Preparation of buildings structures for the autumn-winter period. Preparation for seasonal operation of structural elements and engineering equipment of buildings

  • 02.07.2020

Work to be performed by the contractor to maintain the house in a technically sound condition and prepare the house for the winter and spring period

According to the annex to the Decree of the State Committee Russian Federation on construction and housing and communal complex dated September 27, 2003 No. 170, the following list of works is defined to maintain the house in a technically sound condition:

A. Works performed during technical inspections and inspections of individual elements and premises of residential buildings;

B. Works performed during the preparation of residential buildings for operation in the spring and summer;

C. Works performed in the preparation of residential buildings for operation in the autumn-winter period;

D. Work performed during partial inspections;

D. Other works.

A. Works performed during technical inspections and inspections of individual elements and premises of residential buildings.

1. Elimination of minor malfunctions in water supply and sewerage systems (changing gaskets in water taps, sealing squeegees, removing blockages, adjusting flush tanks, fixing sanitary appliances, cleaning siphons, grinding plug taps in mixers, stuffing glands, changing a float-ball, replacement of rubber gaskets at the bell and ball valve, installation of limiters - throttle washers, cleaning the tank from lime deposits, etc.).

2. Elimination of minor malfunctions in central heating and hot water supply systems (adjustment of three-way valves, stuffing glands, minor repairs of thermal insulation, elimination of leaks in pipelines, appliances and fittings; dismantling, inspection and cleaning of air collectors, vantoz, compensators, control valves, valves, gate valves; descaling of shut-off valves, etc.).

3. Elimination of minor malfunctions of electrical devices (wiping of light bulbs, change of burnt out light bulbs in public premises, change and repair of sockets and switches, minor repairs of electrical wiring, etc.).

4. Cleaning the sewer bed.

5. Checking the health of sewer hoods.

6. Checking the presence of draft in the smoke ventilation ducts.

7. Checking the grounding of the baths.

8. Minor repair of stoves and hearths (strengthening doors, pre-furnace sheets, etc.).

9. Coating with minium putty of fistulas, sections of steel roof ridges, etc.

10. Checking the grounding of the sheath of the electric cable, measuring the insulation resistance of wires.

11. Inspection of fire alarms and extinguishing equipment in houses.

B. Works performed during the preparation of residential buildings for operation in the spring and summer .

1. Strengthening downpipes, elbows and funnels.

2. Re-preservation and repair of the irrigation system.

3. Removing the springs on the front doors.

4. Preservation of the central heating system.

5. Repair of equipment for children's and sports grounds.

6. Repair of sagging blind area.

7. The device of an additional network of watering systems.

8. Strengthening the flag holders.

B. Works performed during the preparation of residential buildings for operation in the autumn-winter period.

1. Warming of window and balcony openings.

2. Replacement of broken glass windows and balcony doors.

3. Warming of entrance doors to apartments.

4. Warming of attic floors.

5. Insulation of pipelines in attics and basements.

6. Strengthening and repair of parapet fences.

7. Health check dormer windows and blinds.

8. Production of new or repair of existing running boards and walkways in attics.

9. Repair, adjustment and testing of central heating systems.

10. Repair of stoves and kitchen hearths.

11. Warming of boilers.

12. Warming and cleaning of smoke ventilation ducts.

13. Replacement of broken windows and doors of auxiliary premises.

14. Preservation of irrigation systems.

15. Strengthening the flag holders.

16. Checking the condition of the air vents in the socles of buildings.

17. Repair and insulation of external water taps and columns.

18. Delivery of door closers.

19. Repair and strengthening of entrance doors.

D. Work performed during partial inspections .

1. Lubrication with minium putty or other mastic of ridges and fistulas in places of roof leaks.

2. Checking for draft in smoke and ventilation ducts and gas ducts.

3. Minor repair of stoves and hearths (strengthening doors, pre-furnace sheets, etc.).

4. Change gaskets in water taps.

5. Consolidation of squeegees.

6. Cleaning the internal sewerage.

7. Cleaning the siphons.

8. Adjusting the cistern.

9. Lapping of the plug valve in the mixer.

10. Adjustment and repair of a three-way valve.

11. Strengthening loosened plumbing fixtures at the points of their connection to the pipeline.

12. Stuffing of glands in valves, taps, gate valves.

13. Strengthening pipelines.

14. Checking sewer hoods.

15. Minor repair of insulation.

16. Ventilation of wells.

17. Wiping light bulbs, changing burnt out light bulbs in stairwells, technical undergrounds and attics.

18. Elimination of minor electrical wiring faults.

19. Change (correction) of sockets and switches.

D. Other works.

1. Adjustment and adjustment of central heating systems.

2. The same ventilation.

3. Flushing and pressure testing of the central heating system.

4. Cleaning and flushing of water taps.

5. Adjustment and adjustment of systems automatic control engineering equipment.

6. Preparing buildings for the holidays.

7. Landscaping of the territory, care of green spaces.

8. Removal of snow and ice from roofs.

9. Cleaning the roof from debris, dirt, leaves.

10. Cleaning and cleaning of the local area.

11. Cleaning of residential, utility and auxiliary premises.

12. Washing windows, floors, flights of stairs, landings, walls, removing dust from stairwells.

13. Removal of debris from the building and its removal.

14. Cleaning and flushing of refuse chute shafts and their loading valves.

15. Watering sidewalks and paved areas.

March 25, 2007 address: / Russia (Moscow region - Moscow region) / Lyubertsy / Mitrofanova / 15 (building 7)

Preparation of housing and communal services facilities for seasonal operation is necessary in order to ensure timely and high-quality performance of work on the repair and maintenance of buildings and equipment that complies with the legislative standards for people living in the winter. Order of the Ministry of Energy of March 12, 2013 No. 103 (hereinafter - Rules No. 103) approved the Rules for assessing readiness for the heating period, according to which consumers of thermal energy must complete the necessary preliminary work before the next cold season no later than September 15 of the current year.

When preparing a house for winter, the following activities are carried out: troubleshooting walls, roofs, ceilings, filling windows and doors; correction of malfunctions in the operation of heating furnaces, gas and chimneys, heat, electricity and water supply systems; ensuring proper waterproofing of foundations, stairwells, walls, checking the serviceability of fire hydrants; bringing the territory of households into a technically sound condition, removing obstacles to the removal of melt and atmospheric waters. The start date of the heating season is also set by local governments. They, taking into account the proposals of the organization that maintains this housing stock, determine the dates for the start and completion of winter preparation for each residential building and infrastructure facilities.

The deadlines for the completion of activities, including test fires in central heating systems and stoves, depend on the location of the territory and are: in the central regions - by September 15; in the northern and eastern - by September 1; in the south - by October 1.

The owner of the housing stock or an organization engaged in its maintenance draws up a schedule for preparing the house and its engineering equipment for winter. This document is approved by local governments based on the results of a spring inspection of the shortcomings that were identified over the past period. The function of monitoring the progress of work on preparing the house for winter is assigned to: local governments; housing stock owners and their authorized representatives; housing authorities. During the preparation of the house for winter, testing, verification, repair and adjustment of all systems and devices that are involved in the process of uninterrupted heat supply to apartments are carried out. Among them: boiler rooms; local and group heating points in houses; home networks; ventilation and heating systems. At heating units and points, as well as boiler rooms, when preparing a house for winter, it is necessary to provide: automation equipment; instrumentation; locking and control equipment; wiring diagrams for heating systems, cold water, hot water, supply and exhaust ventilation; constructions indicating how the equipment should be operated in various modes (filling, draining water from heating systems, make-up, etc.); technical passports of equipment; regime cards; parameter logs; hardware defect logs. When preparing gas facilities for winter, it is necessary to adjust pressure regulators and shut-off and safety valves. Pumping stations, fire-fighting equipment systems should be equipped with basic and backup kits. In addition, it is necessary to adjust and check the serviceability automatic start backup pumps in case of failure of the main ones. During the period of preparation of housing and communal services facilities for winter, the following activities are carried out: training and retraining of personnel for employees of heating points, boiler houses, emergency services, janitors; preparation or restoration of schemes for such intra-house systems as gas and water supply, sewerage, etc.

At the same time, for locksmiths and electricians who, in the event of malfunctions and accidents of intra-house engineering systems, will participate in their elimination, the location of switches and valves must be indicated; preparation of emergency services (equipment, vehicles, means of communication, materials, tools), as well as instruction of personnel; as for unheated premises, it is important to repair the insulation of water and sewer pipes.

If there is water in the basements, it must be pumped out during the preparation of the house for winter, the irrigation water supply must be dismantled after shutdown, the water meter unit must be insulated. It is equally important to do everything necessary to ensure that the manholes of the yard network, as well as sewer and general outlets at the ends of the house from the prefabricated pipeline, which is laid in the technical underground (basement), work smoothly. During the cold period, it is allowed to close the air vents in the technical undergrounds and basements of the house only during severe frosts. During the performance of all these works in rooms that are not heated, they insulate the fire-fighting water supply, check the condition and repair the insulation of sewer pipes and cold water, hot water and central heating.

When preparing the house for winter, the following actions are performed: they insulate the openings of windows and balconies, as well as entrance doors to apartments; replace, if necessary, glass in doors and windows on balconies and auxiliary premises; insulate attic floors; check the serviceability of blinds and dormer windows; repair and strengthen the parapet fences of the house; insulate pipelines in attics and basements; repair existing or produce new bridges and running boards in the attics of the house; repair, test and adjust central heating systems; repair kitchen hearths and stoves; insulate boilers and smoke ventilation ducts, clean them; preserve irrigation systems; strengthen the flag holders on the house; equip entrance doors with door closers; check the air in the basement; strengthen and, if necessary, repair entrance doors; insulate and restore external water-folding columns and taps. The schedule, which is compiled for a week, month and year, reflects the timing of the work and their list. Maintenance and repair of MKD: the procedure for carrying out work, control, responsibility What requirements should the preparation of residential buildings for winter meet

Verification of the completion of all necessary measures in residential buildings is carried out by the commission, according to the established form, a passport of readiness of the house for work in winter conditions . The district government is responsible for bringing the housing stock, as well as the utility and engineering facilities related to it, in line with the requirements for the heating season. Work on preparing the house for winter is carried out by a contractor for the maintenance of residential buildings and their engineering equipment. City specialized enterprises that own, lease or manage the heat and water supply facilities and engineering networks are responsible for the quality and timing of bringing them into full working condition by the heating season. Representatives of the subscriber, city heat supply organizations and district councils accept the readiness of the equipment of the heating point and the input and distribution heating networks. Intra-house heating systems are accepted by a commission, which includes representatives of: the owner of the house; organization that operates the building; district councils; organization supplying thermal energy in accordance with the contract. In order to register the in-house heating system and recognize its level as satisfactory, it is necessary to obtain the seal of the enterprise with which the contract for the supply of thermal energy has been concluded.

The organization that manages or manages the building (hereinafter referred to as the owner of the building) draws up an act of readiness of the heating system of a residential building in accordance with the established form. This document is approved by the head of the district council and issued in triplicate, which are sent to: the owner of the building; to the district government; in a housing service organization. The owner of the heat point draws up a cumulative statement in three copies according to the established form: for himself, the district council and the heat supply organization. After the accumulative statement is filled out, the owner of the heating point (ITP, TsTP) draws up an act of readiness of the subscriber for the heating season. This document is signed by representatives of the owner of the subscriber, the heat supply organization, the district council. The act is approved by the head of the administration of the district where the house is located. One copy is sent to the owner of the heating point, the second is kept in the district administration, the third - in the heat supply organization. When drawing up the act of readiness of the subscriber, the following are attached to the document: an act of readiness of the heating system of a residential building; building readiness certificate; accumulative list. Acceptance of residential buildings is carried out with the participation of a representative of the State Housing Inspectorate of the city of St. Petersburg, who conducts a random check of objects for their compliance with documents confirming their level of preparation for winter. If this official reveals violations of existing norms, the deadlines for eliminating these deviations are set, and the responsible persons are subject to punishment.

