How to remove scale in a kettle: ready-made solutions and the correct proportions of folk remedies. We remove scale in an enameled kettle How to clean a metal kettle from scale inside

  • 15.06.2019

Scale not only impairs the taste of boiled water, but also serves as a kind of fur coat that prevents the heating element from actively releasing heat. As a result, it may fail prematurely. How to effectively remove deposits and return the kettle to a radiant look?

There are many folk ways to clean the kettle from scale at home, they used to be used by our grandmothers mainly for cleaning metal kettles, which were impossible to break. Everything that came to hand, so it was cleaned.

Lemon acid

Fits for simple and electric kettles made of stainless steel or glass
It is forbidden use for metal, enameled teapots.
pros: cost savings.
Minuses: helps with small impurities

Citric acid helps to restore cleanliness not only to kettles, but also to the tanks of automatic washing machines. The principle of operation is quite simple. The acid loosens the deposits and helps the water dissolve them.

In order for the teapot to acquire virgin purity, you need 1-2 tsp. powder dissolve in 1 liter. water and boil in a dish to be cleaned. If you have hard water and deposits build up quickly and in large numbers, then the procedure should be repeated a couple of times. In this case, you are more likely to achieve the desired result.

To prevent deposits, use a strong solution citric acid(1 sachet per 1 liter of water) for cold dishwashing. You don't need to boil anything. Just dissolve the powder in the liquid.

Remove scale from a kettle with vinegar and baking soda

Vinegar, baking soda and citric acid

Cleaning the kettle with baking soda

Fits for ordinary, enameled and electric kettles.
pros: security, accessibility, cheap way, which will help get rid of old scale.
Minuses: May leave scratches on surfaces.

Alkaline solutions cope with deposits somewhat worse than acids. However, if nothing else is at hand, you can resort to soda. Moreover, boiling in a soda solution effectively cleans not only teapots, but also smoked pans and pots.

Pour 1-2 tsp into a three-liter kettle. soda and boil water with it for about half an hour. Then let the water cool down and wash the container in the usual way. If dirt still remains, repeat the procedure a couple more times.

Cleaning the kettle with Coca-Cola

Fits for all types of kettles, except for electric ones. Care must be taken when cleaning enameled models.
pros: effective method.
Minuses: dyes that are part of the drink can eat into the surface of the device.

What hostesses do not do with the famous American drink. It turns out that with a touch of hard water, he copes no worse than professional products. Before. how to proceed to cleaning, open the bottle and let the soda stand overnight so that the gas comes out of it.

Pour the drink into the teapot up to half the volume. Boil and rinse with a soft sponge or cloth.

When working with Cola, you need to take into account that light plastic can be stained. Use this method with caution in devices with an open heating element.

Cucumber pickle and tomato

Fits for all types of teapots.
pros: availability, cost savings (since, by and large, it is a handy home remedy)
Minuses: does not remove strong dirt from the surfaces of dishes, may leave bad smell, which can be felt while boiling water.

Some housewives claim that boiling brine in a kettle removes scale as well as citric acid. How plausible is this? Can salt dissolve salt? There is a rational grain in this, since vinegar is included in the recipe of many marinades. It creates an acidic environment in which magnesium salts may well dissolve.

So, for work you will need one and a half liters of brine from under a tomato or cucumber. Boil it in a kettle, then wash the container in the usual way.

Peeling apples and potatoes

Fits for enameled, metal, electric kettles.
pros: availability, environmental friendliness, economy.
Minuses: does not help to get rid of ingrained plaque.

Apple and penny peels contain fruit organic acids. They can be used to remove light plaque. It is enough to boil water with the addition of cleaning products, and the deposits can be easily washed off.

Potato is an alkaline product. Its action is like soda. You need to use the peel of a potato, as well as peeling fruit. Just boil it in water and rinse thoroughly.

Heavy artillery

Fits for all models.
pros: high efficiency, helps to get rid of the most difficult stains.
Minuses: chemical composition, can cause a local reaction of the body. Be sure to use rubber gloves while cleaning.

In severe cases, sparing methods are ineffective. In this case, you have to use stronger means. Keep in mind that such procedures cannot be used frequently. Otherwise, electric kettles may fail.

