How to increase intelligence: effective methods. Levels of IQ values ​​\u200b\u200band their interpretation

  • 12.10.2019

I offer 5 simple ways to increase intelligence. Develop your intellectual ability much easier than you think!

There are many smart people, but there are intellectuals in modern life you don't see it very often.

But, having met, you recognize them unmistakably.

Surely among your acquaintances there is at least one person who can answer virtually any question, whose mental abilities are really amazing.

Did you sigh while talking with him: “ How to increase intelligence to become the same?

If yes, then this article will surely help you achieve what you want.

Smart, wise, intellectual - are these concepts identical?

Actually, no. Despite the fact that all three meanings imply the work of the brain, they have significant differences.

Smart, in my opinion, a person is born.

Each of us has its own number of brain convolutions and cells (you understand that I am speaking figuratively now, right?), which is why studying is incredibly easy for someone, and someone spends many hours daily on classes in order to keep up with peers.

But even if you were born a smart person, this does not mean that you are guaranteed success.

It is very easy to make the mind a useless organ without nourishing it with healthy information, killing it with alcohol and nicotine, dulling it with serials and pulp fiction.

Wisdom is to see the very essence of things, to find a way out of difficult situations, make compromises when necessary, etc.

To be wise, it is not necessary to graduate from universities and get a degree.

Many grandmothers possess worldly wisdom, although their education often leaves much to be desired.

Wisdom is more characteristic of older people, but sometimes nature rewards it from childhood.

I once met an amazing six-year-old baby - her conclusions and attitude to life would be the envy of any adult.

But intelligence is a broader concept, which is denoted as the ability of a person to use the knowledge that he receives, and the totality of all human abilities that he can use to learn something new.

For a long time it was thought that the methods how to develop intelligence, do not make sense, since a person is either born endowed with a remarkable mind, or not.

However, intellectuals (people who have expanded the possibilities of their minds by their own work) have proved the opposite.

How to increase intelligence? Get rid of his main enemies!

It often happens that a person seems to be ready to work, and reads some correct books, and studies a dictionary of scientific terms in order to be able to trump with a tricky word on occasion, and bought solid glasses - and the result is far from expected.

Already with all the smart advice from the articles " How to increase intelligence”The failed intellectual took advantage, but still, something is not right.

People often do not understand that before starting work, you need to eliminate everything that interferes.

It's like visiting regularly gym in the hope of losing weight, but at the same time continue to overeat pies and sweets at night.

It's the same with mind training.

"Intellectuals are divided into two categories: some worship the intellect, others use it."
Gilbert Chesterton

The main enemies of intelligence are:

    In general, this is a serious enemy of all that is good: several normal channels and a small particle of useful transmissions are lost in tons of garbage.

    In general, exclude him from your life - you can watch a film or program on the Internet.

    Our brain needs 8 hours of sleep - none of the doctors has yet refuted this truth.

    Moreover, sleep is considered healthy when a person goes to bed early and gets up early.

    Don't be fooled by the illusion that I sleep lightly for a couple of hours a night in the middle of the week and then catch up on weekends.

    You are slowly but surely destroying your gray matter, and you are definitely not in danger of becoming an intellectual.

    Bad food.

    Excess animal fats and sugar, flour, desserts, smoked meats, I’m already silent, about nasty things like chips and poisonous lemonades in plastic bottles are absolutely useless for your brains.

    They need fatty fish, cereals, a lot of vegetables and fruits, nuts, dried fruits, greens.

    physical passivity.

    Firstly, exercises increase brain productivity (this is a scientifically proven fact), and secondly, these swollen, soft-bodied intellectuals and pale, shapeless intellectuals are already tired of it.

    It's time to change the tradition!

    Well, with this enemy, in my opinion, everything is clear.

    Those who want to develop intelligence should forget the phrases: “Oh, I don’t want to today, I’ll do it tomorrow”, “So reluctant to read, I’d rather watch TV”, “Too lazy to go to foreign language courses, better at home lie down”, etc.

How to develop intelligence: 5 easy ways

Increasing your intellectual abilities is much easier than you think.

You don’t need to spend a lot of money, you don’t need to drink any medicines, you don’t have to exhaust yourself with long workouts.

You can increase intelligence with the help of:

    Read as much as possible: both specialized literature, and scientific, and memoirs, and biographies, and fiction.

