supplements, medical devices and FMCG products.

The book also describes customer survey technology for:

  • choice of OTC drugs, dietary supplements, medical devices, FMCG products;
  • synonymous replacement of Rx-drugs;
  • selection of drugs by INN.

When working on this book, all the wishes and recommendations from specialists and pharmacy managers who managed to evaluate the first issue of this guide were taken into account. The publication contains more than 30 topics that reveal methods for increasing the average pharmacy check.

Dmitry Tolstokulakov "How to quickly increase profits in a taxi"

The amount of the average check is one of the essential indicators of sales efficiency. An adequate assessment of the company's profitability can be given based on its size.

Calculating the amount of the average check is quite simple, you need to divide the total amount of revenue for a certain period by the number of sales. Depending on whether this indicator rises or falls, it becomes clear what the demand for a particular product is on the market.

This leads to the conclusion that if the amount of the average check is high, then the product is in demand, if it is low, then the demand is low.

You can consider the process of increasing the average check, for example, at a grocery store. To do this, it is necessary to analyze checks according to several criteria:

  • For several intervals, calculate the average bill, starting with the longer one (12 months), then the short ones (1 month, 3 months, season). Then compare the data. Highlight the maximum and minimum points to which the average check indicator fell and rose.
  • Calculate weekly analysis. Then view the metrics for each day, including weekends.
  • Determine the time interval during which the peak of sales falls, and the revenue reaches its maximum.

Having made a complete analysis, you can determine what time of the year the highest profit occurs, at what time of the day the maximum sales volume is reached.

After that, it is necessary to determine which product is the most in demand, and which, on the contrary, is of little interest to the buyer. Only after you have this detailed analysis before your eyes, you can draw up a strategy to increase the size of the average check. But it also happens that in order to increase the profitability of a company, it is necessary to increase not the size of the average check, but sales for a certain product. Also, it will not be superfluous to work with the pricing policy of the enterprise.

Methods for increasing the average check

The most common methods used by businesses to increase the average check:

  • Less revenue and more checks. This suggests that the range is very narrow, but the buyer is loyal to the seller. Therefore, there are not enough sales.
  • There are quite a lot of positions in the check, but in the end, the amount in the check is small. Not thought out pricing policy of the company leads to this result. But buying activity is quite high.
  • The low qualification of the staff is indicated by more than a third of the number of checks with a minimum availability of positions (1-2).

Control and monitoring of indicators is necessary not only for large enterprises. If a small store or a HoReCa establishment plans to gain a foothold in the market and have a constant planned income, it is necessary to keep track of such a parameter as the average bill. This indicator will provide information about the depth and width of the assortment, the effectiveness of the sales staff.

How to calculate

The average check, the formula of which is simple and understandable even to an amateur, is easily calculated even by a non-specialist. Revenue for a certain period, divided by the number of checks for the same period, will give the desired result. It is important to take into account changes in the purchase price and markup on the goods. If the dynamics is positive, the store is working efficiently, but if it is negative or zero, it is necessary to look for the reasons for the decline. The cash receipt may decrease in amount, for example, during sales. Particular attention should be paid to products that bring highest income, track the behavior of competitors regarding these products and analyze their dynamics in your store.

Determining problems with the average check in the store and how to solve them

The average check is no more than 4-5 items. The share of checks with purchases from 1 to 3 is gradually approaching 50% of total sales. The increase in turnover was less than the inflation rate or in the case when the increase in turnover is observed when new stores are opened. Customers are on the trading floor for a short time, and some departments do not visit at all.

It is necessary to analyze the location of both the store itself and departments, the display of goods, the dynamics of sales during the day. Conduct an analysis of the structure of the assortment, prices, turnover. ABC is carried out - analysis of sales, during which the assortment is considered, the most popular positions, products that are stale, and those that are the most profitable are identified. Assess the need for changes in, if necessary, create routes around the trading floor by installing shelf talkers and hanging signs with pointers for ease of orientation in the store. Create or modify a planogram and, of course, prepare special offers for your customers.

How to increase the average check

1. Increase in the trade margin. In the presence of a unique offer and the absence of direct competitors, this will be the easiest and fastest solution. However, very few companies can boast of such an advantage. For most products there are analogues. Therefore, with an increase retail price will have to raise the level of service, improve service. And these are additional costs.

2. Range optimization. The category manager, together with merchandisers, can review the assortment structure, the principles of purchasing policy and merchandising. The task is complex, painstaking and time-consuming.

