Inexpensive heating in a country house - choose a scheme, mode .... Heat bills no longer scare! What is the most economical way to heat a house? Combined cheap home heating

  • 27.06.2020

The most economical heating for a private house is the use of a gas system. However, not everyone has the opportunity to use it, for example, if there is no highway nearby. In such a situation, you need to heat the room in another way. The most profitable option can be selected if you analyze all possible methods and take into account the advantages and disadvantages of specific options.

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    Choice of inexpensive heating

    Before choosing the best option for economical home heating, you need to consider several factors. The following points need to be analyzed:

    Heating in a private house, a super-new feature!!

    Fuel types

    The most economical home heating implies a minimum consumption of heat carriers, so you need to understand which fuel will be the most affordable. This factor is calculated based on two indicators:

    1. 1. Fuel price.
    2. 2. Possibility of uninterrupted energy supply.

    The second factor is the most preferred. If the owner finds himself in a situation where the necessary fuel cannot be obtained, it will not be easy to get out of the situation. The most popular types of coolants are:

    Before you purchase a boiler, you need to take into account the value of the calorific value of different types of coolants. The quality of energy release during combustion depends on this criterion. Ranking of the most efficient fuel in descending order:

    1. 1. Electricity.
    2. 2. Liquefied and natural gas.
    3. 3. Heat carriers in liquid form.
    4. 4. Stone variety of coal.
    5. 5. Fuel braces and firewood.

    Prices for these types of coolants vary in each region. If we take average data as a basis, gas still remains, coal, pellets and firewood will cost 2 times more. Liquid heat carriers cost several times more than gas, and electricity is the most expensive type of heating.

    It is impossible to say for sure which type of fuel is most beneficial to use for. This is influenced by many individual factors. On average, the following fuel rating will be appropriate, presented as the price increases:

    1. 1. Natural gas.
    2. 2. Various types of coal.
    3. 3. Firewood.
    4. 4. Pellets.
    5. 5. Liquefied gas.
    6. 6. Liquid types of energy carriers.
    7. 7. Electricity.

    Cheap heating in a private house. Personal experience

    Once the preferred type of fuel has been selected, you can proceed to the next step. Now you need to decide which heating in a private house is the most economical: water, air or electric.

    Electric heating

    There are several ways to heat a house with electricity. The following types of such heating can be distinguished:

    If we talk about electric heating in general, we can highlight a lot of advantages of this method. The benefits are:

    • Ease of installation.
    • Silent operation.
    • Lack of dryness in the air.
    • Easy service.
    • The ability to quickly and easily adjust the temperature in a separate room.

    How to heat private house without gas? But! Comfortable. Conveniently. And low cost.

    However, any type of heating has its drawbacks. The disadvantages of electric heating include:

    • Expensive operation due to high energy costs. This method is more preferable for a city apartment.
    • The probability of being left without heating in case of an unexpected power outage.

    Water heating

    The scheme of operation of water heating is as follows: water is heated in the boiler, after which it moves through the laid pipes and transfers its thermal energy to the radiators, and then returns to the boiler. This method can be divided into three types according to the type of circulation.

    In natural circulation, the coolant moves due to the difference between warm and cold water by density. Warm temperature water is lighter than cold water, so it is displaced and enters the upper region of the heating network. Further, it is smoothly cooled, after which it begins to circulate to the lower region of the system and heats the space in the radiators, and then goes back to the boiler. This scheme is very economical due to the following factors:

    • It is completely independent of electricity, no pressure pump is required for circulation.
    • The system is durable because it contains a minimum number of parts that can break.

    However, this method has significant drawbacks. It is important to pay attention to such factors:

    • With the help of natural circulation, it is impossible to heat a large house with an area of ​​​​100 square meters. Water will not circulate due to the high hydrodynamic resistance of long networks.
    • The boiler must be on all the time.
    • Regulating the temperature in individual rooms will not be easy.

    Systems with forced circulation significantly different from the first type of water heating. The pump can be located in the boiler itself or be built separately. There are such advantages of this method:

    • For installation, house pipes of a smaller size will be needed than with the gravity method.
    • Thanks to the pump, the heating efficiency will increase by 30 percent. This type of work allows you to heat even a large two-story house.
    • You can easily adjust the temperature in each room.

    Cheap heating for a private house

    This method is very popular. However, the following features must be taken into account:

    • To operate the circulation pump, electricity is required.
    • The system will not work if there is a power outage. This disadvantage can be compensated by using additional energy sources, for example, a generator or a special battery with constant power.

    Combined circulation systems are very similar to self-flowing systems. The difference is that the former have a circulation pump that pumps the energy carrier. If the electricity fails, the system will function without it, although the performance factor will decrease. However, the house will always be warm. This method of heating has the same advantages and disadvantages as the two previous methods, depending on the operating mode.

    The advantage of all water systems is a huge selection of boilers that can be connected to them. The disadvantages include difficulties in installation compared to other methods of heat supply. This method certainly refers to the cheap heating of a private house, but it is extremely difficult to do it with your own hands.

    air heating

    With this method, air is heated in a heat exchanger or air heater, after which it passes through the built-in channels and is distributed throughout all rooms. Each room should have several holes through which air will enter the room. The main advantages of such a system:

    • The method allows you to heat the premises very quickly.
    • The efficiency is at least 90 percent.
    • Heat supply channels do not need off-season maintenance, which means that you can save a lot.

    However, it also has several disadvantages. It must be remembered that:

    • Such a system cannot function silently. For those who value silence, this option is not suitable.
    • In order to complete the installation, a large area is required.

    Ways to save more

    Maximum savings can be achieved if a certain thermal regime is observed. Even during the design of a private house, the owner should take into account that the rooms that border on outer walls, are more susceptible to cooling in winter time years than those that are closer to the central part of the house.

    Use of seals

    When doing installation, do not forget about effective insulation private house. Even the highest quality heating will not give any result if all the heat is blown out of the room. If there are no drafts in the house, non-insulated walls still cool the air currents. Cold floors also negate all the efforts of the owner. In addition, you need to consider the quality of doors and double-glazed windows.

