How to run a cable under the laid tiles. How to route wiring under tiles

  • 23.06.2020

It is completely ugly when, after repairing the premises, the wires are not hidden in the wall, but lie randomly on the floor or hang on the wall. They not only spoil the overall picture of the room, but can also lead to an accident. In some cases, you have to think about how to connect some kind of device and at the same time not spoil the design of the room. Of course, you should pay attention to how to hide the wires in the apartment.

Each house is connected to one or another household appliance, and in any case, the wires on the wall from these appliances can somehow catch the eye. This article will give detailed instructions on how to hide wires on the wall, in the wall and in the floor.

Hiding wires in the wall

First, with the help of a wall chaser, after removing the remnants of plaster and concrete, cut a strobe in the wall in which all the wires will be hidden. The wiring must be placed in a protective sheath - corrugation, which serves to protect against external adverse influences. Then the wires should be laid in the cut channels, after which the wall must be plastered.

To hide the wires in the wall, you have to break its integrity, and you often don’t want to do this, because the interior will suffer, in addition, the work is associated with dust and debris, and subsequently the wall must be reconstructed, which involves certain costs. Therefore, you can use other, more profitable methods in which you do not need to resort to wall chasing.

Wire on the wall

If you have an artistic taste, then you can fix the wire on the wall, making a picture out of it. It is quite clear that a native, one and a half meter wire is not enough for these purposes. Choose a suitable drawing, and transfer its contours to the wall, making a low-fat drawing with a simple pencil. Now you need to calculate the required amount of wire. To do this, you can attach a nylon thread to the wall so that it repeats the pattern. Then its distance can be measured. Do not forget to add the length from the drawing to the outlet and to the source of electricity consumption - add a meter in reserve and you will get the required amount.

Wire manufacturers most often do not indulge in an abundance of wire colors, so you have to choose from what is available - black or white. If these colors do not suit you, then you can buy an extension cord, which can be pink or red. Do not rush to rely on your opinion - try attaching a strip of colored fabric to the wall and you will immediately see if the chosen color suits and whether it will be in harmony with the overall environment.

If you decide to make everything simple, but tasteful, then you can fix the decor on the wire or come up with your own, something original.

Alternative Methods

You can find a different approach - to mask the wires, not hide them, and the existing elements of the room, for example, door frames, skirting boards, ceiling moldings, and heating risers, will help in this. With the right approach to work, the laying of wires can be made almost invisible, which will favorably affect the interior of the room. Usually low-voltage wires (internet and telephone) do not cause difficulties in laying, they can be hidden in baseboards, under metal thresholds or in platbands. When laying power cable, a different approach is needed.

It is problematic to stretch power wires along the wall, as they are of large cross section and are almost always white, which significantly distinguishes them from the background of the wall.

Often, all electrical communications in our time are laid by a hidden method, but due to various circumstances, such a laying option is not possible, for example, when, during repairs, it becomes necessary to install additional sockets or switches.

We hide the wire in the cable channel

Almost always in the house there is a section of wiring that needs to be driven into the wall or closed with a cable channel, which is a plastic box - it will protect the electrical wires from mechanical damage. The box has an attractive appearance and in this case it can be used as a decorative element. This option is also a solution to fire safety problems.

Laying wires in the bathroom can be especially difficult when the walls and floor of the room are completely tiled. If there is a false ceiling in the bathroom, the wires can be hidden in it, and if this is not possible, then the cable channel will help in this situation.

It is not recommended to install sockets in the bathroom, and if you do not have an urgent need for this, give up this idea, limiting yourself to installing lighting fixtures. If you need an outlet, then take care of safety precautions, and the outlet must be waterproof.

Wiring on the floor

It is also worth paying attention to how the wires are laid on the floor. To date, special skirting boards are produced, in which a niche for the cable is structurally provided. The top panel of the plinth is removed, the cable is laid there, then it is put back in place. The advantage of this method is convenience and dust-free operation. In such a plinth, you can hide both computer wires and a network cable.

