Who makes medical books. Registration of a personal medical book

  • 02.07.2020

. . Date: November 18, 2015. Reading time 5 minutes.

The procedure for issuing a medical book consists of several stages: visiting a medical examination, passing tests, and in some cases passing a hygienic certification.

What is a medical book for and who should receive it?

A medical book is an official document indicating the absence of diseases that are contraindicated for work in the field of medical services, trade, education and upbringing of children, or consumer services to the population.

The list of categories of workers for whom it is mandatory to obtain this document is approved by the Decrees of the Government of a particular region, but usually it is needed in all cases when it is supposed to work with people, food products, trade in industrial goods or the implementation of seasonal labor activity in children's camps. There are exceptions: a medical book is not needed for real estate trading, or for those who provide services remotely.

Before you issue a medical book, you must choose the place of the commission: at a local clinic, or at a private clinic, although previously this could only be done at Rospotrebnadzor. A complete list of work, necessary tests and a list of doctors who will have to go through is reflected in Appendix No. 2 of the Order of the Ministry of Social Development of Russia. For example, you can find out in it that employees involved in working at height must undergo a medical examination once a year, and for this they need to visit a neurologist, surgeon, ophthalmologist, and an otolaryngologist to perform steeplejack work.

In general, the whole process of obtaining a medical book is as follows:

  • First you need to decide where to apply for medical sanitary book: in a private clinic or district clinic.
  • Next, you need to buy a clean medical book and take two 3x4 photos. Also, some clinics may have ready-made forms medical records. If only an extension of its validity is required, then this paragraph is skipped.
  • After acquiring an empty health book, be sure to visit the medical institution chosen for examinations, write an application, take tests and go through all the doctors.
  • In conclusion, get a referral to attend lectures for hygienic certification (if required by the occupation), visit them, take a test and pick up an already issued medical book with a seal and a hologram.

Who should be hygienic attestation:

  • People working in the field Food Industry.
  • Employees of kindergartens and educational institutions.
  • Workers in the field of medical and domestic services, as well as those whose activities are related to agrochemicals and pesticides.

How to get a medical book for free?

It is worth noting that in any case it will not be possible to obtain this document absolutely free of charge, but its cost varies depending on the place where the commission passes:

  • In private clinics, the price for a medical book can vary from 3,000 to 5,000 rubles, but in some regions it reaches 10,000 rubles. The processing time usually does not exceed 1-2 days.
  • At the local clinic, you will have to pay the cost of tests and examinations by doctors (up to 2000 rubles, depending on the list of necessary examinations), and then visit the Rospotrebnadzor department or an accredited training center, pay for lectures, listen to them and pass the test. It will cost about 700 rubles. In this case, it may take a week to complete the document.

In accordance with Art. 214 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, all the costs of passing a medical examination must be paid by the employer, however, in practice, the following situations often arise:

  • The employee receives a medical book, the employer allocates money for this, but then deducts its cost from the salary.
  • The employee is told in advance that no one will compensate for the medical examination, and he pays for it himself.
  • Before concluding an employment contract, the manager or authorized persons notify the potential employee that in order to further work he needs a sanitary book, and he needs to make it at his own expense.

How to act in such cases, everyone must decide for himself, but to resolve any conflicts in the Labor law You can contact the labor inspectorate.

Where and how to issue a medical book officially?

Let us consider in more detail the official registration of a medical book in a polyclinic using the example of Moscow:

  • First you need to purchase a blank book, take photos and make an appointment with a local therapist by phone or on the website of the clinic.
  • At the doctor's appointment, you need to provide an insurance medical policy, a passport, an outpatient card, a completed block letters application and a blank booklet.
  • The doctor issues a referral for preventive examinations and tests that must be passed in accordance with the type of activity.
  • At the reception, you should find out the schedule of doctors' appointments and the schedule for taking tests, then pay for everything, come at a certain time and visit specialists.
  • After everything has been completed, with the direction and marks in it, you should again come to the therapist so that he enters all the data into the medical book.
  • In conclusion, it is necessary to undergo a hygienic certification and pass a test at the Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in Moscow, if required by the profession. You can also contact any other center that has a license for training.

We must not hesitate to provide test results, because the validity of some of them may be limited to two weeks.

