How to plant lavender in the country in the fall. How to plant lavender in the country, reproduction and beneficial properties

  • 13.06.2019

Good afternoon, dear friends!

Blooming at the end of summer can become a real highlight of your garden. Many summer residents successfully cultivate a plant on their site. The homeland of lavender is the Mediterranean. Despite the fact that the flower is thermophilic, it takes root perfectly in our climate, blooms profusely and tolerates the most severe winters well with proper agricultural technology.

Before talking about caring for lavender in the garden, I’ll tell you a little about the agricultural technology of this spicy plant.

Experienced landscape designers actively and lovingly use lavender in landscaping the site. The plant is planted in special corners of the garden in combination with other spicy perennials - rosemary. The lilac beauty harmoniously fits into the alpine slides.

Each gardener can start this medicinal plant in his area. By collecting lavender stems with flowers and drying them, you can get rid of moths in the apartment, scent linen or make a fragrant pillow, on which sleep becomes serene and deep.

Agrotechnics of lavender

Lavender is undemanding to the soil, perfectly tolerates the dry season, and with well-organized top dressing and watering, it blooms profusely in August. Various varieties of lavender, of which about 30 grow successfully in our latitudes, can bloom in lilac, pink, blue or purple.

Lavender is propagated by seeds, cuttings, dividing the bush. Planting lavender seeds is a complex and lengthy process. planting material preliminarily subjected to stratification, then planted for seedlings in containers, and only when strong sprouts appear, they are transplanted into open ground to a permanent place. Many summer residents complain about the low germination of lavender seeds, so they are looking for more simple ways her reproduction.

The easiest way to get a fragrant Provencal perennial is to buy a bush with a closed root system. Container plants tolerate transplanting well in spring or summer, quickly take root and start growing. The landing hole is dug out with the expectation that it is 2 times larger than the earthen clod on the roots. The soil does not matter, however, if your site has heavy clay soil, then it is recommended to mix it with equal amount river sand.

If lavender is already growing on your site or with your friends, then you can try planting the plant with cuttings or by dividing an adult bush.

Reproduction of lavender cuttings

The procedure is no different from other cuttings cultivated plants and is as follows:

1. Using a sharp pruner or knife, a one-year-old lavender shoot is cut off.

2. The cut cuttings are planted in a container filled with garden soil. The depth of the shoots is 2-3 cm.

3. A mini-greenhouse is installed above the landing tank, creating a film shelter.

4. Watering plants - systematic, but moderate.

5. Rooted cuttings in 3-6 weeks are transplanted to a permanent place in the garden, front garden or garden.

We propagate lavender by dividing the bush

This method can be used if the culture grows at a permanent place for at least 3-5 years. In the summer, on the most powerful bush, the upper shoots are cut off, hilling is carried out. In autumn, lavender is dug out, trying not to damage the root system, carefully divided into 2-3 parts and immediately transplanted to the chosen place, not forgetting to water the plants.

Caring for lavender in the garden throughout the season

Despite the culture's undemanding soil, lavender responds excellently to top dressing in the spring and during the period when budding is taking place.

At the beginning of the growing season, the plant requires increased doses of nitrogen compounds, so plantings are watered with a weak solution of urea or sodium humate (20 g per standard bucket of water). At least 5 liters of nutrient solution are poured under each plant.

In the middle of summer, when buds develop and flowering begins, the plant needs to be fed with a complex phosphorus-potassium fertilizer. The drug is applied several times with an interval of 2 weeks.

Hilling and pruning lavender

After the end of flowering, the bushes are pruned. The autumn rejuvenating procedure prolongs the life of the perennial, promotes the harmonious development of the bush and abundant flowering in the next season. Hilling is carried out only in young plants. Plan an event for early spring and mid-fall.

watering lavender

Young lavender bushes are the most demanding on soil moisture. While the seedling is going through the rooting stage, moderate watering is carried out throughout the growing season once every 2 weeks. In the dry season, the number of waterings increases, and the interval is reduced to 7 days. During rainy periods, watering the plant is not required.

Caring for lavender in the garden in autumn

According to experienced gardeners, autumn anti-aging pruning increases the frost resistance of bushes and the development of young shoots in the next season. Shoots are subject to cutting, which bloomed for two recent years. Cut off the green part of the branches, leaving about 3 cm above the lignified part.

