Wood burning training. How to burn wood for beginners: a guide with a description of the source materials and tools for this

  • 20.06.2020

Wood burning is a very interesting thing. This process is a drawing on a wooden base using a specialized soldering iron. Well relieves fatigue, stress, and even creates comfort in the house through home-made creativity, which can be used to decorate the walls. It can also serve as a wonderful holiday gift for friends or relatives, work colleagues. Now we will acquaint you with the rules for working with a burning device.

The Basics of Burnout

In order for wood burning to bring you only happiness, treat this process with great attention. We present below for you useful rules which should help you in this process.

So, you have already purchased the device. Now we need to create an outline of the drawing on a wooden base. You can additionally buy some elements of the device for the subsequent convenience of woodworking.

The devices themselves exist in 2 types - a simple one, with one thermal regime and replaceable nozzles, and a more advanced one, it has a wire tip, there are 2 feathers and the heating is regulated. The price of these models is from 700 rubles and up to several. tens of thousands.

  • Nozzles, different in thickness, make it easier and faster to work with a variety of lines and contours.
  • Aluminum oxide and a belt - they are needed for regular cleaning of the nozzles and the device itself.
  • Pliers.
  • A special holder or clay pot for the soldering iron, where it can be placed to cool.

Burnout material. If you are new to this business, then it is better to start with soft woods, the process will be much easier to master. For example, opt for pine, birch, linden, maple or ash, but in general the most soft material- this is balsa, it is considered number one on the hardness scale, pterocarpus closes this scale at 10th place. The harder the wood, the darker it looks. Examine the board on both sides, and choose the one that is smoother to work with.

Now we take the device for burning. It will heat up for a couple of minutes, it is better to keep it on a stand or in a clay pot, we have already mentioned this above. And it is better to take and put the soldering iron with the help of pliers to avoid burns.

The board must be sanded before starting work, sandpaper number 20 will help us with this. It must be wrapped around the board or attached to the bar and evenly sand the surface. It is better to sand along the fibers, if across, then bumps will appear, but sanding in accordance with the natural growth of the fibers will help to avoid this problem. At the end of the skinning, wipe the surface with a damp towel, it will remove wood dust and sawdust. Drawing will become much more convenient.

Apply the drawing with hatching, so it will be easier to erase the wrong lines, and control the pencil. Do not press too hard on the stylus to draw the drawing more clearly.

No rush to burn. Regardless of the material of the tree, the process will not be quick, so please be patient. And while working, keep in mind:

You have to press on the burner. For beginners, uniform pressure throughout the pattern is relevant.

Hold the soldering iron in one place longer - the line will turn out deeper and darker.

It is much easier to run the soldering iron along the fibers, so turn the board with the fibers down as you work. There will be resistance against the fibers and effort will be required.

Experiment with attachments. On small boards, try out all the nozzles that you have. Then you will already have an idea about their effects, and know where it is better to apply them, on which elements of the picture.

Transferring the design to wood

Everyone is interested in how to burn wood. Therefore, this article provides information for beginners. There are three main ways to apply / transfer a pattern to a tree, which one to choose - see for yourself. You can also draw a picture yourself, or you can take a ready-made version.

If you are an artist or have artistic inclinations, it will be easy for you to draw or draw a drawing with a pencil on a wooden base.

Graphite paper can also help you if you are not very good at drawing. It works on the principle of carbon paper - put it on the tree with its oily side, secure it with tape, and put a sheet of image on top, circle its contours. Then remove the adhesive tape and graphite paper and draw fuzzy lines of the drawing with a pencil already on the tree.

There is also an ink nozzle, it will also help you when drawing a picture on a tree. This happens when the nozzle is heated. A printed picture from the Internet, it is better to print on a laser printer, put the sheet with the pattern down on the tree, and drive along the contours with a heated nozzle until they begin to be sealed on the surface of the tree.


It is worth noting that the scorched pictures on the tree look very interesting. And in this article we offer important rules this work. It is necessary to place the board so that it is at an accessible distance at any point of burning, and at the same time it is safe, so as not to get burned during the work.