    If the house is effectively insulated, it will take twice as long to heat it. less funds than in the opposite case. With this in mind, it is still necessary, when planning a house, to select materials that have maximum heat-insulating functions. However, even an already built private house can be very well insulated. There are many coolants with low thermal conductivity. Old proven materials - glass wool and foam. Of the new ones, you can stop at the following varieties:

  • Styrofoam.
  • Extruded polystyrene foam.
  • Polyurethane foam.

Each material has its own advantages, disadvantages and features of use. Sellers of building materials are very well aware of this and will always be able to recommend which sealant is suitable in a particular case.

Modern appliances

The market does not stand still. There are several effective devices that will help you save a lot:

There is no consensus on which heating is the most economical. The choice of heating method depends on many factors and individual characteristics Houses. However, having studied the information about all the methods of heat supply, as well as learning about their advantages and disadvantages, you can choose the most suitable option for yourself.

With ever-increasing fuel prices, homeowners are looking to minimize their space heating costs. A natural question arises, what kind of heating is the most economical in a private house, and how can the burden on the family budget be reduced? At the same time, it is necessary to ensure comfortable conditions accommodation during the cold season.

Residents of urban apartment buildings, which are heated from centralized networks, as a rule, cannot choose and are content with the proposed method of heating.

Owners of private cottages in this regard have more options and can provide themselves with the most suitable heating method by installing an efficient and easy-to-maintain heating system. At the same time, some of the latter can be mounted with your own hands, without involving specialists.

Comparative cost analysis for different types of heating systems

When choosing a heating method country house most of our fellow citizens confuse two obvious things. We are talking about the costs of purchasing and installing a heating system and the costs of maintaining a comfortable temperature regime. There is an inverse relationship between them: the cheaper the equipment, the more expensive the heat it produces will cost.

Any competent specialist in the field of heat engineering will confirm that the so-called " economical heating” is in most cases a trick of marketers.

The effectiveness of a particular system depends on a number of factors, including external ones that are independent of a person, for example, climatic conditions and growth in fuel prices. To estimate the cost of heating buildings, special methods are used to determine the cost of one gigacalorie (Gcal) of thermal energy.

The calculation methods mentioned above are, in fact, quite complex and therefore usually come down to simplified calculations based on statistical data over a fairly long period of time. This period can be five or ten years. This is the only way to get more or less reliable information about the efficiency of a particular heating equipment.

Currently, the most profitable and efficient device for heating residential buildings is a heat pump. In use, it will cost 4 times cheaper than equipment running on traditional gas or coal. However, the operation, but the purchase of a heat pump and the cost of its installation are very expensive and pay off even not in the first few years of its use.

Classification of heating systems

Choosing a method of heating a private house, the owner is faced with a huge variety of heating systems offered by domestic and foreign manufacturers. The latter are classified according to three criteria:

  • by type of fuel used: solid fuel, electric, gas, universal;
  • according to the heating method: traditional water and air ducts;
  • according to the principle of action: chemical reaction combustion, conversion of electricity into thermal energy, etc.

To date, alternative methods of heat generation are being actively studied and proposed. So, solar collectors are used for heating and water heating. However, a significant part of our country is located in such latitudes where the level of insolation is insufficient for the use of such systems to be truly effective.

Let us consider in more detail the most traditional methods of heating private houses.

gas boilers

Methane is mainly used for heating housing, which is supplied through systems main pipelines and distribution networks. At the moment, this is the most economical way to heat a private house.

In areas where gasification has not yet been carried out, gas tanks with a liquefied propane-butane mixture can be used.

A modern gas boiler is fully automated and maintains the set temperature in the house, depending on weather conditions. This reduces fuel consumption during warming, contributing to savings in the family budget.

At the same time, gas prices are rising, which, combined with the high costs of acquiring and installing the appropriate equipment and obtaining a permit for its operation, makes the use of this type of fuel not so profitable.

Electric heating

In recent years, the popularity of electric boilers is gaining momentum. Choosing the most economical heating, our compatriots increasingly prefer electricity. This method of space heating has a number of advantages:

  • Low prices for, convectors and accessories for underfloor heating.
  • Relative ease of installation - lay power wiring in any room and install a boiler there even for a non-specialist.
  • Autonomy and efficiency - the system turns on with the onset of cold weather and does not require attention until the end of winter. At the same time, the automation maintains the set temperature.

Of course, gas will cost several times cheaper than electricity, but, nevertheless, the use of the latter is justified, first of all, in countryside. Here, the tariffs are lower, and if there are subsidies and the installation of a two-zone meter, electric heating becomes a fairly profitable option.

Solid fuel boilers

Classic solid fuel boilers are relatively inexpensive and easy to install. In fact, this is a slightly improved version of a conventional stove with all its shortcomings: low efficiency and the need to regularly add firewood or coal.

The most economical heating systems for a private house at the moment can be considered solid fuel boilers - pyrolysis and. When retrofitting a solid fuel boiler with a pellet or gas burner, you can save a decent amount of money during operation. The use of pellets is several times cheaper than burning conventional firewood, and the system itself is completely automated. As for the presence of a gas burner, the ability to switch to an alternative type of fuel if necessary is a fairly useful option.

Recently, omnivorous waste heat boilers have appeared on the market, consuming any combustible materials. They burn not only traditional species solid fuel, but also all kinds of solid household waste. We do not recommend this type of heating equipment due to its dubious environmental friendliness.

Types of heating systems by heating method

Maintaining a normal temperature regime in the premises is ensured by the most different ways. Experts distinguish the following types of heating systems according to the method of heat transfer:

  • Water. The heat carrier is heated by a gas, solid fuel or electric boiler, the circulation can be natural or forced.
  • Air. Heating of the premises is provided by electric or gas convectors, as well as heated surfaces of stoves.
  • Heating with an open fire. We are talking about classic wood-burning fireplaces, which, by the way, have an extremely low efficiency and can only be considered as additional source warmth and interior decoration.

