Roof roof. Choosing a roofing material: a comparative review of hard coating options

  • 27.06.2020

The roof is a significant item in the budget for building a house. Different kinds roofs are radically different from each other in design, which affects the cost of construction, which can be quite affordable or, on the contrary, cause a shock. The type of roof and the angle of inclination of its slope also affect the possibility of arranging the attic and shape the appearance of the whole house.

Different types of roofs of private houses have a configuration of varying degrees of complexity, starting from the simplest - flat and ending with complex combined structures.

Flat roof , the device of which belongs to the least complex, and, therefore, the most attractive solutions from a financial point of view. Floor elements laid on load-bearing walls, in fact, are the roof. Typically, a flat roof has a slight slope (up to 3%) to drain rainwater.

A pitched roof is a general concept for roofs that have inclined planes, the basis of which are rafters and sheathing. This category is presented in several versions.

A shed roof is a kind of intermediate solution between a flat and a gable roof. Relatively simple design, typical for the construction of outbuildings and country houses. It, like a flat one, consists of one slope, but differs in the angle of inclination, as well as in a separate ceiling and roof structure. One pitched roof allows you to conveniently equip the area on the second floor, which is not limited to slopes, as is the case, for example, gable, and, as a rule, provides the same amount of space as on the first floor. Recently, they are often used in large houses, where the area allows you to create several blocks with roofs located at different levels.

The device of a shed roof depends on the size of the building and the expected angle of inclination of the slope. Below are the most common designs:

  1. Rafter construction - the rafters rest on the outer wall. This kind of wooden roof structure is simple to implement and does not create high costs. It can be performed on buildings in which the span of the walls does not exceed 6 meters.
  2. Rafter construction with struts - an inclined beam strengthens and stiffens the frame. With its help, you can make a roof on a building with a span of walls up to 7 meters.
  3. Truss structure with a trussed truss - this kind of roof structure can be used on roofs with a span of up to 12 m. The wooden structure is additionally supported by pillars, which provide it with greater rigidity.

Gable roof

A gable roof is a structure with opposite slopes connected in a ridge. A characteristic feature is the presence of triangular pediments of the side walls covering the roof in planes perpendicular to the ridge. There are main types of gable roofs - symmetrical (when the sections are equal and inclined at the same angle) or asymmetrical.

This design is characteristic of traditional architecture, but is also present in modern, minimalist buildings, primarily due to simplicity, which affects convenience and lower construction costs. In houses where the roof slope is 35 - 45 °, an attic is usually equipped. A gable roof has many advantages, among which the most important are:

  • due to the possibility of adapting the attic for residential purposes, they receive additional space;
  • a simple design facilitates the construction of a house, and also allows you to easily add a garage or a shed to the building;
  • a large and simple area facilitates the arrangement of the roof;
  • when carrying out roofing work on a gable roof, little waste of materials is obtained, so the choice of coverage is unlimited;
  • this type of roof also ensures efficient removal of snow and rainwater.

It is also important for the building that, thanks to the strong slope, the ventilation between the roof and the wind insulation is much easier than in the case of other types of roofs.

The hip roof is a four-pitched structure, where two of the four slopes are trapezoid-shaped, and two more are triangles. It is these triangular slopes that are called hips, which gave the name to the design. The slopes, converging to a short ridge, are usually inclined at one angle. The truss structure uses beams and double tightening. This design is recommended for one-story buildings, which give beautiful proportions. Despite the presence of an attic, the reasonable arrangement of the attic in this case is not an easy task. The interior design is hampered by numerous bevels. Usually, the functionality of the attic is improved by increasing the angle of inclination of the slope, but in the case of a four-slope design, little can be achieved by this. The best solution is to install skylights that will visually increase the volume of the room.

A hip roof is more expensive and more difficult to implement than a gable roof. Implementation is hampered, in particular, by the angles at which the planes converge. This is a job for highly skilled roofers. Also, roofing work requires the use of solutions that increase the cost of construction. When using sheet roofing, a lot of waste remains, so it is better to use piece roofing materials, which will reduce losses. Having mounted a reinforced truss system, you can even use ceramic tiles. The hip roof has subspecies.

The semi-hip roof is characterized by beveled corners, and truncated triangles located on the end walls. Is good option for investors looking for a way to get rid of the monotony.

Similar designs are typical for regional architecture. They can be found, in particular, in the mountains.

The truncated triangles of the semi-hip roof reduce the surface of the roof and strengthen the edges of the frame, thereby protecting the house from strong winds. The optimal slope angle of such a roof is 35°, which allows water and snow to drain away without limiting the choice of roofing.

Installation of such a roof is simpler than a hip roof and only slightly more complicated than a gable roof. At the same time, it looks aesthetically pleasing and has a comfortable attic, in which an attic can be equipped. However, special attention should be paid to the careful implementation of thermal insulation at the joints of the slopes.

A hipped roof is a specific type of hip roof, which is used in buildings that have a square or regular rectangle at the base. They do not have a ridge, their slopes converge at one point, forming the so-called ridge knot. Visually, this design resembles a pyramid. Looks great as a cover for a one-story building built in classical style.

hipped roofs often used as a coating for loose standing garages, agricultural buildings, shops. Sometimes they are used as a cover for turrets and other elements in more architecturally complex buildings. However, it must be remembered that, although they are visually attractive, the cost of their implementation is always more than in the case of conventional gable structures.

Traditionally, a multi-gable roof is a roof formed by a variety of combinations of gable roofs. It consists of many planes of different sizes, shapes and angles. Most often they are triangular or trapezoidal, sometimes rectangular. The roof is beautifully presented, but has too many construction complications. To drain water from the entire surface, it is necessary to install additional drains and downpipes. The complex shape of the roof affects the increase in its value. A large number of slopes is associated with a large consumption of roofing material. At least the purchase of a large number of ribs, valleys and a ridge will be a significant expense. Big number bending also affects the increase in the weight of the roofing. This, in turn, is due to the need for a more powerful and more stable truss system. All jobs require highly skilled craftsmen. In addition, a multi-gable roof looks good on a large building standing on a large lot. In a small area, this is rather impractical - it will visually reduce the entire territory.