  • Vinegar. For 1 liter of water, take 1 cup of 9% vinegar. Boil the solution in the kettle to be cleaned and hold for 15 minutes on low heat (if the dishes are enameled or made of stainless steel).
  • Household chemicals. There are a great variety of antiscalers. Before use, you must carefully read the instructions and make sure that the selected composition is suitable for your type of dishes. The manufacturer is obliged to notify users that the ingredients of the product may damage the plastic, rubber gaskets or metal teapot bushings. If there are no such marks, antiscale can be safely applied. Popular chemicals from scale: PureFF, Planet Pure Spray, Selena, Doctor TEN universal, HG, Cinderella.

Cleaning features for teapots of various materials

Plastic and glass

Glass is considered a versatile material because it can withstand the effects of aggressive substances. It is not for nothing that laboratory glassware is made from it. Nevertheless, it is worth remembering that glass surfaces do not like abrasives. If you use baking soda for cleaning, do not rub it against the walls of the kettle, but only boil the soda solution.

Plastic equally does not like products with bleach and dyes. Therefore, it is better not to experiment with Coca-Cola, Fanta and fruits in plastic dishes.

Enamel and stainless steel

Enamel can be stained in the presence of bright dyes, regardless of their composition. In addition, it does not tolerate sudden changes in temperature. Therefore, first you need to fill cold water, bring it to a boil, and then rinse either hot water or let the kettle cool down to room temperature.

Stainless steel, like glass, can withstand almost any experiment with cleaning products. Dislikes abrasives. Small scratches spoil the beautiful gloss, although they do not affect the functionality.

Electrical Models

You can find two types of electric kettles: with an open heating element and a closed one. In the first case, cleaning is complicated by the fact that the scale is clogged under the heating element, from where it is difficult to get it mechanically. In this case, it is better to use natural or factory chemicals.

When using acids and other aggressive substances. it must be remembered that in an acidic environment with frequent cleanings, seals and rubber gaskets gradually dissolve. For this reason, it is better to alternate acidic and soda procedures, and also not to start the situation until you need to resort to emergency cleaning methods.

Cleaning a stainless thermos from tea plaque

  • A cleaning solution from the proposed methods above is poured into a thermos and left for several hours. Periodically you need to check the condition of the plaque. Rinse with soft purified water.
  • Avoid using abrasive products.
  • Wash the thermos immediately after use. Wipe the flask with a microfiber cloth. So the water will leave much less sediment.
  • Ventilate the thermos after cleaning to dispel cleaning agent odors.

As you can see, dealing with plaque on teapots and in a thermos is quite simple. For this, ordinary ingredients that can always be found in the kitchen are quite suitable.

Dear readers of the site, leave your comments. Tell us which of the cleaning methods you consider the most acceptable and effective. Your opinion is very valuable to us.

May 22, 2017 Werri

Even if you have a home water filtration system and only boil purified water for making tea,

Still, the formation of scale cannot be avoided. Filters are not able to remove all substances dissolved in the water that are responsible for the formation of lime deposits.

And sooner or later you will find that the walls and bottom of your favorite whistling kettle or the heating element of an electric boiler are covered with a layer of dirty yellow coating. This means that it's time to remember how to descale the kettle and restore its cleanliness both outside and inside.

When cleaning, do not forget that not all products are equally suitable for conventional and electric vessels.

Why you need to remove limescale

There are several reasons for this, and each is quite serious.

  • The lime layer prevents heat transfer. If this is not fatal for an ordinary stainless steel kettle, then an electric one can simply burn out. The heat from the spiral or disk is not transferred to the water, the metal is subjected to thermal overload. In conventional kettles, this increases gas consumption: water heats up more slowly.
  • The scale layer makes it difficult to keep the vessel clean. Particles of lime sediment get into your cup, and all this garbage is not useful for the body at all.


In the store you can buy ready-made products that remove scale. Some of them are quite effective, others may not give the desired effect.
And it depends not so much on the quality of household chemicals, but on other parameters: the composition of the water in your water supply, the thickness of the layer of lime deposits, etc.

How to clean the kettle from scale at home

Lime deposits are successfully removed by simple and cheap means:

  • citric acid;
  • table or apple cider vinegar;
  • soda;
  • lemons, apple peels or potato peels;
  • pickle from cucumbers or tomatoes;
  • carbonated drinks: Coca-Cola, Sprite, Fanta.

citric acid you can descale any kettles: stainless steel, ceramic, enameled, electric plastic or glass. This simple substance removes small and medium build-up.

Ingredients: water - about 500 ml and citric acid - 1-2 tbsp. spoons (depending on the degree of contamination).

