How to make electric heating economical. Features of the device for heating a country house with electricity Electric heating systems for the house

  • 29.08.2019

The most economical way to heat a private house is an autonomous system that runs on natural gas. But often, for objective reasons, such an opportunity is far from being everywhere. In the conditional second place in terms of the cost of thermal energy are solid fuel boilers or heating from a fireplace / stove with a closed firebox (if the house is small), but given the need for fuel storage and the complexity of maintenance, this method of heating is not for everyone. Liquefied gas storage requires expensive containers. And liquid fuel, in addition to storage difficulties, is distinguished by expensive equipment and poor environmental performance. All these shortcomings are deprived of electric heating of a private house. Except for one thing - the high cost of energy. Although in this case there are opportunities to reduce the burden on the family budget. What are the features of heating a house with electricity, the most economical way that you can heat a house with energy, we will consider in our article.

Electric heaters do not need chimneys and can be installed anywhere

Which heaters are not suitable for the heating system

Sometimes you have to read unfair criticism of certain types of heating appliances. They are criticized not for real shortcomings, but for fictional ones. Although at the end of the criticism, the conclusions are completely correct - these devices can only be used as auxiliary heaters, and it is impossible to build an economical heating system with their help.

Oil radiator

It is considered uneconomical - critics argue that it should not be used as a heating device due to high energy consumption and low return. But it is this type of device that has one of the highest efficiency - about 98%. That is, it converts almost all electrical energy into heat (no one has yet canceled the law of conservation of energy), and those insignificant losses of 2% are due to the resistance of the inner walls of the radiator to the coolant. Yes, it is inertial - it warms up for a long time, but it also cools down for a long time.

Another disadvantage is that the room with its help warms up for a long time.

But this is a property of all batteries, including water heating, in which the main method of heat transfer is natural convection, and it proceeds slowly.

The main drawback is the “rough” power adjustment and the use of mechanical thermostats. And such inaccurate temperature control makes an oil cooler inefficient when trying to optimize the cost of heating with electricity in a private house. And yet, it has a rather high case temperature when running at full power, which is dangerous if there are small children in the house.

There are models of oil radiators that can be hung on the wall.

fan heater

It is often written about a fan heater that it burns oxygen. But the “burning of oxygen” is nothing but the process of oxidation (combustion), and the maximum that can burn at a rather low temperature of the spiral is organic dust in the air. Therefore, it is incorrect to talk about the combustion of oxygen (after all, firewood does not burn), since this insignificant volume must be replenished as a result of mandatory ventilation of the room.

The efficiency of such a device is slightly lower than that of an oil cooler (part of the electricity goes to the operation of the fan), but not very different, given that the motor power of the fan itself is small (about 50 W out of a total of 1 or 2 kW). Advantage - very fast heating of the room. Disadvantages - a constant level of noise (albeit insignificant) and the transfer of dust throughout the room. And the main drawback of these household appliances is manual power adjustment and the ghostly possibility of creating on the basis of fan heaters automated system heating.

The fan heater is the most compact heating device, and it is great for heating a small area.

Therefore, it must be emphasized once again that the main reason why some types of electric heaters are not suitable for heating a house is not the efficiency (it is above 95% for almost everyone), but the impossibility of automating system control. It is this factor that does not allow optimizing the operation of the heating system, and without this it is impossible to make heating a house with electricity cheaply.

Efficient ways of heating with electricity

Heating with electricity in a private house has the main advantages over all others - these are simple and accurate methods for monitoring and regulating the operation of all nodes and elements. Even the sensors and display of information about operating modes are more accurate than those of equipment on other types of energy carriers.

Individual electric heating of a private house has three options for heating systems:

    autonomous water heating systems based on electric boilers:

    use of infrared ceramic heaters;

    electric convectors with electronic thermostats.

All these systems can be adapted into a smart home system and controlled remotely.

Differences between heating on gas and electricity in the video:

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer electrical work services. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

Heating with an electric boiler

This is a classic scheme of an autonomous heating system. There are two options for heating the coolant - indirect and direct.

There are two types of indirect heating electric boilers: heating elements and induction.

The device and principle of operation of heating element boilers are quite simple - there is a heating coil enclosed in a sealed metal shell with a dielectric heat-conducting filler, heat from the coil through the filler is transferred to the surface of the heating element shell, with which the heat carrier of the heating system contacts.