An example of a broken roof is a mansard roof - this is a structure in which each slope consists of two parts: the upper one with a smaller angle of inclination and the lower one with a larger angle. broken roof can be two - or four-slope. The use of this design improves the performance properties of the attic - the usable area increases. A sloping roof most often has a lower inclined plane at an angle of 60º, and an upper one of about 30 °; layered rafters are used in the rafter system. As a roof, it is best to use flexible tiles.

The disadvantage of this option is a more complex and difficult to implement design, as well as the need for very careful preparation of the coating. Leaks may occur at fracture sites. Also, the complexity of its implementation lies, in particular, in the appropriate arrangement of the rafters. In any case, it is better to entrust the installation to specialists.

Domed and conical roofs

Domed and conical structures are associated mainly with architectural monuments. However, these types of roofs are also used in the construction of private houses, in particular on all kinds of superstructures and extensions (turrets, drums, gazebos). They are mounted over multifaceted or round structures. Rafter systems for domed and conical roofs are used hanging and layered, respectively. For the arrangement of the coating, as a rule, piece roofing materials are used.

Combined roofs

The shape of the roof depends on many factors, including regional conditions and preferences, the type and purpose of the building, the landscape in which the object should be inscribed. At the same time, homeowners and developers strive for originality. This is where combined roofs come to the rescue. Most often, such structures are found in cottage villages. The bottom line is to combine several roof structures into one structure in order to achieve a certain aesthetic effect. Also, combined roofs are used in case of expansion of the building. So, for example, it can be a hip roof over a house, complemented by a shed roof over an attached veranda or winter garden.

In private construction, it is often difficult to decide on the choice of roof, especially if you want to stand out. For example, a modern flat roof cannot be installed where a large amount of precipitation falls annually. In this article I will talk about what types of roofing roofs are for private houses and advise on the best materials for these surfaces.

General idea of ​​roofing systems

The roof is the main protection of the entire building. Due to the high quality of the materials used, you can achieve a very long service life of your home. My words can be confirmed by many examples. Take, for example, houses whose roofs are already over 200 years. One can meet copper plating, on others ceramic. Of course, modern materials do not have such quality, but you can buy products that are very close to the ideal in properties.

Before choosing a roofing system, you have to study many nuances, and only after that consider the options. Here is a list of the main factors that affect the shape of the roof:

  • Style and decor of the future building
  • The structure and arrangement of the rooms, the plan of the entire building
  • Climatic conditions of your region
  • Roofing
  • The need for insulation, etc.

As you can see, making a choice is quite difficult, especially if you don’t know what you want. If you are stuck in this situation, then you need to answer the questions in order, and at the end you will get the best solution.

By design, the roofing system is divided into:

  • Attic. Due to the interfloor overlap, which is laid on top of the walls and the voluminous truss system, an attic space is created. It can be used by the owners at their discretion. Many use it as a warehouse for unnecessary things, and some equip these square meters as an additional living room. Buildings with an attic are very common in cold regions of the country. The air gap between the roofing cake and the ceiling is a kind of thermal insulation. Therefore, very often such roofs are not insulated.

  • Atticless. In such buildings, the reverse side of the roof surface is called the ceiling. As a rule, such structures can be found on a flat roof, but a shed system is a good example. A building without an attic is optimally arranged in warm areas where heat loss is negligible at any time of the year.

By design, roofs are divided into only two categories: pitched and flat. The second variety, in turn, is divided into exploited and non-exploited. As for the pitched ones, there will be much more subspecies here.

Types of pitched roof structures:

  • Shed
  • gable
  • Multi plucked
  • Mansard
  • Hip and semi-hip
  • And other less popular ones, for example, domed, hemispherical, etc.

You can't say bad things about any of these species. All of them are strong and weaknesses. To create a high-quality design, it is enough to minimize the shortcomings and emphasize the positive points. Take for example a shed roof. Its device is very primitive; a novice roofer can assemble such a system in a day. If you do not use design services to create interesting project, then your home can hardly be called beautiful.

Types of roofing roofs of private houses photo:

Now let's take a closer look at each roofing system and start with the simplest.

flat roof

Until recently, a flat roof was very rarely used in private construction. The fact is that for this surface there simply were no suitable coatings. The most popular material at that time was roofing material, which could lie without leaks for only a couple of years. Over time, manufacturers of building products began to pay more and more attention to flat roofs, and today the life of some materials is about 50 years.

To the negatives flat roof can be attributed:

  • Simple appearance. However, this point for someone may be a plus. Polls have shown that young people consider the "cubic" look of the building more attractive, but older people prefer standard buildings.
  • Very high requirements for roof waterproofing.
  • It is quite difficult to create an exploitable roofing surface due to labor-intensive work.

Despite these serious shortcomings, positive sides still prevail here.

  • On a flat roof surface, you can arrange a recreation area, open your workshop, plant vegetation and much more.
  • The exploited roof will become the favorite place of all your friends.
  • At any time you can retire with nature and watch the ever-running clouds.
  • Due to the multi-layered roofing cake, the exploited roof is very reluctant to let heat through.

More recently, such roofs could only be seen on high-rise buildings and industrial buildings, and today it is considered fashionable in private construction. Thanks to the small roof area, you can significantly save on materials. In addition to all this, it is not difficult to maintain such a roof, because you are actually on the ground, and not in limbo, as on pitched systems.

Some of the materials for an unused roof very often cannot support the weight of the average person, so they are equipped with walkways and ladders. A roofing cake of such a roof is created traditional method and is very economical.

Classical laying means the location of the heat-insulating layer under the waterproofing, and in inversion, the opposite is true. The exploited surfaces are arranged in the last way, and due to this, the roofing pie is not subjected to any deformations.

As a roofing, bitumen is very often used. roll coatings, membranes, natural soil, paving slabs and much more.

Shed roof

Shed truss systems are known to all for their popularity in the business. Thanks to them, sheds, woodsheds, warehouse buildings and other structures are very often arranged. As you already know, they are distinguished by their simplicity and this is one of the negative sides. However, this problem can be fixed by contacting good designer. He will not only create a chic project, but also advise which roofing materials can be used in this case.

A shed roof, although a simple design, can be used to cover large areas. An example is a building that is over 12 meters long. Of course, such a truss system will be somewhat complicated, but it still remains cost-effective.