Pour water into the kettle and boil, then pour citric acid into boiling water and wait for the water to cool for about 1-2 hours (be careful - the acid that got into hot water, "hiss"). If the scale is not old, then it will come off on its own, otherwise you will need to make a little effort: carefully clean the walls and bottom with a plastic washcloth or brush.

Metal hard washcloths should not be used to remove scale.

Citric acid can be substituted fresh lemons: coarsely chop one or two lemons, boil them and leave to cool.

Manufacturers of electric kettles do not advise using vinegar to remove mineral deposits - after all, it is too aggressive. But sometimes you can't do without this powerful tool.

The method is suitable for: plastic, glass and metal teapots with a very large amount of old scale.

Ingredients: water - about 500 ml and vinegar 9% - a little less than 1 cup or vinegar essence 70% - 1-2 tbsp. spoons.

Pour water into the kettle and boil it, then pour acetic acid into boiling water and leave the scale to soak in the solution for 1 hour. If the scale has not gone away on its own, but only loosened, then it will need to be removed with a sponge. Remember to boil water in a clean kettle once or twice, and then rinse it well to wash off any remaining vinegar.

enameled and aluminum cookware afraid of aggressive acids, so the first 2 ways to remove limescale are not suitable for them, but the usual one can help you soda solution.

The method is suitable for: descaling both in ordinary enameled and aluminum kettles, and in any electric kettles.

Ingredients: baking soda, and preferably soda ash - 1 tbsp. spoon, water - about 500 ml (the main thing is that it covers the entire limescale).

Recipe 1: to remove scale from the walls of an enameled or aluminum kettle, you must first mix soda with water, then bring this solution to a boil, and then leave it to simmer over low heat for half an hour. At the end of the procedure, we wash off the remnants of soda, for which we boil clean water 1 time, drain it and rinse the kettle.

Recipe 2: to clean an electric kettle with baking soda, you need to boil water, make a soda solution, and then let it cool for 1-2 hours. A more gentle way is to pour soda into boiling water, and then leave the solution to cool completely - during this time, the mineral deposits will become softer, and it will be easier to wash them manually.

Removes small deposits successfully boiling apple peels or potato peels.

This product is suitable either for preventive care or if the limescale is still weak.

The method is suitable for: descaling conventional enameled and metal kettles.

Ingredients: apple, pear or potato peels.

I put block, pear or washed potato peelings in a kettle, pour water and bring to a boil. As soon as the water boils, leave the peel to cool for 1-2 hours, and then wash the softened plaque with a sponge.

Works well with layers of scale cucumber or tomato pickle. The organic acids contained in it dissolve lime deposits. But then it is quite problematic to eliminate the smell of pickles, and it does not harmonize too much with tea and coffee.

Carbonated drinks remarkably dissolve resistant lime layers due to the content of phosphoric acid. Many people know that Coca-Cola can be used to remove scale and rust not only from a kettle, but also from other household items.

Coca-Cola removes old greasy contaminants in the sewer, it dissolves traces of rust on old bathtubs and washbasins, etc.

The method is suitable for: descaling in ordinary stainless steel kettles and for electric kettles, but for enameled and tin ones - with caution. If you want to descale a white kettle, then it is better to do it not with Coca-Cola or Fanta. These intensely colored liquids leave a colored coating on light-colored materials, which will have to be dealt with separately. Better take a colorless soda: "Sprite", 7UP. The effect will be the same as when brushing with Coca-Cola, but without the color effects.

Before descaling the kettle with carbonated drinks, all the gas must be removed from them. Open a Coke bottle and leave open for a few hours before cleaning. Otherwise, when boiling the drink, it forms foam in such quantities that you clean the kettle not only from the inside, but also from the outside, and at the same time the entire kitchen :).

This method is not the most efficient and economical, but why not try for fun?

How to deal with old deposits

The most powerful, old scale deposits are removed in several stages. You will need soda, a solution of citric acid and vinegar.

First, you wash the kettle inside and out as much as possible. Then pour half a glass of soda inside, pour water and boil the solution for about 20 minutes. You can leave the soda solution to cool, or drain it immediately. Soda itself does not remove scale, it will only help to cope with thick deposits.

At the second stage of the fight against scale, you need to pour a solution of citric acid into the vessel: about 40 g of powder will be needed for 3 liters. Acid with soda, absorbed into the layers of scale, will react. In this case, gas will form, the bubbles of which will loosen the limescale.

