Mushroom slime mold how to remove from the body. Slime Mushroom and Mucus in the Human Body: How to Get Rid? Video and traditional cleaning methods

  • 29.06.2020

These photos show slime molds that look like mushrooms, and are radically different from them:

Sporulation of some slime molds can occur from spring to autumn, while others - only in spring or summer. Most slime molds can feed on a variety of substrates, but some species can only live on one substrate.

Like mushrooms, slime molds occupy an intermediate position between the plant kingdom and the animal kingdom, since they have signs of both plant and animal organisms. Previously, they were classified as fungi, but they are currently classified as a separate group of myxomycetes (mushroom-like organisms), since they have significant features that distinguish them from fungi (the absence of a cell wall and division of the vegetative body into cells, the nature of nutrition, chemical composition, ability to move around, etc.).

They differ from animal organisms in the way they feed and reproduce, as well as the absence of chitin and some other compounds characteristic of an animal organism, but their development cycle is similar to the development cycle of the simplest animal organism, amoeba (they are able to reproduce by simple division). In addition, they, like amoebas, when adverse environmental conditions occur, can become covered with a hard shell and turn into a cyst that does not lose viability for several years, and when favorable conditions occur (optimal air temperature, the presence of moisture and food, etc.) the shell of the cyst bursts, and a small mobile plasmodium emerges from the cyst, which begins to feed intensively and grow.

They are distinguished from plants by the absence of chlorophyll and the way they feed. If plants synthesize organic matter in your body with the help of chlorophyll, then slime molds feed on ready-made organic matter.

Slime molds are similar to myxomycete mushrooms in the way they reproduce by spores, but they also differ from them in that their body does not have a hard shell and is not divided into separate cells, as is noted in fungi, and also in that fungi are not able to move, as they do slime molds. In addition, the composition of the slime molds does not contain a substance characteristic of animal organisms - chitin, which is present in the cells of fungi. Slime molds differ from fungi in the way they feed: fungi simply digest the organic substrate with the help of special enzymes and cannot capture pieces of organic matter, bacteria, protozoa and digest them in the vacuoles formed in the body of the slime mold.

The vegetative body of the slime mold is called Plasmodium.

As you can see in the photo, the body of the slime mold is a formation similar to a large cell, but without a cell membrane:

Inside the plasmodium there is a cytoplasm in the form of a mucous, gelatinous transparent or opaque mass, in which a huge number of nuclei (sometimes up to several million) and many pulsating vacuoles float, in which bacteria, unicellular Animal organisms, pieces of wood and other organics are digested.

According to the description, the forms of slime molds can be different, most often they consist of intertwining tubules.

Plasmodium, like fungi, contains substances characteristic of both plant and animal organisms. It is over 70% water. In addition, it includes up to 30% proteins, lime, potassium and other minerals, ATP, RNA, DNA, cellulose, various colors pigments that color slime molds in yellow, pink, red, purple and other colors characteristic of each type of slime molds, fats and other compounds.

Its color may be less or more intense depending on temperature, humidity, light and other environmental conditions. Throughout its life, the slime mold feeds and grows vigorously. Under optimal environmental conditions (enough moisture and nutrition), the vegetative body of the slime mold increases very quickly, up to 4 cm per day. The size of plasmodium can be from a few mm to 1 m or more.

Unlike fungi, myxomycete slime mold is able to move towards a source of food and moisture, sometimes over quite long distances. Its speed can reach 0.4 mm per minute.

With a lack of moisture and food, the plasmodium turns into a sclerotium (thickens and hardens), which can remain viable for many decades. When favorable conditions occur, the sclerotium comes to life again and turns into a plasmodium, which begins to intensively feed and grow.

At certain intervals of time, most often, when the reserves of moisture and food are exhausted, the plasmodium crawls out into the light and enters the stage of reproduction. At the same time, it forms sporulation, within which a huge number of spores are formed. The sporulation of the slime mold myxomycete can take the form of a pillow or a small fruiting body of the fungus, on a stalk or sessile, sometimes of a fantastic appearance. The appearance of sporulation is characteristic of each type of slime mold.

For several hours (less often up to 2 days), the slime mold prepares for reproduction with the help of spores. Plasmodium is covered with a membrane that looks like a membrane or cartilaginous structure.

Inside sporulation, a huge number of spores mature, which, when ripe, break through the sporulation shell and spill out, dispersing through the air over long distances and populating new territories.

Under unfavorable conditions (lack of food, high dryness of the substrate, etc.), myxomycete spores do not germinate, but remain viable for several decades.

If the spore is placed in a moist environment with enough food, it will germinate. A zoospore comes out of it, which has two flagella, or myxameba, which has no flagella and which in appearance is similar to the simplest animal organism - the amoeba. Zoospores usually develop if the spore enters a liquid medium, and myxameba - with a lack of moisture. Zoospores and myxamebs can turn into each other depending on the moisture content of the substrate on which they are located. For a while, both can reproduce by simple division, like the simplest animal organisms (ameba).

Then they enter the time of sexual reproduction: they begin to merge in pairs, while their nuclei also merge, with the formation of a double (diploid) set of chromosomes, and active DNA synthesis begins in them. Then the plasmodium nucleus begins to divide many times, without changing the number of chromosomes, and a multinuclear structure is formed, characteristic of the vegetative body of the slime mold, with a diploid set of chromosomes in the nuclei. These small Plasmodium can fuse with each other without changing the number of chromosomes in their nuclei.

The resulting plasmodium goes into the dark, deep into a stump, a gap or under rotting leaves, begins to actively feed and grow vigorously until the period of new sporulation.

From the above data, it can be seen that the slime mold has similarities both with plants and fungi, and with a group of protozoan Animals - amoebas.

Saprophytic species of slime molds live in rotten stumps, crevices of dead tree trunks and roots, as well as under rotting leaves, in moss, and even in the droppings of herbivorous animals.

There are slime molds that glow in the dark.

Plasmodium absorbs liquid nutrients throughout the surface of its body. It can also feed on solid food, grabbing it like an amoeba (as if flowing around pieces of food). At the same time, outgrowths appear on the side of the food bolus in plasmodium like an amoeba (pseudopodia), and on the opposite side, the protoplasm, as it were, is drawn inward. Thus, the slime mold can absorb pieces of wood, bacteria and microscopic animals, spores and pieces of fungal mycelium.

The plasmodium of intracellular slime molds has the same structure as the plasmodium of saprophytic species of these organisms, but during the breeding season they do not form special sporulation, and spores develop inside the vegetative body of the slime mold itself.

When the spores mature, the wall of the plasmodium bursts, the spores spill out and enter the soil, then they are carried over long distances with a stream of water, infecting other plants.

Earthworms and soil insects play an important role in the spread of these spores. Once in a favorable environment, on the root or tuber of the corresponding plant, the spore germinates, forming zoospores or myxamebs (see above), which penetrate the root or tuber through the root hairs, begin to divide, merge with each other and form a multinucleated plasmodium characteristic of this species slime mold.

In years favorable for the development of myxomycete slime mold (warm and humid summer), these diseases cause great damage to vegetable growing, significantly reducing the yield of vegetable plants.

These diseases are common in almost all countries of the world with temperate climate where these vegetable crops. They are also found in Russia.

The main methods of struggle with these diseases is the change of crops (crop rotation) and the ruthless destruction of all diseased plants (burning). When selecting seed potato tubers, you need to carefully inspect them before storing them and immediately before planting. Left alone on the field diseased plant able to infect all others and almost completely destroy the crop.

Lycogal slime mold in the human body

Even in ancient times, many healers believed that various serious diseases in humans arise as a result of the settlement of a slime mold in it. That is why, if people saw a moving Plasmodium, they fled in fear in different directions.