The slope is given by the difference in the heights of opposite walls. By the way, this is the most common option, since there is no need to purchase additional materials to create it. An alternative way is to use lumber, but then the cost of the entire building will become somewhat more expensive, and the creation itself is more difficult.

The advantages of shed roofs are as follows:

  • First of all, it is of course the simplicity of design and its installation.
  • It is necessary to spend a minimum of finance, effort and time on the construction of a shed roof
  • The resulting truss system does not have a lot of weight, so it can fit on frame buildings
  • One ramp is very easy to maintain and repair

IMPORTANT: Almost all materials can be placed on the roof surface, but a large slope cannot be created, as this will lead to the creation of windage. This is fraught with the separation of the roofing sheet.

Dual slope systems

Surely even a child can recognize this roof. Their representatives can be found in any holiday village. Such crazy popularity is justified by simplicity and efficiency. Due to the gable design, atmospheric precipitation practically does not linger on the surface, which is very important for the northern regions of the country. In appearance, the truss system resembles triangles installed with a certain step. Very often, the roofs of such buildings are left uninsulated, and the attic space is used as a warehouse.

Positive sides gable system on the face:

  • Calculating such a roof is very simple, it also applies to the installation process
  • The attic is very voluminous, of course, it is not enough for a room, but it is quite enough for a warehouse
  • Due to the steepness of the slopes, atmospheric precipitation is removed naturally
  • Unpretentiousness in service
  • Construction costs are relatively low

It is worth noting that this type of roof has been used for centuries. He passed the test of time and showed himself with better side. But most developers who want some kind of innovation are unlikely to choose such a truss system.

A gable roof, or as it is sometimes called a gable roof, is great for small buildings. By the way, in addition to the original, there is a slightly modified version. In it, the pediments have the shape of an isosceles triangle. Such a system stands out for its height and its construction is not always possible. It's all about the wind load and the higher the surface, the greater the pressure will produce gusts of wind.

Very often on gable roofs you can find such a coating: slate, ondulin, metal tiles, corrugated board and rebate.

Mansard roofs

Such roofing systems are completely reminiscent of gable roofs. The only difference is the broken slopes, due to which the volume of the attic space increases. From the front and rear sides of the building, the lower part of the roofing surface is attached almost vertically. And not all products can cover such a slope.

As for the economic indicator, such a roof is 30% more expensive than the previous one, but you can ignore this negative point if you take into account additional room, which is created during the installation process. From my own experience I will say that the appearance of such a building is strange, but inside the premises everything is different. The upper and lower floors can be combined with a spiral staircase, and you will have access to the top at any time of the year.

The nuances of installing a mansard roof:

  • When arranging a dwelling on the top floor, you will definitely need to insulate the roof with inside.
  • When laying roofing material, do not forget to make ventilation passages. This will allow air to remove condensate in a timely manner.
  • Natural lighting can be created by arranging light windows directly on the roof slopes.
  • If you plan to rationally use the entire volume, then you will have to build special furniture that will follow the contours of the inside of the slope.

An ordinary gable roof can be modified to a mansard, as long as all underlying structures can withstand the increased weight.

roof in the form of a tent

For the construction of such a roof, an equilateral base is required. The entire roofing system consists of isosceles triangles, which are no different from each other. In the roofing industry, it is also called pyramidal.

The positive qualities of such a system are as follows:

  • Very high resistance to all kinds of loads
  • Interesting appearance
  • Almost all roof coverings can be laid on such a surface.

The negative qualities include the same kind. For some people, living in a square building is somehow strange, but there is no other reason for such a roof. The only solution to this problem can be the development of an interesting room interior. A serious design flaw is the complexity of the truss system, although at first glance you can’t tell.

Hip structures

Such a roofing system came to us from northern Europe. For residents of central Russia, it is considered ideal. The fact is that the hip truss system can easily withstand the load from strong winds and multiple precipitations. The roof surface has four slopes, two of which are trapezoids and the other triangles. As a rule, they are located from the facades and ends, respectively.

Due to its small height, the sent roofing material will not be able to disrupt even a very strong wind. But if you still don’t believe this, then you can always protect the structure with additional elements in the form of a cornice strip. The attic space is spacious and is often equipped as a living room. In order to have enough light, light windows are mounted in the slopes.

There is some subspecies of hip roofs, which is called half-hip. Her distinguishing feature lies in the fact that the triangular slopes are much shorter, and their angle of inclination is somewhat reduced. Such roofs can be easily recognized by the open gable. All products are used as a coating material, except for polymer and rolled ones.

These types of roofs you can see in these photos:

Multi-gable roof

This design can be of several types. The simplest is L-shaped. There is only one valley here. If you can’t imagine what it looks like, then imagine two gable roofs that had the same center, but the planes themselves were perpendicular to each other. The "+" sign perfectly describes this position.

The valley is a very important part of a multi-gable roof, so its installation should be carried out under the clear guidance of professionals. If you do the work yourself, you will have to acquire all the relevant materials and try not to save. As a rule, on such roofs, in addition to the waterproofing layer, a bedding carpet is laid. Of course, its main task is to level the slope plane so that the coating does not deform, but since it is dense, it additionally plays the role of insulation. All joints of the lining carpet must be smeared with mastic.

Roofs in the form of a cone

Such a truss system is a very rare thing, but still it can be found. The basis for such a roof is a building with a round outline. For ease of creating a cone, lumber is very often replaced by metal.

The range of products that can be used as a coating is very narrow, so carefully study the list before the device:

  • Bituminous products equipped with a good protective coating, such as roof tiles.
  • Due to the steep slope, natural tiles are an ideal option.
  • Copper or wood shingles
  • Natural materials (reed, reed, etc.)

Dome truss systems

Although such roofs are not common in ordinary private construction, they can be found on large cottages. There are several types of them.

  1. Heated variant. It can be built both with insulation and completely deaf.
  2. Glazed. It stands out for its original and sophisticated look.

As materials for the truss system, wood or metal is very often used. Most of them combine or use exclusively the latest product. It's all about the properties of the wood. It is laid on the lower rows, where its deformation is not required, and as it rises, the lumber is replaced by metal. However, you can not rack your brains and use all-metal elements. Due to the good rigidity of the materials and the system itself, a fairly stable roof is obtained.

