How to become the most successful person. Successful people do what they love

  • 21.09.2019

No matter how old you are, where you live, or what your career goals are, chances are your biggest aspirations in life are to be happy and successful. Being successful means more than just having a lot of money and achieving fame. It means following your aspirations, living with a purpose, and enjoying the present moment.


Developing the path to success

    Define your aspirations. Before you can be successful, you need to understand what it means to you. It can sometimes take years to find your calling in life, but by identifying your aspirations, interests, and values, you can set goals and find meaning in your existence. If you are having trouble identifying this, ask a friend or family member to help you. Ask yourself the following questions:

    Make a list of your goals and how you could achieve them. Be sure to consider both short-term and long-term goals. Instead of thinking about financial and career goals, try to think about relationship goals, self-development goals, and what you would like to experience or learn. Create a timeline with a timeline for each item to be achieved.

    • Set SMART goals: specific, measurable, achievable, meaningful, and time-bound.
    • Break big goals into small ones. For example, if your goal is to see the whole world, you can set the goal to save money and visit certain countries.
  1. Live with purpose. To achieve your dreams and be the person you want to be, you have to start paying attention to your actions. Ask yourself, “Will what I am doing now get me where I want to be in life?”

    • If you notice that you are constantly bored, that you dream about the future or the past, that you are counting the minutes until the end of the day, it may be because you do not feel connected to what you are doing.
    • Value your time. Try to devote your free time to your favorite activities and do not waste it. For example, instead of sitting in front of the TV all weekend, indulge in your hobby or spend time with loved ones or new friends.
    • Measure your productivity by passion, not achievement. Not everything you do has to be productive in the traditional sense, but your activities should be fun and enjoyable.
    • Keep in mind that it's okay to be a little lazy and do nothing every day. It can really help your imagination and self-awareness. Strive to strike a balance between doing what you feel like doing and allowing yourself to just “exist”.
  2. Stick to your commitments. Planning is not enough. It is also important to keep your word. If you told a person that you would do something specific, then do it. Likewise, don't promise anything unless you're sure you can keep it. Be honest about your abilities.

    • Do not cancel plans and try not to refuse to meet the same person twice.
    • Make commitments and stick to them. Write down your obligations on a piece of paper and hang it in a prominent place.
    • Make sure that your commitments gradually lead you to the goal. Review your goals from time to time to make sure you are moving in the right direction.

    Achieve external success

    1. Get an education. Education provides knowledge, skills and reputation, which allows you to realize your potential to the maximum. In terms of financial success, statistics have shown that the more educated a person is (for example, the higher their degree), the more money he can earn.

      • Optional to receive professional education, implying formal training using classical methods. You can get vocational training on the job or get additional qualifications through the program of additional (to higher) education. Earning a certificate or a recognized diploma in your field can increase your salary.
      • Also study for your own pleasure. The more you learn about the world you live in, the more questions you will have and the more interest you will show.
    2. Manage your finances. Knowing how to manage your money over time will provide you with financial stability, regardless of your income.

      • Track your expenses. Subtract your monthly expenses from your monthly income to determine how much free money you have on hand each month. Also, constantly check your bank balance and keep track of what you spend money on. Thus, you can avoid unnecessary expenses, and account statements will not sadden your eyes.
      • Get your income right. When calculating income, make sure you take into account the federal, state, and social taxes that will be deducted from your total income. Don't forget current deductions, such as health insurance (if you have it), savings bonds, or loans. The resulting number is your net income, that is, what you will eventually bring home.
      • Cut costs. If you're not making enough money to cover your net expenses, consider what you could be giving up.
      • Set aside money. Set aside some money each month in a savings account. You can even ask your employer to transfer part of your salary to your savings account.
      • Invest with caution. If your job allows you to save money in savings Pension Fund transfer excess income there.
    3. Manage your time. Don't put off important tasks until the last minute to avoid stress, mistakes, and sloppy work attitudes. Arrange your schedule so that you have enough time for effective implementation tasks.

      • Use a diary to help you stay organized every day, week, and month.
      • Set reminders on your smartphone and use the electronic timer to better manage your time.
      • Make a list of all the things you need to get done in a given day and cross off each task as you complete it. This will help you stay focused and motivated.