In order for a residential building to be recognized as prepared for the heating period, its engineering systems must work without failures, and structural elements, entrances, attic and basement must be brought into a satisfactory condition. The readiness passport of a residential building is jointly drawn up by: the owner of the building or the organization in whose economic jurisdiction it is located; housing maintenance company. The readiness passport is issued in the approved form as the preparation of houses for winter is carried out for each of them. The process of filling out the document begins with spring inspections, the development of a set of measures for the heating season and making notes on the further progress of work. The document is approved by the deputy head of the district council in whose territory the house is located. The passport is issued in two copies, one of which is stored in the DEZ, the other - with the owner of the building. It is necessary to attach copies of the acts of readiness of the heating system of a residential building and the subscriber to it. If the last document is missing, it is necessary to issue a letter of guarantee from the owner of the heating point. Organizations that own (lease, manage) central heating stations and distribution networks, during the preparation of intra-quarter hot water supply and central heating systems, as well as heating points, should take care of the uniform distribution of water and heat for heating and hot water supply. At the entrance to a residential building in preparation for winter, it is necessary to ensure the following indicators: For cold water supply: the water pressure in the supply pipeline of the system cannot exceed the static pressure by more than 0.2 MPa, while it must be at least 0.05 MPa above static. In places of water intake in apartments, the indicators are characterized by the following values: gas water heater upper floors not less than 0.1 MPa; free pressure at sanitary appliances 0.02–0.05 MPa; the maximum water pressure is not higher than 0.45 MPa. For hot water supply: in the DHW supply pipe, the temperature hot water at the entrance to the house should be within: for closed systems - 60 plus or minus two degrees; for open systems - 60–75 degrees; at the calculated circulation flow, the pressure difference between the circulation and supply pipelines should not be lower than 0.03–0.06 MPa; for both systems, the temperature in the circulation pipeline is maintained within 46–55 ° C, and the water pressure exceeds the static pressure by at least 0.05 MPa; to ensure the circulation of hot water, its pressure in the circulation network must be by the amount of available pressure below the water pressure in the supply pipe of the house. At the points of water intake in apartments, the following indicators must be observed: 1. hot water temperature: for closed systems not lower than 50 °C; for open systems not lower than 60 °C; for any systems not higher than 75 °C. 2. the maximum water pressure is not higher than 0.45 MPa; 3. Sanitary appliances have a free pressure of 0.02–0.05 MPa. For central heating: as regards the return network water, its average daily temperature should not be more than 5% higher than the one set by the schedule; the deviation of the average daily temperature of the water that enters the heating systems is provided at a level not exceeding 3% of the value approved by the schedule; in order for the coolant to circulate, the pressure in the supply pipeline must be higher by the amount of available pressure (which, in accordance with the project, is supported by heat supply organizations) of the required pressure in the return network; the water pressure in the return pipeline must be: for the system - at least 0.05 MPa higher than the static pressure; for pipelines, heating appliances, fittings and other equipment - not higher than the permissible limit; the air temperature should not fall below +18 °C in residential premises and below +20 °C in the corner rooms of the house. In preparation for winter, heating points are equipped with automation tools that provide: flow control drinking water and thermal energy in heat consumption systems; set water temperature in SGW; restriction of consumers by the level of consumption of network water; required pressure for independent connection of heat consumption systems; in case of exceeding the limiting parameters of the coolant - protection of networks from excessive water temperature and pressure; stopping the analysis of water from the expansion tank when the lower level is reached in it and stopping the supply of water to the tank when filled to the upper mark; the specified water pressure drop in the pipelines (supply and return) and the required pressure level in the return pipeline; when the working pumps are turned off, the reserve ones are activated; prevention of situations in which the heat consumption systems are emptied. In residential apartments, in the connections to the mixing water fittings, the temperature of hot water should be 50 degrees. The setting of HW thermal automatics in heating points should ensure the maintenance of a predetermined heating level. The coordination of the regime map of the heat point when preparing the house for winter should take place with the participation of the water supply and sewerage enterprise and the heat supply organization. To ensure the conditions for uninterrupted and rational water consumption, the auxiliary cold water pumps must be switched on automatically using sensors that are mounted on the circulation pipeline (up to the suction pipes of the circulation pumps). When preparing for the winter of automation devices, automatic regulators and technological protection of water and heat networks, it is necessary to: periodically check their operation and inspect their condition; adjust and adjust the regulatory bodies that support the specified parameters; clean and lubricate moving parts. Once every four years, a hydraulic test of plate heat exchangers should be carried out. Every year, with the participation of the heat supply organization, the owner of the building performs the following actions: inspects the expansion tank installed in the building; checks automatic make-up devices and communication lines "heat point - expansion tank"; determines the timing of troubleshooting when they are detected. The communication lines "heat point - expansion tank" and the automation on the expansion tank are checked by the organization that, under an agreement with the owner of the building, serves the heat point. If the expansion tank or its elements are physically worn out, it is advisable to replace it according to a specially developed project of floor membrane expansion tanks in the premises of the central heating substation. In this situation, it is important that before the start of the heating season, the installation of new equipment and work on its launch are completed. At the same time, the installation of floor membrane expansion tanks in the basements of residential buildings outside the central heating center is prohibited. In order to detect network water leaks and determine its make-up consumption, heating points with an independent scheme for connecting heating systems are equipped with water meters on make-up lines. The scheme for bringing the automatic make-up of expansion tanks into working condition is subject to mandatory coordination with the heat supply organization. Repair of MKD entrances: procedure and responsibility of the management company Preparing the house for winter and checking heating systems Due to the peculiarities of the geographical location, the heating season in Russia is quite long. In accordance with SNIP 23-01-99, the duration of this period largely depends on what climate zone in question, and is an important indicator for centralized heating systems. For example, in the northern latitudes, residential buildings and public buildings are heated for 7 or more months a year, which entails significant costs. This fact is predetermined by the peculiarities of weather conditions in these areas. Heat supply costs consist of: payment for the supply of energy carriers; system maintenance costs, including the repair and conservation of heating systems during the non-heating period. Preparing the house for winter involves carrying out activities not only of a technical, but also of an organizational nature. Owners of apartments and buildings equipped with individual heat generators carry out these works on their own. The rules for preparing thermal enterprises for the heating season are established by local government authorities and are subject to mandatory implementation by all housing and communal services institutions and other organizations that are responsible for the health of the systems. In the course of these works, the following facilities are inspected and tested: boiler rooms; local heating plants; internal and external heating systems. In order for the preventive and maintenance work of heat supply systems to be carried out according to a single algorithm, the relevant ministry developed rules for preparing for the heating season and assessing readiness for heat supply. They define the procedure for conducting on-site inspections, as well as the list of state bodies responsible for their implementation. Owners autonomous systems heating of residential and industrial facilities independently determine the start date of the heating season, based on the climatic features of the region and current weather conditions. Often, in such buildings, heating is turned on earlier than in those houses that are serviced by management companies and housing and communal services. The heating systems are switched off, according to the current rules, when the average daily temperature outside the window is above 8 degrees Celsius for 7 consecutive days. If this parameter decreases, heating of houses should be resumed. In the conditions of individual heat supply, the issue of stopping the supply is decided by each owner of a house or apartment independently, which makes it possible to significantly save on energy costs. In order to minimize the negative impact of water on the elements of the heating network, at the end of the winter season, measures are taken to preserve heat supply equipment for the summer period. At the same time: carefully inspect all parts of the heat supply system, identify malfunctions; the coolant is drained from the network, after which the detected damage is eliminated; check the serviceability of the automatic control lines of the circulation pump, heating boiler and other components of the system. If necessary, individual mechanisms are repaired or replaced; after completion of repair work, the system is filled with coolant. Timely holding of such events will allow you to qualitatively prepare the house for the winter and ensure the safety of equipment. Shut-off valves are provided in some parts of the system, which serve to remove air locks. The standard algorithm for preparing the house for winter is reflected in the corresponding instructions, using which each homeowner can do the required work for the heating season on their own at minimal cost. According to this regulation, it is forbidden to leave the system for a long time without a coolant, because it is impossible to dry the pipes from the inside, because of which the metal structural elements may suffer from corrosion. How to protect building facades from destruction What preparation for winter apartment building should be carried out during the summer period To prepare the house for winter in the summer, work should be done on the following systems. 1) Boiler rooms: checking instrumentation, automation, equipment and fittings; elimination of gaps in the lining of chimneys and boilers; delivery of fuel: liquid - focusing on the capacity of warehouses, but not less than the average supply for a month; solid - at the rate of 70% of the amount that, according to forecasts, will be required in the heating period. Fuel storage is carried out according to the "Rules of technical operation"; operator training. 2) Heating points: in preparation for winter, equipment and fittings are checked. 3) Hot water and heating systems: checking taps and other valves, air collectors and expanders; carrying out hydropneumatic flushing of radiators when they are underheated; restoration of destroyed or replacement of insufficient thermal insulation in stairwells, niches of sanitary facilities, basements, attics; after the repair is completed, all devices are subjected to trial firing and operational adjustment. 4) Heating networks: system flushing; elimination of periodic and permanent clogging of channels; reinforcement check; replacement of insufficient or restoration of destroyed pipe insulation in cellars and chambers. In addition, the following measures are being taken to prepare for winter: revision, repair, replacement of equipment and cleaning equipment for janitors; informing users about the norms for preparing houses for winter, as well as the need to replace broken glass, install sealing gaskets in the porches of window and door openings, etc.; purchase of sand and salt or its substitute for pavement sprinkling; verification of primary means for extinguishing fires. Preparing for the winter of an apartment building in terms of preventing and eliminating accidents The relevant recommendations and instructions provide answers to all questions regarding the organization and technology of emergency recovery work at housing and communal services facilities. Let's talk about what are the functions of operational personnel to prevent accidents that are possible during the cold season. So, what organizational and technical measures need to be taken when preparing houses for winter in order to ensure uninterrupted power supply to housing and communal services: checking the reliability of energy saving in engineering equipment systems, the availability of backup jumpers and power sources, sectional valves in medical and children's institutions, etc .; checking equipment during trial runs, troubleshooting; equipping relevant organizations with materials, equipment and instructions that are necessary to eliminate breakdowns; equipping with memos on the actions of personnel during accidents of boiler houses, thermal and dispatch centers, housing maintenance organizations; training and briefing of employees on the topic of emergency recovery actions, development of practical skills for eliminating breakdowns. Clause 1.1 of the "Recommendations for preparing the housing stock for winter MDS 13-18.2000" spells out the rules for restoring the operation of boiler houses and eliminating the consequences of an accident. Repair activities in heat supply stations are carried out in order to eliminate breakdowns and their results and start work first according to a simplified, and then according to the main scheme. There are various techniques to adapt the principle of operation of boiler houses to the situation. Restoration work on urban heat networks is carried out in order to: ensure the calculated performance of the systems or, if it is impossible to do this, reduce the coolant parameters to those that correspond to a decrease in air temperature in buildings by no more than 8 °C; first of all, to supply heat to objects of paramount importance in order to maintain stable operation of the industry; create conditions for circulation, which will protect the coolant in the system from freezing; localize and eliminate damages and accidents in order to prevent the failure of the entire heat supply network; if necessary, partially or completely turn off the hot water supply in order to ensure the heating of buildings; in water heating systems, temporarily use steam as a heat carrier; change the method of laying damaged sections of heating systems; switch the heating system to the adjusted operating mode. Most often, collectors and heating networks are subject to the following damage: ruptures of metal pipes due to internal and external corrosion; violation of the tightness of flange connections in those places where the pipe is attached to the fittings; deformation, cracks, fractures of pipes and other elements of the system; failure of fixed supports; damage to fittings, leaks in those areas where stuffing box compensators and fittings are installed; rupture of pipes due to freezing of the coolant. To identify damage to heating networks, one of the following methods should be used: the use of indicator substances that are introduced into the pipe and fixed at the site of damage; acoustic, electronic-acoustic; sonar. The period of time during which the circulation of the coolant at a steady outside temperature can be suspended must be determined by the maintenance service in advance, based on the characteristics of the building and local weather conditions. For example, it is allowed to turn off the heating system for up to 8 hours at minus 10 °C and for a period of no more than 4 hours at minus 15 °C. In each section of the heating network, when preparing the house for winter, it is necessary to equip a water drain and determine the rate of filling and emptying the pipeline. When localizing an accident, the following measures are taken: reduce the pressure in the networks to a minimum; disconnect damaged or destroyed elements of the heating network; completely shut off the heat supply. AT emergency it is especially important to ensure hot water the most important objects. To do this, measures are taken to increase the throughput of previously tested networks: transition to an adjusted mode of operation; operation of networks according to the 150/70°C system with a cutoff for the coldest period at 130°C; if the boilers, pumps, pipes and fittings are strong enough, it is allowed to change the work schedule: instead of 150/70 ° С - 180/70 ° С; instead of 130/70°С - 150/70°С. If, after the completion of the restoration measures, it is not possible to provide the required mechanical strength of the system elements, it is necessary to switch to a lower temperature graph and pressure. If there is not enough heat energy for heating buildings and structures, according to a list drawn up in advance, a temporary shutdown of hot water supply and partial ventilation is carried out. How to get rid of the overpayment for heating How to check how well the preparation of the house for winter is carried out Upon completion of work, to assess the level of preparation of houses for winter, local governments conduct inspections in settlements and urban districts. The degree of completion of activities for the cold season in apartment buildings is determined by the level of compliance with the requirements of Regulation No. 103. At the same time, it is also checked: the implementation of measures to prepare for the winter, which were carried out by persons managing the apartment building and utilities hot water supply and heating; actions of persons who own residential and non-residential premises in the building and have contracts with a heat supply organization for the provision of its services. To carry out the inspection of consumers of thermal energy, a commission is formed, to which, upon agreement, representatives can be involved: housing inspection and Rostekhnadzor; a single heat supply organization; enterprise, to the thermal networks of which the heat-consuming installations of end customers are connected. Based on the results of the control, an act of checking readiness for the heating season is drawn up, which indicates the conclusion of the inspection commission regarding the level of compliance of the apartment building with the existing standards: the facility is ready for the heating season; the house will be ready for winter after the elimination of the problems discovered by the commission during the inspection; the object is not ready for the heating season. The original of the inspection report is sent for storage to the administration of the municipality, copies are provided to the HOA, the management company, the housing cooperative or the owners of the house. The document must be approved by the commission and submitted by September 15.

