Factors in the development of the food industry. Features of location and sectoral structure of light industry

  • 10.10.2019

soft drinks industry

Wine industry

· Confectionery industry

· Canning industry

Pasta industry

Oil and fat industry

· Butter and cheese industry

Dairy industry

Flour and cereal industry

Meat industry

brewing industry

· Fruit and vegetable industry

· Poultry industry

· Fishing industry

· Sugar industry

Salt industry

Alcohol industry

· Tobacco industry

· Baking industry

The food industry is the largest component national economy, numbering more than forty separate industries involved in the production of food both in finished form and semi-finished products.

The largest groups of industries Food Industry are:

meat, fish,

dairy (includes butter and cheese production),

flour and cereals,

food products.

The group of food industry enterprises that produce industrial goods, in turn, is divided into a variety of industries: pasta, baking, fruit and vegetable, alcohol, sugar, wine, liquor, salt, tea, etc.

There are two main categories of the food industry.

The first is those industries that work with imported raw materials and are focused on railway junctions, ports of import of products, and large industrial centers. Products manufactured in them have a high transportability. The second category includes industries focused on raw materials and on the consumer.

Most of the food industry belongs to the processing industries. However, there are enterprises included in the extractive industries: this is the extraction of table salt, fish and several types of edible wild plants.

For the processing of raw materials in the food industry, various methods are used. They are obliged to ensure the complete safety of the use of food products for human health, to improve their nutritional value, taste and commercial qualities. After all, there are many food products that are not suitable for consumption in their natural form, as they contain components dangerous to human health, or are poorly absorbed. Conventional production technologies do not fully ensure the safety of ready-to-eat products. However, a change in technological processing can significantly improve the quality of food products, significantly extend the shelf life. When processing raw materials technological process is a series of sequential operations.

In the production of food products, processes based on bacterial and non-bacterial fermentation of food raw materials play an important role. The first includes fermentation that occurs during the manufacture of wine, cheese, beer, etc. The second includes processes that occur with the help of their own enzymes, for example, during the aging of meat. This can also include the use of artificial enzymes.

One of the main ways of processing raw materials is canning.

Recently, other methods of processing food raw materials have become widespread: sterilizing filtration (used in the production of juices, beer), tenderization (use electric current), the use of high-frequency currents for the fastest heat treatment.

In order to improve the health of people, other food industries are being created in economically developed countries that produce special goods.

The food industry is a set of industries whose enterprises produce mainly food products. Almost every relatively large settlement has enterprises in this industry. In some countries, the food industry is an industry of international specialization, in others it satisfies the needs of only its population.

The sectoral structure of the food industry is complex. It includes enterprises producing food products, as well as soap and perfumery and cosmetic products.

The location of enterprises in the industry is mainly influenced by two factors: orientation to the raw material base or to the consumer.

The location of enterprises near the areas of production of raw materials is explained by the fact that in some industries (sugar, alcohol, canning industry) the consumption of raw materials far exceeds the mass of the finished product. In addition, such agricultural raw materials are not very transportable.

The attraction of enterprises to consumption areas is explained by the fact that most food industries produce mass products that have a limited shelf life and cannot be transported over long distances. Therefore, bakeries, confectionery and pasta factories, breweries are created in areas where products are consumed, regardless of whether there are raw materials for them here.

Sugar factories are located as close as possible to sugar beet or cane crops, since these raw materials do not withstand long-distance transportation. Tobacco as a raw material does not require local processing. Therefore, tobacco factories, for example in Western Europe, use exclusively imported raw materials.

Especially big influence Cities provide accommodation for the food industry, since their population is the main consumer of meat, milk, eggs, and bread.

The main type of food industry enterprises are plants, which combine the integrated use of raw materials with the complete processing of waste. There are sugar, canning, oil-fat and other plants.

For example, an oil and fat plant produces vegetable oil, solid fat, mayonnaise, margarine, soap from waste, detergents, drying oil, glycerin, etc. Nothing is wasted at meat-packing plants. Even the horns and hooves of animals are used in industry, and some animal organs are a valuable raw material in the manufacture of medicines.

The food industry in developed countries has achieved great success. Among them, there are those that are famous for their traditions in the production of high-quality food or stand out for the scale of production.

Denmark is called the "dairy farm" of Europe. Switzerland, the Netherlands, France are known for the production of hard cheeses. high quality canned meat many developed countries of Europe and America produce, fish - Norway, Iceland, Spain and Portugal, vegetables - Bulgaria and Hungary. Italy is the birthplace of spaghetti and pizza. Germany is famous for its sausages and beer, wines - France and Spain. Recently, new industries have been developed - the production of ready-to-eat and frozen foods, various food additives.

15 .timber industry

timber industry- a set of industries related to the harvesting and processing of wood. One of the oldest branches of the economy.

The timber industry, like the chemical industry, has a rather complex structure. Conventionally, all branches of the forest complex can be divided into four groups:

Timber industry - timber harvesting

· Woodworking industry - mechanical and chemical-mechanical processing and processing of wood. Board production, furniture production, lumber production, etc.

· Pulp and paper industry - mainly chemical processing of wood, production of pulp, cardboard and paper.

· Wood chemical industry - production of charcoal, rosin and turpentine.

As in other Russian industries based on the extraction of raw materials, a significant share of the revenue in the forest industry is generated by the export of unprocessed raw materials - roundwood. For a long time, Russia has been the main supplier of wood raw materials to Europe and the Middle East, to China and Japan.

In addition to country specifics, there are general features of the development of the industry: an increase in the market shares of substitute goods and a decrease in the shares of timber and paper products. For example, the advent of plastic packaging has led to a reduction in the consumption of paper, and the development of the Internet has led to a reduction in the consumption of newsprint.

In Russia, there is no private ownership of forest land, which is replaced by long-term lease of forest land for recreational and logging purposes. However, in a number of countries there is private ownership of land. For example, in the United States, forest land management is a big business worth more than $500 billion. Forest land in the country covers about 500 million acres, of which 53% is owned by non-industrial private owners, 30% is publicly owned, 4% is owned by industrialists, and 8% are owned by financial investors.