    Achieving internal success

    1. Don't compare your life with other people's lives. Unfortunately, many people judge their own success relative to the success of others. If you want to feel fulfilled and happy, you must value your life for your own good.

      Take into account the gifts of fate. No matter how much you have achieved in life, you will always feel unhappy if you constantly focus on what you do not have. Instead, take time each day to acknowledge what you have. Think beyond material things. Appreciate your loved ones and cherish happy memories.

    Improving success in all aspects of your life

      Watch your health. In a healthy body healthy mind. Eat a balanced diet and make sure you get all the nutrients you need. Identify the causes of any problems you may be experiencing (such as lack of energy or concentration) and deal with them by discussing the symptoms with a doctor, dietitian, or other medical worker. Also follow a large number of physical exercises, but choose those that bring you pleasure.

      Take advantage of opportunities. If you have a chance to shine, use it. If you're worried that you won't have the time and energy to take advantage of a great opportunity, ask yourself, "Will this help me achieve my ultimate goals?" If yes, get rid of other obligations to realize this chance.

    1. Surround yourself with positive people. Make friends with people you admire for a variety of reasons. For example, because they are happy, kind, generous, successful at work or in other directions. Join forces with those who have achieved what you want to achieve or who are on their own path towards a common goal. Don't let envy get in your way. No one's success can be a threat to your own.

      • When wanting to make friends with someone, ask yourself if this person gives you motivation, positive emotions and self-confidence, or it makes you feel tired, overwhelmed, or inept. Spend time with positive people, not with those who feed on your energy.
        • Also respect other people's boundaries. Listen to your loved ones when they say they need space or want to do something alone.
    • Use whatever inspires you: music, photography, fashion, current events, and more. Nothing will ignite the fire in you like a great source of inspiration.
    • Having positive role models in your life will keep you motivated and point you in the right direction. Your role model doesn't have to be someone you know personally. Find out the life story of this man and try to learn from his diligence.


    • Never envy the achievements of other people. Instead, work harder to reach your own great heights.

Along with a large number of publications about people who have achieved some success in doing business, one can often find the revelations of failed "business losers", which lead to many different reasons that prevented them from becoming successful.

I will not promise you that after reading this article, you will immediately, at that very second, become successful person!

But to push you to some reflections and analysis, to push you to ideas that contribute to become a successful person- why not?

Experts in the field of building a business define 10 rules that will help each of us achieve certain success in a particular field of activity.

So let's go!

How to become a successful person - take note!

Having the right priorities and goals will help you become successful.

First of all, you need to prioritize and clearly define goals.

At the same time, you should not immediately: “Become the president of the company!” (although, to tell the truth, it’s a very good goal 🙂).

Break this long journey into several stages and mark the nearest goal!

Successful people always know the value of their time.

Learn to manage your time and identify the most urgent matters that need to be resolved immediately.

At the same time, if, in your opinion, there are several such problems, first of all, you need to choose those that can help solve the next problem, or without their solution, further business movement is impossible.

A successful person is greeted by clothes ...

We all know the old proverb that people are greeted by clothes, but do we adhere to this rule?

If you want to work in the desired position, then it is recommended that you wear appropriate clothing; If you want to earn a million, then you should look the same!

Do you want to be successful? Get your body in order

In unison with the previous rule, one should also say about the physical form.

none, not even the most best clothes, will not hide the weakness and soreness of a person!

Take note!

Successful people are not afraid of responsibility

Be prepared to take responsibility.

Always remember that only those who do nothing do not make mistakes.

You should not consider the efficiency of woodworking during a walk in the park or the benefits of organic fertilizers over a cup of coffee in a cozy cafe.

The key to success lies in the right choice of business

However, the decisive factor is become a successful person- remains your attitude to the chosen case.

For many, the feeling of spiritual comfort is inextricably linked with the extent to which they realize their abilities and talents in life. Indeed, it is in the full-fledged self-realization and effective application of one's life and professional skills that a person's success consists. Success often has a quantitative equivalent, which is expressed in material well-being.