At present, a fantastic hypothesis has appeared that the cause of many serious diseases in humans and animals is precisely the slime molds of the lycogalus arborescens species, the most common throughout the Earth. Of them all over the globe the most common type of this slime mold, which has a coral-pink color and the shape of peas or balls from a few mm to 1.5 cm in diameter.

Currently, scientists from many countries of the world, including Russia, are studying these strange organisms and their connection with various diseases. It was found that many people are infected with slime molds, but with a strong immune system, plasmodia do not harm a person, but as soon as the human body weakens, these organisms begin to develop and cause one or another disease.

In addition, it turned out that slime molds can form communities with other microorganisms that also contribute to the development of a particular disease. For example, it is believed that pulmonary tuberculosis begins to develop if both the "mushroom" slime mold and the Koch stick are present in the human body; cancer begins to develop if, in addition to the slime mold, oncoviruses also enter the human body.

Many scientists believe that under the influence of low temperatures, high doses of various radiations, under the influence of certain chemicals, the plasmodium is covered with a hard shell and turns into a sclerotium, which can remain viable for many years, and when favorable conditions come to life again and turns into a plasmodium, which begins to feed intensively and grow.

Currently, the cause of such diseases as tuberculosis, bronchial asthma, psoriasis, herpes, hay fever, rheumatoid arthritis, Bechterew's disease and many others is considered to be slime mold.

Infection with spores can occur through the air if, during maturation, the spores are near the sporulation of the slime mold. Its spores can fly up to 12 m from sporulation. In addition, "mushrooms" slime molds can enter the human body with water or food. Intrauterine infection of the child is also possible if the mother is infected with slime mold (she has intermediate stages in the development of slime mold: trichomonas, chlamydia, etc.).

Many scientists and traditional healers, supporters of this hypothesis, believe that it is very difficult to kill Plasmodium, it is easier to lure it out of the human body. For this, some substances are used that this creature does not “love”. These can be various juices (lemon, carrot, beetroot, horseradish juice, onion, garlic, etc.), as well as infusions and decoctions of some medicinal plants, including poisonous ones. In this case, the “mushroom” slime mold leaves the human body through the intestines and mucous membranes. In diseases of the joints and spine, various lotions and compresses are used to lure the slime mold through the skin.

How true this hypothesis is, only time will tell.

Here you can see photos of slime molds inhabiting the human body, according to as yet unconfirmed theories:

Slime molds are ubiquitous, moreover, some species are found throughout the globe, while others live only in certain latitudes, for example, in the tropics or subtropics, only in regions with a temperate climate or deserts. The largest number of slime mold species is found in temperate deciduous forests.

Some kind of nonsense, or the truth?

People eat slime mushrooms

10/24/2001 Alexander
Taming of the simplest

Mikhail Dmitruk 1998. People eat slime mushrooms. This is the essence of the sensational discovery claimed by the Belgorod doctor Lidia Vasilievna Kozmina.
For all the fantastic nature of this hypothesis, it is confirmed by the centuries-old experience of traditional healers. They have learned to remove from the body<слизь>(read -<слизевика>), which is considered the cause of the most formidable ailments. And seriously ill patients do recover.
How to explain these miracles from a scientific point of view?

Here is what Lidia Vasilievna told me during her regular studies in Moscow at the advanced training courses for doctors: We consider microbes to be enemies that must be fought. And they are very useful in nature: they turn dying organic substances into inorganic ones. Without them, the corpses of animals and dead plants could not decompose - the Earth would be covered with a continuous layer of dead biomass. Plant nutrients would run out, and animals would die along with them ... But thanks to microbes, the bodies of the dead turn into food for the living. True, very often this process begins during life.
If we move little, eat a lot, drink, sleep, indulge in other excesses, then we will turn our body into a garbage can with rotting products, in which pathogenic microbes multiply rapidly. And they will start eating our organs. That is, our body will decompose into inorganic substances. In the full sense of the word, we will become like rotten stumps on which mushrooms grow. After all, it is mushrooms that play the main role in our decomposition ... Just do not think that I discovered this. Even medieval doctors knew about killer slime molds. Indeed, in the encyclopedic work of G.P. Malakhov<Целительные силы>There is a curious story about how the Armenian healers imagined the development of diseases. Opening the corpses of the killed and the dead, they often found a lot of mucus and even mold in the gastrointestinal tract. But not all the dead, but only those who during their lifetime indulged in laziness, gluttony and other excesses, receiving numerous diseases as punishment.
This experimental material allowed the Aesculapius to draw amazing conclusions. They believed that if a person eats a lot and moves little, then not all food is absorbed by the body .. Part of it rots, covered with mucus and mold. That is, the mycelium begins to grow in the stomach. The mold throws out spores - microscopic seeds of fungi, which enter the bloodstream with nutrients and spread throughout the body. In weakened organs, spores begin to germinate, forming the fruiting bodies of fungi. This is how cancer starts.
But medieval doctors understood this term much more broadly than modern ones. They believed that at first mushrooms cause<белый рак>- plaques and blood clots in vessels that have White color. Second stage -<серый рак>: fungi form tumors of the joints and other neoplasms of a grayish color. Finally<черный рак>fits the purpose of the word.
“But in fact it’s not cancer, but a fungus,” said Lidia Vasilievna. And which one, I wondered, - boletus or honey agaric? In vain you are being ironic, - said Lydia Vasilievna, - No matter how much you have to cry. No, we are not eaten by the mushrooms that we eat. And not even badass. It would never occur to anyone to pick mushrooms that have chosen our body. These are slime molds, which sometimes appear on stumps in the form of multi-colored mold. The most common of them is popularly called<волчье молоко>. This is a white-pink film of mold with balls up to one and a half centimeters in diameter. If you press them, they burst, exuding pink<молочко>. Only wolves are unlikely to drink it: spores are formed in the balls - the seeds of numerous diseases. They enter our body along with dirt and dust. And who among us did not pick mushrooms, did not eat berries, did not drink water from a forest stream ... along with slime mold spores. What now - we all die of cancer? Of course not. Although there are a huge number of spores in our body, they, according to Kozmina, do not harm us as long as we maintain our health at a high level.
But spores germinate and turn into mushrooms if we weaken the immune system - you know what. However, even then you should not despair: folk healers have long found control over these multi-colored crayfish or mushrooms.
But before fighting them, we must study the habits of our opponents. Here is what Lidia Vasilievna managed to find out.



In addition to the topic

From the video: The largest single-celled organism on Earth that can grow up to 3 square meters. For many years, slime molds have amazed scientists with their ability to find their way through labyrinths. They have no brain and nervous system, but they are able to solve complex problems with simple rules, such as forming an efficient transport network for many nodes, surpassing the best human engineers in this. They are distinguished by their ability to use information to make many decisions at the same time - quite unusual for a single-celled organism. Slime molds are self-organizing systems. Bird flocks can also act as a single entity without centralized control, but slime molds are capable of more: for example, there is a robot controlled by a slime mold - a microcircuit captures the pulsations that it uses to coordinate parts of its body. This organism processes information in a very different way from central processing units: all parts of its body work for the common good, and scientists want to learn as much as possible about this method of processing. The slime mold could provide us with a revolution in computing or even in the creation of artificial intelligence. Slime molds are found everywhere, but they are not noticed, because. they are secretive.

Slime molds are a polyphyletic group of organisms, in modern taxonomy attributed to different taxa of protozoa, the classification of which has not yet been finally developed. There are about 1000 species.

These organisms are united by the fact that at a certain stage of the life cycle they look like plasmodium or pseudoplasmodium - a “mucous” mass without hard covers.