During the preparation of houses for winter, it is important to ensure the stable operation of manholes of the yard network, sewer and general outlets at the ends of buildings from a common pipeline, which is laid in the basement. At the end of the heating period, the equipment of all heating systems, in accordance with the established requirements, is tested with hydraulic pressure. After the elimination of defects identified during the inspection, repeated pressure tests are carried out.

The main condition for preparing residential buildings for winter is their proper technical operation. throughout the year and timely Maintenance.

The schedule for preparing the housing stock and its engineering equipment for operation in winter conditions should be drawn up taking into account the results of the spring inspection of residential buildings and the shortcomings identified during the past winter period. Schedules for the start and end of winterization of each residential building, boiler house and heating unit should be discussed and approved at a general meeting of employees of the housing maintenance organization together with representatives of house committees, and control over their observance should be established.

When preparing the housing stock for operation in winter conditions, it is necessary:

to ensure high-quality repairs by the beginning of winter with the elimination of detected malfunctions of external enclosing structures: walls, roofs (especially bare), attic floors, above technical undergrounds (basements), driveways, window and door fillings, as well as heating furnaces, chimneys, gas ducts and installations with gas heaters (with checking the draft in the chimneys and the state of the automation of the heating furnaces);

bring drainpipes, the territory of households into a technically sound condition, ensuring unhindered removal of atmospheric and melt water from the building, including from descents (entrances) to the basement, window pits and blind area;

ensure waterproofing of foundations, basement walls and basement and their adjoining to adjacent structures, as well as normal temperature and humidity conditions in basements and attics.

Preparation for winter (hydraulic testing, repair, inspection and adjustment) is subject to the whole complex of devices that ensure uninterrupted supply of heat and hot water to all premises and engineering structures:

  • boiler rooms (if they are serviced by housing organizations), power networks to buildings that are serviced by housing organizations;
  • points (central and individual);
  • heating, ventilation and hot water systems.

boiler rooms, heating units and points must be allocated with control and measuring instruments (CIP), diagrams of heating systems and shut-off and control equipment with instructions for their use when filling, feeding and draining water from heating systems into the sewer. In addition, you should check the operation of all gas facilities, the condition and serviceability of fire-fighting equipment, especially in high-rise buildings, and also set shut-off and safety valves and pressure regulators for winter mode.

After the end of the heating season, all equipment of boiler houses, heating networks and points, all heating and hot water supply systems must be tested with hydraulic pressure in accordance with the "Rules for the technical operation of boilers and heating networks" (M .: Stroyizdat, 1973). The defects identified during the tests must be eliminated, after which the equipment is retested. Tests of thermal sections are carried out according to the "Instructions for testing thermal networks for strength and density" (M .: ONTI LKH, 1979) and "Rules for the use of electrical and 1 power energy" (M .: Energoizdat, 1982).

During the summer period, the following preparatory work should be carried out:

  • for boiler rooms - fittings and equipment, instrumentation and automation devices were checked, gaps in the brickwork of boilers and chimneys were eliminated, a contingent of operators was prepared, fuel was delivered: solid - in the calculation of 70% of the needs in the heating season, liquid -; based on the capacity of warehouses, but not less than the average monthly stock *. Fuel should be stored in accordance with the Rules for Technical Operation
  • The required amount of fuel should be determined in accordance with the "Guidelines for determining the costs, electricity and water for the production of heat by boiler houses of communal and thermal power enterprises approved by order of the MZHKH RSFSR of April 6, 1987, boiler houses of housing and communal services" (M .: Stroyizdat, 1973 );
  • for heating networks - systems were washed, fittings were checked, permanent and periodic clogging of channels was eliminated, destroyed or insufficient thermal insulation of pipes in chambers and basements was replaced;
  • for heating points - fittings and equipment (pumps, heaters, etc.) were checked;
  • for heating and hot water supply systems - taps and other shut-off valves, expanders and air collectors were checked, destroyed or insufficient thermal insulation in stairwells, basements, attics and in the niches of sanitary facilities was replaced. If the radiators are not warmed up, it is recommended to carry out their hydropneumatic flushing. Upon completion of the repair work, the entire complex of heat supply devices is subject to operational adjustment during a test furnace.

For the normal operation of the housing stock in winter conditions, you should:

  • to train personnel for employees of boiler houses and heating points, janitors, emergency service workers and workers carrying out current repairs;
  • check the condition of emergency services (vehicles, means of communication, tools and inventory), instruct emergency personnel;
  • organize high-quality work of dispatch services to eliminate accidents and malfunctions of intra-house systems of engineering equipment, make updated schemes for water supply and sewerage, central heating and ventilation, gas, electrical networks, indicating the location of valves and switches, which is necessary for the rapid elimination of accidents and malfunctions;
  • to ensure the serviceability of cleaning equipment and equipment for janitors before the onset of the winter period;
  • bring sand for sprinkling sidewalks (at least 3 m 3 per 1 thousand m 2 of the harvested area) and chlorinated salt (at the rate of at least 3-5% of the mass of sand);
  • conduct explanatory work with tenants about the need. preparing apartments for winter
  • (sealing gaskets in the porches of window and door openings, replacement of broken glass, etc.);
  • carry by a commission chaired by the head (chief engineer) of the housing and economic department, consisting of a caretaker technician (commandant), representatives of other representatives for the pre-winter work of organizations and representatives of the house committee, the acceptance of buildings prepared for winter with the preparation of an appropriate winter readiness passport. One copy of the passport must (be submitted to the city (district) housing department (association), the other must be kept in the operating organization along with strict reporting documents.

The passport is approved by the heads of the residential administration (association) and gives the right to the housing maintenance organization to operate the buildings in: winter conditions.

The beginning of the heating season is set with a steady (within 5 days) decrease in the average daily temperature of the outside air below 8°C, and the end of the heating season - with an increase in the average daily temperature to 3°C. By decision of the local council people's deputies due to cold snaps, the heating season may start earlier or end later than the established dates.

The preparation of the housing stock for winter, including conducting test fires of central heating systems and stoves, should be completed in the northern and eastern regions by September 1, in the central regions by September 15, and in the south by October 1. The readiness for winter of residential buildings (including departmental, dormitories, boiler houses, heating units) must be confirmed by passports and each object separately.

In winter, work on cleaning the roofs of residential buildings from snow and ice should be carried out by the repair and construction department, if necessary, workers from the housing and economic department are involved in this work. Brigades for cleaning the roofs of buildings from snow and ice in each housing office must be approved by order before September 1. These teams can consist of workers of any profession, but specially trained, passed the production instructions on knowledge of safety rules and have a medical permit to work at height.

The preparation of the housing stock and its engineering support systems is carried out in accordance with the schedules that are developed by housing maintenance organizations, coordinated by public house committees and approved by local Councils of People's Deputies.

The work used materials from Gosgrazhdanstroy, the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services of the RSFSR and other ministries and departments on the operation of housing and communal services.


1.1. Territory of home ownership

To ensure the flow of melt and rainwater, it is necessary:

  • level the territory of the yard, eliminate potholes and reverse slopes;
  • ensure unimpeded drainage of atmospheric and melt water from buildings, descents (entrances) to the basement, window pits to drainage devices;
  • fill all subsidences in a timely manner with soil with layer-by-layer tamping (after 20 cm) and restoration of the coating;
  • clear drainage channels, drainage devices, grooves in trays, giving them slopes of at least 3% to drain trays and water intake wells or hatches;
  • clean yards, dustbins and cesspools of debris, dirt, leaves, etc.

1.2. pits

The plaster of the walls and the bottom of the pits must be intact, without cracks and potholes, so that water from rain and snow does not seep into the ground. The bottom of the pits should have a slope from the building with a pit in the hole wall 12x7 cm or a laid pipe with a diameter of 25-35 mm for water drainage.

Slots at the junction of the walls and floor of the pits to the walls of the building should be sealed cement mortar composition 1:3. In order to avoid accidents and for the convenience of clearing debris and snow, the pits must be covered with removable or opening metal gratings attached to the wall with pins.

The walls of the pits should rise above the sidewalk or blind area by one or two rows of bricks (10 - 15 cm) and plastered with cement mortar.

1.3. blind area

The blind areas around the building are brought into good condition, giving them with the help of a level gauge a slope from the building of at least 2 - 3% towards the drainage trays or water inlets of the storm sewer network.

