How to connect the drain of the washing machine to the sewer. How to extend the drain and inlet hose in the washing machine

  • 23.06.2020

hose for washing machine plays a very important role in the operation of the device. In order for it to serve its owners properly and effectively, water must enter the drum on time and drain after use. Both drain and inlet hose for a washing machine, at the slightest malfunction, it can cause stops, malfunctions, which will gradually lead to a breakdown of the unit.


When buying a washing machine in most stores, delivery will be provided to you, but installation does not always go smoothly. Sometimes you have to invite the wizard to install separately or independently carry it out.

For the unit to work correctly, it is necessary to connect according to the following algorithm:

  • connect electricity;
  • provide water supply;
  • provide an opportunity for its removal.

Connection washing machine

Preparation for installation is carried out as follows: the plugs that fix the washing drum are removed from the back wall, the holes from them are closed with special plugs. The machine is put in the place intended for it and the height of the legs is adjusted so that it stands level.

The first step is to ensure the supply of hot and cold water- This operation must be performed depending on the characteristics of a particular device. Sometimes the inlet hose for the washing machine is too short for your conditions. In this case, you will need to purchase an eyeliner for lengthening.

If it turns out that the diameters of the water supply and the water supply hose do not match, adapters will need to be used to connect.


The drain hose has a simple task - it ensures the discharge of waste dirty water into the sewer pipe during the washing process. The drain hose of the washing machine can be of different lengths, the cost varies depending on the type. The varieties are as follows:

1. The simplest type of this assembly unit has a fixed length, varying in the range of 1-5 meters. This size is considered standard, and if necessary, it can be easily extended by connecting two hoses using clamps.

2. Telescopic drain hose washing machine is more versatile - it is sold in a compressed state and can stretch up to 2 meters from an insignificant 60 centimeters. But it also has disadvantages: it becomes more clogged, vibrates when water is drained. It is necessary to stretch such a product as carefully as possible, since with sudden movements the material can be damaged.

3. The hose sold in the form of a bay is quite convenient - you can independently measure and separate the desired length from it (within the available one). Serifs are applied on the surface of the product, which can be guided when measuring the desired length. Usually it is about 0.5 meters. Do not use hoses that are too long to drain waste water - this increases the risk of blockages that can create stagnation and even cause clogging of the hose. This sooner or later leads to machine shutdowns, and in some cases to breakdown. If the hose is too long, it is easier to deform and may be damaged.

washing machine hose

As a rule, the washing machine is equipped with a gray polypropylene drain hose. At its ends there are rubber elastic fittings with a diameter of 19 mm, 22 mm. One end is connected to the sewer pipe, the other is attached to the unit itself. Sometimes if sewage pipe located in hard to reach place, the drain hose is directed at one end to the bathtub or sink.


IN different models washing machines, drain hoses are attached differently. But there are certain rules that must be observed before replacing or installing them, regardless of the brand of the unit.

To begin with, the device must be turned off from the mains. When doing this, make sure that the machine is not in working order. If this is the case, you must wait until the wash cycle is completely finished. Fix the wire so that it does not interfere during operation.

Then the device must be disconnected from the water supply. When the flexible tube is unscrewed, it is necessary to remove the gasket in time and arrange it in a place where it will definitely not be lost. Where the drain hose of the washing machine was attached, install the plug, and put the hose upside down on the back of the device.

Disconnecting the device from the water supply

After the preparation for the replacement of the part is completed, you can proceed to the installation. To replace the hose, access to the inside of the unit must be provided. Most often, the hose is attached inside the housing next to the drain pump. The top panel must be removed - it is more convenient to work. The hose, as a rule, protrudes from the back of the washing machine: in its upper or lower part. To replace it, the hose is carefully disconnected from the housing and the pump and pulled out as carefully as possible.

A complete disconnection from the sewer is made, after which the remaining water is drained from the hose. Only now you can start installing a new one. This process may differ depending on the design, model of the unit. Therefore, in order to properly perform the work, you must refer to the manufacturer's recommendations.


The more carefully all stages of work are carried out, the longer the drain hose of the washing machine can last, which will ensure its uninterrupted operation.

When organizing a drain method, you should choose the one that is more convenient for installation.