It can be one multinucleated cell (plasmodium, in the so-called non-cellular slime molds) or a grouping a large number cells (pseudoplasmodium, in cellular). In most species, it is visible to the naked eye and is able to move. From plasmodium or pseudoplasmodium, sporulation is formed, which often resembles the appearance of the fruiting bodies of fungi. Spores germinate in mobile cells - zoospores or myxamoebes, from which plasmodium or pseudoplasmodium is formed in various ways.

Slime molds - the collective mind on Earth

Keep in mind, a snail crawling on the ground without a shell is actually a mushroom. And if you turn away for a couple of minutes, you may not see anything at all - the snail-mushroom will disappear ...
The fact is that you are faced with a slime mold or, scientifically, with a myxomycete-dictyostelium.

Scientists are interested in these obscure creatures - either mushrooms or amoebas that have no brain and sense organs - for many reasons: for example, they can find a way out of mazes, solve puzzles, learn and even deceive each other.

Slime molds, or, as they are also called, myxomycetes, were first described in detail by the American biologist John Tyler Bonner. The scientist studied the slime mold Dictyostelium discoides in detail and even used it as simple model human embryo. At first glance, the idea of ​​drawing parallels between a microscopic lump of obscure matter and Homo sapiens seems strange, but a closer look reveals that myxomycetes are, indeed, very complexly organized systems.

For most of their lives, slime molds exist not as separate organisms, but as a colony of cells that have joined together and act in concert - for example, slime molds can crawl, trying to get to the right food or avoid the impact of an irritant. Myxomycetes do not move very fast - on average, they overcome from 0.1 to 0.4 millimeters per minute, but if you remember that the size of each individual cell does not exceed several tens of micrometers (a micrometer is one millionth of a meter, or one thousandth of a millimeter) , then the impression of the slowness of the slime molds is deceptive.

In its normal state, the slime mold breaks up into many self-moving cells, each one hundredth of a millimeter in size. These cells scatter over considerable distances, but in case of danger, one or more cells secrete the substance acrasin, which serves as a signal - everyone to me! Amoebas crawl down, forming a living organism (pseudoplasmodium), which looks like such a slug. This formation can be likened not so much to a multicellular organism as to a swarm of bees. The cells that make up it, although they are in contact with each other and even connected by cytoplasmic bridges, retain their individuality, but this does not prevent them from moving and acting in a very coordinated manner. And after some time, some of the cells prove that they are still a fungus and form a hollow stem and a sporangium shell, while others turn into spores, from which new myxamebs appear.

The "collective mind" of myxomycetes not only decides where to crawl. When the slime mold runs out of food around it, it "makes a decision" to breed. To perform this important function, the slime mold crawls onto a stump or other higher place, and there amazing metamorphoses take place with it. The amoeboid body suddenly turns into a real mushroom with a cap and a long stem. Due to the outward resemblance of the slime molds preparing to breed with mushrooms, for a long time they were ranked precisely in this kingdom - and in old textbooks you can still see articles about myxomycetes in the relevant sections.

However, slime molds only pretend to be mushrooms - for a number of reasons, they do not fit into this group. To begin with, "normal" mushrooms do not move: they take over space by growing to it (this is a tactic that slime molds also use). Love of travel is not the only "wrong" feature of myxomycetes: from the point of view of fungi, they feed in a completely obscene way. Instead of using special enzymes to break down food into simple components and calmly absorb them, slime molds swallow and digest food like some kind of amoeba. Finally, the cell walls of fungi contain chitin, a specific carbohydrate that strengthens the bodies of fungi and arthropods. There is no chitin in the cells of the slime molds.

Given all these oddities, scientists, after much debate, ranked slime molds in the Protista (protozoa) kingdom. In other words, they were recognized as relatives of amoebas known to everyone from school, ciliates-shoes and green euglena. But unlike shoes and other malarial plasmodia, leading a solitary lifestyle, slime mold cells, as mentioned above, prefer to unite in complex communities, and often identical-looking cells begin to perform completely different functions. For example, the cap of a pseudomushroom, into which an amorphous myxomycete turns before reproduction, contains a huge amount of spores, the beginning of which was laid by cells that, by chance, ended up in the upper part of the slime mold. Their more unlucky brethren get the role of a leg, which makes disputes as high as possible above the ground. After the beginnings of future slime molds spread around the "mushroom", the leg dies.

Recently, scientists have found that this order of affairs does not suit some slime mold cells. It turned out that they deliberately seek to crawl into that part of the body of the myxomycete, which will subsequently form a hat. Experts came to the conclusion that the ability to cheat is genetically embedded in cells - since deceivers are more likely to survive, it is passed on to descendants, and a certain number of "dishonest" cells remain in populations. As in human society, such a strategy only works when there are "honest" individuals around: if you collect the slime molds that carry the "deception genes" together, then in adverse conditions some of them will be forced to sacrifice themselves.

A complex way of cell interaction and the ability to form pseudo-multicellular structures ("the bodies" of some types of slime molds generally represent one giant - up to several tens of centimeters - cell with many nuclei) have been formed over a very long evolutionary history of slime molds. Pseudo-multicellularity gave slime molds significant advantages - relatively large bodies compared to individual cells moved much faster and scattered spores much further than any single-celled organism.

Genetic analysis has shown that these creatures appeared on the planet at least 600 million years ago, and the common ancestor of all myxomycetes could have celebrated its billionth birthday at all. That is, slime molds, along with other protozoa and bacteria, were the first creatures to master the land and create the soil on which plants could then take root.

Unusual creatures interested scientists, and they learned how to grow them artificially - it turned out that mixomycetes readily settle on the same agar on which bacteria are bred in all laboratories of the world, and eat oatmeal with great pleasure. By observing myxomycetes, researchers have discovered a lot of amazing talents in them. For example, slime molds can find the shortest distance between two points: if you place a slime mold on a map of, say, Portugal, and place pieces of his favorite food in largest cities, then very quickly the myxomycete, with the help of its processes, will get to the food, and it will choose the shortest possible route. In 2010, scientists from New England conducted just such an experiment, and it turned out that the routes laid by the slime mold almost completely repeat the existing road network.

Japanese researchers used the unusual abilities of slime molds in order to draw up the optimal scheme transport communication in Tokyo. They conducted the same experiment as described above, only the food was placed at the main railway junctions of the capital. Whether the Tokyo authorities will use the solution found by the slime mold is unknown: so far, only the Ig Nobel Prize committee has evaluated the work of myxomycetes and the scientists working with them. Slime molds bring researchers an alternative Nobel prize for the second time - the same team of specialists received the first prize in 2008 for proving that their wards can solve puzzles.

In an effort to get to food, myxomycetes are able not only to pave new roads, but also to find exits from labyrinths. Here you can see how the slime mold has grown through all the corridors to the coveted handful of flakes in the center of the maze.

Even more remarkable was the fact that slime molds, which have neither a brain nor a nervous system, are able to learn. Scientists have noticed that in a drier atmosphere, myxomycetes crawl more slowly than when the air is humid. They began to subject the "test subjects" to periodic exposure to dry air and found that after a while the slime molds begin to slow down even before the humidity of the air drops. If the scientists stopped torturing the myxomycete, he forgot to slow down, but upon repeated exposure, he again learned to respond to it.

Finally, scientists have shown that in difficult situations of choice, slime molds behave exactly like people - that is, they are guided not by the absolute, but by the comparative value of objects. The researchers offered the myxomycetes a choice: pieces of inedible agar with flakes lying in the light and in the dark. Slime molds do not like light and therefore, other things being equal, they preferred to crawl towards food lying in the shade. When the illuminated agar pieces had 5 percent flakes and the shaded pieces had 3 percent, the slime molds chose both options with about equal frequency. But when scientists reduced the agar content in the "dark" pieces to one percent, 80 percent of the slime molds began to seek this particular bait: in this situation, the difference between a dangerous and safe option became much more obvious.

