Elena skrynnik at her birthday. How ex-Minister of Agriculture Elena Skrynnik walked on her birthday

  • 29.06.2020

The musician of "Revolvers" exchanged his minister's wife for the administrator of the TV channel

Becoming a minister Agriculture, Elena SKRYNNIK, whose name was declined five years ago due to a scandalous divorce from her second husband, businessman Yuri KUKOTA, did not talk about her personal life. Secular gossips only know that Elena Borisovna's last husband, guitarist Dmitry BELONOSOV from the Revolvers group, is ten years younger than her. But recently I slipped on the Internet curious information: in 2012 Skrynnik for the first time in the last four years did not indicate tax return her husband. There was a suggestion: perhaps they have already divorced? The special correspondent of Express Newspaper decided to find out the truth.

Elena Skrynnik was again at the center of the scandal after the show on the Russia 1 channel documentary film"The Powerful". Before Elena Borisovna had time to leave the chair of the Minister of Agriculture, she was accused of embezzling 39 billion rubles. This debt was discovered in the Rosagroleasing company, which was headed by Elena Skrynnik from 2001 to 2009. The main function of the company is the purchase of agricultural machinery with state money and its leasing to large farms. The official was accused of the fact that the money allocated by the state for farmers allegedly went to the accounts of the British company Bryce-Becker and AgroEuroSoyuz, co-founded by Skrynnik and her brother, race car driver Leonid Novitsky.

"Madame Leasing", as they called Elena Borisovna, called this information slander, the other day she took the side of the official Accounts Chamber. But law enforcement they continue to check while Skrynnik is being held as a witness in the Rosagroleasing case.
In these difficult days for the ex-minister, journalists did not ignore a piquant detail from the life of Elena Borisovna - love for young boys. Her last husband, guitarist of the pop group "Revolvers" Dmitry Belonosov, initially did not correspond to the high status of his wife - statesman, member Supreme Council"United Russia". Elena herself never had a young husband, to whom, according to evil tongues, she rewrote the companies "Aesthetic Center Swiss Perfection", "Russian Medical Company", "Rusmedinvest-M", "Medleasing" and others, "did not shine." Now it turned out that not only in the career and business, but also in the personal life of the ex-minister - a solid black streak. She is experiencing it in France, where she left with her children - she has four of them.

point in gossip

Rumors about possible tension in relations between 51-year-old Elena Skrynnik and the 41-year-old musician arose due to the fact that in 2009 Dmitry's income was 22 million rubles. (His wife declared 10 million 835 rubles.) In 2010, her husband's income decreased to 3.7 million rubles, and in 2011 it was completely reduced to ridiculous figures - 103 thousand rubles. But even a sharp drop in income did not convince the regulars social networks that Dmitry could exchange the “golden cage” for simple human happiness. One watch of Belonosov, according to Ksenia Sobchak, costs 40 thousand euros.
Express Gazeta tracked down Dima's friend, the lead singer of the Revolvers group, Alexey Elistratov, who put an end to Internet gossip: Elena Skrynnik officially divorced two years ago, and her ex-husband Dmitry Belonosov returned to the group three months ago.

fatal attraction

Alexei, how closely do you know Dmitry Belonosov?
- When the first soloist Dmitry Nazarov left the rock group "Revolvers-45" seven years ago, a casting was announced. It was conducted by one of the founders of the band - guitarist, composer and arranger of the group Dmitry Belonosov. The work of the rock band did not bring money, and the musicians decided to sing pop music. I was working in the genre of musical parodies then, but I really wanted to change my life. We recorded a few songs and I was accepted into the team. Soon Dima and I became friends.
Why did he leave the group?
- Five years ago, Dima said that he was forced to leave because he was marrying Elena Skrynnik. We must give him credit, he tried to make this gap as less painful as possible. We met for another three months, recorded some songs.
- Tell me, how can you get acquainted with the Minister of Agriculture, if you are not a major agrarian and not Stas Mikhailov?
- I do not know how he met Elena Borisovna. When they were still in the candy-bouquet period, he wrote two songs. Usually Dima composed only music, and then his words. Both are dedicated to the future wife. One of them was called "Believe, did not believe", we gave it to the "Brilliant" group, and the other - "Stormy River" - was performed by me. There are such words: “Like a stormy river, you excite my heart.” Elena Borisovna liked the song, and she sent me a bouquet over a meter high, decorated with beads, in a crystal vase.