This is how the “stuffing” of a 9 kW heating element boiler looks like, which, despite its compact size, is able to heat a house with an area of ​​100 m2

Induction boilers have appeared for domestic heating systems relatively recently. Their principle of operation lies in the property of metals to heat up under the influence of an alternating magnetic field. The heating element itself is an inductive coil with a ferromagnetic alloy core, through the "secondary winding" of which the coolant passes.

Scheme of operation of the induction heater

The peculiarity of direct heating electric boilers is that water acts not only as a heat carrier, but is also part of electrical circuit- passes through alternating current between electrodes. Where does the name of the boilers come from - electrode.

Each type of boiler has its drawbacks. In heating elements, scale is formed, which leads to a decrease in the useful power and resource of the boiler. Induction - quite expensive, bulky and have a "step" power control. Electrode ones have severe restrictions on the quality and composition of water, which must have a certain specific electrical resistance to alternating current.

Cascade of four electrode boilers for heating a large house

Well, the main drawback of heating a country house with an electric boiler is the presence of the coolant itself and the “cumbersome” circulation system of pipes and batteries. The arrangement of such a system is costly, and the efficiency compared to electric heaters direct action may be less if circulation pumps are used.

Infrared heaters

There are several types of heaters that use radiation (radiation) as a transfer of thermal energy. This transmission method is considered the most effective for heating a room - first, objects that stand in the way of infrared radiation are heated, and then air is heated from them, due to secondary convection.

Clearly about infrared heaters in the video:

There are three fundamentally different types of infrared heaters:

    reflectors, in which the incandescent spiral is enclosed in a quartz glass bulb;

    panel - in ceramic monolithic slab"soldered" heating element;

    film - with carbon sputtering on a polymer film.

Heating a house with electricity of the first type refers to heaters operating in the short-wave range of infrared radiation.

Such devices can be used as an additional heater, but not as a basic element of a private house heating system with electricity.

Disadvantages - the lowest efficiency (due to the visible part of the radiation), the lack of precise temperature control and high case temperature.

The second type of device operates in the soft long-wave range. Maximum temperature ceramic panel does not exceed 90°C, but on the case it is even lower. There are two types of control - mechanical and electronic thermostat. The first option involves manual control and its accuracy is low. With the help of electronic thermostats, the temperature can be set with an accuracy of 1°C.

The infrared panel is so safe that it can be hung on wooden walls

Film heaters are the most efficient. Usually they are used as part of a warm floor, but in principle they can be mounted in walls or on the ceiling. But it is the installation in the composition floor covering most of all corresponds to the correct and uniform heating of the room. The operation is controlled automatically using a pair of "temperature sensor-thermostat".

If there is not enough space on the floor, then the film heater can be mounted on any free plane


Outwardly, convectors are very similar to panel ceramic heaters, but inside the metal case there is an “open” heating element, enclosed inside a plate radiator. The fundamental difference in the way of heating - cold air enters the case through the bottom row of holes, in contact with the radiator, heats up and exits through top row holes.

The body of the convector not only serves as a protection for the heating element, but also increases the speed of the upward flow. Due to this, at the same power, the space is heated faster than from a water heating battery.

Stylish convector panel looks great in a modern interior

As with panel ceramic heaters, there are two types of thermostats - mechanical and electronic. And it is the electronic operation control that ensures the accuracy of adjustment and the ability to work in several modes:

    individual, with manual control, used to heat a separate room;

    group, operation of several devices under the control of one (common) thermostat, which ensures uniform heating of a large area or the same heating mode for several rooms;

    intelligent, control by remote control, connect to GSM module and control using standard commands from a remote terminal (mobile communication, Internet), connection to a router and control via a local network and / or Internet.

What is better to choose: an electric boiler or an electric convector - clearly in the video:

An example of a real system with an intelligent control scheme for electric heating at home

NOBO, Europe's leading manufacturer of convectors, produces two interoperable smart control systems electrical appliances. Including "warm floors" (through a thermostat) and any other household appliances that are connected to the network (through a shield, a "break" in the circuit or turning on / off sockets). To do this, they produce special thermostats, socket receivers and flush-mounted relay receivers.

Using such a system, you can control and manage up to 100 devices or group zones. And thermostats of the 700 series provide 4 operating modes for convectors: comfortable, economical, non-freezing (air temperature 7 ° C) and “off”. According to the manufacturer, the flexibility of such a control system for convectors and underfloor heating allows you to save up to 25% on electric heating at home.

