Industry: what is it, objects, products, importance in the economy. Industrial production is

  • 12.10.2019

Manufacturing industry - a set of industries for the processing of industrial and agricultural raw materials obtained by the mining industry in nature (mining, Agriculture). This industry includes enterprises of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, woodworking enterprises, processing of oil, gas and chemical products, metalworking and mechanical engineering, food, textile and pulp and paper production, clothing and footwear industry, production of building materials.

Geography of the manufacturing industry

The leaders of the manufacturing industry in the world are economically the developed countries, which focus on the science-intensive production of more expensive and innovative products. Championship, despite the weakening for last years share in world production is held by the US manufacturing industry, followed by Japan and the EU countries, led by Germany. Ultra-fast growth rates are demonstrated by the industrial countries of Asia, in particular the industry of China and South Korea. Manufacturing in Russia, after a significant decline in the 90s of the 20th century, is now showing stable growth in many industries.

Types of manufacturing industries

This type of production involves the physical and/or chemical processing of substances and materials in order to transform them into new products. The exception is waste recycling. Products of manufacturing industries can be ready-to-use or semi-finished products for further processing. Thus, the non-ferrous metal cleaning product is further used for the production of primary products (for example, aluminum or copper wire), which, in turn, will be used for the production of equipment or machine components.

The structure of manufacturing industries in Russia and the main types of manufactured products in terms of volume:

  • Food products, including the production of tobacco and beverages (meat, vegetable and animal oils, bread and bakery products, confectionery, granulated sugar).
  • Production of petroleum products (gasoline, motor gasoline, diesel fuel, fuel oil).
  • Metallurgy, including finished products (steel, finished rolled ferrous metals).
  • Chemical production (mineral fertilizers, synthetic resins and plastics, paints and varnishes).
  • Manufacture of rubber and plastic products (tires for various Vehicle, pipes and pipeline fittings made of thermoplastics).
  • Processing and production of finished wood products (sawn timber, plywood, chipboard, fiberboard).
  • Mechanical engineering (production of machine tools for various purposes, industrial equipment).
  • Pulp and paper production (paper, cardboard).
  • Textile and clothing production (fabrics, footwear).

Importance of the manufacturing industry

The manufacturing industry accounts for the vast majority of the product produced in the world. About 40% of the value of all industrial products in the world falls on mechanical engineering. Significantly inferior chemical and food processing industries. The share of these sectors in the total industrial output is approximately 15%. The woodworking and pulp and paper industries produce about 9-10% of all world production, and 5-7% is accounted for by metallurgy and the electric power industry.

In Russia, the shares of output between manufacturing industries are distributed approximately as follows:

  • Mechanical engineering - 22%.
  • Oil refining industry - 21%.
  • Ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy - 16%.
  • Food industry - 16%.
  • Chemical - 10%.
  • Production of building materials - 5%.

Metallurgy in the Russian manufacturing industry

The manufacturing industries of the metallurgical complex cover almost all stages of the technological process (except for the extraction of raw materials) for obtaining the final product in the form of metals and alloys. This is a mutually influencing combination of processes:

  • Preparation of raw materials (agglomeration, enrichment, obtaining concentrates).
  • Metallurgical processing - obtaining steel, cast iron, various rolled products.
  • Alloy production.

The specificity of metallurgical production is the scale and complexity of the technological cycle. The production of many types of products involves 15-18 redistributions.

Ferrous metallurgy as part of the manufacturing industry

In terms of the volume of ferrous metals produced annually, Russia is significantly ahead of many countries in the world. Each of the eight largest enterprises in the country produces over 3 million tons of products every year. Ferrous metallurgy serves as the foundation for the development of the largest manufacturing industry - mechanical engineering. Technological process The production of ferrous metals as a type of manufacturing industry covers all stages, from the preparation of raw materials and auxiliary materials to the production of rolled products and further processing. The metallurgical manufacturing industry, which is characterized by production combination, in Russia covers big number enterprises, eight of which are especially large:

  • Magnitogorsk, Chelyabinsk, Nizhny Tagil, Orsk-Khalilovsky metallurgical plants (Urals).
  • Cherepovets plant.
  • Novolipetsk (Central Chernozem region).
  • Kuznetsk and West Siberian plants.