It is better to start burning from the outer contours of the picture. If something doesn’t work out there right away, then it can be fixed a little later, simply by polishing the failed area.

On some tree species, you need to go through the same place with a soldering iron several times. If you do not press hard on the burner, then you will have more strength, and your hand will get less tired, and then you will be able to leisurely do quality work. Start by moving towards you, not away from you.

First, burn out the primary, main lines, then apply the strokes of the drawing.

Next, move on to texture and shadows. You can make a regular 2D drawing, or you can master a more interesting and trendy 3D with special nozzles. First, practice on the wrong side of the work, or on an unnecessary plank.

Colorize. You can leave everything as it is, or you can make the drawing in color by using watercolor, watercolor pencils for coloring.

Regularly clean the nozzles, then get a quality job. Indeed, on clean nozzles, heat dissipation will be as efficient as possible, and aluminum oxide and a belt or grinding block will help in cleaning. It is better to remove the nozzle with pliers so as not to bother if it has cooled down enough, then dip it for a couple of minutes in cold water. Well, then, actually, the cleaning process.

Fan. If during work you get a lot of smoke, then it will be useful to resort to the help of an exhaust fan. After all, smoke is not the most useful thing for the lungs, especially indoors.

Now, at the end of the work, you need to thoroughly dry the board and apply the final touches.

Pay your attention to:

  • A hot soldering iron, and if it is left unattended for a long time, this can lead to its ignition and subsequent fire.
  • It is better to carry out the burning process in ventilated rooms, because smoke can adversely affect the lungs, up to death.

The most interesting process is wood burning. Here you can burn out drawings or patterns. However this work implies the presence of certain devices. Necessary things for work:

  • Burning device.
  • Variable temperature equipment.
  • Graphite pencils.
  • Scotch tape.
  • White eraser - nag.
  • Emery files - several varieties.
  • Sandpaper 200-250 or fabric coated with silicon carbide.


We hope that our article allowed you to learn how to properly burn wood. Know that this activity is extremely exciting. But in this case, some effort and also skills may be required.

Pyrography is the process of burning wood with the fixation of the applied pattern using a special device. Recently, this well-forgotten art is gaining popularity again. This is good way for modern man relieve stress, escape from the daily hustle and bustle, while creating decorative interior details and more with your own hands. Learning to burn wood for beginners is not as difficult as it seems at first glance.

The art of wood burning gained popularity in Russia at the end of the 19th century. It was mainly used to decorate nesting dolls. It is believed that the birthplace of decorative burning is Peru. However, in one form or another pyrography was manifested in the culture, perhaps, of all peoples.

The first wood burning apparatus is cumbersome and imperfect. It operated on gasoline, which guarantees sufficient heating of the platinum needle. For uninterrupted operation, the master had to ensure a constant supply of fuel, I regulate it with a foot pedal. The process was quite labor intensive.

The moment came when the technique of burning was replaced by decorative painting. However, many masters continued to decorate household items (caskets, chests, jugs) in the technique they loved.

Features of modern devices

The main tool for work, the pyrograph (burning apparatus) is the most important detail during the burning process. Modern equipment different from previous models. Previously, the unit was a small box and a soldering iron with tips in the form of a paper clip. The modern device is more complex. Which burner to choose depends on the individual preferences of the master. Each of the devices has its pros and cons.

Disadvantages of modern pyrographs:

  • long heating and cooling time;
  • risk of burnout during prolonged use;
  • uncomfortable handles in some models.

Wire aggregates have their drawbacks:

  • high price;
  • expensive repairs;
  • needles require frequent replacement;
  • Difficulties in finding spare parts.

Many craftsmen try to make tips for a burning soldering iron from wire at home. However, some experience is required to perform such procedures. Beginners are still advised to limit themselves to factory copies.

The most primitive burning device consists of several required elements:

  • a step-down transformer;
  • lever;
  • various attachments (feathers, filaments).

