Where to get a medical examination for a medical book. All about personal medical books of employees

  • 02.07.2020

Medical book employee belongs to the category of official documentation of strict accountability, it is issued by centers licensed by Rospotrebnadzor. Medical book in Moscow inexpensively and officially offered in the medical center "Health", the results of mandatory medical examinations, hygienic certification are entered into the document.

Features of registration and issuance of medical books

The document is issued on special official forms, contains a hologram, the seal of the center that issued it. Citizens who are wondering where to buy a medical book in Moscow, it should be understood that the document is not on free sale, it is provided with mandatory hygienic training and is registered in the register of Rospotrebnadzor. With us you can arrange medical books officially and inexpensively, we issue only official forms and work legally.

If you need issue new medical book, for this you will need a passport and a matte photo measuring 3 * 4 cm, a photographing service is also available from us for 200 rubles.

According to the current legislation, medical book registration Mandatory for employees in the following industries:

  • production, transportation, trade in foodstuffs;
  • educational and educational process in preschool institutions;
  • public utilities organizations.

That is, it is not a list of positions that is legally established, but sectors of the economy, for work in which it is required to undergo regular medical examinations and draw up a medical book.

Benefits of cooperation with our medical center

The delivery of tests and the issuance of medical books is carried out from 9 to 20 from Monday to Saturday.
You can check the authenticity of the medical book on the resource of Rospotrebnadzor and the LMK Register, in mobile application LMK registry for IPhone and Android users.

For enterprises it is offered medical book officially and quickly in Moscow, and the system of discounts suggests 10% - 40%. Our medical center was included in the list of recommended organizations where you can make a medical book quickly. For questions about signing contracts, please contact us at 8 495 694-32-10, the site also contains the conditions on the basis of which a medical book is issued.

List of our services:

  • we also work through the portal of providers of public services,
  • we provide services on offers and non-cash payments, we accept cash;
  • we offer issue a medical book in Moscow officially, we conclude an agreement with the client and issue supporting documentation on payment;
  • each organization is assigned a manager who oversees and advises on emerging issues.

Undoubted advantage medical book registration at a bargain price we have the fact that we work on the basis of a license completely legally. Production is carried out in 3 days, all specialists are in one place, and inspection is carried out in just 30-40 minutes. We offer buy a medical book in Moscow without queues and at an affordable cost.

In accordance with the current Moscow government decree studies and examinations that need to be done for registration of a medical book (personal medical book - LMK), differ depending on the specific place of work and professional duties. The list (list) of doctors and tests depends on which medical book you need.

If the employee’s duties do not include contact with children, patients or food, the volume of medical research for a medical book will be minimal.
It is enough to undergo a fluorographic examination, get the conclusion of a therapist and a dermatovenereologist and pass the main medical tests. For example, an analysis for syphilis, gonorrhea and trichomoniasis.

In other areas of work, more requirements are imposed on the design of a medical book (sanitary book), and additional studies and examinations must be completed.
An examination by an otolaryngologist or dentist may be required. Laboratory tests may include testing for typhoid fever, helminth eggs, and enterobiasis.
To exclude staphylococcal infection, a throat swab is examined.

Individual workers undergo biochemical blood tests, determine the level of bilirubin, enzymes and proteins for the timely detection of pathological changes in the liver.
Employees of the medical field are required to be tested for viral hepatitis and HIV infection.

Thanks to the tests and examinations carried out, doctors can detect the disease on initial stage, which allows, if necessary, to begin its treatment.
If diseases caused by infectious agents are detected, or the carriage of pathogenic microorganisms is detected, an employee may not be allowed to perform certain types of work until the final cure.

A list of examinations by doctors for a medical book, a list of tests, vaccinations and the frequency of examinations

Medical workers - registration of a new LMC

  • Vaccination against diphtheria

Employees of dairies, meat-packing plants, cream and confectionery shops - designing a new LMC

  • Medical check-up once a year
  • Fluorographic examination or radiography of the lungs in 2 projections once a year
  • Examination by a dermatovenereologist 1 time per year. Tests for gonorrhea
  • Blood test for syphilis - once a year
  • Examination for intestinal protozoosis and helminthiases - 1 time per year
  • Research on enterobiasis - 1 time per year
  • Examination by an otorhinolaryngologist - 1 time per year
  • Check-up with a dentist once a year
  • Measles vaccine (up to age 55)
  • Vaccination against diphtheria
    Calculate the cost of the medical book you need