Often wires from various chargers interfere with us. In this case, you can do as in the photo - hide them in a box specially made for this. If you can offer your own method, then at the end of the article you can add a comment and attach a photo of your invention to it.

Floor wiring

If it is necessary to hide the wires in the floor, then with the help of a wall chaser or a puncher, a gate is made in concrete, the wiring is threaded into the corrugation and fits into this recess. Upon completion of the work, the installation site is leveled with a sand-cement mortar.

If your house has a wooden floor, then in order to conduct wiring under it, you will have to remove the boards, and live the cable in a metal pipe.

As a rule, the TV is placed on the wall in front of everyone, so the wire from the TV will be very noticeable to others. It is best to hide the wire in the wall, and make sockets behind the TV. For this purpose, a wall chaser is used in the wall, and if this is not the case, then a groove is made with a perforator, the wires are collected and laid in a corrugation. Then the wires with the help of special fasteners and brackets must be fixed in the strobe and plastered.

If you do not necessarily need to completely hide the wire, then it can be disguised.

All the subtleties associated with wiring in the house are best provided for at the stage of repairing the premises so that there are no problems later.


See how you can hide the wire from the lamp in the plinth:

This video shows how to make and hide home theater wiring:

A photo

Wiring in the bathroom must be safe and at the same time functional. The old standard, when a lamp is installed in the middle of the room, and sockets and switches are taken out of the room, has not been practiced for a long time. To date, there are waterproof electrical accessories and automation that will completely protect a person from electric shock. Next, we will talk about how to conduct electrical wiring in the bathroom with your own hands and what requirements are placed on it.

Primary requirements

What do you need to know? First of all, according to electrical safety, a bathroom or shower room is divided into 4 zones, which are numbered from 0 to 3.


  • 0 - the volume of the bathtub, shower tray, sink and other places where there is water.
  • 1 - around zone 0. These are adjacent walls to the bath, sink, etc.
  • 2 - located at a distance of 60 cm from the edge of the bathroom, for non-rectangular containers - within a radius (shower) of 60 cm from the edges of zone 0.
  • 3 - considered safe (conditionally).

If all the requirements are met, then you will not encounter any problems regarding electrical safety in the future.

Installation instructions

Step 1 - Create a Circuit

First you need to decide on the wiring diagram in the bathroom. You must consider what electrical appliances will be installed, what type of lighting is chosen, and no less important, what kind of heating will be present.

  1. The junction box, for reasons of electrical safety, must be installed outside the room.
  2. At least three outlets must be placed throughout the area: for, for a hair dryer near the mirror and for an electric boiler or boiler (if present).
  3. The switch, by analogy with the box, is displayed in the next room, next to the front door.
  4. As we have already said, automation is installed on each group of wires separately: sockets, lamps, powerful equipment.
  5. The electrical wiring in the bathroom is laid in the wall under the ceiling, parallel to the floor. To the outlets, the line descends perpendicularly, strictly down. If you decide to make a suspended or stretch ceiling, the wires can be passed through it (between the profiles or under the film).

You should pay attention to the fact that all sockets and switches must be at a safe distance from the water source - at least 60 cm. Consider this fact so as not to endanger your life.

Having drawn a wiring diagram in the bathroom, you can proceed further - to counting the amount of materials.

Step 2 - Choose accessories

At this stage, it is necessary not only to select the appropriate wiring elements, but also to determine their technical characteristics.

In order to make electrical wiring in the bathroom with your own hands, we recommend choosing the following materials:

  • Three-core cable, copper, with a cross section of 2.5 mm 2 for sockets and 1.5 mm 2 for lamps. If you have a powerful instantaneous water heater or electric boiler installed in your bathroom, then calculate the cable cross-section for it by current and power. The best option would be to use a foreign cable, however, the Russian analogue of VVGng-LS will be a good replacement for price and quality.
  • Dowel clamps for .
  • Waterproof sockets and switches, with IP rating of at least "44" and splash-proof cover. Also, the products must have a grounding contact.
  • Waterproof, it is better to use spotlights if possible, because. they are easier to install, look neat on the ceiling, and can also run on 12 V.
  • For the potential equalization system, power wire 1 * 6. Additionally, you need to purchase tips.