In hobby and art stores, you can buy a burning machine, necessary materials and even ready-made kits for pyrography. So, for decorative wood burning you will need:

Many novice craftsmen are interested in whether it is possible to burn wood with a soldering iron. Of course you can, this is the easiest way to make patterns at home. However, it must be taken into account that the work will require several soldering irons of different diameters.

Boards made of deciduous trees (maple, linden, oak, alder) are best suited for pyrography. Conifers are less suitable, as they are sometimes difficult to clean of resin. The board should not have noticeable flaws - knots, cracks, etc.

At self-training work surface is required to grind the board with fine sandpaper and rub it with a mixture of water and chalk in a ratio of 1: 1, then dry thoroughly.

Wood burning for beginners is a simple and exciting process. As in any business, there are rules and regulations here. to be followed:

In order to master the art of pyrography to perfection and learn how to properly burn on wood, you should not stop at early stages work discussed in the article. It is recommended that you familiarize yourself with educational video tutorials on the topic, you can visit special courses. It is important to remember that, like any applied activity, pyrography requires constant practice, honing skills. The result will not keep you waiting.

Wood burning, or pyrography, is one of the oldest arts. Some of the first items decorated with pyrography were found in Peru. They date back to the 7th century BC. Ancient craftsmen received images with rods red-hot on fire. At present, there are more and more lovers of decorating their lives, and special devices have come to replace the twigs, with the help of which lines of different thicknesses and color saturation are applied to the tree.

Read also the article: - lessons for beginners!

How to choose a burner

You can even burn a simple picture with an ordinary soldering iron. But for constant occupations, it is better to buy a wood burner. It fits comfortably in the hand, has an optimal heating temperature and interchangeable nozzles, which greatly expand the artistic possibilities of the master.

There are two types of burners - with a wire or with a hard pen. Both types are powered by 220 V, but samples with a hard feather do not have a heating control. When choosing, you should pay attention to the power of the device.

If the burner has a power of less than 20 watts, work with it will be quite slow. Such devices are designed for children, or just learning the basics of burning.

More powerful devices allow you to work faster, but are suitable for those who are already confident in their actions.

Benefits of Hard Feather Burners

These models are easy to use and low price. This type of burner is easy to apply simple images with a minimum of detail. They are most often bought for children or beginners. Among the shortcomings of the device note:

  • long warm-up and cool-down times;
  • the handle which is heated in the course of work;
  • the large size of the handle and the nib far from it.

The latter feature makes drawing thin long lines difficult and requires breaks in work for rest. If used for a long time, the device may overheat and fail. Therefore, for burning a large complex pattern, it is better to choose a different type of apparatus.

Features of devices with a wire pen

Samples of devices with a wire pen have great advantages:

  • fast heating and cooling;
  • comfortable handle;
  • trouble-free replacement of the wire in case of its burnout;
  • long service life of the pen;
  • the possibility of drawing lines of different thicknesses.

Such models are noticeably more expensive, so they are usually chosen for professional work on wood.

For testing, it is better to purchase an inexpensive model with a hard nib. If the occupation is serious, there is a wide selection of wood burning devices with a wire pen on sale.

How to choose a wood substrate and a pattern for burning

For work, wood of linden, poplar, ash, aspen, pine is chosen. These rocks are soft and work well.

The softer the wood, the easier and more comfortable it is to work with.

Before work, the board must be carefully processed. The smoother its surface, the neater the drawing looks. The planed board is polished with fine sandpaper, running along the fibers. This will eliminate minor bumps and chips. In conclusion, it is wiped with a damp cloth from chips and dust to make it easier to transfer the drawing.

Wood burning pictures for beginners should have clear outlines and a small amount of detail. Simple images are harder to mess up, there's always the option to play with the line thickness or add an extra one in case of a mistake.

Topics for burning can be any:

  • congratulations on the holidays - such crafts will be a good gift;
  • cartoon characters - drawings are simple and fascinating, children love to burn them;
  • funny images of animals will decorate and enliven the interior of the kitchen, hallway or nursery;
  • landscapes look great in any setting;
  • ornaments are always appropriate, they are easy to make using a stencil.