For employees of the catering department of medical organizations and educational institutions - registration of a new LMC

  • Medical check-up once a year
  • Fluorographic examination or radiography of the lungs in 2 projections once a year
  • Examination by a dermatovenereologist 1 time per year. Tests for gonorrhea
  • Blood test for syphilis - once a year
  • Examination for intestinal protozoosis and helminthiases - 1 time per year
  • Research on enterobiasis - 1 time per year
  • Examination by an otorhinolaryngologist - 1 time per year
  • Check-up with a dentist once a year
  • Examination for the carriage of pathogens of intestinal infections 1 time per year
  • Serological examination for typhoid fever once a year
  • Measles vaccine (up to age 55)
  • Vaccination against diphtheria
    Calculate the cost of the medical book you need

For employees of the medical industry and pharmaceutical institutions - registration of a new LMC

  • Medical check-up once a year
  • Fluorographic examination or radiography of the lungs in 2 projections once a year
  • Examination by a dermatovenereologist 1 time per year. Tests for gonorrhea
  • Blood test for syphilis - once a year
  • Examination for intestinal protozoosis and helminthiases - 1 time per year
  • Research on enterobiasis - 1 time per year
  • Examination by an otorhinolaryngologist - 1 time per year
  • Check-up with a dentist once a year
  • Measles vaccine (up to age 55)
  • Vaccination against diphtheria
    Calculate the cost of the medical book you need

For employees of hospitals, children's hospitals, children's clinics, dispensaries, clinics, honey. centers, clinics, maternity hospitals, dentistry, sanatoriums - design of a new LMK

  • Medical check-up once a year
  • Fluorographic examination or radiography of the lungs in 2 projections once a year
  • Examination by a dermatovenereologist 1 time per year. Tests for gonorrhea
  • Blood test for syphilis - once a year
  • Examination for intestinal protozoosis and helminthiases - 1 time per year
  • Research on enterobiasis - 1 time per year
  • Examination by an otorhinolaryngologist - 1 time per year
  • Check-up with a dentist once a year
  • Examination for the carriage of pathogens of intestinal infections 1 time per year
  • Serological examination for typhoid fever once a year
  • Throat and nose swab for pathogenic staphylococcus once a year
  • Blood test for viral hepatitis B, C
  • Blood test for HIV infection
  • Measles vaccine (up to age 55)
  • Vaccination against diphtheria
    Calculate the cost of the medical book you need

For employees: hostels, hotels, rest houses, boarding houses,urban transport, conductors (stewards), housing and communal services, sports and recreation complexes, com.-life. in health care facilities — registration of a new LMC

  • Medical check-up once a year
  • Fluorographic examination or radiography of the lungs in 2 projections once a year
  • Examination by a dermatovenereologist 1 time per year. Tests for gonorrhea
  • Blood test for syphilis - once a year
  • Examination for intestinal protozoosis and helminthiases - 1 time per year
  • Research on enterobiasis - 1 time per year
  • Examination by an otorhinolaryngologist - 1 time per year
  • Check-up with a dentist once a year
  • Measles vaccine (up to age 55)
  • Vaccination against diphtheria
    Calculate the cost of the medical book you need

For employees of beauty salons, hairdressing salons, baths, saunas, laundries, linen collection points, dry cleaning - registration of a new LMK

  • Medical check-up once a year
  • Fluorographic examination or radiography of the lungs in 2 projections once a year
  • Examination by a dermatovenereologist 1 time per year. Tests for gonorrhea
  • Blood test for syphilis - once a year
  • Examination for intestinal protozoosis and helminthiases - 1 time per year
  • Research on enterobiasis - 1 time per year
  • Examination by an otorhinolaryngologist - 1 time per year
  • Check-up with a dentist once a year
  • Examination for the carriage of pathogens of intestinal infections 1 time per year
  • Measles vaccine (up to age 55)
  • Vaccination against diphtheria
    Calculate the cost of the medical book you need

Employees of children's institutions - registration of a new LMK:

  • service personnel of orphanages, orphanages, boarding schools, boarding schools
  • service personnel for work in the family
  • service personnel kindergarten, nursery-kindergarten, kindergarten-elementary school, attendants of city and country camps, children's sanatorium, forest school, sanatorium school
  • service personnel of a sanatorium kindergarten (cottage), CSO, boarding house, shelter, rehabilitation center
  • teaching staff of an orphanage, boarding school, boarding school
  • Medical check-up once a year
  • Fluorographic examination or radiography of the lungs in 2 projections once a year
  • Examination by a dermatovenereologist 1 time per year. Tests for gonorrhea
  • Blood test for syphilis - once a year
  • Examination for intestinal protozoosis and helminthiases - 1 time per year
  • Research on enterobiasis - 1 time per year
  • Examination by an otorhinolaryngologist - 1 time per year
  • Check-up with a dentist once a year
  • Examination for the carriage of pathogens of intestinal infections 1 time per year
  • Serological examination for typhoid fever - once a year
  • Blood test for viral hepatitis B, C
  • Measles vaccine (up to age 55)
  • Vaccination against diphtheria
    Calculate the cost of the medical book you need

Employees schools and other educational institutions - design of a new LMK

  • employees of gymnasiums, lyceums, schools, educational centers, colleges, medical schools, music schools, interschool educational facilities, technical schools, colleges, libraries, houses of creativity
  • employees of music schools, sports schools, studios, art schools, centers comprehensive development, art schools, university
  • Medical check-up once a year
  • Fluorographic examination or radiography of the lungs in 2 projections once a year
  • Examination by an otorhinolaryngologist
  • Blood test for syphilis - once a year
  • Check-up with a dentist once a year
  • Staphylococcus once a year
  • Measles vaccine (up to age 55)
  • Vaccination against diphtheria
    Calculate the cost of the medical book you need

Workers of waterworks - design of a new LMK

  • Medical check-up once a year
  • Fluorographic examination or radiography of the lungs in 2 projections once a year
  • Examination by an otorhinolaryngologist
  • Examination by a dermatovenereologist 1 time per year. Tests for RW, gonorrhea and trichomoniasis
  • Blood test for syphilis - once a year
  • Check-up with a dentist once a year
  • Helminth eggs and enterobiasis once a year
  • Testing for typhoid fever once a year
  • Examination for intestinal infections once a year
  • Staphylococcus once a year
  • Measles vaccine (up to age 55)
  • Vaccination against diphtheria
    Calculate the cost of the medical book you need

Medical book for pool workers - registration of a new LMK

  • Medical check-up once a year
  • Fluorographic examination or radiography of the lungs in 2 projections once a year
  • Examination by an otorhinolaryngologist
  • Examination by a dermatovenereologist 1 time per year. Tests for RW, gonorrhea and trichomoniasis
  • Blood test for syphilis - once a year
  • Check-up with a dentist once a year
  • Helminth eggs and enterobiasis once a year
  • Testing for typhoid fever once a year
  • Examination for intestinal infections once a year
  • Staphylococcus once a year
  • Measles vaccine (up to age 55)
  • Vaccination against diphtheria
    Calculate the cost of the medical book you need

(More precisely and in more detail you can read about doctors and analyzes on our help page about medical books, where you can calculate the cost of the medical book you need.
Remember that when you sign up for a medical book, you will receive a 10% discount!)

The presence of a medical book is an indispensable requirement for a number of specialties related to:

  • Catering,
  • children's educational institutions,
  • spheres of household and communal services,
  • medicine, etc.

This document certifies that a person does not have dangerous diseases with which he can infect other people by fulfilling his professional duties.

Can I get a health card for free?

Of course, you don’t want to pay extra money for getting a medical certificate, so a logical question arises: “How to issue and make a medical book for free”? Let's try to figure it out.

Before you make a health book for free or on a self-supporting basis, you need to know that those who receive the document for the first time will still pay a certain amount for its issuance. Is it possible to get a medical book in a clinic for free if you have a medical policy? Territorial polyclinics have their own tariffs for specialist consultations and analyzes for a medical book. They are, of course, significantly lower than in private clinics, but the process will take a little longer. In the clinic you will be given a list of specialists whose marks are required in accordance with the declared specialty. Without a medical book for a position, which implies its presence, the employee will simply not be accepted.

Free medical book

But the option of how to apply for and get a medical book for free still exists. The book is needed to perform a certain job, so it is assumed that a person will work in some organization. Most organizations reissue medical records for their employees at their own expense. Thus, sanitary book in the clinic is issued free of charge to the employee at the expense of the employer. When applying for a job where a health certificate is required, check with the employer about this issue. Will he pay for the renewal and re-issuance of the document or will you be required to do this on your own. In large organizations, even specialists are sent to the site for a centralized mass renewal of medical books for employees. Naturally, all this is free for employees.

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