For example, you can simply drain used water into a bathtub or sink. All required operations will be extremely simple to perform. The drain hose can simply be inserted into a special holder (supplied), and then hung on the bath or fixed over its edge. This method can be used as a temporary, as well as in cases where connection to the sewer is not possible. It also has its drawbacks:

1. When draining, all dirty water is in plain sight - this not only irritates clean housewives, but is also not particularly convenient. After the operation is completed, you have to wash the sink, and with a strong spray pressure, not only it, but also the walls.

2. The plumbing fixture where the drain is carried out cannot be used during the operation of the washing machine - waste water flows there from time to time;

3. If the bath or sink is made of acrylic or cast iron, they will constantly form plaque due to flowing dirty water. Such a surface is quite difficult to clean.

Tip: if the sewer system in the apartment is in good condition, and the machine will be used regularly and often, it is better to install a drain directly into the sewer pipe.

Installation of drains in the sewer pipe

To do this, you can choose one of the following methods:

A. Drainage of dirty water can be successfully carried out through a special outlet on the siphon. They are usually installed under sinks in kitchens or bathrooms, and it will be easy to connect a washing machine hose to them, wherever it is located. The drain end fitting should be fixed as securely as possible on the siphon outlet - this will not allow leaks to occur in the place where they are joined. To give the mount additional security, use clamps.

B. In another option, the drain hose is connected to the sewer pipe using a sealing cuff. In this case, the hose must be fixed in the cuff as securely as possible, and the length should be chosen in such a way that it has a small margin. The hose should not be too tight or easily pulled out of the cuff. During the draining of the liquid from the machine, strong vibration occurs, the connection is broken if the installation is poor, water will flow to the floor.

The second option is more convenient in cases where the owners want to equip the drain site next to the installed device. Most often, this procedure is carried out during repairs - during construction. modern houses a site specially equipped for the installation of a washing machine is not planned.

It is possible to organize the discharge of water using a separate sewer siphon equipped with a check valve. It has a fairly simple principle of operation. Inside the siphon is a weighted ball. When water passes through the siphon, the ball floats, and after it drains, it sinks into place and plugs the sewer drain. This not only blocks the way for unpleasant odors, but also prevents the waste fluid from flowing back into the hose. Ideally, when it is possible to pre-select a place suitable for the location of the washing machine, and then install all the necessary communications there.

Using a sealing cuff, if desired, you can independently mount a siphon equipped with a check valve and get rid of many problems associated with operation.

Important: the point of attachment of the drain to the unit must be located higher than the connection to the sewer. Otherwise, all the water will flow back into the machine. To ensure reliable and trouble-free operation of the washing machine, make sure that it is installed in accordance with all the rules.

July 14, 2016
Specialization: master of internal and outdoor decoration(plaster, putty, tile, drywall, lining, laminate and so on). In addition, plumbing, heating, electrical, conventional cladding and balcony extensions. That is, repairs in an apartment or house were done on a turnkey basis with all the necessary types of work.

If you need to know how to connect a washing machine to the sewer, then you have come to the right place to come for advice. I want to talk about two main methods that are generally possible to apply in this case. In addition, I will explain the features of the tie-in, and also suggest that you watch the video in this article.

Two methods

There is another, third way, which you see in the photo above.
But this is no longer a connection, but simply fixing the hose with a U-shaped adapter over the side of the bathroom.
Such a U-shaped fitting is included with every automatic washing machine.

Method one

It is not for nothing that I focus your attention on the machine, since the water is drained there forcibly. Therefore, the entire instruction that will be below refers specifically to this type of washing machine:

  • on the plumbing market, siphons for sinks, sinks and bathtubs are currently on sale with an additional outlet for connecting a hose 22 mm in diameter;
  • we can say that it is precisely such siphons (with an additional outlet) that are offered much more than ordinary ones;
  • if you install such a siphon, but for some reason you will not connect the washing machine, then the output can be closed with the plug that comes with the kit.