Very often domed roofs are made transparent, for this the following products can be used:

  • Triplex. When such a material is destroyed, it forms a minimum number of fragments.
  • Reinforced glass. When damaged, it does not shatter into dangerous fragments, but the throughput is much less than triplex.
  • Polycarbonate, plexiglass and other plastic products. They are light weight, do not break and are resistant to direct sunlight.

A panoramic roof is very difficult not only to build, but also to maintain, therefore, to build it in Everyday life impractical, unless you are doing things that need a lot of natural light, such as growing flowers.

AT winter time a large amount of ice will accumulate on such a surface, which can cause the destruction of the entire roof. This problem can be solved by installing heating elements.

By constructing a domed roof, you will get the following benefits:

  • The appearance of your building will look very original
  • The shape of the dome evenly distributes heat throughout the room
  • Transparent ceiling in which you can watch the ever-running sky

You can build a roofing surface in a matter of days, but keeping track of it is much more difficult. Let me remind you that routine inspections should be carried out twice a year, then the surface will last as long as possible.

In modern private construction, there are a great many varieties of roofs of houses, and in our material we will talk about their most popular options. Such important roof structures can be divided depending on the shape, design features and what materials were used in its construction.

Tilt angle

First, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with what the forms of the roof are. Depending on the angle of inclination, two main categories of structures can be defined:

  1. Flat, with an angle of inclination not exceeding 3 degrees relative to the horizon. Since their maintenance is very difficult, and precipitation stagnates in them, such options are quite rare. On the positive side, inexpensive installation and a small amount of consumables can be noted here. On this design, you can equip a terrace under open sky, which can also be attributed to the benefits.
  2. Pitched, with an angle of inclination of 10 degrees or more. Such samples are easy to use, and therefore their popularity is very high. There is no accumulation of precipitation, and water is perfectly discharged through storm drains.

Roofs with pitched surfaces, in turn, are divided into subcategories:

  • lean-to;
  • gable steep;
  • gable gentle;
  • gable attic with a broken configuration;
  • four-slope semi-hip;
  • four-pitched hipped roofs;
  • four-slope hip.

The most convenient in the implementation include single-pitched roof structures, the surface slope of which is from 4 to 6 degrees. It makes sense to install them on garages, sheds and other outbuildings.

What are the types of roofing

If you need to build an attic, give preference to a mansard roof, which can consist of two slopes and have a broken contour configuration. Hip samples are practical, they adequately withstand the wind load, but their installation cannot be called simple.

It will require materials in large quantities, and you can not do without a professional installation team. When choosing roof types, be sure to consider all factors, and do not limit yourself solely to information about the service life and cost of the project.

In order for the design to please the eye and be a real decoration of the house, it is necessary to pay special attention to its design.

Popular types of roofs of private houses and their characteristics

Of course, the popularity of this or that type of roofing is explained by the ease of installation, saving money and time, the climatic features of the region and the personal preferences of the owners. Let's move on to a detailed review of the modern construction options.


This type is the most popular and has been built in our country since ancient times. Another name for a structure with two slopes, which rest on walls of the same height, is a “gable roof”. Installation is more difficult than single-sided version, but facing materials here they can be completely different, which allows you to meet any design requirements of the developer.


In this case, we are dealing with four slopes, the shape of two of which repeats the trapezoid, and the remaining two are made in the form of triangles. The name of the design comes from the word "hips" (frontal triangular slopes).

During the installation process, beams are installed here using a double tightening and drains are necessarily mounted at an angle of 45 degrees on each slope. The construction of such structures requires additional efforts and skills, because the construction of the truss system in this case is quite complicated.

Half hip

This is one of the options for hip roofs, with the only difference being that a truncated triangular slope is formed here, and it is installed higher than its trapezoidal counterparts. Of the shortcomings, it is fashionable to note only additional costs for materials, because you will have to finish those sections of the planes that are adjacent to the roof ribs. Such structures are well used in regions with a windy climate.

Attic (broken lines)

Another type of gable samples, characterized by broken slopes, which allows you to significantly increase the attic space, called the attic. Pentagonal pediments leave no one indifferent, and their construction will not cause any particular difficulties for experienced craftsmen. The only thing you will have to deal with is to buy materials for the insulation of the living space and install them, thereby increasing the energy efficiency of the house, which is not required in the case of an ordinary attic that is not intended for living.

On average, the cost of building a roof is about 20% of the total construction costs, but we can make the most of the usable building area and get two-storey house with virtually the same level.


Forgotten for a while, these types of roofs of houses are gradually returning to construction thanks to the unusual design solutions of modern architects. Flat roofs allow you to build a flower garden, tennis court or outdoor mini pool, especially if your home is located in a region with a warm climate. They can be improved with removable canopies made of glass or other materials that will reliably protect the recreation area from precipitation and pollution. The transparent dome will provide the space with natural light, and lighting fixtures will help out in the evening. Here you can also install solar panels and water heaters, if you need them, of course.

Of the advantages, I would especially like to note the affordable costs of materials and installation work. Do not forget about a high-quality storm system, with the help of which all precipitation will leave the roof without a trace, besides, the flat surface still has a slope, although it is invisible at first glance. As for the shortcomings, there may be problems with thermal insulation, and here we are primarily talking about heating the plane in the summer heat, but you can fight the cold in the same way as in the case of a mansard roof.

If the structure of the roof with slopes has its own heat exchanger in the form of an attic, then flat options cannot boast of such a feature, therefore, in case of urgent need, you will have to resort to its construction separately.

The main rule here is to create ventilation between the ceiling of the living space and the roof, no matter what shape it will be.

It is possible to equip both a ventilated attic and ventilation ducts, which will hide the truss and facing materials of the roof.

Less popular roof types

In addition to the most common roof structures, there are other options that can also be found in private construction, albeit less frequently. Their shape is somewhat different from those specimens that we considered above, but from this they can be no less beautiful. It is necessary to approach the creation of such samples seriously, because their implementation may be feasible only for professionals.


A distinctive feature of this type of construction is the rafter system, which rests on walls of different levels, due to which a slope is formed. Such structures are easy to build, and any, even the most inexpensive materials, are suitable for their cladding.

