How to descale a plastic electric kettle. A variety of household chemicals from scale

  • 14.06.2019

When hard water boils, a huge amount of salts is released. Over time, they cling to the walls and bottom of the kettle, and they are called "scale". At first glance, scale does not really interfere with life - so what if the water has become cloudy, but something crunches on your teeth? And if the owners of ordinary enameled kettles can ignore scale for years, then the owners of electric kettles can be upset - with a thick layer of scale, the life of the kettle decreases several times, up to six months.

In order to prolong the life of the electric kettle and preserve the taste of water, regular cleaning of scale, which occurs mainly on the heating elements, is necessary. The main means in the fight against scale:
  • lemon acid;
  • table 9% vinegar;
  • soda;
  • salt;
  • chemical agents against scale, for example, Antinakipin;
In all cases, for effective descaling, a particular product must either be boiled or left overnight. However, these well-known and available funds can really help in getting rid of scale. What is guaranteed to give a 100% result?
  1. "Antinakipin"
    • According to the instructions, pour the product into the kettle and fill with water.
    • Boil.
    • Rinse the kettle thoroughly under running water.
    • Boil and drain the water 3-4 more times to get rid of the remnants of the product.
    Outcome. With scale on the walls of the kettle, Antinakipin coped perfectly well. But the high layer of scale at the bottom remained almost unchanged. Of the side effects noted bad smell all over the kitchen and fears to drink water from a boiled kettle. However, you can safely use it if the raid is small.
  2. Lemon acid
    • Throw in a tablespoon citric acid into the kettle and fill it with water.
    • Boil.
    • Rinse the kettle under cold water.
    • Boil again.
    Outcome. The walls of the kettle are crystal clear, but the scale on the bottom still lives, despite the fact that the citric acid had to break down the alkali, which forms the basis of the scale. After re-boiling, the results did not change, however, reviews about the use of citric acid are full of success. Maybe it does not work on all teapots?
  3. Soda
    • Pour a tablespoon of soda with cold water as much as the volume of your kettle allows.
    • Boil.
    • Rinse the kettle under running water.
    • If necessary, you can rub the loosened scale with a sponge.
    • Boil and drain the water from the kettle 2 more times to remove the remaining soda.
    Outcome. The scale has become a little looser, making it possible to slightly scrape it off with the hard side of the dishwashing sponge. However, partially the scum, already saturated with useful and not very useful means, remains in its rightful place.
  4. Soda with salt
    • Just like in the previous version, pour two tablespoons of soda into the kettle and fill it with water, but now add a tablespoon of table salt to it.
    • Boil.
    • Leave for 5-10 minutes and drain the water.
    • Rinse the inside of the kettle with running water.
    • Boil new clean water two or three times to clean the kettle completely.
    Outcome. Finally managed to defeat the scum! The plaque has dissolved almost completely, only a small layer remains, which can be easily wiped off with a sponge. The kettle shines, the sediment no longer crunches on the teeth - is this not a real effect.
  5. Vinegar.
    • Pour 200 ml of 9% table vinegar into the kettle for 1.5 liters of water and leave the mixture for 15-20 minutes.
    • Boil.
    • Rinse the kettle thoroughly under a strong stream of running water.
    • Boil and drain fresh water several times.
    • Rinse the kettle again.
    Outcome. All inner surface the kettle became absolutely clean, the bottom shone, but the deeply ingrained pieces of scale remained in the same place as they were. One of the side effects was a peculiar smell that filled the entire kitchen, but was easily removed from the surface of the kettle with running water. In general, like using citric acid, this method is good for small layers of scale, which it will clean off without difficulty.
Many well-known anti-scale recipes are completely invalid in conditions real life, but less common recipes give unexpectedly good results. In the end, it's best to clear Electric kettle from the scale helped soda in combination with salt. Well, and most importantly, as a result of the experiments, not a single teapot was harmed.