Did Dima invite you to the wedding?
- No, marriage with the minister categorically ruled out a musical party in the house.
- Aren't you offended that your best friend didn't call you?
- I, like other musicians, immediately became a "man from the past." I understood the reason. People from show business are not reliable. Any spoken or accidentally heard word is worth nothing here, and in the world of Elena Borisovna, one word can cost money and reputation. She is a charismatic person - an unusually strong woman.
Have you wondered if this is love?
- I am an adult and well-read boy: I know more than one example of passionate relationships between young men and older women. For example, Isadora Duncan and Sergei Yesenin. She was 18 years older than the poet! Dima was in love with Elena Borisovna, that's one hundred percent! How this attraction could end for him is another question.

Fell in love with another

Is it true that Dima and Elena Borisovna broke up?
- In fact, they've been divorced for two years. Although this information was not advertised. It's funny that the press still calls him Skrynnik's husband. The reason for the divorce was another love - Katya Ivanova, she works on television. Dima has already married her. After all, he was already over forty, he wanted his children. Dima invited me to conduct their wedding with Katya. But I had a force majeure on the appointed day. Thank God we didn't quarrel.
Did Skrynnik get divorced easily?
- Elena Borisovna is not the kind of person to scandalize and wash dirty linen in public. Everything passed without unnecessary emotions.
- Write about real estate Skrynnik in France. The estate is valued at 10.8 million euros. Did Dima get something after the divorce? Or just a watch that Sobchak appreciated?
- Another boy would have figured out in his place how to get more out of the passion. But not Dima. He is not a grabber. It is difficult to call him a rich man. He didn't take anything, and it's good: a peasant must remain a peasant!

What is Dmitry doing now?
- I offered him to return to the team several times, but he brushed it off. However, I knew that he was drawn to music. Three months ago we returned to this conversation, and Dima agreed. True, he categorically refuses to participate in photo shoots and give any interviews because of Elena Borisovna.
- He has changed?
- Yes. Dima matured, wiser, became a man who understood what chic is.

* Born in Korkino, Chelyabinsk region in 1961. Nee Novitskaya.
* She lived with her first husband for six years. Sergey Skrynnik worked as the head of the public procurement department of the Main Directorate of Material Resources of the Chelyabinsk Region. In the summer of 2012, he was found guilty of taking a bribe and sentenced to seven years in prison. In marriage, a daughter, Elena, was born, who died in a car accident at the age of 21.
* From 2004 to 2007 she was married to Yuri Kukota. In 2005, she gave birth to twins - Irina and Mikhail. Their godfather is former Prime Minister Mikhail Kasyanov. According to the ex-spouse, after the divorce, his wife prevented him from communicating with the children and allegedly even threatened to kill him.
* In August 2012, she adopted two boys.

The editors of "KP" have at their disposal photos from the holiday of the former official [exclusive]

The scandal with the ex-Minister of Agriculture Elena Skrynnik continues. Recall that last week the Rossiya 1 TV channel showed a film in which a former high official was accused of embezzling almost 40 billion rubles.

Here is the gist of the accusations. Prior to her appointment as minister, Elena Skrynnik headed Rosagroleasing, a company that supplies farmers with machinery and equipment on credit for state money.

The current management of Rosagroleasing believes that under Elena Skrynnik, the company diverted money abroad. In an exclusive interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda, the former Minister of Agriculture denied all accusations, including explaining how she got real estate in France. Elena Skrynnik recalled that she had been a businessman for a long time and is now quite a wealthy person.