As for practicality, it is obvious, because precipitation does not linger here, so you don’t have to worry about maintaining such a building. The disadvantage is also significant - you will not be able to equip the attic or attic, and perhaps that is why today it is rare to find shed specimens on new houses.


The shape of such a roof is made in the form of four symmetrically arranged triangles along each wall of the building, which form a kind of tent. It has an unusual chic look, but it is very difficult to build it because of the overly sophisticated truss system.


It has another name - valley, and is characterized by one of the most complex truss systems. Many external and internal corners at the junctions of two slopes are not easy to install, moreover, the valleys provoke the accumulation of snow and rainwater, which can lead to leaks.

Wealthy people who build polygonal houses with a large number of outbuildings and attic rooms can afford multi-gable samples.


Such types of roofs only in rare cases cover the entire area of ​​​​the building and are mainly installed above its part. To mount the frame, you will need flexible elements, and as decorative coating suitable flexible or soft lining. As a rule, dome solutions are preferred by lovers of antiquity, oriental style, ancient castles and everything unusual, transferring it to their home.


Recently, spherical roofs have been slowly gaining popularity among our compatriots, although this is rarely the case. residential buildings. They cover gazebos, sports grounds, church buildings, so that we can observe these types of construction almost every day.


The point here is not the color of the decorative coating, as it might seem at first glance. As a cladding, if you can call it that, we are dealing with natural soil, in which plants are planted that serve as a real decoration for such an exotic design. Here you can mark everything positive traits flat samples, improved by a special ventilation system. Thanks to this laying, the roots of bushes and trees are limited in growth, they always have enough moisture for irrigation, and besides, conditions are created here for healthy aeration of the roots of green spaces.

The undoubted advantage is the uniqueness of the open greenhouse, because it is very rare to meet such green living structures, if possible. Looking at the rapid development of new technologies and the popularity of environmental projects, it is not difficult to predict that soon such plantings on the tops of houses will become much more widespread. Do you want to stand out from your neighbors and are not afraid to face the need for careful care of plants in the open air? Then a green roof will suit you and you will be able to enjoy its beauty.

Decorative cladding: what to choose?

In addition to personal preferences and financial capabilities, in this matter, you need to take into account design features that can both limit your choice and allow you to expand it. To date, the following materials are most common:

  • metal tile;
  • bituminous tiles;
  • ceramic tiles;
  • slate;
  • sandwich panels.

All these roofing materials differ from each other in technical characteristics, composition and design, and are also installed on the surface of the structure using different technologies, so before choosing, you should carefully read their description, manufacturer's recommendations and warnings. If you carefully approach this issue and study all the subtleties and nuances of the roof structure, you can create reliable protection and at the same time decoration for your home.

Ceramic tiles have a long service life. And the best confirmation is that old tiles are often used for the restoration of buildings. In addition, archaeological finds also confirm the long service life of this roofing material. The age of some samples, for example, exceeds 5 thousand years.

It is better to solve such a problem by replacing the slate sheet, but it is quite difficult to deal with this alone. The fastest and simple solution there will be a laying of slate on a damaged place or its (places) sealing. If nail holes are visible on the slate, then they can also be sealed; as an option - you can solder a piece of roofing material using a burner.

The roof load indicator can be from 70 kg to 200 kg per 1 m² of horizontal projection. Tellingly, the roof - no matter how much it weighs - must also withstand the so-called temporary loads, which include repair work, a layer of snow in winter and its (snow) cleaning.

The soft roof has its drawbacks, and significant ones. So, it is not always possible to completely seal the vapor barrier layer, because water vapor, getting into the layer of insulating material, accumulates there (after all, due to the dense waterproofing carpet, moisture does not evaporate). Over time, the moisture accumulated in the insulation begins to flow down and wet spots appear on the ceiling. In addition, moisture freezes at sub-zero temperatures, its volume increases, and the waterproofing, as a result, comes off the base. Even during operation, the waterproofing is subjected to mechanical / climatic influences, due to which cracks appear on it. Through these cracks, water enters the house, and it is sometimes quite difficult to detect and eliminate the cause of such leaks.

Hanging rafters are those that rely on only two external walls. This is a kind of truss trusses, to which is attached attic floor. If the span in the hanging rafters exceeds 6 meters, then a vertical suspension beam is additionally attached between the upper ends of the rafter legs. If the span varies from 6 to 12 meters, then the design of the rafters is complemented by struts, which reduces the length of the rafter legs.

To ensure a long service life and optimal conditions for the use of metal tiles, it is necessary to periodically inspect the roof. To keep the polymer coating clean, rainwater is often enough, but fallen leaves and other contaminants are not washed off in all cases. Therefore, at least once a year it is necessary to clean the surface. The same applies to drainage systems.

Use water and a soft brush to remove dirt and surface discoloration. You can clean the roof with a jet of water (pressure should not exceed 50 bar), and to remove stubborn dirt, use detergents intended for painted polymer coatings. Before starting work, be sure to read the instructions for the detergent in order to make sure that it is exactly suitable for such a surface. If the dirt does not come out, you can try to remove it with a piece of cloth soaked in alcohol. The roof must be washed from top to bottom, so that the detergent is completely washed off. Then the surface and drainage systems are washed with water.

As for the snow, it is usually rolled off the roof, and what remains is quite consistent with the bearing capacity of the structure.

It is important that the material that will be used for roof insulation has good thermal insulation characteristics and is:

  • safe(that is, it did not contain harmful substances);
  • effective(insulation material must meet all energy efficiency requirements);
  • reliable(the original properties of the heat insulator should not be lost throughout the entire operational life of the structure).

The main function of a vapor barrier is to prevent the appearance of a "dew point" inside the building. For those who don't know, the "dew point" refers to the temperature at which the level of air humidity is more than 100%, as a result of which excess moisture turns into dew (condensation occurs) and freezes. Moreover, this causes mold and fungus to appear - both inside the roofing pie and in the building itself.

It is difficult to overestimate all the advantages of thatched roofing. In summer it is cool under it, and in winter it is warm, the building itself “breathes” and generally lives a quiet, calm life. Even the sounds of rain in the presence of such a roof are “extinguished”, it is characterized by resistance to winds and other atmospheric influences. In addition to all this, a thatched roof allows you to significantly save money on the foundation and ceiling, since they will not need to be counted on for heavy loads.