If winter temperatures drop below -15°C in your area, then you should worry about additional insulation planting lavender. As a shelter, you can use spruce branches of pine or spruce, straw, and other improvised organic materials, and after the first snowfall, it is advisable to throw a layer of snow on the shrub. Covering the lavender with a box of wood or plywood is also suitable.

Here are some simple agricultural practices for caring for lavender in the garden that you will need to master when cultivating it. Have a beautiful bloom herbs on the suburban area! See you!

Lavender is a beautiful original upright plant. Her purple spikelets attract a large number of photography lovers. But even a person who is far from newfangled tendencies cannot pass by fragrant fields and peculiarly planted lines of neat bushes. But to grow and keep in winter frosts, you need to perform a number of activities to care for lavender in the autumn months.

Features of caring for lavender in the fall and preparing for winter - general recommendations

Lavender is a thermophilic plant. It has leaves that are distinctive from other cultures, pubescent with white felt, soft to the touch and a peculiar greenish-white hue. If lavender feels comfortable in warm regions, then in more severe areas it requires special care.

Before as fragrant beauty will depart for winter rest, in order to protect the shrub from freezing, it should be carefully prepared. To this end, in autumn period several procedures are carried out with lavender:

  1. loosening around shrubbery and weed removal;
  2. careful watering;
  3. pruning;
  4. top dressing mineral fertilizers;
  5. shelter for the winter.

Note! To achieve abundant flowering, purple beauty is recommended to be planted in open sunny areas or in flowerpots. The latter can be moved to any place in the yard. You can place it in the shade, but then you can either not see flowering at all, or there will be few and meager buds.

It is important for culture to the soil in which it grows was loose. This is necessary so that air and moisture can freely penetrate the roots of the shrub. If the soil does not meet this kind of condition, it is necessary to periodically loosen the earth near the roots, while removing weeds.

In order not to constantly fight weeds, you can go the other way - under each lavender bush spread mulch from fallen leaves. But in most cases, this method of mulching is not aesthetically beautiful. For this purpose, multi-colored decorative substrates are used - original and useful for the bush.

You need to be very careful with watering. Lavender does not tolerate swampy soils. Therefore, do not overdo it with watering. If the soil becomes swampy, the roots will begin to rot, the leaves will turn yellow. You should also not overdry the plantings. The bush will not die, but the flowering will noticeably become scarce. Optimal watering - as needed.

pruning lavender in the fall is performed at the request of the gardener. Designed to replace faded buds with new inflorescences.

Important! Top dressing should be carried out more in the spring months, before budding begins. In autumn, before the cold weather, lavender can be fed with phosphorus and potassium. If multi-colored substrates are laid out under the bush, you don’t have to bother at all. While they decompose, the soil will be saturated with all the necessary mineral fertilizers.

Final stage - shelter for the winter. In each climatic zone, the procedure is slightly different. But it is necessary to cover the lavender, otherwise it may freeze completely.

Thus, caring for lavender in the fall is no more difficult than for any other plant. The main thing is that you need to follow all the procedures, and then the shrub will respond with active lush flowering every year.

pruning in autumn

Pruning is essential throughout the growth and flowering cycle of this wonderful plant. In this article, we will focus on the autumn pruning of lavender in more detail.

Do I need to prune lavender in the fall

Pruning lavender in the fall is carried out in order to maintain the compactness of the shrub for a long time. Not all gardeners perform the removal of the ground part of the shoots. Many farmers tend to leave almost the entire shoot, thereby preserving the crown of the bush. It is believed that in this way the culture is covered with a mass of snow and is warm until spring, without freezing.

But in the case when the winter is given out with little snow, such long shoots, especially their green part, freeze out significantly due to cold winds and a strong drop in temperature. In addition, long trunks are prone to breakage during freezing. Such fragility is unacceptable during piercing cold winds. Broken parts of the bush can acquire diseases of a different nature or harmful insects.

Attention! Removal of excess shoots should be carried out throughout the entire period. Such pruning is very important for the bush. If you do not pay due attention to lavender, then it will stop blooming.

When to Prune Lavender - Fall or Spring

Cutting stems during the spring months is required to induce rapid flowering. For this, pruning is carried out to give decorativeness and splendor to the shrub. It is done as the last threats of frost have passed.

Pruning is radical if it removes a third or even half of the existing volume, but on condition that most of it is not cut off in the fall.

Besides, spring carried out sanitary pruning. It is necessary to eliminate frost-bitten and beaten trunks by pests. AT autumn months other types of elimination of faded spikelets are required. Therefore, it is impossible to determine the importance of removing shoots in each of the seasons - pruning is important throughout the entire growth and flowering cycle.