One of two control schemes for a multi-zone electrical system

As a result - how to optimize electric heating

In addition to the competent selection of heating equipment, an efficient and optimal (in terms of costs) heating system with electricity is possible only with comprehensive insulation of the house - from the basement to the roof. Otherwise, the cost of heating a house that is blown through will be much higher, even despite the high efficiency of the heater itself, and heating a house with electricity is unlikely to be cheap.

Heating a house with electricity is cheap - today this is not an advertising slogan, but a reality that is already familiar to a huge number of people. Compared to dozens of other options created throughout the history of mankind, this particular heating method can be considered optimal.

It does, however, have quite a few competitors. And today, when deciding which type of fuel to prefer, natural gas is often chosen. However, the opinion of specialists in the field of public utilities is unanimous: they associate the prospects for decades ahead exclusively with electricity. Hydrocarbons may run out, and current generation will continue anyway.

Heating with electricity has a number of positive qualities, and in some cases there is simply no other choice. If you intend to use electricity in your home, then be sure to prepare a blueprint before construction begins to minimize costs. building codes and the rules will tell you how to make a thermal calculation.

Like everything in the world, heating with electricity has both pros and cons.

Advantages and disadvantages

An economical electric heating system can be installed independently; complex tools and professional skills are not needed for its organization. The equipment itself is lighter and more compact than other heating installations.

The costs are negligible, and if necessary, it is easy to move the units to other rooms and premises. The absence of fuel combustion allows you to make economical electric heating without creating a chimney, chimneys and boiler rooms.

For the same reason, the formation of solid, liquid or gaseous wastes is excluded. Even if the equipment is out of order or is being dismantled, the risk of harmful substances missing. When choosing which heating in a private house is the most economical and convenient, many beginners stop at electric heating because there is no need to coordinate the project and obtain special permits.

All thermal heating systems are based on the circulation of air and/or water and steam. Choosing such a method as heating with electricity eliminates the need for fans, circulation pumps, which allows you to create a completely silent heating unit. In addition, the elimination of moving parts drastically reduces the risk of breakdown, and there is no longer a need to monitor instrument readings, fuel flow or fuel level in the tank.

Economic heating on electric energy warms up the building quickly, even if it's cold outside. It is possible to control the air temperature in separate rooms and set it to a certain value, which is not only more comfortable, but also helps to save money.

It is impossible not to say about the minuses. Although they say that cheap heating at home with electricity is quite possible, in practice the current consumption is very high. As a result, against the background of continuously growing tariffs, this method of heating can only be called beneficial. If the supply of electrical energy stops, the heating of the home also stops completely. Of course, a complete shutdown, especially on long time, is still rare. However, the heating system electric current may not work well due to voltage instability. As a rule, this is typical for rural areas and remote settlements. By purchasing a generator, you almost completely solve the problem, but the actual costs will be much higher. And then it will definitely not be possible to say that the cheapest heating is electric.

In addition, it should be noted that, due to the significant load, home wiring must be of impeccable quality and very powerful. If an electric method of heating a large private house is chosen, even a three-phase power supply system may be required. Immediately find out what the required power of the appliances is, and whether the current entering the house is enough for all needs.

Types of heating

There are direct heating systems and systems with coolant circulation.

Almost a classic are oil coolers. Despite its venerable age, this type of heater remains in demand. Almost all devices are easy to move, often equipped with wheels. Electricity turns into heat, and this heat is immediately given off to the air. The problem is that within the same room or office, this option is suitable, but as a cheap heating of a private house - alas, no.

Unlike an oil cooler, an electric convector appeared relatively recently. However, such heating systems are rapidly gaining popularity due to the fact that they are easily scalable (they can work in rooms of various sizes), do not affect the water and oxygen content in the atmosphere. The basis of the convector is a heating element. Colder air masses, penetrating through the holes, take heat from the heater and, rising, exit through the same holes. The convector is hidden inside with an aesthetic casing.

Another quite possible heating system is air conditioning with a heating function. According to some experts, this option is the most economical heating besides, careful adjustment reduces current costs. However, there are also disadvantages - the increased cost of equipment and technically complex maintenance.

If you ask what type of heating a private house is the most technologically advanced, then without a doubt, the answer is - infrared heating(sometimes called film). This is also a rather cheap way, however, the installation of equipment and it itself are still expensive. The thermal element evenly gives off heat to the room due to infrared rays, they also heat the air. This profitable heating with the possibility of zonal and spot heating. Making infrared heating at home with your own hands is not difficult.

A fairly popular competitor is the so-called warm floor. It is able to be both the main source of heat and auxiliary. Ecological safety, ability to work for many decades, very simple handling - these are its main advantages.

