Long spaghetti. Classification and assortment of pasta

  • 19.10.2019

Pasta is usually made from dough kneaded with wheat flour and water. However, sometimes rice flour, buckwheat or starch is used in their preparation. Usually, pasta is called dried products, which subsequently require cooking. Who first came up with the idea to dry the dough, thus preserving it for a long time, is not exactly known. Various versions lead to Egypt, Greece, China, and some sources refer to Etruscan times, but the facts testifying in their favor are not very convincing.

In order to classify varieties of pasta, there are standards in Russia. In accordance with them, based on the varieties of flour and wheat, pasta is divided into groups (A, B, C) and varieties (highest, first, second). Moreover, for group A, durum is used - durum wheat, and for the rest - soft. Such pasta has a lower glycemic index. For some countries, in particular for Italy and, accordingly, Italian pasta, the use of only durum wheat is typical.

Pasta can be divided into tubular (actual pasta) and whole (spaghetti, fettuccine). Depending on the cooking method, dry products and fresh products (gnocchi, noodles and pasta at home) can be distinguished. Many shapes and sizes of pasta can be divided into five volume groups. These are long products, short, curly (shells, bows, horns), small (mainly for soups, for example, vermicelli) and pasta intended for baking.

"Family" of long pasta

The most famous long pasta is spaghetti. Their average length is 25 cm, although initially they reached half a meter, and a thickness of about 2 mm (thinner spaghettini, thicker spaghettoni). Naples (Italy) is considered their homeland, and in the city of Pontedassio there is a museum dedicated to these “twine pieces”, with which Antonio Viviani compared them when he gave them the name spaghetti. Interestingly, a special fork was invented for this type of pasta in 1700.

Long, thin, rounded pasta is called capellini (Kapellini). There are also more poetic names - "Hair of Venus" or "Hair of an Angel." Another type of thin pasta is vermicelli. Its name comes from the Italian word "verme", which means "worm", but vermicelli did not immediately receive this name. In the 14th century, in different cities of Italy they were called differently: orati, minutelli, fermentini, pancardelle.

There are several types of pasta that look like thin flat strips that differ in recipe and width. Tagliatelle are about 5mm wide, Fettuccine are about 7mm wide. There are also Linguine, Bucatini, Pappardelle - egg noodles, Bavette and Mafaldine.

short pasta

Rotini (Rotini) outwardly resemble spaghetti spirals. Longer, but, just like rotini. twisted in spirals - fusilli (Fusille). Cellentani are also spiral tubes. Maccheroni are slightly bent tubes. small size.

Penne pasta (Penne) are both smooth and ribbed. Outwardly, they look like a hollow tube with oblique sections. Pipe rigate (Pipe rigate) are tubules twisted in a semicircle. Their shape allows liquid to be retained inside, so they are used in combination with a wide variety of sauces.

Cannelloni in Italian means "large reed" and are large long pipes. Pasta dishes sometimes get their names from the type of pasta used in it. For example, manicotti (Manicotti) are similar to cannelloni, but smaller. A dish made from this pasta has an independent name - manicotti. The same can be said about a dish called lasagna, which is based on baking sheets.

For soups, small pasta is used, for example, anelli (Anelli) - rings, stelline (Stelline) - stars, filini (Filini) - short threads. Children's favorite letters are the letters of the alphabet. Sometimes only by preparing a soup with letters, you can "persuade" the child to eat it.

Pasta with a "figure"

This group of pasta includes all products that have interesting shapes, for which they received beautiful names. Caserecce - pasta-horns, farfalle - butterflies, and farfallini - small butterflies, campanelle - bells.
Shell pasta or conchile are suitable for stuffing. The same shells, but smaller, will be called conchigliette, larger - conchiglione. Corrugated shell pasta is called gnocchi.

Sophia Loren is famous for pasta

Sophia Loren was 72 years old when she ventured nude for a Pirelli calendar, even though she is famous for pasta. However, among Russians, it is still believed that pasta makes them fat. In fact, their benefit or harm depends on how you choose pasta. Here are some rules.

When choosing Russian pasta, you need to make sure that they are made in accordance with GOST and belong to group A. The composition indicated on the package should contain water and flour. What is sold "by weight" is not worth paying attention to. The right pasta can only be found in packages.