How to apply for a medical certificate in a private clinic:

  • When visiting, you need to provide an application, passport, insurance policy and photographs.
  • Next, get a bypass sheet at the reception, pay for the service in cash or with a bank card, and go through a medical examination.
  • Submit an already completed bypass sheet to the registry, then a coupon is issued there with data on the passage of the commission and the time of receipt of the sanitary document.
  • If attendance at lectures is required for certification, you will have to contact the Rospotrebnadzor of Moscow or a licensed training center.

What is the penalty for not having a medical book?

The employer is obliged to control the availability of sanitary books for their employees, otherwise, if Rospotrebnadzor detects a violation of the Federal Law “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population”, a fine may be imposed for the lack of this document in accordance with Art. 6.3. Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation:

  • For citizens - from 100 to 500 rubles.
  • For officials - from 500 to 1,000 rubles.
  • For individual entrepreneurs- from 500 to 1,000 rubles, or suspension of activities for 90 days.
  • For legal entities- from 10,000 to 20,000 rubles, or a similar suspension.

The legislation also provides for disciplinary or criminal liability under Art. 236 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

When applying for almost any job, the candidate will be required to submit a personal health book. Let's take a closer look at what it is and how you can get it.

Health book and what is it for?

Personal sanitary book - medical admission to certain types of activities. Today, almost all enterprises require it for employment.

However, there are areas of activity whose employees, in accordance with the law, are required to have a health book and undergo periodic medical examinations.

In the annex to the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development dated April 12, 2011 No. 302n, there is full list areas of activity for which it is necessary to have a personal sanitary book:

  • employees of educational organizations of all types and types (schools, clubs, sports clubs, boarding schools, etc.);
  • employees associated with the storage, processing, sale, control of food products;
  • employees of children's organizations, including seasonal recreational ones;
  • consumer services employees (hairdressers, bath attendants, etc.);
  • employees associated with a large crowd of people (stewardesses, conductors, watchmen in hostels, etc.);
  • medical staff, including employees of medical technical personnel (dental technicians, medical representatives, etc.);
  • plumbing workers.

The list does not contain specific occupations. It contains only general areas of activity. Moreover, citizens may not directly enter into this sphere, but only serve it.

For example, technical staff in educational institutions. He does not directly contact children, but is in close proximity to her, thereby creating a possible threat in case of infection with a dangerous disease.

Where can I get a health certificate?

Obtaining a sanitary book takes place in several stages:

  1. Acquisition of an unfilled sanitary book. It is sold freely.
  2. Passing a medical examination.
  3. Passage of training in the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision.

A medical examination can be done both in a public medical institution and in a private one.

The main thing is that it has a permit for the right to provide such services. For peace of mind, before paying money for the service, you can request a copy of the license issued by the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Authority. As a rule, at official medical institutions, such copies are in a place visible to the visitor. It is also better to conclude a written service agreement with the institution. If they refuse this, then you should think about choosing another institution before paying.

Required documents for obtaining

Before passing a medical commission, as a rule, doctors require the following types of documents:

  • passport or other identity document;
  • vaccination certificate;
  • photos 3 by 4, the exact number must be found in a particular medical institution;
  • if available, the result of an annual fluorographic examination;
  • medical book.

Passing a medical examination

There is no single rule for passing a medical examination. For sellers of industrial goods, it will be minimal, for employees of children's institutions, the list of doctors and tests will be longer. For catering workers, you will have to go to the maximum. However, the minimum pass that is necessary for anyone who wants to get a personal medical book includes:

Passing training at the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision

Training of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision is a mandatory stage for the admission of an employee to work. When passing the hygienic certification, the following procedure is provided:

  • registration;
  • payment for the service;
  • familiarization of materials;
  • test;
  • a positive mark in the medical book.

Familiarization of the material takes place at lectures and trainings of professional staff. They cover the following topics:

  • general principles of microbiology;
  • rules for working in a particular area;
  • sources of infectious diseases;
  • the role of a healthy lifestyle, the perniciousness of bad habits;
  • disease prevention, etc.

The true purpose of training is not to allow an employee to work. Hygiene training is needed for the following purposes:

  • disease prevention;
  • increase in life expectancy;
  • minimization of mass diseases;
  • prevention of premature death, etc.

Separate exam for employees working with food products

For persons whose activities are directly or indirectly related to food, a more complex examination test is provided. It includes topics on the following topics:

  • poisoning;
  • infectious diseases;
  • preventive methods;
  • personal hygiene;
  • requirements for sanitation at enterprises;
  • sanitary conditions.