Light industry is an industry for the production of consumer goods, which must meet the needs of the country's population. the main task light industry is to meet the growing needs of all segments of the population.

Light industry is one of the branches of the complex that produces consumer goods. This industry is manufacturing and produces products for the population: fabrics, clothes, shoes, knitwear, hosiery and fur products, hats, textile and leather haberdashery.

Factors for the location of light industry enterprises are diverse and have their own characteristics for each industry, but the following main ones can be distinguished:

  • Labor resources. This factor provides a large number of people and highly qualified specialists.
  • Raw factor. This factor mainly affects the location of enterprises for the primary processing of raw materials. For example, enterprises for the primary processing of leather are located near large meat processing plants.
  • consumer factor. Finished products of the garment industry are less transportable than raw materials. For example, fabrics are more economically transportable than finished products. In the textile industry, on the contrary, finished products are more transportable than raw materials. For example, when washed, wool becomes 70% lighter.

The main component of the entire agro-industrial complex of Russia is the food industry, which is characterized by a complex structure. It includes over two dozen industries with numerous specialized industries. The location of the food industry is based on two factors: raw materials and consumer. Orientation to the raw material base due to the material consumption of the food industry. In most of its industries, the consumption of raw materials far exceeds the weight finished products. Agricultural products quickly deteriorate when transported over long distances, their quality deteriorates, so some food enterprises are located in close proximity to production sites.

Depending on the degree of merging of raw materials and consumer factors, the food industry is divided into three groups:

- industries focused on sources of raw materials - milk canning, starch and syrup, sugar, oil and fat, etc.;

- branches of the food industry focused on the places of consumption of finished products - dairy, bakery, etc.;

- branches of the food industry, focused both on raw materials and on the consumer - flour milling, meat and others. The proximity of the food industry to raw material bases and places of consumption is achieved by specializing enterprises according to the stages of the technological process, when the primary processing of raw materials is carried out close to its sources, and the production of finished products is carried out at the places of consumption. Among the branches of the food industry, which are influenced by both raw materials and consumer factors, one can note the meat industry.

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Athletics is an Olympic sport that includes running, walking, all-around, running, cross-country and technical events. Athletics is usually called the queen of sports, because it is one of the most massive sports and its disciplines have always played the largest number of medals in Olympic Games Oh.

The International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) was founded in 1912 and unites national federations. The headquarters of the association is located in Monaco.

The history of the emergence and development of athletics (briefly)

Athletics is considered to be a very ancient sport, as evidenced by ubiquitous archaeological finds (coins, vases, sculptures, etc.).

The oldest of athletics is running. By the way, the run was carried out at a distance equal to one stage - one hundred and ninety-two meters. It is from this name that the word stadium comes from.

The ancient Greeks called all physical exercises athletics, which in turn was usually divided into “light” and “heavy”. They referred to athletics exercises that develop dexterity and endurance (running, jumping, archery, swimming, etc.).

Accordingly, all exercises that developed strength were classified as “weightlifting”.

The first Olympic champion in athletics is considered to be Koroibos (776 BC).

BC), this date is considered to be the beginning of the history of athletics. The modern history of athletics originates from competitions in running over a distance of about 2 km by college students in Rugby (Great Britain) in 1837. Later, the competition program began to include sprinting, hurdles, weight throwing, long jumps and running height.

In 1865, the London Athletic Club was founded, which was engaged in the popularization of athletics.

In 1880, an amateur athletic association was organized, uniting all athletics organizations in the British Empire.

The rapid development of athletics is associated with the Olympic Games (1896), in which she was given the highest place.

How did athletics begin?

Athletics competitions have been held throughout the existence of mankind.

Initially, people were only interested in raising warriors capable of bringing victory in battles. Military interest in the education of physically developed men gradually began to degenerate into sports games, the main competitions in which were endurance and strength.

From that moment on, the birth of athletics began.

Athletics rules

The athlete or team that has shown the best result in the final races or final attempts of technical disciplines is considered the winner in athletics competitions.

Running types of athletics, as a rule, are divided into several stages:

  • qualification;
  • ¼ final;
  • ½ final;
  • the final.

The number of participants in the competition is determined by the regulations of the competition, while men and women do not participate in general starts.

Athletics stadium

Athletics stadiums are open or closed. Usually the stadium is combined with a football stadium and a field.

The outdoor stadium consists of an oval 400 meter track, which in turn is divided into 8 or 9 lanes, as well as sectors for technical disciplines.

Often, javelin or hammer throw competitions are taken out of the stadium, this is done for security reasons.

Closed stadiums (arenas) differ from open ones by a shorter track (200 m) and the number of lanes into which it is divided (4-6 pcs.).

Types of athletics and their brief description

Let's take a look at what sports are included in athletics. Race walking is an athletics discipline that differs from running in that the athlete must have constant foot contact with the ground. Race walking competitions are held on the track (10,000 m, 20,000 m, 30,000 m, 50,000 m) or highway (20,000 m and 50,000 m).

Gone (#410)

Running is one of the oldest sports for which official competition rules have been approved, it has been included in the program since the very first modern Olympic Games in 1896.

Running in athletics is represented by the following types: sprint, middle-distance running, long-distance running, hurdling, relay race.

Jumps are divided into vertical (high jump and pole vault) and horizontal (long jump and triple jump).

Throwing is an exercise for athletes that requires "explosive" muscular effort. The goal in this event is to move the projectile to the maximum distance from the athlete. Types of throwing in athletics: throw (grenade, ball), shot put, throw (hammer, discus, spear).

All-around is a sports discipline that includes competitions in several disciplines of one or more different types sports.

What does athletics include?

Cross-country, race walking, all-around, runs, crosses and technical events.