Recently, underfloor heating has become widespread, which can hardly be called the most economical type of home heating - they are quite expensive to install. However, this is a real find for those who do not like radiators hanging on the walls. In addition, underfloor heating provides a stable and uniform heating of all rooms.

Alternative and hybrid heating systems

Given the regular rise in fuel prices, it is logical to assume that the most economical way to heat a home is the one in which the latter will not be needed at all. Such heating systems exist - these are solar collectors and heat pumps.

The effectiveness of the first option seems very doubtful - taking into account the peculiarities of the Russian climate, it can only be considered as an addition to the main equipment.

Heat pumps are truly innovative technology. Residential and other premises in a private house are heated by low-temperature energy of the earth's interior. The main disadvantage of a heat pump is the high cost of purchasing and installing equipment; its payback period in our country is up to 10 years.

If you are forced to choose which heating is the most economical, it makes sense to think about the most effective systems. The use of parallel installed equipment will reduce your space heating costs by using cheaper fuel according to the situation. You can also buy a solid fuel boiler with built-in heating elements and equip it with a gas burner.

At the present time, many owners of suburban private houses or cottages are increasingly having to look for an alternative to gas as the main type of fuel to heat their homes. The reasons are different: for some, natural gas becomes too expensive, some have the opportunity to use other energy sources, and for some, main gas is simply not available due to its complete absence nearby. Then the question arises - what is the economical heating of a house without gas and what kind of fuel is better to use then?

Alternative energy carriers

There is no single answer to this question, since each individual case has its own nuances. For example, your land is growing a lot of old big trees, which just ask for a wood-fired boiler.

Option two: in exchange for certain services, the customer is ready long time supply you with diesel fuel or coal. It is clear that in such situations you will lean towards these types of energy carriers and not pay attention to others. In the long run, this will be a mistake, since sooner or later such sources will run out and you will have to look for other ways to heat a country house or buy the same fuel, but at a generally accepted cost.

Let's try to develop some kind of universal methodology for determining the optimal energy carrier for heating a home, which will suit each individual case. First, we will make a reservation that the technique will help determine for ourselves the cheapest heating without gas, we do not take it into account.

Just as we do not take into account various high-tech and exotic types of heating that are inaccessible to ordinary citizens. This includes heat pumps, solar panels, windmills and various types of machinery and vegetable oils. Then how to heat the house if there is no gas and the above sources? We have at our disposal:

  • ordinary firewood;
  • eurofirewood;
  • pellets;
  • coal;
  • diesel fuel;
  • liquefied gas in cylinders;
  • electricity.

For each of these energy carriers, it is necessary to calculate the costs for the entire cold period, then it will be clear what is cheaper to heat the house.

Important! Before starting calculations, it is necessary to bring the units of measurement of the amount of fuel into line, that is, to prevent confusion between volume (m3) and mass (kg). It is recommended that all types of energy carriers, except electricity, be reduced to units of mass - kilograms.

Calculation of heating costs

To find out what is the most economical heating of a country house, it is recommended for clarity to draw up a simple plate of this form:

In this table, the second column is filled in based on the cost of each type of fuel in your region, or your individual price is entered in it. The third column for the convenience of calculations is already filled. The cost of 1 kW of thermal energy is easily determined by dividing the price of 1 kg of fuel (column 2) by its specific calorific value (column 3).

The fifth column is filled in based on the fact that the average heat output in a private house with an area of ​​100 m2 per season is 5 kWh, and the duration of the heating season is 180 days (5 x 24 x 180 = 21600 kWh).

It is clear that the designs of houses are all different and the area will be different, as may be the length of the season in your area, so you will need to make appropriate adjustments. Multiplying the data in columns 4 and 5, we determine the estimated costs for the season.

However, these values ​​do not take into account the efficiency of the equipment, the values ​​​​of which are given below. Dividing the estimated costs by the value of efficiency, in the last column we get a direct answer to the question - the cheaper it is to heat a house other than gas.

Those homeowners in whose homes have already been installed gas boilers, you can add another row below for comparison, filling it with data on natural gas, based on actual fuel consumption and its price.

It would seem that now everything has fallen into place and you can safely make a choice in favor of one or another energy source for economical heating. But this approach is one-sided, because there is still such a thing as convenience and complexity in maintaining and operating the heating system of a private house.

The choice of energy carrier, taking into account ease of use

The comfort of operation of boiler equipment that supplies heat to water heating is an important factor, since any extra trouble and inconvenience is your time and money. That is, the total costs increase indirectly in proportion to how much effort is put into keeping the system running. In some cases, economical heating systems after the first season no longer seem so economical, and sometimes you want to pay extra money, just not to mess with such problems.

Unlike financial indicators, ease of use is the same value for each type of fuel, so it can be found out immediately, which will help you make a choice. Convenience will be evaluated according to the following criteria:

  • complexity of repair or maintenance of the boiler plant;
  • necessity and convenience of warehousing;
  • comfort in daily operation (the need to load fuel, and so on).

To find out which of the energy carriers will provide comfortable and economical heating of a private house, we will compile a second table, where for each of the criteria we will put down all types of fuel on a five-point system, after which we will summarize.


Require no maintenance electric boilers, other than occasionally opening the lid and dusting or cleaning the contacts, for which they receive the highest praise. Some actions are required if heating Vacation home liquefied gas. Once every 2 years, it is recommended to check and, if necessary, clean the igniter and burner, which is why propane is a solid four. Pellet boilers get 3 points for requiring several times a year to clean the combustion chamber and once a chimney.

Accordingly, wood and coal units need to be cleaned frequently, as they become dirty. The worst in this respect is the case with diesel fuel, since often its quality leaves much to be desired, which is why the frequency of service is unpredictable.


It is clear that electricity does not require storage space, while liquefied gas and diesel fuel may require some space. But when economical heating of a private house with firewood is organized, then a lot of space for a warehouse will be required. The same goes for pellets, as they need a dry room or a special silo. As for coal, there is a lot of waste, dust and dirt from it, therefore - the lowest rating.

Ease of use

And here, economical electric heating turned out to be at its best, since it does not require any intervention during operation. Pellets and liquefied gas must be replenished periodically, 1-2 times a week, or even less often. A little more attention should be paid to diesel fuel, more for supervising work than for the purpose of adding fuel.