The order of passing the sanitary minimum

Depending on the position held, the frequency of passing the sanitary minimum is different:

  • employees of enterprises of storage, processing, transportation of food, meat, dairy products, confectionery, baby food in children's, educational institutions - once a year;
  • other persons - once every two years;
  • employees of seasonal work - before the start of work.

Sanctions for not having a health book

Working without a sanitary book is an administrative offense. As a punishment, a fine is provided:

  • for citizens from 100 to 500 rubles;
  • for officials - from 500 to 1000 rubles;
  • for individual entrepreneurs - from 500 to 1000 rubles;
  • for organizations - from 10 thousand to 20 thousand rubles.

It is also possible, as an alternative, to suspend activities for up to three months.
Forgery of a medical book provides for criminal liability. This is provided for in Art. 327 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. This article of the Criminal Code provides for punishment for all participants in the crime: manufacturers, purchasers, as well as employers who knew about a fake document. The difference between them will be only in punishments:

  • for manufacturers - imprisonment or forced labor up to two years, or arrest up to six months;
  • for employers who knew about the fake medical book, but did not remove the employee and the purchasers - a fine in the amount of six months' income, or correctional labor up to two years, or arrest for six months.

Fake health book

If the sanitary book was forged in order to hide another crime, then the same article of the criminal code provides for the most severe punishment - imprisonment for up to four years. If the judge turns out to be kind, or there are any extenuating circumstances who pushed for this crime, then you can get off with forced labor for the same period.

The admission of an employee with a fake sanitary book may qualify for another crime. For example, they can attract a manager under Article 238 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - the production of goods that do not meet the safety and health standards of citizens.

For this, the head can be imprisoned for up to two years, as well as a fine of 300 thousand rubles. If a person dies, and investigating authorities find a causal relationship between the death of a person and the work of an employee at an enterprise without a sanitary book, then the court may impose imprisonment of up to six years. If more than one person died, the punishment could be up to ten years in prison.

If as a result of work without a sanitary book there was a mass poisoning, then the fine can reach up to 100 thousand rubles. In addition to a fine to the employer, the court may appoint corrective labor. The most severe punishment for mass poisoning is imprisonment for up to five years. So far, such measures are rare, as it is difficult to prove a causal relationship. In other words, it is impossible to prove that the negative consequences arose precisely because of the work of an employee without a sanitary book. In addition, it is difficult to prove that the employer knew about the employee's fake medical book, unless, of course, the document is not his.

How to recognize a fake?

You can recognize a fake. On a special resource of the Hygiene Center, you can enter the data of the employee. If the medical book is fake, then the system will not find the data from the registry. In addition, you can detect a fake visually:

  • all entries must be made on a computer;
  • there is a special hologram on the sanitary book, which is quite difficult to fake;
  • The seal of the therapist in the sanitary book is round. Today, all therapists use the triangular seal.
  • To identify a fake, you can call a medical institution, the seal of which is in the book.


In our time, you need to understand that the presence of a health book is not a "whim of the state", or "an introduction for additional fees." This is a forced measure. If necessary, the authorities can find many other fiscal ways for additional fees. However, the problem of formalism still persists when going through all the stages of admitting employees to responsible work. As a result, we often observe an outbreak of mass diseases of various infectious diseases.

In contact with

Almost every third citizen needs to obtain a health book for registration at work. It testifies to the state of his health and is considered a completely official document, it indicates the results of the tests passed, the date of delivery. It will not be difficult for those who need it to get such a book. These employees include people working in the service industries. To get a job in children's, medical institutions, public catering and trade enterprises, it is necessary to pass a medical commission, after which a sanitary book is issued. This document confirms the work permit.

Who needs a health certificate

Personal is the guarantor of the health of an employee who, according to his duties, serves various segments of the population. How to get a sanitary book and who needs it? Workers who are related to such branches of work are required to draw up such a document:

1. Trade enterprises.

2. Enterprises - and canteens.

3. Food industry enterprises - meat processing plants, dairies, bakeries, etc.

4. Enterprises responsible for the quality of drinking water.

5. Enterprises involved in the production, transportation, storage and sale of medical products.

6. Pre-school, school and educational institutions, up to institutes.

7. Sphere of communal and consumer services.

8. Medical institutions - sanatoriums, etc.

It is not clear for many who need it for the first time, the question remains of where you can get a health book and why you need it at all.