To date, the program of the Olympic Games includes 24 events for men and 23 events for women. The cyclic types of athletics include: walking, sprinting, running for medium and long distances. TO technical types athletics include: throwing, vertical and horizontal jumps.

athletics competitions

  • Summer Olympic Games.
  • The World Championships in Athletics has been held since 1983, every two years in odd years.
  • The World Indoor Championships has been held since 1985, every two years in even years.
  • The European Athletics Championship has been held since 1934, once every two years.
  • The World Junior Championship has been held every two years since 1986.

    Athletes under the age of 19 are allowed to participate.

  • The World Championship among boys and girls has been held every two years since 1999. Athletes who turn 16 and 17 years old in the year of the competition are allowed to participate.
  • The European Indoor Championships has been held since 1966, every two years in odd years. The next championship was held in 2015 in Prague.
  • IAAF Continental Cup - held every four years. The next Cup was held in 2014 in Marrakech (Morocco).
  • The World Cross Country Championship is held every two years.
  • Race Walking World Cup - held every two years.

What does athletics develop?

The main physical qualities are endurance, strength, speed, flexibility. In addition, during athletics, the skills of coordination of movements, fast and economic movement and the rational implementation of complex physical exercises are acquired.

We tried to cover the topic as fully as possible, so this information can be safely used in the preparation of reports on physical education and abstracts on the topic "Athletics".

tags: olympic sportscyclic sportssummer sports

Light industry

Its composition includes

Textile production

However, in the second half of the 20th century there were significant changes in the geography of the industry. The cotton industry has come closer to the raw material bases. This led to the fact that in the countries of Western Europe and North America the production of cotton fabrics decreased, and the share of developing countries increased. Now O India (10%)

The leading producers of woolen fabrics in the world are the countries of Western Europe, Japan and China. Thus, China accounts for 15% of all woolen fabrics produced in the world, and Italy -14%. The production of woolen fabrics less production cotton in size. Woolen production of developed countries works for the domestic market.

It consumes wool imported from Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Argentina, Uruguay, Great Britain. Approximately 55% of the wool sheared enters the world turnover. Silk industry The world has now switched to the production of fabrics from chemical fibers. The absolute leadership in the manufacture of the most expensive silk fabrics is occupied by the United States (over 50%). The share of Asian countries is also large, especially India, China, Thailand, the Root Republic and Japan (more than 40%).

As for the production of fabrics from natural silk, it is concentrated mainly in China, Japan and India. They are also known as the main producers of raw silk.

Basic principles of placement of food industry enterprises.

Among other types of natural textile raw materials, jute is relatively widely used, from which burlap, jute fabric, and carpet base are produced. These goods are exported by Bangladesh and India - the main producers of jute. For the production of carpets, chemical fibers are now the main raw material, and only traditional knitted carpets are made from wool. Among the countries of the world, the main producers of carpets are the USA (carpets of non-woven type), Belgium and Great Britain (knitted and woven carpets), India, Iran.

Fur production.

clothing industry.

. Among the light industries, shoe production has shifted to the greatest extent from developed countries to countries with cheap labor - developing countries. The leaders in the manufacture of shoes are China (more than 40% of shoes in the world), India, Italy, the Republic of Korea, Taiwan, the USA, France, and Spain.

Developing countries in Asia specialize more in sports and home shoes. In developed countries (Italy, Austria, Germany, the USA), the production of shoes from expensive raw materials, with a high labor intensity of production, has mainly been preserved. Italy is the largest producer and exporter of such footwear.

Food industry.

food flavoring, meat and dairy and fish

food industry

Products sugar production

Therefore, the production of sugar in the world continues to grow. Per capita consumption varies widely across countries. In Cuba, in the UK, Australia, it is consumed 50 kg per person, and in China - 6 kg. The geography of the industry is determined by the raw material factor. The main raw material is sugar cane.

It accounts for up to 2/3 of world sugar production. Therefore, more than 1/3 of the product comes from Asia, somewhat less from South America. The main suppliers of raw sugar to the world market are India, Brazil, Cuba, Thailand, and Mexico.

In Europe, the USA, Canada, the production of sugar from sugar beet is widely developed. The largest producers of this type of sugar are Australia, France, Belgium, Great Britain, Russia, Ukraine.

One of the characteristic features of the industry is the ubiquity of placement. Those branches of the food industry that consume a lot of raw materials, often of low transportability, are oriented in their location to raw materials areas.

For example, in the production of 1 ton of sugar from sugar beets, approximately 5 tons of raw materials are consumed.

bakery .

meat and dairy industry.

In the geography of the meat industry at the end of the twentieth century, great changes took place. Asia became the main region for the production of meat, which was ahead of both Western Europe and North America. The top ten meat producing countries include China and the USA. Brazil, France, Germany, India, Russia, Canada, Italy and Spain.

Among the meat products, the production of pork, beef, lamb and poultry meat stands out. The countries of Western Europe account for up to 2/3 of world exports of meat products.

At the same time, these same countries concentrate approximately 50% of world meat imports. As for bacon and ham, three countries in the world (Denmark, the Netherlands and Belgium) supply 70% of their world exports.

It provides the population with valuable food products based on milk processing. With the change in the structure of nutrition, the composition of the products has also changed. The production of cheeses exceeded the production of animal butter by 1.5 times. The leading countries in the production of butter products are the United States.

India, Germany, France, Pakistan, New Zealand, Russia, Poland, Australia, Ukraine.

The products of the oil industry are now widely represented on world markets.

A wide variety of vegetable oils are produced in the world: sunflower, rapeseed, olive, soybean, corn, palm, etc. In the production of soybean oil, the leading place in the world is occupied by the United States, rapeseed - India, olive - Italy, Greece, Spain, sunflower - Russia, Argentina , Ukraine, Hungary.

fishing industry and seafood processing. Various marine organisms are caught in the seas and oceans.

However, more than half of the total annual catch falls on 5 species of fish: herring, cod, sea pike, red fish, mackerel and related species.

The geography of the industry has undergone profound changes. Instead of the Atlantic, the Pacific Ocean has become the leading fishing area, and the countries of the Pacific basin provide 70% of the world's production.

As a result, the industry moved from Western Europe to Asia. The leading role in the fish catch is occupied by such countries as China, Japan, the USA, Peru, Chile, etc.