    So you will accumulate enough knowledge to be able to keep up the conversation in any society.

    But love novels and primitive detective stories from modern series, hand over today to waste paper.

    Firstly, such knowledge will always come in handy, for example, when traveling abroad.

    Secondly, the study of foreign words perfectly trains the brain and improves their abilities.

    In addition, knowing several foreign languages ​​will help you find a good job.

    Puzzles, chess, solitaire and other educational games.

    They train well logical thinking, make the gray matter move, and the concentration of attention.

    The earlier a child gets acquainted with educational games, the better for him, however, this technique is also effective for adults.

    Exact sciences.

    Alas and ah, the humanities, but it is mathematics, physics and other exact sciences that are capable of increase intelligence.

    If it's too late for you to get higher education or you are quite satisfied with your profession and do not want to change it, then do mathematics like an amateur: solve problems, go to a specialized circle.

    Do you know how to measure your level of intelligence?

    Did you take an IQ test at school/university/when applying for a job?

    Or do you think that all this is complete nonsense? Let's figure it out!

    Let's watch the video:

    large quantity useful information everyday.

    Your brain must constantly work and be in an active state.

    Don't let it atrophy and overgrow with weeds.

    Then these thickets will be difficult to uproot.

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The idea of ​​discussing the mental abilities inherent in a person often irritates people, sometimes even causes a feeling of resentment. This is due to the misperception of the subject. Scientists have vast information about individual differences and abilities. They perfectly understand where they come from. And they know very well how to develop intelligence. However, this information rarely gets into the press. Basically, the reader is provided with a comparison of people by nationality, race, gender. And of course, the author tries his best to avoid discrimination. This is what irritates people.

Intelligence research draws a negative reputation from the past. This is what they owe early work in this region. Indeed, in ancient works they tried to prove that a certain group of people is superior to others and deserves exceptionally special treatment. Today's works are aimed at the development of all people, regardless of the intellectual level. The use of such techniques allows achieving excellent results.

We define goals

How to develop intelligence? This question worries every person from time to time. And since the interest in the topic is massive, it means that there are a lot of answers. The desire to become smart is a very voluminous concept. And if you are ready to seriously take up the development of intelligence, then first determine the goals. After all, it is impossible to strive for what you do not clearly see ahead.

Imagine a mentally intelligent person. What is he? For example, this is a person who freely communicates on topics in which others understand little. Or your imagination slipped you a personality that easily solves any TV quizzes and crossword puzzles. Or maybe you consider knowledge in stock strategies or aircraft design to be the pinnacle of mental activity? It is necessary to develop intelligence for specific goals. By honestly answering the question, you will determine the task to which, in fact, you are striving.

Choosing strategies

Before throwing all your strength into the development of intelligence, analyze your abilities. If from the very childhood mathematics caused you a persistent disgust, then is it worth it to study number theory? Or memorize Gumilyov's poems, even if Pushkin once called headache? Naturally, with patience, you can achieve good results in any field. But if you direct your efforts to development in your favorite business, then an excellent result will be given much easier and with little bloodshed.

The desire to impress others with smart conversations is very easy to realize. It makes sense to start reading. Books that develop intelligence will tell you how to interest the listener, how to conduct conversations correctly. A little secret - read the literature on the topics that are most often raised in your environment. This will allow inserting from time to time interesting information and facts gleaned from books. It is only very important to really understand the literature you read so as not to get into an awkward position.

Sometimes, wondering how to develop intelligence, people pursue the goal of becoming rich. It's time to stop and analyze the situation. Are all rich people smart? No. Do all smart people necessarily become rich? Again no. Then, if the goal is wealth, it is necessary to reconsider the strategy for achieving it.

The desire to become an intellectual designer implies concrete steps. Simply put, you should develop your abilities in this area in order to become a competent specialist. Take a close look at authoritative individuals who have achieved considerable results. Read the same books they studied. When you start moving in this direction, the vector further development will take on clearer forms.

How to define intelligence?

To tell the truth, there is no exact methodology that allows you to determine IQ. The most commonly used test for intelligence, the author of which is Eysenck. However, this technique, even without looking at its popularity, loses somewhat to others. The tests of R. Amthauer, D. Raven, D. Wexler, R. B. Cattell are more accurate. Therefore, to determine your level of intelligence, you need to apply several of them, and possibly all. Only then will the resulting score more accurately correspond to your mental abilities.