Outwardly, the pasta should be smooth, have a moderately golden color. There should be no “flour” and fragments of pasta in the pack. They should bend easily, break with difficulty. When cooking, high-quality pasta is distinguished by the absence of water staining and shape changes. They don't stick.

Pasta is a wonderful product: tasty, inexpensive, easy and quick to prepare. No wonder pasta dishes are so loved by people in all countries. In Japan, long pasta is sure to accompany the New Year, being a symbol of longevity.

It remains only not to get confused which pasta is intended for what, how it is prepared and what it is served with. It is clear that we also have connoisseurs, but we have made this list - Italian pasta - from A to Z - for those who are still lost in front of numerous packages of pasta on the store counter.

Unlike the lists on other sites, we decided to make it in the Latin alphabet. We believe that when going to the store or coming from it with a new package of pasta, it is more convenient to find its name in alphabetical order. And then, already understanding “what it is eaten with”, look for suitable recipes.

Acini di pepe - "pepper grains"
Fine pasta, as the name itself suggests. Used in soups and a variety of salads.

Agnolotti- agnolotti
Pasta with stuffing. Small cute Agnolotti are stuffed with meat or ricotta cheese, spinach... Served with various sauces - to taste.

Alphabet - alphabet (alphabet)
This small pasta is especially liked by children, and even unloved soups they eat with pleasure, looking at the letters.

Anellini- anellini
Small pasta - miniature rings that are usually added to soups and salads.

Bucatini- bucatini
From the Italian bucato - full of holes. Long paste with a thin central channel. The diameter is only 2.4-2.7 mm. Very reminiscent of straws. The ideal companion sauce is fragrant All "amatriciana (Amatriciana), with loin or bacon and tomatoes. However, Bucatini is good with any tomato, vegetable and cheese sauces.

Campanelle- campanelle
Curly short paste in the form of small bells or flowers. Campanelle is usually served with thick sauces (cheese or meat), used in salads and soups. Sometimes they are called "gigli" (lilies).

cannelloni- cannelloni (large tubes) that most closely resemble (after baking) stuffed pancakes. And not only externally - Cannelloni are also designed for. Any meat, cheese, spinach ... They are poured with sauce, tomato or bechamel, and baked.

Cappelletti- cappelletti
Small "hats", most often with filling. But there are also without it. Served with sauces, broth and just grated parmesan.

Capellini- capellini
Long, round and very thin - just over 1 mm - paste. In Italian, capellino means hair. By the way, there is a pasta even thinner and with the cute name “angel hair” - “capelli d'angelo”. It is customary to prepare light, delicate sauces for it.

Cavatappi- cavatappi (corkscrew)
Cheerful curls-spirals are perfectly combined with both sophisticated and most simple sauces. It is because of the shape that they are used in salads.

Conchiglie- Conchili (mollusc shells)
Familiar, right? We have known them for a long time under the name "shells". The shape helps them hold any sauces. Good both baked and in salads. Large conchiglios (conchiglioni) are usually stuffed.

Conchiglioni- conchiglioni
The same shells, but larger. Most often they are stuffed and baked with sauces, they are made.

Ditalini- ditalini
Small, very short such tubes, in Italian their name means "thimble".
They are also used for thick soups and stews - for example, with beans, with vegetables - and for salads.

Elbow macaroni- elbow macaroni
Again old acquaintances - horns.
Curved hollow horns, which are traditionally used to make macaroni cheese, i.e. macaroni with cheese. Used in baked dishes and pasta.

Farfalle- farfalle (butterflies)
They say they appeared in the 16th century. Can you imagine how they were made by hand then? They cut the dough, clamped the middle of each rectangle ... There are also colored butterflies. And they are usually served with bright vegetable sauces, which are based on tomatoes, but maybe with other sauces ..

Fettuccine- fettuccine (ribbons)
Noodles are flat, long, half a centimeter thick and a centimeter wide. Italian women still often make it themselves. Fettuccine is suitable for the same recipes as for Linguine. It is customary to serve with spicy sauces based on tomato or fish (for example, with mackerel or smoked tuna), as well as with creamy sauce (mascarpone).

Fideo- fidio
The short thin strands of paste are slightly curved. It is used in various soups, salads, second courses.

Fusilli- fusilli
Curly pasta - a spiral about 4 cm long. With the addition of spinach, it acquires green color, tomatoes - red. Larger fusilli with a more twisted spiral are called "rotini". They pick up the sauce very well. They are combined with almost all sauces, but the perfect pair is with sauce (pesto). Also used in .