Recently, aquaculture has begun to play an increasingly important role in world fisheries, i.e.

cultivation of aquatic organisms in the marine environment. Approximately 4/5 of it is given by Asian countries - China, Japan, India, the Republic of Korea. In freshwater reservoirs, mainly carp are bred, and on marine farms - fish, shellfish, shrimps, crabs, mussels, algae.

Questions and tasks:

What factors influence the location of the most important branches of light industry (textile, clothing, footwear).

3. * Systematize information about the features of the placement of textile production by region and country in the form below.


Publication date: 2014-11-03; Read: 3246 | Page copyright infringement

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The location of light industry (production of fabrics, footwear, clothing industry products) is determined by the action of raw materials, consumer factors and the labor factor. At the same time, enterprises for the primary processing of raw materials (cotton cleaning, flax processing, wool washing and silk-winding industries, etc.) are usually located at its sources, which is associated with the presence of significant (by weight) industrial waste - geoglobus.ru.

The production of finished goods, on the contrary, is oriented towards regions and centers of consumption, which are at the same time places where labor resources and skilled labor are concentrated.

The leading branch of light industry (in terms of output and number of employed workers) — textile: production of linen, cotton, silk, woolen and synthetic fabrics, knitwear and other products.

The main fabric production area is Central, which accounts for 75% of the output of all types of fabrics in Russia.

The textile industry of the Center uses its own (linen, synthetic fibers, etc.) and imported (cotton fiber, raw silk, etc.) raw materials. Deliveries of raw materials go to the Center and other regions of Russia mainly from countries former USSR- states of Central Asia, Kazakhstan. Azerbaijan.

In terms of the production of cotton fabrics, Ivanovo (Ivanovo, Shuya, Kineshma), Moscow (Moscow, Noginsk, Orekhovo-Zuevo), Tver (Tver, Vyshny Volochek) and Yaroslavl regions stand out; silk - Moscow region (Naro-Fominsk), Moscow, Tver; linen - Kostroma, Vyazniki in the Vladimir region and Vyazma in the Smolensk region; woolen - Moscow, Pavlovsky Posad, Monino and Lyubertsy in the Moscow region.

Factors in the development of the food industry

The knitwear industry is also very developed in the region (production of outerwear and linen knitwear, hosiery, etc.).

The textile industry also has a high concentration of production in other regions - the North-West (production of cotton - St. Petersburg and linen fabrics - Pskov, Velikiye Luki; knitwear - St. Petersburg), Volga-Vyatsky (production of linen fabrics - Nizhny Novgorod, Kirov and cotton - Cheboksary), Volga (production of cotton - Kamyshin, woolen - Ulyanovsk and Penza regions and silk fabrics - Balakovo), Ural (production of linen - Yekaterinburg and silk fabrics - Orenburg, Tchaikovsky).

A new area of ​​the textile industry - Siberia - specializes in the production of cotton (Barnaul), woolen (Krasnoyarsk, Leninsk-Kuznetsky, Chita), silk (Kemerovo) and linen (Biysk) fabrics.

clothing industry- the second largest branch of light industry in terms of gross output.

Its enterprises are located in all economic regions of the country, but there are especially many of them in the Center and in the North-West (more than a quarter of the country's garments are produced).

shoe industry distributed relatively evenly across regions. Most of the shoes (more than 60% of the footwear produced in the country) are produced by the Central (Moscow, Moscow and Tula regions stand out), the Ural (Chelyabinsk region) and the Volga (Penza region) regions.

Light industry is a branch of specialization of a number of CIS countries.

In the republics of Central Asia and Transcaucasia, silk-winding and silk-processing production, production of woolen and cotton fabrics are widely developed (Ashgabat, Mary, Chardzhou in Turkmenistan; Tashkent, Fergana, Samarkand in others in Uzbekistan; Bishkek, Osh in Kyrgyzstan; Kirovabad, Stepanakert, Baku in Azerbaijan; Gori in Georgia). Ukraine and Belarus stand out for the production of linen fabrics and footwear.

Report: Food and light industry


Lesson objectives: to study the features of the placement of food and light enterprises

industries and factors determining the location of enterprises

these industries.

Repetition of what was previously learned:

- the main link in the agro-industrial complex is (agriculture)

- measures, the purpose of which is to increase fertility, are called (reclamation)

- the 1st link of the agro-industrial complex includes industries ...

- the most important grain crop of the Russian Federation is ...

- in terms of grain production, the Russian Federation occupies ... (4th place in the world)

- for the production of livestock products .... (3rd place in the world)

Learning new material.

Food industry. Consider fig. 46.

One of the oldest industries. Found everywhere.

1 group of industries has a leading raw material factor: fish, tea, canning, sugar, butter, cereals.

For example, for the production of 1 ton of sugar, 7 tons of sugar beets are needed.

The 2nd group of industries gravitates towards the consumer. This group includes industries whose products are unprofitable to transport (for example, for the production of 40 tons pasta you need 60 tons of flour). Products of some industries are perishable (bread, cakes, etc.)

The leaders in food production are the Central Region, the Volga region, the Urals, and the North Caucasus.

^ Consider the map "Food Industry".

Light industry.

Consider fig. 47

Consists of textile, clothing, leather, footwear. Some of the products are used in chemical, mechanical engineering, aerospace, etc.

Light industry is a labor-intensive industry. This means that some enterprises are closed or do not operate at full capacity.

The competition is imports. Fabrics from China and India are cheaper. the labor force in these countries is several times cheaper than in Russia.

The textile industry uses cotton, linen, and wool as raw materials. The processing waste for flax reaches 80%, for wool 50%, so the primary processing enterprises are located near the raw materials.

Wool-washing factories are located in the north of the Caucasus, flax-processing factories are located in the northwest of the Russian Federation.

Finishing of fabrics takes place in the Center, where there are qualified personnel. Garment and shoe factories are oriented towards the consumer.

- on the map "Light industry" find centers of cotton, wool, linen industries.