When and how to prune lavender in autumn

Pruning lavender in the fall is done after it has faded a second time. This period falls just in the first month of autumn.

Excess growth should be removed for the convenience of shelter for the winter. For this purpose, the entire upper part is cut off, while leaving about 3 cm of a young trunk, which smoothly passes into the stiffened part. Such an amount of shoot is necessary for the plant to successfully overwinter cold days without frozen areas.

Video: how to cut lavender in autumn

Important! In addition to the procedure for cutting off part of the crown of the bush, in the fall they carry out anti-aging pruning. You can not completely cut the shrub under the root. If this method suits many flowering shrubs, then for lavender it is fatal. It should be carried out in two stages.

Because of this, for the first time, the outer side of the bush is radically removed to the middle. The next year, the second, the central part of the shrub, is subject to a radical rejuvenation procedure. Such periodicity in pruning will allow lavender to overwinter without significant losses during a strong decrease in air degrees and quickly recover.

Video: pruning lavender in autumn

Feeding and fertilizing lavender after pruning

After the autumn pruning is completed, it is recommended to feed the lavender. Suitable for this any mineral fertilizers sold in specialized flower shops.

Consistency required for breeding - 2 tbsp. l. per 10 liters of water (per bucket). Feeding should be done after loosening and good irrigation with water. It is forbidden to pour fertilizers on dry soil - they will burn the lavender root system.

Nitrogen top dressings are applied only in the spring, when the green mass is growing. In September should not be fertilized with nitrogen elements, because of them, young leaves may freeze.

Shelter of lavender for the winter

In warm regions, lavender is not covered for the winter. It is quite frost-resistant and can withstand a drop in degrees by fresh air up to -25 C.

In harsher climates, shelter is a must. If the shrub grows in flowerpots, then at the first sign of a cold snap, you need to bring the pots into a warm room.

By the way! The most dangerous periods for the entire period of frost are considered not at all a snowy winter, but a warm spring with a sharp nighttime temperature drop.

How to cover lavender for the winter

To properly cover lavender for the winter, you need to be guided by the following recommendations:

  • The shrub is tied so that snow does not get inside the crown.
  • The soil circle near the trunk is abundantly subject to falling asleep with mulch (needles or dry peat).
  • Above the lavender branches connected by a column, a hut structure made of spruce branches is erected, which is also recommended to be twisted with twine.

Contraindicated use instead of mulch fallen leaves. Firstly, harmful insects may remain in the latter. Secondly, fallen, decaying foliage is a favorable environment for the development of pathogenic bacteria and viruses. Thirdly, under the fallen greenery, the earth begins to rot, which threatens to rot the root trunk and roots.

In addition, more northern regions can dig the plant into the ground or cover with plywood boxes. It is recommended to pile spruce branches on top for greater insulation. They will help retain heat, but at the same time allow fresh air to circulate.

You shouldn't give up falling asleep snow-bound branches. Under a large snowdrift, lavender is not threatened by freezing or breaking fragile stems.

Video: how to prepare lavender for winter

What are the features of preparing lavender for winter in the regions

Preparing lavender for winter in different regions has its own nuances.

In the middle lane (Moscow region)

In the suburbs are celebrated very coldy, but despite this, gardeners advise not to cover lavender for the winter. Autumn pruning should not be done. It is believed that long trunks, if tied, are covered with snow, which contributes to more warmth than any other shelter.

To broadleaf lavender(one of the species) has survived a harsh period, in addition, mulch is laid out under it in the form of straw, hay, fallen branches or peat. In no case do not leave those seedlings that are grown in containers - they will freeze in the first frost.

In the Volga region

Note! In the Volga region, winters are quite severe - there can be a decrease to -25 C lasting 2 weeks. It’s good when there is snow in the yard, but if there is no white blanket, then all plantings can freeze out. Therefore, it is recommended to cover lavender for the winter, especially young plantings. They are the most susceptible to freezing.

In the Urals and Siberia

The Urals and Siberia differ from other territories in severe frosts down to -35 C and above. Anyone who wants to grow a southern beauty in their home should take care to purchase a frost-resistant variety for themselves - narrow-leaved lavender.

Pruning in these areas is not carried out in the fall. Tall shrubs in this state are able to perfectly endure severe frosts, and, most importantly, protect the root system of the shrub.

