How to be a successful person in everything. Attracting good luck is hard work

  • 21.09.2019

Success doesn't come to everyone. Many die without having achieved anything in life to be proud of. Why is this happening? It's not that many simply don't know how to set goals, but that they can't achieve them.

In life? This is complex issue. You can not just take and give a formula that will immediately lead anyone who has become familiar with the cherished heights. Success is hard to come by. Is it worth trying? Costs.

How to be successful?

First of all, we note that you need to constantly do something. Only the one who knows how to force himself to work wins. It does not matter whether our activity brings results right now - what is much more important is that we are doing it, feeling that it is it that can take us to the mountains. Did she bring any results? Wrong - you got experience. It doesn't always matter if it's good or bad. Sometimes it's more meaningful that you didn't waste time thinking about how bad things were for you. Remember that sooner or later luck will smile.

Anyone who thinks about how to become successful person must learn to set goals. The bottom line is that without a goal we become empty, nothing fills us. It is the goal that makes us act, think, develop. It is worth noting that it is best to set distant goals. Why? Yes, because, chasing small goals, a person quickly fades away. Having set a distant goal, he will move forward, achieving side goals, but without feeling the inner emptiness.

How to become It is necessary to decide why you should become one at all. Think about the fact that many people live perfectly well in cramped apartments on a small salary. Why don't you like this life? We recommend making a list. Also make a list of why you don't want to live like everyone else, and a list of your thoughts about what will happen to you and your family if you don't put in your best efforts to fulfill yourself.

How to become a successful person? You must be constantly learning. Remember that there is no limit to education. People learn even at sixty. Many who claim that success can be achieved without studying are only partly right. Knowledge is something that no one can take away from you. Learn, be one step ahead of everyone else, look for new options for your tasks.

How to become a successful person? Learn to value your time. This is not about forgetting about the rest, but about the fact that it is time to stop doing what is of no use. Your vacation should help you relax. Shake yourself emotionally, gain new impressions. Why communicate with those who pull to the bottom? There is no point in such communication. Many people not only pull themselves to the bottom, but also try to drag others along with them. Sever all relations with such subjects. You should be surrounded only by successful people, only those who are able to inspire, teach, support.

Learn to accept failure appropriately. There is no such person who would never lose. Remember that in the future, when you already come to success, you will remember all the failures only as what made you who you are. The moment will come when you will be able to sincerely thank all those who stood in your way, weaved intrigues, plotted. It is thanks to these people that we become stronger, smarter, more prudent. They don't break us, they only make us stronger. This needs to be considered and understood. Many problems immediately seem less serious.

Appreciate the experience of those who have achieved a lot. Refuse to invent any bicycles. Step on a confident trail and success will come sooner or later. Think only about the good, that everything will work out.

It remains only to wish patience. Learn it. Perhaps this will be one of the most difficult stages on the path to success and cherished happiness.

No matter how old you are, where you are from and what you do for a living, there is one thing that unites us all - this desire to be successful. What is success in life, everyone defines for themselves in different ways, for some it is a happy marriage, but still many associate success in life with fame and fortune.

We all want to be successful so that we can live a comfortable life, have financial freedom, drive nice car and live in beautiful house. However, while this success can be achieved, it is not always so easy.

There are many tips and strategies on how to be successful in life, but no better way succeed than follow that in the footsteps of those who have already done so. Here are 13 success tips from the most successful and famous people in the world:

Thinking big

The biggest danger for all of us is not to set our goal too high and not reach it, but to set it too low and reach our mark. Michelangelo Buonarroti

Find what you love to do and do it

You can be sure that you are on your way to success if you do your job and don't get paid for it. Oprah Winfrey

Learn how to achieve balance in life

There is an inexorable conflict at work in life and in business, a constant struggle between peace and chaos. Neither can be mastered, but both can influence. How you go about that is the key to success. Phil Knight

Don't be afraid of rejection

Failure is just an opportunity to start again, this time more intelligently. Henry Ford

Have an unwavering resolve to succeed

I was determined to compose what I could. And no hours, no amount of labor, no amount of money will hold me back from giving the best that is in me. And I've been doing this ever since, and I won. I know. Bernard Sanders

Be a man of action

I noticed a long time ago that successful people rarely step back and let circumstances control them. They go ahead and manage and create these circumstances themselves. Leonardo da Vinci

Avoid conflict

The most important and only component in the formula for success is the ability to get along with people. Theodore Roosevelt