Step 3 - Getting Started

So, for starters, it is necessary, according to the wiring diagram in the bathroom, to independently create special grooves in the walls - strobes, for laying the cable. Recesses also need to be made for sockets, switches, junction box. To do this, you can use a drill with a special crown, with a diameter of 68 mm.

Further, the socket boxes and the box are installed in their seats and securely fixed with a solution.

After that, you yourself need to fix the wiring in the strobes using the dowel clamps or the old-fashioned method - grab it with a solution every 20 cm. The ends of the cable are stripped of insulation and threaded to the sockets.

Now you can install the cores of sockets and switches in the seats. We draw your attention to the fact that it is better to fix the decorative cover after the entire repair, so that it does not get dirty during the work.

When the wiring is fixed in the wall, you can proceed to the RCD with your own hands. Do not rush to connect them, because. you will first need to check the correct wiring in the bathroom.

When the wiring in the room is completed, you need to check the line for presence with a multimeter. If it is missing, you did everything right and you can proceed to the decorative wall decoration.

There remains one no less important nuance to which a serious approach must be provided - you need it in the bathroom. To do this, we take our single-core copper wire and connect the body of the washing machine, boiler, sink, bathtub and cold and hot water risers to each other. All these "points" must be connected to the ground bus installed in your input shield.

Please note that if there is no ground bus in the shield, be sure to use a safe one with a PE wire.

It should also be noted that it is best to use for heating, which can be easily laid on the floor on your own. That's the whole technology of electrical work. As you can see, you can do the wiring in the bathroom with your own hands, because. the device of the system is nothing supernatural!


To date, suspended plasterboard ceilings, as well as plastic panels, are popular. If you decide to use them, then this will only facilitate electrical work. The fact is that when wiring in a bathroom under a false ceiling, you will not need to create strobes, but simply lay the cable in a protective corrugated pipe, as shown in the photo. The corrugation, in turn, is fastened with clips to the profile without any problems.

Another important point that I would like to draw your attention to is the lack of grounding in the apartment shield. Indeed, it happens that the ground wire may be absent. In this case, you must definitely use a new, three-wire, after which it is imperative to make a potential equalization system.

That's all I wanted to tell you about how to make electrical wiring in the bathroom with your own hands. We hope that the information was useful for you and useful in electrical work!

Similar material:

We choose wallpaper in a cute flower or a trendy snow-white finish, shabby or, on the contrary, ultra-modern furniture, napkins that fit under the curtains and cushions on the chairs - in a word, we create a special little world in our home with a unique style. But there are things that cannot be avoided in our age of progress and which, taking advantage of this, impudently spoil the entire idyll carefully created by us. These include, for example, electronics and home appliances. However, manufacturers began to produce equipment in a large assortment, suitable for different styles, and in built-in versions. Another enemy is the wires stretching from this very technique along the walls and floor. For those to whom they are unbearably an eyesore, we offer several ideas for their disguise.

We all know that most often the wires are hidden under the plinth, and the sockets are tried to match the color of the finish and buy them with special caps that ensure safety for children and a more attractive look. But what if, for example, a new Internet operator came to you and extended new wires? Or did you decide to move the TV to that corner of the room where there is no outlet? Do not redo the entire repair because of this? You can always be creative and block the wires, for example, with a decorative fence. And block the outlet or a new Internet router with some kind of homemade barrier that turns an unseemly element into an art object. In the example below - an easy-to-create geometric iceberg.

In order for the wires to lie behind such fences without bristling, another well-known way to make the wires look more accurate will help us - clamps-ties.

Such collars can be made by yourself from ordinary Velcro. Velcro clamps are also quite easy to find on sale, their significant advantage is reusability.

You can also make home-made fasteners for wires from stationery clips. Clips as clamps can also ensure their fixation to the wall. From the same clothespins, you can make a separator for charger inputs.

While the idea of ​​using wire ties is obvious, not all of us realize how useful they can be in everyday life. Here is an example of how the look of your desktop changes thanks to these simple little things.