Gemelli- gemelli (twins)
Thin products twisted into a spiral, in appearance similar to two bundles twisted together. An excellent company for this pasta is meat, cream, vegetable and fish sauces.

Gnocchi- gnocchi (small dumplings)
Usually made from dough with cheese, semolina, potatoes or spinach. They are traditionally served with melted butter and cheese. In Italy, this is a cheap and very satisfying meal.

Lanterne- lantern
The twisted, ribbed shape and small size make this pasta ideal for serving with the thickest sauces and for various spectacular salads.

Lasagne or lasagna- (lasagna)
Flat pasta for baking. Different sizes thin plates with straight or "gathered" edges. folded into a shape like a cake, layered with meat, vegetable, cheese and seafood fillings, thick sauces, usually bolognese, and baked in the oven. One of the most popular pastes.

Linguine (linguini)- linguine (tongues)
Similar to spaghetti, but slightly longer and not rounded in diameter, but flattened. Thick sauces based on tomato and fish are suitable. This pasta is especially good with marinara sauces, pesto, creamy mascarpone.

Maccheroni- pasta
Apparently, pasta was almost the first representative of Italian pasta in our country. And for some reason they became the name of the whole class - "pasta". However, it is difficult for an Italian, unlike us, to imagine that pasta - like any other pasta - can serve as a side dish. After all, they are hollow inside, so good with thin sauces that easily get inside and soak pasta.

Manicotti- manicotti
Similar to penne, but wider and longer. They come with a grooved surface. Lightly boiled, stuffed with various fillings, poured with sauce and baked.

orecchiette- orecchiette (ears)
Cute, less than 2 cm in size, products that really look like small ears. Used in soups, salads and as an independent dish with different sauces.

Orzo- orzo
In appearance, this pasta is most similar to rice, and the size is the same. Used in soups and salads, like.

Pappardelle- pappardelle
Wide long noodles similar to fettuccine noodles but wider. A "talking" name, if you know that in Italian "pappare" - to eat greedily, to devour. Served with thick sauces, more often in baked dishes.

pasta colorata- colored paste
Many types of pasta are colored. Interestingly, only natural “dyes” are used for this - tomatoes, spinach, eggs, pumpkin, carrots, beets, truffles, chili peppers and even squid “ink”. The color does not affect how the pasta is cooked, it all depends on its shape.

pastina- paste (beads)
One of the smallest varieties of short pasta. It is used to prepare light soups and salads.

Penne- penne
The name comes from the Italian "penna" - pen. These tubes, up to 4 cm long and up to 1 cm wide, with their beveled edges, really look like a writing pen. Penne has long been one of the most popular pastas. Usually it is not boiled until fully cooked (al dente, by the tooth), seasoned hot, often thick. Penne is good in casseroles and salads.

Perciatelli- pechutelle
Thicker than spaghetti, but also long and straight hollow tubes. Prepared according to the same recipes as spaghetti. Especially good with meat sauces and baked with eggplant.

Radiators (Radiators)- radiators
This corrugated, deeply grooved pasta is served most often with thick creamy sauces. But it is also tasty in baked dishes, salads, including cold fruit ones. Decorate a light soup.

Ravioli- ravioli (small turnip)
Similar to our dumplings. But the main difference is not even in the form, but in the filling - it is not put raw in ravioli. The filling can be anything - meat, fish, vegetable, cheese, even chocolate. boiled and served usually under simple sauces with tomatoes and basil, so as not to interrupt the taste of the filling itself. They are also baked with sauces.

Rigatoni- rigatoni
"Rigato" - rifled, corrugated. These short, thick tubes do indeed have a grooved surface. Thanks to this and a wide opening, they perfectly hold any sauce inside, and are good for baked dishes and salads.

Rocchetti- rochetti (coil)
This short pasta is used to create salads, stews, as an independent dish with a thick sauce.

Cellentani and manicotti, caserecce and pipe rigate, mafaldine and stelline, soba and udon, saifun and bifun, chuzma and nuasyr - for someone who treats pasta “calmly”, this is just a bunch of foreign words. For a true lover, this is a story about what varieties of pasta are in different countries.