Don't be afraid to present new ideas

A person with a new idea, calm down only by implementing it. Mark Twain

Believe in your ability to succeed

If you can imagine it, you can achieve it. Walt Disney

Always maintain a positive attitude

Nothing can stop a person with the right attitude to achieve his goal; nothing on earth can help a person with a wrong attitude. Thomas Jefferson

Don't let discouragement stop you

Don't let the feeling of despondency prey on you and you will succeed in the end. Abraham Lincoln

Get ready to plow

If you are not ready to go beyond the limits of the average person in your work, you simply will not prepare a place for yourself at the top. James Cash Penny

Be brave to follow your intuition

Don't let the noise of other people's opinions drown out yours. inner voice. And most importantly, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know who you really want to be. Everything else is secondary. Steve Jobs

No matter how old you are, where you live, or what your career goals are, chances are your biggest aspirations in life are to be happy and successful. Being successful means more than just having a lot of money and achieving fame. It means following your aspirations, living with a purpose, and enjoying the present moment.


Developing the path to success

    Define your aspirations. Before you can be successful, you need to understand what it means to you. It can sometimes take years to find your calling in life, but by identifying your aspirations, interests, and values, you can set goals and find meaning in your existence. If you are having trouble identifying this, ask a friend or family member to help you. Ask yourself the following questions:

    Make a list of your goals and how you could achieve them. Be sure to consider both short-term and long-term goals. Instead of thinking about financial and career goals, try to think about relationship goals, self-development goals, and what you would like to experience or learn. Create a timeline with a timeline for each item to be achieved.

    • Set SMART goals: specific, measurable, achievable, meaningful, and time-bound.
    • Break big goals into small ones. For example, if your goal is to see the whole world, you can set the goal to save money and visit certain countries.
  1. Live with purpose. To achieve your dreams and be the person you want to be, you have to start paying attention to your actions. Ask yourself, “Will what I am doing now get me where I want to be in life?”

    • If you notice that you are constantly bored, that you dream about the future or the past, that you are counting the minutes until the end of the day, it may be because you do not feel connected to what you are doing.
    • Value your time. Try to devote your free time to your favorite activities and do not waste it. For example, instead of sitting in front of the TV all weekend, indulge in your hobby or spend time with loved ones or new friends.
    • Measure your productivity by passion, not achievement. Not everything you do has to be productive in the traditional sense, but your activities should be fun and enjoyable.
    • Keep in mind that it's okay to be a little lazy and do nothing every day. It can really help your imagination and self-awareness. Strive to strike a balance between doing what you feel like doing and allowing yourself to just “exist”.
  2. Stick to your commitments. Planning is not enough. It is also important to keep your word. If you told a person that you would do something specific, then do it. Likewise, don't promise anything unless you're sure you can keep it. Be honest about your abilities.

    • Do not cancel plans and try not to refuse to meet the same person twice.
    • Make commitments and stick to them. Write down your obligations on a piece of paper and hang it in a prominent place.
    • Make sure that your commitments gradually lead you to the goal. Review your goals from time to time to make sure you are moving in the right direction.

    Achieve external success

    1. Get an education. Education provides knowledge, skills and reputation, which allows you to realize your potential to the maximum. In terms of financial success, statistics have shown that the more educated a person is (for example, the higher their degree), the more money he can earn.

      • Optional to receive professional education, implying formal training using classical methods. You can get vocational training on the job or get additional qualifications through the program of additional (to higher) education. Earning a certificate or a recognized diploma in your field can increase your salary.
      • Also study for your own pleasure. The more you learn about the world you live in, the more questions you will have and the more interest you will show.
    2. Manage your finances. Knowing how to manage your money over time will provide you with financial stability, regardless of your income.

      • Track your expenses. Subtract your monthly expenses from your monthly income to determine how much free money you have on hand each month. Also, constantly check your bank balance and keep track of what you spend money on. Thus, you can avoid unnecessary expenses, and account statements will not sadden your eyes.
      • Get your income right. When calculating income, make sure you take into account the federal, state, and social taxes that will be deducted from your total income. Don't forget current deductions, such as health insurance (if you have it), savings bonds, or loans. The resulting number is your net income, that is, what you will eventually bring home.
      • Cut costs. If you're not making enough money to cover your net expenses, consider what you could be giving up.
      • Set aside money. Set aside some money each month in a savings account. You can even ask your employer to transfer part of your salary to your savings account.
      • Invest with caution. If your job allows you to save money in savings Pension Fund transfer excess income there.
    3. Manage your time. Don't put off important tasks until the last minute to avoid stress, mistakes, and sloppy work attitudes. Arrange your schedule so that you have enough time for effective implementation tasks.