These enterprises process more than 90% of iron ore and 40% of secondary raw materials.

mechanical engineering

Machine-building processing industries are the largest consumers of products produced by ferrous metallurgy. The territorial proximity of these industries gives metallurgical enterprises the opportunity to specialize in accordance with the needs of mechanical engineering and use their waste as a secondary raw material.

Machine-building enterprises producing difficult-to-transport products are located in areas of consumption. The industry's products include: agricultural machinery, mining equipment, turbines, machines and mechanisms for other industries. Features of the location of heavy engineering enterprises play an important role in the supply of finished products.

Oil refining industry

Part of the country's oil industry. Since oil, unlike other types of fuel, requires mandatory primary processing for its further use, the oil refining industry is quite large. The main products obtained after oil processing are: kerosene, gasoline, diesel fuel and fuel oil. Processing takes place at refineries (petroleum refineries), the totality of which makes up the oil refining industry. There are 32 large and 80 small refineries in Russia with a total production capacity of about 300 million tons. In terms of the scale of processing, Russia ranks third in the world. Transportation of 95% of all crude oil from production sites to refineries in Russia is provided by trunk oil pipelines.


The manufacturing industry reflects the degree of industrial development of the country. It is the leading sector of the global industry and accounts for most of the value of all products. The manufacturing industry is closely interconnected with other industries. In many parts of the world, this industry is always experiencing advanced growth rates, and the share in total production often reaches 90%.

Having originated in the bowels of a subsistence household, the industry has gone through several stages in its development. Gradually, separate groups of production emerged, the focus of which began to be determined by local conditions and largely depended on the availability of appropriate raw materials and materials.

The separation of individual industries took place along with the development of science, technology and the division of labor.

Within the framework of the modern world economy, the entire industry is usually divided into two large groups: mining and processing. The first type is aimed at extracting from a wide variety of raw materials: minerals, wood, fish, animals, and so on.

In the current, focused on combustible fuel, a special role is given to the production of hydrocarbons. In the most developed countries, enterprises in the extractive industries are the property of the state and bring considerable income to the budget.

The manufacturing industries deal with the processing of extracted raw materials. Within the manufacturing industry, semi-finished products are produced, which then themselves become starting materials for the manufacture of machines, mechanisms, building structures and other types of industrial products, including those required in the field of high technologies.

Conventionally, the entire industry is also divided into heavy and light. Most of the extractive industries, mechanical engineering, can be attributed to the first type. The light industry is represented by factories manufacturing consumer goods, textile factories, and shoe factories.

Modern industries

Industries themselves are called individual parts production area, whose enterprises are aimed at the manufacture of specific products. Every industry has own technologies and features, as well as a different range of consumers. There are dozens of industries today.

Economists predict that some types of industries will disappear over time, and others will come in their place.

The most developed and promising industries in the world economy are considered to be the electric power industry, the fuel industry, and metallurgy, industry, engineering and metalworking. All divisions of light and food industries have good development prospects, as well as medical industry. The importance of the space industry is growing every year.

A new direction in production is the so-called information industry. Its tasks include the production of information and computing facilities, communication equipment and electronic equipment. Development is often singled out as a separate industry. software. The rapid and rapid development of information technology has brought these types of industry to a number of industries that are most in demand in the global economy.

Mechanical engineering is rightly attributed to the main branch of industrial production, which affects the development of other areas of human economic activity.

In developed countries, the share of mechanical engineering in the gross national product is quite high - up to 30-35%. The peculiarity of modern mechanical engineering lies in high quality, competitiveness, diversity. Therefore, the share of products manufactured at engineering enterprises, and then exported to the USA, Sweden, Germany, reaches 48%, and Japan - up to 65%. Mechanical engineering has a generally accepted structure, which includes several main industries.