In conditions cold winter in Siberia or the Urals, shelter is a mandatory procedure. Lavender closes with any improvised material - agrofibre or burlap. Additionally piled on top spruce branches.

Thus, if you take care of fragrant bushes in time, then in the spring months the plant will delight with active growth and abundant flowering.

Typical mistakes in caring for lavender in the fall and in preparation for winter

Many farmers unknowingly make several mistakes, due to which the plant either dies or gets sick for a long time and does not bloom. The following mistakes are distinguished in the care of lavender in the fall and in preparation for winter:

  1. Abundant watering and excessive shearing- some gardeners are sure that lavender is a herbaceous plant and subject it to radical conditions. Due to heavy watering, the trunk and roots rot, and after a short pruning of the shoots, the shrub is not able to recover.
  2. Clay or peaty soil- does not allow the rhizomes of the shrub to breathe freely, which, without constant loosening, provokes the death of the soil.
  3. Loss of decorativeness after winter - inexperienced gardeners in the spring tend to remove dried tops. Do not rush things and pull out the bushes. Lavender is listed as a plant that wakes up for a long period of time.
  4. Wrong cover- if you do not take care of lavender at all, it can overwinter, but at the same time lose a significant part of the shrub.

Important! By covering the entire crown with a film, it is also possible to provoke the decay of ground shoots, which will lead to the addition of a fungal disease. It is not recommended to leave the bush so that the snow falls into the center - the central part of the bush may freeze, which will lead to the death of the entire plant.

Thus, lavender practically does not require painstaking care and constant monitoring. But take care of correct pruning and a good shelter before the frost is. Otherwise, in the spring, some specimens may be missing.

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In the article we discuss lavender - planting and leaving in open field, popular varieties, pests and diseases, breeding methods. You will learn how to plant lavender by seed, cuttings and division of the plant, how to properly water, prune and fertilize bushes, and how to care for lavender in winter.

There are many varieties of lavender for growing in the backyard.

Lavender is an evergreen shrub of the Yasnosotkovye family with a fibrous woody root up to 2 m long. In the lower part of the plant there are a large number of sloughed shoots up to 60 cm high. Silvery-greenish leaves with soft pubescence grow along the shoots. Fragrant blue-lilac flowers are collected in spike-shaped inflorescences of 6-10 pieces.

There are more than 25 types of lavender - varieties and species differ from each other in thermophilicity, shoot height, colors inflorescences and flowering period.

Angustifolia or English lavender (Lavandula angustifolia)- bushes up to 50 cm high with narrow leaves and small inflorescences. Blooms in June and July. Counts the best variety for growing lavender in the Urals - planting and care are quite simple. Winter-hardy, withstands frosts down to -35°C. The most popular varieties in horticultural crops are:

  • Alba - white inflorescences;
  • Rosea - lilac-pink inflorescences;
  • Manstead - bright blue inflorescences.

Lavender broadleaf or French (Lavandula stoechas)- bushes with inflorescences of various shades, from purple and emerald to pink and white. Blooms in April and May, sometimes at the end of summer. The most popular varieties:

  • Yellow Vale - dark purple inflorescences and yellow-green leaves;
  • Rocky Road - large lilac-blue inflorescences;
  • Helmsdale - lilac-burgundy inflorescences.

Lavender hybrid or Dutch (Lavandula x intermedia)large plants up to 2 m high with oblong flowers. Blooms in July. Used for commercial cultivation. The most commonly used in horticulture are:

  • Alba - white inflorescences;
  • Sawyers - light purple inflorescences;
  • Arabian Knight - dark purple or dark blue inflorescences;
  • Richard Gray - dark purple inflorescences.

Serrated lavender (Lavandula dentata)- bushes with embossed silvery leaves. Blooms in July. One of the most heat-loving species, grown only indoors. A popular variety is Royal Crown with purple inflorescences.

Planting lavender in open ground

In open ground, lavender can be planted with seeds and seedlings.

In order for lavender to bloom profusely, choose the right place for planting in open ground:

  • the site should be well lit;
  • avoid areas with too wet soil, otherwise make a drainage layer near the roots of the plant at the bottom of the planting hole;
  • If the soil in your area is acidic or slightly acidic, add lime or wood ash to the seed planting holes.

When to plant lavender outdoors:

  • seeds directly into the ground - at the end of autumn;
  • seedlings - at the end of May.

lavender seedling

Before planting lavender seeds for seedlings, prepare a container and soil mixture. Mix 2 parts of humus and 1 part of river sand. Sift the mixture until there are no lumps and place in the oven at 130ºC. Pour the treated soil onto the drainage layer in a container for growing lavender.