Technological cycle of the cotton industry:

Raw material - fiber - yarn - raw material - finishing - finished fabric

The impact of agro-industrial complex on the natural environment.

A special feature of the agro-industrial complex is the predominance of areal impacts on the environment.

Factors and technical and economic features of the location of light and food industries

Pollution of the other environment occurs due to violations of the technology of applying fertilizers and pesticides. As a result harmful substances get into underground and surface waters, accumulate in soils. The deterioration of the quality of agricultural land is a consequence of their ill-conceived use. Too heavy tractors compact the soil, intensive plowing destroys its structure and contributes to erosion.

Improper alternation of crops and non-compliance with agrotechnical standards leads to the depletion of soil fertility. Overgrazing leads to degradation of the grass cover and sometimes leads to anthropogenic desertification. Ways to solve these problems are primarily related to the observance of the technology of agricultural work.

^ Development Paths Agriculture.

Goal: Increasing the production of agricultural products

Increasing the production of agricultural products

Ways: Extensive

Quantitative: involvement in agricultural turnover of new lands; attracting additional labor force; increase in livestock and crops

Cost per unit area: do not change

Production volume: growing

Number of products per

unit area: does not change

Unit Costs: Increasing


Mechanization (use of new equipment and advanced technology); melioration; chemicalization; improving staff training; the use of more productive varieties of plants and animal breeds.



HOME TASK: prepare reports on the food and light industry of the Krasnodar Territory, paragraph 33.

Studying the content of the paragraph provides an opportunity to:

Ø to deepen knowledge about the sectoral structure, to identify the features and factors of the location of light industry;

Ø determine the sectoral structure, identify the features of the placement of food industries;

Light industry It was formed as a branch of the economy in the 11th century in Western Europe and until the second half of the 19th century it was the main industry in the world.

Its composition includes textile, silk, fur, clothing, leather and footwear production.

Textile production the main branch in the world light industry. She produces different types fabrics: mixed fabrics (from different types of chemical fibers mixed with natural ones) and natural ones - cotton, woolen, silk, linen, as well as knitwear, carpets.

About 50% of the raw materials used in the world's textile industry are chemical fibers, 45% are cotton, 5% are wool, flax fiber and other types. Textile production is a labor-intensive industry, so fabric production is moving to developing countries that have an abundance of cheap labor. There are five main regions in the world textile production: East Asia, South Asia, the CIS, Western Europe and the USA.

Since the beginning of the industrial revolution, cotton production in developed countries, and cotton production in the former colonies of the mother countries.

However, in the second half of the 20th century there were significant changes in the geography of the industry. The cotton industry has come closer to the raw material bases. This led to the fact that in the countries of Western Europe and North America the production of cotton fabrics decreased, and the share of developing countries increased.

Now O China is the main producer of cotton fabrics (30% of world production), India (10%), Indonesia, Pakistan, USA, etc. The main exporters of this type of fabrics are Pakistan, India, Egypt, China, Japan and Italy.

The geography of woolen fabrics has not changed much over the last century.

The leading producers of woolen fabrics in the world are the countries of Western Europe, Japan and China. Thus, China accounts for 15% of all woolen fabrics produced in the world, and Italy -14%.

The production of woolen fabrics is much less than the production of cotton in terms of volume. Woolen production of developed countries works for the domestic market. It consumes wool imported from Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Argentina, Uruguay, Great Britain. Approximately 55% of the wool sheared enters the world turnover. Silk industry The world has now switched to the production of fabrics from chemical fibers. The absolute leadership in the manufacture of the most expensive silk fabrics is occupied by the United States (over 50%).

The share of Asian countries is also large, especially India, China, Thailand, the Root Republic and Japan (more than 40%). As for the production of fabrics from natural silk, it is concentrated mainly in China, Japan and India. They are also known as the main producers of raw silk.

The production of linen fabrics has significantly decreased in the last decade. Linen fabrics are produced mainly in Russia, Belarus, Poland, France, Great Britain, Belgium, and the Netherlands.

Among other types of natural textile raw materials, jute is relatively widely used, from which burlap, jute fabric, and carpet base are produced.

These goods are exported by Bangladesh and India - the main producers of jute. For the production of carpets, chemical fibers are now the main raw material, and only traditional knitted carpets are made from wool. Among the countries of the world, the main producers of carpets are the USA (carpets of non-woven type), Belgium and Great Britain (knitted and woven carpets), India, Iran.

Changes in the sectoral structure in the world light industry are manifested in the accelerated development of knitwear production.

For the production of knitwear, chemical raw materials are now widely used. The production of complex expensive knitwear is concentrated in developed countries (Italy, USA, France), but new industrial countries are also rapidly spreading.

In developing countries, the production of cheap knitwear remains, which are becoming the main exporters of this product.

Fur production. The harvesting of fur and the production of fur products are traditionally developed in Canada, the USA, Norway, Finland, Russia and Mongolia.

clothing industry. In the clothing industry, France, Italy, England, Germany are trendsetters, which are increasingly specialized in the production of fashionable, elite, individual products.

Tailoring of mass products is increasingly moving to developing countries with cheap labor, which makes it possible to drastically reduce the cost of manufactured products. Many of them, primarily China, India, South Korea, Colombia, have become the largest exporters of ready-to-wear and linen products.

Developing countries produce more than 50% of the world's garments.

Leather and footwear production. Among the light industries, shoe production has shifted to the greatest extent from developed countries to countries with cheap labor - developing countries.

The leaders in the manufacture of shoes are China (more than 40% of shoes in the world), India, Italy, the Republic of Korea, Taiwan, the USA, France, and Spain. Developing countries in Asia specialize more in sports and home shoes. In developed countries (Italy, Austria, Germany, the USA), the production of shoes from expensive raw materials, with a high labor intensity of production, has mainly been preserved.

Italy is the largest producer and exporter of such footwear.

Food industry. The food industry has a complex structure.

It is divided into three major sectors: food flavoring, meat and dairy and fish. In turn, the food industry is divided into such sub-sectors as sugar, confectionery, oil milling, flour and cereals, salt, etc.

food industry, using raw materials of plant and animal origin, closely interacts with agriculture, fisheries and other industries.