Therefore, in search of their recipe for happiness, people often wonder how to become a successful and rich person in life, what does it mean to be one? In this article we will talk about the secrets of motivation and the intricacies of personal development.

The world knows a lot of examples when some individuals reached dizzying heights, while initially having nothing.

When we see stars, celebrities or businessmen from the Forbes list in the spotlight, we think that they came to this in a short period of time, and in our mind it was not difficult for them. But in fact, if we met with them at a time when they did not succeed, we would think that they are failures.

So when the unenthusiastic ask how people get rich and successful, the answer is they just tried again and again!

For many, the advice to "don't give up" will seem trite. But it's really effective. For successful people, everything in their life is subordinated to one goal, one idea. They are true fanatics of their business, and their daily routine is built in such a way as to devote the maximum amount of time to it.

Of course, devoting yourself to something undividedly is possible only if you unconditionally like it. Therefore, we can conclude that people who have achieved success are those who have found a job to their liking.

Various statistics have shown that someone who is considered successful is:

  • constantly sets goals for life and achieves them;
  • confident in himself, his abilities, actions;
  • has a good paying job that he likes;
  • gives his appearance sufficient time: well-groomed, handsome;
  • successfully combines family and work;
  • has recognition in society, he is respected;
  • has leadership qualities.

Main qualities:

  • diligence;
  • assertiveness;
  • enterprise;
  • patience;
  • calm.

How to become rich and successful from scratch

If you have read a huge number of motivating books, biographies and quotes, and decided for yourself: “I will become successful!”, We will help you and tell you some secrets on how not to lose inspiration on the way to the highest peaks.

In any business, awareness is necessary, as they say, in order to succeed, “you need to work not 12 hours a day, but with your head.” This may surprise you, but try to honestly answer yourself the question, do you really need success? Because in order to improve your life results, you really need to sincerely want it. On the way to victory, you will have to leave your comfort zone, because, as you know, there is nothing new there.

There are many publications about effective time management, the authors of which promise to give tips on how to manage your time and do everything, as if there were not 24 hours in a day. Surely you are familiar with the biographies of prominent businessmen or other prominent personalities who became rich and successful. But you still feel like you don't know some important fact, a secret that can change the reality around you.

This may upset you, but in reality you will never understand what information has become Starting point your rapidly growing wealth. The examples of others are useful, the biographies of Steve Jobs and Bill Gates, published in impressive editions, also certainly have the right to exist. But all this huge amount of information serves as the basis for analyzing you as a person, your situation and for realizing which path is right for you. It is worth understanding that there are no universal or identical scenarios.

We will tell you about the details that will help you set the development vector. There is no special magical secret - there is only the persistence with which you can move along a well-functioning algorithm that you created yourself.

To build your indestructible strategy to achieve what you want, pay attention to following tips how to become a successful and rich woman in life from scratch.


First of all, evaluate your strengths. When you go to the store for something, you clearly understand how much money you can count on. In this case, the same scheme works. Before you start moving towards the goal, you need to evaluate the conditions for the start: what is already available and what can be increased, and what will have to be worked on from scratch. A person can potentially have six miracle resources. These include: health, money, knowledge, skills, abilities, connections, time, desires.


This most important component cannot be bought for any amount of money, but it is it that is the foundation for fruitful activity in any field. Any advice on how to become a rich and successful girl in life from scratch will be useless if your vitality at zero. Therefore, in pursuit of results, do not forget about healthy sleep and spend the night at the computer. Yes, of course, people who have reached certain heights, at one time made more efforts than the rest.

But you need to optimize your working time not by cutting back on sleep or skipping lunch, or a total refusal to walk on fresh air. Firstly, because you will soon feel like a downtrodden horse, and secondly, if you consider the longer term, this can adversely affect your immunity. Therefore, if you are seriously thinking about how to become a successful person from scratch and become an independent work unit, the first thing to think about is your well-being. Visits to the gym or swimming pool, fruit and compliance with the regime of work and rest are highly welcome.

The Story of Cindy Joseph

She is a supermodel and businesswoman who started her career at the age of 49. After 25 years as a makeup artist and make-up artist, she began to collaborate with the Dolce Gabbana company, which was looking for a model in the visage. After that, she signed a contract with Ford Models and joined the ranks of the most successful women in the fashion world.