Method two

But the correct connection of the washing machine to the sewer directly into the pipeline may differ slightly:

  • the hose, which is designed to drain water in the washing machine, has a diameter of 22 mm, but there is no special socket for bends to 50 mm or 32 mm pipelines;
  • therefore, a rubber reduction with a transition of 22 mm is used here for connection- its price is rather symbolic, but the device is fully consistent with the purpose - it is convenient and airtight;
  • if your washing unit is in close proximity to a 50 mm sewer pipe, then of course you will crash into it through a tee;
  • but if the machine is at the other end of the room, then you should use pvc pipe 32 mm, connecting it to a 50 mm outlet;
  • in such cases, the scheme for connecting the washing machine to the sewer does not require the installation of the 32nd pipe under a slope, since the drain is forced here;
  • The 32nd pipe into the outlet socket of the 50th is also connected using a rubber reduction.

The drain hose for some units has a diameter of 19 mm on the machine side and 22 mm on the pipeline side.

Features of connecting a washing machine

First of all, you should know if your washing machine has a check valve on the drain that only allows water to flow in one direction. Only in this case you will be able to figure out how to properly connect the washing machine to the sewer.

If such a device does not exist, then the manufacturer must indicate the height level at which the hose loop should be - a water loop is created in this area. This closure mainly serves to prevent the leakage of unpleasant odors that may pass from the sewer through the machine.

In the latest models of automatic washing machines, for the most part, a check valve is provided, so in this regard there should be no questions about how to connect the hose. Your task is only the correct connection of the end pipe (it is smooth, without corrugation) with a rubber reduction or with an additional siphon outlet.

In order not to damage the rubber reduction, I usually lubricate it with liquid dishwashing detergent - this way it is easier to pack it into a socket and stick a smooth pipe into it.

If the connection is made through an additional outlet of the siphon, then there you just need to remove the tube that is inserted there from the factory and install a hose pipe instead. To seal the connection, there is a coupling - in the image it is indicated by the number 8 - it presses the cone gasket, which, in fact, provides a seal in this place.

That is, the tube that is in this siphon from the factory is installed there more to keep these parts in working order.

If the standard drain hose does not reach the tie-in to the sewer, then it can be increased by adding a piece of the desired length and connecting these fragments with a fitting with insurance with steel clamps 16 × 27 mm. As I said, the end pipes can have different diameters, which is why there are connecting fittings for two options - you can see them in the top photo.

There are also modular hoses on sale, where each of the fragments is 0.5 m long, so that you can fulfill any requests. But at the same time, do not forget that the longer the outlet, the more difficult it is to cope with the water supply.

Water connection

In this case, oddly enough, connecting the unit to the water supply is much easier than to the sewer, since here, in fact, there is no choice. In any case, the pipeline with the water supply must be located near the automatic machine and it must have shut-off valves in the form of a straight or angle valve. There are two clamping nuts on the hose itself, therefore, on the machine itself and on the shut-off valves there must be a fitting with an external thread.

It is noteworthy that the nuts are designed for a 3/4 inch diameter, therefore, the valves must have exactly the same thread. But if a special tap that is designed for this purpose is done at 3/4, then the plumbing most often has 1/2 inch. Therefore, in some cases, a reducing fitting will be required for connection.


In fact, connecting the unit with your own hands to the sewer is quite simple, if at the same time all the connections are made carefully, that is, tightly. But if you still have a misunderstanding in this matter - ask about it in the comments.

In the process of installing the automatic washing machine you purchased at the place of its permanent operation, the problem immediately arises of supplying all the necessary communications to it, including the following types of connections:

  • draining dirty water;
  • connection to the cold water supply system;
  • connection to the electrical network.

In this article, we will look at how the washing machine is connected to the sewer. different ways.

Ways to connect to the drain line

The connection of the washing machine with the drain of the apartment highway can be done in two different ways: one of which involves the temporary organization of the drain, and the second is stationary.

With a temporary connection option, the waste water outlet is fixed on the edge of the sink or bathtub. In this case, the hose must be fixed on the edge of the selected container in such a way as to exclude the possibility of its accidental fall.

The stationary option involves inserting into the existing drain system by attaching an additional siphon to it, which avoids the leakage of unpleasant odors from the sewer.

The vast majority of users, of course, choose a stationary connection option, in which in some cases it becomes necessary to extend the drain hose. Its maximum length (limited, as a rule, by the power of the built-in drain pump) is usually indicated in the instructions attached to the washing unit.