However, the risk of mechanical deformation and the inability to repair a warm floor without dismantling the coating are no less significant disadvantages. Some combination of the previous options can be considered an infrared warm floor, but it is still not found anywhere.

Electric heating

The most common way to warm a room with current is economical boilers! Their advantage lies in the relatively low price of both the equipment itself and its operation. Most people are familiar with boilers with heating elements that give off heat to water, which already delivers it to radiators. The ease of installation and the ability to accurately maintain the temperature also speak in favor of this solution. But keep in mind that although this option is the cheapest, it tends to accumulate lime, especially in hard water. It will be necessary to take special measures to soften the coolant.

In search of how to save on heating, some prefer electrode boilers.

The heater interacts with water ions, which makes the entire heating process absolutely safe. If there is no water, the boiler simply cannot work.

The disadvantage of this device is that it is required to use only water, moreover, with a strictly specified resistivity, and regularly change the electrodes.

Economical heating of a private house can also be done with the help of an induction electric boiler. Inside it there is a pipeline to which the radiating unit transmits eddy currents. There are no elements prone to wear, the formation of scale is negligible, the device can heat a large room, antifreeze is also suitable as a coolant.


So, what is the most economical heating of a private house? To answer this question, you need to take into account all the significant circumstances, all the pros and cons.

And one more thing: the rational organization of heating at home is unthinkable without the greatest possible reduction in unproductive heat losses.

For each residential building, is it large apartment building, or we are talking about a private household of one and two-story type, organization is of great importance efficient heating. There are a lot of existing heating options today, however, due to technical capabilities, not every house can be connected to gas. It is not always possible to supply solid fuel or liquid fuel boilers with the required amount of fuel. In such situations, home heating will become electricity.

Already at the stage of designing an electric heating system, it can be concluded that this method of heating will be much cheaper and more economical. Especially if we compare the speed of installation of electrical equipment with the laying and installation of heating systems of other types. Economic efficiency in some cases is a decisive factor when choosing a heating system. Despite the fact that today electricity is constantly becoming more expensive, new technologies allow the use of electric heaters with high efficiency.

Electric heating in your home - the main advantages and disadvantages

The concept of electric heating should be understood as a fairly wide range of technical means and opportunities. Electricity is a unique type of artificially produced energy that can be successfully used for domestic purposes. Electric heating can be of two types:

  • with an intermediate coolant;
  • with direct heat transfer.

In the first case, we are talking about a system based on an electric boiler that heats up the coolant and distributes it through the pipeline system. In the second case, we are talking about independent heating elements and appliances powered by an electrical network. To heat the house, as well as any other room, convectors, thermal electric fans, spiral and infrared heaters are actively used. This method of heating is much simpler from a technical point of view. The only negative is a significant overspending of electricity, which will have to be paid. A separate discussion deserves a warm floor, a technology thanks to which you can truly achieve comfort in heating residential premises.

If we consider the ratio of opportunities and benefits obtained from the use of electric heating with other types of heating, then electricity will look preferable. Main advantage electrical systems heating - high efficiency. To others positive moments should include:

  • durability of operating systems;
  • ease of maintenance and operation;
  • reasonable costs for the purchase of equipment, installation and connection.
  • silent operation and high level of safety of modern electric heating installations;
  • absence permits for the installation of electrical heating systems.

The economic effect is achieved through the installation of thermostats on electric heaters, due to which the automatic switch on, power off.

The listed pluses are leveled by one minus. To install sufficiently powerful electrical heating appliances in the house, an electric boiler, it will be necessary to additionally equip the residential building with electrical distribution devices and devices.

Important! Wiring in the house must be able to withstand significant loads, especially in the cold season. In addition to everything, the electrical switchboard must be equipped with a multi-tariff meter, which allows intensive use of the nightly cheap tariff. The main task in the installation of electric heating systems is to optimize the operation of the entire complex.

Electric boiler or convector - what's the difference? What to pay attention to?

From a technological point of view, an electric boiler is the most profitable in terms of price-quality ratio. Before making a purchase, you should carefully study the technical capabilities and characteristics of the models on the market. Assessing the capabilities of the boiler, it is necessary to take into account the amount of work that new equipment has to cope with. In order to heat a house with an area of ​​150 m 2, according to approximate calculations, at least 150 kW of electricity per day will be required. Not every boiler is able to cope with such a volume, and not all power lines are able to withstand such a load.

The boiler is connected to the usual standard water heating system, heating the coolant during its operation.