She is convinced that with age a person becomes better, so there is no need to hide it. With gray hair and wrinkles, you can feel confident and happy.

In 2011 (when she was 60 years old), the supermodel launched a cosmetics line called pro-aging. It is made from natural raw materials based on bee products.

She recently got married, she also has two children and a successful activity that brings her pleasure.


Many mistakenly believe that having this resource in sufficient measure, climbing Olympus in any professional field will not be difficult. Of course, this can make it easier to achieve some goals, but it’s not the amount of your finances that is much more important, but the ability to manage them. The first thing to remember is that money loves movement. If you, like Uncle Scrooge, languish over gold, you are unlikely to notice the dynamics in the near future, and the state of stagnation is the enemy of well-being.

History of Ingebord Mootz

This woman was born in 1922, survived the war, retired, and then became the most popular German trader, and at the time of 2018 she is 96 years old.

When did the Forex market become available individuals, Ingeborga began to study and read on this topic, because of which she even had quarrels with her husband. After his death, she got the shares of VEBA, which he secretly bought. To earn even more, after the increase in the value of securities, she sold them and bought new ones. In a couple of years, she began to receive more than 125% of the income.

The main principle that it uses is known to many - buy low and sell high. Studying the information in the newspapers, she made decisions based on analysis and intuition. It is necessary not to chase big money, and develop an inner flair. The woman wrote the book "Stock Detective", where she tells a fictional story, but with real trading tips on the stock exchange of financial markets. At first they refused to print it, but after its popularity on the Internet, it became very famous, and in 2003 the work was published.


Now more than 70% of the world's knowledge is freely available, but people ignore this fact. It is possible to learn something on your own, if you remember the outstanding scientists who made discoveries or proved their unique theories, you will understand that their success is the personal work of each of them, there were no tutors or teachers next to them and did not give them ready-made schemes.

Marilyn vos Savant

This woman is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the owner of the highest IQ (230). She is an American writer, playwright, and journalist.

The girl passed her first test at the age of 10, showing an impressive result (Stanford-Binet, 228). After worldwide fame, she tried to become a writer, and she immediately succeeded - after a note about her, she was invited to Parade Magazine. After that, she had her own column “Ask Marilyn”, where she even answered correctly and explained the Monty Hall paradox, but a lot of angry letters rained down on her. However, after many admitted their mistake.

Now Marilyn vos Savant is part of the Mensa and Prometheus society, uniting people with a very high IQ.

Skills and abilities of a successful person

Even if you have found verified and reliable information so that it becomes useful to you and you can apply it in life, you need to process it, in other words, appropriate it. Thus, you will acquire a new skill, and then you can hone it to a skill. Highly effective people often have a lot of unique competencies, that is, they can do things that others cannot.

There is a theory of 10 thousand hours, that is, to learn something you need to spend so much time on it, if during this period you have not mastered the skill, then you need a little more time.

Montserrat Mecho

This woman jumped with a parachute for the first time when she was 50. For the first time, she not only did not get scared, but even performed several acrobatic figures.

She considers the feeling of happiness to be the main thing in life, for her it is just jumping from an airplane. Over the past 30 years, she has made about a thousand parachute jumps, and she is now 79 years old.

In addition, Montserrat has made several records in swimming, regularly practices skiing and diving. All these extreme sports helped the woman cope with the death of her son. The main thing that a person should do every day to be happy, according to Mecho, is to smile more often.


This is not about blat and advancement through family ties. Those threads that connect you with a huge number of people in different areas, can intertwine exactly in the route that will lead you to the intended goals. You will never guess the friendship with which person will turn out to be fateful for you or whose advice will help you understand how to proceed.


Well, the most important, irreplaceable resource is your time. By intelligently distributing hours for training, for honing skills, for communicating with people, for labor activity you will noticeably improve your life results. Here key concept is a priority. Decide what needs to be done first, what will always come first for you. If it's a casual getaway with friends, well that's fine too, that's your choice and lifestyle, but don't be surprised if career advancements come much later than you'd like. Pleasant with useful can and should be combined, you just have to build a competent sequence. No wonder they said "did the job - walk boldly."