Today, unlike in the past, a wide variety of types of pasta are presented on the shelves of shops and supermarkets. The photo below shows only a small amount of pasta that is diverse in shape, variety and type.

Where and when did pasta appear?

The exact date when pasta appeared in the diet of people cannot be named by any culinary historian. Today, there are hypotheses about the primacy of the Etruscans, Chinese and Arabs in the matter of the invention of pasta.

Having carefully studied the bas-reliefs of the Etruscan necropolis, dating back to the 4th century BC. e., historians have come to the conclusion that they depict utensils, through which pasta was made.

According to another theory, modern history begins with the XIII century, when Marco Polo returned to Venice from China. However, as early as the middle of the 12th century, most of the exports of Sicily were one of (pasta secca). That is, half a century before the return of the great traveler from China, the Italians were already making different types of pasta.

Other historians argue that the priority in the discovery of pasta, or rather such a type of them as noodles, belongs to China, where it was prepared before the advent of our era. Despite the fact that there is no exact information about when and where pasta appeared, people living in various countries and belonging to different cultures and nationalities enjoy using them.

"National" features of pasta

In the cuisine of many nations there are a variety of types of pasta and dishes in which they are used in one form or another.

For Europeans, the most favorite and familiar types are pasta made from wheat flour. They can be of various widths, lengths and shapes.

Most Asians, including the Chinese, prefer pasta made from rice flour. Basically, these are types of pasta, such as various lengths and widths, translucent or white.

In Japan, Kazakhstan, Central Asia and some provinces of China, long noodles are very popular, which are pulled in a special way. In Asia, it is called "chuzma" and is used to make lagman.

In Japan, they are happy to cook from the most different types flour a variety of pasta. So, it is very popular made from a mixture of buckwheat and rice flour and used in the preparation of many dishes. From the starch of legumes, a special type of noodles is prepared - saifun.

In Arab countries, such types of pasta as reshta and nuasyr are popular.

For a long time, culinary specialists from different corners around the world perfected the art of making pasta and created new recipes. Let's look at what pasta is.

Russian classification of pasta

Pasta can be classified according to various criteria and, above all, depending on the raw materials used in the manufacturing process. Pasta is mostly made from wheat flour, but can also be made from rice, rye, and corn starch.

According to Russian standards, pasta made from wheat flour, depending on the varieties of wheat, are divided into the following groups: A, B, C. In addition, the type of flour is the basis for distinguishing three varieties of pasta - the highest, the first and the second.

Group A usually includes pasta made from flour of the highest, first and second grades of durum wheat. The raw material for group B pasta is flour of the highest and first grades from vitreous soft wheat. For group B pasta, baking flour of the highest and first grades is used.

In Russia, according to the established GOSTs, all pasta, depending on their shape, is divided into several types:

  • curly;
  • tubular;
  • filiform;
  • ribbon-like.

Within each of these types there are several types. Figured products can be made the most different forms and sizes.

Tubular pasta includes directly pasta, feathers and horns. Depending on the diameter, they are divided into:

  • "straw" - up to 4 mm in diameter;
  • special - diameter from 4 mm to 5.5 mm;
  • ordinary - with a diameter of 5.6 mm to 7 mm;
  • amateur - with a diameter of more than 7 mm.

Filamentous pasta is subdivided into gossamer vermicelli with a diameter of not more than 0.8 mm; thin - with a diameter of not more than 1.2 mm; ordinary - the diameter of which does not exceed 1.5 mm; amateur - with a diameter of up to 3 mm.

Ribbon-shaped pasta includes noodles produced in various types and names. It can be with straight and wavy edges, corrugated and smooth. The thickness of the noodles cannot exceed 2 mm, and any width is allowed, but not less than 3 mm.

According to Russian GOSTs, all pasta is divided into two main groups: short, from 1.5 to 15 cm long, and long - from 15 to 50 cm. According to GOSTs, pasta is only long, noodles and vermicelli can be both long and and short. Figured products, as well as horns and feathers, are produced only in short ones.

Italian pasta classification

In Italy, a slightly different classification of pasta is used than is customary in Russia. In total, there are about three hundred types of pasta in Italian cuisine, but hardly anyone will be able to name their exact number.

In Italy, all pasta is divided, first of all, into raw and dry. Dry pasta has a long shelf life and is sold in ordinary stores. Unlike them, raw pasta immediately used for the preparation of a particular dish.