Remember that any technique determines the IQ relative to the mental development of the "average" person in accordance with age. Yet most people rightly believe that perfect test on intelligence has not yet been found. After all, any technique shows only the level of knowledge and awareness.

Eysenck test results

Most of the methods have a very strong influence on the attitude towards the subject in the future. Thus, a high IQ will allow the child to get into a prestigious class in which education is built on difficult program. In the US, people are hired based on their IQ test scores. AT modern world a lot of attention is paid to such techniques, although not a single creator can vouch for a 100% result.

Hans Jörgen Eysenck introduced a scale from 0 to 160 for his test. The normal IQ of an average person was taken as 100 points. Therefore, to test mental abilities means to compare yourself with others.

The largest category of the population (50%) has an IQ in the range of 90-110 points. It is this audience that needs constant development of the mind in order to raise its level. Excellent intelligence - more than 110 points - 25% of people have. Unfortunately, the remaining 25% have an IQ level of less than 90. It should be noted that only 0.5% of the population has high intelligence - results that start from 140 points. People whose level of development does not reach 70, as a rule, have mental retardation.

Emotional intellect

Such a concept arose in psychology quite recently. But interest in it is quite high. What is emotional intelligence (EQ)? This is the ability to understand one's own and other people's emotions and feelings, to feel them, to convey to people, to manage them. Awareness of all this lays the foundation for successful interaction with other personalities.

Numerous studies of theorists and practitioners of psychology prove that the level of human achievement is determined to a greater extent by emotional abilities than classic test on IQ. Thus, the concept of “being smart” has been transformed. Today it is the ability to understand one's own and other people's feelings and, of course, control one's own.

  • Expression of emotions and accuracy of assessment. It is necessary to understand the feelings, both your own and those of others, regardless of whether they are associated with internal or external events. In other words, it is the ability to identify any emotion by appearance, physical condition, thoughts, behavior. The ability to accurately express all your feelings and articulate the needs associated with them.
  • The use of emotions in mental activity. How a person feels depends on what and how he thinks. It is no secret that emotions quite strongly influence the entire process of thinking and prepare the individual for subsequent actions. This ability allows you to learn to think more effectively. Having figured out how to manage feelings, a person can look at the world from completely different angles, and therefore, it is much better to solve the problems that have arisen.
  • Understanding emotions. This is a person's perception of the source of feelings that arise, the ability to classify them, to determine the connection between them and words. Ability to understand complex manifestations and predict their further development.
  • Emotion management. All feelings affect thinking. That is why it is important to take them into account in making decisions, various tasks, in choosing behavior. The ability to manage emotions will allow you to evoke the necessary feelings, if necessary, or completely move away from them.

Methods for developing emotional intelligence

It is believed that a person who has achieved high results in this area increases his efficiency several times in various social areas. At the same time, it acquires the ability to feel happy.

The opinions of psychologists who study emotional intelligence are different. How to develop what is inherent in nature? Some people think it's impossible. Others hold a different point of view, and even developed a corresponding methodology.

To form the ability to recognize and evaluate emotions, it is necessary to identify them from time to time. "What am I feeling at the moment?" - such a question will help to learn understanding. Evaluate the basic concepts: sadness, joy, fear, anger. It is with them that you need to start.

Try to identify the source and intensity of the emotion you are experiencing. To do this, come up with a scale from 0 to 10. If control over a feeling did not require much effort, this is 0. And an uncontrolled emotion is 10. Such a scale will tell you all the nuances of your feelings. Over time, you will be able to reduce your attitude towards negative emotions to the required level.

The next step should be to expand the range. Formulate your own ABC of emotions. According to her, try to determine the emotional state of the people around you.

When you do anything, try to be aware of what you are experiencing. Learn to express your feelings, translate emotions into words. Remember that most relationships broke down from misunderstanding and understatement.

Music influence

Pleasant melodic sounds can not only be enjoyed. Music and intelligence are strongly interconnected. With it, you can significantly increase the efficiency of work.

We are not talking about people who understand complex musical forms, and therefore have a high level of intelligence. The melody has an amazing effect on any person. It is noticed that music lovers increase concentration, memory improves, attention develops. It should be noted that such processes are quickly consolidated and are long-term.