A thatched roof can be laid on a roof of absolutely any design, there are no restrictions in terms of shape in this case. Finally, the service life of such a roof reaches 50 years. It's not worth talking about the uniqueness of the design at all!

An important stage in the construction of a house is the creation of a roof and the choice of roofing material. In addition to the fact that the roof protects the house from negative external factors, it is always in sight, so it should be beautiful and harmoniously fit into the design of the site.

What roofs exist: features of each type

Manufacturers offer a wide range of materials, so it is often difficult for homeowners to decide what to use for a roof. And in order to make the right decision, you should understand the advantages and disadvantages of popular roofing.

The roof can be protected with tiles, soft welded materials, sheet metal and other coatings - you just need to make a choice for a particular case.

Any roofing material must be waterproof, frost-resistant, comply with technical requirements flexibility, heat and sound insulation.

There are many roofing materials, but each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

When choosing a material for roofing, experts recommend paying attention to such indicators as:

  • roof load - take into account snow and wind effects in a particular region, the weight of the roof along with insulation and lathing;
  • architectural solution - take into account the shape, size and slope of the roof, as well as determine the optimal external design of the building;
  • service life and fire resistance - take into account the purpose of the building: expensive and high-quality materials are usually used for the house;
  • warranty obligations - some coatings have a service life much longer than the warranty.

For laying seam roofs are used metal sheets(pictures), which are fastened together with a special seam - a fold. These connections are: recumbent and standing, single and double. The folds are bent and sealed with a manual or electric tool.

You can bend the folds yourself using a hand tool

When creating paintings, apply:

  • galvanized steel - thickness within 4–7 mm, service life 25 years;
  • polymer-coated steel - a galvanized sheet is coated on the outside with a layer of polymer with the addition of color, service life 30–35 years;
  • aluminum - serves 70–75 years;
  • copper is an expensive solution, but the service life is about 100 years;
  • zinc-titanium - has the longest service life, but it is difficult to stack. And work is carried out at an air temperature above 5 o C.

Seam roofing is characterized by high tightness of seams and good moisture resistance.

Such sheets are mounted on a roof with a slope exceeding 10 °. A crate or a solid base is made under them. Cleimers are used to fix the paintings to the crate. If the sheets are longer than 10 m, then they are fastened with "floating" clamps, which compensate for the thermal expansion of the material.

You can lay ready-made ordered paintings or use rolled material, which is cut directly on the construction site in strips of the required length. For this, special equipment is used. With this method of cutting, only a vertical connection is required, so the tightness of the coating will be high.

Seam roofing is reliable, but has its drawbacks during installation

Disadvantages of seam roofing:

  • poor heat and sound insulation characteristics - a thick layer of insulation is required;
  • installation requires special equipment and appropriate skills;
  • metal surface - lightning protection (grounding) is needed.

From metal tiles

The metal tile outwardly resembles a natural one, but is made of galvanized sheets treated with colored polymers. Such a coating is applied from the outside of the sheet, and varnished from the inside. It turns out a durable, beautiful and durable roofing material.

Mounting a metal roof is quite easy and fast, even with your own hands.

The main advantages of metal tiles:

  • not big weight;
  • variety of colors;
  • simple installation;
  • resistance to temperature extremes, natural and mechanical influences;
  • affordable price.

Among the shortcomings, there is increased noise during rain, if the installation was incorrectly performed and the roof was not sufficiently insulated.

The metal tile is very similar to natural, but has less weight

There are several types of polymer coating:

  • polyester - the most common option;
  • polyurethane - increases the service life and cost of metal tiles;
  • from special polymer compositions - a thickness of 35 microns, it is optimal for roofing.

Sheets of metal tiles are mounted on the crate, the pitch of which is 35–50 cm.

If the length of the roof slope is less than 7 meters, then a single sheet is used, and when it is longer, then the sheets are combined. If the slope angle is less than 14o, then the sheets are overlapped into 2 waves.

To prevent condensation from accumulating on the roofing material, it is necessary to correctly assemble the roofing cake from a vapor and waterproofing film, as well as two types of insulation.

From corrugated board

Roofing from corrugated board in terms of characteristics and method of installation is no different from metal tile. The main difference is only in their appearance.

Roofing from corrugated board differs from metal tiles only by a ribbed surface

Here, in the same way, a crate is made and a heater is laid.

The greater the slope of the roof, the thinner you can take the boards for the crate (but not less than 3 cm) and less often take its step (but not less than 0.3 m).

Sheets of corrugated board may differ in color, size, wave shape and thickness of the metal.

You can cover not only the roof of your own house with corrugated board, but also the top of an ordinary city balcony

From ceramic and cement-sand tiles

Despite the fact that new roofing materials are constantly appearing on the market, natural tiles do not lose their popularity.

Elements made of baked clay and dried cement-sand mixture do not transmit heat and have high porosity, so the roof made of such materials is warm and “breathable”, and no noise is heard in the house during rain.

Ceramic tiles are also produced in the form of individual scales, which can be laid out on the roof with patterns.

When choosing a covering made of natural tiles, it is important to take into account its large weight. Therefore, not only the truss system must be powerful, but also the entire supporting structure of the building: the foundation and walls. Another disadvantage is the fragility of the tiles, which complicates its transportation, unloading and installation.

Their different types of roof tiles are beautiful and outwardly neat.

Tiled roofing, when properly installed, is always reliable and beautiful. Despite the high cost of the material, such a roof is an excellent investment for the next 100 years.

According to the classification, ceramic tiles are divided into the following types:

  • glazed - shiny and smooth, covered with a special glaze;
  • natural - it is simply burned, not covered with anything;
  • engobed - matte and resistant to fading in the sun, covered with a thin layer of clay suspension.


This is one of the varieties of soft roofing used on flat roofs. On such a surface, you can organize a recreation area and even plant lawn grass.

Membrane roofing is quickly covered and easily attached

Membrane thickness from 0.8 to 2 mm. It is supplied in rolls with a width of 90 to 150 cm and a length of up to 60 m.

The service life of a properly installed membrane roof is 50 years or more. The manufacturer gives a guarantee for 20 years.