In another series of similar experiments, supplemented by adverse effects, scientists showed that in the first situation, slime molds make decisions faster: in uncomfortable conditions, the difference in the content of flakes in lit and unlit pieces became unprincipled, and mycosmycetes quickly determined the choice (that is, risked).

The outstanding abilities of slime molds impressed researchers from the University of the West of England so much that they decided to create a robot based on them - the authors called it a plasmabot. As conceived by scientists, the machine will be able to determine the type of objects it encounters, find the shortest path from one object to another, and also carry small objects along a given route. However, so far there are no reports of progress in creating a plasma bot.

All the amazing talents described above were discovered by scientists working mainly with the two most studied types of slime molds. In the course of the Global Eumycetozoan Project, biologists doubled the known number of myxomycete species: they found that slime molds even live on the leaves of house plants. So creatures that can be safely used to write fantasy novels actually live everywhere on Earth. Moreover, they can call themselves primordial earthlings with much more right than people.

Scientists from the University of Sydney conducted experiments on slime molds of the species Physarum polycephalum, and found that this biological organism avoided repeating its path. They suggested that the slime mold uses external spatial memory for orientation.

A slime mold leaves a trail of slime wherever it goes, which tells it where it's been before.

To test their theory, the researchers placed the slime mold in a U-shaped trap. Nearly 96 percent of the organisms were able to find the sugar solution in the trap within 120 hours. When the trap was covered with slime in such a way that the "test subjects" could not distinguish their tracks, only a third of the organisms reached the target before the end of the time limit, and it took ten times longer to return to the place where they were.

The study also showed that Physarum members can recognize and respond to footprints left by other slime mold species.

Today we will continue our conversation about one of the most dangerous and deadly diseases - cancer and methods of dealing with it. It turns out that the fungus-mucus mold was the cause of the development of the disease. Every year, about 8 million people die from it in the world, that is, every fourth ... Terrible statistics, isn't it? But it turns out that the treatment of cancer with folk remedies can be successful if you fight the root cause.

In the article, when we talked about, a conclusion was made thanks to the sensational discovery of a laboratory assistant from the Belgorod clinic of the Internal Affairs Directorate, Lidia Vasilievna Kozmina. It became known that cancer is the last stage of the development of the slime mold fungus. If this version is correct, then cancer can be easily prevented and even defeated.

Since ancient times, healers and healers believed that with a sedentary lifestyle, all the food that a person consumes cannot be digested. Its remains are festering, covered with mold and mucus. This is how a mycelium develops in the human stomach, eventually throwing out spores that enter the bloodstream, which carries them.

Spores settle and germinate in weakened organs, forming the fruiting bodies of fungi - cancer. That is why most traditional healers begin cancer treatment with fasting.

Gennady Malakhov claims that taking your own urine can help get rid of the slime mold fungus. But his theory is too complicated, and now it is practically not applied. Instead, Lydia Vasilievna advises every morning, on an empty stomach, to eat grated beets, carrots or drink their juice. The slime mold fungus feeds on the pigments contained in them, and in a well-fed state, it does not pose a danger to humans.

Famous healer-herbalist from Minsk, V. A. Ivanov offers to cleanse the body of mucus with lemon juice and olive oil. At correct use method, the mucus will leave the body and then cancer is not terrible for a person.

Ps: This cleansing method presented by Ivanov is not published on purpose, as it is very tough and has many contraindications to the characteristics of the body. It is better not to take risks, but to consider other ways to cleanse the body of mucus and toxins ...

Bashkir healer Rim Akhmedov successfully used in the treatment of cancer tincture of wormwood. The recommended dose is 2 tablespoons of dried and chopped herbs per 0.5 liters of boiling water. Tincture should be drunk 100-120 ml half an hour before meals. To achieve a greater effect, you can use its dried and crushed root instead of wormwood herb. To do this, 2 tablespoons of the root must be poured with a glass of boiling water, boiled over low heat for 20 minutes, cool and strain. Drink three times a day, 30 ml at least half an hour before meals.

Dr. Nerezov concluded - the use of one remedy or method in the treatment of cancer practically does not give a result, it must be approached in a complex way:

  1. Refuse bad habits- Smoking and drinking alcohol.
  2. Nutrition should be balanced, eat more fresh vegetables.
  3. Pass, alternating 5 courses of mummy therapy (50 ml of infusion on an empty stomach for 10 days) and 5 courses of sublimate treatment (three times a day, a teaspoon of an aqueous solution for 10 days).
  4. Take a two week break.
  5. Carry out a hemlock cancer treatment three times (read the recipe below).
  6. Take a course according to the “7x200” method: combine 200 ml of juice of carrots, beets, garlic, radishes, cahors, honey and lemon, drink 50 ml three times a day.

In addition, be sure to monitor your condition, take tests for oncological materials, if the condition worsens, then this method of cancer treatment is not suitable for you.

How to get rid of slime mold with folk remedies

  • Taking hemlock tincture - the best folk remedy for treating bowel cancer. When treating, it is important to adhere to the correct scheme: the first day, take one drop of tincture before meals. The next day, the dose is increased by one more drop, and so gradually you need to bring it up to 40 drops at a time and take a break. After that, there is a countdown: 40, 39, 38 drops ... You need to take at least 2 such courses with an interval of 10-14 days.

Important! The use of poisonous herbs must be combined with infusions of cleansing herbs, for example, yarrow, etc. (you can choose your own herb for each organism).

  • Admission is another popular cancer treatment. It is recommended to drink a mixture of 50 ml of warm water and 40 drops of propolis tincture 3 times a day 2 hours before meals.
  • Traditional medicine offers a recipe for oil balm as effective remedy cancer treatment. It has two components: linseed oil and alcohol extract of the plant.

The cooking process is quite simple: pour 40 ml of oil and 30 ml of extract into a small jar. Close the lid tightly and shake vigorously for 7 minutes, and immediately drink in one gulp. You can not hesitate, as the mixture may separate, which must not be allowed! Drink 20 minutes before meals. In no case do not eat or drink medicines. Take this balm three times a day. The course of treatment is 30-50 days with a 5-day break.

When using any prescription for cancer treatment, it is very important to follow the dosage and regimen. Mistakes can lead to a worsening of the patient's condition. In addition, the issue of cancer treatment must be approached very individually. Before you start using certain recipes, be sure to consult with doctors, do not self-medicate! After all, one can help, the other can bring irreparable harm, be careful.

Soda against cancer - is it possible

Where conventional medicine fails, there are bound to be alternative ways treatment. And suddenly one of them will give a visible result! Cancer is one of the most formidable diseases, but information about it is still very scarce. Recently, doctors and scientists are increasingly talking about when ... ordinary soda can help in the fight against cancer! Or maybe absurd?

Or is there still a grain of truth in this judgment? Let's watch the following video:

Official medicine knows about cancer as uncontrolled cell division. The exact cause of its occurrence has not yet been determined, research continues. Some believe it may be due to poor ecology, others refer to the wrong lifestyle, others blame stress for everything. To date, it is impossible to say about the existence of the most effective ways getting rid of cancer. In each situation, everything is individual.

Traditional methods of treatment help to get rid of cancer, but at the same time cause enormous harm to the body and human health. Irradiation and chemotherapy completely destroy the immune system along with diseased cells, a person's hair falls out, organs cease to function. On the early stage surgery can still help the disease, but if a metastasis is detected, the patient is actually sent to die.