In February - March, scatter the seeds over the surface of the soil mixture, sprinkle with sand 3 mm thick, moisten with water and cover plastic wrap. Place the container with seedlings in a well-lit place with a temperature of 15-22ºC. Raise the cover periodically to ventilate the crops. When the first shoots appear, remove the cover and plant the shoots at a distance of 5 cm.

How to plant lavender in the ground in spring

At the end of May, prepare the site for planting. Dig up the soil to a depth of 20 cm and loosen the soil well. Make compost or peat for digging.

How to plant lavender:

  1. Dig holes every 80-90 cm. The depth of each hole should be such that the root system of the bush fits freely into the recess.
  2. Trim the roots of the seedlings.
  3. Plant each bush in the hole and dig in.
  4. Water all seedlings thoroughly.

Podzimny sowing of lavender in autumn

Sowing lavender seeds in open ground is effective only in warm climatic conditions. If you have mild winters in your area, follow these rules:

  • In October, prepare the soil on the site - apply peat for digging and add sand or fine gravel if the soil is too wet.
  • Sow the seeds to a depth of 3-4 cm.
  • Compact the soil after sowing.
  • In dry weather, water the seeds, but not too abundantly.
  • At the beginning of winter, cover the area with snow.

lavender care

With the seed method of reproduction, lavender flowering begins in the 2nd or 3rd year. To quickly see the long-awaited lavender flowers, plant and care for the plant, taking into account the characteristics of its cultivation.

Growing conditions

Lavender roots need good air circulation, so make a mulch layer in the garden in the form of rotted foliage. Do not cover the soil at the base of the trunk with anything, so as not to provoke rotting of the plant. Mulch (compost) will gradually decompose and saturate the soil with nutrients.

When growing lavender outdoors, regularly get rid of weeds - pests, especially in the first year, when seedlings are just being formed.

When the first flowers appear on the stems of the plant, remove them so that the lavender root system can get stronger and develop normally.

Watering and fertilizing

Water the lavender as soon as the soil at the base of the plant dries out. Do not be zealous, because from abundant watering the aerial part of the plant turns yellow, and the roots rot. But don't do it too often. From a lack of moisture, the flowering of lavender will not be lush, and the aroma will become less bright and saturated.

If you are not using compost to mulch the soil around the lavender, gardening and maintenance should include fertilizer:

  • mineral complexes - in the summer at the beginning of flowering;
  • nitrogen fertilizers - in the spring at the beginning of the growing season.

Dilute the fertilizer in a concentration of 2 tbsp. on a bucket of water and water the soil around the perimeter of the bushes with the resulting solution.


Lavender care involves pruning the plant

Trim the plant every year:

  • In the first year of planting, after flowering, cut the shoots by 2-3 cm.
  • In early autumn, shorten the branches by 3-3.5 cm. Make sure that the cut level is 5-6 cm higher than the lignified part of the stem.
  • In subsequent years, prune lavender branches each fall to the shape of a bush.
  • At the age of 10 years, make a rejuvenating pruning - shorten the branches to 5 cm.

Pruning your lavender bushes is optional, but taking care of your lavender in your garden this way will create beautiful, lush bushes.

Reproduction of lavender

Lavender is propagated by seed, layering, dividing the bush and cuttings.

If you are going to grow lavender in the Urals, only the seed method is suitable for you. In a cold climate, the following scheme for growing lavender is used - planting and care in the open field in the Urals is carried out after mandatory seed stratification, that is, hardening. A bag of seeds is placed in the refrigerator and then in April the seed is sown immediately in open ground.

In warmer climatic zones lavender is propagated in other ways.

When propagating by cuttings, pluck a one-year-old lignified shoot from an existing lavender bush. Cut it into cuttings of 8-10 cm and plant in moist soil. Deepen the lower cut 2-3 cm into the ground and cover with glass jars on top. When the cuttings take root, remove the jars.

When propagating by division, cut the bush in autumn at a height of 10 cm and hill up - fill the space between the shoots with earth. In the spring, repeat hilling and wait for the lavender to give abundant growth. At the beginning of autumn, dig up a bush, divide it into parts and plant it.

When propagating by layering in the spring, bend 2-3 shoots from the plant and carefully lay them in grooves to a depth of 3-4 cm. Secure the shoots, cover with earth and water abundantly so that lateral roots form at the shoots. Next spring, separate the shoots with roots from the bush, divide into parts and transplant to a permanent place.