First, the membrane is unfolded, and then attached to the surface in one of the ways

Advantages of a membrane roof:

  • light weight;
  • resistance to damage - thanks to the reinforcing mesh;
  • high elasticity - practically does not decrease over time;
  • resistance to sunlight;
  • high fire resistance;
  • simplicity and speed of installation - a team of workers can cover 500–600 m 2 per shift.

The main disadvantage of this coating is that it costs 30–50% more than bituminous materials.

Membrane roofing is commonly used to cover flat roofs.

Several materials are used to create the base:

  • polyvinyl chloride (PVC);
  • synthetic rubber (EPDM);
  • thermoplastic polyolefin (TPO).

Membrane roof mounting methods:

  • ballast - if the roof slope does not exceed 15 o. Ballast (crushed stone, pebbles, gravel) is poured on top of the spread out material or poured cement-sand screed. When using broken stone, mats or nonwoven fabric(loose technical fabric). Along the perimeter and all junctions, additional point fasteners are made;

    With the ballast method of mounting a membrane roof, it is difficult to find damage sites if a leak appears under the roof

  • mechanical - when the roof structure is not designed for the weight of the ballast. The laid membrane is attached along the perimeter with special rails, and to the surface - with telescopic and disk holders;
  • sticking - not so much reliable way installation, so it is rarely used. It is enough to glue the membrane around the perimeter, in problem areas and where there is an overlap: for this, a double-sided adhesive tape is used;
  • hot air welding - air with a temperature of up to 600 ° C is supplied through special equipment.

    Hot air welding of the membrane coating is carried out with a device similar to a hair dryer: it simultaneously heats up and dries the edges, so it can be used even in the rain

Built-up roof

For flat roofs and slopes with a small angle, welded roll materials are used. And on the most complex roofs of any shape, it is used soft tiles. The disadvantages of such tiles are the high price and the need to lay the elements on sheets of waterproof plywood. All welded materials consist of bitumen, which, when heated by a special burner, perfectly adheres to the surface.

Soft bituminous tiles allow you to cover roofs of various shapes and configurations due to their small size and ease of installation.

The tightness of such a roof and its service life directly depends on the quality of the welded elements and strict adherence to the installation technology. A soft roof can serve for 25 years. High performance characteristics provided due to its complexity:

  1. Bottom layer: protects the roof from mechanical damage, sunlight and temperature changes;
  2. The second layer: from bitumen, serves to protect against moisture;
  3. Base: made of fiberglass, ensures the safety of the shape, does not allow the material to crack;
  4. Another layer of bitumen: for additional waterproofing;
  5. Top layer: slate or basalt dressing, protects the surface from damage.

The bottom of the material can be coated with fine stone sand, polymer, slurry or foil. All characteristics of the built-up roof are easy to learn from its marking.

Bituminous tiles under the influence of the sun are additionally heated and glued into one common layer

If the slope of the roof is more than 15 o, then two layers of the deposited web are laid, if it is 5–15 o, then 3 layers are required.


Roll materials are used on roofs, the angle of inclination of which is from 0 to 30 degrees.

More recently, the used roll materials served no more than 10 years, but now new coatings have appeared, the service life of which has increased to 25 years.

Rolls for soft roofs began to be produced different colors, which made it possible to design roofs in unusual combinations

Roll roofing materials can be of two types:

  • the main ones are made on a base impregnated with viscous mixtures. They can be tar, bitumen or bitumen-polymer;
  • baseless - various fillers are added to the binders and combined with heat treatment into a single canvas.

According to their structure, they are integumentary and non-integumentary.

Modern roll roofing can last 25-30 years

All roll roofing materials are divided into 4 generations of use:

  • roofing material and glassine - based on roofing paper. Still popular due to low cost, although their service life is about 5 years;
  • rubemast is an improved roofing felt: it is designed to be welded, which is convenient for self-assembly. Fits easier and faster, but its service life is almost the same;
  • glass roofing material - based on fiberglass or polyester. Service life reaches 15 years, and when laying in three layers - up to 30;
  • membrane coating - service life of more than 30 years. Installation is carried out in warm weather: it is enough to remove the film, roll out the material and press it down.

Roll materials are fixed using roofing nails, bituminous mastic or a gas burner.

Welded roofing roll material lasts longer if the styling technology is followed

liquid roof

Filling liquid roofing can be used both for the construction of a new roof, and as a repair of the old coating without dismantling the roofing materials.

Liquid roofing is made by pouring, painting and spraying

The main advantage of this roof is high reliability and long service life: liquid rubber is not afraid of temperature changes, resistant to mechanical damage and high humidity. You can safely walk on it without fear of slipping.

Types of liquid roofing:

  1. One-component: applied immediately after opening the container.
  2. Two-component: consists of different parts:
    • bitumen-polymer emulsion - provides waterproofing characteristics;
    • an aqueous solution of calcium chloride - helps the sprayed solution harden quickly.

For the installation of the second coating, special equipment is required, in which the two components are mixed at the outlet. This is a small machine, so it is convenient to use it on the roof. The applied composition hardens in a few seconds.

Applying liquid roofing during renovation increases the life of the previous coating

According to the method of application, liquid roofing can be painted, sprayed or poured. The basis under liquid rubber is carefully cleared. The composition is usually applied to a concrete or metal surface pre-coated with polyurethane. But rubber can also be sprayed onto rolled roofing, improving its performance.

Liquid rubber is sprayed in a thin layer over roll roofing giving it extra protection


The inverted roof is resistant to wear and performs not only a protective function, but also has a functional and decorative purpose.

Such a roof is used on flat roofs, you can walk on it. Its main feature is that in it all the layers are arranged in the reverse order: thermal insulation is on top, and waterproofing is on the bottom.

On the inverted roof, you can arrange recreation areas, playgrounds and even parking lots

The inversion roof is reliable, durable, does not collapse under the influence of negative external factors.

It is easy to mount: it is enough to remove the previous coating from a flat roof, and lay out a new one in the required order. Such a roof is usually actively exploited - cafes, parking lots, playgrounds are placed on it.