In addition, after the release of the scandalous film, the Ministry of Internal Affairs was not interested in the materials presented in it. Until now, the ex-minister in criminal cases of embezzlement in Rosagroleasing is listed as a witness.

On Monday, at the disposal of the editors were photos from the birthday of Elena Skrynnik. So she celebrated it two years ago, when she was still a minister.

This picture was taken during the celebration. Komsomolskaya Pravda experts could not determine what kind of beautiful jewelry Yelena Skrynnik was wearing.

But our watch expert (asked not to indicate his name just in case) immediately understood what was at stake, and this is what he told us:

This Franck Muller Long Island Long is a very rare if not exclusive model. It's not in the regular directory. I can't see the numbers. If they are painted, then the price of the watch is 50,000 euros (excluding taxes), and if it is an inlay of multi-colored diamonds and stones, then more than 60,000.

CJSC Publishing House "Komsomolskaya Pravda", 2012.

How ex-Minister of Agriculture Elena Skrynnik walked on her birthdayComments: 786
The editors have at their disposal photos from the holiday of the former official [exclusive]

The scandal with the ex-Minister of Agriculture Elena Skrynnik continues. Recall that last week the Rossiya 1 TV channel showed a film in which a former high official was accused of embezzling almost 40 billion rubles.

Here is the gist of the accusations. Prior to her appointment as minister, Elena Skrynnik headed Rosagroleasing, a company that supplies farmers with machinery and equipment on credit for state money.

The current management of Rosagroleasing believes that under Elena Skrynnik, the company diverted money abroad. V exclusive interview For Komsomolskaya Pravda, the former Minister of Agriculture denied all accusations, including explaining how she got real estate in France. Elena Skrynnik recalled that she had been a businessman for a long time and is now quite a wealthy person.

This photo was taken at a completely different event, a more serious government one. And the watch suits the situation, as our expert says: "They are called the Bell & Ross BR01 Airborne 672 Diamonds Limited Edition. A rare ultra-stylish model released in 2009 in an amount of 99 pieces. Encrusted with 672 black and white diamonds. European retail price- 40 000 euros."

In addition, after the release of the scandalous film, the Ministry of Internal Affairs was not interested in the materials presented in it. Until now, the ex-minister in criminal cases of embezzlement in Rosagroleasing is listed as a witness.
At the celebration for Skrynnik and her guests, musicians from the duet "Tea for Two" performed.

On Monday, at the disposal of the editors were photos from the birthday of Elena Skrynnik. So she celebrated it two years ago, when she was still a minister.
Slow dance with her husband Dmitry Belonosov, ex-member of the Revolvers group. Now he is 34 years old.

He presented Elena Borisovna with a personalized gold bar. In a pawnshop near the editorial office, its weight and cost were estimated: "About 300 grams, when buying, the price was no more than 500,000 rubles. But if you suddenly want to hand over such a piece of gold to us, then we will pay you at the price of scrap," they told us either in jest, either seriously.

This picture was taken during the celebration. Komsomolskaya Pravda experts could not determine what kind of beautiful jewelry Yelena Skrynnik was wearing.
The cost of Elena Skrynnik's watch is at least 50 thousand euros.

But our watch expert (asked not to indicate his name just in case) immediately understood what was at stake, and this is what he told us:

This Franck Muller Long Island Long is a very rare if not exclusive model. It's not in the regular directory. I can't see the numbers. If they are painted, then the price of the watch is 50,000 euros (excluding taxes), and if it is an inlay of multi-colored diamonds and stones, then more than 60,000.
Elena Skrynnik and Tea for Two.

Men appreciated the luxurious outfit of Elena Borisovna.