In this regard, the emergence of alternative methods of getting rid of cancer, in particular soda treatment, is quite natural. It is believed that when using this technique, the tumor gradually decreases and then completely disappears.

The main advantage of treating cancer with soda is that it avoids chemotherapy, which has a detrimental effect on the human body. But how effective, and most importantly, how safe is the proposed method? Let's try to figure it out.

History of Donald Porter

American Donald Porter became widely known when, at the age of 75, he independently recovered from the last stage of prostate cancer. And all thanks to the usual! To do this, he had to undergo a two-week course of treatment.

Baking soda is great for fighting cancer. People who followed the example of Donald Porter claim that they were cured at the last stage of the disease, when even chemotherapy was powerless. The main thing is to take the medicine 2 hours before meals and be sure to consume potassium.

Simoncini's theory

For a long time it was believed that cancer occurs due to involuntary cell division. By the way, this theory has not received scientific confirmation. However, in the early 80s, the Italian oncologist Tullio Simoncini made a sensational statement: it turns out that the cause of cancer is candidiasis. You also heard about this when watching the video above.

Almost all cancer patients are confirmed to have Candida fungus. Tullio Simoncini believes that this fungus is the cause of malignant tumors, and not the other way around, as the official medical theory believes. That is, first Candida settles in the organs, and only then does a tumor appear. Therefore, the treatment should be aimed at the destruction of the fungus, only then in turn will lead to getting rid of cancer.

Dr. Simoncini was looking for a remedy that could suppress the development of the fungus, and he found it. They turned out to be ordinary soda. The alkaline environment created during its use stops the reproduction of the pathogenic microorganism, and it dies. Cancer is treated with soda in combination with other means to make the environment optimal.

Photo of the development of the slime mold fungus in laboratory studies

And here is how slime molds look and grow in the external environment:

Traditional Methods vs. Alternatives

So do alternative cancer treatments still have a right to exist? How realistic is it to get rid of a malignant tumor with soda? Everyone knows when cancer cells die in an alkaline environment - a fact, as well as the fact that they die in severely acidic conditions. Baking soda it can really help in getting rid of malignant neoplasms, but only in certain localizations and not at every stage of oncology development.

Treatment of cancer with soda is most effective when sodium bicarbonate penetrates directly into the tumor. In such conditions, soda can be used at all stages of the pathological process. And yet, it must be remembered that soda, before getting close to the tumor, passes through the blood, which means it changes the conditions in the body.

And if you want to try the path proposed by Tullio Simoncini or Donald Porter, you must first think a hundred times. Will such treatment give a positive result or will it harm an already weakened body? Be that as it may, you will have to act at your own peril and risk.

Thus, the treatment of cancer with soda has its advantages and disadvantages. Nevertheless, such therapy can be called quite promising. Perhaps in the future, the development of scientists will help to more effectively fight malignant tumors using alternative methods without harming the body.

There is good news when Professor Neumyvakin advises using . What diseases does it treat this method find out in the article.

Today we will continue our conversation about one of the most dangerous and deadly diseases - cancer and methods of dealing with it. It turns out that the fungus-mucus mold was the cause of the development of the disease. Every year, about 8 million people die from it in the world, that is, every fourth ... Terrible statistics, isn't it? But it turns out that the treatment of cancer with folk remedies can be successful if you fight the root cause.

In the article, when we talked about the causes of cancer, a conclusion was made thanks to the sensational discovery of a laboratory assistant from the Belgorod clinic of the Internal Affairs Directorate, Lidia Vasilievna Kozmina. It became known that cancer is the last stage of the development of the slime mold fungus. If this version is correct, then cancer can be easily prevented and even defeated.

Since ancient times, healers and healers believed that with a sedentary lifestyle, all the food that a person consumes cannot be digested. Its remains are festering, covered with mold and mucus. This is how a mycelium develops in the human stomach, eventually throwing out spores that enter the bloodstream, which carries them.

Spores settle and germinate in weakened organs, forming the fruiting bodies of fungi - cancer. That is why most traditional healers begin cancer treatment with fasting.

Gennady Malakhov claims that taking your own urine can help get rid of the slime mold fungus. But his theory is too complicated, and now it is practically not applied. Instead, Lydia Vasilievna advises every morning, on an empty stomach, to eat grated beets, carrots or drink their juice. The slime mold fungus feeds on the pigments contained in them, and in a well-fed state, it does not pose a danger to humans.

Famous healer-herbalist from Minsk, V. A. Ivanov offers to cleanse the body of mucus with lemon juice and olive oil. With the correct use of the method, mucus will leave the body and then cancer is not terrible for a person.

Ps: This cleansing method presented by Ivanov is not published on purpose, as it is very tough and has many contraindications to the characteristics of the body. It is better not to take risks, but to consider other ways to cleanse the body of mucus and toxins ...

Bashkir healer Rim Akhmedov successfully used in the treatment of cancer tincture of wormwood. The recommended dose is 2 tablespoons of dried and chopped herbs per 0.5 liters of boiling water. Tincture should be drunk 100-120 ml half an hour before meals. To achieve a greater effect, you can use its dried and crushed root instead of wormwood herb. To do this, 2 tablespoons of the root must be poured with a glass of boiling water, boiled over low heat for 20 minutes, cool and strain. Drink three times a day, 30 ml at least half an hour before meals.

Dr. Nerezov concluded - the use of one remedy or method in the treatment of cancer practically does not give a result, it must be approached in a complex way:

  1. Give up bad habits - smoking and drinking alcohol.
  2. Nutrition should be balanced, eat more fresh vegetables.
  3. Pass, alternating 5 courses of mummy therapy (50 ml of infusion on an empty stomach for 10 days) and 5 courses of sublimate treatment (three times a day, a teaspoon of an aqueous solution for 10 days).
  4. Take a two week break.
  5. Carry out a hemlock cancer treatment three times (read the recipe below).
  6. Take a course according to the “7x200” method: combine 200 ml of juice of carrots, beets, garlic, radish, cahors, honey and lemon, drink 50 ml three times a day.

In addition, be sure to monitor your condition, take tests for oncological materials, if the condition worsens, then this method of cancer treatment is not suitable for you.

How to get rid of slime mold with folk remedies

  • Taking hemlock tincture - the best folk remedy for treating bowel cancer. When treating, it is important to adhere to the correct scheme: the first day, take one drop of tincture before meals. The next day, the dose is increased by one more drop, and so gradually you need to bring it up to 40 drops at a time and take a break. After that, there is a countdown: 40, 39, 38 drops ... You need to take at least 2 such courses with an interval of 10-14 days.

Important! The use of poisonous herbs must be combined with infusions of cleansing herbs, for example, yarrow, etc. (you can choose your own herb for each organism).

  • Taking propolis tincture is another popular cancer treatment. It is recommended to drink a mixture of 50 ml of warm water and 40 drops of propolis tincture 3 times a day 2 hours before meals.
  • Traditional medicine offers a recipe for oil balm as an effective treatment for cancer. It has a two-component composition: linseed oil and an alcohol extract of the Golden Mustache plant.

The cooking process is quite simple: pour 40 ml of oil and 30 ml of extract into a small jar. Close the lid tightly and shake vigorously for 7 minutes, and immediately drink in one gulp. You can not hesitate, as the mixture may separate, which must not be allowed! Drink 20 minutes before meals. In no case do not eat or drink medicines. Take this balm three times a day. The course of treatment is 30-50 days with a 5-day break.

When using any prescription for cancer treatment, it is very important to follow the dosage and regimen. Mistakes can lead to a worsening of the patient's condition. In addition, the issue of cancer treatment must be approached very individually. Before you start using certain recipes, be sure to consult with doctors, do not self-medicate! After all, one can help, another - bring irreparable harm, be careful.