Well, and most of all, autonomous heating in a private house on coal and wood traditionally delivers the most trouble, here loading into the combustion chamber is needed from 1 to 3 times a day.

In the last column, by summing up, the results are summed up, according to which the most comfortable and convenient is heating a country house in winter with the help of electricity. If this result is considered in conjunction with financial costs, then electricity may not be the worst option.


An integrated approach to the issue shows that the most economical heating systems for summer cottages and country houses can be the most troublesome during operation. Therefore, do not rush and carefully weigh and calculate everything, and even better - install an electric boiler in combination with any other.

Heating a private house requires certain financial costs - consumers need to regularly pay for the energy they use. Therefore, the question of the efficiency of heating systems worries many. How to make the most economical heating of a private house with your own hands? Which heating boiler to choose? To do this, you need to understand what a particular heating system is and what its potential is in terms of ensuring efficiency.

Traditionally, for heating private houses are used autonomous systems heating. The energy sources for their operation are natural gas, liquefied gas, solid fuels, liquid fuels and electricity. Natural gas systems are considered the most economical.. But in some conditions, their profitability does not play any role. For example, if the house is not connected to a gas main, then comparisons with gas are not appropriate here.

Gas heating systems

Economical heating systems of a private house are systems that operate on a cheap heat carrier. If there is a gas main nearby, we boldly connect to it and use one of the most inexpensive sources of energy. Comparing the cost of gas with the cost of other sources, you begin to understand that this is one of the most inexpensive types of fuel.

Solid fuel heating systems

Economical heating of a private house without gas can be built on the basis of a solid fuel boiler. It is powered by coal, coke, briquetted fuel and even ordinary firewood. Coal burns the longest, but it is also quite expensive. But the heating system is not only economical, but also inexpensive - the simplest solid fuel boiler is quite affordable.

The cheapest heating of a private house without gas is built using solid fuel boilers, sometimes homemade. If you want to ensure a more convenient operation of the system, you should look at the boiler with a small bunker for pellet fuel (fuel pellets). Such pellet boilers operate in automatic mode, requiring only periodic loading of new portions of pellets.

The operation of solid fuel boilers on wood is complicated by the need to load firewood too often. In addition, a lot of firewood is needed, which increases operating costs. heating system. One has only to miss the moment of loading the next portion of fuel, as the house starts to get cooler. The problem is solved by installing special solid fuel boilers for long burning.

Liquid heating systems

Liquid fuel heating systems cannot be called the most economical. After gas and solid fuels, they occupy an honorable third place. Used engine oil and diesel fuel are used here as fuel. Because of this, in houses heated by liquid boilers, there is always a characteristic smell. There is also a need to create a special storage for liquid fuel, and at a distance from residential buildings - this creates additional costs.

Electric heating systems

It is difficult to create cheap heating of a private house with electricity - you need a source of free electricity. The whole point is that classic electric boilers are unusually voracious. And it is almost impossible to do something here, since their efficiency is 99% - that is, almost all energy is converted into heat. Some efficiency can be provided by induction boilers, but many experts are not ready to confirm this fact.

Economical electric boilers for heating a private house exist, but they cost much more than their simple small-sized counterparts. Achieving savings in them is carried out through the use of weather-dependent automation and room temperature sensors. That is, they are able to automatically adjust to the characteristics of outdoor and indoor temperature conditions, adjusting the heating power - if a person was involved in the adjustments, then the costs would be greater.

How to make economical heating in a private house

How to make cheap heating of a private house with your own hands? For this you need:

  • Use the most economical and efficient heating boiler;
  • Pay attention to the thermal insulation of your home;
  • Use alternative heat sources.

The principle of operation of a condensing boiler, one of the most profitable devices for heating a private house.

If there is gas in the house, take a closer look at the condensing boilers - they have a high efficiency and almost completely transfer heat from the burner to the heating system. If you want to create the cheapest heating for a private house without gas, consider purchasing a solid fuel boiler - by buying a truckload of firewood, you will provide yourself with relatively cheap heat for the entire cold period. Also attention should be paid to the installation of radiators with high heat dissipation.

Thin entrance doors, lack of competent thermal insulation of walls, old windows - all this contributes to heat leakage outside your home. We recommend that you install normal entrance doors with effective thermal insulation, order plastic windows and think about lining the house with a layer of bricks (it is also possible to apply a cement “shirt” that creates good thermal insulation) - this will reduce heat loss and reduce heating costs.

Alternative heat sources

As for alternative heat sources, they can be:

  • Infrared film for creating warm floors;
  • Solar panels;
  • Heat pumps.

A heating scheme in which heat is generated using electricity obtained from solar panels.

Solar panels use the free energy of the sun - they generate electricity that can be used to heat the coolant or to operate other heating equipment. Their downside is their very high cost.- you need to spend a lot of money to buy the required number of batteries.

Heat pumps use the energy of water bodies, soil or air. The principle of their operation is based on the intake of heat from environment and transfer it to heated rooms. If you do not delve into the laws of physics, then the principle of operation of the refrigerator is used here. To power heat pumps, external sources of electricity are needed, but even with this in mind, the heating system turns out to be quite economical. But the cost of heat pumps so far crosses out their advantages.

If you need to create an economical heating system for a private house without gas, you can use infrared film. It is powered by electricity and provides floor heating - under the action of infrared radiation, they heat up and begin to give off heat to the premises. According to experts, the film provides up to 30% efficiency in comparison with the use of conventional electric boilers.

Heat bills no longer scare! What is the most economical way to heat a house?

Heating is the biggest energy expense in most homes. It accounts for from 35 to 50% annual electricity bills.

Most effective method reduce the size of these bills - reduce the use of energy for heating.

The heating system replaces the heat that is lost through the walls, windows, floor and ceiling of your home.

Ways to economically heat a private house

The amount of energy required to replace the lost heat depends on four factors:

  1. location of the house (in colder regions, consumption is higher);
  2. the size of the building;
  3. energy efficiency at home;
  4. energy efficiency of the heating system.