Your assets are far from everything you need to become a successful person. In this case, we mean an internal impulse that starts the work of all possibilities, all resources. Such an inner powerful force is desire.

You can read a ton of literature on how to become rich and successful in life, looking for magic tips. But in fact, you have no idea that you already have everything you need. You are looking for some recipes for a reason, you have a desire to change something. If you cultivate it and nurture it, it will grow from a weak intention into action, first into a faltering attempt, and then into successive firm steps. Desire is what does not let you give up and stop trying, desire is an impulse to action. You need to understand a simple thing that a marathon runner does not undertake to overcome a many-kilometer distance at once. He trains on small sections of the path, gradually increasing their length. Therefore, you need to start small, solving easy problems and gradually complicating them. So you raise the bar, which means you will reach the finish line first without losing your enthusiasm.

Bethany Hamilton

The girl was born in Hawaii in a family of surfers, and from the age of five she began to do this. She dreamed of becoming a professional athlete, at the age of 8 she won her first competition, after which she was allowed to switch to home schooling.

One day, Bethany went to her favorite beach with a friend, her father and brother. However, some time after the start of training, she was attacked by a tiger shark. Everything happened very quickly, and the girl was urgently taken to the hospital. The doctors did everything to save her.

After several months, the girl returned to the sea again to stand on the board. After a year, she was already able to move confidently in the sea, and in 2007 she took up professional surfing. In 2016, the girl took third place in the Fiji Championship, thereby confirming her status as one of the best surfers in the world.

After that, she released two autobiographical books and also starred in a film about herself. In 2015, she gave birth to a son.

Start easy

Many cannot accept the thesis that you need to start with feasible tasks. But believe me, if you initially take on something grandiose without proper preparation, the likelihood of failure increases significantly. This undermines self-confidence and deplorably reflects on the desire to continue. Meanwhile, even a small success can inspire you greatly. It is better to start with a change in external indicators:

Tidy up your appearance

In the turmoil, we forget to pay due attention to ourselves: we didn’t get enough sleep, we didn’t put on makeup, we didn’t iron the collar of our blouse. People around instantly read these signals and communication, both business and informal, changes.

Competently build your speech

Try to keep a positive attitude

We achieve our goals and special position, not in a vacuum, but in society. Therefore, contact with people in the first place. If you experience emotional discomfort, tension or discouragement, if you often complain or express concern in a conversation, you are sowing negativity and it sucks you in like a funnel. In such a situation, successful people and events will not reach out to you. Train in the emotional realm as well. Don't get irritated over trifles.

How to become a successful, confident and wealthy girl: 7 steps to wealth

  1. Set a goal. You need to understand that wealth for you is a high salary (how high: 50, 100, 500 thousand) or money in your account (a million, several million). If you don't know what you are specifically walking, then it will be more difficult for you to sequence your steps to achieve your goal.
  2. Find a mentor (mentor). For this, the person you want to be like is suitable.
  3. Acquire the habits of rich people. This means that you do not necessarily need to buy expensive cars or fur coats, but quality furniture, lack of fast food, investment and proper nutrition- something worth learning.
  4. Change your environment and lifestyle. Those people who only hang out in clubs or drink beer every evening are rarely friends of really rich people. So find a new environment in the gym, in a Spanish or English course.
  5. Become financially literate. To save, invest and multiply money correctly, you will need certain knowledge. Watch the video on YouTube "The ABC of Finance" or similar, sign up for courses to understand what is wrong with your spending and how to increase your capital correctly.
  6. Start investing. Not necessarily in stocks and bonds, you can in yourself - in health, in education, in real estate.
  7. Have some patience. They do not become successful immediately, but after a few years. Don't expect results the next day.