General mechanical engineering

This includes the production of machine tools, means of production. Germany, Japan, the United States, England, and Switzerland are generally recognized leaders in heavy engineering, which includes the manufacture of equipment for mines and metallurgy. Developing countries (India, Brazil, Taiwan, South Korea) produce no more than 10% of all products. Machine tool industry is developed in Italy, Japan, USA, Russia. Almost all companies related to heavy engineering are located closer to the ferrous metallurgy enterprises; for example, in Russia it is the Urals, in Poland it is Silesia, in the USA it is the northeast of the country.

Electrical industry

The leading position in the electrical industry in recent years has been occupied by the electronic industry, whose products are needed in almost any industry. The volume of annually sold products of this type reaches 1 trillion. dollars. At the same time, half of it is personal computers, electronic machines, 30% - electronic components (microcircuits, processors, hard drives, etc.), 20% - consumer electronics. The main direction of development of the latter is miniaturization, quality improvement and an increase in service life. The leaders of the electronic industry are Japan, the USA, South Korea.

Transport engineering

Here, one of the most developed part of the industry is automotive engineering. Approximately 50 million cars and trucks are produced every year in the world. The usual way placement of automobile enterprises - "cluster", when the head part of the company is in the center, and specialized firms supplying plastic, metal, dyes, rubber, etc. are concentrated around. The leading positions in the industry belong to the USA, Japan, Germany, Italy. Shipbuilding is increasingly engaged in developing countries; for example, the share of South Korea, Japan today accounts for almost 50% of all manufactured ships.

Agricultural engineering

Production facilities are located in the world's most important agricultural regions. At the same time, countries that have reached the highest degree of mechanization are now reducing the production of equipment, concentrating on increasing the technological capabilities of existing units. Gradually leadership passes to developing states. But for now, Japan is ahead with 150,000 tractors per year (the first positions are due to the production of mini-tractors), then India (100,000) and the third place belongs to the USA (about 100,000).

The Russian industry is one of the most competitive in the world, capable of producing almost any type of goods. It occupies a significant part of Russia's GDP - 29%. Also, 19% of the working population is employed in industry.

Russian industry is divided into the following industries: aircraft construction, and, processing and, production of weapons and military equipment, automotive industry, electrical engineering, space production, light (), food, agro-industrial complex (livestock, crop production,).

A significant part of industrial enterprises are located directly near raw material deposits, bases, which significantly reduces the cost of their transportation and ultimately creates a lower cost of the final product.

The main industry is mechanical engineering, concentrated in major cities- Moscow, St. Petersburg, Western Siberia, the Urals, the Volga region. The complex produces almost 30% of the total industrial output and provides other sectors of the economy with equipment and machines.

Mechanical engineering includes more than 70 industries, including: electrical engineering, electronics, robotics, car building, shipbuilding, instrument making, agricultural and transport engineering, aircraft building, shipbuilding and the defense industry.

The chemical and petrochemical industry plays an equally important role in Russian economy. The extraction of mining and chemical raw materials (apatites and phosphorites, sodium chloride and potassium salts, sulfur), the chemistry of organic synthesis and basic chemistry stand out. The main chemistry produces mineral fertilizers, chlorine, soda, sulfuric acid. Organic chemistry includes the production of plastics, synthetic rubber, synthetic resins, chemical fibers. The chemical industry is also concentrated in large cities, boasting the world's largest Solikamsk deposit (in the north of the Perm region).

The fuel and energy complex supplies fuel with electricity to all other industries. Fuel and energy products are the basis of Russia's exports. Extraction and processing various kinds fuel, electric power industry, as well as extraction, processing, transportation of oil, coal, gas. About 85% of gas is produced in Western Siberia and exported to the CIS countries, non-CIS countries and the Baltic countries. Russia occupies a leading position in terms of coal reserves.