The first factor is the main but it does not depend on you. The colder the weather outside, the more energy is required to maintain comfortable temperature inside.

important and house size. A spacious room contains a significant amount of air that needs to be warmed up. Therefore, a large house requires high costs for heating.

A great opportunity to save energy and money is to improve the energy efficiency of your home and its heating system. There are several ways to do this:

  • choose the optimal type of heating system;
  • improve facade insulation;
  • repair the heat distribution system (air ducts and pipes);
  • eliminate heat leakage through doors, windows and various cracks.

How to perform facade insulation

Thermal insulation of the facade in the form of its insulation is the main protection of the house from heat loss through the building body. Therefore, it is very important to insulate the largest part of the house in terms of area - the walls of the facade. Insulating materials reduce heat loss by providing a barrier between the interior of the house and the significantly different temperatures outside.

Used in houses different types isolation. The most common ones- polyurethane foam, expanded polystyrene and fiberglass.

Polyurethane foam

Foam insulation is spray or injection foam.

  • spray foam in a liquid state, it is distributed in the open spaces of a new house design. After that, the foam expands, fills the cavity and solidifies.
  • injection foam pumped into existing cracks, crevices or other voids in walls. This makes this polyurethane foam indispensable for repairing the insulation of existing homes.


Styrofoam happens with open or closed cells.

  • Expanded polystyrene with open cells very light and flexible. When the polystyrene foam is foamed, the gas inside the cells escapes through holes in the cell wall. This process contributes to the creation of a light and flexible shape that compacts as it cures.
  • Closed cell expanded polystyrene has a much denser and heavier structure. It forms a dense surface that is more resistant to weathering and temperature changes.


Fiberglass is made from soda, limestone, sand and crushed glass and is supplied in slabs or rolls. It is placed in unfinished walls, floors and ceilings between pins, beams and crossbeams. Due to its fibrous structure, this material is excellent keeps air inside and prevents heat loss.

Photo 1. A piece of fiberglass. It is one of the most popular home insulation materials.

Efficient boilers for space heating

In order to efficiently and economically heat a house, it is necessary to choose high-quality heating equipment. Most often, boilers are used in this role.

Condensing gas

Boiler operation with condensing gas allows you to use all the energy released during the combustion of gas. All boiler systems distribute heat to hot water, which gives off heat by passing through radiators or other devices in rooms throughout the home. The chilled water is then returned to the boiler for reheating.

In a conventional boiler, the heating system circuit is heated during the combustion of natural gas. condensing boiler uses the energy available in the products of gas combustion. These products contain water vapor. As the steam cools, it condenses and releases heat. The water in the heating circuit is heated by this energy. The evacuation of water released during condensation (condensate) is carried out through the sewage network.

Important! Natural gas is the most affordable source of energy. Therefore, the cost of operating a condensing boiler will be the most profitable.

Such a boiler is easy to operate, consumes less fuel than a standard gas boiler, and has efficiency, often exceeding 100%.


The pyrolysis boiler runs on solid fuel. In this case, not only the firewood itself is burned, but also the gases that are released in the process.

Therefore, the efficiency of such boilers is up to 90%. Firewood or special pellets made from dried biomass burn in one chamber, releasing pyrolysis gas.

Under the influence of high temperature, the gas enters another chamber through a special nozzle, in which it burns, mixing with oxygen.

The thermal energy released in this process is much higher than in conventional boilers and burn time is much longer. Therefore, pyrolysis boilers are called long burning boilers.

Such gas generating boilers not dependent on availability main gas pipeline, and can most effectively use purchased fuel.

solid fuel

The simplest boiler is a wood or coal boiler. He completely autonomous, and does not require any connection to the gas pipeline or electrical network, nor the cost of paying for gas and electricity. Just a standard body is enough, consisting of a firebox (or combustion chamber) and a blower, and ordinary firewood.

Firewood is burning in the firebox thanks to the air that is supplied through the blower. At the same time, it highlights thermal energy. It heats a steel or cast iron heat exchanger in the form of a coil, located in the furnace, and increases the temperature of the coolant. Hot water gives off heat when it passes through the heating system of the house. The chilled water is then returned to the boiler for reheating.

Electric boiler

Electric boiler operation similar to the operation of other boilers: the water in it is heated, and then circulates in the heating system circuit and radiators.

Water is heated in these boilers via electric current . It provides high performance and excellent heating rate.

In addition, the installation of an electric boiler does not require large expenditures for the installation of expensive equipment, the presence of a chimney and a large room.

Warm floor

Underfloor heating - the most old form of central heating. Even the Romans used an underfloor heating system that warmed buildings and baths. Today's underfloor heating system is gaining more and more popularity in Russia.

Underfloor heating is a system that heats a house through a heated floor covering. Exists two types of such system. In the first type warm water heats the floor, passing through the pipeline laid under the floor ("wet" system). In the second floor becomes warm with electric coils placed under it ("dry" system).

Concrete floor slabs heat up, and heat is radiated from under the floor into the room. "Wet" system can be connected to a gas boiler for heating water. This will help to significantly save on cheap gas fuel.

Attention! For this type of heating massive building work is required. Therefore, its installation is best done during the construction of the house.

Infrared heating is one of the most economical ways

The infrared spectrum is part of the electromagnetic spectrum. This form of radiated heat is the most basic. It's the same 100% natural heat type, which radiates and absorbs the human body daily.

Photo 2. Installation infrared heaters under the roof of the house this way installation allows you to fully warm up the room.

The peculiarity of infrared radiation is that it heats objects and people in its path. without heating the surrounding area. This makes infrared heating much more efficient than convection. The convective heat generated by conventional radiators and central heating systems only heats the air.

Warm air is distributed throughout the room, circulating uncontrollably and leaving objects in the room cool. Infrared heating radiates direct heat and heats everything. This type of heating brings long-lasting, comfortable warmth to the house, consuming less energy.

Infrared heaters can provide targeted heat anywhere, no matter the distance. This means that there is no need to spend electricity to heat a room of any, even the largest area, and heat is not lost due to air circulation.