Of particular importance is the connection with agriculture, which provides the food industry with the most massive types of raw materials (grain, potatoes, vegetables, meat, milk, etc.).

Products sugar production It is widely used both for direct consumption by the population and other branches of the food industry (baking, confectionery, etc.).

Therefore, the production of sugar in the world continues to grow. Per capita consumption varies widely across countries.

What are the factors for the placement of food and light industry

In Cuba, in the UK, Australia, it is consumed 50 kg per person, and in China - 6 kg. The geography of the industry is determined by the raw material factor. The main raw material is sugar cane. It accounts for up to 2/3 of world sugar production. Therefore, more than 1/3 of the product comes from Asia, somewhat less from South America.

The main suppliers of raw sugar to the world market are India, Brazil, Cuba, Thailand, and Mexico. In Europe, the USA, Canada, the production of sugar from sugar beet is widely developed.

The largest producers of this type of sugar are Australia, France, Belgium, Great Britain, Russia, Ukraine.

One of the characteristic features of the industry is the ubiquity of placement. Those branches of the food industry that consume a lot of raw materials, often of low transportability, are oriented in their location to raw materials areas. For example, in the production of 1 ton of sugar from sugar beets, approximately 5 tons of raw materials are consumed.

bakery on the other hand, production, in which approximately 650 kg of flour is consumed for baking 1 ton of bread and which produces products that are not easily transportable, will gravitate towards the consumer in its location. In meat production, primary meat production will focus on livestock breeding areas, and the production of finished products (sausages, ham, sausages, smoked products) on large consumption centers .

One of the most important branches of the food industry is meat and dairy industry.

In the geography of the meat industry at the end of the twentieth century, great changes took place. Asia became the main region for the production of meat, which was ahead of both Western Europe and North America. The top ten meat producing countries include China and the USA.

Brazil, France, Germany, India, Russia, Canada, Italy and Spain.

Among the meat products, the production of pork, beef, lamb and poultry meat stands out. The countries of Western Europe account for up to 2/3 of world exports of meat products. At the same time, these same countries concentrate approximately 50% of world meat imports. As for bacon and ham, three countries in the world (Denmark, the Netherlands and Belgium) supply 70% of their world exports.

An important area of ​​the food industry is butter production. It provides the population with valuable food products based on milk processing.

With the change in the structure of nutrition, the composition of the products has also changed. The production of cheeses exceeded the production of animal butter by 1.5 times. The leading countries in the production of butter products are the United States. India, Germany, France, Pakistan, New Zealand, Russia, Poland, Australia, Ukraine.

The products of the oil industry are now widely represented on world markets. A wide variety of vegetable oils are produced in the world: sunflower, rapeseed, olive, soybean, corn, palm, etc.

In the production of soybean oil, the leading place in the world is occupied by the United States, rapeseed - India, olive - Italy, Greece, Spain, sunflower - Russia, Argentina, Ukraine, Hungary.

Everything greater value in the nutrition of the population acquires products fishing industry and seafood processing. Various marine organisms are caught in the seas and oceans. However, more than half of the total annual catch falls on 5 species of fish: herring, cod, sea pike, red fish, mackerel and related species.

The geography of the industry has undergone profound changes.

Instead of the Atlantic, the Pacific Ocean has become the leading fishing area, and the countries of the Pacific basin provide 70% of the world's production. As a result, the industry moved from Western Europe to Asia. The leading role in the fish catch is occupied by such countries as China, Japan, the USA, Peru, Chile, etc.

Recently, aquaculture has begun to play an increasingly important role in world fisheries, i.e. cultivation of aquatic organisms in the marine environment.

Approximately 4/5 of it is given by Asian countries - China, Japan, India, the Republic of Korea. In freshwater reservoirs, mainly carp are bred, and on marine farms - fish, shellfish, shrimps, crabs, mussels, algae.

Questions and tasks:

1. What factors influence the location of the most important branches of light industry (textile, clothing, footwear).

2. What shifts in the distribution of light industry have occurred over the past century?

* Systematize information about the features of the placement of textile production by region and country in the form below.

Analyze the table, highlight the main factors influencing the location of the production of certain types of fabrics.

What industries are included in the food industry? Describe the relationship between the food industry and agriculture.

The main factors influencing the location of food industry enterprises. Features of the placement of individual branches of the food industry

When placing food industry enterprises across the country, it is necessary to take into account a number of factors, the most important of which are:

The nature of the processed raw materials and finished products;

Possible periods of storage of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products;

Natural and natural-historical conditions;

Population and its concentration by regions of the country;

Standard of living;

Local traditions, customs, tastes and habits of the population;

Social forms of organization of production (concentration, specialization, combination and cooperation);

Transport network development;


Methods of transportation of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products, requiring special conditions and changing with the development of technical progress;

Other factors.

All food industry enterprises, based on the principles of their placement, are divided into three groups.

To the first group include enterprises that process transportable raw materials and produce non-transportable or perishable products. These are mainly enterprises engaged in the secondary processing of raw materials (bakery factories, confectionery factories, secondary winemaking plants, beer and non-alcoholic, pasta enterprises, tea-packing, tobacco factories, etc.). For example, shipping costs confectionery 1.5 - 3 times higher than for the transportation of raw materials (sugar, molasses, flour). Products of the brewing industry, including bottles, are 10 times more by weight, and non-alcoholic products are 15-17 times more than raw materials. In the production of wine in bottles, the total weight of containers (bottles and boxes) is 1.5 times the weight of the wine itself. The return transportation of containers also causes a large load on transport and an increase in transport costs. In addition, the terms for the sale of products of enterprises in this group (cakes and pastries, bakery, beer and non-alcoholic products) range from several hours to several days.

It is advisable to place such enterprises in places where products are consumed.

To the second group include enterprises that process non-transportable or perishable raw materials and produce transportable products. These are enterprises engaged in the primary processing of agricultural raw materials (sugar, distilleries, oil extraction plants, primary winemaking plants, enterprises for the fermentation of tobacco and tea leaves, etc.), as well as the salt industry, the production of mineral waters and the extraction of fish.