All Italian pasta is conditionally divided into the following subgroups:

  • long;
  • short;
  • curly;
  • small soup paste;
  • intended for baking;
  • filled (stuffed) pasta.

long pasta

Long pasta includes tubes with a diameter of 1.2 to 2 mm, such as capellini, vermicelli, spaghetti and spaghettini and bucatini.

Flat pasta in the form of ribbons of strip noodles, such as bavette, fettuccine, tagliatelle, linguine and pappardelle, differ from each other in width, which varies from 3 to 13 mm.

A separate type of long flat pasta is mafaldine, which has wavy edges.

short pasta

Short pasta is a great variety, the most popular are the following types.

Penne feathers are small tubes with a diameter of no more than 10 mm and a length of no more than 4 cm. The ends of such pasta are cut obliquely, which is why they resemble a sharpened feather. Their surface can be either smooth or corrugated.

Ditalini, which means "thimble" in Italian. Small and very short tubes.

Rigatoni - short and long pasta tubes, wider than penne. Usually grooved.

Ziti - slightly arched tubules. They can be both short and long.

Horns (Elbow macaroni) - arched, small hollow tubes.

Curly pasta

Curly pasta in the Italian tradition can be very different both in shape and size. Let's name the most popular and frequently used forms of pasta.

Rotini - spirals, really small and short "springs".

Fuzzili - spirals, longer than rotini, and also twisted into a "spring". They can be of different types: long, thin, short and thick.

Cavatappi - very similar to fuzzili, but more stretched in length. Inside they are hollow, and outside they are corrugated.

Conchile - shells, and in literal translation from Italian - "shell of a mollusk." They differ in length and narrow internal cavity.

Lumake - snails. Indeed, they look very similar to the snail's house from which it crawled out.

Farfalle - butterflies. We have adopted a less romantic and more prosaic name - "bows".

Radiatore - not very tasty and romantic sounding name - radiator, because of the grooves and grooves on each pasta.

Ruote - a wheel, our pasta of this form is called - "wheels".

Orso - small pasta more reminiscent of rice.

We will not consider the types of Italian curly pasta in more detail, we will simply list a few more names: torcio, gemelli, malloredas, cesaresia, cross di Galli, quadrefiore and gigli.

Fine pasta (pasta) for soups

For seasoning soups use the following types of small pasta.

Anelli - small flat rings.

Alphabet - pasta in the form of letters.

Corals are miniature small tubes resembling coral in a section.

Stellite - stars, similar to our soup pasta of the same shape.

Filini - short strings.

pasta for baking

Cannelloni - look like long and large diameter tubes.

Manicotti are long pipes, like cannelloni, but with a smaller diameter.

Conchiglione - the largest, one might say, giant shells.

Conchile are medium sized shells.

Lumaconi are large snails.

Lasagna - flat and wide sheets, the edges of which can be either smooth or wavy.

Stuffed pasta - stuffed pasta

Ravioli are square-shaped dumplings made from pasta dough, very similar to ordinary Russian dumplings.

Tortellinni - small dumplings in the form of rings with a variety of fillings.

Gnocchi - small dumplings stuffed with mashed potatoes, cheese or spinach.

When asked about what pasta is, most of their fans aged 3 to 12 will answer that they are colored. Indeed, it is children who love such pasta the most! They are usually dyed with natural dyes. So, green pasta will be obtained by adding spinach juice, purple - beetroot juice, black - squid ink.

In Italy they are very fond of and call them pasta nera. The size, shape and length of these pasta depend solely on the culinary imagination of the chef who decides to cook them.

We examined the most commonly used types and varieties of pasta, in fact, the range of pasta is much larger than we can imagine. Probably, the Italians themselves, with the exception of professional chefs, culinary historians and pasta production technologists, do not know what pasta is, so beloved in their homeland.

Pasta, or pasta, as they are now called after the Italians all over the world, has long and everywhere become one of the most popular products. There are dozens of types of pasta, many of which are only suitable for a particular sauce or dish. Often in recipes there are unfamiliar names for pasta and you want to know how they actually look and what they are eaten with. If you come across an unfamiliar type of noodles or hollow pasta, look at the plate, any pasta from the same category can replace it.




In what form is it used

How to apply

Capellini (capellini)

Long, round and very thin. They are sometimes also called "angel hair".