Now on sale you can find very nice options for clamps, for example, in the form of leaflets.

There are also camouflage covers for wires on the same plant theme.

You can also beat the look of wires stretching around the room with the help of improvised means, stickers and your own drawings.

If the insulators on your wires are even slightly similar to aesthetic ones, you can not mask them at all, but, on the contrary, make them the subject of design art and everyone's attention. Here are some examples for inspiration. This idea is especially suitable for interiors stylized as a loft.

Wires hanging from the desktop, if your desk is against a wall, you can simply curtain it.

Or reason with the help of special hanging hammocks.

Such a device can be ordered at, from where is another gadget to pacify tangled wires.

You can find similar separators for wires and charging inputs on sale in the form of boxes.

However, it is not at all difficult to make such a separator yourself, for example, from a shoe box. Your new desktop device will look especially beautiful if you wrap the box with beautiful paper or cloth.

Warm electric floors are suitable for any type of floor covering. The device and principle of operation of the heating cable and mats allows the use of this type of heating system for laminate, parquet and linoleum.

It is also possible to lay warm electric floors under tiles, equip an anti-icing system for paving stones and apply under other types of flooring.

Is it possible to lay a heating cable under the tile

For cold rooms finished with tiles, electric floors are better. The heating cable or mats provide fast and uniform heating of the surface, have good heat transfer characteristics, and are completely safe during operation.

The device of an electric cable underfloor heating under tiles is the best option for heating: a bathroom, an entrance hall, baths and saunas, balconies and loggias, sidewalk paths, etc.

The heating system has several main advantages over water and:

  1. Electric floor thickness. The heating cable must be installed in a screed. According to the manufacturer's instructions, the minimum floor thickness can be in the range of 3-5 cm. The mats are laid directly under the tiles, so they reduce the height of the ceilings by only 0.5 cm.
  2. Ease of installation. The technology of laying warm electric floors under ceramic tiles is much simpler than that of water or infrared heating. It is easy to carry out self-assembly of the heating system, and you will need a minimum set of construction tools.
    The easiest way is to put a self-regulating cable under the tile, when connecting it there is not even a need to use a thermostat. The heating mats are also easy to install.
  3. Possibility of installation in rooms with complex layout. The use of a two-core cable allows you to make a heating system, taking into account the future placement of furniture, walls, insulating even small areas of the room that have an uneven shape.

Ceramic and any other tile has good heat dissipation characteristics. As a result, the optimal temperature in the room is easily achieved, overheating of the cable is excluded, which leads to a significant increase in the service life.

Varieties of cable floor systems

The technology for laying an electric underfloor heating under a tile depends on the type of cable chosen. All types of wire are usually classified as follows:
  • Resistor - the cable can have one or two conductive cores. It has a simple device, it works exclusively for heating. The intensity of heating is controlled by a thermostat.
  • Self-adjusting- the cable has two cores, between which there is a matrix that releases heat. The heating intensity depends on the room temperature. It does not require a thermostat to operate.
    The cable independently regulates the heating temperature, providing the most comfortable conditions for each part of the room. The only drawback of self-adjusting floors is their high cost and somewhat increased power consumption when used in large rooms.
  • Electrical cable mats- the optimal solution for rooms with low flows and the impossibility of carrying out wet work on the arrangement of the screed. After installing the heating mats, the height of the ceilings is reduced exactly by the layer of tile adhesive and the thickness of the floor covering, which is no more than 2 cm.
    The main advantage of heating mats is the ease of installation. Do-it-yourself styling is allowed. Installation requires the mats to be laid correctly and connected to the nearest power source.

When choosing a floor heating system, it is important to consider who will install the electrical cable. If you plan to invite professional builders, it is better to purchase a single-core or two-core heating cable. In other cases, mats should be preferred.

How to install a cable floor system

It is possible to start laying the cable floor only after drawing up a detailed laying scheme, as well as a consistent work plan.

Laying tiles on an electric underfloor heating is carried out only after the screed has completely dried. The exception is heating mats. You can immediately install tiles on top of the mats.