The daily complex relationship with the teapot becomes a real problem for many housewives, but it all comes from ignorance. We will now formulate the most simple rules effective cleaning of scale from electric kettles, air humidifiers, pots and pressure cookers.

To begin with, it is better to bring the scientific basis under the advice. Indeed, without this, in the current technological age, there is no way, otherwise you will be scared for an expensive double boiler or, as well as an ultra-sensitive and expensive electric kettle.

What is scale and how is it formed?

Scale is a metal salt that settles on the walls, heating coils or heating elements of electrical appliances. These salts are formed as a result of the fusion of carbon dioxide with calcium or magnesium (there are other options). In fact, this is where the explanation of the nature of the appearance of scale inside the electric kettle can be completed, and proceed to the fight against it.

Instructions for cleaning the electric kettle from scale

Immediately forget about sponges, metal graters, sandpaper and other sharp objects, as any excessive friction can cause scratches that are detrimental to metal surfaces. Of course, if your electric kettle has plastic walls, then you will not see rust on them, but you can damage the heating element.

In addition, metal exposure requires a large amount of time and strong hands However, the effectiveness of such "manipulations" in any case leaves much to be desired.

One way or another, you can overcome the hated raid quite easily, while you practically do not need money and time.

There are two methods for cleaning scale in an electric kettle:

  • a solution of water with acetic acid;
  • solution of water with citric acid.
The availability and simplicity of these ingredients should not be underestimated, because such recipes have been successfully used for several decades. Even specialists from Philips and Tefal recommend using these acids for cleaning.

The cleaning itself is performed as follows:
  • The electric kettle is filled with water by about 75%, turn on and wait for the water to boil;
  • The remaining quarter of the container must be supplemented with 6-9% acetic solution, then leave the kettle overnight (for about 8 hours);
  • In the morning, you need to pour the solution out of the electric kettle and rinse the tank several times;
  • After that, you need to boil a full kettle of plain water several times, pouring boiling water each time. Thus, the remains of vinegar and its odors will go away;
  • If the scale is thoroughly eaten, it is necessary to repeat the cycle.
With citric acid, it is necessary to do exactly the same manipulations, however, the electric kettle must be immediately filled with water to the eyeballs. Instead of 25% vinegar, pour a few tablespoons of citric acid into the water, and then follow the cycle described above. To speed up the process, you can boil the acid solution several times. Unwanted teapot cleaners include household chemicals, designed to get rid of scale (it's expensive and dangerous), Coca-Cola, Sprite, potato peelings, brine and other "delicacy". Naturally, you can try yourself in the role of a certain "mythbuster", but when doing such things, be prepared to buy a new kettle.

Now you know how to remove scale in an electric kettle. Good luck!

For reference - all the scale from the kettle gets into your coffee and tea, further interfering with the normal operation of the heating element. She also makes him raise your electricity bills. But now, knowing how to descale an electric kettle, it will be much easier for you to deal with this unpleasant problem.

Probably everyone knows about the scale that spoils the working condition of the equipment. But if in the case of washing or dishwasher Since it is possible to use special water-softening agents, the electric kettle is in no way protected from scale.

This salt layer of deposits not only prevents the taste of water and its optimal heating, but also leads to damage to equipment. How to descale an electric kettle the main problem associated with the care of this type of electrical appliances. About the most effective ways that can help at home will be discussed in the proposed review.

Scale Formation Process

When water is heated, it releases a large number of salts of calcium and magnesium. They are able to settle on the inner walls of the kettle and the bottom. This leads to cloudy water and the appearance of unpleasant particles in it, which affects the taste of the future hot drink.

A thick layer of sediment, especially on the heating element of electric kettles, disables even new appliances. Due to the poor thermal conductivity of the scale, a failure occurs temperature regime. Thus, the equipment can simply overheat.

It is desirable to remove plaque even before a thick layer forms. Dealing with it is much easier, especially by performing the procedures regularly. He is afraid of all kinds of acids: organic and inorganic. For this reason, all home remedies for dealing with scale are based on solutions containing acids.