The most difficult pattern for wood burning is photography. It will require high skill of the performer and a set of nozzles to convey all the nuances.

Drawings for burning can be downloaded from the network or made independently. To do this, a sheet of tracing paper is placed on the drawing and all the lines are carefully outlined, trying to convey their thickness.

Children can draw the simplest pictures themselves. In this case, burning out becomes much more interesting.

Transfer the image to the board through carbon paper. It is fixed on the tree with the ink side down, a tracing paper with a pattern is applied on top and all the lines are translated, trying not to move the sheets in the process.

In order for the first work to be crowned with success, observe the following subtleties:

  • apply thin strokes instead of thick lines with a burner, it is easier to direct the pen in the right direction;
  • press the pen with the same force on the entire surface of the board;
  • the longer the pen is held in one place, the darker and deeper the line becomes;
  • try to move the pen along the fiber of the tree, turning its fibers in itself, when burning against or across the fibers of the effort, you need to apply more;
  • before work, practice on an unnecessary board with different nozzles to fill your hand and have an idea of ​​​​in which cases they should be used;
  • start burning from the edge of the sketch - this is the most inconspicuous place in case of an error;
  • draw over the same place several times with light thin strokes, achieving optimal thickness;
  • put a small board under your arm so as not to lubricate the translated sketch and not to dirty the board;
  • first burn the main lines of the image to see the basis of the composition.

Having learned how to draw precise, even lines, experiment with shadows. Using this technique, you can achieve a three-dimensional image. To display shadows, different nozzles are used.

The picture on the tree does not have to remain the same color. For coloring use watercolor paints (or pencils) and brushes.

Nozzles must be periodically cleaned of carbon deposits. To do this, use a special grinding pad or belt and aluminum oxide.

The finished product is coated with varnish or PVA glue.

Safety Compliance

Teach your children the safety rules for handling a burner and always follow them yourself:

  • when changing nozzles, use pliers so as not to burn your fingers;
  • be careful when working with a heated burner;
  • always place the device on a special stand;
  • do not leave the switched on device unattended;
  • use an exhaust fan when working indoors, as some woods emit a lot of smoke and can cause allergies and respiratory irritation.

Wood burning is fun and useful activity. It will allow you to relax after a hard day's work, teach children perseverance and accuracy, and decorate your home with unique works.

Video review of the burning station

Video about the translation of the picture and the process of wood burning

Pyrography is an interesting activity, because it includes burning on wood, leather, and fabric. A master class will help you master it and step by step photos, as well as detailed description every lesson.

What is pyrography?

Not everyone knows that this type of art originated in ancient times. When people began to use fire, some people learned to heat a metal tool on it and create various patterns and designs with this tool.

AT modern world came up with devices that burn on various materials. If you are just learning this art, buy an inexpensive pyrograph. These are made for children's creativity.

For wood burning you will need a board, it is best to take a cutting board. It has already been sufficiently processed so that various drawings, ornaments or congratulatory inscriptions can be burned on it.

For pyrography, take wooden crafts from birch, elm or linden. These fit best. But, for example, oak is hard, so it is almost impossible to burn on it.

If you are planning to make a picture using pyrography, then take plywood blanks.

Now you need to select an image. Transfer it to prepared wooden surface using a copier. If you draw well, then draw your favorite plot with a pencil, and you can erase some extra features with an eraser.

Following the instructions, heat the pyrograph for the allotted time, and then start burning it with the tip. You should be very careful.

Since the tool is very hot and you can burn yourself with it. If you want to get a deep line or dent in a wood surface, then you need to press it harder. For lighter strokes, the board is burned with a pyrograph without strong pressure.

You can leave your work as is or paint it with watercolors or acrylic paints. Fix them with acrylic varnish, which is applied on top.

This is the tree burning algorithm. If you want to create your own work of authorship right now, then look at the presented master class.

Wood burning - master class

When you master this art form, you can modify the pyrograph. Look, here the handle of this device has been changed so that you can insert various nozzles here.

These can be applied to narrow stripes. If you need to make wide ones, then use a regular burner. It comes with interchangeable nozzles.