The inversion roof in translation means "coup", that is, all layers of the coating are turned upside down

Inverted roofing can be of three types:

  • for minimal loads - used in private homes;
  • for medium loads - a more durable insulation is laid, and covered on top paving slabs or other material
  • for increased loads - an intermediate reinforcing layer is added, then reinforced concrete slabs are laid.

If in a private house the installation of an inverted roof is carried out on a concrete slab, then first it must be primed, then waterproofing, insulation and welded material should be laid.

Polycarbonate roofs are erected over terraces, verandas, balconies and other non-residential structures. For this, different types of specified material are used:

  • profiled polycarbonate - monolithic corrugated sheets;
  • cellular (cellular) polycarbonate - cellular structure, the length of the sheets is 6 and 12 m, it is produced in color and transparent;
  • monolithic (cast) polycarbonate - solid sheets without voids, outwardly resemble glass. They are multi-layered: the top layer is rough, the second serves to delay ultraviolet radiation, and the third ensures the strength of the material.

If high roof loads are expected, then it is better to lay thicker polycarbonate

Advantages of polycarbonate:

  • lightweight - does not require massive roof structures, quickly mounted;
  • transmits light well;
  • colored specimens add brightness to the interior of the building;
  • flexible and resilient - the large sizes of the sheets make it possible to cover complex-shaped roofs;
  • impact-resistant - does not break from any mechanical influences (falling branches, hitting stones);
  • fireproof - fire does not spread over such a surface, it fades;
  • resistant to strong temperature changes.

Fastening of polycarbonate is carried out on special self-tapping screws with press washers. The thickness of the sheets is made different.

For a greenhouse or a canopy, 4–10 mm will be enough, and to cover a large area, it is better to take sheets no thinner than 16 mm. If high loads on the roof are expected, then it is necessary to lay sheets with a thickness of 32 mm.

To create good illumination in the room, transparent polycarbonate is used, and when it is necessary to protect some space from overheating, colored sheets with reflective additives are placed above it.

Colored polycarbonate canopy regulates heat transfer under the roof and serves as a shelter from the sun's rays, reflecting ultraviolet

To build a roof of a certain shape, you first need to create a frame from metal or aluminum profiles, sometimes a wooden beam is used. But there are also special polycarbonate profiles: detachable and one-piece. And since they are also transparent, it seems that the structure is floating in the air.

From ondulin

In appearance, ondulin is similar to slate, but is made of elastic material.

Benefits of ondulin:

  • almost zero water absorption;
  • resistance to temperature changes;
  • protection against damage by fungus, mold and insects;
  • resistance to the effects of chemically active substances;
  • protection against discoloration under the sun;
  • light weight;
  • simple installation;
  • long service life.

Ondulin and slate fit in the same way, but certain features still exist.

Manufacturers recommend laying ondulin at temperatures from 0 to +30 ° C. If the roof slope is less than 10 degrees, then for fastening it is necessary to fill a continuous crate or plywood sheets. It is possible to carry out installation without a vapor and waterproofing film, but it is still better to lay it.

Installation of ondulin is carried out on a rare crate, and if the roof slope is less than 10 degrees, then wooden base nailed tightly, without gaps

Laying of ondulin sheets is carried out staggered, lateral overlap is done by 1–2 waves, and longitudinal by 20–30 cm (it all depends on the angle of inclination of the slope). Special nails are used on a wooden frame, and self-tapping screws are used on a metal frame.

from slate

Slate is considered a budget material. It is durable and easy to fit.

Slate is usually produced in gray, but you can paint it yourself or buy already painted sheets. Colored enamel not only changes the appearance of the slate coating, but also additionally protects against moisture.

painted slate roof immediately updates the look of the whole house

Its popularity is due to the presence of such advantages:

  • does not rust, does not conduct electricity, does not burn;
  • during repair allows you to replace one sheet;
  • during a rain absorbs noise;
  • does not warm up from the heat of the sun;
  • serves at least 30-40 years;

Gray slate is a common roofing material for small private houses.

But this material also has a number of disadvantages:

  • fragile;
  • heavy;
  • absorbs water, eventually cracks and becomes covered with moss;
  • asbestos slate contains carcinogenic substances (it is better to use chrysolite-cement).

Slate sheets come with a different number of waves, but their length is always 175 cm. Slate is mounted on nails with wide flat caps.

thatched roof

It is believed that a thatched roof is already a relic, but now in many elite houses such a roof is used for covering. It can also be used not only straw, but also reed, heather, reeds. Such natural materials are highly flexible, which gives unlimited scope for design imagination.

Reed and straw roofs look unusual and are used to decorate private houses.

The thatched roof not only looks original and beautiful, it is also characterized by high heat saving.

A layer of plant cover of 30-35 cm protects the building from heat and cold no worse than modern thermal insulation materials. With a layer thickness of about 30 cm, the weight square meter roof is only 35 kg.

Natural plant roof is a modern original solution with high performance

Do not think that a thatched roof is ignited by any spark. Before use, the material is treated with a flame retardant, and its dense laying reduces fire safety to the level of other types of roofing.

The service life of a thatched roof is 50 years or more, which is more than that of a profiled sheet or metal tile. Experts recommend laying such a coating on roofs with an angle of at least 35 degrees. The natural roof does not require the creation of a ventilation system and perfectly absorbs sounds.

Types of roofing of private houses

A private house can have a flat or pitched roof, but the second option is usually found. In this case, the following types of roofing materials are used:

  • piece - natural, composite, cement-sand or bituminous tiles, slate roofing;
  • sheet - metal tiles, profiled sheets, ondulin, slate, seam roofing;
  • vegetable - from reed, reed, straw, heather.

When choosing a roofing material for a private house, one must take into account not only its performance characteristics, but also its appearance in order to make the building beautiful and original.

Video: choosing a roof for a private house

Types of roofing of apartment buildings

If a apartment house 1-4 floors high, then a pitched roof is usually made in it, therefore, the same materials are used to cover it as in private housing construction.

AT high-rise buildings the roof is always flat: rolled and built-up materials are used to cover it, or a membrane roof is laid. If the surface of a flat roof is planned to be exploited, then an inverted roof is mounted, on which you can walk and ride. Additionally, liquid roofing is used on the roofs of high-rise buildings: it perfectly protects against moisture, and is durable.

Video: green roof on the roof of an apartment building