The raw materials processed at these enterprises are perishable, subject to active biological processes and non-transportable. For example, to produce 1 ton of granulated sugar, 9 tons of sugar beets are required. For 1 ton of finished products (starch or molasses), more than 6 tons of potatoes are consumed; for production 1t vegetable oil- more than 2 tons of sunflower seeds or more than 5 tons of cotton seeds. For 100 decalitres (equivalent to 1 ton), an average of about 1.5 tons of grapes is consumed, and for 100 decalitres of cognac alcohol - 12 tons of grapes. Long-term storage, transportation, overload of raw materials are associated with deterioration in quality and losses. Thus, grapes must be processed within 2-4 hours after harvest, milk - within 2 days, some types of vegetables - 1.5 days. Many of these industries are large consumers of water, fuel and require placement near water bodies or railways.

It is advisable to place such enterprises in places where raw materials are produced.

To the third group include enterprises that process transportable raw materials and produce transportable products (for example, flour mills, cereal enterprises) or enterprises that process non-transportable raw materials and produce non-transportable products (for example, canneries, meat processing plants). Such enterprises can be located both in places where products are consumed, where the population is most concentrated, or, if the population is dispersed, its density is low, in places where raw materials are produced. For example, flour mills operate as major cities and in places where grain is produced.

The construction of meat-packing plants in large cities is expedient because the slaughter of livestock achieves a comprehensive use of raw materials. Meat in raw and processed form is used at the construction site of the enterprise, skins are transferred for processing to enterprises of the leather industry, bones - for the production of gelatin, waste - for the production of animal feed or meat and bone meal, consumer goods workshops are created at enterprises for the production of various products from animal horns etc. At the same time, such enterprises are being built in places where livestock is raised.

The efficiency of their operation largely depends on the correct solution of the issues of locating enterprises.

Taking into account the considered features of the location of food industry enterprises, the choice of the area and site for the construction of new enterprises is made, and the forms of organization of social production determine the possible type and structure of the enterprise.

Calculations of justification of the capacity and choice of the area for the construction of enterprises begin with determining the needs of the population, other sectors of the national economy and animal husbandry (for the feed industry) in the products of this industry.

Then, the possible volume of industry output at existing and already under construction enterprises is established, taking into account the use of available reserves.

There is a shortage of products in some areas and surpluses in others. A checklist of inter-district transportation is compiled, which shows the direction and volume of transportation from areas with a surplus of products to areas with a lack of it. Based on the balance of production and consumption of products, areas with a shortage of products of this industry are identified. The magnitude of the shortage of products, taking into account the capacity utilization factor, makes it possible to determine the need to increase production capacity through expansion, reconstruction, technical re-equipment of existing enterprises or new construction. All calculations to justify the capacity and selection of construction areas are carried out for the future in 5, 10, or 15 years.

For areas where it is planned to build enterprises for the processing of agricultural raw materials, balances are additionally drawn up for the production and use of raw materials (potatoes, vegetables, fruits, grapes, etc.).

When compiling balance sheets for the production and processing of raw materials, the following conditions should be taken into account:

Possibility and expediency of production of this type of raw material according to natural and climatic conditions;

Possibility and efficiency of production of other types of crops;

Availability of labor resources;

The need for reduction transportation finished products.

For example, sugar beet production is possible everywhere, in most areas Russian Federation, and the production of grapes, citrus fruits, some types of vegetables and fruits is possible only in the southern regions. Therefore, it is not advisable to occupy areas in the southern regions for sugar beet crops.

An important role in the choice of the construction area (ceteris paribus) is played by transportation costs. First, according to the principle of the lowest transport costs, 2-4 points are allocated, then, based on a comparative analysis of capital and current costs (at the minimum of reduced costs), for engineering communications and other works, the best sites for construction are selected for these points. Comparing the data obtained in the context of the main indicators of economic efficiency for all options for locating the enterprise, they choose an economically profitable area and site for the construction of the enterprise.

Questions for self-control

1. List the factors affecting the location of food industry enterprises.

2. What principles determine the classification of food industry enterprises when placing?

3. Lead concrete examples confirming the validity of these principles.

4. Show the sequence of calculations for the selection of areas for the construction of food enterprises.

5. What conditions should be taken into account when choosing areas for the construction of enterprises processing agricultural raw materials?

Related tests

1. Enterprises gravitating towards places of production include

a) sugar mills

b) confectionery factories

c) primary wineries

d) tea-packing factories

e) bakeries

5. Enterprises gravitating towards the places of production of raw materials include

a) sugar refineries

b) primary milk processing plants

c) tea leaf fermentation enterprises

d) breweries

e) pasta factories

f) distilleries

6. Mills based on the principle of location of enterprises are built

a) only in places where raw materials are produced

b) only in places of consumption of products

c) both in the places of production of raw materials and in the places of consumption of products

In the small town where my grandmother lives, most of the population works at the local creamery. Around the village, where the milk comes from, there is a lot of labor force in the town, so it is clear why the factory was built here. But are there any other reasons that determine the place of organization of enterprises in this industry?

food industry

To begin with, I propose to understand which industries and sub-sectors are united by the industry in question. There are only about 20 of them, and here are the main ones:

  • bakery;
  • meat;
  • flour mill;
  • dairy;
  • fish;
  • sugar;
  • oil-fatty;
  • wine-making;
  • canning;
  • confectionery.

The sectoral structure of industry is relatively complex. The enterprises included in it are not limited to the production of food products, they also produce perfumes and cosmetics and soap.

Placement factors for food industry enterprises

The peculiarity of the location is reflected in the connection between the production of the food industry and agriculture. Rational placement should provide a minimum of common transport costs on the delivery of raw materials to the manufacturer and products to the consumer.

The location of food processing plants is influenced, in most cases, by two factors. This is an attraction to the raw material base (material-intensive production, in which the consumption of raw materials by weight is more significant than finished products: fish, canning). As well as consumer orientation (production of perishable products: confectionery, bakery, dairy).