Why is it needed

All enterprises that require the presentation of a sanitary book are obliged, when hiring a person, to require it along with the rest of the submitted documents. Any serious organization will not take the risk of hiring an employee without a medical book, even if he has excellent recommendations, long experience and high qualifications. Examination and examination of doctors, the results of all tests and admission to work - everything is displayed by the sanitary book. How to get such a document? To do this, you need to collect a certain package of documents:

1. A document that will confirm the identity - a passport, driver's license or military ID.

2. Application for a book.

3. Photo (3x4).

4. Information about fluorography.

5. Extract of vaccinations and laboratory tests.

Before you get a sanitary book, you will also need to pay for that, that is, to pass a sanitary minimum. The hologram is also paid, tutorial and the form of the book. After collecting all the required documents, it is worth making photocopies of the passport or other identity document, fluorography certificates and vaccinations.

If you don't know where to start

When you need to start applying for a job, but there is no idea how to get a health book, even where to start the process, you need to contact any medical institution that is located at the registration address or closest to the place of residence. But any such organization must meet certain requirements - whether it be a public or private clinic:

1. Qualified personnel must be present.

2. Must have a license.

3. Equipping with the equipment necessary for passing and performing tests.

4. Availability of official forms of medical books that comply with Russian legislation.

The question of where to get a sanitary book is practically resolved. The institution issues a special form and a sanitary book, in which all the results of the examinations are entered. Laboratory studies that must be carried out in medical institutions are most often paid if they are not paid by the employer.

What are the features

What do you need to know and what do you need to get a health book? After the payment for the medical book is made, it is necessary to undergo examinations. For this, a referral is issued, and the person goes to see different specialists. Most often, such procedures do not take much time, in a couple of hours you can visit all the doctors. The results of the tests will be ready no later than the fifth day, it all depends on what tests are needed.

According to the standard scheme, the examination is carried out:

1. At the dermatologist.

2. At the venereologist.

3. At the therapist.

4. Blood test - more often "general", "for sugar", "according to the formula".

5. Bakposev for various intestinal infections.

6. Seeding for helminths and enterobiasis.

7. Chest fluorography.

8. Certification of the sanitary minimum.

All this must be passed before you get a sanitary book. The clinic will inform you when it will be possible to come and receive it after the examinations. If as a result any diseases or deviations are found, then a course of treatment is prescribed, after which the examination is again carried out. Only then will the book be issued.

In what cases do not receive a book

There are cases when, after receiving tests, a person has infection which he did not suspect. The medical institution has no right to admit such a patient to workplace. Only after undergoing treatment and complete recovery, he can be examined again and receive required document with permission to work. Such standards are uniform, and it does not depend on where to get a health book - in Novosibirsk or Moscow, the rules are the same for everyone.

Deadlines for receiving

There are situations when you need to urgently get a medical book. To do this, you need to contact the honey. institutions that have permission from Rospotrebnadzor to process and issue such documents. There you can already agree on an expedited issuance. The probability that the book will be fake or illegal is not worth it, all such documents are registered in a special register for the issuance of medical documents. Also in many cities there are specialized centers where occupational hygiene is trained. Therefore, the question of how to get a sanitary book in Chelyabinsk is resolved quickly and professionally.

Why lectures are needed

Consists of two logical components:

1. Listening to a lecture.

2. Certification of acquired knowledge.

Only those persons who have fully passed a professional medical examination can have access to this training, do not forget about this before receiving a sanitary book in St. Petersburg. All results are put down in the sanitary book, the payment for such certification is made by the employer or the employee himself.

What is the cost of the question

The cost of the book will depend entirely on the area of ​​employment, so for the food group, the price of issuing a book will be more expensive than for those who will work in an industrial enterprise. Also, the cost of the book is affected by the number of examinations and analyzes performed, as well as the medical institution itself, where the examination was carried out. As required by the rules, the employer is obliged to pay the costs of issuing a sanitary book or provide his employees with sanitary books. But this is not always a fact, therefore, when passing the commission on your own, you should not contact dubious firms.

What is the protection of the book

Only after the medical examination is completed and the document is filled out, it must be certified at the Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology. The document will be considered issued only after the result of attestation and testing is passed. On the twenty-seventh page of the document, there will be a proper stamp, which is certified by a hologram, which is her full protection. Only after that the book is registered and given a number.