When you drain the citric acid solution, you can boil the kettle with the soda solution again, or you can immediately proceed to the next step: act on the scale with vinegar, table or apple cider vinegar. Boiling with vinegar will dissolve the most stubborn layers. Pour a third of the volume of vinegar into the vessel, and add the rest with water and boil for 30 minutes over low heat. Drain the solution and wipe the inside of the vessel with a washcloth of medium hardness (but not metal).

Cleaning the kettle from scale with vinegar.

After cleaning, you will have to thoroughly rinse the kettle and boil water in it two or three times, draining it. This method is only suitable for ordinary kettles; for electric kettles, it can be overly aggressive and destructive.

  • Do not leave water residue in the kettle after use. This habit increases the amount of calcium sediment on the walls of the container. Pour water for plants or separately into a carafe and use it cold, or boil the amount of water you want to use.
  • The more often you remove scale deposits, the easier it will be to do it. Descale the kettle at least once a month if the water is medium hard and once every two weeks if the water is hard. This will help save the device and extend its life.
  • Use only filtered or distilled water for boiling.
  • Rinse the inside of the kettle with a washcloth after each boil to remove the slightest trace of limescale.

How to remove scale from the kettle? Vinegar, citric acid or Coca-Cola? Checking folk ways fight against scale!

PS. Buy an electric kettle with a closed coil or heating disc. They are much easier to care for than open coil models. It will also be easier to remove the scale that has appeared.

Note to the owner.

Water is fully involved in human life. Unfortunately, its quality is not always good, but This has a negative effect not only on technology, but also has a bad effect on health.

You can fix this with folk remedies and household chemicals. Even with stubborn dirt, simple activities do just fine.

Causes of scale formation

Scale is hard deposits of salts. When water is heated, salts break down into carbon dioxide and scale.

The composition of water is determined by the path it had to travel. We see a high content of potassium and magnesium on a heating device. The amount of impurities depends on the region of residence.

What is the harm of scale?

  • Disrupts heat transfer from hotter to colder particles. Because of this, the load on the heating device increases, because the heating time increases. So the kettle breaks down quickly and the electricity bill goes up.
  • The use of additional tools for cleaning the kettle, and this is a minus from the budget.
  • Buying a water filter.
  • The negative impact on the human body, in particular, the urinary system and kidneys suffer.
  • Skin itching.
  • Eruptions on the skin.

Stories from our readers!
“This cleaner was given by my sister when she found out that I was going to clean the barbecue and the wrought-iron gazebo in the country. I was delighted! I didn’t expect such an effect. I ordered the same for myself.

At home, I cleaned the oven, microwave, refrigerator, ceramic tiles. The tool allows you to get rid of even wine stains on carpets and upholstered furniture. I advise."

How to clean the kettle from scale?

How to clean a stainless steel kettle

Cleaning the kettle with vinegar

To do this, you need 100 ml of vinegar and 1 liter of water. Acetic essence is diluted in water and poured into a kettle, after which you need to put it on fire until it boils. If all the scale has left the kettle, then cleaning can be completed. In case of incomplete cleansing, you need to wait another 15 minutes. After the procedure, you need to thoroughly rinse the kettle.

Acetic acid is obtained from food alcohol-containing raw materials, which is why it can be used to clean dishes well without harm to health. This tool is not only effective, but also worth a penny.

  • Cleaning the kettle with peels from potatoes or apples. The remains of the peel are placed in a kettle of water and brought to a boil. Then the dishes are removed from the heat and washed. this method helps with small scale.
  • Cucumber pickle. Citric acid, which is included in the canning recipe, corrodes the entire plaque. Brine is poured and brought to a boil, after which the dishes must be washed.
  • Liquid sour milk. Important: milk should not turn into curdled milk. It is poured into a teapot, boiled and washed.
  • How to clean a teapot with cola You will need water and coca-cola. First, the kettle is washed and only then so much cola is poured so that all the scale is covered, brought to a boil and left to cool to room temperature, then the liquid is drained, and the kettle is washed.

Important: if you pour the drink immediately, the dishes may stain. The dyes that are included in the composition are then very difficult to wash off.

  • Vinegar and soda. Soda is mixed with water until a slurry is formed. With this solution, wipe the walls of the kettle well. Next, a clean rag is taken, moistened with vinegar and rubbed into the first solution. At the end, the kettle is washed.
  • Toothpaste Important: Do not use whitening paste for this method. But an expired product is good. A little paste is squeezed onto the toothbrush and rubbed into the teapot. After the procedure, boil the dishes in vain and rinse.

Cleaning an enameled teapot

If you were wondering , kettle, several ways can be found here.