Soda against cancer - is it possible

Where traditional medicine fails, alternative treatments are sure to emerge. And suddenly one of them will give a visible result! Cancer is one of the most formidable diseases, but information about it is still very scarce. Recently, doctors and scientists are increasingly talking about when ... ordinary soda can help in the fight against cancer! Or maybe absurd?

Or is there still a grain of truth in this judgment? Let's watch the following video:

Official medicine knows about cancer as uncontrolled cell division. The exact cause of its occurrence has not yet been determined, research continues. Some believe it may be due to poor ecology, others refer to the wrong lifestyle, others blame stress for everything. To date, it is impossible to say about the existence of the most effective ways to get rid of cancer. In each situation, everything is individual.

Traditional methods of treatment help to get rid of cancer, but at the same time cause enormous harm to the body and human health. Irradiation and chemotherapy completely destroy the immune system along with diseased cells, a person's hair falls out, organs cease to function. At an early stage of the disease, surgery can still help, but if a metastasis is detected, the patient is actually sent to die.

In this regard, the emergence of alternative methods of getting rid of cancer, in particular soda treatment, is quite natural. It is believed that when using this technique, the tumor gradually decreases and then completely disappears.

The main advantage of treating cancer with soda is that it avoids chemotherapy, which has a detrimental effect on the human body. But how effective, and most importantly, how safe is the proposed method? Let's try to figure it out.

History of Donald Porter

American Donald Porter became widely known when, at the age of 75, he independently recovered from the last stage of prostate cancer. And all thanks to ordinary baking soda! To do this, he had to undergo a two-week course of treatment.

Baking soda is great for fighting cancer. People who followed the example of Donald Porter claim that they were cured at the last stage of the disease, when even chemotherapy was powerless. The main thing is to take the medicine 2 hours before meals and be sure to consume potassium.

Simoncini's theory

For a long time it was believed that cancer occurs due to involuntary cell division. By the way, this theory has not received scientific confirmation. However, in the early 80s, the Italian oncologist Tullio Simoncini made a sensational statement: it turns out that the cause of cancer is candidiasis. You also heard about this when watching the video above.

Almost all cancer patients are confirmed to have Candida fungus. Tullio Simoncini believes that this fungus is the cause of malignant tumors, and not the other way around, as the official medical theory believes. That is, first Candida settles in the organs, and only then does a tumor appear. Therefore, the treatment should be aimed at the destruction of the fungus, only then in turn will lead to getting rid of cancer.

Dr. Simoncini was looking for a remedy that could suppress the development of the fungus, and he found it. They turned out to be ordinary soda. The alkaline environment created during its use stops the reproduction of the pathogenic microorganism, and it dies. Cancer is treated with soda in combination with other means to make the environment optimal.

Photo of the development of the slime mold fungus in laboratory studies

And here is how slime molds look and grow in the external environment:

Traditional Methods vs. Alternatives

So do alternative cancer treatments still have a right to exist? How realistic is it to get rid of a malignant tumor with soda? Everyone knows when cancer cells die in an alkaline environment - a fact, as well as the fact that they die in sharply acidic conditions. Baking soda can really help in getting rid of malignant neoplasms, but only in certain localizations and not at every stage of oncology development.

Treatment of cancer with soda is most effective when sodium bicarbonate penetrates directly into the tumor. In such conditions, soda can be used at all stages of the pathological process. And yet, it must be remembered that soda, before getting close to the tumor, passes through the blood, which means it changes the conditions in the body.

And if you want to try the path proposed by Tullio Simoncini or Donald Porter, you must first think a hundred times. Will such treatment give a positive result or will it harm an already weakened body? Be that as it may, you will have to act at your own peril and risk.

Thus, the treatment of cancer with soda has its advantages and disadvantages. Nevertheless, such therapy can be called quite promising. Perhaps in the future, the development of scientists will help to more effectively fight malignant tumors using alternative methods without harming the body.

There is good news when Professor Neumyvakin advises using the simultaneous intake of soda and hydrogen peroxide. You will find out what diseases this method treats in the article.

Reviews of patients who got rid of the slime mold fungus

In confirmation of the effectiveness of the proposed alternative methods of cancer treatment, I want to give a few reviews of actually recovered patients.

The story of Galina Kravtsova from the Moscow region is like a miracle. For a long time and unsuccessfully, she treated a periodically aggravated duodenal ulcer with traditional methods. In addition, there were problems with the rest internal organs: liver, kidneys, pancreas ... After reading an article about possible reason of all her diseases, the slime fungus, Galina decided to start an active fight against it.

  • Initially, she performed bowel cleansing with salt water enemas.
  • The liver was cleansed with olive oil and lemon juice according to the method of V.A. Ivanova.
  • The kidneys were treated with a watermelon diet.
  • Starved regularly.

Result: on the 15th day of fasting, an incredible thing came out of her with water - a mountain of transparent plates of the same shape and size, similar to a jellyfish! Since that moment, Galina's health has improved significantly, now she just tries not to overeat, to move more so that the slime mold mushroom does not have a chance for a new attack on the body.

As you can see, everyone can prevent cancer or even get rid of it, it is enough to follow the basic rules:

  • Try to maintain your natural immunity, do not make it easier for the body to fight sores by taking artificial medicines especially avoid antibiotics that destroy the body's natural defenses.
  • Watch your diet and do not eat everything, remember, food should be natural. Additives, dyes, preservatives, etc. "joys" - and there is a direct road to cancer.
  • Move as much as possible, because movement is life!
  • Eat more natural foods, fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Try to breathe shallowly.

And finally, watch a short film about the slime mushroom. In the video clip, scientists and engineers show their research on the mycelium.

One of the most dangerous fungi for humans is considered to be a slime mold, a species of wood lycogal (popular name - wolf's milk). The fungus causes deep mycoses, provokes such serious diseases as rheumatoid arthritis, infective endocarditis or cancer, and can be fatal. It is rather difficult to diagnose lycogal slime mold, as it disguises itself as other infectious diseases. At the first sign, you should immediately consult a doctor. Correct diagnosis and treatment give a positive prognosis.

What is this mushroom?

Lycogal slime mold belongs to myxomycete organisms. It lives on rotten stumps and old trees. In appearance, it resembles a dirty gray or yellowish foam. To the touch of a soft consistency, moist, slimy. Lives only in dark, damp and damp places. It has a rather complex life cycle. On the initial stage existence mushrooms are similar to flagellates, and at the end of the cycle of them are formed plasmodia. At the final stage, lycogalus resembles an amoeba and can even move independently, which puts the slime mold between the classes of fungi and protozoa. Pathogenic species of myxomycetes include:

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Ways of infection and symptoms of the presence of a slime mold fungus in the human body

Infection occurs in an aerogenic way by inhalation of dust with spores of the fungus.

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Diagnosis and treatment

Diagnosing slime mold is difficult because the symptoms of infection resemble other diseases and inflammatory processes. For diagnosis, a blood test is prescribed. A significant change in indicators may indicate the presence of a fungus. The method of vegetative-resonant testing is also used. The study allows you to identify the lycogal fungus and related viruses, and also determines the degree of their activity and the location in the organs.

Treatment should take place only under the supervision of a physician. Strong antifungal agents are used orally, the dose of which is prescribed by a specialist. Medicines that thin the mucus will be effective. Folk remedies are also used, but only after consulting a doctor. It is recommended to eat and drink sour or salty foods, as lycogal does not tolerate acidic environments. It is necessary to strengthen the immune system. Nutrition should be healthy and balanced, and bad habits should be eliminated. You can take immunomodulatory drugs.