      • Use a diary to help you stay organized every day, week, and month.
      • Set reminders on your smartphone and use the electronic timer to better manage your time.
      • Make a list of all the things you need to get done in a given day and cross off each task as you complete it. This will help you stay focused and motivated.

    Achieving internal success

    1. Don't compare your life with other people's lives. Unfortunately, many people judge their own success relative to the success of others. If you want to feel fulfilled and happy, you must value your life for your own good.

      Take into account the gifts of fate. No matter how much you have achieved in life, you will always feel unhappy if you constantly focus on what you do not have. Instead, take time each day to acknowledge what you have. Think beyond material things. Appreciate your loved ones and cherish happy memories.

    Improving success in all aspects of your life

      Watch your health. In a healthy body healthy mind. Eat a balanced diet and make sure you get all the nutrients you need. Identify the causes of any problems you may be experiencing (such as lack of energy or concentration) and deal with them by discussing the symptoms with a doctor, dietitian, or other medical worker. Also follow a large number of physical exercises, but choose those that bring you pleasure.

      Take advantage of opportunities. If you have a chance to shine, use it. If you're worried that you won't have the time and energy to take advantage of a great opportunity, ask yourself, "Will this help me achieve my ultimate goals?" If yes, get rid of other obligations to realize this chance.

    1. Surround yourself with positive people. Make friends with people you admire for a variety of reasons. For example, because they are happy, kind, generous, successful at work or in other directions. Join forces with those who have achieved what you want to achieve or who are on their own path towards a common goal. Don't let envy get in your way. No one's success can be a threat to your own.

      • When wanting to make friends with someone, ask yourself if this person gives you motivation, positive emotions and self-confidence, or it makes you feel tired, overwhelmed, or inept. Spend time with positive people, not with those who feed on your energy.
        • Also respect other people's boundaries. Listen to your loved ones when they say they need space or want to do something alone.
    • Use whatever inspires you: music, photography, fashion, current events, and more. Nothing will ignite the fire in you like a great source of inspiration.
    • Having positive role models in your life will keep you motivated and point you in the right direction. Your role model doesn't have to be someone you know personally. Find out the life story of this man and try to learn from his diligence.


    • Never envy the achievements of other people. Instead, work harder to reach your own great heights.

Everyone has their own path to wealth and prosperity. Many seek to read advice from the rich and successful in order to repeat their scenarios exactly, but this does not work.

To get off the ground, it is not enough to apply any one recommendation at random to your life. Success comes to those who know how to think right and do a lot. In this article, we have collected the best business advice from famous entrepreneurs who have achieved a lot. Read, get inspired and apply!

1. Build business from the heart.

« If you want to succeed, your heart must be in your business and your business must be in your heart.» © Thomas John Watson

« If you are doing something that improves people's lives, then it is really valuable.» © Mark Zuckerberg

When a person wants to earn as much as possible without thinking about what he will give to the world in return, the business has no chance to survive for a long time. The law of conservation of energy works here too. If you want to get a lot, think about what benefit you will bring to humanity.

2. Define a goal.

« I am often asked: “Where did you start?”. With the will to live. I wanted to live, not to vegetate» © Oleg Tinkov

Why do you need your own business? What will you get by doing it? What is your strategic goal? The answers to these questions will pave the right path to learning the secret to success.

3. Be unique.

« To succeed, you need to separate yourself from 98% of the world's population» © Donald Trump

Learn to think differently from the majority and be different from everyone else. The right way to do this is to be yourself, or rather best version myself. You will succeed!

4. Improve your skills.

« Young people should invest, not save. They should invest the money they earn in themselves in order to increase their value and usefulness.» © Henry Ford

They pay a lot to true professionals in their field. Once you can earn money by chance, but they always have a high income only the best people in your field. How to become rich and successful person? The advice is simple: upgrade your competencies, be cooler than the rest in what you do.

5. Create the right environment.

« Smart people are those who work with people smarter than themselves.» © Robert Kiyosaki

« Surround yourself only with people who will pull you higher. Life is already full of those who want to drag you down» ©George Clooney

The people in your circle influence thinking more than you might think. Adviсe successful people about how to become successful are full of recommendations for communicating with those you admire.

6. Take action.

« Knowledge is not enough, you must apply it. Wishing is not enough, you have to do» ©Bruce Lee

What makes a successful person stand out from the crowd? The ability to quickly move from thoughts to actions. This does not mean that you need to rush headlong into everything that you dreamed about at night and seemed brilliant. This means that you need to clearly think over and write down the strategy and tactics, and then do your best to achieve your goal. Advice from successful people confirms this.