  • metal sponge

Pros: cleans dirt well

Cons: enamel is broken, jams a lot of time. The cracks then begin to clog dirt.

  • Citric acid with the appearance of reddish scale

For 2 liters of water, 2 tablespoons of acid are taken, diluted, brought to a boil. It settles for 20 minutes and the container is washed well.

  • Vinegar(both regular and apple are suitable for this) - use carefully, it can damage the enamel.

Acid is added to two liters of water, left for 30 minutes. After this time, put on the stove and boil for 10 minutes. Wash the teapot well.

  • Colorless soda

Buy a drink in the store. It is poured into the kettle, put on fire, boiled, removed from the stove, the container is washed.

How to clean a glass teapot

  • Acetic essence

One glass of water and vinegar is taken, poured into a kettle and brought to a boil. Put in a cool place, cool and rinse.

  • Soda

A tablespoon of soda dissolves in boiling water. Leave for 10 minutes, then bring to a boil. The liquid is cooled, the kettle is poured out and washed.

  • Vinegar and soda

For this you will need: water, 2 tablespoons of vinegar and the same amount of soda. Water is mixed with baking soda and vinegar. The resulting mixture is brought to a boil and boiled for 30 minutes, cool, rinse the container.

  • Lemon acid. Acid can be replaced with: lemon juice, slices, oil

For one liter of water you will need 1 tablespoon of acid (juice of 1 lemon, slices of 1 piece, 20 drops of oil). The solution is prepared, boiled, cooled and the kettle is washed.

  • Lemon juice and vinegar

One liter of water is mixed with the same amount of lemon juice and vinegar - 2 tablespoons are enough. The kettle is boiled and washed clean.

  • Soda for cleaning the kettle from scale

We take 1 tablespoon of soda, water, citric acid. Water is poured into the kettle, soda is placed, it turns on. After boiling, the water is poured out.

Water is poured again, citric acid is poured, the kettle is turned on. After turning off, it is necessary that such water stand for 20 minutes. After this time, you can rinse with water and the kettle is like new again.

  • Oxalic acid

A small amount of acid is poured into the kettle, completely filled with water, set to boil. After cooling, pour out the water, rinse the kettle. For this method, sorrel stalks are actively used.

  • Vinegar

You will need water 2/3 of the capacity of the entire kettle and acetic acid a third of the volume. Water is mixed with vinegar, the kettle is turned on. After boiling, you need to wait until the water cools to room temperature. Then everything is thoroughly washed. This advice can only be used by those whose kettle is not made of metal.

  • Sparkling water without added dyes

This requires 1 liter of soda. It is brought to a boil, drained and that's it - the kettle is clean. Very important: before using soda, release all gases from the bottle.

  • Cleaning the kettle from scale with citric acid

Take 1 small sachet of citric acid and water. Acid is poured into the water, the kettle is turned on. After boiling, the liquid is poured out. Next 2 more times pure water boils. The kettle is washed.

  • fruit peel

The peel is poured with water, the water is boiled, the liquid is drained. This method is used as a raid warning. These are recipes for the internal cleansing of the teapot. For external cleaning you can use about which are collected here.

How to descale a running old kettle?

No need to throw away the old kettle. It is better to use one of the proposed options.

  • Soda, citric acid, vinegar

To cope with the task you need to take: water, 1 tablespoon of soda, citric acid, 100 ml of vinegar.

The cleaning procedure is carried out in 3 stages:

  • Water is poured into the kettle, soda is poured into it, set to boil. After boiling, the solution is drained.
  • Fill with water, add acids, boil and leave on low heat for 30 minutes, pour.
  • Vinegar is poured into the kettle, brought to a boil, simmered for about 30 minutes, poured out. Rinse thoroughly with running water.

After such a hard cleaning, even the most ingrained dirt lags behind. Attention: in no case should this procedure be carried out with an electric kettle.

  • Vinegar, baking soda and sponge

On a sponge soaked in vinegar, soda is poured, rubbed so that a slurry is obtained. Such a sponge should be wiped with a dirty surface. After that, rinse the mixture well.

  • Baking soda, vinegar, citric acid and a sponge

A kettle is taken, half of the water is poured, one tablespoon of soda is put there. We are waiting for the boil, the solution should sweat over high heat for 10 minutes. The liquid is all poured out. Poured new water, 100 ml of vinegar is added and the same procedure is performed as in the first stage. The third stage: citric acid is poured onto the sponge and the teapot is wiped with it. Afterwards, rinse well under running water.