All potholes, cracks and subsidence of soil formed after laying or repairing engineering networks (water supply, sewerage, heating, gas pipelines, etc.) must be carefully repaired in a timely manner, covered with soil and layer-by-layer tamping (after 20 cm) and restoring the coating.

The gaps between the blind area (sidewalk) and the wall of the house are cleaned and sealed with hot bitumen or asphalt.

On the blind area against the drainpipes, drainage trays must be arranged and kept in good working order.

1.4. plinth

The protrusion of the base must be at least 3 cm and end on top with a slope of cement mortar, cement screed or covered with steel roofing with a slope for water runoff. The slope must have the correct form of a cornice or drain to drain water.

Wetting and freezing of the basement is unacceptable, as this leads to the formation of cracks and damage to the protective layer (cladding, plaster).

Damaged places of stone plinths must be cleared and repaired again, after washing with water; at the same time, the rules of dressing with the old masonry and dense filling of the seams must be observed. Damaged plaster or plinth cladding must be repaired with the same material. The most rational way to preserve the basement is to cover it with natural or artificial stones or ceramic tiles. The corners of the plinth, if necessary, are protected from transport (on-board trucks, etc.) by placing them on the protruding parts of the corners.

The loss of individual stones or bricks from the basement masonry usually occurs due to its getting wet under the drainpipes due to the lack of marks and trays or their high suspension, as well as a malfunction of the hanging gutters along the roof overhangs. The masonry is cleared to a depth of up to 1/2 brick with breaking out of individual bricks with a chisel and sealed with new brick inserts in a complex mortar.

If condensation appears in the underground or blows through the ventilation grills in the floors of the 1st floor, it is necessary to grout the masonry joints or additionally insulate the basement.

In wooden buildings, it is recommended to compact the insulation along the perimeter of the outer walls or replenish the backfill of the wooden base. Cast boards in wooden plinths must be in good condition and covered with roofing steel. Decayed boards must be replaced, while replenishing the backfill. If the backfill is very damp, it should be replaced with dry material, laying it on a layer of compacted clay about 30 cm thick around the entire perimeter of the building.

1.5. Basements and technical undergrounds

Checking the condition of basements and technical undergrounds should be constant, since there are usually located units and pipelines of heat engineering, water supply and sewerage devices.

The premises must be dry, clean, have lighting, tight, lockable doors. The keys should be kept in the nearest apartment and in the control room of the building maintenance directorate or with the janitor.

When preparing for winter, special attention should be paid to:

a) for the serviceability of foundation structures, waterproofing, joints and interfaces of foundation elements with each other and with adjacent structures; the presence of possible cracks, wet spots on structures, peeling of the protective layer of concrete structures, corrosion of reinforcement, etc.

In the event of condensation, damp spots or mold on ceilings, walls or partitions, as well as wetting, moistening or dampness, it is necessary to eliminate the causes of their appearance, eliminate all leaks from pipelines, etc. Ventilate and dry basements through window and door openings.

With uneven settlement of the building, characteristic features which are cracks on the cornices, on the solid part brick walls, disclosure of vertical and horizontal seams between the elements of the walls of large-panel and block houses, beacons must be installed. With progressive deformations, as evidenced by the destruction of the lighthouse, to determine the causes of settlement and how to eliminate it, it is necessary to create a commission with the participation of representatives of construction and design organizations;

b) on the temperature and humidity regime of basements and technical undergrounds, which is achieved:

  • the density of the porches in the filling of window and door openings;
  • tightness of closing loading hatches, doors, garbage collection chambers;
  • insulation of pipelines, water meters, entrance doors;
  • serviceability of glazing bindings;
  • setting springs or shock absorbers on the front doors;
  • elimination of all damage to basement structures (floors, walls, ceilings, partitions, etc.);
  • dense closing for the autumn-winter period of products in socles.

All ventilation openings in the basement are equipped with adjustable grilles, which are partially closed in winter to prevent overcooling of the structures and ensure constant ventilation of the premises;

c) if necessary, for cleaning and necessary repairs drainage devices, correction of blind areas, sidewalks, drainage trays, damage to waterproofing, leaks in pipelines, etc.; gaps in the places where all pipelines pass through walls and foundations, which must be carefully sealed.

In this case, the pipeline must have a layer of thermal insulation in accordance with the standards; sealing of leaks should be done with a hard cement mortar grade not lower than 100.

1.6. Walls and facades

The condition of the walls is checked by inspection from the ground, from balconies, hanging cradles, telescopic towers or other means.

For the proper operation of the walls, the following measures are necessary:

1.7. Protecting walls from moisture

The main reason for collapses of plaster is its wetting. Wet plaster loses its adhesion to the bearing surface. The cause of moisture is usually a malfunction of drainage devices, the formation of ice and icicles on slopes, overhangs, funnels, gutters, etc.

All horizontal sections of the walls protruding beyond the outer plane by more than 5 cm, as well as parts of the walls exposed to atmospheric moisture (balconies, cornices, belts, sandriks, parapets, window sills, profiled rods, etc.) must have serviceable waterproof coatings with drips and with a slope from the wall of at least 10%. Coatings are made of galvanized steel.

All coverings of belts, sandriks, window sills at the junction with the walls of the facade must be bent up at least 30 mm and attached to the walls in specially arranged grooves. The overhangs of these coatings should end with a lapel tape, protrude beyond the edges of the wall by 40 - 50 mm and fasten with a wire 1 mm thick to the pins driven into the wall under the overhang every 500 - 700 mm. Linear coverings should have a slope from the wall of the building. Linear covers, wires and pins must be galvanized. The upper edge of the window sill covering is fastened with nails 25 mm long to the window frame; the side edges of these coatings must have guide flanges that enter the hole window slopes. In cases where window drains are made in the form of stone or reinforced concrete slabs without a drip, water leakage onto the wall is eliminated by installing a drip or covering the slab with galvanized roofing steel.

If it is impossible to use metal parts, the rods are repaired with the preliminary removal of old, collapsed or poorly adhering plaster. Before applying a new plaster, it is recommended to clean the layers old paint, make notches and clean the walls. With a thickness of more than 3 cm, the surface of the base must be reinforced with a steel mesh, reinforced with a gap or braided with wire over hammered nails.

It is necessary to strictly monitor the preservation of the architectural profile of the rods, for which they must be performed only according to the template.

Linear openings, pipes, cornices, etc. from galvanized roofing steel do not require painting and are painted only according to architectural requirements.

Decorative painting is carried out with ordinary facade paint in 2 layers. Eaves, pipes and linear openings made of black roofing steel are painted with ordinary oil paint from 2 sides. It is not recommended to paint metal parts at negative temperatures.

The floors of the balconies are arranged with a slope from the building and free flow of water.

It is important to ensure that the balcony waterproofing, floor covering and overhang covering are in good condition. The overhang is made of galvanized sheet steel and is attached to the posts of the enclosing lattice or to the balcony slab. The overhang cover is installed under the waterproofing carpet, has a drip, and on the side edges there are bent ribs.

1.8. Elimination of cracks in walls and junctions

Hairline cracks (up to 0.5 mm) are barely visible on the surface of the plaster and do not pose an immediate danger to the building, but to prevent further damage they must be cleaned and rubbed with cement mortar. Wider cracks are sealed by inserting "brick locks" on a cement (1:4) or complex (1:1:6) mortar. It is recommended to pressurize the solution.

Carrier Gain wall panels, broadening the area of ​​​​support of the floor panels (when concrete is chipped under the ends of the floor panels or there is insufficient depth of their embedment) should be carried out according to the project.

Places with weathered or fallen out bricks in the walls of the facade, cornices, lintels, belts are repaired by dismantling the weak masonry, carefully cleaning the places to be sealed from dust and dirt and putting the bricks on the cement mortar again, followed by cleaning the surface. If it is necessary to replace a large amount of poor-quality masonry, it is advisable to install a beam of an I-beam channel, angle or rail-shaped profile above the collapsed place in a pre-punched beam. Before laying the beam must be wrapped with wire. The depth of embedding the ends of the beam into the wall is 20 - 25 cm.

If in the previous winter period freezing of the panel was observed, then it must be carefully examined, the cause should be identified with the involvement of specialists from construction and design organizations and insulated in accordance with the recommendations of the AKH them. K.D. Pamfilov by the forces of specialized organizations.

If there are gaps between the tiles on the ceramic cladding of the facade that are not filled with mortar, they should be rubbed with cement mortar prepared on fine sand. Before grouting, the seams are cleaned and moistened. Fallen facing tiles are installed on a cement mortar with a composition of 1: 3-1: 4 flush with the surface of the facade with the obligatory observance of the correct cutting. Places of exfoliated tiles are carefully incised, cleaned and moistened.

In some cases (if there are no tiles), the places of fallen tiles can be sealed with cement mortar, rubbed flush with the plane of the front surface of the wall, and painted to match the color of the tiles surrounding the place of sealing.

If insufficient strength is detected (lamination of rows of masonry, destruction, weathering into delamination of the outer layer) of parts of cornices, rods, belts, etc. they are beaten off and restored.

In wooden buildings, weakened gaskets between logs are caulked with a metal caulk and a hammer. The densest caulking of the walls is made at the lower crowns of the log house, the weakest - at the upper ones. The corners of the building are especially carefully caulked, as they are most prone to freezing.

The backfilling of frame-filling walls is replenished in case of its settlement.

Unusable parts of the crown are sawn out and removed with adjustment and installation of a new log insert in this place, followed by caulking.

Windows without overlap are insulated by gluing sealing gaskets around the entire perimeter of winter bindings without gaps and rounding of corners. From the suspension side of the bindings, the gaskets should be glued to their end surface, and on the other sides - to the place where the binding adjoins the stop collar of the quarters of window frames (frames of balcony doors).

Overlapped windows are insulated by gluing sealing gaskets to the overlays of winter sashes around their entire perimeter without breaks, constrictions and rounding of corners.

Windows in paired bindings are insulated similarly to winter bindings.

Windows and balcony doors are insulated by gluing polyurethane foam seals, which must be replaced as they deteriorate or wear out, but at least once every 5-6 years. Gaskets are glued after finishing the joinery and the last painting is completely dry with 88 “Moment” glue, thick oil paint, etc. They are glued on dry and clean surfaces, while the gaskets must be dry. Coloring of gaskets is not allowed. The fastening of gaskets made of other elastic materials is carried out similarly to polyurethane foam gaskets.

It is allowed to glue gaps between winter bindings and quarters of window boxes with strips of paper 3-4 cm wide.

External doors are insulated with ordinary panels, upholstered on the outside with felt, which is antiseptic and laid on burlap. On felt, the upholstery of the door leaf is made with oilcloth or canvas on braid. Instead of felt, any other insulation can be used: mineral wool, glass wool, etc.

For reliable closing, external doors are provided with springs or counterweights, automatic closers or other devices.

1.18. Roofs

The roof is one of the main parts of buildings, on which their durability largely depends.

The safety and durability of the entire building is ensured correct content roofs, creating a normal temperature and humidity regime in the attic and timely repair of the roof.

1.19. Steel roofs

Inspection, cleaning and maintenance of roofs is carried out in compliance with all safety regulations.

The roof is cleaned of debris, dirt, rust, loose paint, etc. The coating is inspected from above and from the side of the attic “to the light”, and the presence of individual wet spots on the insulation of the attic floor is checked.

a) good condition of painting, which is done 1 time in 3 years. Repaired places are painted without waiting for the general coloring of the roof. Before painting, the roof is cleaned of peeling and rust. Cracks, leaks, etc. they coat with red lead putty, and the roof is painted 2 times with red lead on natural drying oil or greenery;

b) the density of recumbent and standing folds, grooves, overhangs, etc.