Each model is equipped, which allows residents to independently choose the temperature regime. Automation itself regulates the power of the boiler based on the specified parameters, without requiring human intervention, providing the necessary savings in electricity. The water supply is also regulated using the built-in pump, so there is no reason to worry about the normal pressure in the system. Additional equipment that most modern models of electric boilers are equipped with today increases the functionality of the system and is aimed at reducing electricity consumption, saving you money.

In the process of optimizing the operation of the heating system, it is important to take into account the heat losses that are characteristic of the room. This indicator depends directly on the thickness of the walls, the presence of insulation, the number of doors and window openings. The main heat loss occurs through windows and doors.

Last but not least, the heating efficiency depends on the parameters of the selected electric boiler model. There are classic boilers with heating elements, as well as more efficient modern options- induction and electrode (ionic). Moreover, all of them have an efficiency of 90%.

For reference: Often, manufacturers in the accompanying documents for the goods write the efficiency of the model - 95-98%. The figures look impressive, although in reality the figures are much lower, in the range of 90-92%.

When used simultaneously a large number electrical household appliances, the temperature of the coolant in the electric heating system can be reduced, saving on a balanced consumption of electricity. Each specific case gives various options for savings, in contrast to the use of other heating systems. For example, an area of ​​​​50 m 2 will require an electric boiler with a capacity of 3 kW. Having the necessary numbers at hand, it is not at all difficult to calculate the number of kilowatts that will be consumed during the month with the continuous operation of the boiler.

For instance:

  • house area - 50 m 2;
  • electric boiler - power 3 kW;

We do arithmetic calculations according to the following formula: 3x24x30, where 24 is the number of hours in a day, 30 is the number of days in a month. We get 2160 kW per month with the boiler running, and now we multiply this figure by the electricity tariff that is set in your region.

All calculations are approximate. The real amount of electricity costs will be visible only after some time. Only then can you make an independent adjustment of the operation of the heating system in the house, determine the appropriateness of using other electrical appliances in everyday life.

If you need to organize heating in your own house without laying highways and installing numerous equipment, you can get by with convectors. Unlike electric water heating in convectors, the basic principle of operation is the convection of warm air. Due to the operation of the heating elements, the ambient air is heated. The system is almost completely self-contained, compact and able to quickly heat up small interior spaces.

Convectors are equipped with temperature controllers, with which you can set the optimal heating parameters. The presence of automation provides automatic switching on / off of the device, depending on the temperature regime inside the room. To install heaters of this type, you must have high-quality sockets and reliable wiring.

Convectors can be installed both on walls and on the floor. The cooled air goes down, getting into the field of action of the heating elements, heats up again and rises up, and so on in a vicious circle. Thus, the process of convection of air masses is achieved. The operating mode of heating convectors is 60-100 0 C. Additionally, the room can be equipped with fans, the operation of which will accelerate the air exchange of the air mass. Despite the apparent simplicity of the design and the elementary principle of operation, the heating of the room with the help of convectors is carried out unevenly. Under the ceiling, the air will be warmer, while cool air masses will be felt below.

In order to achieve savings when using convectors, it is enough to carry out a simple mathematical calculation that allows you to determine the required number of devices for normal space heating. Practice shows that convectors are effective in heating wooden residential and household buildings of a small area. In capital, stone buildings with premises of a large area, it is not advisable to use convectors. Large volumes of air quickly cool down, the time for heating the room by convection of air masses increases significantly. Consequently, the energy consumption of the heating system increases.

Underfloor heating - economical heating of a private house

An electric boiler, convectors are not the only options for equipping a private house with an efficient heating system powered by the mains. Underfloor heating, which today has become fashionable to install in country houses and apartments, can be a good alternative to any other heating option. From the point of view of physics, a warm floor does not give a noticeable effect in heating residential premises, however, in comparison with the operation of other electric heating devices, thanks to a warm floor, it is possible to reduce energy costs for heating.

The desired effect is achieved through rational distribution of heat. Floors are known to be the coolest part of any room. Thanks to warm floors the coldest part of the room is automatically re-profiled from the cooler to the source of heat energy. The air heated from below over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room rises in uniform flows. For residential premises, underfloor heating saves 30-40%, for heating other premises, the savings can be 50% or more.

With the help of temperature controllers, optimal heating parameters are achieved. Having independently determined temperature regime indoors, it is possible to achieve significant energy savings.