Basic cleansing recipes

Vinegar is the main assistant. Vinegar is considered a very aggressive ingredient, so it is not recommended to use it too often for an electric kettle. But for old scale - this is the most effective substance.

To clean the kettle, pour 2/3 of water and 1/3 of a table of 9% vinegar (1-2 tablespoons of vinegar essence) into it. This solution should be boiled and left to cool. As a result of this procedure, the scale should go away completely. If this did not happen, and the plaque simply softened, then it will have to be removed with a foam rubber sponge.

To remove all vinegar residues, you will have to boil water in the kettle several times, each time changing it to a new one.

The proposed method is quite effective, but with the presence of a sharp vinegar smell. After rinsing the kettle and airing the room, there will be no memory left of a bad aroma.

Citric acid is an effective remedy. Cleaning with citric acid is suitable for plastic, stainless steel and glass teapots, where mineral deposits are moderate.

You will need to dissolve 1-2 large tablespoons of citric acid in each half liter of water. You can replace the bulk component with a quarter of fresh lemon fruit. The liquid is brought to a boil. Next, the water is left inside the kettle until it cools completely. Not very old plaque should move away from the walls on its own. Otherwise, you will have to use a foam sponge. It is important to additionally boil clean water in a cleaned kettle, after which you need to rinse it thoroughly.

Baking soda is a natural abrasive and cleaner. Soda solution is perfect for cleaning the electric kettle. Even aluminum utensils and enameled items can be cleaned with soda.

For this method you can use baking soda or soda ash. Half a liter of water will require only 1 large spoonful of bulk material. It is important that the soda solution completely covers the lime deposits. The composition is brought to a boil and left to cool completely. Soda does not dissolve scale, but simply softens it. In this state, it is not difficult to remove it manually with a foam rubber sponge.

You can enhance the effect of soda by adding a little salt to it. Working together, these simple substances are more effective in the fight against limescale.

Carbonated drinks from scale. It cannot be called the use of drinks with gas in an economical and highly effective way. However, their cleansing properties are well founded. The composition of Coca-Cola, Fanta, Sprite contains citric acid, which can help remove the accumulated layer. It is better to use colorless drinks. Gases are removed from the liquid, then the drink is poured into an electric kettle, boiled and allowed to cool.

Chemical substances. Modern household chemicals produce funds for any occasion. Even to remove the accumulated layer inside the electric kettle, there is a special substance "Antinakipin". Following the recommendations in the instructions, the powder is poured into the kettle and filled with water. After the boiling procedure, thoroughly wash the device, then boil clean water several times, each time pouring a new portion. This action will save the inner surface of the kettle from the remnants of the product.

Among negative qualities this product can be called an unpleasant odor. This chemical is effective for small deposits of scale. With abundant plaque on the bottom and the heating element, it may not be able to cope.

General rules

We have considered the most “working” ways of how to clean an electric kettle from scale. Now it is important to understand the rules that should not be ignored when cleaning the device:

  1. When cleaning the electric kettle is planned, it is important to warn all family members about the upcoming procedure in any way. For example, it can be a sticky note, but it is better to put the kettle in an inaccessible place or clean it while the household is away.
  2. In particular difficult situations where the plaque is located in a thick layer, a combination of methods can be used to enhance the action of the funds. For example, clean the kettle with baking soda and then use vinegar. Even with incomplete removal of all deposits, the plaque will soften. You can remove it with a foam rubber sponge.
  3. After performing the cleaning procedures, the kettle should be thoroughly rinsed clean water. Next, you need to boil clean water in it several times, draining the boiled liquid into the sink each time. This will help get rid of all cleaning components.
  4. Abrasives in the form of metal sponges and dry powders are not appropriate. They will cope with the raid, but at the same time damage the electrical appliance.
  5. Do not start the situation with scale. A thin layer is much easier to remove than ingrained accumulations. In addition, there is a risk that the electric kettle will go out of service.
  6. If possible, it is advisable to pour filtered or purified water into the electric kettle. In the absence of such, it is recommended to defend it before use.