Solar collectors - cheap and economical

Solar collectors use the heat of sunlight to heat water, which then goes inside the building. They consist of a panel of heat-absorbing material into which mixture of water and antifreeze to collect heat. This mixture then heats the water in the hot water system, so solar collectors must be integrated into the existing heat distribution system.

Photo 3. Solar collectors installed on the roof of the house. Devices must be placed at a certain angle.

Such thermal systems can be useful not only in warm climates. Even a small increase in water temperature dramatically reduces the amount of energy needed to heat it. Solar collectors create favorable conditions for the start of any heating systems. It means that less energy is used overall.

How to heat a house with heat pumps in winter and summer

Heat pumps are devices for transferring warm air using an electric pump. In winter, warm air is separated from cold air by outdoors, and spreads inside the house. In summer, the heat pump reverses the direction of flow and the warm air from the room is carried outside. Heat pumps use forced air systems to distribute heated air throughout the home.

Exists two types heat pumps.


Geothermal pumps pump warm air from a pipeline placed underground. The temperature in such a source stable throughout the year.

In geothermal pumps, the collector circuit is a coil buried in long, shallow pits or in vertical wells.

The efficiency of heat pumps is often happens more than 100%, because electricity is used in them not to create heat, but to move it.


Air source heat pumps use outside air as a heat source in winter and as a heat sink in summer. These heat pumps look and install just like a central air conditioner.


Heating our homes is expensive and getting more expensive every year. As costs rise, each of us is looking for more affordable heating and insulation options. Fortunately, many such options. Choose carefully combine different types and systems of heating and you can choose the best option in terms of price and efficiency.

What is the most economical way to heat your home?

Home heating can be organized in different ways, but which is the most economical method available? We will try to understand this below.

Choosing a heating method - the nuances

To determine which option is the most economical way in your case, you should accurately answer a number of questions. Their list is as follows:

For example, for houses in which the owners are visiting, it is not advisable to use permanent heating.


The very first thing is to find out what kind of fuel in your area is most affordable. The main criteria here are:

  • uninterrupted supply;
  • resource cost.

It is the availability of energy in this particular area that is the main starting point.

In most cases, they are used in private homes:

  • natural gas;
  • firewood;
  • coal (both stone and brown);
  • fuel oil;
  • peat briquettes.

Sometimes they also heat with electricity - this is far from one of the most economical ways, but in the absence of an alternative, this possibility must be taken into account.

Depending on the list of available resources, the boiler is also selected. The calorific value of this appliance directly affects the overall efficiency of the entire system.

The property mentioned above is weakest in systems operating on solid fuels. Followed by:

But, as statistics show, today, on average in Russia (if all the described energy carriers are available in any area without exception), then natural gas is necessarily the cheapest.

The least economical heating is undoubtedly electric. Other ways to do without gas, although much cheaper, will still require twice as much spending compared to the cost of blue fuel. However, in the absence of an alternative, you don’t really have to choose.

Depending on what kind of resource is available in your area, the choice of heating system is also made. There are 2 types most widely used in Russia:


When it comes to electricity, here are the proven ways to heat a house:

  • warm floor;
  • infrared panels (film heaters, etc.);
  • convectors;
  • boilers.

The first three types are suitable for relatively economical heating of buildings where people do not permanently live. Their consumption is far from small, but a few days of use per month is not critical. For wooden capital country houses, film heaters are probably the most convenient. They consume only 40 watts per square meter.

The advantages of electric heating are:

  • low cost of installation;
  • ease of maintenance;
  • fine adjustment;
  • noiselessness.

Water heating

Such systems work in the same way, regardless of the type of boiler installed in the house:

  • carrier heated to operating temperature, fed into pipes;
  • circulates through all radiators (the latter, due to the convection of air masses, provide heat transfer);
  • the cooled water is returned through a closed circuit back to the boiler.

At the same time, one of the most economical is heating with natural circulation. Since pumps are not installed in the system to pump the coolant, it means that there is no need to spend additional electricity.

At the same time, if the house has an area of ​​​​more than 100 square meters, the described option will not work. A large length of communications leads to an increase in hydrodynamic resistance in the pipes, which means that the movement of water will be too slow.

The disadvantages of water heating are:

  • the boiler must work constantly;
  • adjusting the exact temperature in each room is almost impossible.

air heating

Compared to the methods described above, the considered one is quite economical. It is ideal for both houses where people always live, and for those in which they visit.

The principle of this system is simple:

  • the air is heated directly through the heater;
  • is supplied to the premises through special sleeves and grates installed either in the floor or in the wall.

Undoubted advantage can be called:

  • literally lightning-fast heating of the whole house;
  • economical use of fuel;
  • high efficiency (about 90 percent);
  • low duct maintenance costs.
  • noise occurs during operation;
  • the installation of the heater requires, according to safety rules, a rather large area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room.

List of other ways

For budget-conscious homeowners, it will be useful to know that insulation can reduce costs, and quite significantly. A high-quality thermally insulated house consumes much less resources (about half) while maintaining comfortable conditions for its inhabitants.

Such work must be carried out comprehensively:

  • the walls are covered with foam plastic or pressed mineral wool;
  • windows are installed with double-glazed windows;
  • must be insulated attic floor and floors.

Installing a programmable thermostat will also allow more efficient use of energy for heating. This device:

  • can independently monitor the temperature in different rooms;
  • turn off the heating in the absence of people;
  • controlled remotely via a built-in SIM card.

Home heating with electricity: the most economical way and the advantages of choice

It is known that the most inexpensive heating option is considered to be a gas system. But there are situations when it is not possible to use it, for example, if a gas main does not pass nearby. In this case, heating the house with electricity is recommended. The most economical way can be chosen by analyzing all the options offered. This is what we will do in this review.

This option is suitable for buildings outside the city and country houses.

Why choose electricity for heating your home: the most economical way

Electric heating system has the following advantages:

  • Electricity-based appliances are virtually silent and do not require an additional type of fuel. They do not pollute the atmosphere. To use them, you only need an electrical network;
  • installation of equipment does not require significant investments;
  • to save electricity, you can use a system of two-tariff meters or solar panels on the roof;
  • connection of a convector or boiler can be done independently.