The benefits of underfloor heating are:

  • an effective way to quickly warm up the premises;
  • acceptable economic indicators;
  • a comfortable indoor climate is maintained (oxygen is not burned);
  • simplicity and reliability in operation.

Against the background of the advantages that underfloor heating has, the only drawback of this electric heating option seems insignificant. The problem lies in the complexity of installing such a heating system, associated with the need to reorganize the flooring.

The preliminary calculation of the cost of heating costs in this case is as follows:

The approximate power of standard models used in everyday life is 1.5 kW per 10 m 2. We consider the average daily consumption and get a figure of 360 kW. For rooms of other sizes, calculations are made according to the same principle, the power varies in proportion to the area.

For reference: 360 kW x 2.5 (tariff 2.5 rubles, approximately) we get 900 rubles. And now we multiply the resulting figure by real square meters, for example 50 m 2. As a result, we have a figure of 4500 rubles.

Today, there is a wide range of options to achieve the necessary comfort inside a residential building using electric heating.

Each of us has the right to choose which heating option suits him best. An electric boiler, underfloor heating or electric heaters are options that solve certain problems. You can solve the problem globally by creating a capital heating system or solve issues locally. In any case, you can achieve savings if you rationally equip your house with heating elements, reduce heat loss in the room and optimize the operation of the entire energy system in the house.

The cost of supplying main gas and the related approvals pushes many owners of suburban real estate to organize a private house. Electricity is a great alternative to gas, safer and does not require special permits. The only drawback in this method heating are the costs of paying bills for the used kilowatts. In this publication, we will try to figure out whether it makes sense to heat a country house with electricity.

Possible ways of electric heating of a private house

There are two principles on which everything (CO) is built:

  1. Direct. Heating of each room is carried out by devices powered directly from the mains.
  2. Indirect. This principle is laid down, which heats radiators installed in heated rooms.

There are many opinions about which electric heating in a private house is better. The main argument of the adherents of the indirect method of heating a dwelling is the rather long process of cooling the coolant in the system, which gives advantages when the boiler is stopped. All those who use direct heating claim to benefit significantly from the purchase and installation of equipment.

How to heat a house with electricity

Consider the most popular options

  • Water heating with electric boiler.
  • Heating with electric convectors.

The first option involves the creation of a heating circuit, which uses pipes for transporting the coolant, radiators for transferring thermal energy to the room, as well as devices and mechanisms necessary for the operation of the system (expansion tank, circulation pump, shut-off and control valves, safety and control devices).

CO of your home, according to the architecture of the building, design features and other factors.

The second option involves the installation of the required number of electric convectors in each room. The benefits are obvious: no need to create heating circuits, design and complex installation of equipment. All work can be done independently, without overpaying expensive specialists.

Consider design features and the principle of operation of each heating option, which will make it possible to conclude whether electricity can be used to heat private and country houses.

Electric boilers: design features, advantages and disadvantages

There are three principles of heating the coolant, which are used in modern hot water heating boilers:

  • heating elements.
  • Electrodes.
  • Based on magnetic induction.

The first type of boilers is the most common. The coolant from the system enters the internal tank of the boiler unit, where it is heated by tubular heating elements, after which it enters the CO.

This type of equipment is safe, functional, has built-in automation to control the temperature of the coolant and air in the room.

In electrode boilers, a completely different principle is used to heat the coolant. The heating element in them consists of a pair of electrodes to which a high voltage is applied.

Electric current, passing from one electrode to another, heats the coolant, after which it enters the CO.

Important! In boiler plants of this type, the electrolysis process does not occur (which eliminates the appearance of scale) since an alternating voltage with a frequency of at least 50 Hz is used. Depending on the intensity of use, the electrodes become thinner over time and their ability to heat up is lost. Replacing the electrodes is a standard procedure in electrode boilers.

Structurally, induction ones look more attractive, although much more complicated. In this type of installation there are no (familiar to everyone) heating elements.

The coolant passes through the heat exchanger, which is part of the magnetic circuit, in which a powerful magnetic field is generated. It is it that heats the heat exchanger and the coolant, which circulates through the CO.

Electric heating of a country house, through indirect heat transfer, has its advantages over gas and air heating in the following: electric hot water boilers are quite reliable, have high efficiency and do not require a chimney.

As disadvantages of such heating at home, it can be noted that the use of electric boilers requires good wiring, stable voltage in the network.

Creating a water CO with an electric boiler requires significant initial costs, especially if you involve a third-party organization for project development, installation, configuration and balancing of the system. You should be prepared for additional costs for, which includes regular flushing of radiators, checking the operation of valves, etc.