Tactical ways to increase the average check

1. Using the principle of complementarity. Many items suggest the presence of complementary goods. This principle can be taken as a basis when laying out goods. Thus, when purchasing one product, the buyer will pay attention to the second one, which complements the first one, it is highly likely that he will also purchase it, which, in turn, will increase the average check in the store.

2. Harmonization. Use ready-made solutions, demonstrate to customers which products and how can be combined with each other. For example, in the case of clothes on a mannequin, the buyer has a desire to buy the entire image, and not individual items. In this case, the average cash receipt will increase.

3. Offer for “delivery” goods of impulse demand located in the checkout area. Assess if your store has a small inexpensive product in the checkout node that the customer takes automatically when approaching the checkout. It is also possible to duplicate the display of small but popular goods in the center of the hall, in addition to placing it at the checkout.

4. Availability of gift certificates or discount cards. Close contact with corporate clients allows you to increase the pre-holiday days, as well as attract new customers.

5. Installing a terminal for non-cash payment. Buyers who pay bank card, spend more than when paying in cash, therefore, there will be an increase in the average check.

6. Focus the attention of buyers on more expensive goods. Sellers should switch the attention of buyers from a cheap product to a more expensive one gradually. Employees of the trading floor should be interested in selling more expensive goods. It may be necessary to introduce material incentives for employees when they sell a certain amount of expensive goods per month.

7. Inclusion in the assortment of inexpensive goods with a large margin. It is not difficult to offer a cheap product, it will not be difficult for sellers to sell it, and they do not need to be additionally stimulated. Inexpensive goods will attract customers to the store who will buy more cheap goods than originally planned.

Stimulating promotions as a means of increasing the cash receipt

Special offers are another way to increase the average check. Carrying out promotions “Gift for purchase”, “When buying 2 items, the 3rd one is free”, discounts at certain times of the day, sales. Such promotions help to establish a trusting contact between the store and the client and leave a good impression on the buyer. Also, when conducting incentive promotions, the conversion increases, that is, the number of people who leave the store with a purchase increases. An additional opportunity to get the contact details of the client, which in the future can be used to disseminate information about promotions held by the store.


As a result, the turnover at the trade enterprise will increase due to the increase in the number of purchases in the cash receipt. There will be a decrease in the share of small checks and an increase in the share of medium checks, which indicates the effectiveness of both merchandising and the work of staff. In addition, the number of impulse purchases will increase if the assortment and product display are optimized. And at the heart of the positive dynamics is the average check!

To increase the average check, you need to find buyers who will desperately need your product. Sometimes even as necessary as air.

Even if you understand your target audience in general, this knowledge can be blurry and insufficient. Needs to be niched. So did one of the clients of Oy-li, a parent-child training company. As a result of working with her, a narrow niche was identified - parents whose children suffer from psychosomatic diseases. This specialization allowed to achieve a significant increase in the average price.

There are several tools that Oy-li experts use to help identify potentially profitable niches.

  • SWOT analysis
  • ABCXYZ analysis
  • Focus group with industry experts
  • Setting up and launching test marketing campaigns targeting different niches.

How to increase the average check: work with the share in the client

Find out your share of the customer's total purchases. To do this, conduct a survey among buyers. Try to get answers to questions.

  • How much of a similar product is purchased in total?
  • What do you like and dislike about working with competitors?

Based on the results of the survey, conduct your own or order training on up-sale and cross-sale. Looking ahead, we will say that usually in this case, the right sellers help to increase the average result, increasing their skills in the field of negotiations and the use of bargaining variables, as well as improving the conditions for interacting with customers (preferably not at the expense of profitability).

How to increase the average bill: motivate and control employees

After a “debriefing” with an Oy-li client in a company that trades raw materials and tools for confectionery production, it was possible to increase the average bill simply by introducing management tools.

  1. Planning according to a clear scheme with a predictive conversion model
  2. Setting up a regular reporting system for sellers
  3. Introduction to the system of indicators of the average value of a single shipment

The last point requires further clarification. If you motivate sellers to sell expensive goods or accessories, then you will automatically increase the average bill. And the KPI will be met.

Approximately 70% of bonuses in retail outlets are paid to sellers for expensive, highly profitable goods and their resale. Such material motivation is realized through an increased percentage of the bonus. And you can also stimulate sellers on the principle of "quick money". Did you sell something expensive or hit your daily KPI? Received 1000 rubles from the cash register.

Add non-material motivation to material incentives: competitions, recognition at general events, attracting newcomers to training.

How to increase the average check: increase customer loyalty

Customer loyalty grows if you pay enough attention to them. They literally need to feel your "love". To increase the average check, use several methods.

1. Conduct surveys on the current base, be interested in wishes, adopt recommendations if they meet the requirements of significant groups of buyers. As a result of such work, you will also regularly measure the loyalty index.