Note! Some experts advise leaving a small gap at the junction of the drain with the siphon, excluding the possibility of “sucking in” water and “hanging” operating system machine during certain operations. In this case, one mandatory condition must be observed, which is as follows: the location of the air gap should be slightly above the level of the permissible rise of water in the sink or bathroom when their drain is clogged. Otherwise, water may leak through this "bleed" gap.

Connection order

You can, of course, entrust the most important operations related to connecting a washing machine to employees of specialized services that can organize their fast and high-quality implementation. But if you have certain skills, the option is not excluded self-connection washing machine to the drain line. Consider the difficulties that you may encounter when connecting yourself.

  • The second reason for the undesirability of this type of drain connection is the possibility of distribution bad smell from the sewer through the washing machine (this does not happen if there is a siphon).
  • In order to prevent water from pouring out of the washing device by gravity, its drain hose must be at a height of about 0.6 meters from the base of the floor. For these purposes, a special mount is provided on the back wall of the machine, from which the hose is drawn down, and then again rises to the siphon.

And in conclusion, we will consider the features of connecting a washing machine to a sewer in a private house (where sewerage, as such, is most often absent). If you do not have a special sewer system in your country house, the drain is organized in the simplest way called "overboard".

Note! When organizing the drain "overboard" it is not allowed to use a hose longer than 4 meters. With a longer hose length, an amount of water will accumulate in it, commensurate in volume with the water supply in the machine itself, which will lead to its constant leakage from the system (regardless of the height of the hose on the back wall).


Find out what consumables will be needed to connect the washing machine.

Before buying a new washing machine, we always carefully select the place where it will stand. But after the machine is installed and you need to properly connect the washing machine to the sewer and water supply, it may turn out that the hoses are short. Today we will talk about what to do in a situation if the drain hose is short. How to extend the drain hose in the washing machine in such a situation? In fact, everything is simple and you should not worry, because you can do it yourself, without disassembling the washing machine.

Drain hose extension for washing machine

Washing machine manufacturers put standard drain hoses about 1.5 meters long on their products. In most cases, this is enough, and if you plan the sewer supply to the washing machine correctly or install a hidden siphon for the washing machine, then there should be no problems with the length of the standard hose. But it often happens that the hose is too short, or the sewer pipe is too far away and the standard length is not enough. What to do in such a situation?

In order for the drain hose to become longer, there are two ways that are difficult to implement:

Method one: you can buy a longer one piece hose and replace the whole hose. But in this case, you will need to tinker a bit and unscrew some parts of the washing machine. In some models of washing machines, this is easier to do, in some you even have to remove the front wall. Therefore, this option for extending the drain hose is not very convenient and is not suitable for many. And why actually mess around, if you can make everything much easier.

Method two: You can simply buy an additional hose for the washing machine and a connector in the store. With the help of which to lengthen the drain. It is this method that we will consider in more detail.

Choosing the length of the drain hose

You can buy a drain hose for a washing machine at almost any plumbing store or store. household appliances. To do this, first measure the missing length of the new hose. To do this, take a tape measure and figure out how the hose will go from the machine to the sewer itself. Measure so that the tape measure is free. The hose should not be tightly connected, so leave a small margin.

In the store you can find drain hoses of various lengths: 1m, 1.5m, 2m, 3m, 3.5m, 4m, 5m and even modular drain hose.

Modular hose is a large coil of hose, which is divided into modules of 0.5 meters. You can order any required length in multiples of 0.5 meters, and the seller will simply unwind the required length and cut it off.

In our case, the best option would be to buy a hose with a fixed length, since it is much easier to find it in a store.
Attention: Do not try to buy the hose of the longest possible length. Drain pump much more effort is needed to pump water over a longer distance. In general, you should not make a drain hose with a total length of more than 3.5 meters.

Once we have decided on the length of the hose, we need a special connector that will allow us to join the two ends of the drain hoses. It is a small plastic tube, on which both ends of the hose are put on and tightened with clamps.

Washing machine drain hose clamps can be purchased at any auto parts store. The dimensions of the clamps should be 16×27mm. I would like to separately note that the ends of one drain hose come in two different diameters. One is 19mm in diameter, the other 22mm. It is common to connect the thin end coming from the washing machine to the thicker end of the extension hose, using connectors with 19 x 22mm carved diameters at the ends. But if you connect the ends of hoses with the same diameter, then there is a 22x22mm connector.