Electric convectors: design and principle of operation

The design of the convectors is simple and therefore effective: dry heating elements are placed in the lower part of the metal (steel, aluminum) body, the operation of which is controlled by an adjustable thermostat. The air is heated, rises and exits through the grate at the top of the case. The “vacated” place in the device case is occupied by colder air masses, which, when heated, exit through the grill into the room. There is air circulation, which ensures uniform heating of the heated room.

Today on Russian market climate technology is presented the widest range of convectors, which differ in power (from 1 to 5 kW), design and installation method (floor, wall, universal).

Requires minimal initial investment to purchase equipment and have wiring checked by a qualified electrician. The difficulty lies in the selection of the required power and the number of convectors. This will require calculations that are carried out by specialized organizations based on data on the heat loss of each room. However, one can also be guided by approximate data: 1 kW of power is required to heat 10 m 2 of a private house. For a room of 10 m 2, you need one small convector for 1 - 2 kW, which can be purchased in specialized stores for less than 100 USD. For example, in one of the largest federal online stores RUSCLIMATE a huge selection of convectors from 2241 rubles, and when ordering through the site, there is also a 3% discount. And in the climate company prices for convectors start from 2260 rubles .

Heating with electricity: benefits, costs, conclusions

In order to answer the question of whether it is possible to heat a private house with electricity, some calculations should be made.

Initial data: brick house with basic insulation of the attic and floor, with an area of ​​150 m 2. Moscow region. We proceed from the data that heating 10 m 2 requires 1 kW of thermal power. To heat such a property, 15 kW of electricity per hour is required. In practice, during heating season there are about half of those days when such power is not required. We accept the average value - 7.5 kW / h for heating the original country house.

So: 7.5 kWh multiplied by 24 hours and 30 days. We get 5400 kW. Since the average duration of the heating season in the central region of the country is 5 months, we multiply the obtained value by 5 and by the cost of 1 kWh in Moscow (5.03); 5400 x 5 x 5.03 \u003d 135810 rubles. This figure shows the cost of paying for electricity for the use of electric CO for one season. It is worth adding the cost of equipment here: for convector heating it will be 300-400 USD. For the water system, this amount will increase to 8 - 10 thousand USD for the creation of a JI project, the purchase of equipment and the cost of installation and commissioning.

For example, CO gas will entail the following costs:

  • Purchase necessary equipment, project, installation and commissioning will amount to 10 -13 thousand USD.
  • With an efficiency of the boiler plant of 90%, the average gas consumption for the original country house will be 3.5 - 4 thousand m 3 in the season. In Moscow, the cost of 1 m 3 of gas varies within 6 rubles. In total, 24 thousand rubles will be spent per season.
  • The cost of connecting to the gas pipeline is more than half a million rubles.

Even without going into details, the difference in operating costs is visible, on the basis of which we can conclude: gas heating cheaper, except for the grandiose initial investment.

Tip: if there is no possibility, funds or desire to use gas as an energy carrier, then the most economical way to heat a house with electricity is to use electric convectors.

It is realistic to provide a cheap and efficient heating system. The electric convector is built on the principle of natural air circulation. From the heater, warm air moves upwards, thus stimulating the movement of air inside the room, and ensuring uniform heating. However, the convector is effective only in a warm climate, when the temperature does not fall below 10-15 degrees.


  • No forced air blowing. Even in the cleanest home, there are solid particles that lie on surfaces. By artificially blowing warm air out of a heater, this dust becomes part of the air we breathe. natural circulation air is not so active, therefore, dust does not rise into the air.
  • Small size with sufficient power. The heating elements of convectors heat up quickly, converting electricity into heat with an efficiency of up to 80%. In addition, there is a system of operation in different modes, as well as thermostats that allow you to work not constantly, but only when the air temperature drops.
  • Mobility that allows you to move the convector around the room, to places with maximum cold supply.
  • The possibility of creating a heating system exclusively with the help of convectors or using them as an integral part of a more complex heating system.
  • The electric heating element does not heat up more than 100 degrees, and the body - 60 degrees. Have elevated level protection against moisture, which allows the use of the convector in the kitchen and bathrooms.


  • The disadvantages of electric convectors is the installation of heaters in every room of the house.
  • In addition, if you turn them on at the same time, then there is a possibility of exceeding the limits of permissible power.