Skrynnik is congratulated by his colleagues: at that time, Deputy Minister of Agriculture Sergei Korolev (left), who once headed Rosagroleasing. The other day, he was searched in connection with the theft of money from this company. The second guest of the holiday (on the right) is Oleg Donskikh, at that time the head of the department for administrative work of the Ministry of Agriculture. Now he is wanted. Donskikh fled from his office at the ministry when investigators swooped in in the Rosagroleasing case.

Spouse of Elena Borisovna Dmitry, Elena Skrynnik, Sergei Korolev, Oleg Donskikh.

Passionate kiss of Elena and Dmitry.

Elena Borisovna Skrynnik - ex-head of the Ministry of Agriculture, founder and director of the International Independent Institute for Agricultural Policy, created to support the development of the domestic agro-industrial complex, previously - head of leasing companies (Medleasing, Rosleasing, Rosagroleasing).

According to analysts, the ex-official may return to the ranks political elite country, despite the "tarnished" reputation during a series of high-profile productions in 2011 about the theft of more than one and a half billion rubles. in structures subordinate to her, the arrest by Swiss law enforcement officers in 2015 of her accounts in the amount of $ 60 million in the framework of an open criminal case on laundering Money and expulsion from the United Russia party (for compromising actions).

Childhood and family of Elena Skrynnik

Elena Borisovna was born on August 30, 1961 in the mining town of Korkino, located 35 kilometers from Chelyabinsk. Her parents held leadership positions in local industrial productions: father was the deputy director of the Korkinsky coal mine, mother was the chief engineer of the stamping plant.

At school, Elena loved chemistry lessons, she studied not brilliantly, but well, although she entered the institute immediately after graduation educational institution did not enter. For two years, she worked as a laboratory assistant at her mother's plant, and then, on a referral from the enterprise, she became a student at a medical institute in Chelyabinsk.

In 1986, the newly minted cardiologist started working in the city polyclinic and after 2 years she took the position of deputy chief physician. Soon, as a promising worker, she was sent to improve her qualifications at the Academy of National Economy, where Alexey Gordeev, who became the Minister of Agriculture and, allegedly, her patron, studied with her on the same course. Then (after receiving a diploma in management personnel) she was sent to Europe to acquire work experience in the specialization "leasing technologies".

According to some reports, during this period she founded her own professional cosmetology clinic in Moscow, a branch of the Swiss premium beauty center Swiss Perfection, and even opened her own beauty salons abroad.

Career of Elena Skrynnik

In 1994, an active and purposeful graduate of the Academy took the next steps to the top of the administrative pyramid of the Russian Federation - she founded the company "Medleasing" and, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, engaged in the purchase of medical equipment abroad for leasing for medical institutions of the Russian Federation. Thus, it is recognized as a pioneer in the introduction of this type of rental relationship in the Russian market.

In 1997, she was elected the head of Rosleasing, in 1998 - the head of the expert Council of the Federation Council on leasing. The success of her activities has received worldwide recognition - in Britain she was awarded an award for the best leasing project ("Medleasing").

From 2001 to 2009, the businesswoman headed a company with powerful state funding, Rosagroleasing, which supplied the village with the necessary equipment. It should be noted that, based on the results of inspections of the enterprise's activities, the Accounts Chamber repeatedly drew attention to prices that were almost 40 percent higher than the selling factory prices at which equipment was supplied to agricultural producers.

In 2005 successful entrepreneur became a member of the Party of Power, in 2008 - was included in its Supreme Council. In 2007, having defended her scientific work, she received the title of candidate of economic sciences.

Meeting of Elena Skrynnik and Vladimir Putin

Since 2009, she headed the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, in 2012 she lost her position after a change in the composition of the Cabinet of Ministers.

Personal life of Elena Skrynnik

The first woman to hold the post of head of the Ministry of Agriculture was married 3 times. The first spouse with whom they got married as students and lived together for 6 years was Sergei Skrynnik. Their daughter Lena, born in 1982, tragically died in a car accident in 2003. Subsequently, the ex-husband headed a department in the regional department of material resources, was accused of bribery and sentenced in 2012 to 7 years in prison.