You can make a connector from any plastic tube of the appropriate diameter. It will serve exactly the same as the purchased one. Don't forget to secure it with a clamp.

Extending the drain hose

Let's check again if we have everything to make the washing machine drain longer:

  • Extension hose
  • Connector
  • Clamps
  • Screwdriver

If we have all this in stock, then we get to work. First, put the clamps on both hoses, then insert the end of the hose coming from the washing machine into the connector. After that, insert the other hose into the second end of the connector.

Now we tighten the clamp with a screwdriver, do not overdo it. It is enough just to fix the hose so that it does not slip off the connector.

After you have extended the drain hose, you can connect it to the sewer and run a test wash.
When draining the washing machine, make sure that there are no leaks at the connection. But we are sure that everything turned out well for you and nothing will flow. Recall that clogging of the drain system will entail

Washing machine is not uncommon in modern houses and apartments. It is convenient, fast and not tiring - the washing process is fully automated. Millions of people have appreciated these benefits. However, buying a car is only half the battle. The second half is connecting the device to the water supply, electricity, sewer system. And this process can be a difficult puzzle for beginners. Let's look at how to independently organize a drain for a washing machine into the sewer. This will simplify the installation process for many.

Preparatory work, choosing a place for installation

A suitable model was selected, payment was made, and finally, the long-awaited device was delivered. And what to do next with it? Perhaps the connection work is paid for, and specialists will take care of it. But if not, you will have to do everything yourself. The first step is to find a suitable place for the washing machine.

It is better to install the unit in a corner in the bathroom or in a space in kitchen furniture near the sink/dishwasher. Sometimes, for certain reasons, the machine is even placed in hallways, under stairs, in basements and in closets - in any place where there is a place for the machine.

Where the washing machine will be installed, cold water supply pipes and a drain for the washing machine into the sewer must be pre-equipped. And this drain is most often located in the bathroom, or in the kitchen. It is impractical and expensive to lay these pipes in any other premises.

The drain hose from the standard equipment of the washing machine is up to 3 meters long. Experts do not recommend extending it. The pump that pumps water is calculated for about the same three meters. If the drain is longer, the pump may fail.

Another important point regarding the place for the washing machine is the floor. The best coverage - ceramic tile. The fact is that during operation the machine vibrates strongly. Modern floor coverings will deteriorate if subjected to such forces on a regular basis.

After choosing a suitable location, you can begin to unpack the equipment. The main point is the special locking screws. During transportation, these nodes fix the drum. This is done in order to exclude its movement. It is necessary to unscrew the bolts, otherwise the machine will instantly fail.

Connecting the machine to the sewer: the complexity of the work

It is possible and necessary to make a drain from the washing machine into the sewer with your own hands. Any master familiar with plumbing equipment will cope with this operation. If there is no experience, then you need to be extremely careful.

The connection operation may have different complexity. It depends on the distance from the machine to the drain point, the material of the pipes installed in the apartment, the length and diameter of the connecting hoses included in the kit.

Connection methods

There are several options for connecting the machine and the sewer system. Each has certain disadvantages and advantages, as well as important points. The choice of a suitable option depends on the characteristics and wishes of the owner. Let's see how to drain a washing machine down the drain.

A very easy and simple method is to attach the drain hose to the edge of the sink, tub or toilet. There is one more method. This is the connection between the drain hose and the washbasin siphon. The most popular way is to install a drain pipe with a sewer system through a special siphon. The element looks like this.

And finally, you can always connect the drain of the washing machine directly to the sewer. We'll look at each method in more detail below.

Draining into a bathtub or sink

If there is no particular desire or ability to work with plumbing equipment, then you can always attach a drain hose to the edge of the tub. There is a special hook for this. The hose may be short, but it is not recommended to lengthen it - this must be taken into account. The disadvantage of this method is that after each washing process, the bath will have to be washed.

If you decide to use a hook, you need to make sure that its fasteners are secure. If there is even the slightest chance of a hook breaking, it threatens with serious flooding. For one ordinary working cycle of the washing machine, the pump pumps up to 100 liters of water. All this volume should go into the sewer system, but not on the floor.