However, the minuses can be turned into pluses by installing a relay for turning on the heaters in turn. The relay will allow you to create a stable temperature in the house, reduce energy costs and stay within the allowable power. There is one more argument in favor of a system of convectors - they will not fail all at once. Replacing one or two appliances without losing heat is not difficult.

In the photo there is an electric convector from Nobo, Norway

Method 2 - tubular electric heaters

Heat is transferred from a tubular electric heater to a liquid-based heat carrier. Usually, water and oil are used as a coolant, sometimes antifreeze. The principle of the device of heaters is the same as that of electric kettles, therefore they are also called heaters and oil radiators. In fact, this is a boiler placed in a vessel with water. The efficiency of such devices is quite high, and heat loss for heating is minimal.


  • The undoubted advantages of tubular heaters include their safety, reliability of operation and versatility of use.
  • They can be used in both gaseous and liquid media.
  • Not explosive, and not afraid of vibrations and shocks.
  • Tubular heaters are available in a variety of design solutions, which allows you to economically heat a private house with electricity without violating the aesthetics of the interior.


Heating elements have a high cost due to the expensive metals that are used in production. Since scale forms on the tubes, it is necessary.

A tubular radiator is a thin-walled metal tube with a spiral inside, therefore, if you do not need particularly high temperatures, then you need to take a heater with tubes made of carbon steel. If the appliance must deliver a stable high temperature or operate in aggressive environment, then you need to take a device made of stainless steel.

Pictured is a do-it-yourself tubular electric heater

Method 3 - warm floor

As the only source of heating, they are chosen to free up usable area, i.e. arrange heating without the use of radiators. In addition, the uniform distribution of heat in the room helps to reduce dust in the air. I recommend buying electric floors in the form of heating mats - this will greatly simplify installation.

Method 4 - electric boiler with heating element

Popularity is determined by their safety, low cost and reliability. Most consumers stop at heating element boilers - they are much cheaper than electrode and induction boilers, and they are easy to maintain.

However, due to the use of a thermoelectric heater (TEN), such heating cannot be called the most economical. In addition, before buying, I recommend clarifying the operating mode of local power networks - perhaps the networks will not be able to cope with the load you need and the purchase will be in vain.

Pictured is an electric boiler KOSPEL, Poland

Method 5 - induction boiler

This is a transformer with two types of winding. The resulting eddy currents follow a short-circuited coil, which is the boiler body. In this case, the secondary winding receives energy, which is converted into heat, which heats the coolant.

Induction boilers quickly heat up the house, can operate at low voltage and do not contain parts that fail. The efficiency of such a boiler is almost 100% and does not depend on the period of operation.

The photo shows an induction boiler EPO Evan for 9.5 kW, Russia

Method 6 - electrode boiler

Inside there are electrodes, which act as a heating element. When current passes through a liquid, heat is released. This means that in electrode boilers there is no actual heating element on which scale could form. The absence of scale will greatly facilitate operation.

Electrode boilers are highly reliable and operate much longer than tubular heaters. In addition, they are small in size, which is very convenient for a small residential building. The disadvantages include high requirements for the liquid used as a coolant. Water must be subjected to special treatment. Often, antifreeze should generally be exclusive - from the device developer.

In the photo, the Galan electrode boiler, Russia

Method 7 - infrared heaters (most economical)

Infrared heaters are considered the most economical of all types of electric heaters. They do not need heating elements and pipes with water. Infrared heaters heat objects, not the room. Then the air is heated from the heated objects. If an electric boiler can be compared with a kettle, then an infrared one can be compared with a microwave.

Infrared panels are especially popular. They are installed on the ceiling or on the walls of residential and industrial premises. Since the heating area is increased, the room becomes warm faster than usual. Such a panel can be used as an independent source of heating or as an addition to existing system. Matches well infrared heater with electrode boilers. For example, an infrared heater can only be turned on in spring and autumn, when it is too early to turn on the main heating, or when it suddenly gets cold outside.

Pictured is a GROHE infrared panel, Germany


  1. It is generally accepted that heating a house with electricity is not a cheap pleasure. This, of course, is true, if we mean only payment by tariffs. However, the cost of equipment, as well as the cost of its maintenance and repair, must be added to the price of heating.
  2. If we compare bills for electricity, firewood, coal, pipes, boilers and other equipment, we can conclude that private electricity heating is cheaper than stoves and other systems alternative to gas heating.
  3. In addition to money, there is another argument in favor of electric heating - it is time saving: turn it on, leave it and forget it. The only downside is a sudden power outage.

Watch the video below on how you managed to make cheap heating with electricity of a large private house.