While listening to music, synchronous work of both hemispheres of the brain is noted. This increases its potential several times, therefore, mental activity is more productive. Scientists have proven that the synchronization of the work of the right and left hemispheres is the first step on the path to genius. At the same time, it was music that played the leading role.

It should be noted that not every melody develops a person's intellect. Bulgarian scholars recommend listening to masterpieces dating back to the 17th-18th century, written by composers who worked in the Baroque and early Classical styles. It turns out that this music, written several centuries ago, still has the most powerful effect on memory and reason. The secret is that when writing their works, the masters used certain formulas that were passed down from generation to generation by ancient music schools.

Mozart's masterpieces with their unexpected overflows, transitions, overflowing of sounds, with their richness of various nuances are sustained in a 30-second "loud-quiet" rhythm. This fully corresponds to the biocurrents of the brain. Such music literally pours energy into the body. Thus, doing any business with melodic accompaniment of the immortal creations of Vivaldi and Mozart will greatly increase the efficiency of work. After all, it is not for nothing that scientists call individual fragments the music of the intellect.

Particular attention should be paid to the enemy of reason. Unfortunately, pop music dominates. You can't do any vocal music. Even when it comes to opera. The effect of voice on a person has the exact opposite result. The level of employment is dropping sharply. Modern trends, such as rave, techno, metal, house, do not contribute to the development of intelligence at all.

Surprisingly, regular listening to jazz and classical without any effort in two months can develop intelligence to a fairly decent degree. This is something to seriously think about.

Logical games

How to develop intelligence? Start playing games. First of all, it is, of course, chess. They are considered the best game for the development of intelligence, since they require great concentration, logical analysis and calculations. At the same time, not only mental activity begins to be stimulated, a person develops intuitive thinking. If you're not a chess fan, look for other mind games. It can be: billiards, Rubik's cube, tic-tac-toe, mahjong. Perfect for this purpose is solving puzzles. Moreover, they can be anything: verbal, semantic, drawn or mathematical.

Reading Literature

This is perhaps the most accessible and powerful method of developing intelligence. As noted earlier, if you want to thoroughly understand one issue, study the literature on it. Start with textbooks, various manuals, brochures.

If you have more global goals Make it a rule to read every day. Books that develop intelligence and thinking will not allow the brain to “relax”. In addition, a person who reads a lot never experiences difficulties in communication. He always knows what to say to his interlocutor.

Information analysis

Ideas that arise in the head can be generated in the brain. It is much better to write down such thoughts. Learn to reflect in writing. As a rule, the recording of each subsequent step will begin on a piece of paper. And this process allows you to activate several parts of the brain at once. It is noticed that at this time the concentration increases almost three times. Thanks to this, the analysis of the situation becomes much deeper. Therefore, you save yourself the possibility of making the wrong decision.

Time relax

It is quite difficult to develop intelligence if you constantly want to sleep. Take the necessary time to rest. It is no secret that it is difficult to concentrate on an important matter if attention is scattered and inward. Studies have confirmed that fatigue lowers IQ by several points. That is why, in order to maximize mental faculties, you need to get enough sleep. Start going to bed on time. And the results will surprise you within a week.

Instead of a conclusion

If you are thinking about how to develop intelligence, strive to increase IQ, first awaken in your mind a thirst for knowledge. Try to constantly develop the brain, think a lot and learn to philosophize. Activate your curiosity and be ready to find answers to most questions on your own. Remember that a sharp mind is the path to wealth, harmony with others and with yourself, understanding the meaning of life.

Intelligence is the ability of a person to act purposefully, think rationally and achieve certain results. This ability is necessary when various difficulties and problems arise in a person's life. It can be a mathematical problem, the ability to quickly make a decision and act in a dangerous situation.

The development of intellectual abilities predetermines both heredity and the development of mental functions. The concept of intelligence includes such types of mental activity as memory, perception, thinking, speech, attention, which are the prerequisites for cognitive activity, the ability to make the most of previously acquired experience, perform analysis and synthesis, improve skills and multiply knowledge. The better the memory and thinking, the higher the intelligence. Both creativity and creativity are important for the level of intelligence. social adaptation and the ability to solve psychological problems.

Psychologists use the concept of fluid and crystallized intelligence to determine age-related changes in intellectual abilities. Crystallized, or concrete, intelligence is speech skills, knowledge and the ability to apply one's knowledge in practice or in scientific activities. Fluid, or abstract, intelligence is the ability to think abstractly, draw conclusions and the ability to use them. With age, the fluid intelligence of a person decreases, while the crystallized one, on the contrary, increases.