How to lay tiles on a cable

There are several basic rules for laying tiles, following which significantly affects the performance and operation of underfloor heating:

The choice of cable depends on the conditions in which you plan to use it. Under paving slabs, it is best to choose a single-core wire with a reliable degree of internal and external insulation.

Why under the tile is better cable underfloor heating

The principle of operation of electric cable floors optimally meets the requirements for the efficient operation of ceramic and any other tiles:

Ceramic tile is one of the few types of flooring that does not emit harmful toxic substances when heated. Therefore, the combination of electric floors and tiles is advisable, and fully justified.

Masters "with gray hair at the temples" remember how open wiring was done thirty years ago, they saw what changes took place in technology fifteen years ago and can compare it with modern methods of laying open wiring. In order for you to have something to compare with and make it easier to make decisions, we will make a brief overview of all the existing and existing methods.

It is now so beautifully called, but before it was the only option for open wiring. It was used not only in the bath, but also in residential premises. The wires were fixed on porcelain insulator rollers.

For such wiring, electrical wires must be only single-core, the cups are fixed at a distance of no more than ten centimeters, plus one at each turn. The wires had to be twisted, and this is a long and tedious task. In addition, white insulation became dusty and dirty for a short time, various spider bugs very often settled in it for permanent residence.

Today, open wiring by the described method is mounted only by great lovers of antiquity, who do not know what it will look like in a few years.

Better yet, the electrical cables were hidden in plastic pipes, which looked much better on the walls. In addition, plastic pipes served as additional protection against mechanical damage.

Disadvantages - the complexity of installation and routine maintenance. Electricians still remember how difficult it was to pull cables through pipes, especially if there were turns.

Often the pipes were cut, and after pulling the cables, they were connected with couplings. Another significant drawback is the great difficulty during the production of repair work. Due to the low cost, open wiring in plastic pipes is still used quite often today.

Open wiring in the cable channel

According to most professional electricians - the best option for open wiring. In essence, it can be called open only by the technology of laying cables; in appearance, it bears little resemblance to the usual options; rather, it can be called semi-open.

Manufacturers produce a huge number of options both in terms of the number of cables and the method of fixation, overall dimensions and the availability of additional fittings. The advantages include ease of installation, durability, safety of operation, versatility of use, the presence of numerous special additional fittings. Additional elements solve issues with internal and external corners, turns, connections of sockets, switches, mounting boxes, etc.

It is on this type of open wiring that we will dwell in the article. Before directly considering the issues of fixing cable channels, you should learn a little about their varieties and technical capabilities.

Cable channel prices

cable channel

Types and features of channels

Cable channels are classified according to several important features.

By location.They can be floor, parapet, plinth and trunk. The appearance of each category is maximally adapted to the installation site, it may resemble profile moldings.
By color performance.There are light, dark and with imitation of natural wood.
By linear dimensions.Designed for one, two, three or more cables. External dimensions range from 40×25 mm to 100×60 mm. May have sharp or rounded corners and oversized lids. There are options with high covers, their shelves cover the internal elements of the channel along the entire height - it gives the impression of a monolithic product. This not only improves the appearance of the wiring, but also increases its security from the negative influence of external factors.
By the number of locks - with one or two locks.Two locks more securely hold the lid from spontaneous opening, exclude the possibility of deformation of the lid.
According to the material of manufacture.Plastic, steel and aluminum. Aluminum ones are covered with plastic wrap for various types of wood, they are perfectly combined with existing interiors of the premises, but for the price they are considered the most expensive option. Plastics do not support open combustion, it is allowed to use such channels for laying cables with voltage up to 1000 V.
According to the degree of protection against dust and moisture.Separate brands of plastic channels have a degree of protection IP55, which allows them to be used in open areas and in rooms with high levels of humidity, protects against multidirectional splashes of water. For a bath, this is a very important characteristic.

Video - How to choose and install a cable channel

The main parameters when choosing a cable channel are the cross section and the number of cables that are planned to be laid in the network. Of course, you need to pay attention to the appearance, try to choose an option that would harmonize as much as possible with the existing interior of the bathhouse.