  • Laundry detergent automatic and citric acid

Water is poured into the kettle, 20 grams of powder is poured, brought to a boil. In the same mixture, add a teaspoon of citric acid. Put it on the stove again, wait until it boils, set aside, pour out the contents and rinse.

All presented cleaning methods are time-tested. Long before the manufacture of special tools, they helped our ancestors.

Universal means

Such funds are usually bought to save space in the closet and money. But quite often they do not perform all functions so well.

  • Aeon bio- is used for washing machines, dishwashers, as well as for cleaning scale in the kettle. Available in liquid form, tablets and powder. How to use: the product is diluted with water, boils and rinses well. Price from 62.
  • Calgon- for teapots and dishwashers. It comes in liquid and powder form. In a vessel it is diluted with water, boiled and washed. It costs from 500.
  • Mister des decalcifiers- clean washing machines, dishwashers, kettles. The store sells from 30 rubles. Prepare powder and solution.
  • Astonish Limescale Remover- used as a cleaning agent for dishes, plumbing, scale in the kettle. In liquid form from 270.
  • Planet Pure spray- for cleaning. In liquid form from 360.
  • Selena decalcifier– removes scale in kettles, coffee makers, irons, dishwashers and washing machines. Liquid and powder from 27.
  • Chistin– removes plaque in washing machines and kettles. Sold from 100 rubles. Only in powder.
  • Refine- for washing from 100, including from scale.
  • soda ash

After reading the reviews of ordinary buyers, we can say that the price does not depend on quality. The cheapest tools sometimes do a better job than the expensive ones.

Special chemicals

From the list below, you can choose the most convenient option for you. All components included in detergent aimed at fighting scum.

  • Frau Schmidt antiscale. Judging by the reviews ordinary people, scale is removed after 8 minutes. Tablets from 100.
  • Clean home - liquid from 90 rubles.
  • Romax antiscale - liquid from 50 r.
  • Melitta Anti Calc
  • Tytan
  • Domol
  • Bugs avnit
  • pure water
  • Antinakipin

The principle of operation of all chemicals is the same:

  1. Poured substance
  2. Works well on the surface
  3. Left for 5 minutes
  4. The vessel is well washed

If the cleanser is in liquid form or tablets, then the procedure is somewhat different:

  1. A cleaning agent is poured, a tablet is placed on the bottom.
  2. Water is pouring.
  3. The kettle turns on.
  4. Bring to a boil.
  5. Thoroughly cleans from chemicals.

Prevention of scale formation

  • In preparation, use water purification products.
  • Boil purchased water if possible.
  • The kettle should always be empty and wiped dry.
  • Boiled water cannot be reused. It's better to drain the leftovers.
  • To prevent scale buildup, clean once a week.
  • At the first appearance of scale, remove it immediately.
  • Rinse from the inside with a sponge on a daily basis.

As you can see, there are enough ways to clean and prevent.

To extend the life of the kettle does not need to spend a lot of money. In order for the kettle to serve for a long time, it is enough to give it a little time.

Especially such an opportunity to use the tools that every woman has. It is worth paying attention that after each procedure it is required to thoroughly rinse the kettle in order to harmful substances did not enter the body.

Whatever water you use - tap, purchased or spring - sooner or later will appear in the kettle white coating. This is a scale formed as a result of the deposition on the walls of potassium and magnesium salts dissolved in water. If it is not cleaned regularly, it will turn into limestone. I will tell you about all the ways to remove scale in the kettle without resorting to special tools.

What is the danger of scale and how to avoid it

From what scale appears, it is clear: these are salts evaporated from the water. You can avoid its appearance only if you use distilled water. But it is not only not useful, but also harmful to the body.

However, water scale itself is also not harmless.:

  • Damage to health. The high content of undissolved salts in drinks leads to cholelithiasis and other physiological disorders;
  • Scale affects the taste of water;
  • Electricity. Limestone on the bottom and walls of the kettle reduces their thermal conductivity and forces them to waste more energy for water heating. And the heating elements in the electric kettle burn out quickly.

Therefore, the answer to the question of how to remove scale in the kettle will help you solve not only an aesthetic problem. But also to avoid unnecessary expenses and health problems.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely prevent the occurrence of plaque. But you can prevent the formation of a thick and hard layer, which is very difficult to deal with.

To prevent a thick layer:

  • Use soft water. It can be filtered, settled before boiling, or purchased from reliable suppliers.
  • Do not keep water in the kettle. After each tea party, the leftovers must be poured out and the dishes rinsed.
  • Clean regularly. Depending on the quality of the water, it should be repeated every 2-4 weeks.