What successful women say who have achieved recognition of people on their own - the secrets of success from scratch from a business woman

  • Develop a plan that works for you, according to Bozoma St. John, Uber's chief marketer. General lists of strangers, their pluses and minuses are useless. Make up your plan, which will work individually in your case.
  • Look online for resources, says Suze Orman, an American broadcaster who won an Emmy Award for Lifestyle and Cooking Program. Download the application to calculate the monthly budget, look for discounts on the Internet, constantly transfer part of the income to an inviolable account (10-20%).
  • Be okay with failure, says Sarah Blakely, founder of lingerie company Spanx. It is the acceptance of defeat that helps you understand your actions and move on.
  • Have a plan at hand - writes Alexa Von Tobel. Make a plan for the day, month, year. Get a little capital and create a list of how you can manage it.

  • Fear. People are most often afraid to change something in their established rhythm. Fear makes it difficult to move, because the girls are afraid of not reaching the goal, getting difficulties, and there is also an uncertainty about the future. How to change it? Most effective method- do what you fear. It's obvious, but it works. If you start doing what you are afraid of, then your brain will no longer be afraid of such actions, and each next step will be more confident.
  • Infantilism. This word means that you still behave like a child: ask your parents or colleagues to take care of you, do not want to take responsibility for yourself, for your life and actions, refuse to solve your problems yourself. To be a successful woman, you have to grow up.
  • Fussiness and imitation of violent activity.
  • Self-pity and complaining about everything. As long as you blame others and see yourself as a victim of circumstances, you will not be in control of your life. In order to change fate, you will have to take responsibility for your own actions yourself, go and act, despite the actions of other people (the displeasure of the boss, a quarrel in transport, for example).
  • Dependence on someone else's opinion, passivity. If you really want to succeed, then you have to do what you think is right, and not live "as is customary." For example, if it is the norm for everyone in the team not to argue with the authorities, but you have effective ideas, it is worth expressing them.

As a conclusion

The information that we have shared with you can be used as the basis for analysis. We are confident that everyone can achieve what they want. Look inside yourself so that there are no questions about how to become a rich, confident and successful person from zero.

Everyone wants to achieve their goals and become successful. Modern society certain stereotypes are imposed, and most people consider high material wealth to be an integral part of success. In fact, there is no clear definition of this concept, and each person is free to decide what he needs to strive for.

Often the path to the goal is long and thorny, so not everyone can go through it to the end. When a person cannot cope with difficulties, he stops believing in himself, quits what he started halfway and begins to look for the reasons for his failures. Everyone becomes the culprit: from close people who did not provide adequate support to the global economic crisis.

If you want to become a truly successful person, learn to take responsibility for your own actions and not shift responsibility to others.

Do what you love, because material wealth is only half the battle. It is hardly possible to call an absolutely happy person who reluctantly goes to work every morning. In addition, having found something to your liking, it is much easier to reach maximum heights.

A person continues to learn throughout life. Whatever field you choose to work in, don't be afraid to learn from more successful people. This will help to avoid common mistakes. Constantly follow the news related to your activities. So you will always be up to date and not miss a single idea.

Look for like-minded people - on the way to success, a person especially needs support. Try to communicate with those people who share your aspirations and are ready to help at the right time. Never let anyone lead you astray.

Portrait of a successful man

If you are determined to go to your goal, try to develop the following traits in yourself:

  • Persistence. Without this quality, you will not be able to go all the way and will “break” after the first serious failure;
  • Confidence. No matter what others say, you must be absolutely confident in yourself and not take seriously the criticism of ill-wishers. In addition, confidence will be needed to make important decisions in life;
  • Healthy selfishness. Of course, you do not need to turn away from loved ones. But you need to learn to sometimes refuse others, protecting your own interests;
  • Creativity. A successful person has a rich imagination, new, sometimes crazy, ideas are constantly born in his head.

Barriers to Success

Sometimes, despite a great desire, a person cannot succeed or stops in the middle of the path after a seemingly successful start. This happens if unattainable goals were originally set or a person is disappointed not to get everything at once. Go to success gradually, conquering new heights every day.

Another enemy of successful people is doubt. You must give yourself completely to your favorite business, and not doubt its expediency. Insecure people tend to give up quickly. The slightest mistake can destroy all plans, and then there can be no talk of any success.

It is also difficult without the support of friends and family. Difficulties in any business are inevitable, and it is very difficult to cope with them on your own. Even worse, if your family is categorically against what you decide to connect your life with. Whatever strength of mind a person possesses, he will not be able to withstand constant pressure and criticism for a long time.