Stages of wiring in a cable duct

Step 1. Draw a plan for the placement of electrical networks, appliances and equipment.

Estimate several options, consider the possibility of increasing the power and the number of electrical fittings. Depending on the maximum total power of all consumers of electrical energy, select the cable diameter. To facilitate the choice, be guided by table No. 1.

Experienced electricians do not keep all the values ​​in their heads, they only remember that 1 mm2 of a copper cable section is designed for 1.3 kW of power at a voltage of 220 V, and 1 mm2 of an aluminum cable holds only 0.5 kW at the same voltage. What follows is simple arithmetic. If a section of 2.5 mm2 is indicated on the sheath of a copper cable, then it can be used to connect current consumers with a total power of 2.5 × 1.3 = 3.25 kV. Always round up and use this cable for 3.0kW.

Practical advice. For a bath, it is quite enough to buy an ordinary plastic box with dimensions of 40 × 25 mm, a cable that can withstand power up to 10 kW easily enters it. In the implementation there are boxes made under the ceiling plinth or floor plinth. A great solution, but it needs to be thought out even before finishing the walls or floor. We recommend that the central wiring be mounted above the floor, and the outlets for lighting fixtures, mounting boxes, sockets and switches should be made from below. But this is an amateur, you can use other options for installing electrical wiring.

You should have drawn both a general electrical wiring diagram starting from the inlet switchboard, and a separate diagram for each bath room.

Choose fasteners depending on the material of the walls. Self-tapping screws are needed for wood, special hardware for drywall and dowels for brick.

Each manufacturer of cable channels produces a wide range of additional elements: internal and external corners, triangles, plugs, connectors, mounting boxes, sockets, switches, etc. Carefully calculate the nomenclature and the total quantity, we advise you to take a few pieces in stock. They cost a penny, it will end up being much cheaper than going to the store again to purchase the missing items.

Step 2 Make a markup. For example, we will take a bathhouse, in which the walls are already fully sheathed and flooring is laid. There remains only one option for open wiring in cable channels - over the walls. It is better to do the wiring near the floor, in this case it is much easier to drill holes and fix the cable channel. Working under the ceiling all the time with outstretched arms is tiring and uncomfortable. Moreover, you will have to hold a rather heavy drill and a screwdriver in your hands.

Experienced electricians on the walls make markings only for mounting boxes, switches and sockets, cable channels are installed immediately without drawing preliminary lines. They take a section of the channel, put it against the wall, set the level from above (or from the side) and adjust the spatial position. Then, with one hand, they hold the box, and with the other hand they drill holes in the bottom for the hardware with a drill. This is quite difficult, you need not only to have experience, but also to be able to optimally organize the installation process. We will tell you how to make detailed markup for beginners, this will help to avoid annoying mistakes.

Hardware prices

set of hardware

How to mark up cable channels

You need to have a water level, a blued rope, a ruler and a pencil.

Do not be afraid to use blue - broken lines will be covered with a cable channel. Start marking from the switchboard, while at the same time take into account not only the characteristics of the cables and the placement of sockets, mounting boxes, switches, etc., but also the layout and purpose of the premises.

The markings and calculations are completed, you can proceed with the installation.

Step 3 Fastening cable channels. Mounting methods depend on the material of the walls and the material of the finishing sheathing. Let's consider each option in detail.

Prices for building level

construction level

Fastening cable channels to plasterboard boards

Gypsum boards consist of two layers of paper with gypsum in between. The material is relatively new and is very popular among professional construction companies - it is easy to work with, it is very technological, etc. But consumers cannot say so many good words about this material - the strength of gypsum boards is beyond all criticism. Remove paper from drywall and it will crumble, any tangible force on drywall does not remain without visible damage to the surface. Accordingly, it is rather problematic to attach cable channels to such material. It makes no sense to use screws (albeit special ones). It is necessary to “overdo it” a little while screwing, as the thread in the plaster will scroll and the fastening strength will approach zero.

On such walls, we recommend using only plastic cable channels, the use of aluminum is highly undesirable. You need to fix the plastic with liquid nails, in the most critical places you can additionally use special screws.