Heating with electricity is carried out using different devices.

Options for electric heating of a private house

Such a heating scheme involves the use various kinds equipment.

Boiler Application

It is not uncommon to install an electric boiler for home heating 220v. Such a device belongs to the budget options and is easy to install.

Boilers powered by electricity are of the following types:

  • ten models are traditional options. The heating element is heated by electricity and transfers heat to the coolant, which transfers it to installed radiators. This unit is equipped with a thermostat, which allows you to keep the temperature at a certain level. The disadvantages include scale, which is collected on the heating element;

The diagram shows the principle of operation with a heating element

  • instead of a heating element, the electrode type of the boiler has an electrode that acts on free ions, which creates heat. This is a safe design option, since if water leaks, the device stops working. With this method of heating, there is no limescale, but only water can be used as a heat carrier;

The device of the electrode model

  • the device of an induction electric boiler includes a pipeline and a radiator. In this case, the radiation mechanism forms an electromagnetic field that interacts with metal elements. Electricity produces vortex flows that transfer energy to the coolant. Such a product is characterized by ease of installation and maintenance. Water, oil formulations or antifreeze are used as a heating fluid.

Installation of the induction device

Selection of IR panels

When deciding how to heat a house with electricity economically, you can consider the option of installing infrared structures. Such products do not heat the air inside the rooms, but various objects. If, in the version with a boiler, the air masses move upwards and then cool down, then in this case the hot streams are directed to the floor.

Infrared designs do not take up much space

If thermostats are added to infrared devices, they will work more efficiently. One controller is enough to control three heaters. This equipment is economical in the process of application, but expensive in terms of installation and construction costs. IR devices consume a small amount of electricity. In addition, they rationally distribute heat. They can perform spot and zone heating. Even after the design is turned off, objects generate heat for a long time.

Infrared panel device

Installation of such equipment can be done independently. The infrared system is used both as the main type of fuel and as an additional one. The advantages of the option include a long service life, up to 80 years.

Electric heating of the house is also carried out using infrared floor heating. This is an economical and effective tool. This design is not afraid of unexpected power surges and does not break with minor damage. You can install such a device under various flooring except parquet. Infra-red rays heat only solid objects, therefore, when the floor is heated, the elements themselves do not heat up.

Installation of infrared flooring

Infrared ceiling panels

Benefits of convectors

When choosing the most economical electric heating without a boiler, it is worth exploring the possibilities of convectors. According to the manufacturers, a convector powered by the mains heats the space with high quality and at the same time spends a small amount of electricity. The main advantage of the device is that its installation is simple.

It takes about two minutes to warm up the heating element, which is much faster than when heated with water devices. The advantages of such structures include:

  • low cost of equipment;
  • fire safety;
  • the heating system can not be completed immediately, buying additional radiators as needed;
  • modern design;
  • uninterrupted operation even with sudden voltage changes;
  • small sizes.

This method maintains the desired ratio of humidity in the room and does not destroy oxygen. Excellent technical properties and excellent power indicators make it possible to use electric convectors for heating both large and small private houses.

Such structures are compact and portable.

The main element of the design is the heating element, which converts the energy of electricity into heat. The principle of operation is air convection. In this case, the cooled streams penetrate into the slots in the lower part of the body, and then exit through the upper holes. The convector can work alone or in a system controlled by a temperature controller.

Wall models are characterized by functionality and allow you to free up space

Which option is better not to choose?

When choosing the most economical way to heat your home, it's worth exploring options that aren't worth buying. An oil cooler is an expensive option. It has increased power, but when working in winter, it consumes a lot of electricity. Despite the significant power, such products have a low heating efficiency. Interestingly, IR panels of the same power will heat the space in the house faster. Fan heaters are inefficient devices. They contribute to the reduction of oxygen, make noise and move dust.

An oil heater is well combined with other heating methods.

How to increase the efficiency of electric boilers for heating a private house: prices and methods

To get the most economical way, heating a house with electricity must be properly organized. The efficiency of the entire structure can be reduced as a result of poor thermal insulation. Various gaps, gaps and lack of insulation on the windows contribute to the rapid cooling of the rooms.

If no one is at home during the whole day, then you can not heat the house for the whole day. In such a situation, you can install a special controller that will start the heating system a few hours before the arrival of residents. Two hours is enough to fully warm up the rooms.

Scheme of operation of electrical equipment

Of great importance is a skillfully designed heating system, taking into account the location of the heaters and the power. good decision installation of a multi-tariff meter is considered. This device allows you to save electricity at night, when the heater will work.

Useful information! With good insulation of the ceiling and walls, the quality of heating can increase up to 80%.

To get a home heating system with electricity cheaply, you need to choose the right equipment and calculate the location of all devices.

Heating your home with electricity is one of the most convenient and efficient ways to heat your home. It has a lot of advantages over traditional heating technologies that use gas, coal or wood as fuel. Previously, the electric heating system had a significant disadvantage in cost, but modern technologies allow it to be levelled. We will talk about how to make home heating with electricity inexpensive and we will talk in this article.

Why electricity?

Electric heating differs from classic water-stove and gas systems more economical and practical. We will leave the first aspect for discussion a little lower, and describe the operational advantages here:

  1. Electric heating is not only silent, but also environmentally friendly. It is transported safer than gas and does not emit harmful substances at all, both into the atmosphere and into the premises. In the absence of waste, the need for exhaust chimneys and traction structures also disappears. Heating on coal or wood is not at all comparable to electrical systems.
  2. Heating with electricity does not require large one-time costs. You can make a comparison using the example of gas: in order to connect a house, you must purchase equipment for each room, install communications, a boiler, and crash into a common highway. Moreover, it is necessary to do all this together, since it is impossible to postpone bringing some part of the house to the system. And the electric method allows you to organize sequential installation: first, the most important parts of the house are connected, and then, as funds accumulate, peripheral ones.
  3. Due to the possibility of using a multi-tariff meter in a private house or apartment, as well as the constant development of technologies in this area, heating with electricity is already the most economical among analogues. Do not focus on the high price of equipment - it quickly pays off due to low energy consumption.
  4. Almost every method of organizing electric heating allows you to do the installation yourself, without many additional tools.