Slime molds are a group of lower unicellular fungus-like organisms, also classified as fungi by many experts. In the cycle of their life development, they go through several stages, and at one of them these fungi acquire the appearance of a slimy mass.

Slime Mushroom or Lycogalus

How to remove the slime mushroom from the body?

For the treatment of the lycogal slime mold fungus in humans and the prevention of infection, experts recommend several methods. One of them provides for the "acidification" of the body to maintain an acidic environment, unfavorable for slime molds, through the use of more kvass, salted, pickled vegetables. According to another well-known method, you should regularly consume fresh carrots and beets, as well as juice from these vegetables, which is especially useful to do on an empty stomach. To remove the slime mold that has settled in the nasopharynx, the following scheme is recommended:

  1. Drink on an empty stomach 2 drops of bittersweet nightshade diluted in 100 ml of water.
  2. After 2 hours, drip 2 drops of cyclamen tincture into one nostril, and after another 15 minutes - into the other.
  3. After half an hour, rinse the nasopharynx with a decoction of the bulb.

Another method of removing slime mold from the body is to visit the steam room.

Today, various information appears on the Internet about the nature of human diseases, including cancer. After all, cancer is the scourge of modern humanity. Despite the highest achievements in the field of medicine, cancer is spreading like an epidemic, and doctors cannot do anything about it.

A very interesting note “wanders” around the Internet, which says that the cause of cancer is slug mushrooms.

What to do with this information, everyone decides for himself to the best of his ignorance. What it will give you is up to you. I just think that such knowledge should be disseminated so that each person has an idea of ​​what is happening in his body, from which various diseases settle in it. And on the basis of this he had the opportunity to make decisions.

So, it all starts with the statement that ...

Cancer doesn't kill people! Humans are eaten by slime mushrooms. This information is jealously guarded by the Ministry of Health.

Such a terrible conclusion was made by Lydia Vasilievna Kozmina, a laboratory doctor with a university education, who for a quarter of a century examined pathogens of various diseases in her patients under a microscope.

The doctor suggested: maybe this is the same microorganism, but on different stages your development? Then it is not surprising that Trichomonas form spores, and mycoplasmas form mycelium.

It's just that our body grows ... mycelium!

This is so hard to believe! Official scientific medicine recognized the existence of trichomonas without flagella - but only in the urogenital cavity.

After some time, Kozmina quite unexpectedly received an answer to her question. And I found it not in the scientific works of the luminaries of microbiology, but ... in the Children's Encyclopedia, edited by Maisuryan.

The second volume (Biology) has an editor's article on slime mold fungi. And colorful drawings are given to it: the appearance of slime molds, their internal structure, which is visible under a microscope. Looking at these pictures, the doctor was amazed to the depths of her soul: it was precisely such microorganisms that she had found in analyzes for many years, but could not identify them! And here - everything was explained very simply and clearly.

What does the slime fungus have to do with the smallest microorganisms that Lidia Vasilievna has been examining through a microscope for 25 years? The most direct!

As Maisuryan writes, the slime mold goes through several stages of development: from spores grow ... "amoebae" and flagellates! They frolic in the slimy mass of the fungus, merging into larger cells - with several nuclei. And then they form fruit tree slime mold - a classic fungus on a stalk, which, drying up, throws out spores. And everything repeats...

At first, Kozmina could not believe her eyes. I shoveled through a bunch of scientific literature about slime molds - and found in it a lot of confirmation of my guess. In appearance and properties, the “amoebae” releasing tentacles were strikingly similar to ureaplasmas, and the “zoospores” with two flagella were like Trichomonas, and those that had discarded flagella and lost their membranes were like MYCOPLASMS ... and so on.

The fruit bodies of slime molds surprisingly resembled ... polyps in the nasopharynx and gastrointestinal tract, papillomas on the skin, squamous cell carcinoma and other tumors.

It turned out that a slime mushroom lives in our body - the same one that can be seen on rotten logs and stumps.

Previously, scientists could not recognize it because of their narrow specialization: some studied chlamydia, others - mycoplasmas, others - Trichomonas. And it never occurred to any of them that these were three stages in the development of one fungus, which was studied by the fourth scientists!


Kozmina believes that there may be many of them, but so far she has accurately identified only one. This is the most common slime mold - "Wolf's Milk" (scientifically lykogal).

He usually crawls on stumps between bark and wood, he loves dusk and dampness, so he crawls out only in wet weather. Botanists have even learned to lure this creature out from under the bark. The end of the filter paper moistened with water is lowered onto the stump, and everything is covered with a dark cap. And after a few hours they raise the cap - and see on the stump a creamy flat creature with water balls, which crawled out to get drunk.

Since time immemorial, lycogalus has adapted to life in the human body. And since then, with pleasure, he has moved from the stump to this damp, dark, warm and cozy “house on two legs”.

Traces of Lycohala stay - its spores and Trichomonas in various stages! Lidia Vasilievna claims that she found them in the maxillary cavity, in the mammary gland, cervix, prostate, bladder and other organs.

Lykogala very cleverly evades the immune forces of the human body. If the body is weakened, then it does not have time to recognize and neutralize the rapidly changing cells that make up lycogal. As a result, she manages to throw out spores that are carried by blood, germinate in convenient places and form fruiting bodies ...

The doctor does not claim to have found the Universal Causative Agent of All Diseases of "unknown origin". So far, she is sure only that the lycogal slime fungus causes papillomas, cysts, polyps and squamous cell carcinoma. In her opinion, the tumor is formed not by degenerated human cells, but by the Elements of the Ripened Fruiting Body of the Slime Mouth.

They have already passed the stages of ureaplasma, amoeboid, Trichomonas, Plasmodium, Chlamydia… And now they form a cancerous tumor.

Doctors cannot explain why neoplasms sometimes disintegrate. But if we assume that the neoplasm is the fruiting bodies of the slime mold, then everything becomes clear. Indeed, in nature, these bodies inevitably die off every year - and a similar rhythm is preserved in the human body.

Fruiting bodies die off to throw out spores and be reborn again, forming plasmodia in other organs. This is how the well-known tumor metastasis occurs.

However, the tumor very rarely appears in the singular. Usually primary multiple tumors are formed - in several places at once. Lidia Vasilievna explains this riddle by the natural property of slime molds: the same lycogale forms several balls at once.

Now doctors and scientists have a hope that the main biological enemy of the human race, the Universal Pathogen of Diseases of unknown etiology, has finally been identified. Previously, "narrow specialists" considered it for parts - some are "horns", some are "legs", some are "tail", and some are a naked body without horns, legs, tails ...

Even medieval doctors knew about killer mushrooms. There is a curious story about how the ancient Armenian healers imagined the development of diseases.

Opening the corpses of the killed and the dead, they found a lot of mucus and mold in the gastrointestinal tract. But not all the dead! But only those who during their lifetime indulged in laziness, gluttony and excesses, receiving numerous diseases as punishment ...

Doctors believed that if a person eats a lot and moves a little, then not all food is absorbed by the body. Part of it rots, covered with slime and mold. That is, the mycelium begins to grow in the stomach.

Mold throws out spores - microscopic seeds of fungi, which enter the bloodstream with nutrients and spread throughout the body. In weakened organs, spores germinate, forming the fruiting bodies of fungi. This is how cancer starts.

Doctors of antiquity believed that at first the mushrooms throw out "white cancer" - plaques and blood clots in the vessels that have a white color.

The second stage is “gray cancer”: fungi form joint tumors and other grayish neoplasms.

The third stage is "black cancer" - it is not black because malignant tumors and metastases are black in color. This is the color of the aura of the affected organs.

Similar views about the nature of cancer are shared by almost all doctors and traditional healers who know how to treat this disease.