To do this, you can use special tools sold in stores. Their price varies from 20 to 300 rubles, but they act, in my opinion, in exactly the same way. The method of application and the time spent on cleaning may differ - each preparation has its own instructions. But this is not essential.

But you can do without them. After all, in every kitchen there will always be other, more natural means that can cope with this task.

6 ways to get rid of scale

If you do not know how to remove scale in the kettle, look in the kitchen cabinet or refrigerator. You need foods that contain acid. These are vinegar, citric acid or fresh lemons, apples, pickles and even carbonated drinks.

Method 1 - using vinegar

This product perfectly softens even old mineral deposits. But it is quite aggressive, so it is better not to clean the plastic electric kettle. As well as enameled or aluminum.

We act like this:

  • Pouring water into the kettle so that it covers the entire plaque;
  • Bring it to a boil and remove from the fire;
  • Carefully pour a glass of 9% vinegar into boiling water or 2 tablespoons of essence for every liter of water;

  • Leave for 1-2 hours.

During this time, the plaque will become loose and easily removed with a sponge.

Method 2 - using brine

Pickled cucumber or tomato brine already contains vinegar, so you can use that too to descale your kettle. It is not necessary to dilute it, just strain through a sieve.

The same effect has sour milk and whey, which contain organic acids.

Method 3 - using citric acid

Citric acid is not so aggressive, therefore it is also suitable for aluminum, plastic and enameled metal teapots. You can use both powder and fresh lemon.

The amount depends on the degree of contamination:

  • 1 tablespoon powder or a quarter of a medium lemon per 500 ml of water will remove a faint white coating in the kettle;

  • twice as much required for a thicker scale layer.

But a large plaque, which has already managed to stick to the walls, citric acid will not dissolve.

The recipe is the same as when cleaning with vinegar: the acid is added to freshly boiled water, and after a couple of hours it is poured out along with the dissolved salts. Their softened residues will need to be removed with your own hands using a dish sponge.

Method 4 - using carbonated drinks

Sprite, Fanta, Coca-Cola and other carbonated drinks contain phosphoric acid, which can also remove scale in the kettle.

They are poured into an empty vessel, stirred to get rid of gases, and then brought to a boil.

When the liquid has cooled, the kettle can be washed.

Method 5 - using apple skins

This method will not help clean the kettle from heavy scale. It is rather preventive, it is used when plaque has just begun to settle on the walls. To get rid of it, it is enough to fill the cleaning in the kettle with water, boil it and pour it out together with the skins in an hour.

In addition to apple, you can use pear skins. or washed cleaning from raw potatoes.

But this gentle method is suitable for cleaning ordinary teapots made of any material. If you use it regularly, you will not see scale in them at all.

Method 6 - using soda

Another effective home remedy is baking soda or soda ash.

It is applied like this:

  • Before descaling from the kettle, you need to mix two tablespoons of powder with a liter of water;
  • Pour the solution into the kettle and put it she fire;
  • When it boils, reduce the fire and leave the water to boil gently for half an hour;
  • Then drain the solution, and rinse the dishes and boil clean water in it.

In general, after each remedy listed above, it is recommended not only to wash the kettle, but to boil clean water in it 1-2 times.

What to do with an old plaque

If the scale is old and covers the surface with a thick layer, only special agent or repeated use of the methods described above.

It is best to alternately apply vinegar, baking soda and citric acid, using an increased concentration of the cleaning solution.

Even if the scale does not go away on its own, it will become soft and loose, which will allow it to be cleaned from the walls.


I hope that the listed methods for descaling the kettle will help you always keep your dishes clean. And those who wish can boast of especially spectacular results in the comments.

The video in this article shows the cleaning process - you can see for yourself that these methods work.

Often, for the preparation of hot drinks in a kettle, running water is boiled, which has a high hardness due to salt impurities. When heated, salts precipitate, which is deposited on the walls of the container, forming a dense coating after a while. In the article, we will consider how to clean the kettle from scale at home.

If the dishes are not cleaned, the scale prevents the heating of water, impairs the cooling of the heating element, which leads to overheating and increases the risk of failure of the appliance.

A plaque of salts when systematically ingested into the human body leads to the development of various diseases, including gout, osteochondrosis and stones in the urinary system, so regular cleaning of the kettle is required. How to perform the procedure correctly and safely?