Scale inside the kettle is a very persistent contamination. But it is quite possible to overcome his stubbornness and strength with ordinary folk ways. The main thing is not to postpone cleaning, but to perform a cleaning procedure at least once a month.

Over time, the spiral of the electric kettle and its entire inner surface are covered with a hard coating. He interferes full-fledged work device and gives the water a not very pleasant aftertaste. Therefore, you should not wait until the deposits begin to fall off and eventually fall into a cup of tea. It is better to know in advance how to clean the appliance from scale. Moreover, regular preventive education limescale always more effective than fighting an existing problem.

Folk remedies to combat scale

Since scale dissolves easily in an acidic environment, citric or acetic acid is most often used to remove it. Sometimes baking soda, lemon, or even potato and apple peels are used.

The main ways to remove scale in an electric kettle:

  • Pour water inside and add half a glass of vinegar there. Boil the solution and let it cool naturally. It is advisable to leave it for two hours or even all night. Pour out the vinegar water and rinse thoroughly electrical appliance flowing water.
  • Instead of vinegar, you can use citric acid at the rate of 1 tablespoon per one and a half liters of water. Bring the solution to a boil and leave for 20-25 minutes. After complete cooling, wash the surfaces with a soft sponge for dishes.
  • Baking soda will also help clean up. To do this, pour 5 teaspoons of soda into a liter of water and boil the solution.
  • If the house does not have any of the above, you can rid the electrical appliance of scale with the help of a lemon. Just add a few peeled pieces to water and bring it to a boil.
  • Some housewives use washed potato or apple peels to remove scale. Only in this case, the kettle will have to be boiled several times, since this remedy is not as strong as acids.
  • Since vinegar is present in cucumber or tomato brine, you can use them to clean the scale.
  • Finally, the last, most modern method of removal is based on the use of sweet colorless soda. Buy a bottle of this water, shake it thoroughly to remove gas, and pour it into an electric kettle. In this case, it is enough to fill it halfway. Bring the water to a boil and let it cool. The acids contained in the soda will clean the electrical appliance from scale. Just do not use cola, fanta and other drinks with dyes, otherwise they will stain the inner walls, and you are unlikely to be able to wash them.

For the most stubborn hard deposits, it is better to use several methods at once. For example, first clean with citric acid, and then with vinegar. Or vinegar and baking soda, etc. Such combined products, if they don’t clean it completely, will make the plaque loose, which will make it easy to wash it off with a regular dish sponge.

Household chemicals to deal with scale

Sold in stores special means for descaling. Each of them is accompanied detailed instructions. They will help clean the electric kettle much faster. However, after using them, it is necessary not only to rinse it well with water, but also bring it to a boil several times and drain the already clean water. Otherwise, acid residues can get into tea or coffee.

Cleaning rules

When using any anti-scale products, we recommend that you adhere to the following rules:

  • First of all, warn your family that you are cleaning an electrical appliance. For example, stick a note to it or move it to an inaccessible place. Better yet, do it when no one is home. Otherwise, someone will definitely pour himself coffee with acid while awake.
  • After using any product, rinse the kettle several times and boil plain water in it two or three times, each time pouring it into the sink to get rid of all harmful substances.
  • Shouldn't be used abrasives: with metal sponges, dry powders, etc. They may remove the plaque, but at the same time they will ruin the electrical appliance.
  • Make sure that there are not too many deposits on the walls. It is more difficult to remove a thick layer than a thin one, and even with such a careless attitude, equipment will fail prematurely.
  • If possible, use only filtered water. As a last resort, get in the habit of standing it up before use and decontaminating it with a piece of silicon. So you will not only extend the life of your pet, but also take care of your own health.

Never neglect a timely cleaning! Then he will definitely thank you with fragrant morning coffee or your favorite sweet tea for breakfast.

My greetings to all. Every housewife dreams of having a clean kettle that pleases with a pleasant tea party. But scale often accumulates on its walls. Today we will learn how to clean the kettle from scale.