The metallurgical complex produces metal ores, their enrichment, metal smelting, and the production of rolled products. It is divided into non-ferrous and ferrous, which occupies about 90% of the total number of metals used in the national economy - steel. nonferrous metallurgy. Ferrous metallurgy includes the following types of enterprises: full-cycle metallurgical plants producing iron, steel and rolled products; steel-smelting and steel-rolling plants; production of ferroalloys of iron alloys with chromium, manganese, silicon and other elements; small metallurgy - production of steel and rolled metal machine-building plants. Color is inferior in terms of production, but has great value. Includes heavy metals (zinc, copper, nickel, chromium, lead), light (aluminum, magnesium, titanium), noble (gold, silver, platinum).

Russia's space industry is one of the most powerful in the world, leading in orbital launches and manned cosmonautics. Russia also has its own GLONASS navigation satellite system.

Agro-industrial complex Russian Federation specializes in the production of agricultural products, their processing and storage. Agricultural land in Russia is about 219.6 million hectares. The basics of agricultural crops are: cereals, sugar beets, sunflowers, potatoes, flax. Crops include rye, wheat, barley, oats, corn, millet, buckwheat, rice, as well as legumes (peas, beans, soybeans, lentils). In terms of production volumes of grain and leguminous crops, Russia is in fourth place in the world.

The nuclear power industry of the Russian Federation is the strongest in the world, both in individual nuclear technologies and in general. Russia ranks first in terms of the number of simultaneously constructed nuclear power plants on its territory. In general, 10 nuclear power plants are operated in our country.

The automotive industry maintains a steady growth rate in terms of the number of motor vehicles produced. A major manufacturer is AvtoVAZ, GAZ, KAMAZ.

Industrial centers of Russia

  1. Moscow is the leader in industrial production. Mechanical engineering, food and pharmaceutical industries, oil and gas processing, R&D.
  2. St. Petersburg — food and beverage enterprises chemical industry, mechanical engineering, ferrous metallurgy, production of building materials, R&D.
  3. Surgut - oil and gas production and processing, the city also has large enterprises operating in the power industry, food industry and R&D.
  4. Nizhnevartovsk, Omsk and Perm, Ufa - oil and gas production and processing. In Omsk, Ufa, Perm, there are also enterprises of mechanical engineering and the food industry.
  5. Norilsk - non-ferrous metallurgy.
  6. Chelyabinsk - ferrous metallurgy, mechanical engineering and food industry.
  7. Novokuznetsk - ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, coal industry.
  8. Krasnodar Territory - agricultural production.

Russian Industry Prospects

  1. Technical re-equipment and application of new technology.
  2. The rapid development of processing industries in comparison with the speed of development of raw materials production.
  3. Course on .

Industry- the leading branch of material production.

Despite a slight decrease in recent decades due to the rapid development of the service sector, the share of industry in the structure of GDP (up to 35%) and in the total (500 million people), industry still continues to have a very serious impact not only on, but on all other parties community development. Over the past century, industrial production has grown more than 50 times, and what? This increase occurs in the second half of the 20th century.

Most of the research and development work (R&D) is focused on this particular branch of the world economy. The dominant importance of industrial goods is noted in the structure of the world.

Modern industry is distinguished by the complexity of the composition of industries, industries and relationships between them.

Each of the branches and industries is characterized by a different degree of capital intensity, labor intensity, material intensity, energy intensity, water intensity, science intensity, etc. There are various approaches to the classification of industries.

Depending on the time of occurrence, industries are divided into three groups:

  1. Old (coal, iron ore, metallurgical, shipbuilding, textile industry, etc.). These industries emerged during the industrial revolutions. Today, their development is slow, but they still continue to have a significant impact on the geography of world industry.
  2. New ones (automotive industry, aluminum smelting, production of plastics, chemical fiber, etc.), which determined scientific and technological progress in the first half of the 20th century. Previously, they were concentrated mainly in developed countries and grew very rapidly. Today, their growth rates have slowed down somewhat, but remain quite high due to their spread to developing countries.
  3. The latest (microelectronics, computer technology, robotics, nuclear production, aerospace production, chemistry of organic synthesis, microbiological industry and other science-intensive industries.), which arose in the era of scientific and technological revolution. Currently, they are growing at the fastest and most sustainable rates and their impact on the geography of industry is increasing. They are typical mainly for economically developed and newly industrialized countries.