Used only hot

With light sauces, broths, or simply mixed with olive oil and boiled vegetables

Vermicelli (vermicelli)

Long, rounded, thinner than spaghetti. In Italian, their name means "little worms".

Served hot, sometimes cold

With light sauces or broken and mixed with vegetable salads

Linguine (linguine)

Long, flat and narrow, slightly longer than spaghetti. Their name is translated from Italian as "little tongues"

Hot, sometimes cold

Large enough to serve with thick sauces such as marinara sauce.

Spaghetti (spaghetti)

The most popular pasta in the world: long, roundish medium thickness. Their name translates as "little ropes".

Only hot

WITH tomato sauces or in casseroles

Fettuccine (fetuccine)

Long, flat ribbons and wider than linguine, but can substitute for linguine in all recipes.

Only hot

With thick sauces, especially good with creamy

Lasagna (lasagna)

Long and very wide, can be with straight or curly edges. The casserole is also called exactly the same, with their use

Only hot

They are laid in a form, in layers, spreading each layer with a thick tomato or cream sauce, and baked.


Rotini (spirals)

Very short coils that look like springs made from spaghetti

Hot or cold

With very thick chunky sauces or in pasta salads

Fusille (fusilli)

Longer than rotini, also twisted. In Italian, their name means "little wheels". There are different types: short and thick, short and thin, long and thin.

Hot or cold

So many uses - served with almost all sauces, soups or pasta salad

Pappardelle (egg noodles)

Wide long noodles. One of the few traditional views of Tuscany. They can be bought fresh (then they are cooked for only a couple of minutes) or dry.


In baked dishes, with thick sauces

Tagliatelle (tagliatelle - egg noodles)

Same width as fettuccine or linguine but not as flat. Classic Emilia-Romagna pasta.


In casseroles, soups, stroganoff


Ditalini (ditalini)

Small, very short pipes, in Italian their name means "thimble".

Hot or cold

In soups or pasta salads

Elbow macaroni (horns)

Curved hollow horns that are traditionally used to make macaroni cheese

Hot or cold

In baked dishes or in pasta salads

Perciatelli (pechutelle - long macaroni)

Long, thin and straight tubes, thicker than spaghetti


Use them instead of spaghetti with ragout sauce, other meat sauces and baked with eggplant


Arcuate tubes, but wider and longer than elbow macaroni. There is also a short variety of them, which is called cut ziti.

Hot or cold

Baked, in pasta salads and with thick sauces

Penne (penne)

Straight, medium length tubes, often with lateral grooves. They are also sometimes called mostaccioli. Their diagonal cut resembles a fountain pen, which is why they got their name.


In soups, baked, with any sauces

Rigatoni (rigatoni)

Long, short tubes, wider than penne but also grooved

With various sauces: thick creamy sauces linger well in the grooves on the sides

Cannelloni (cannelloni)

Large, long pipes, like manicotti, but larger; translated from Italian - "large reed".


They are stuffed, usually with meat fillings and baked with sauce.

Manicotti (manicotti)

Longer and wider than penne, may be grooved. Manicotti is also called the dish itself when that particular pasta is used, as is the case with lasagna.


Served with stuffed meat or cheese fillings.


Alphabets (alphabet)

In the form of small letters of the alphabet, one of the most favorite children's pasta


in soups

Anelli (anelli)

small rings


in soups

Farfalle (Bow Tie Pasta) (bows)

Square pieces of paste gathered in the center to make a bow; their name is translated from Italian as "butterflies"


In soups with cereals, for example, with buckwheat, and in other dishes


Shells with a long and narrow cavity. In Italian, their name means "mollusk shell". There are different sizes.

Hot or cold

In soups, baked and in pasta salads


They look like ordinary shells (conchiglie), but noticeably larger. They are served in different ways, very effectively.


They are stuffed (try, for example, a mixture of ricotta, pine nuts and spinach)

Orzo (orzo)

And in size and shape they resemble rice, translated from Italian as "barley".


As a side dish, in soups and vegetable salads


Grooved and grooved like a radiator

Hot, can be served cold

With thick creamy sauces, in soups and salads, including fruit


In the shape of wagon wheels


In soups, goulash, salads and thick sauces


Agnolotti (angelotti)

Small, crescent-shaped, they, like dumplings, are stuffed with various fillings (meat, cottage cheese (ricotta), spinach, cheese)


With various sauces

Gnocchi (gnocchi)

Translated from Italian as "little dumplings", usually made from dough with cheese, semolina, potatoes or spinach


As a side dish and as a main dish, it is usually served with tomato sauces, but any other will do.