The opened standing and lying folds are smeared with minium putty and straightened with wooden mallets. In the grooves, at the gutters and with small slopes, it is necessary to solder the folds;

c) tight fit roofing to walls and firewalls.

For proper abutment in the masonry, a furrow is cut down and cleared to a depth of at least 7 cm and a height of at least 13 cm. traffic jams;

d) elimination of holes and cracks in the roofing.

Small holes and cracks are sealed with thick minium mastic outside and from the side of the attic, blocking the hole by 3-4 cm. The mastic is applied with a spatula. The thickness of the layer outside is not more than 2 - 3 mm;

e) timely replacement of damaged or worn out steel sheets.

The damaged place is cut out in the form of a rectangle, so that the connection of the sheet with the patch along the slope is on the bars of the crate. The patch is connected to the repaired sheet. At the end of the work, the patch and the adjacent sections of the sheet must be paid off;

f) good condition in the operation of drainage devices.

Wall gutters are made of two sheets of roofing sheet steel, which are connected to each other by short sides with double lying folds, located in the direction of water flow. Between the folds lay tow or asbestos cord, impregnated with minium.

It is necessary that the clamp holding the downpipe be located between the stiffeners, thereby preventing the pipe from moving. The marks of the drainpipes must be at least 20 cm above the level of the blind area so that ice plugs do not form during the flow of melt water;

g) proper coverage of roof valleys and corners;

h) galvanized steel coating of firewall walls, chimneys and ventilation pipes;

i) fastening of fences, braces and parapet gratings;

j) prevention of unauthorized installation of antennas on the roof by residents.

1.20. Soft roofs

The roof is cleaned of debris, leaves, dust, etc.

The upper protective layer of the roof must be periodically lubricated (painted) once every 3 years with bituminous mastic or once every 5 years with bituminous varnish with the addition of 15% aluminum powder with preliminary priming with varnish.

On the roof it is necessary to provide:

a) the integrity of the roll carpet. The damaged area of ​​the roof is cleaned of old mastic, dust and dirt, the material and the base are dried. Glue patches on hot mastics, overlapping damaged areas by 10 - 15 cm;

b) elimination of blisters, “air pockets”, roof breaks, small holes, etc., repair the roof.

To correct such defects, a cruciform incision is made; roofing material unscrews on 4 sides; the surface of the base under the material is cleaned, dried, lubricated with mastic, after which the material is glued in place in layers, applying patches 10–12 cm wide to the seams (cuts);

c) installation on the roof of additional racks, masts, etc. project only;

d) good condition of reinforced concrete slabs and decking. The evenness of the coating is checked with a wooden lath. Small irregularities must be eliminated by filling the depressions with asphalt mass. One of the most unpleasant phenomena that cause leakage and destruction of roofs is the presence of reverse slopes on the slopes and grooves of the roofs. To correct this defect, it is necessary to level the bases. With local reverse slopes, it is allowed to level surfaces with asphalt mass on a rolled carpet, opening only upper layer. The detected cracks are cut in the form of grooves 1–1.5 cm wide and 3 cm deep, cleaned of dust, moistened and sealed with high-quality cement mortar. Minor delaminations on reinforced concrete slabs cleaned and plastered with cement mortar.

Particular attention should be paid to the condition of the junction of the roof to the protruding structures: walls, parapets, ventilation, chimneys, etc. The top rolled carpet in places of adjunction to walls, parapets and other vertical surfaces can be repaired, keeping the old carpet. To do this, the old carpet is folded back, the inner surface is cleaned of dirt and dust. The surface is coated with a primer and an additional rolled carpet is glued so that the panel is on the wall and goes to the roof.

Then, a bent panel of a rolled carpet is applied on the mastic, blocking the junctions. You can replace the old carpet with a new one by completing all the work in the sequence described above.

In order to extend the service life of the rolled roof, it is necessary to paint it with bituminous varnish with the addition of 15% aluminum powder and preliminary priming with varnish or coating the waterproofing carpet with fine gravel on refractory bitumen.

For internal drains, it is necessary to provide:

a) tight junction of drain funnels of the internal drain of roofs;

b) the correct sealing of the joints of the structures of the internal drain and roof. To do this, the area adjacent to the funnel, within a radius of 1 m, is cut along the radius in 6 places. The ends of the carpet are carefully folded back. The gaps between the coating and the edge of the funnel are carefully glued to the hot mastic in their original place. At the same time, an additional layer is glued roll material. It is necessary to ensure a tight clamp of the carpet and thorough lubrication of the joints;

c) connection of sewer risers with sockets up;

d) the presence of reinforced concrete trays to drain water from the building.

1.21. Rollless roofs

The main condition for the long-term operation of rollless roofs is the integrity of the concrete of the roofing elements. To do this, it is necessary to repair damage to the waterproofing carpet in a timely manner.

During periodic inspections of the roof, it is necessary to pay attention to:

  • on the safety of reinforced concrete elements of the roof (local damage, corrosion of metal elements);
  • for sealing the seams of the entrance of the panels of the catchment trays to the funnel;
  • on the condition of the neck of the drain funnel and the protective cap;
  • on the state of sealing of the emergency overflow device in the funnel chute: upon acceptance of the roof into operation, the reliability of this device must be checked by testing the filling of the funnel chute to the level of the lower cutout;
  • to the places of passage through the roof elements of engineering communications, exit booths, ventilation shafts; fastening of stretch marks of pipe racks; the condition of the pipelines of the internal drainage system in the attic;
  • for the presence of protective caps on the nozzles of the drain funnels, the presence of debris and dirt, especially in the funnel tray and the corners of the gutter, foreign objects on the coating. The coating must be cleaned, foreign objects removed;
  • on the condition of the mastic waterproofing carpet, especially at the transition points of the horizontal plane to the vertical one (coupling of the ribs and the shelf, otters, embedding the shelf into the wall, etc.). The carpet should not have cracks, peeling, slipping from vertical planes.

During the operation of rollless roofs, it is prohibited:

  • punch holes in roof panels and drainage trays;
  • shoot any parts with dowels to roof panels and drainage trays;
  • install additional racks, pipes and other units on roof panels and drainage trays without the consent of the design organization that developed the roof project;
  • leave construction debris in the drainage trays, on the roof panels after the completion of the repair work;
  • access to the roof by unauthorized persons who can damage the elements of the rollless roof.

If significant defects or an emergency condition are found, the roof must be carefully examined by a commission with the involvement of representatives of the design organization, which draws up an inspection report and gives specific proposals for eliminating defects.

During operation, the roof must be periodically cleaned of dirt with brooms and wooden scrapers. Do not use metal objects for cleaning.

To eliminate defects in concrete of roofing panels and gutter trays that have arisen during operation for various reasons, it is necessary to perform the following work: scrape off the loose layer of concrete with scrapers to a dense layer, remove dust from the cleaned surface, apply a layer of PVA emulsion diluted with water in the ratio 1:1, apply a layer of polymer-cement mortar over the dried PVA layer (its composition: PVA emulsion and cement grade 400 of cement mortar consistency). A day later, apply a protective waterproofing to the repaired place. Similarly, cracks in roofing panels are repaired, while hairline cracks are rubbed, and cracks with an opening width of more than 0.2 mm are embroidered, cleaned and sealed flush. Epoxy compositions can be used to seal cracks.

The current repair consists in the restoration of individual damaged areas of the mastic carpet. To do this, it is necessary to clean the damaged area from the old mastic with a metal scraper or spatula, remove all sections of the mastic carpet peeling off at the edges, dedust or rinse the surface with water.

After drying, apply the bitumen-emulsion mastic with a brush in two layers of 3-4 mm each with layer-by-layer drying.

1.22. Slate roofs

The main defects of the load-bearing structures of roofs are: damage and displacement of individual elements, lack of proper overlap, leaks at the interfaces with structures and equipment protruding above the roof, weakening of the fastening of roof elements to the crate.

Roof leaks without visible damage can be caused by insufficient tile overlap or roof slope angle, as well as moss growth on the north side of the roof. From prolonged seepage of water, the crate under the roof rots, and then the repair becomes more complicated. The cracked tile is removed and the nails with which it was nailed are pulled out. The new tile is fixed on hanging hooks, which are nailed to the edge of the bottom panel or on S-shaped steel strips, which fasten the bottom edge of the top tile to the top edge of the bottom tile (overlap). The roof needs to be dismantled when re-laying. You can move in vertical and horizontal rows. The nails are bitten off with wire cutters, and the remainder is pulled out later or hammered into the sheathing. Tiles are cleaned with a steel brush, damaged ones are laid aside. The crate is examined and corrected, a layer of new roofing is laid on it, and then a roof of tiles. The roof must be sealed.

When replacing one of the sheets of corrugated slate, loosen the screws of the top sheet, unscrew them and remove the damaged sheet. A new one is put in its place and tightened again with screws. A soft seal must be placed under the screws, otherwise water will flow through the screw under the roof. In addition, the lining will allow the roof to deform with temperature changes without stress and cracks. The sheets are laid so that the side overlap is on the side opposite to the main direction of wind and rain.

1.23. Temperature and humidity regime of attic rooms

Particular attention should be paid to the creation of a normal temperature and humidity regime in the attic, that is, a regime in which the difference in temperature between the outside air and the attic will not exceed 2 - 4 °. This mode helps to prevent the formation of condensate on the structures, frost and icicles on the roof overhangs. Violation of the temperature and humidity regime of the attic occurs mainly due to the penetration of warm air and moisture.

In order to improve the regime, it is necessary to provide:

a) thermal insulation of the attic floor. The backfill should be in a dry loose state with a device on top of a lime-sand or clay crust.

Plate heaters (for example, mineral wool, cement-fibrolite, etc.) are laid tightly, without gaps and with a safety screed. It is obligatory to seal cracks and destroyed places in clay, lime-sand grease and in ceiling plaster.

The lubricant layer must be a continuous thickness of at least 2 cm. The thickness of the backfill on wooden floors is arranged at least 16 - 18 cm, on reinforced concrete - 22 - 25 cm. The thickness of the insulation along the perimeter of the building and at the dormer windows is increased. When finishing ceilings with dry plaster, the joints between its sheets must be glued with thick paper or glassine. If cornices made of prefabricated elements are used with the same plaster, the surfaces of the run-up and walls at the places where the cornices are installed should be covered with wet plaster with a strip width of at least 10 cm. To improve the thermal insulation of the insulation, it is recommended to loosen it or increase its thickness. It is not allowed to moisten the insulation;

b) thermal insulation of the attic from the penetration of heat from the staircase.

Doors and faces of attic spaces should be sheathed with roofing steel over asbestos or felt dipped in clay. For a tight porch, sealing gaskets made of rubber, foam rubber or other elastic materials are required. Doors and hatches to the attic must be kept locked. The keys are kept in the nearest apartment and with the janitor;

c) thermal insulation of ventilation ducts of chambers and shafts.

Maximum sealing of all named devices must be achieved, as well as constant supervision of them. All appeared cracks, cracks and destruction in the walls of ventilation ducts, chambers and shafts must be urgently eliminated.

The gaps between the slag-gypsum slabs are sealed with gypsum mortar, and between the cinder-concrete slabs with cement mortar. In some cases, it is allowed to insert pieces of slabs processed in shape and fitted into the cracks between the slabs of the boxes (no more than two inserts per 1 m2). In case of violations of the joints of the plates of the boxes and shafts, it is advisable to fix them in sections or entirely. Such fastening can be carried out by installing a frame made of angle steel along the ribs of the boxes and transverse plans every 0.7 - 1 m. The frame is attached to the attic floor with anchors.