Sometimes industries are distinguished according to a different principle: heavy and light industry. The heavy industry includes the mining industry, part, energy, metallurgy, etc. All belong to "" types of light and .

Very often, industries are divided into two large groups: mining and processing industries.

Extractive industry- a set of industries engaged in the extraction of various raw materials and fuels from, waters and forests. The significance of these industries lies in the fact that they, along with creating a raw material base for the manufacturing industries.

The extractive industry has a different share in the industry different countries. Thus, in developed countries, the extractive industries account for about 8% and the processing industries for 92%. In developing countries, the weight of extractive industries is much higher. AT modern world a huge amount of raw materials, mainly mineral, is mined. It is known that about 98% of the extracted raw materials go to waste in the form of waste rock, soil, non-standard wood, etc. Only 2% of the raw materials reach the level of processing.

The main sectors of the extractive industry:

  • mining industry;
  • hunting;
  • fishing;
  • wood harvesting.

Under mining industry understand a group of industries related to mining and primary processing (enrichment).

Although the share of the mining industry in the GMP is gradually decreasing, it continues to have a significant impact on the MGR and .

It is natural that mining enterprises gravitate towards mining areas natural resources. General modern trend for her, it is movement to the north and to the shelf zone, i.e. to new mining areas.

Until the 1970s, developing countries were the main suppliers of raw materials for developed countries. Since the mid-70s, there has been a raw material crisis, which significantly affected the entire concept of the mineral resource economy. Developed countries began to focus on saving raw materials and greater use of their own resources. Some countries even began to reserve their raw materials () in cases where the cost of raw materials purchased in other countries turned out to be lower than their own.

Under these conditions, the role of developed countries has significantly increased:, Australia and. Today, developed countries meet their needs by 1/3 with supplies from developing countries, the rest is provided by their own production and supplies from Canada, Australia and South Africa.

As a result of the MGRT, three groups of major mining powers have formed in the world economy:
Eight great mining powers: developed - USA, Canada, Australia, South Africa; countries with economies in transition - China; developing - , India.

The second group is formed by countries with a highly developed mining industry, for which many mining industries have become international specialization industries. , Kazakhstan, Mexico, etc.
The third echelon is formed by countries distinguished by any one branch of international specialization. First of all, these are the countries of the Persian Gulf - the oil industry; Chile, Peru - mining of copper ore; – mining of tin ores; , – bauxites; - phosphorites, etc.
Many developed countries, despite the fact that they have large reserves of mineral resources, are not their suppliers to the world market. This is due to the fact that they themselves are large consumers of this raw material and are trying to supply the market not with raw materials, but with final products.

The geography of the main areas was considered when studying the topic "World Natural Resources".

Manufacturing industry- a set of industries involved in the processing and processing of industrial and agricultural raw materials. It includes: production of ferrous and non-ferrous metals; chemical and petrochemical products; machines and equipment; woodworking and pulp and paper industry products; cement and building materials; light and food industry products, etc.

Industry is the most important branch of the national economy, which has a decisive impact on the level of development of the productive forces of society. The sectoral structure of industry is the composition and proportion of the various sectors and types of production included in it, as well as the dynamics of changes in these shares.

Industry - an objectively isolated part of the industry, uniting enterprises that produce homogeneous, specific products that have the same type of technology and a limited circle of consumers.