The second husband of a business woman in the period 2004-2007. was Yuri Kukota, the owner of the Velikoknyazhesky stud farm located in the Rostov region. In 2005, they had twins - Ira and Misha. After the divorce, her husband accused her of threatening to kill her if he did not stop defending the rights to participate in the upbringing and communication with children.

The third chosen one of the ex-official was Dmitry Belonosov, the lead singer of the pop group RevolverS, who was 10 years younger than her. They married a year before her appointment as Minister of Agriculture, and separated in 2010. Since the status of a civil servant implies a ban on doing business, she re-registered her companies for her husband. But, according to him, he did not receive any income from their activities, and during the divorce, according to the marriage contract, each of them retained the property that they had before marriage, did not claim a share of each other's property.

At 51, the former head of the Ministry of Agriculture gave birth to two more sons and became a mother of many children.

She is known for her love of extreme sports that guarantee thrills - speedboating, snowmobiling, skiing.

Elena Skrynnik today

After the resignation, the former head of the federal agricultural department was treated abroad, living with newborn twin sons in her villa in the French Riviera.

Interview with Elena Skrynnik

At the end of the same year, the Russia-1 channel released the film “Those in Power” - a journalistic investigation of the egregious fact of the disappearance of funds in the amount of 39 billion rubles from the state budget, allegedly with the participation of an ex-official.

Subsequently, all attempts to discredit her were explained in different ways. In particular, the struggle of the domestic political elite, its difficult relationship with the curator of the department, Deputy Prime Minister Viktor Zubkov, attempts to divert public attention from the existing problems of Rosagroleasing, and even the actions of suppliers of "Bush legs", the import of which to Russian market not without the participation of the head of the ministry was then sharply limited.

In 2014, the ex-minister was deprived of her doctorate in economics, as her dissertation, which she defended in 2010, revealed a significant number of “bad faith” borrowings from six foreign scientific papers.

Elena Skrynnik about the arrest of 60 million accounts

In 2015, the Swiss Perfection aesthetic center and the Stemphis regenerative medicine clinic, owned by a former high-ranking official, became the property of her mother, Tamara Novitskaya, and were redesigned to supply medical equipment on state orders.

Since 2016, Elena Borisovna has been the head of the International Independent Institute for Agrarian Policy, which she created to support the development of the domestic agro-industrial complex. According to the conclusions of its experts, agriculture for the first time took a leading position in the country's economy in terms of growth rates.

The scandal with the ex-Minister of Agriculture Elena Skrynnik continues. Recall that last week the Rossiya 1 TV channel showed a film in which a former high official was accused of embezzling almost 40 billion rubles.

Here is the gist of the accusations. Prior to her appointment as minister, Elena Skrynnik headed Rosagroleasing, a company that supplies farmers with machinery and equipment on credit for state money.

The current management of Rosagroleasing believes that under Elena Skrynnik, the company diverted money abroad. In an exclusive interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda, the former Minister of Agriculture denied all accusations, including explaining how she got real estate in France. Elena Skrynnik recalled that she had been a businessman for a long time and is now quite a wealthy person.

In addition, after the release of the scandalous film, the Ministry of Internal Affairs was not interested in the materials presented in it. Until now, the ex-minister in criminal cases of embezzlement in Rosagroleasing is listed as a witness.

On Monday, at the disposal of the editors were photos from the birthday of Elena Skrynnik. So she celebrated it two years ago, when she was still a minister.

This picture was taken during the celebration. Komsomolskaya Pravda experts could not determine what kind of beautiful jewelry Yelena Skrynnik was wearing.

But our watch expert (asked not to indicate his name just in case) immediately understood what was at stake, and this is what he told us:

This Franck Muller Long Island Long is a very rare if not exclusive model. It's not in the regular directory. I can't see the numbers. If they are painted, then the price of the watch is 50,000 euros (excluding taxes), and if it is an inlay of multi-colored diamonds and stones, then more than 60,000.