When replacing individual sections of the boxes, you can use multi-hollow gypsum slag plates. Control gates and throttle valves in exhaust shafts must be in good condition, easy to close and open. In winter, to reduce draft in exhaust ventilation systems (so as not to increase the volume of exhaust air removed from the premises of the apartments against the norm), valves and dampers should be partially covered depending on the outside temperature. However, under no circumstances should they be allowed to close completely.

1.24. Working condition chimneys and hogs

The replacement of individual bricks in the relocation of individual places of hogs and pipes is carried out with a frame brick on a lime or complex mortar.

The collapsed pipe heads are restored. Weathered and destroyed bricks are replaced with red bricks on a complex mortar. The top of the head is closed with a metal cap or cut with cement mortar with iron. The cap is attached to the pipe masonry, galvanized wire and nails, which are hammered no higher than the third or fourth row of masonry from the top of the head.

To facilitate the detection of defects, it is desirable the outer surface of the flue and ventilation valves(within attics) painted white.

1.25. Thermal insulation of pipelines of the central

heating and hot water supply

Eliminate various kinds of leaks in pipelines, sagging of distribution pipes by rearranging or installing additional hangers that fasten pipelines to truss structures at a distance of no more than 3 m from each other.

Thermal insulation of pipelines within attics must be intact and sufficient in thickness.

Wiring areas and damaged areas in insulation are cleaned of rust, dirt and dust, metal parts are coated with anti-corrosion compounds (bituminous varnish), and then with insulation from mastic, mats, shells and segments.

The most commonly used mastic is made of white clay with the addition of at least 30% cotton linters. Insulation with polyurethane of a certain type is allowed. The thickness of the applied insulation is at least 50 mm (2 layers up to 25 mm). Insulate all heated surfaces of wiring and central heating and hot water equipment, including flues, air collectors and other connections.

Often, slag wool is used for repairs, which is placed between two sheets of thick paper, and the resulting mats are reinforced with shreds. Then the mats are stitched with a soft wire with a diameter of not more than 1.5 mm. The insulation applied to the pipelines is crimped with rings of wire or strip steel every 20 cm.

Sewer risers, when passing through the attic, are connected with sockets upwards so that the condensate formed in the pipes does not enter through the joints to the ceiling. In the presence of such a defect, it is necessary to clean the joint and caulk again, filling 2/3 of the socket with resin rope and monolithic with cement mortar. The sewer riser must be insulated with a slag wool casing 5–7 cm thick or a wooden box filled with slag 10–15 cm thick.

If all of the above measures do not provide the required temperature and humidity conditions, then it is necessary to consider in detail ventilation devices roofs with the involvement of specialists from design organizations.

Roof ventilation is carried out through dormer windows and ventilation eaves and ridge vents. The cross-sectional area of ​​dormer windows or vents on the roof should be at least 1/300 - 1/500 of the area of ​​the attic floor, that is, for every 1000 sq.m of attic area, at least 2 - 5 sq.m of dormer windows or vents are needed. Moreover, these devices should be located in such a way as to ensure through ventilation of the attic space, excluding local stagnation (air bags).

Dormer windows must be equipped with louvered grilles. If the area of ​​the existing louvres is insufficient, they must be expanded.

Eaves vents can be made in the form of a gap between the cornice and the roof (slotted vents) 2-2.5 cm wide or in the form of separate 20x20 cm holes in the eaves of the wall with the obligatory installation of gratings.

Ridge vents are installed with a solid width of 5 cm, providing for devices against blowing snow or separate holes every 6–8 m with branch pipes, wind vanes and pallets.

When solving complex technical issues of ensuring measures to put in order attic spaces and prevent ice, it is necessary to contact design organizations for technical documentation.

1.26. Furnaces, chimneys, flues, heads

Only serviceable furnaces are allowed for operation, which is fixed by an act in the prescribed form.

When preparing the furnace and its equipment for winter, it is necessary:

  • replace cracked bricks with new ones;
  • coat with clay cracks in the plaster with their clearing;
  • leaks around the frames, doors, latches and views, caulk with asbestos cord;
  • restore the destroyed smoke circulations, partially dismantling and shifting the furnaces;
  • replace worn-out stove appliances with new ones (furnace and blower doors, valves, views, cleaning doors, etc.);
  • replace burned-out grates with new ones;
  • to strengthen loosened stove appliances with re-laying, if necessary, furnace holes (which must be covered with brick lintels);
  • replace the pre-furnace sheets that have become unusable with new ones made of black roofing steel measuring 70x50 cm (the pre-furnace sheets should cover the floor and baseboards; they are laid on a layer of asbestos 5 mm thick);
  • plaster pipes and cuttings near furnaces and pipes in rooms, and rub with mortar in the attic, whitewash, number;
  • repair and securely reinforce faulty caps and umbrellas; shift the heads;
  • change damaged spark arrestors (metal meshes with 5 mm holes) on pipes of buildings with combustible roofs.

Chimneys and pipes must be cleaned of soot, fallen bricks, debris. The presence of draft is checked in the chimneys. In winter, the housing and maintenance district is obliged to monitor and take measures to clean the chimneys of operating stoves.

Before the start of the heating season, persons using stoves must be instructed. The briefing is recorded in a special journal.

It is forbidden:

  • use stoves that have cracks, faulty doors, insufficient cutting sizes for combustible wall structures, partitions and ceilings, as well as stoves without pre-furnace sheets;
  • store and dry firewood, coal and other combustible materials on heating appliances, as well as store fuel near furnaces;
  • use flammable liquids for kindling furnaces;
  • leave the stove unattended during the firing, entrust the kindling to children, fire the stove continuously for more than 3 hours.

2.1. Heating boiler houses

It is necessary to conduct an external inspection of boilers and boiler room equipment, during which they check:

  • lack of mechanical damage to the heating surfaces of boilers, their density and cleaning from products of incomplete combustion (soot, soot, deposits, ash, etc.);
  • equipment fastening strength (pumps and blowers, smoke exhausters, heat exchangers, etc.);
  • serviceability of fittings, conformity of standard sizes and equipment numbers to design characteristics and correctness of their installation;
  • availability and serviceability of automatic regulators and instrumentation.

Malfunctions of boilers, brickwork, chimneys must be eliminated. hogs, fittings, automatic regulators and instrumentation. Leaks in the nipple connections of cast-iron sectional boilers are eliminated by tightening the coupling bolts or reassembling the sections again with winding an asbestos cord on the red lead on the nipple. If cracks are found in the sections of the boilers, the sections must be replaced.

Violations of the rolling joints of pipes of steel water-heating boilers are eliminated by rolling the pipes. If the flange connections are loose, it is necessary to tighten the bolts or change the gaskets.

The damaged sections of the brickwork of the boilers are restored after hydraulic testing of the boilers with a special mastic prepared from 70% white clay in 30% asbestos, which should be applied to the hot surface of the boiler in three layers with a total thickness of 25 mm. The next layer is applied after the previous one has completely dried. Expansion joints in the firebox and cracks in the lining may be sealed with asbestos cord. Leaks in the hogs are carefully sealed with clay mortar. The gap between the gate and the frame should be no more than 3 mm.

To protect against clogging and eliminate air leakage into the burs, it is recommended to cover the gate with a case, the size of which should correspond to the size of the gate in the open state.

When loosening the foundation bolts that fasten the centrifugal pumps to the foundation plate, strengthen the bolts, check the alignment of the motor and pump shafts.

After the repair of the boilers is completed, they are hydraulically tested. Before starting hydraulic tests, all fittings are thoroughly cleaned, taps and valves are ground, covers and hatches are tightly closed, safety valves are jammed, plugs are placed on the outlet device closest to the steam boiler or bypass line near the boiler. During testing, the boilers must be disconnected from heating system.

The value of the test pressure of hot water boilers must be equal to 1.25 working pressure, but not less than 4 kgf / cm 2.

The test pressure should be maintained for 5 minutes, after which it should be reduced to the value of the maximum working pressure, which must be maintained for the time necessary for a detailed inspection of the boiler.

The boilers are recognized as having passed the test if during the 5-minute stay under the established test pressure there is no pressure drop, as well as no visible defects.

After pressure testing of the boilers, all devices of boiler installations (furnaces, blowers, pumps, electric motors, safety devices) must be checked for proper and efficient operation during continuous operation of the boiler house for 48 hours, while each unit separately must work for at least 7 hours.

Elimination of violations of the boiler house in winter conditions and in case of accidents must be carried out in accordance with the recommendations of the appendix. one.

2.2. Preparation of heating networks

In thermal networks, it is necessary to carry out the following work.

  1. Channels, chambers, pavilions, supports, flyovers:

1) eliminate holes in the walls of passage channels and chambers, close up the falling out bricks;

2) replace failed ladders and running brackets;

3) repair stairs, platforms and fences with welding of metal structures;

4) restore the color of metal structures;

5) clean the drainage pipelines from sludge deposits with ruffs;

6) restore and repair damage in hatches;

7) clean the pits and absorption wells.

  1. Pipelines, fittings and network equipment:

1) replace corroded pipes;

2) weld and weld individual pipe joints;

3) repair the thermal insulation with the restoration of the anti-corrosion coating and color;

4) open and inspect shut-off, drainage, air vent and control valves (gate valves, valves, control, check, safety and pressure reducing valves), repair of valves with replacement of parts: grinding of disks and spools; stuffing or replacement of stuffing box seals; change of gaskets and tightening of bolts of gland and flange connections;

5) to make an audit and repair of pumps: opening, inspection of the casing, change of stuffing box seals, change of bearings;

6) to audit and repair electric, electromagnetic and hydraulic drives of shut-off and control valves, electric motors of pumps and starting valves for them without replacing parts;

7) replace or repair sleeves for thermometers and taps for instrumentation;

8) open and clean sumps, filters, condensate and accumulator tanks;

9) to carry out minor repairs of automatic equipment and self-recording control and accounting devices, disassembly and cleaning of impulse lines of diaphragms.

At the end of the heating season and after the repair and preparatory work listed above, hydraulic testing of heating networks for tightness is carried out. At the same time, the heat points of consumers and water heating installations of heat sources are turned off. The temperature of the water in the pipelines during this period should not exceed 40 ° C, and the pressure - 1.25 working, but not lower than 16 kgf / cm 2 (1.6 MPa). The required pressure is provided by the heat source's mains pump. After turning on the network pump and creating circulation, the pressure in the network is increased by closing the valve on the return pipeline of the test line and at the heat source collector to the tie-in (along the water flow) of the make-up pipeline. Upon reaching required pressure in the supply pipeline, the valve on the return pipeline is closed until the pressure difference between the supply and return pipelines in the heat source reaches 1 - 3 kgf / cm 2 (0.01-0.3 MPa). When testing sections of the network in which, according to the conditions of the terrain, network pumps cannot create a pressure equal to 1.25 working pressure, mobile pumping units or hydraulic presses are used. Exceeding the normative value of make-up 10-15 minutes after the start of the test indicates a violation of the tightness of the network. In this case, the mains pump is stopped and the test is terminated until a leak is found and eliminated.

At least once every three years and after overhaul heating networks are subjected to hydropneumatic flushing by the operating or specialized organization. When flushing intra-quarter networks, jumpers are installed in the central heating point (CHP) and at the end of the washed section of heating networks (in the chamber or at the entrance to the building). At the end of the section, a drain fitting must be installed on the jumper. Water for flushing must be taken from the city water supply, drained water is diverted to storm sewers. Air is supplied by a mobile compressor station.