7. Value your time.

« The only difference between the rich and the poor is how they use their time.» © Robert Kiyosaki

« When it came to your mind good idea, act immediately» © Bill Gates

Time is an irreplaceable resource. In any list of quotes about success, you are sure to find business advice for beginners: learn to prioritize and spend time on the most important things. The advice of successful people says that in order to succeed in something, you need to catch trends and bring ideas to life faster than others can.

Try your hand at the 10-day business game "Your Start", in which you will start earning on your business, using your talents and strengths!

8. Be confident.

How to become a successful person in life? The advice of experienced people makes it clear that without faith in oneself and one's own strength one cannot go far.

If you have problems with this, admit them right now and go to a psychologist before starting your entrepreneurial journey. If you lack self-confidence, it will be so difficult for you to survive the first difficulties that will inevitably arise that there is a high probability of falling out of the race. Do not expose yourself to unnecessary stress and pump up your personal qualities in advance.

9. Know that you are not worse than others.

« Never underestimate yourself. Everything that others do, you can do» © Brian Tracy

Remember the saying "Gods don't burn pots"? When it’s scary to approach something very desirable, it always seems that we are worse than those who are close to perfection in this matter. In fact, this is only partly true: the beginner simply has less experience. But that's just for now. To earn it is a very real task, and not an exorbitant dream. Business advice from successful people to help you: you, too, can achieve everything that others achieve. Remember this.

« Learn from your mistakes, admit them and move on» © Steve Jobs

An entrepreneurship and marketing guru wouldn't give business advice just like that. Admitting mistakes is difficult, but necessary. The one who does nothing makes no mistakes. If something didn't work out the first time, it will definitely work out the fifth time.

Thinking about how to be successful? The advice of successful people will prompt the right direction of thought, but will not stand your fate for you. Study, be inspired by the examples of successful people and build your success according to your own rules!

There is no person on earth who does not want to become successful. We all dream of a good and prosperous life. We dream of having our own business, personal car, own apartment. We also dream of a job that pays well, of traveling to exotic countries. But what do you need to do to be successful? The article presents detailed instructions which will help you with this.

1. You need to put the right priorities, and clear plans in front of you. You should break this long path into several small stages, and mark the closest goal.

2. You need to be aware of your time. To succeed, you need to stop being afraid of your thoughts, and not run away from them. You don't have to dwell on the negative. You need to be able to realistically assess your capabilities, and your temporary potential. You should consciously limit your time in this life, and distribute it so that later you don’t have to regret that life was wasted.

3. You need to ignore the naysayers. There have always been many skeptics, that's a fact. There will always be someone who will talk you out of your idea. It is useless for such people to prove something, so you just need to ignore them, and not waste your precious time on them.

4. Never be afraid to take on responsibility. It should be borne in mind that only those who create absolutely nothing do not make mistakes. Success can only be achieved if a person is able to express initiative and learn the necessary lessons from the successes and mistakes that are made not only by him, but also by other people.

5. Need to do for your health. It should be remembered that health and time will never be restored. They need to be used wisely. If we cannot stop time, then we can preserve and improve health. All must be abandoned bad habits Start taking care of your body consciously. You need to eat so that you feel good and have a lot of strength. And also, you need to harden, to engage in the prevention of diseases. Sports will help keep your body in good condition.

6. You need to concentrate on one thing. If you try to succeed in all areas of activity, then nothing will work. Even if a person has experience in several areas of business, it would still be better to concentrate on one. Thanks to this, a person will be able to approach issues more professionally.

7. You should do what you love. AT modern world it is very difficult to achieve a big salary, or daily success in business. Only if you love your work with all your heart, you can improve your life in material terms. But, if a person is engaged in a certain type of activity only because of big profit it will be very difficult to succeed. If you don’t like your job, but still want to achieve success in life, then you should change your job (business).

8. You need to constantly develop. You should always develop and open new horizons for yourself. You need to keep discovering new knowledge, gaining new experience. But you need to be reasonable in development, and move only in the direction that a person needs.

9. You need to start a family. The family is the rear of the individual. It is difficult to succeed without having such a “rear” in life. If a person has a family that is waiting for him at home, supporting him at any moment, then he is guaranteed to succeed.

10. You need to rest. The current generation are workaholics who have been taught from the cradle that you need to work hard to achieve success. There is a deal of truth in it. It is really necessary to work. But subject to proper rest. During rest, a person renews his energy. If you work hard and do not rest, you can lose a lot of energy. In this case, the person simply will not be able to work further.