It is impossible to be happy without becoming successful. But remember that it's not just career, money, or social status that matters. Climbing the mountain of success, it is very important not to lose peace of mind and simple human values.

Each person has a different idea of ​​their success in life. For some, this is a high income and financial freedom, for some it is a happy friendly family. What is true success in life for you? Share your vision of success in the comments to this article.

Good luck and see you in the next article.

Many want to be rich, successful and famous, but only a few can accept the rules of life of successful people, work as much as they do, go to their goal like them, take responsibility and many other things. In this article, we have collected 15 things that are inherent in successful people. See how many separate you from them.

1. Know foreign languages

Knowledge of foreign languages ​​will help not only to understand many inscriptions on equipment manufactured abroad, but also to understand information on the Internet and to speak freely with foreigners in negotiations. Also, as a rule, knowledge of foreign languages ​​improves the ability to memorize information, and develops mental abilities.

2. Always look neat

They can see off a person and they will be wise, but they are always met by clothes. You should always dress stylishly and fashionably. You should also keep your face and hands clean and manicure regularly. We must not forget about the hairstyle and accessories.

3. Train the body and spirit

Sport will temper not only the body, but also the spirit. A person involved in sports will always be in good shape, will have great working capacity and willpower. One more thing: people of athletic build are considered the most sexually preferred by the opposite sex.

4. Rely on quality, not quantity

There is no need to buy many bad products that can be replaced by one good one. Choosing between the quantity and quality of goods, a successful person will always choose quality. Besides, a miser always pays twice, and a dumb one always pays three times.

5. Don't answer until asked

Often, people who speak in your presence in their reasoning or open debate may not be right in some aspects. But this does not give the right to get into their dispute, and share your opinion about the issue under discussion.

6. Don't let pride control you.

Sooner or later, it will seem to you that you have earned enough, and have already worked hard. And sometimes, it seems to us that taking a risky job is productive. In fact, it's all dictated by your pride. You must not let it control you, otherwise your career and all assets will be in jeopardy.

7. Give up bad habits

Any bad habit will show the people around you your dependence on anything. Addiction is a weakness of character. If you want not to be mistaken for such a person, get rid of all bad habits, and any, even useful addiction, implement in moderation.

8. Think thrice before you say something

Any successful person should be able to correctly and concisely formulate his thought. This is the most important skill a successful person will ever need as they are often in contact with other people. With the right questions and suggestions, you can minimize communication even with the most slow-witted people.

9. Do not get angry and do not take revenge

Hate is too heavy a feeling to take with you every day. A successful person has no right to hate someone. It's the same with revenge. It is not necessary to think over how a person will pay for his misdeeds. It is enough just to become more successful than him, and it will best solution. Nothing angers people more than someone else's success.

10. Don't be afraid of a non-prestigious job

There is no work that is not prestigious or not worthy of you. It is better to work as a janitor or a waiter, but provide for yourself, than sit on someone else's neck, arguing what you deserve. And when need presses on you, dignity can be neglected for the sake of a piece of bread.

11. Do not forget about healthy sleep

A healthy complexion can only be obtained after healthy sleep, so you can't forget about it. If the first night did not work out, then the second night you need to sleep.

12. Be willing to show off

You will not get chances to prove yourself so often, so do not neglect them. It is necessary at absolutely any moment to have the opportunity to show yourself with better side by showing everything you can. You never know how it will help you in the future.

13. Accept that life is unfair

From birth, each person is not given the same social status, height, weight, skin and hair color. However, natural flaws are no reason not to succeed. It doesn’t matter how you were born, what matters is what you do and what your actions are aimed at.

14. Don't be afraid to be different

If everyone is moving along one road, and you are on another, then it is you who are more likely to find or do something new. Thinking outside the box is not always a bad thing. The main thing is to go in the right direction.

15. Don't borrow money

Money borrowed will not only have to be paid back, but, perhaps, reproaches for such requests will also have to be heard. When you borrow money, it binds you not only to the needs for the return of these funds, but also morally, since such a request is inconvenience to the creditor. Therefore, if possible, you should try never to borrow money from people.