The following consolidated industries are distinguished:

    Power industry;

    Fuel industry;

    Ferrous metallurgy;

    Non-ferrous metallurgy;

    Chemical and petrochemical industry;

    Mechanical engineering and metalworking;

    Forestry, woodworking and pulp and paper industry;

    Building materials industry;

    Glass and porcelain-faience industry;

    Light industry;

    food industry;

    Microbiological industry;

    Flour-grinding and mixed fodder industry;

    Medical industry;

    Printing industry;

and other industrial productions

Electricity is the most important branch of the energy industry, including the production, transmission and distribution of electricity. The advantages of the electric power industry over other types of energy: the relative ease of transmission over long distances, distribution between consumers, as well as conversion into other types of energy (mechanical, thermal, chemical, light, and others). A distinctive feature of electric energy is the practical simultaneity of its generation and consumption, since electric current propagates through networks at a speed close to the speed of light. the federal law"On the electric power industry" gives the following definition of the electric power industry: "The electric power industry is a branch of the economy of the Russian Federation, which includes a complex of economic relations that arise in the production process (including production in the mode of combined generation of electric and thermal energy), transmission of electric energy, operational dispatch control in the electric power industry , sale and consumption of electric energy using production and other property facilities (including those included in the Unified Energy System of Russia) owned by the right of ownership or on another basis provided for by federal laws to electric power industry entities or other persons. The electric power industry is the basis for the functioning of the economy and life support” .

Definition of electric power industry in GOST19431-84:

The electric power industry is a section of the energy sector that ensures the electrification of the country on the basis of a rational expansion of the production and use of electrical energy.

The fuel industry is the basis for the development of the Russian economy, an instrument for pursuing domestic and foreign policy. The fuel industry is connected with the entire industry of the country. More than 20% of funds are spent on its development, 30% of fixed assets and 30% of the cost of industrial products in Russia are accounted for.

The fuel and energy complex (FEC) is a complex system that includes a set of industries, processes, material devices for the extraction of fuel and energy resources (FER), their transformation, transportation, distribution and consumption of both primary FER and converted types of energy carriers. It includes:

Gas industry;

Coal industry;

Oil industry.

Ferrous metallurgy serves as the basis for the development of mechanical engineering (one-third of the cast metal from a blast furnace goes into mechanical engineering) and construction (1/4 of the metal goes into construction). The main raw materials for the production of ferrous metals are iron ore, manganese, coking coal and ores of alloying metals.

Ferrous metallurgy includes the following main sub-sectors:

Extraction and enrichment of ferrous metal ores (iron, chromium and manganese ore);

Extraction and enrichment of non-metallic raw materials for ferrous metallurgy (flux limestone, refractory clay, etc.);

Production of ferrous metals (cast iron, carbon steel, rolled metal, ferrous metal powders);

Manufacture of steel and cast iron pipes;

Coke chemical industry (production of coke, coke oven gas, etc.);

Secondary processing of ferrous metals (cutting scrap and waste of ferrous metals).

Non-ferrous metallurgy is a branch of metallurgy that includes the extraction, enrichment of non-ferrous metal ores and the smelting of non-ferrous metals and their alloys. Non-ferrous metals can be conditionally divided into heavy (copper, lead, zinc, tin, nickel) and light (aluminum, titanium, magnesium) according to their physical properties and purpose. Based on this division, the metallurgy of light metals and the metallurgy of heavy metals are distinguished.

The chemical industry is an industry that includes the production of products from hydrocarbon, mineral and other raw materials through its chemical processing. The world's gross output of the chemical industry is about 2 trillion US dollars.

The concept of petrochemistry combines several interrelated meanings:

A branch of chemistry that studies the chemistry of the transformations of hydrocarbons, oil, natural gas into healthy foods and raw materials;

A section of chemical technology (the second name is petrochemical synthesis), which describes the technological processes used in industry in the processing of oil and natural gas - rectification, cracking, reforming, alkylation, isomerization, coking, pyrolysis, dehydrogenation (including, in this listing, mention should be made also oxidative), hydrogenation, hydration, ammonolysis, oxidation, nitration, etc.;

Branch of the chemical industry, including production, a common feature of which is the deep chemical processing of hydrocarbon raw materials (fractions of oil, natural and associated gas).