Practical advice. Due to the fact that gypsum boards have a decorative finish, it must be tested for adhesion with liquid nails. Not all types of paints and not all types of wallpaper are suitable for gluing. First, in some secluded place, glue a small piece of a plastic box and check the strength of the bonding in a day. Everything is fine - you can use this technology.

Apply liquid nails to the box from the back in a thin layer, the application strip should be wavy to increase the adhesion area. There should be just enough glue so that during the pressing of the cable channels it does not protrude beyond their perimeter. To increase the reliability of fastening, you can additionally fix it with self-tapping screws.

Fastening cable channels to brick walls

A complex and time-consuming option, you must use dowels. The advantage of dowels is high reliability, but in our case, no tangible physical stress on the channels is expected, the advantage becomes unnecessary, and large labor costs remain. How to fix cable channels on dowels?

  1. Put the cut blank of the channel in place of fixation, drill holes in the bottom with a drill for metal at a distance of 15 ÷ 20 centimeters. Drill holes carefully, only the end of the drill needs to be deepened into the wall. In this way, markings for installing dowels on the channel and wall are simultaneously made.

  2. Take away the channel, change the drill to the winning one, switch the drill from drilling mode to punching mode. Use a drill to make holes for the dowels.

    Important. Drill carefully, select the correct diameter of the drill. It should be a few tenths of a millimeter smaller than the diameter of the plastic element of the dowel. This element should enter the hole with little effort.

  3. Put the plastic cable channel in place, align the holes in it and the wall, insert the plastic elements of the dowels, hammer in the metal dowels.

If the wall is uneven, then choose places for drilling holes in convex sections, so you can avoid visible deformation of the cable channel. Wrong - not a problem. Most metal dowels are threaded, you can unscrew them a little, loosen the pressure against the wall and thereby correct the deformation that has appeared.

In all places where individual sections of cable channels are cut or joined, additional elements to be connected must be fixed. This is a general rule for all methods of fixing cable channels.

Professional installers use an air gun and special nails to fix cable ducts to brick or concrete surfaces. But a pneumatic nail gun is expensive equipment; it is not advisable to purchase it for one bath.

Air nailer prices

pneumatic nail gun

Fastening cable channels to wooden walls

For baths - the most common option, fastening is carried out with screws, the length of the screws is approximately 1.5 ÷ 2 centimeters. You can first drill holes in the cable channel on a flat plane at a distance of up to twenty centimeters, and then use them for fixing. It's easier, but longer. If there is a practice of performing construction work, then self-tapping screws can be screwed simultaneously into the bottom of the channel cable and the wall.

Problems may arise during the laying of open wiring on walls upholstered with clapboard. The boards of the lining have a profile, the screws should be fastened carefully. If the self-tapping screw hit the convex section of the profile - excellent, you can fully tighten it. If you have to screw the self-tapping screw into the concave part of the profile, do not tighten the self-tapping screw to the stop, make sure that it does not violate the linearity of the plastic channel.

We have already advised buying special additional elements for passing external and internal corners, wiring at right angles, tees, etc. All joints can be cut at right angles, the cut may not be perfectly even. Overhead elements will close problem areas, the connection will be beautiful, work will be significantly accelerated. You can cut a plastic cable channel with a hacksaw for metal, special assembly scissors or a circular grinder (grinder) with a metal disc.

And what to do if for some reason there are no additional elements, how to cut the channel so that the connection is not striking?

First, use standard long channels, do not rush to cut them into pieces. You should always have all the segments at hand, among them you can choose the one you need in length and not touch the whole one. It will be necessary for this to shift the outlet a few centimeters in one direction or another - there is nothing to worry about.

If you need to store the purchased cable channels for a long time, then put them on a flat plane, do not let them get direct sunlight. Over time, all plastics under the influence of sunlight darken and lose their plasticity. Do not believe the manufacturers' advertisements about "complete resistance" to UV rays thanks to modern technologies, various innovative additives do not completely protect plastic from such influences, but only slow down the physical aging process.

Mounted cable channel