2. Organize the leisure of buyers. This is where event marketing and online marketing come in. If the business theme allows, hold contests, master classes, webinars.

3. Implement special loyalty programs according to different criteria, based on the social and demographic characteristics of the audience. There are many ideas on the market how to do this. But what is best for each specific niche is exactly what you know: cumulative discounts, additional services, bonuses, gifts.

4. Improve the product itself. And do it in accordance with those “trend” wishes that were revealed as a result of surveys and measurements of the loyalty index.

5. Show off your improvements and "report" them to your customers. Communicate that the company has become better using PR, SMM, event marketing. Use this as a “clarity hook” for upselling.

6. Constantly work with your people to make it convenient and pleasant for people to interact with the company. To do this, regularly research the "path" of buyers. Keep in mind that this path can be very different depending on the channel through which the buyer came and continues to contact you.

7. Get "cases" on your regular customers to keep abreast of their lives. Remember that according to the rules of networking, especially networking, the client often turns into “just Joe”. Namely in ordinary person, who is important to be congratulated on his birthday, pay attention to children, appreciate achievements in areas that are especially important to him, rejoice at success.

8. Improve and optimize your free care. In the event that a person has difficulty with a sold product. He should always have the opportunity to call, reach out, come.

9. Be honest and responsible. You have to be willing to admit mistakes or keep promises on time. Or apologize if that's not possible.

10. Instill corporate values ​​in employees so that any of them, when meeting with a satisfied / dissatisfied, loyal / disloyal customer, can bring him to desired point contact regardless of the area of ​​responsibility. Believe me, this attitude also helps to increase the average check.

How to increase the average check: create a lead magnet

A lead magnet is a “sharply” attractive product in the eyes of the consumer. It can be something free - e-books, CDs, accessories, demo versions.

It is not a fact that, having applied for the coveted lead magnet, the buyer will opt for it. If at this moment you offer him something more expensive, based on the real value and need clarified by the SPIN technique, then the deal will most likely take place. In addition, the lead magnet always expands the opportunities for up-sale and cross-sale.

How to increase the average check: sell in large volumes

It's easy to say "sell more". To achieve this and increase the average bill, you need to act simultaneously in 3 directions.

1. Increasing the material and non-material motivation of employees to sell in large volumes. Financial motivation includes monetary rewards for meeting KPIs and a system of complex salaries and bonuses that increase if the manager sells more.

2. Conduct sales trainings that will not only teach them, but also psychologically prepare them to work with large amounts. Many people are simply embarrassed to ask for more. And sellers are no exception.

3. Increasing the motivation of buyers, in which a larger volume in terms of a unit of goods guarantees a lower price for it.

This is achieved through larger packages, when you sell more and the buyer pays less in relative terms. You can also use the guaranteed bonus method, when a person receives a gift when buying for a certain amount. At the same time, you do not need to “give” everyone in a row. Turn on the mechanism only if you see that the person "does not live up" to a certain amount.

In this case, you should have commodity "pairs" prepared. For example, you see that a product of a certain type was purchased for 750 rubles. In accordance with what is purchased, something “harmonizing” with it is offered for at least another 250 rubles. If a person agrees, he receives a gift.

How to increase the average check: form sets

Analyze your assortment matrix. See what products can be combined into sets to increase the average check.

Of course, simply forming sets will not make a person buy more. Therefore, the products in the set should cost less than buying them separately.

Naturally, carefully calculate the "economy" of such an event. You should not sell at a loss. Therefore, include high-margin products in the sets.

How to increase the average check: increase the cost of goods

The concept of the average check came to us from retail. The main task in this area is to increase its indicators, as well as traffic indicators and.

So, how to increase the average check in a clothing store, for example? The first way is to increase the cost of one product.

This problem is solved in 3 ways that will help increase the average check in general.

1. Conduct specialized sales training for a high-value product. The key modules in this training should be questioning techniques on SPIN and product presentation. SPIN will help identify/create a need for a more expensive purchase. And already in the presentation, the seller, based on the key criteria for choosing a buyer, forms the “true” value of the product.

Information about the key criteria gets to the manager as a result of the “SPIN survey”, in parallel a new need is created, and then a presentation is made with the benefits “necessary” for the buyer being highlighted.

2. Master the "art" of merchandising. In fact, this is not the most complex science but effective. Basic principles of merchandising:

  • expensive goods are clean and neatly displayed at about eye level;
  • price tags in the product line follow in descending order;
  • priority and expensive products are located at the ends of the racks and are issued additionally.