During a trial run of heating systems, it is necessary to adjust the heating networks, which should begin with the establishment of the estimated flow rate and water temperature in the boiler room or central heating station. To measure the water flow, a measuring orifice with a recording device must be installed.

In the absence of metering devices for the flow of coolant in the central heating station, the correct distribution of the coolant can be checked by the temperature of the water returned from the heating systems. An overestimation of the measured water temperature against the calculated one is usually an indicator of the excessive consumption of circulating water and, consequently, an excess of pressure, which must be extinguished either by the elevator nozzle or the throttle washer, and in the presence of automated individual heating points (ITP) by appropriate adjustment of the regulatory bodies. The diameter of the elevator nozzle and throttle washer should be at least 3 mm. The process of adjusting the heating network can be considered complete if the return temperature differs from the calculated one by no more than ± 3°C.

All violations of the thermal-hydraulic regime of heating networks that occur during the heating season are eliminated by additional adjustment. Damage to heating networks during their operation in winter conditions should be eliminated in accordance with the recommendations of the appendix. 2.

2.3. Preparation of heating points

Check for water leaks through flanged connections of pipelines, valves, valves, water heaters, etc. If they are found, tighten the flange connections or replace the gasket. Cracks and fistulas on pipelines and fittings are welded. To eliminate water leakage through the stuffing box seals of valves and pumps, it is necessary to tighten the stuffing boxes or replace the stuffing box packing. Valve spindles are cleaned of dirt and lubricated with a thin layer of grease. Check the presence of lubrication of the pumps and, if necessary, add oil to the prescribed level.

Pumps installed in the transformer substation must be checked for heating. vibration and alignment of shafts of pumps and electric motors. In case of wear of the rubber fingers of the couplings, the fingers are replaced. Reserve and additional pumps are checked by short-term switching on in manual control mode.

Repair of thermal insulation of pipelines is carried out after hydraulic tests. Before applying the insulation, the surfaces must be cleaned of dust, dirt, rust, dried and coated with an anti-corrosion material.

It is necessary to conduct an external inspection of electrical equipment and wiring, check the serviceability of consoles, shields, replace burnt out and signal lamps and room lighting lamps. Check the availability and serviceability of protective equipment; Replace expired protective equipment. Establish the reliability of grounding of electrical equipment, the operability of emergency lighting, fuses, and clean the contact surfaces from oxides. Check the fastening of electrical equipment, clean it of dust, check the condition of the covers on the machines and the tightness of their closing. Inspect thermal relays, control buttons for contactors and magnetic starters, lubricate rubbing surfaces with instrument oil. Determine the integrity of the cable insulation.

When preparing heat points for operation in winter conditions, it is necessary to conduct an external inspection of all elements of automation and instrumentation (KIP). It is necessary to check for water leaks through the connections of the automation elements and, if they are detected, tighten the seals, replace the gaskets. Check the presence of lubrication in the gearboxes of the actuators. Establish the operability of three-way valves, purge the pressure gauges by briefly opening the valves.

Clean the filters and impulse lines of the hydraulic regulators by supplying water with a pressure of 0.3-0.5 MPa to the upper filter fitting. Check the presence and serviceability of thermometers, the cleanliness of the sleeves and the filling of the sleeves with oil. Determine the operability of the switches on the automation unit, the presence and serviceability of signal lamps. Check the serviceability and operability of hydraulic and electric automatics, carry out their adjustment.

It is also necessary to carry out a set of adjustment works to check, adjust and tune pumps, fittings, regulators, check valves, electric motors.

When accepting heating points for operation before the heating season, one should also pay attention to the coloring of pipelines in the established colors, markings and inscriptions on the equipment, good communication with the control room, and reliable closing of doors.

When preparing water heaters of thermal points for operation, it is necessary to carry out hydraulic tests, which are carried out in two stages.

At the first stage, the annular space is tested to determine the density and strength of the water heater body, tubes and the connection of the tubes to the tube grate. For this purpose, the annular space is disconnected from the supply and return pipelines of the heating network with plugs with a thickness of at least 3 mm, installed in flanged joints. The rolls are being removed. A temporary pipeline is connected to the heater body using a fitting to fill the annular space with water and connect the pressure testing unit. A valve and a non-return valve must be installed on this pipeline. After the annular space is filled with water and the air is completely removed, the pressure is raised to the working pressure and maintained for at least 10 minutes. If a leak is found in the body of the tube, the latter must be replaced. Leaks at the junction of the tubes with the grate are rolled up. After elimination of defects, a repeated test for working pressure is carried out. If no visible leak and pressure drop are found, then the pressure is raised to 1.25 working pressure. The results of hydraulic tests are considered satisfactory if no leaks are found in the welded joints, body, flare joints and tubes and the pressure does not decrease within 10 minutes.

At the second stage, testing of the pipe space is carried out. For this purpose, with the help of plugs, the pipe space of the water heaters is disconnected from the city water supply and the hot water supply system, then a temporary pipeline is connected for filling and pressure testing with a valve and a check valve installed on it. Increase pressure to working pressure and hold for 10 minutes. The detected leaks in the walls of the connecting coils and flange connections of the coils with tube sheets are eliminated. In the absence of leaks, the pressure is raised to 1.25 working pressure. The results of hydraulic tests are considered satisfactory if there are no leaks in the flange connections and joints and the pressure has not narrowed within 10 minutes.

2.4. Preparation of heating systems

The in-house system is brought into good technical condition: taps and other shut-off and control valves, mud collectors, expanders and air collectors are inspected. Pneumohydraulic flushing of the heating system is recommended, especially when individual heaters are not warmed up.

During the bypass of heated premises, it is necessary to fix the bridge of unauthorized installation of additional heating devices and take measures to dismantle them. The air dampers of convectors with a casing must be brought to a vertical position, the control valves (for water-regulated heaters) are open. Residents should be advised to clean the heating elements of convectors with a vacuum cleaner, and wipe other heating devices with a damp cloth. Particular attention should be paid to the inspection and cleaning of stairwell heaters (including, if necessary, refurbishment of recirculating air heater enclosures).

If, during disassembly of pipelines, it is found that the thread on the coupling is partially destroyed, the coupling is replaced with a new one.

After repair and preventive maintenance, the systems are tested with hydraulic pressure exceeding the working pressure by 2 atm, but not less than 3. Within 5 minutes, the pressure (by pressure gauge) should not be lower than 1 atm. Then the pressure is reduced to the working value and the entire system is re-inspected.

After a hydraulic test of the system, all its devices, including elevators and water heaters, must be checked for proper and efficient operation during continuous operation for 48 hours, while each unit separately must work for at least 7 hours.

The preparation of heating systems for operation ends with a trial run, during which it is necessary to make sure that all heaters are warming up, and the quality of the thermal insulation of pipelines laid in unheated rooms is good.

Damaged areas of thermal insulation of pipelines, expansion tanks, air collectors are restored with new ones. thermal insulation materials. Before performing thermal insulation work, pipe sections are cleaned of dirt and rust and coated with RL-177 varnish.

For the possibility of hydraulic adjustment of heating systems during their preparation in the summer, the control and shut-off valves must be brought into a technically sound condition:

  • installation of the missing plug and control valves on the risers (for heating systems with an upper “filling” in the upper and lower parts);
  • installation of missing or replacement of inactive (non-rotating) control valves for heating appliances with closing sections, especially in those rooms that overheated during the past winter period;
  • drawing marks on the through and three-way control valves, indicating their correct position during regulation in order to eliminate cases of blocking the circulation in the riser when using the valve.

Hydraulic adjustment of the heating system is carried out mainly during test fires and aims to ensure:

  • correct distribution of network water between all buildings served by a heat source (regulation of the heating network);
  • correct distribution of the coolant circulating in the heating system for each riser and heater.

Hydraulic adjustment of the heating system must begin with the adjustment of the elevator unit located in the heating point. In the elevator unit, the actual costs of network water and water circulating in the heating system are checked in order to subsequently compare them with the design costs. The consumption of network water by the heating system in this case is determined either according to the readings of the water meter, or in accordance with the diameter of the installed nozzle and the difference in the readings of the pressure gauges at the inlet (before the elevator) of the supply and return lines. If, with the nozzle diameter set, the flow rate of water circulating in the heating system is higher than the design one, then, by closing the head valve on the supply line of the heating point, reduce the pressure drop and bring the coolant flow rate to the calculated one. If the flow of network water in the heating system is insufficient, it is necessary to establish the reason, which may be a small pressure drop or an underestimation of the nozzle diameter. A possible blockage of the elevator nozzle is indicated by a low water temperature after the elevator with a sufficient pressure drop in front of the elevator. With an underestimated diameter of the elevator nozzle, the latter is reamed with the obligatory consent of the relevant representatives of the heating network. Compliance with the calculated mixing ratio and the design flow rate of the heat carrier in the heating system will ensure normal circulation in the heating system and obtain the required amount of heat from the heating network.

After that, hydraulic adjustment of the distribution of water to individual risers and heaters of the heating system is carried out using control valves on the risers and connections to the devices. In this case, it is necessary to achieve approximately the same heating of all supply and return risers of the heating system. At the same time, all heating devices should be checked for uniformity of heating. If individual devices connected to the riser warm up more than others, then the control valves on the supply lines of these devices should be closed. At the end of the hydraulic adjustment, the temperature differences of the water along the risers of the system are measured. Temperature differences are equalized by closing the plug valves installed on the risers. In order for the adjustment not to be disturbed during further repairs, discs with pointers should be put on the cranes.

2.5. Hot water systems

It is necessary to perform the following work:

a) systematize and analyze the complaints and complaints of residents about the quality of the hot water supply system in order to identify its main shortcomings;

b) check the serviceability and, if necessary, replace the meter cold water on the cold water pipeline to the water heater of the hot water supply system;

c) if there is an excessive pressure of hot water in the network after the water heater on the cold water pipeline to the water heater, it is recommended to install a pressure regulator of the type 21ch10nzh "after itself";

d) check the pumping units, for which it is necessary to disassemble the pump, clean it of dirt and foreign objects that may be in the pump volute and between the wheel blades, rinse and wipe the rubbing parts with kerosene, and then lubricate them with engine oil:

e) check the serviceability and, if necessary, replace the coolant flow regulator;

f) check and repair damage to water heaters. Brass tubes of water heaters must be descaled with ruffs, i.e. mechanically. Faulty tubes and coils must be replaced. It is allowed, if necessary, to apply chemical cleaning of water heaters under an agreement with a specialized organization;

g) bring all distribution and circulation pipelines into technically sound condition, including risers, upper lintels of sectional units, thermal insulation of pipelines, heated towel rails in bathrooms, shut-off and shut-off valves, mixers for sanitary appliances;

a) when checking the serviceability of the mixing fittings, special attention should be paid to the central mixers of the Herringbone sinks in order to completely exclude the possibility of hot water flowing into the cold water supply network as a result of a leak in the connection point of the connections;

i) check to eliminate leaks in threaded connections pipelines and heated towel rails in bathrooms by disassembling a part of the pipelines, followed by cleaning the threads from rust and replacing the sealing material with a linen strand impregnated with red lead mixed with drying oil, or sealing with FUM tape;

j) after completion of the work listed in pos. a - and, the hot water supply system should be tested with a hydraulic pressure exceeding the operating pressure by 0.2 MPa (2 kgf / cm 2), but not less than 0.3 MPa (3 kgf / cm 2). In this case, the pressure (according to the pressure gauge) for 5 minutes should not be lower than 0.1 MPa (1 kgf / cm 2). Then the pressure is reduced to a working value and the entire hot water supply system is re-inspected.

k) damage detected as a result of hydraulic tests of the hot water supply system is eliminated, and the tests are repeated;

i) the final results of the work performed are formalized by the relevant act.