What is scale dangerous and why you need to get rid of it

Scale is dangerous in that when it penetrates our body, it harms it, although we may not notice it right away. Scale in the kettle is salts, harmful impurities and insoluble metals.

If for many years they enter the body, then a person may develop osteochondrosis, gout, kidney stones and other misfortunes. Even if you pass water through a filter, salts still remain. The most best water for boiling - spring or from bottles.

Cleansing Methods

Plaque on the walls of the kettle can be cleaned. Many housewives try to buy the most expensive products in the store, even realizing that they cause great harm to their health. Isn't it better to find ways that at home will make any dishes shine.

Cleaning won't take long. It is enough to clean the dishes once a month so that the plaque recedes to long time. With very hard water, this will have to be done twice a month. If the layer is small, then the easiest way is to cleanse with citric acid:

  • Fill the kettle with cold water, 2/3 full.
  • Pour 1 tbsp. l. acids per 1 liter.
  • Boil for 5 minutes.
  • Wait until cool, then drain the water.
  • If the plaque has not disappeared, repeat again.

But citric acid is only suitable for electrical products, as well as stainless steel or glass. Enameled and metal products may deteriorate.

For simple and electric kettles stainless steel or glass Lemon cleansing is fine. Lemon can remove plaque of any thickness:

  • Cut the lemon into small slices, put in a container.
  • Pour 2/3 of the container with water, put on fire.
  • After boiling, reduce the fire.
  • Boil the lemon for 30 minutes, then let cool.
  • Drain the water, remove the rest of the layering with a soft sponge.

metal teapot you can clean it with vinegar, but it’s better not to touch the electric one:

  • Pour in the water too.
  • Pour in vinegar - 0.5 cups per 1 liter of water (essences - 3 tsp per 1 liter of water).
  • Boil, leave to brew for 1 hour, then drain.
  • Before boiling water for tea, boil twice and drain to remove the smell of vinegar.

This method will quickly and efficiently remove any layer, but you need to rub it with a sponge, achieving the perfect shine.

Cleaning with vinegar will spread an unpleasant odor throughout the room. Do not forget to open the window or turn on the hood.

A delicious drink will help in the household: Coca-Cola from scale

We are talking about the Coca-Cola drink, which contains the acid we need. To clean with Coca-Cola, you need to take enough liquid so that it covers the bottom with a sufficiently large layer. Then boil and leave for 1 hour so that the acid corrodes the sediment. After this procedure, wipe the bottom and walls with a sponge. Sprite and Pepsi will do.

If the kettle has been in a running state for a long time, then you need to do this procedure 2-3 times. This drink cleans the electrical appliance well.

Almighty Soda

Where only soda is not used! It heals and makes pastries more fluffy and tasty. For laundering scale, it is also useful to us. This powder can be used to clean both electric and enameled vessels.

The advantages of cleaning with soda include its cheapness and safety. There are also disadvantages. Baking soda can scratch the surface of the product.

Carrying out the procedure:

  • Pour water up to half of the container.
  • Pour 2 tbsp. soda.
  • Boil for half an hour, let cool.
  • Wash the inside with a sponge.

Vinegar and soda. These ingredients can bring to a shine enameled and metal teapot, electric is better not to touch.

  1. First, boil water with soda for 25-30 minutes, 1 tbsp. l. for 1 liter of water.
  2. Pour out the liquid, fill in a new one.
  3. Pour 0.5 cup of vinegar per 1 liter. water, boil again for 30 minutes.
  4. Wipe inside with a sponge to remove loose plaque.

Method for all types of cookware, except for electric ones. Soda, vinegar and citric acid will help get rid of old scale. You will have to boil the dishes three times, first with soda, then with citric acid, then with vinegar. Proportions as above.

Cleanups in action!

Hard salts will help remove apple or potato peels. It turns out that they also have acids that can cope with plaque. You can put potato, apple and pear peels together.