Take a cutting board and draw a freehand drawing on it with a pencil or translate it with carbon paper.

Now take a pyrograph, heat it up to desired temperature and start burning the edges of the pattern first.

Be careful not to push the board too hard. Also pay attention not to burn it.

Now change the thin nozzle to a wider one and make the background darker. To do this, you need to apply strokes parallel to each other with the heated tip of the pyrograph.

Somewhere make these details darker, and somewhere lighter. Using a fine nozzle, mark the veins in the leaves. Make smoother transitions from dark to light sides.

It remains to make a few final touches and you can see the final result with satisfaction.

In general, two methods of burning are used in pyrography. You can leave the field lighter so that the dark pattern looks beautiful against its background. Or, conversely, make the background dark, then the light elements will be very expressive on it.

If you liked it, then check out another interesting master class. He will teach you how to make tags for the quest.

Wood burning - making tags

This is the end result. To make it work for you, you will first need to take:
  • plywood or furniture board 18 mm wide;
  • burner with nozzles;
  • electric jigsaw;
  • square;
  • manual frezer;
  • pencil;
  • templates.
From the furniture board you need to cut two squares. One will be with sides of 600 mm, and the second with sides of 518 mm. This way you will make the basis for the game and for the plate, from which you will then file the squares. Choose a pattern that will show off on the tags.

Using a carbon paper, transfer it to a wooden surface and start burning it. To keep the lines even and the hand does not tremble, use a metal ruler. Attach it to plywood or furniture board and burn straight lines.

As you can see, first, using a thin nozzle, you need to circle the outline of the picture. Now use it or a wider one. With these devices, you need to fill inner part each element, shade them.

Here's how wood burning is done next. If you are also using a clock pattern, apply the clock face. Of course, you first need to draw it using a template. Help yourself with a ruler, and you will succeed.

Also, using this tool and a pencil, now you need to draw the resulting base into squares so that you get 16 pieces.

Then they need to be sawn using an electric jigsaw.

Screw the side strips, which are 4 cm wide, to the base. Use clamps.

Using a router or grinder, make the edges of the planks more rounded. Then it remains to walk on them and other elements with fine sandpaper.

Put the tags inside the base so that the child can then collect them in the correct order.

This is how wood burning will help to make an interesting game.

But you can use the art of pyrography, working with other materials. It is very interesting to apply the fabric, then melt the elements to get picturesque flowers. In this regard, your attention is invited to the following master class with step-by-step photos.

Pyrography or how to make flowers from satin ribbons

To get such a picturesque creation, take:
  • satin ribbon, the width of which is 5 cm, you will need green and red, pink or white;
  • threads;
  • thin sharp needle;
  • scissors;
  • piece of paper;
  • a candle;
  • glue gun or glue for textiles;
  • beads or finished stamens;
  • piece of felt;
  • hair clip, hairpin or hair tie.

First you need to make a petal template. To do this, use checkered paper, it is easy to create even elements on it. First draw a rectangle 5 cm high and 2.5 cm wide. Fold the leaf in half and cut out the petal.

Now you can apply it to the tape and cut it out.

To prevent the satin from slipping, hold the workpieces firmly with your hands or fasten them temporarily with clerical clips. Do not chip these two parts with pins, as these items will leave sloppy holes in them.

In total, you will need to create 6 of these identical petals.

Now make a similar paper pattern, but 5 vm smaller than the previous one. You will need another pattern, it will also be 5 mm smaller than the second. Cut six more petals of two types of parts of the presented sizes.

Now we need to burn them. To do this, hold the edges of each petal over a candle flame. It is unlikely that beginners will be able to do everything right the first time. Therefore, first practice on an unnecessary piece of satin to make sure at what distance and for how long you need to keep it near the candle flame.

When you have mastered this stage of work, also take a petal, singe its edges. Now you need to act quickly, but carefully. Take this blank by the cold part and gently pull it in different directions. Then the petal will bend, as in the next photo.

To give it an extra shape, hold the petal over the fire for a few seconds using tweezers.