Is it possible to influence the development of intelligence?

In the first ten years of a person's life, intelligence gradually increases. This is easy to verify by performing an age-appropriate test. The intellect of a person of 18-20 years old reaches its peak, although, of course, a person improves his mental skills throughout his life, studies, gains experience, etc. The level of intellectual development can be predicted relatively early - even in early childhood. Many researchers in the field of physiology and psychology believe that the intellectual ability of a 5-year-old child is half that of an adult, and the intellectual development of an 8-year-old child reaches 80% of the mental development of an adult. During the first 18 months of a child's life, nothing can be said about his future intellect, but already at this time it is necessary to develop the mental abilities of the child.

The development of a child's intellect is influenced not only by heredity, but also by external factors. Therefore, the development of the child's mental abilities can be purposefully stimulated. A positive influence on its formation is provided by attention, care and human warmth, as well as stimulation of activity, creativity and social contacts of the child. It is noted that the mental abilities of children and young people growing up in a negative social environment are definitely lower than those growing up in a favorable social environment. Serious disorders of mental development are possible with damage to the cerebral cortex and various mental illnesses.

Human mental development is determined by inherited genetic information and external environmental factors (upbringing, education, etc.). Some scientists believe that about 50-60% of human mental thinking depends on the environment. However, this is contradicted by the results of studies of homozygous (identical) twins. Today, many scientists claim that intelligence is almost 90% inherited.

Mental abilities of a person can be developed. To do this, you need to engage in mental activity, read more. It is important that the training methodology is appropriate for the age of the person. If a 4-year-old child is not a child prodigy, then he should not be taught to solve complex problems.


Intelligence quotient (IQ) is the established ratio of intellectual age (IQ) and human age (HF) during special testing. The test results are evaluated according to the average value characteristic of this age group of people, according to the formula IQ \u003d IV: HF x 100.

Which IQ is high and which is low? There are many tests and tables with different values, below is a generally accepted IQ level table:

  • IQ IQ = 70-79 - very low.
  • IQ = 80-89 - low.
  • IQ = 90-109 - average.
  • IQ = 110-119 - high.
  • IQ = 120-129 - very high.
  • IQ>130 is the highest.

In everyday life, a person uses his mental abilities as an element of cognition of the world around him. It is difficult to imagine modern reality without intellect, without the very ability to analyze and compare objects and phenomena with each other. Thanks to his mental activity, a person discovers in himself great opportunities for self-development and self-improvement. If there were no intellect, a person could not make scientific discoveries, such an activity as art would not exist at all.

Intelligence(from the Latin “mind, mind”) is a highly organized system of thinking of the individual, in which new products of activity appear. Intelligence necessarily affects mental abilities and all cognitive processes.

The concept of intelligence was introduced by the English scientist F. Galton at the end of the 19th century. Based on the scientific works of Charles Darwin on evolution. The characteristics of intelligence were studied by such scientists as A. Binet, C. Spearman, S. Colvin, E. Thorne - Dyke, J. Peterson, J. Piaget. All of them considered the intellect as a field of limitless human possibilities. The task of each specific individual is to realize his intellect competently, for the benefit of himself and those around him. In fact, only a few understand their true purpose and are ready to invest in the development of abilities.

Essence of intelligence

Ability to learn

A person cannot be imagined without mental activity. For especially developed people development becomes an integral part of life: it leads them forward to new achievements, helps them to necessary discoveries. The desire for learning in this case is dictated by internal need person to self-realization. When the desire to express one's own individuality becomes brighter than the opinions of others, a person is able to use all the power of his mind in order to achieve tangible success.

In fact, the ability to learn lies in each of us. It’s just that some people use the resource given to them by nature to the maximum, while others find reasons to reduce this process to the level necessary for survival.

Ability to work with abstractions

Scientists, thinkers, philosophers use scientific concepts and definitions in their activities. And not only them: students must also learn to understand the language of abstractions and operate freely with it. The ability to competently express one's thoughts, share discoveries in a particular area necessarily implies mastering the language at a high level. The intellect here is a necessary link, a tool for scientific activity.