If you notice salt deposits inside the new dishes, then put cleanings in it, fill it with water, put it on fire for half an hour. But this remedy will not help with thick scale.

For all types of tea utensils, you can use pickle from cucumbers, where there is vinegar or citric acid. Just fill the container with brine, hold on fire for 30 minutes. Here is a simple way used by our grandmothers.

A glass teapot will clean lemon juice and soda well. Pour in water, pour in 2 tbsp. lemon juice and 2 tbsp. l. soda, boil for 15 minutes. Pour out the water, wipe the inside with a soft sponge. Instead of juice, citric acid is suitable.

The best means for cleaning a thermos-kettle

Thermos kettle will take more electricity if it is not periodically descaled. In addition, you will feel a salty taste of water, the device will make a lot of noise during operation. If you neglect cleaning, the device may simply burn out.

Soda and citric acid will help best.

  1. First, pour 1 tbsp. soda, boil, wait for the liquid to cool.
  2. Drain the solution, fill with new water.
  3. Put 1 sachet of citric acid, boil again, leave to cool, then drain the solution.
  4. Pour clean water, bring to a boil, then pour. The device is now ready for use.

Can be cleaned vinegar essence. Take 1 liter. water 50 ml essence, bring to a boil, leave to cool. good method- cleansing with a colorless Sprite, as described above.

ceramic appliance can also be cleaned by the means described above.

Simple ascorbic acid will also help to achieve shine inside the dishes. 1 tbsp is enough for 1 liter of water. l. ascorbic. It's safe, but effective method especially if the inside is heavily soiled.

With a little pollution, you can simply pour soda into the water and hold for several hours. After each purification, the first boiled water must be poured out to remove the remaining lime. This applies to all types of tea utensils.

plastic teapot it is best to clean with ascorbic acid and soda. The technique is described above.
Use citric acid to shine an aluminum appliance. Pour water, pour 1 tbsp. citric acid, bring to a boil, let cool.

Cleaning the outer surface

Stainless steel dishes are easy to bring to a shine on the outside if you use folk remedies.

The easiest remedy is toothpaste.

  1. Take an old toothbrush that has lost its hardness.
  2. Squeeze toothpaste on it.
  3. Wipe the entire surface of the instrument.
  4. Rinse first with warm, then cold water.
  5. Pat dry with a towel.
  6. Pour water into the kettle, warm it up a little, polish the warm appliance with a soft towel.

If the contamination is large, then squeeze the toothpaste onto the hard side of the sponge and gently rub the surface. Don't press too hard to avoid scratches. Scratched dishes will become more dirty and harder to clean. If the kettle is burned on the stove, then most likely it will have to be thrown away.

Another way to achieve shine is to boil for 30 minutes in water, where to add salt and soda - 1 tbsp per liter. spoon. It is important that the kettle is completely submerged in water. Then wipe it off with a soft sponge.

Another way:

  • In heated water, pour 3 tbsp. spoons of baking soda and;
  • Dip the dishes in the solution;
  • Boil for 5 minutes, leave to cool;
  • Rinse with water, polish with a towel.

It is better not to bring the stainless steel device to contamination. After each boiling of water, polish it. If there is no time for cleaning procedures, it is better not to buy such dishes.

Enamel teapot can be cleaned with ordinary soda, but do not rub hard so that there are no scratches. Plain soap - the best remedy. Lather the sponge with soap and walk well over the surface, then rinse warm water. If you do not run the dishes, then this method will prevent your dishes from getting very dirty.

An aluminum kettle can be cleaned with. Pound 15 tablets of coal into powder, moisten the walls of the container, apply the powder, hold for 1 hour, then rinse with water, dry with a towel.

Descaling detergents

In stores, you can find enough detergents to help clean the outside of any kettle. The main thing is that they do not get inside the dishes.

When working with detergents It is better to wear gloves, do not touch your eyes.

Dear friends, you have learned many ways to clean dishes, use them and drink pure delicious tea!