Such a drain is most often used as a temporary one. Home masters use more reliable connection methods. You just need to decide how to connect the drain of the washing machine to the sewer - directly to the pipe or through a siphon. Next, we will talk about this in more detail.

We connect the machine through the washbasin siphon

Whatever the design of the sink, there is always a siphon under it. It is necessary to create a water plug. This very stopper does not allow smells from the sewerage to get into the room. The drain from the washing unit is connected to it.

Almost all outlet pipes between the sink up to the bottom of the siphon have the necessary connectors to turn on the drain of the washing machine. These nozzles are hidden under the cork by default. If the hose is missing, a new siphon must be purchased.

Reviews say that it is affordable, extremely simple and at the same time reliable way organize a drain for the washing machine into the sewer. The most important thing in this case is to install the cuff. This will save you from bad odors.

Experts recommend not to handle connections too much special formulations. If the system is completely sealed, then dirty water from the sewer will be sucked into the tank of the washing machine. Such cases are rare, but still sometimes occur.

This method has many advantages. But there is also a minus, although it is one. The sink will contain water from the washing machine. It is impossible to solve this problem. You will have to try not to use the sink during the washing process, or to arrange a drain for the washing machine into the sewer in another accessible way.

The pump that pumps out dirty water is located at the very bottom of the washing machine. On the back wall there is a special fastener for the drain hose. It is located at a distance of 50-60 cm from the floor. The point at which the outlet pipe connects to the siphon fitting should be an order of magnitude lower than this height. If the hose will be bent in an S shape, then this is the most suitable option connection to the washbasin through a siphon - note the reviews.

Installation of a siphon with a check valve

Many modern plumbing fixtures equipped with a check valve. It prevents dirty water from entering the washing machine tank with clean linen, and also prevents water from flowing out of the tank. However, old machines do not have such a valve in the device.

On sale there are siphons equipped with a special valve. It is located in the branch pipe (in the place where the drain is connected in the machine). When connected through such an adapter to drain the washing machine into the sewer, many different problems can be avoided. The siphon itself is offered at affordable prices, you can find it in any specialized store.

We connect the drain directly

If the siphon cannot be obtained, then it is worth connecting directly to the sewer. But here it is necessary to apply the skills of working with plastic pipes. The process requires special tools. You also need tees, seals and cuffs, hoses to create a branch.

The easiest option is to install a tee with a tap for a washbasin and a washing machine. It is not necessary to completely seal the joints - standard seals are enough. It is unacceptable for the end of the drain in the sewer pipe to be wet. The hose must be bent to create a water lock. The connection point is selected above the exit point of the hose from the machine.

If the installation site of the washing machine is far from the washbasin, then in this case it is necessary to lay a horizontal branch from the pipes. On the way to the machine, make a bend at an angle of 90 degrees. The height of the drain of the washing machine into the sewer must be at least 30-50 cm.

Drain height

It is important during the installation process to ensure that the height from the legs to the drain is not less than 60 cm, if the machine does not have check valve. The diameter of the tee is better to choose about 40-50 mm. This is necessary so that the water jet breaks, otherwise there will be suction.

Common Mistakes

Any beginner House master not immune from mistakes. It is necessary to know the places where problems can arise, and not to make miscalculations in the process of connecting equipment. After all, it will be very difficult to eliminate the shortcomings. Often masters make four small mistakes.

Often the connection is made without proper fixation of the drain hose. When the machine starts spinning, the water comes out under pressure. If the hose is not secured, there will be enough pressure to pull it out of the sewer system.

Another mistake - small size siphon. Each device has a certain bandwidth. If the siphon has a narrow through hole, there are problems with draining. Dirty water can be lifted into the washbasin.

A long hose is also a gross installation error. The pump is unable to cope with the supply of water through a long hose from the devices to the sewer system. For this reason, blockages and failure of the pump often occur.

Finally, another oversight is not too deep a washbasin, as well as a drain hose on the side of such a sink. If the drain is without a siphon, then it is better to install the tube on the bathroom, and not on the sink. Otherwise, overflows through the top are possible, and, as a result, flooding of the room.


So we learned how to connect the drain of the washing machine to the sewer. For everything to work out, it is enough to follow the advice of experts and not to experiment. Otherwise, problems with the operation of equipment cannot be avoided.