3. If the segment and location of the store allow you to increase the average bill, expand the line with high-margin and more expensive products. But before you do that, consider how you will attract wealthy buyers. What channels will they reach you through?

It is also important to understand that the positioning and geographic location of the outlet critically affects the average cost of one product in a check. How to increase the average check in an economy class store located in a residential area by increasing the average cost of an item? Pretty problematic.

How to increase the average check: increase the number of products

You can increase the average check by increasing the number of positions in it. So, how to increase the number of sales in the check? For retail, there are several methods.

1. Proper arrangement of goods in the store will help to increase the average bill. So the most popular items that are in daily demand are placed at the back of the store. In the case of, for example, supermarkets, these are bread, milk, eggs, and meat products.

2. Intelligible navigation - information plates, signs, shelves arranged in such a way that the goods are clearly visible - all this also helps to increase the average check in the store.

3. There are also so-called "golden meters" in stores. These include the checkout area and the ends of the racks. High-margin, but inexpensive goods in absolute terms, should be placed in the pre-cash space. The ends of the racks are filled with expensive products that are "disguised" as promotional ones.

4. Do not forget about such a resource as cashiers. This is another "frontier" at which it is often possible to increase the average bill. Cashiers are engaged in upselling the most popular goods, the attractiveness of which is enhanced by promotions.

5. At the entrance to the trading space, “hills” are lined up with seasonally available goods. These are such attractive "islands" that capture the attention of the client, which help to significantly expand the shopping cart and increase the average bill.

6. It is very easy to increase the average check in clothing or footwear stores if you do not forget to offer the buyer additional accessories. The client usually experiences light form euphoria from the purchased main product, so there is every chance to resell him some care products or beautiful wardrobe items: scarves, belts, hats.

How to increase the average check: do upselling

Up-sale is something that will definitely make it possible to increase the average check. Sellers should never have the thought of “letting go” of a customer after buying one item.

Explain to salespeople, and reinforce it in KPIs, that the practice of offering something else to the customer is not an option, but a mandatory requirement. The main rule is related products should be slightly cheaper than the main one.

Offer a belt for trousers, a hat for a coat, care products for shoes. Drive up-sales with promotions. For example, 2 items: 10% off the first item purchased and 20% off the second item.

For example, you can attractively lay out outerwear, trousers and shoes in a vertical line. Or place next to expensive coffee chocolate from the "noble".

How to increase the average bill: discount the product

This is such a kind of innocent lie. To stimulate the sale of stale goods, you simply “draw” a slightly inflated figure on the price tag. Then cross it out. And put a new one about 10-20% below the real cost.

It turns out that a rather serious difference is formed between the crossed out price and the current one due to the “overestimation” of the first and the “underestimation” of the second. Sometimes this difference can reach 50-60%.

Given the "laziness" human brain, it is easier for the buyer to focus on the figure that he is given and believe, rather than find out the real value of the goods.

How to increase the average check: use the latest technology

How to increase the average check? Start using IT tools that will help you more effectively engage your audience in the sales process. These include:

1. CRM systems;
2. chatbots;
3. cloud services;
4. messengers;
5. Integrated with smart video monitoring systems;
6. analytical systems for accounting for goods purchased by the buyer, etc.

All these tools will allow you to constantly be in touch with your customers, explore their buying habits, and competently lead the lead through the funnel.

Recently, there has been an increase in efficiency from the introduction of chatbots. This is a useful artificial intelligence that attracts and maintains a community of adherents. He will be able to keep up the conversation, send the right materials in response to a person’s request, even segment their needs and conduct them through different funnels.

Chatbots are designed to drive revenue growth through up-sale and cross-sale channels. Since they “know how” to segment the current base, they can easily form point solutions for the buyer in accordance with his needs. This will help both increase the average check and the amount of revenue in general.

An increase in the average bill can also be the result of the correct integration of the CRM system, IP telephony, video monitoring, programs that analyze the assortment and sets of receipts. How to tie it all together?

The simplest option is that a client calls you and, thanks to telephony integrated into CRM, you can easily identify him and see the entire history of relationships with him. Accordingly, you know what to do with it.

CCTV systems can also be adapted for the purpose of identifying customers who make repeat purchases. This is especially true for stores, beauty salons, etc. At the same time, the history of their purchases is also stored in the CRM “memory”.

So, having “recognized” a person, the system will notify the seller or cashier in time about what else can be resold to this client. Moreover, she will make her choice based on an analysis of the composition of his check, and even compare it with the sets that he purchased before.

We talked about what to do if the task is to increase the average check. Methods range from direct influence on the buyer to internal management decisions.