Ability to adapt to environmental conditions

The environment in which a modern person lives is constantly changing. Unforeseen circumstances arise that negatively affect work, mix plans and disrupt deals. But a truly intelligent person is always able to analyze the situation that has arisen and see the benefit in it for himself. So the intellect helps the individual to endure in difficult circumstances, to fight in the name of a bright idea, to predict the desired result and strive to achieve it.

Structure of the intellect

Scientists with different approaches and different views on this problem identify concepts that make it possible to determine what intelligence consists of.

Spearman spoke about the presence of each individual, the so-called general intelligence, which helps to adapt to the environment in which he lives, to develop existing inclinations and talents. Individual characteristics this scientist considered hidden opportunities to achieve certain goals.

Thurstone characterized the facets of general intelligence and identified seven directions through which the mental realization of a person occurs.

  1. The ability to easily operate with numbers, perform calculations and mathematical operations in the mind.
  2. The ability to coherently express one's thoughts, to clothe them in verbal form. The scientist explained what determines the degree of mastery of the word and singled out the connection between mental activity and the development of speech.
  3. Ability to learn written and oral speech another person. As a rule, the more a person reads, the more he learns about the world around him. Self-awareness develops, memory capacity expands, other (personal) possibilities appear. The individual most often receives information through thoughtful reading. This is how the assimilation of new material, analysis and systematization of existing knowledge takes place.
  4. The ability to imagine, build artistic images in the head, develop and improve creative activity. It must be admitted that it is in the products of a creative orientation that the high potential of the individual is manifested, the essence of his capabilities is revealed.
  5. The ability to increase the amount of memory and train the speed of memorization. Modern man needs to constantly work on its resource.
  6. The ability to build logical chains, reason, analyze the realities of life.
  7. The ability to analyze, identify significant and significant differences between objects and phenomena.

Cattell discovered the enormous potential of opportunities that a person possesses. He defined intelligence as the ability for abstract thinking and abstraction.

Types of intelligence

Traditionally, in psychology, there are several types of mental activity. All of them correspond to one or another direction of life or affect the way of life of a person.

Verbal intelligence

With the help of this type, a person always has the opportunity to communicate with other people. Written activity perfectly develops the intellect, allows you to master foreign languages, study classic literature. Participation in discussions and disputes on various topics helps to focus on the essence of the issue, determine one's own values, and learn something important and valuable from opponents.

Verbal intelligence is necessary for acquiring basic knowledge about the world, so that a person has the opportunity to accumulate the necessary experience for his development. Communication with successful people who were able to reach new level life, to achieve a state of complete independence, has a positive effect on the worldview of the individual, the ability to accept and think about information.

logical intelligence

It is necessary for performing logical operations, solving mathematical problems. To improve the level of logic, it is recommended to solve crossword puzzles, read intellectual, useful books, engage in self-development, attend thematic seminars and trainings.

Logical intelligence needs constant work. To freely operate with numbers, you need to constantly perform complex calculations in your mind, solve problems.

Spatial intelligence

Based on the visual perception of any activity with the ability to repeat it on own experience. So music lessons, clay modeling can become wonderful guides to self-development.

  • physical intelligence. The ability to stay in great physical shape is the key to good health and longevity. Physical intelligence implies a strong connection with the body, an attentive attitude to one's well-being. The absence of disease is not yet an indicator of physical health. In order for the body to be strong and vigorous, you need to give it enough strength and attention: if possible, do exercises, any sports. It is important to give yourself daily the degree of stress that a person is able to withstand. Of course, in order to manage this process, you need to have great motivation and a desire to change something for the better.
  • Social intelligence. This includes the ability to communicate. Man is a social being and cannot live outside society. In order to adequately build relationships with other people and learn to understand them correctly, you need to train your will and ability to hear others daily. Understanding between people consists of several components, an important component of which is mutually beneficial cooperation. This is the basis of any business, to understand the needs of the client, to be able to convey the necessary information to the audience.
  • Emotional intellect. It involves the development of a sufficiently high level of reflection in a person. The ability to think analytically, be aware of your individual needs and strive to achieve your own goals will undoubtedly help you achieve a high level of emotional intelligence. Another important component is the ability to communicate with people, understand their moods and feelings, build models of effective interaction with them.
  • Spiritual intelligence. It implies a conscious desire of the individual to know himself, to engage in self-improvement. Intellectually developed person never stays long at one stage of development, he wants to progress, to motivate himself for further actions. For the development of this type of intelligence, individual reflections on life, the essence of being, meditation, and prayer are perfect.
  • Creative intelligence. It assumes that the individual has a certain artistic talent: literary, musical, pictorial. The need to focus on the task at hand, to concentrate on the artistic image and embody it on paper, canvas or notes is inherent in true creators. But it should be remembered that any abilities need development, they need to be given a lot of effort and attention.