Is it possible to detect a forged document

Some workers, not understanding their full responsibility for employment, try to circumvent the law and make it easier for themselves. They can order by phone or in an online store a sanitary book, which is a fake. The cost of this service will vary from five hundred rubles to two thousand. Such a document can be made within two hours, of course, all analyzes will be fake. But in this case it will be too early to rejoice. Any specialist who comes to the enterprise with a check will easily distinguish a fake from a real document.

No need to take risks

Do not forget about your responsibility to the people you will encounter in the process of work. Therefore, it is necessary to apply for a sanitary book only in specialized medical centers and institutions. Thanks to the design of the book, the employer will be aware of the health status of his subordinates, and the employee himself will be calm.

The law is the same for all

In 2012, in Russia, the Ministry of Health and Social Development adopted an order on the procedure for issuing health books, which clearly and step by step describe each stage of examination and testing in the laboratory. The terms are also indicated, with what frequency repeated analyzes and medical examinations should be carried out - depending on the profession, but at least once a year.

Official registration of medical books in Moscow on best conditions. A medical book with entry in the state register is a guarantee of the legality of your LMK! Making a medical book in the Special Medical Center is a quality guarantee that has been proven over the years!

The medical center is SPECIAL, specially created by doctors and accredited by the FGUZ branch in Moscow (formerly Gossanepidemnadzor) for conducting medical commissions and sanitary and hygienic certification of the decreed contingent. That is why, if you need to make a medical book, contact a medical institution that has the legal right to issue a medical book. One of these organizations is the Medical Diagnostic Center - Special (MDC-S).

We conduct a medical commission for registration, an official medical book, renewal of hygienic certification, periodic medical tests and examinations:

  • An official medical book registered in the unified Moscow register, only a new sample (the last one, starting from 2009) in Moscow.
  • Periodic medical tests and examinations are carried out, as well as

Who needs a personal medical record?

To begin with, let's define what medical books are, and most importantly, who needs to have a medical book and why? Everyone whose work is related to the transportation, manufacture, sale or storage of food should have personal medical records. In addition, you need to make a medical book:

  • Workers in the field of communal services and industrial trade.
  • Nursery and kindergarten workers.
  • Medical workers.
  • Employees of educational institutions.
  • Workers of sewer networks and structures.
  • Employees of transport companies.

It is worth remembering that LMK (personal medical book) is an official document, therefore, everyone who refused to have a medical book, but continues to work in positions where it is required, as well as those who used a fake medical book, are criminally liable for this (according to Article 327 Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

The cost of issuing a medical book

The term for processing the document is 5-7 working days.

Official registration of a medical book with the entry of data from the state register of medical books.

Prices for registration of a Personal Medical Book are indicated without discounts!

Category Cost for Russia Cost for IRS
Food production / trade enterprises (foodstuffs, industrial goods) 2750 3000
Educational institutions (secondary, higher, additional education, children's development centers, libraries, etc.) 2150 2400
Employees preschool institutions(kindergartens, children's homes, boarding schools) 2750 3000
Utilities: laundries, baths, shoe repair, beauty salons, swimming pools, water parks, etc. 2750 3000
Utilities: maids, administrators, employees of pharmacies and pharmaceutical enterprises 2150 2400
Medical workers: polyclinics, dentistry 3 500 3750
Medical workers: maternity homes, children's hospitals (departments of pathology) 3700 3950

So, you have decided for yourself what you need honey book urgently? What do you need to apply for LMC?

Documents required for registration of a medical book:

  • The passport
  • Photo - in our centers there is a terminal for quick photo desired quality and size.
  • Your medical book (when extending medical examinations or hygienic certification)

Specially for your convenience, we have increased the reception hours for taking tests:

Medical books are issued at the medical center at Semenovskaya metro station (300 meters), one exit, go straight from the metro, go around the Krasnaya Zarya building on the right by tram
tracks (150 m), then right along the tram tracks (150 m) to Malaya Semenovskaya street, behind it is a 5-story building (a five-story residential building - red-brown with white balconies and windows). Left wing, entrance from the end
at the Medical Center.

The procedure for passing a medical examination for obtaining or renewing a medical book:

  • fill out the bypass sheet (get it from us at the registry office)
  • pay and pass a medical commission;
  • hand over a fully completed bypass sheet to the registry - while receiving a tear-off coupon with your data on the passage of the commission and the time of receipt of the finished medical book;
  • pass the hygienic certification at the appointed time (if required) and get the finished document - EVERYTHING IS SIMPLE!