For more information about planting lavender, see the video:

Care after flowering in winter

Before caring for lavender, keep in mind that the plant needs reliable protection from frost. If you are growing lavender in an area with temperatures below -25ºC during the winter months, after autumn pruning start warming her bushes. Cover the plant with branches coniferous trees, but by no means fallen leaves. Under the foliage, lavender can rot.

Pests and diseases

Outdoor lavender is highly resistant to pests and diseases. However, the plant sometimes strikes:

  • drooling pennitsa;
  • rainbow beetle (cycad);
  • gray rot.

To rid the plant of beetles, collect them by hand, and in the fight against pennits, wash off the white foam with a strong stream of water. In both cases, change the compost in the beds.

If the bushes are sick with gray mold, remove and burn the damaged parts of the plant, otherwise the infection will spread to other stems, flowers and leaves. Also review the mode of watering lavender flowers - planting and care in this case were clearly carried out with violations. Either you watered the bushes too often, or you did not protect the plant from waterlogging during a wet, rainy summer.

What to remember

  1. The most popular varieties of lavender in horticulture are narrowleaf English, broadleaf French, hybrid Dutch, and scalloped.
  2. At seed propagation lavenders first grow seedlings, and then plant young shoots in open ground in April.
  3. In the Urals, before sowing seeds in the ground, they are hardened in the refrigerator.
  4. Lavender care includes regular, but not abundant watering, the use of mineral and nitrogen fertilizers, and autumn pruning.
  5. Before the onset of winter, cover the lavender bushes with the paws of coniferous trees.

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Once very popular under the name of room nettle, and then forgotten by everyone, coleuses today are one of the brightest garden and indoor plants. They are not in vain considered stars of the first magnitude for those who are looking primarily for non-standard colors. Easy to grow, but not so undemanding as to suit everyone, coleus require constant supervision. But if you take care of them, bushes of velvety unique leaves will easily outshine any competitor.

Salmon backbone baked in Provence herbs is a “supplier” of delicious pieces of fish pulp for a light salad with fresh wild garlic leaves. The mushrooms are lightly fried olive oil and then watered apple cider vinegar. Such mushrooms are tastier than ordinary pickled ones, and they are better suited for baked fish. Ramson and fresh dill coexist perfectly in one salad, emphasizing the flavor of each other. Garlic sharpness of wild garlic will saturate both the flesh of salmon and pieces of mushrooms.

We mean narrow-leaved lavender (it is also English and true).

The cultivation and care of this plant will be discussed in the article.


The evergreen lavender is narrow-leaved, planting and caring for which we consider in the article, unsightly in appearance, with narrow leaves and lilac spikelets of flowers, has become a permanent and popular inhabitant of gardens and. It is valued for its aroma and extraordinary beauty during flowering.

Reaches a height of one meter, sprawling. The leaves are narrow grey-green. The flowers are narrow, elongated upwards in the form of an ear, have various shades of lilac, blue, pink. Because of its aroma, it has a high decorative value. Other qualities - an antiseptic effect, are also, therefore, lavender is also grown on an industrial scale.

Flowering occurs in the summer (June-July). Due to its frost resistance, it can survive perfectly in our latitudes. But it requires some knowledge and conditions. This will be discussed further.

Location selection

Planting plants begins with the selection of a place for growing. And although growing lavender outdoors is not difficult, there are some rules you need to know.


The plant comes from the Mediterranean. So you need a lot of sun and heat. Choose open areas on higher ground.

However, it tolerates drought very well. The plant tolerates urban conditions well, so you can grow it even near the house in a flower bed.

Soil for growing

For lavender, most mineral blends used (eg Agricola Fantasia) will be very concentrated. Dilute 100 g per bucket of water.

Weeding and soil care

Before planting, the soil must be carefully prepared. Clear weeds, make drainage. In the future, there is a need for inter-row weeding, hilling. These procedures should be regular. promotes the growth of young shoots. Mulch is best done in spring and winter. But near the base of the bush, mulching should not be done - this will prevent the plant from rotting.

Pruning allows you to lengthen the life of the bush. In addition, with this procedure you will form beautiful bushes. Despite the fact that lavender grows slowly, pruning allows you to remove shoots that are out of order. It is carried out immediately after flowering and one more for the winter. Do not cut to stiff stems. Be sure to leave 4-5 young shoots.