Safety precautions and preparatory stage

  • Do not use synthetic preparations used for washing machines for cleaning. Only products designed for kitchen equipment and appliances whose surface is in contact with food products. Chemicals and abrasive preparations can get into the drinking water because it is difficult to remove from plastic and metal parts.
  • For the cleaning outer surface can be used household chemicals without abrasive inclusions. It is better to forget about metal sponges or brushes.
  • Before cleaning the kettle, unplug the appliance from the mains and let it cool down. To avoid sediments getting into drinking water, the kettle is supplied with a filter. It is located in the spout and also requires cleaning.
  • Do not immerse the appliance in water or any other cleaning liquid.

Folk remedies against scale

If the kettle is covered with too much scale, then not all means will help to achieve the result the first time. However, you should not be upset, there are effective folk methods, which do an excellent job with plaque and cost almost nothing.


To prepare the solution will need 9% table vinegar and water. Fill the kettle with ⅔ of water from the maximum level. Then add vinegar up to the max. Boil the solution, then leave to cool.

If 9% vinegar is not found, use vinegar essence(70%). Pour water into the teapot up to the max mark, then add 2-3 tablespoons of the essence. Work with the product very carefully, avoiding contact with mucous membranes, so as not to provoke a chemical burn.

Finally, rinse the device thoroughly with water. If the first time it was not possible to remove all the scale, repeat the procedure. The disadvantage of the method is the strong smell of vinegar (especially in the case of essence), so the room must be well ventilated.

Video tips

Lemon acid

The solution is prepared at the rate of 10 grams of citric acid per 1 liter of water. Usually, acid is packaged in 25 gram sachets, so one sachet is required for a standard kettle.

The resulting solution, as in the case of vinegar, bring to a boil. After boiling, turn off the kettle, as the solution may begin to foam intensively. Let the kettle cool, drain the solution, rinse thoroughly with water. Repeat if necessary.

Baking soda

If the kettle has not been cleaned for a long time and the scale layer is large enough, then before carrying out one of the above procedures, it is necessary to boil water with baking soda in it. The solution is prepared at the rate of 2 tbsp. spoons of soda per 1 liter of water. This preparation will give a more active reaction with the acid and increase the likelihood of cleaning.

Coca Cola

The method is suitable for any kettle, except for electric. Sweet carbonated water must contain orthophosphoric and citric acid. Coca-Cola, Fanta or Sprite drinks are considered suitable for cleaning. They clean scale and do an excellent job with rust.

Before starting the procedure, open the lid and release the gas from the drink. Pour into the kettle to a medium level, bring to a boil and leave the liquid to cool. Drain the liquid and rinse the inside thoroughly with water.

Running cases require a combination of several methods. Kettle with heavy deposits can be cleaned in the following way:

  1. Perform the first boil with water and soda, drain the liquid, and rinse the kettle.
  2. Run the second boil for half an hour. To do this, add 1-2 teaspoons of citric acid to the water and, after boiling, rinse the container with water.
  3. Perform the third boil with water and vinegar.

At the end of the procedure, the scale will become loose and without any problems, it will lag behind the walls. After that, thoroughly wash the device again to prevent acid and crumbling plaque from entering the future drink.

Purchased funds and chemistry

If you need to quickly and easily remove scale from an electric kettle, use specialized tools sold in stores. Such tools are effective and act quickly enough.

  • "Antinakipin" - is on sale, inexpensive, the desired result is quickly achieved.
  • "Descaler" - cheap and effective remedy.
  • "Major Domus" - a proven remedy in liquid form, unfortunately, is not found in all stores.

Descaling powders are quite simple to use: pour them into the kettle and fill with water. After boiling, drain the water, and rinse the device thoroughly from the inside.

Non-standard solutions

If you don't have the ingredients you need for cleaning at home, try cucumber pickle. Pour it into the kettle and boil for 1-2 hours. Instead of brine, you can also use whey or sour milk.

On the Internet, there is a method of peeling apple peels. Only sour apples are suitable, the peel of which is poured with water and boiled in a kettle for an hour.

After the procedures, the kettle is thoroughly washed.

the best way The solution to the problem will be the prevention of scale formation.

  • Clean the inner surface with a sponge from a thin layer of scale after 1-2 uses of the kettle.
  • Boil filtered water.
  • Do not leave boiled water in the kettle for a long time, pour out the excess immediately.
  • Descaling should be done monthly so that the plaque does not become too thick.

Cleaning and maintenance procedures will protect the kettle from scale, extending the life of the heating element.