There is a group of industries in which both factors affect equally - these are productions, the initial stages of which are occupied by the processing of agricultural raw materials at the source area, but the final ones (bottling, packaging, etc.) are localized in places of consumption of finished products. Examples of such industries are:

The food industry is found virtually everywhere where people live. This is facilitated by the widespread use of raw materials and the general consumption of foodstuffs.

The peculiarities of the food industry include the fact that it is part of the agro-industrial complex. It is focused on the production of products to meet the basic needs of the population in food. Food industry enterprises collect raw materials, process them and bring them to a form in which it is best to organize delivery to the end consumer.

Taking into account the report of the scientists of the leading research institutes of the country and their tables, the development of agriculture has a great influence on this sphere of production. It determines the characteristics of the sectoral composition of the food industry in the region, its capacity and other important qualities.

What industries are included in the food industry?

There are the following branches of the food industry:

  • production of soft drinks;
  • winemaking;
  • confectionery industry;
  • canning;
  • pasta;
  • oil and fat and cheese;
  • flour and cereals;
  • fruit and vegetable;
  • poultry farming;
  • bakery;
  • brewery;
  • salt;
  • alcohol;
  • tobacco and others.


The sectoral structure of the food industry implies its division into the following categories:

  • include enterprises that work with imported raw materials. Their placement is focused on large transport hubs - railway, ports and others. The products they produce usually have a high transportability;
  • include plants and factories that are located closer to raw materials or to the final consumer.

How is the production process carried out?

Most enterprises of this type belong to the processing industries. Only a few of them have a mining direction (the release of salt, fish, and others). For high-quality processing of primary raw materials, each plant uses its own technological schemes, but they all come down to ensuring high safety of the final product.

The methods used should improve the taste of manufactured products, make them more attractive to buyers. Also, all technological processing schemes, if possible, should ensure a long shelf life of products, which is very important during their long-term transportation over long distances.

In the production of food products, not the last role is assigned to the organization of the processes of bacterial and non-bacterial fermentation of raw materials. In the first case, fermentation is implied, which occurs with beer, wine, cheese, etc. The second group includes products that achieve the desired characteristics with the help of their own enzymes (for example, when meat ages).

There are other, no less popular, methods of processing raw materials - canning, stabilizing filtration (subject to fruit juices, beer), tenderization (using electrical voltage) and many others.

Characteristics of the food industry in Russia

Animal husbandry is the most developed in Russia. This industry occupies a leading position, since it provides about 65% of the raw materials for the further production process. Livestock enterprises are mainly located in the European part of Russia, where the climate is milder and there is enough fodder.

Most of the products of this industry (about 70%) are supplied through animal husbandry.

You can also note other areas that are developed in Russia:

  • enterprises for the production of sugar, starch, canned food are located relative to the sources of raw materials. For example, a large ASTON plant is located in the south of the country. It specializes in the production of oils and similar products. In the Caucasus there are enterprises for the production of sugar;
  • factories producing bakery products are distributed evenly throughout the country. They have a binding only to the consumer;
  • any plant related to the flour-grinding, meat or fish industry is located relative to the place of extraction of raw materials.

Production of bread and bakery products

Production capacities of the Russian food industry

The production capacity of various branches of the food industry in Russia is as follows:

  • . Own production sugar reaches 3.3 million tons. The main raw material in this case is sugar beet. Raw cane sugar is also used, which is delivered from abroad;
  • confectionery. V last years the production capacity of this industry is more than 3500 thousand tons of products per year. Most enterprises of this type are located in the Central Federal District (about 40%). The leading companies are Mars, Wrigley, Mondelis Rus;
  • oil and fat. It mainly produces such products as butter, margarine, vegetable fats, mayonnaise. Enterprises of this type mainly use raw materials obtained from the territory of the country. Leading branch of the industry -. The South of Russia company owns about 30% of the entire market of the country;
  • dairy. More than 1,500 different enterprises operate in this industry. On average, the country produces about 16.5 million tons of milk, 0.5 million tons of cheese, 0.6 million tons of butter per year. Leading enterprises are Wimm-Bill-Dann, Ochakovo and Voronezh plants, Permmoloko;
  • meat. It has about 3600 factories of various types. Basically, they work with outdated equipment, so the volume of imported meat in Russia is significant;
  • fish processing. The main region where the main enterprises of this industry are located is the Far Eastern Fisheries Basin. It provides 2.4 million tons of products per year;
  • alcoholic beverages and wineries. Enterprises belonging to this industry are mostly evenly distributed throughout Russia. During the year, the country produces up to 66.6 million decaliters of vodka, 6.9 million decaliters of cognac, 15.6 million decaliters of champagne, 32.1 million decaliters of wine;
  • brewing. Baltika is considered the leading enterprise in this industry. It occupies 37% of the entire beer market in Russia and is actively exported to other countries of the world. Also working in this industry are Sharypovsky, Angarsky, Barnaul, Zhiguli plants.

The development of the food industry in different countries of the world

All over the world there are many industries that offer products suitable for further processing - flour milling, meat, fish, dairy and others. Basically, they represent certain agricultural formations, specially equipped places for slaughtering livestock or catching fish. As a result, products are produced that can be immediately delivered to the market to the end consumer or sent for further processing.

Based on these features, powerful corporations have appeared in the world, which are incredibly popular among consumers. For example, these are Nestle, Coca-Cola, Unilever and many others. Each of the corporations is represented by a variety of enterprises that are located around the globe.

The most successful countries with a developed food industry are Australia, Argentina, Canada, Germany, Belgium, Poland, China and many others. There are also factories that specialize in the extraction and production of exotic products - tea, tobacco, some fruits and vegetables, spices, etc. They are mainly located in countries such as Uganda, Thailand, China, India and others.

The enterprises that are located on their territory most often work with primitive equipment. They use the simplest technological schemes, which does not prevent them from obtaining large volumes of products. Basically, every factory located in these countries sells its goods in territories where there is a huge demand for them.