Registration of medical books in MDC-S - quickly and efficiently!

In accordance with the law, registration of a medical book and medical examinations are carried out according to the current order 302 n. If you need to issue a medical book urgently? Then we invite you to MDC-S! The center provides clients with the opportunity to quickly make a medical book with maximum comfort for themselves. Without haste and fuss. You get a coupon, undergo an examination with doctors, pass all the necessary tests. And you get a medical book in your hands in 5 days (maximum 7) - instead of the standard several weeks established in other clinics offering to buy medical books. Thanks to the experience of the staff, examinations by specialists and taking the tests necessary to make a personal medical book do not take much time. All procedures are carried out very quickly - and an examination by a therapist, and a blood test, and fluorography, in Moscow one's own, and even someone else's, time is too valued. Therefore, the work of the Medical Center is specially structured so that the passage of all doctors takes little time - 30-40 minutes, in the second half of the working day about 20-25 minutes per person - WE APPRECIATE YOUR TIME!!! You issue a medical book urgently, meanwhile, you can be sure that it contains all the necessary (and reliable!) Information about the results of laboratory and X-ray studies, medical examinations, and notes on early diseases. The data is confirmed by the seal of the medical institution, as required by each legal registration of medical records.

What should I do if my personal medical record is lost?

All the results of inspections and examinations are entered into the computer base (for example, in case of loss of documents, it is possible to restore them without additional financial expenses or with minimal expenses), i.e. we promptly answer questions about the facts of our passing medical examinations by regulatory authorities (sanitary and epidemiological station, environmental police ...) during inspections at enterprises.

The procedure for passing medical examinations by employees is regulated, which entered into force on 01/01/12.

Who should apply for a medical book?

Its design is not necessarily for everyone. First of all, without a medical book, they will not hire citizens who want to work in the field of education, food production and in the field of personal services. Therefore, the question of how to make a sanitary book is a priority for representatives of these professions. An exhaustive list of those who need this document can be found in the Letter of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated 08/07/2000 N 1100/2196-0-117 "On sending a list of professions".

How to get a health book?

In this section, we will look at how to make an official medical book. employee is the responsibility of the employer. The procedure for issuing a medical book consists of several stages: visiting a medical examination, passing tests, and in some cases passing a hygienic certification.

You can pass the medical examination:

    in the clinic with which the employer has a contract;

    at the regional Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology.

The list of necessary tests and the list of doctors who will have to go through is reflected in. There is one for every profession.

The process of issuing a medical book for an applicant consists of the following steps:

    contacting the Hygiene Center or the clinic with which the contract has been concluded to obtain a book (a copy of the passport is attached to the application if the employee draws up a book for himself, or a list of employees signed by the employer indicating their personal data).

    payment for the services of a medical institution, which include hygiene training, a form of a personal medical book, holograms, teaching materials(remember to take two 3x4 photos).

    issuance of the finished document.

How to make a honey book in one day?

Many citizens, wanting to find a job quickly, are interested in how to make a medical book, for example, in Moscow, officially and as soon as possible. Everyone knows that the passage of doctors and the delivery of tests require a lot of time. And not always all doctors can be seen in one day. Many companies that can be found on the Internet promise. Here you should be vigilant so as not to fall for the bait of scammers. The proposal to issue a document in one day looks very doubtful.

How to extend the validity of the medical book?

During the initial registration, an initial medical examination and certification is carried out. Periodically. An extension is understood to mean a repeated medical examination and the delivery of laboratory tests after a set period. The frequency of this extension depends on the field of activity. For example, employees of educational institutions are examined every three months. And sellers of non-food products - once a year.

Is there any liability for the absence of a medical book?

Every citizen working in the field of education, medicine, food industry must know how to make a medical book, because without this document he will not be allowed to work.

In order to avoid punishment, the employer must control the availability of medical books for their employees. If, during the inspection, Rospotrebnadzor reveals the absence of this document, the violating employer faces a fine in accordance with Art. 6.3. Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation:

    For citizens - from 100 to 500 rubles.

    For officials - from 500 to 1,000 rubles.

    For individual entrepreneurs - from 500 to 1,000 rubles, or closing the organization for 90 days.

    For legal entities - from 10,000 to 20,000 rubles, or closing the organization for 90 days.

The legislation also provides for disciplinary or criminal liability under Art. 236 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.