Mechanical engineering is a branch of heavy industry that produces all kinds of machines, tools, instruments, as well as consumer goods and defense products. Mechanical engineering is divided into three groups - labor-intensive, metal-intensive and science-intensive. In turn, these groups are divided into the following industry subgroups: heavy engineering, general engineering, medium engineering, precision engineering, production of metal products and blanks, repair of machinery and equipment.

Metalworking is a technological process, the process of working with metals, during which their shape and dimensions are changed, parts are given the desired shape using one or more metal processing methods to create separate parts, assemblies or large structures (metal structures). The term covers a wide range of different activities from building large ships and bridges to making the smallest pieces of jewelry. Therefore, the term includes a wide range of skills, processes and tools. Reliability, the technology of any production, any metal structure depends on the quality of the metalworking performed, therefore, such a task must be entrusted to professionals with sufficient experience and the necessary equipment designed specifically for these types of metalworking. Metalworking began to develop with the discovery of various ores, the processing of malleable and malleable metals for the production of tools and jewelry.

Forest industry - a set of industries that harvest and process wood. Timber harvesting in countries and areas with limited forest reserves is usually carried out by forestry enterprises - forestries, forestries, etc. In countries and areas with large reserves of forests of natural origin, logging, including alloy, has the character of an extractive industry and is an independent industry - the logging industry. In Russia, the forestry industry is currently handled by the Federal Forestry Agency (Rosleskhoz). There is no profile ministry in Russia. The main legislative act for the forest industry is the "Forest Code". The timber industry accounts for less than 5% of the country's GDP, despite the fact that 25% of the world's forest reserves are concentrated in Russia.

All wood processing and processing industries, taken together, form the timber processing industry, which includes the following types of industry:

Woodworking industry, which unites groups of enterprises engaged in mechanical and partially chemical-mechanical processing and processing of wood;

Pulp and paper production is a technological process aimed at obtaining cellulose, paper, cardboard and other related products of the final or intermediate processing; hydrolysis industry and the forest chemical industry, the production of which is formed on the basis of the chemical processing of wood and some non-timber forest products.

Building materials - materials for the construction of buildings and structures. Along with the "old" traditional materials like wood and brick, with the beginning of the industrial revolution, new building materials appeared, like concrete, steel, glass and plastic. Currently, prestressed reinforced concrete and metal-plastic are widely used. Distinguish:

Natural stone materials;

woody Construction Materials and products;

Non-firing artificial stone materials and products based on hydration binders;

Artificial firing materials;

Metals and metal products;

Glass and glass products;

Decoration Materials;

polymeric materials;

Heat-insulating materials and products from them;

Waterproofing and roofing materials based on bitumen and polymers;

Portland cement;

Hydration (inorganic) binders;

Coagulation (organic) binders.

Light industry - a set of specialized industries that produce mainly consumer goods from various types of raw materials. Light industry occupies one of the important places in the production of the gross national product and plays a significant role in the country's economy. The light industry carries out both the primary processing of raw materials and the production of finished products. Light industry enterprises also produce products for industrial, technical and special purposes, used in furniture, aviation, automotive, chemical, electrical, food and other industries, in agriculture, in law enforcement agencies, transport and health care. One of the features of light industry is a quick return on investment. Technological features of the industry allow for a quick change in the range of products at a minimum cost, which ensures high mobility of production.

Sub-sectors of light industry:







Porcelain and faience industry is a branch of light industry that specializes in the production of fine ceramics: household and artistic porcelain, faience, imaiolica semi-porcelain.

Food industry - a set of production of food products in finished form or in the form of semi-finished products, as well as tobacco products, soap and detergents. In the system of the agro-industrial complex, the food industry is closely connected with agriculture as a supplier of raw materials and trade. Part of the branches of the food industry gravitates towards raw material areas, the other part towards consumption areas.