The petal will bend and will have the desired shape. In the same way, you need to modify other similar blanks. Now you need to collect them by stitching the needle forward with a seam.

Collect the flower in a checkerboard pattern, starting with large petals. Stamens need to be folded in half and placed inside the flower. Secure them with thread.

Cut out the leaves. For one, take a piece of green satin ribbon and singe its sections on both sides over the flame.

Pull the corner 1 and 2 to the middle and fix the workpiece in this position with the seam forward of the needle. Now you need to tighten the thread and sew the opposite ends together.

Sew the edge with a blind seam and fasten the thread with reverse side leaf.

This is how you created the elements of the flower using pyrography. Now they need to be connected to each other. To do this, glue two leaves on a circle of green felt. Then you need to glue or sew the flower itself on it, and on the back with a glue gun, attach a hairpin or elastic band to the felt.

This is how you can create a wonderful hair clip using pyrography. But you can burn not only on wood and heat the fabric to get beautiful things. Check out another material that is used for this needlework.

Skin pyrography

With the help of burning on this material, you can make jewelry or decorate ready-made things. For this you need a laser, blowtorch or burner.

See how to make a fish hair clip.

First take:
  • a piece of light skin;
  • pyrograph;
  • tracing paper;
  • carbon paper;
  • marker;
  • scissors.
Transfer your favorite fish drawing to tracing paper. Since such a sheet is very thin, you can then glue this template to a sheet of paper.

Put the workpiece on the skin and circle it with a marker.

It is better to use a brown marker, the color of the burn mark, so as not to erase the extra lines later.

Now you need to draw small elements on which you will burn.

Here's how the skin pyrography goes on. First, go through the contour of the fish with a burner, then burn it along the drawn markings inside. Cool the workpiece for a couple of minutes and cut the fish along the contour, leaving some free space outside for allowances.

Now you need to color the fish, for which you can use a variety of means:
  • skin paint;
  • felt-tip pen;
  • marker;
  • acrylic paints;
  • contour, etc.
On the back of the workpiece, glue a piece of soft leather in a contrasting color and cut it out. You can leave a small border or not. If desired, cover the surface of the fish with varnish so that it shines well.

Make two slots in this blank to insert a processed wooden stick into them.

This is such a masterpiece.

Having mastered this work, you will be able to create paintings, at first with simpler drawings.


  • skin;
  • tracing paper;
  • a device for burning;
  • marker;
  • paints.
First, transfer the selected drawing to tracing paper. Then attach it to front side skin and mark with a marker.

Using the pyrograph, start burning.

First mark the image with thinner lines, then go over them with a pyrograph again, making them more significant.

In this way, you can make a portrait, then to give it as a gift. Also transfer it to tracing paper, and then with the help of a marker - to the skin. Do not heat the pyrograph too much at the beginning, so that the lines do not turn out too deep.

You can leave the drawing as it is or decorate it. Colored leather belt looks good, colorful landscape.

If you want to paint nature, then use these colors to convey its beauty. But when burning on the skin, a specific smell will come. Work in a ventilated area to remove it.

The pyrography on the walls also looks very interesting. But you need to act in compliance with all fire regulations so as not to accidentally set fire to the house. If you like birds, let them meet you at the switch in the morning.

If you want to see a portrait on the wall brown bear, then first transfer his image to the wall, then do wood burning along the contours of the clubfoot. It remains to outline the features of his muzzle and carefully make many small lines to show how fluffy the fur of this animal is.

As always, we suggest that you watch the video master class in conclusion. After reading it, you will learn how to burn wood.

After watching the master class, you will learn how to burn a rose:

Julia Friday

Wood burning - old new art

More recently, wood burning - pyrography - has gained a second life. Perhaps this is due to the emergence of new professional devices for work. Or maybe people began to pay more attention to hand-decorated products. In any case, the wood burning technique is simple enough that even a beginner can master it!

Wood burning: materials

Every woodworker is faced with the problem of choosing wood for the background. Be guided by several parameters to choose the best option for the background blank.