Tortellini tortellini)

Small stuffed dumplings made from pasta dough, the corners of which are joined to form a ring or bud. They can be bought different colors- depending on the filling. The filling can be beets, tomatoes, spinach or squid, which add color and flavor.


Boiled with a variety of thick sauces or simply served drizzled with olive oil, garlic, pepper, and Parmesan

Ravioli (ravioli)

Square pasta ravioli are very similar to Russian dumplings with various fillings (either very finely ground or cut into small pieces). Their name translates as "little turnip"

Only hot

baked; boiled plain or in soup; they are served with various sauces

More than 100 types of pasta are produced. Depending on the type of flour and enrichers, they are divided into varieties: the highest, the highest egg, the highest egg with an increased egg content, the highest milk, the 1st milk, the 1st tomato, the 1st carrot, etc. The recipe composition of pasta provides for various their purpose is for children, dietary and general nutrition.

Pasta of each grade is divided according to GOST into four types: tubular products - in the form of tubes of various diameters and lengths (pasta, feathers, horns); thread-like products - in the form of threads of various sections and lengths (vermicelli); tape-like products - in the form of ribbons of various widths and lengths (noodles); figured products - pressed and stamped, of various shapes and patterns (shells, stars, letters, etc.).

Each type of pasta, depending on the length, width, thickness or diameter and other characteristics, is divided into subtypes and types.

Tubular products are divided into three subtypes: pasta, horns, feathers.

Pasta produce the following types: straw (with outside diameter up to 4 mm), special and special corrugated (4.1-5.5 mm), ordinary and ordinary corrugated (5.6-7 mm), Amateur and Amateur corrugated (more than 7 mm). The length of short pasta is from 15 to 30 cm, long - at least 30 cm. Pasta from 5 to 13.5 cm long is called scrap, and pieces less than 5 cm are called crumbs.

Horns - products are slightly curved, from 1.5 to 4 cm long. They are divided into the following types: straws (up to 4 mm in diameter), special and special corrugated (diameter 4.1-5.5 mm), ordinary (diameter 5.6 -7 mm). According to RTU 982-62 minced meat horns are produced, having a length of 3 to 10 cm and a tube diameter of about 20 mm. Horns that are less than 1 cm long are considered crumbs.

Feathers - products with straight tubes with an oblique cut, from 3 to 10 cm long. Feathers less than 3 cm long are considered crumbs. They have the same types as pasta, with the exception of straws. The wall thickness of all tubular products should be no more than 1.5 mm.

Products with a crumpled and torn surface are considered deformed.

Of the tubular products, pasta is most in demand, especially long and thin (straws) of the highest grades. These products after cooking are distinguished by good appearance and taste. Tubular products are used mainly for the preparation of second courses.

Filamentous products(vermicelli), depending on the section, four types are produced: cobweb (no more than 0.8 mm), thin (no more than 1.2 mm), ordinary (no more than 1.5 mm) and amateur (no more than 3 mm). In terms of length, short vermicelli (at least 2 cm) and long single or doubled vermicelli (at least 20 cm) are distinguished. They also produce vermicelli, packed in skeins or bows, weighing no more than 30 g each. Vermicelli less than 2 cm long is considered a crumb. Vermicelli is used most often as a soup filling, less often for making side dishes.

Tape products(noodles) produce several types, differing in length, width and thickness. The width of the noodles must be at least 3 mm, thickness - no more than 2 mm, length - at least 2 cm for short (short-cut) and at least 20 cm for long ones. Noodles less than 2 cm long are considered crumbs. It can be smooth, corrugated, sawtooth, wavy, etc. Noodles with a wrinkled ribbon are deformed. Noodles are used both for side dishes and as soup filling.

Amino acids

The ratio of amino acids in pasta,%


optimal (according to A. A. Pokrovsky |









Figured products made by pressing or stamping various shapes and sizes: shells, bows, ears, alphabet, stars, gears, etc. For all these products, the thickness of any part in a break should not exceed 1.5 mm for stamped and 3.0 mm for pressed. Figured products of a shape unusual for this type are classified as deformed. Figured products are used for backfilling soups and as a side dish.