So, in order to develop a literary talent, it is necessary to learn to understand the essence and meaning of what is written, to study the works of great masters, to master artistic techniques and means of expression.


The human brain is designed in such a way that the more often we train it, the better it lends itself to training. In other words, the more attention, time, effort a person is ready to invest in their own development, the sooner the opportunities for self-realization increase and expand.

For example, if the mind is able to concentrate on certain things, then it is necessary for a long period of time to give it the opportunity to expand the field of activity, and then visible changes will be noticeable.

Intelligence Capabilities

The truth is that the possibilities of the human mind are inexhaustible. We have such a potential that if everyone were closely engaged in solving individual problems, the results would very soon be very impressive. Unfortunately, a person throughout his life uses no more than 4 - 5% of the potential inherent in him and forgets that his possibilities are endless. How to develop intelligence to a high level? Only the personality itself determines in what framework to put itself, only we manage ourselves.

How to increase intelligence?

Many people on the path of personal development, one way or another, ask this question. Few understand that the increase in intelligence is connected, first of all, with being an active person, being able to accept new things in your life, striving to achieve individual goals. Read more books related to self-realization or quality literature. Ironic detective stories or romance novels will not work.

Thus, the concept of intelligence is closely related to the person himself. It is important to understand that our mind cannot exist apart from us. It is necessary to regularly “feed” him with fresh ideas, to allow him to do bold deeds, to make discoveries. And then you can save high level intelligence for many years, and not just to use it in youth.

It is impossible to become smarter in an instant. Being smart is a way of life constant search and overcoming yourself. This is a rather difficult, but at the same time pleasant path. And you can choose how to start it.

1. Exercise Regularly

This improves blood flow and oxygenates the brain, while good physical condition contributes to good mental health. Choose a program that is comfortable for your age and physical abilities. The main thing here is regularity.

2. Make sure you get enough sleep

Numerous studies have shown that sleep deprivation reduces concentration, short-term and long-term memory, problem solving speed, visual and hearing acuity, and slows reaction times. Especially for maintaining good mental health, the right combination of deep and REM sleep is important. Here again, physical exercises from Lifehacker will help you.

3. Eat a healthy, balanced diet

Your brain needs a certain amount of nutrients to optimal performance. Diversify your usual menu to get enough vitamins, amino acids and carbohydrates. You don't have to buy supplements for this! We wrote earlier.

4. If you smoke - stop!

5. Reduce your alcohol intake

Alcohol in small amounts, especially when combined with socializing, may be beneficial for some brain functions. But excessive use can lead to acute and chronic impairment of its activity and cause irreversible cognitive impairment.

6. Learn new things regularly

Learn something new, such as foreign languages, playing musical instruments. Learn something you've always wanted to try! This contributes to the plasticity and flexibility of the brain. Learning math is a great exercise in logic and abstract thinking, and it improves concentration, mental stamina, and is guaranteed to raise your IQ by a few points. Use to learn something new.

7. Maintain friendships with smart and educated people

Make regular meetings with them and discuss a wide range of issues - complex intellectual discussions will give you new ideas and perspectives. You will understand how people think and express themselves smart people and what you might need to change about yourself.

If you are the smartest person in the room, then you are in the wrong room.

Alexander Zhurba, businessman and venture investor

8. Read at least one serious book a week and diversify your reading.

It will improve vocabulary and verbal intelligence, as well as enhance your knowledge and conversational repertoire. Reading must be !

9. Play challenging PC games

Shooters and racing at best develop reaction speed, but do not give you mental stimulation. Choose a game that involves complex rules, strategy, and requires certain mental skills. These are, for example, puzzle games Braid and Portal.

In multiplayer online games, Eve-online has, perhaps, the highest entry threshold.

10. Let go of limiting beliefs about your own intelligence.

Many truly qualified people tend to underestimate their abilities and suffer from a lack of self-confidence. Often the opinions of parents, overly critical (or even incompetent) teachers matter more than the stubborn facts of your success. Believe in yourself and start living a full life!