The lighter your background, the better the picture will contrast with it. If desired, you can use darker varieties. But when the work is varnished, the image will become less distinct.


Many masters prefer to work on the background with the least texture. Smooth surface without veins and protrusions makes it possible to easily perform any pattern.

But if you show your imagination and apply texture in your work, the result will exceed all your expectations. For example, you can use texture stripes as ripples on water.


Wood burning directly depends on the power of the device used. The more powerful the device, the more solid background you can process.

Still, it's best to prioritize soft varieties wood, which is easy to work with any burner.

The form

The shape of the background blank must be selected depending on what you want to do with the work in the future. If the blank will hang in a frame, choose blanks of the correct geometric shape. These can be found among building boards and unnecessary pieces of old furniture.

Sometimes original saw cuts appear in specialized stores irregular shape. The bark framing them can be an excellent frame.

The best varieties for woodburning are linden, beech, aspen, cedar, cherry, cypress and maple. All trees have fairly light wood, smooth or fine-grained cut without veins.

Wood burning: tools

The main device of the master working on wood is a specialized pyrographic device with a pen-pencil for burning. There are 2 main types of such devices:

  • pencils with hard nibs;
  • pencils with wire nibs.

Devices with hard feathers, as a rule, have a constant heating temperature. Although they come with extra nibs, they do a better job of background burn-in due to the width of the bait.

Wire nibs are more comfortable - thanks to their thinness and temperature control, you will be able to perform different types works: from thin and imperceptible to wide contrast strokes.

Both solid and wire nibs come in 3 basic shapes:

  • oblique pen;
  • writing pen;
  • retouching pen.

The oblique pen has a beveled straight surface. With its help, thin, clear lines are drawn. The stylus is rounded at the end and is also suitable for drawing lines and words, such as writing poems on wood. Unlike the first two, the retouching pen has a flat, wide surface and is designed to burn out backgrounds or wide elements.

Execution techniques

Wood burning is not limited to one technique. If you look at at least a few quality works, you will find that each of them is distinguished by the use of some special artistic technique!

Below you will see a list of the main wood burning methods.


This is the basic method from which the development of pyrography by beginners begins. A drawing is applied to a wooden base using a graphite pencil or carbon paper. After that, the master begins to burn the image along the contour, giving it a contrast with respect to the background.


The negative method of pyrography is based on highlighting the pattern with a light color by contrasting the background burning. This method can be done with two techniques: by adding a background and by adding a picture.

At the first, the background is burned out around the prepared drawing. The second method involves the complete burning of the background, after which the master cuts out a drawing on it, forming light areas.

You can combine these techniques to give your piece extra volume.


Masters use this method so that, as in the case of the negative, the drawing becomes embossed. To do this, the image is cut out on the basis of a previously transferred sketch and only then cauterized in certain places.

In addition to these methods, there is also wood burning with hot metal and sunlight through a prism. But due to the complexity of implementation, few people use such techniques.

Master class for beginners

If this is your first time with wood burning, try a simple drawing. To do this, choose a simple stencil in the form of an image outline without fine details and complex patterns.

  • The surface of the background workpiece should be cleaned with sanding or a blade.
  • Draw a freehand drawing with a graphite pencil or redraw the finished sketch through carbon paper.

  • Start burning the image along the path. If you can't get the job done in one sitting, the finished outline will tell you where to retouch.
  • After the contour, start finishing the background - darken it evenly with a retouching pen or in a gradient using different types of feathers.
  • Wait for the drawing to cool down. When you're done, wipe off the excess and wipe off the remaining pencil with an eraser.

Cover the finished product with a clear varnish to fix the result and slow down the aging process. After mastering basic techniques try woodburning a more difficult pattern, as in the master class in this video.

When working on a drawing, do not forget about safety precautions. Try to work for a limited time to avoid overheating the burner. And do not touch the heating elements - this is fraught with burns.

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What can be made from seashells? It turns out that different interesting ideas- a great many. Handicraft masters even make whole panels and paintings, as well as decorations, vases, candlesticks, bouquets, decorate interior items with sea gifts. If you want to try it, our master classes will help you.