Of course, the use of electrical systems for heating cannot be called ideal. Work on high-quality heating of each house requires taking into account many features. In some regions, the cost of electricity can be so high that gas cannot be abandoned. In old apartment buildings, it is difficult to switch to electric heating for two reasons: it is very difficult to disconnect from the central highway, and the power grid will have to be built again, taking into account powerful equipment.

Despite this, the overall picture tips the scales in favor of electricity. For rooms in which there is no gas or there is no possibility of supplying it, it is a real salvation.

Varieties of heating systems

There are several ways to organize electric heating in your home. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. Some are cheaper at the stage of purchase, and some save significantly during operation. Let's look at what features each method has:

  1. Installation of an electric boiler designed to heat water flowing through the pipes of the heating system. Perhaps the most well-known method, but it is far from the most effective today. Manufacturers claim that current models have become much more productive and now consume 80% less energy, but this is a moot point. Manual switching on and off of the boiler is, of course, impractical, and automatic at a given interval does not take into account the temperature regime of day and night. A more or less economical option is to install thermostats and appropriate automation to turn on depending on the temperature in the rooms, but this is difficult in terms of installation and very costly. Reduced power models with equal performance are also nothing more than advertisements. Such a boiler, most likely, will not have enough “strength” to heat a large private house.
  2. infrared panels. This is not just a way to heat rooms, but a fundamentally different technology. The point is not to warm up the air (which has a very low efficiency), but to influence the objects located in the room. Under the light of IR lamps, floors and furniture heat up and begin to emit heat themselves. The fundamental difference is that the traditional "radiator" method of space heating actually heats the ceiling (warm air from the battery rises), and the floors remain cold. FROM infrared heating it's the other way around. The light is directed downwards, which means that the warmest place is the floor. Complement the system with thermostats - and economical heating of a country house, private house or garage is ready. And the opinion about the dangers of infrared radiation on a person is nothing more than a myth. The main thing is not to be under the lamp for a long time, and nothing dangerous will happen.
  3. The use of convectors. According to manufacturers, this is the most efficient way of space heating, which combines high performance and economical energy consumption. Both of these statements are the subject of a long dispute, since the technology is based on the same "radiator" principle, and many individual characteristics should be taken into account in heating a house. The main difference lies in the significant ease of installation and operation and lower price. An important advantage of convectors is fire safety, which is very important when heating a country or private house made of wood. Convectors allow you to install them sequentially from room to room, they are compact and pleasant to look at, and they are also protected from power surges.

Inappropriate Options

There are several types of electrical equipment designed for space heating, but not recommended for use as the main source of heat:

  • Thermal fans. These devices have the simplest device and are a large hair dryer, consisting of an incandescent spiral and a fan that drives a stream of air through it. Their use will definitely not be cheap - the air cools extremely quickly, and it will not work to maintain a comfortable temperature for a long time. Do not forget also about the loads on the electrical network and the harm - too dry air is harmful to domestic plants and people.
  • Oil radiators are probably the most common device used by residents of apartment buildings when there is not enough central heating power. Surprisingly, this is still the least efficient way of heating. And even if it is possible to heat the room to a comfortable temperature, it will come out not at all cheap.

Why is this equipment so common if it is inefficient. The fact is that all these are auxiliary devices designed to help out in emergency situations or when the main heating does not cope with its tasks. For a garage, for example, constant heating is not always needed. For a while repair work it can be heated with a heat gun (fan heater) powered by electricity or gas. But in a house where it is necessary to constantly keep the temperature at a certain level, infrared panels are much more effective.

Organization of economical heating

You should not have a long debate about which equipment of the listed options best combines economy, efficiency and safety. It will be much more practical to use one or another option in the most suitable conditions. Below are the basic principles that should be followed in order to create economical heating with electricity at home:

  1. The first rule is common for both gas and electric systems - keep heat loss to a minimum by insulating walls, ceiling and floor. Thanks to this, you can reduce the required heat output to maintain the temperature. Of course, additional costs are necessary for this, but they pay off with savings in electricity. The temperature inside an insulated garage rises above zero in winter in half an hour if a car is running inside. In an insulated house, you will only need to maintain heat, and not constantly pump it, forcing the equipment to work at increased power.
  2. Design the optimal system electric heating. For example, for heating a small one-room apartment an electric boiler can be quite effective (if heat losses are very small). But for a house with a large number of rooms, this is not the best way. Here it is more convenient to install a convector system with thermostats that control the climate in each room. Infrared panels are good for a garage, closet, or utility room that doesn't need to maintain a constant temperature.
  3. In rooms and houses that are not used throughout the day, it is optimal to combine electric heating equipment. As an example, let's take a kitchen with a main convector and an auxiliary IR panel. The convector allows you to maintain a minimum temperature throughout the day, and the panel turned on before the evening meal will quickly warm the room for a comfortable dinner. Similarly, you can arrange the heating of a bathroom, outbuildings or a heated garage.
  4. Thermoregulatory automation allows you to accurately adjust the temperature. Depending on specific models and devices, you can set "hot" and "cold" periods, use photo sensors to make the room warmer in the presence of people, and apply other settings. All these seemingly insignificant little things can greatly help in reducing costs.
  5. A large proportion of the consumption of the heating system falls at night, when all residents are at home. You can significantly reduce bills for this period by switching to two-tariff electricity metering. The night rate, as a rule, is 3-4 times lower than the main one. To replace the meter and change to the new metering rules, contact your local power supply company.

Electric water heater

As we can see, economical heating of a private house without gas is quite feasible. The main thing is to carefully plan the transition to electricity, consider which devices to use for the main premises, and which ones for the periphery (garage, bathhouse, and other buildings). Of course, buying everything you need can cost a pretty penny, but these costs are offset by the amount that you will save over the coming years.