If there is an act on the readiness of the hot water supply system, it is checked for proper and efficient operation. In this case, the duration of continuous operation of the hot water supply system should be 48 hours, and each unit individually should work for at least 7 hours.

The preparation of hot water supply systems and operation in winter conditions ends with a trial run, during which the following must be ensured:

a) constant temperature of hot water at the outlet of the water heater: 60°С ± 2°С;

b) the temperature of hot water at the mixer of the most remote and highly located sanitary appliance is not lower than 50 ° C;

c) the absence of interruptions in the supply of hot water, i.e. its supply to the mixing fittings of all sanitary appliances must be carried out in sufficient quantity for consumers, with the required pressure and with costs not less than those specified in GOST 19681-83;

d) uniform and continuous heating of all installed heated towel rails;

e) the practical absence of noise from pumping units, as well as noise arising in pipelines during the use of mixing fittings (the noise level at night in residential premises should not exceed 30 dBA).

If the above requirements are observed during the test run, an appropriate act is drawn up that determines the full suitability of the hot water supply system for operation in winter conditions, and the latter is put into operation.

If during the trial run the requirement of pos. d (which is noted in the act), then the hot water supply system may be put into operation with the simultaneous notification of the city housing department of the need for a specialized organization to develop appropriate technical measures to ensure noise absorption to the standard limits.

Hot water supply systems, during the trial run of which the requirements of pos. a - d, are subject to additional adjustment, taking into account the results of summarizing the operation data in previous years.

Adjustment work on the hot water supply system must be carried out with fully open shut-off valves (valves and gate valves) on all distribution pipelines. It is necessary to identify the compliance of the installed equipment (pumping, water heating, etc.) with the one adopted in the project, as well as the actual deviations of the pressure at the water supply inlet and the temperature of the coolant from the calculated ones during the hours and days of the highest water consumption.

2.6. Water supply and sewerage

Pipelines of cold water supply and sewerage, laid in cold kitchens and latrines, must be insulated with felt, followed by gluing with calico and painting with oil paint in two layers.

All temporary cold water connections for watering sidewalks, pavements, stalls, saturators, etc. must be disconnected from the water mains for the winter.

Sewer pipes running under the floor should be insulated with two layers of felt.

When insulating cold water pipelines in rooms with a negative temperature, it is necessary to check the presence of water exchange in them. In the complete absence of water exchange in pipelines for 6-8 hours, it is recommended to provide for additional measures to exclude the possibility of water freezing in pipes.

In the process of preparing cold water supply systems for operation in winter conditions, in addition to the insulation of pipelines, it is necessary:

  • check the serviceability of cold water meters and, if necessary, replace them with new ones;
  • check the serviceability and, if necessary, perform preventive repairs of booster pumps;
  • eliminate mechanical and corrosion damage to pipelines, their butt joints, as well as water folding shut-off and shut-off and control valves;
  • fulfill the necessary repair work to eliminate water leaks in flush tanks and the tightness of locking water, mixing, shut-off and shut-off and control valves;
  • in the central mixers of Herringbone sinks, check the connection point of the connections and, if necessary, repair the damage that leads to the overflow of water from the hot water supply network to the cold water supply network, and vice versa;
  • identify the presence or absence of interruptions in the water supply to the water folding and mixing fittings of sanitary appliances installed on the upper floors of the tallest buildings.

If there are interruptions in the supply of water by the cold water supply system to the water folding and mixing fittings of the most remote high-lying sanitary appliances, it is necessary:

  • check compliance technical specifications the existing booster pumping unit adopted in the cold water supply project, and if there is a discrepancy, eliminate the latter;
  • to carry out technical measures to regulate pressure and absorb excess pressure at water fittings.

Check the thermal insulation of the exhaust parts of the sewer risers, and in its absence, perform the appropriate work to insulate the indicated sections of the sewer risers. If there is adequate thermal insulation of the exhaust parts of the sewer risers, if in previous years there were complaints from residents about the disruption of the hydraulic shutters of sanitary appliances in the winter months, the sewer risers should be combined with horizontal jumpers with the installation of one exhaust part. The number of combined sewer risers with one exhaust part should not exceed 4. The diameter of the pipeline of the exhaust part should be taken according to the sewer riser with the largest estimated diameter. Horizontal jumpers from the combined sewer risers must have diameters adopted for the corresponding risers, and be laid with a minimum slope towards the latter. The thermal insulation of the jumpers should not differ from that adopted for the exhaust parts of the sewer risers.

2.7. electrical equipment

During the preparation of houses for winter, it is necessary to check the condition of group and switchboards, electrical wiring to house lights, in stairwells, in basements, lighting fixtures, switches, circuit breakers, electric meters for emergency lighting, grounding or grounding wiring.

When repairing group and switchboards, it is necessary:

a) check the integrity of the panel, clean it from dust and dirt;

b) tighten screws and bolts, clean burnt and oxidized contacts;

c) check the compliance of fuses and fuses with the strength of the transmitted current;

d) install the missing covers on the adapter boxes;

f) replace non-standard home-made inserts ("bugs") with standard ones.

Repair of open electrical wiring comes down to hauling sagging wiring, installing additional fasteners, changing cartridges, switches.

2.8. Ventilation

When preparing ventilation systems, all malfunctions identified as a result of an inspection of the building must be eliminated - defects in louvered grilles, ventilation ducts, prefabricated ducts and shafts, insufficient or excessive ventilation of individual rooms.

In buildings with a cold attic, leaks in horizontal prefabricated ducts and ventilation shafts are eliminated by smearing them with alabaster mortar.

Check the presence of deflectors on the outlets of mines, if they are provided for by the project.

Destroyed ventilation slabs should be replaced with new ones, while gypsum stored in a dry room for no more than 2-3 months should be used for the manufacture of new slabs. Regardless of the size of the plates, they are reinforced with strip or roofing steel, previously cleaned of rust.

Simultaneously with the repair of attic boxes and slabs, it is necessary to check the tightness of the double doors leading to the ventilation chambers and provide them with mortise locks.

A grating that is poorly embedded in the nest must be attached with screws to the frame; if there is no frame, it should be made of wooden planks with a section of 20x40 mm and installed in place.

Insulation of ventilation shafts is carried out by plastering on the outside on felt and shingles and upholstering on the inside with roofing steel on felt moistened with a liquid clay solution.

In buildings with a warm attic, it is necessary to carry out wet cleaning of the attic room with cleaning of the grids at the outlet of air from the ventilation caps. If necessary, repair the heads and replace the destroyed walls with chipboard shields with sealing of their joints. Check the tightness of the pallet under the exhaust shaft and, if necessary, perform its waterproofing with bituminous mass. They provide minimal resistance to air exhaust from the exhaust shaft by eliminating the louvered grilles at the outlet or replacing them with a sparse mesh to protect against pigeons.

If necessary, perform work on sealing the outer fences of the attic, eliminate leaks in the fences of the staircase and elevator assembly within the attic, check the presence of hermetically closing doors between the sections of the attic. In areas of the attic with low air temperature, local warming of the surface of the attic floor is carried out by laying thermal insulation.

Clogged ventilation ducts are eliminated by punching a 2 kg weight lowered on a strong cord into the duct from the attic. If the blockage cannot be eliminated in this way, they break through the wall at the blockage site, followed by its sealing.

At low air temperatures in apartments on the lower floors, the main attention should be paid to the tightness of filling window openings (see the relevant section of these Recommendations), and if the window sealing is not effective enough, it is necessary to reduce the exhaust ventilation performance by partially blocking the ventilation grilles.

The autumn-winter period is approaching. In most of our country, this is a rather severe period. With negative temperatures, in many regions it is well below zero. With high humidity. This means that the question arises about the reliable operation of special equipment during such a period, about the preparation of equipment for the autumn-winter period.

First of all, you should decide which equipment will be used, and which special equipment is subject to conservation for the winter. Regarding conservation, do not neglect it. To extend the service life of special equipment, it is recommended to perform a number of preparatory activities before putting the equipment into winter parking. For equipment that will be in autumn-winter operation, the requirements for preparation for operation are higher than for conservation. The rules for the operation of special equipment for a specific model provide recommendations directly for this model. But there are general recommendations for any special equipment. You can conditionally divide them into several sections.

Preparing winter tires

With a decrease in temperature, the properties of many materials, including rubber, change. Summer tires at low temperatures become hard, which worsens traction.
There are several options for working in the cold season:
  • All-weather (apply up to -10 ° C);
  • Based on a mixture of natural rubber and rubber (universal both in frost and in melting);
  • Studded (good results on ice crust or snow roll, but poor on dry pavement, in deep snow);
  • Friction (porous rubber is used, it adheres to all irregularities, the popular name is “Velcro”).
In addition to changing tires in connection with the planned permanent work in the winter, it makes sense to complete the equipment with chains.

Insulation check

First of all, this concerns the preparation for the cold season of working areas where people will work (driver's cab, crane operator's cab, etc.). In uncomfortable conditions, people, at least, will not be able to work for a long time, the risk of diseases and accidents increases.
Usually, equipment is purchased already adapted to work in a certain climatic zone and it is enough to check the performance of the relevant systems (heating system, cabin thermal insulation). If a problem is found, fix it in a timely manner. Additional measures may be required, especially for old special equipment and equipment not designed to operate at low temperatures, such as cabin insulation, installation of heating.
In addition, it may be necessary to insulate or install heating on important components: a propulsion system, hydraulic drive systems, and so on.

Fuel supply system

It is recommended to clean and flush all fuel lines.
It is also recommended to check on the stand, having previously removed from the engine:
  • nozzles
  • fuel pump;
  • high pressure fuel pump.
It is advisable to equip the equipment with pre-heaters. This is especially true for diesel vehicles. The market offers a variety of heating systems from a simple electric heater in the fuel tank to complex electronic pre-start systems.

Oils, hydraulic fluids

As the temperature decreases, the viscosity of liquids increases. On special equipment, it is required to control the seasonality of engine and transmission oils and hydraulic fluids if hydraulics are used in the model.
If the fluids are not changed, then the equipment at high negative temperatures may simply stop working. But even with relatively slight drops in temperature, there will be a significant drop in power, increased fuel consumption, and accelerated wear of the motor resource.

Accumulator battery

It is also necessary to prepare the battery for operation in winter. With a decrease in temperature, the viscosity of the electrolyte increases, which partially leads to the discharge of the batteries. The internal resistance of the battery also increases with decreasing output voltage.
To extend the life of the battery, it is necessary to monitor the density of the electrolyte and control that the battery is fully charged.


Carry out full technical maintenance. If necessary, make necessary repairs.
Attention should be paid to the preparation of the body. In winter, reagents are used on the roads; if they get into unprotected places of the body, rust may begin to form.
When carrying out, pay attention to:
  1. Brake system. Change dryer filter. Check the condition of the brake elements. Dry the air, remove the condensate. Check brake fluid;
  2. Clutch. Check in the same way as checking the brake system;
  3. Coolant. Check the quality of the liquid (in appearance: transparency, uniformity, absence of mechanical impurities);
  4. Windshield washer system. Drain the remnants of the summer liquid, fill the system with anti-freeze.

Special equipment

Check the readiness for operation at negative temperatures of special equipment.
If necessary:
  • carry out repairs;
  • replace fluids, oils;
  • insulate;
  • install additional heating.
On this, the main activities can be considered completed. Winter is a test, both for the driver and for the equipment. And with proper preparation, many possible problems can be avoided.