Ancient methods of treatment and prevention of cancer

So, Vladimir Adamovich Ivanov from Minsk in the book "The wisdom of herbal medicine" (St. Petersburg, 1994) describes the Method of Cleansing the Liver with lemon juice and olive oil. If you use it correctly, then cholesterol plugs and bilirubin stones come out of the liver without pain. But the greatest success, according to the healer, is if the mucus comes out. In this case, he guarantees the patient that in the near future he is not threatened with liver cancer.

Like the Armenian doctors of the Middle Ages, Ivanov believes that mucus causes cancer and the best prevention of a formidable disease is the removal of mucus from the body.

And Gennady Malakhov calls mucus the cause of all disorders that occur in the body above the diaphragm. He proposes to treat them with the help of urine therapy. And, oddly enough, he gets excellent results. True, he explains them too abstrusely - in the spirit of Eastern teachings - like, mucus "colds", and urine "warms up", Yang energy defeats Yin energy, etc.

Well, if it’s disgusting to be treated with urine, you can treat the slime mold to another drink. Walker, Bragg and other famous doctors advise eating grated carrots and beets in the morning on an empty stomach and drinking the juice made from them. This, in their opinion, is the best prevention of many ailments.

Kozmina explains this recommendation: carrots and beets contain pigments that lycogala feeds on (the mushroom is similar in color to carrot-beetroot juice). And when the slime mold is full, it does not "bite" into a person. To lure it out of the body, it is necessary to saturate the blood with substances that it does not digest.

Bolotov advises drinking kvass as much as possible, eating salted and pickled vegetables, drinking bitterness, and so on. A doctor from Novosibirsk, Konstantin Buteyko, agrees with him.

By the way, the Buteyko method, but more modern, and at a new level, is used in the Frolov Breathing Simulator TDI-01 Third Breath

A more severe method of healing was developed by a healer from Simferopol V.V. Tishchenko. He suggests that patients drink a poisonous infusion of hemlock. Not to poison himself - but to expel the slime mold from himself. But not through the gastrointestinal tract, but directly through the skin. To do this, you need to make lotions from carrot or beetroot juice on the affected organ.

Kozmina gives an example of cancer cure by similar methods.

“One of our patients developed a tumor compaction in the mammary gland. And in her punctate, I found mycoplasmas and amoeboids. This means that the slime mold has already begun to form a fruiting body, the woman was threatened with cancer.

Our experienced surgeon-oncologist Nikolay Sirenko, instead of surgery, suggested that the patient take an ordinary anti-inflammatory agent orally, and make a compress of beet pulp on her chest. And the slime mold, “sorrowful” with the medicine, crawled out to the bait right through the skin: the seal softened - an abscess broke through on the chest. To the surprise of other doctors, this seriously ill patient began to recover!

Do not kill, but lure!

The fungus can live for years in the human body in the form of a mucous mass, which does not cause him much harm. But in favorable conditions for it and with a weakening of immunity, the fungus forms a fruiting body in 3-4 days. Then it is extremely difficult to fight him.

Therefore, the task of attending physicians is to remove mucus from the body in time.

According to Kozmina, the slime mold is a very gentle and timid creature that is afraid of everything. It can be easily frightened from its familiar place. At the same time, the mushroom is very trusting - it is easy to lure it with sweet juice. Therefore, it is not necessary to kill the slime molds, but to gently lure them out.

If we start to fight with him, we will inevitably be defeated. After all, he is better than a person adapts to adverse environmental conditions.

With extreme cold, lack of food, pressure drops, large doses of radiation and similar troubles, the plasmodium turns into a sclerotium - a thick solid mass. Cells stay in it, as in suspended animation (in a dream). In this state, they can be for decades - without food and water! And then suddenly, when favorable conditions are created, they come to life.

It is very difficult to revive the sclerotium in the human body, so you should not bring the poor slime mold to such an extreme. It is better to please him, slowly surviving from the body. For example, bring a cup of bitter wine to a mushroom (and yourself), take a steam bath with it, and then part, wishing a light steam goodbye.

Don't take these words as a joke. After all, since ancient times in Russia, all ailments were driven out in the bath.

Of course, we will not all die of cancer. Although there are a huge number of spores in our body, they, according to Kozmina, do no harm as long as we maintain our health at a high level.

Spores germinate and turn into mushrooms if our immunity weakens.

There is something to think about, isn't it?

And in conclusion, I would like to give two stories of those people who managed to say goodbye to the slime mold.

“I was prompted to write by the amazing article by Lydia Vasilievna Kozmina “People eat slime mushrooms”. Entirely and completely agree with her. It happened to me too.

I have long suffered from a sticky and often aggravated duodenal ulcer. Naturally, my whole “liver” is not in order: liver, kidneys, pancreas ...

To facilitate the work of these long-suffering organs, I try to cleanse the body. Fortunately, there are plenty of methods, recipes and tips now. To begin with, I performed Enema Cleansing of the Intestine, and was also often cleansed with salt water according to the yoga method “Prokshalana”, it is very effective.

The liver was cleaned several times with lemon juice and olive oil. With an ulcer, this is a very difficult event. But you have to do it. The method is effective.

I cleaned my kidneys with “millet water” and a watermelon diet.

Joints - decoction of bay leaf.

Often fasted, starting from 24 hours and longer. My fasting record is 18 days on the water. And after 15 days of my fasting, something unimaginable came out of me along with clean, transparent water - a jellyfish-like mountain of transparent mica plates of the same size and shape. I saw this for the first time. This means that this stranger settled down in my insides, undermined my health, lived and got on, but prevented me from living! I upset my guest by putting him on a starvation ration. He left. I regret that I did not give this “charm” for analysis then. I wonder what his results would show?

But my results are obvious - my health has improved significantly!

And here's another case. Tatyana writes from Ukraine:

Defeated asthma. She sucked mumiyo the size of a match head. 10 days took, 10 break. And at first she sucked only before going to bed, and then already 2-3 times a day. And by the end of the third 10-day period, she began to have a wild, dry, chest-tearing cough. It came to urinary incontinence. Then the coughing up began. Yes, so plentiful that Tatyana almost choked. And by the end of 3 months, she coughed up something so dense that she could not gouge this piece of tissue of unknown origin with a match. Then the same seals came out repeatedly, to her great joy. After all, after that, breathing became light, clean, like that of a child.

Tatyana also gave advice for those who have asthma and who have a lot of mucus.

Grate garden horseradish and fill half a liter jar with it, add a GLASS OF HONEY, add boiled water to a liter warm water. Insist 5 days. Take 1 tbsp. l. for the night. The mixture breaks up the accumulation of mucus very quickly.

“We consider microbes to be enemies that we need to fight,” says Kozmina. - And they are very useful: thanks to microbes, the bodies of the dead turn into food for the living. True, very often this process begins during life. If we move a little, eat a lot, drink, sleep, indulge in excesses, then we will turn our body into a garbage can with rotting products, in which pathogenic microbes multiply rapidly. They will begin to devour our organs, the body will decompose into inorganic substances. We will become like rotten stumps on which mushrooms grow. After all, it is mushrooms that play the main role in our decomposition ... ".

Dictyostelium discoideum (dictyostelium) is a cellular slime mold belonging to the type Mycetozoa. Described in 1935, Dictyostelium soon became one of the important model organisms in cell biology, genetics, and developmental biology. In fact, this colony of microorganisms is a reduced and exaggerated copy of our civilization, which is growing rapidly, absorbing resources and dying in its own waste.

The convenience is also in the fact that by observing microorganisms, scientists can obtain experimental data a million times faster, because bacteria reproduce with a frequency of 0.5 - 2 hours, and generations of people are replaced in 25-27 years.

The slug fungus is a convenient object for modeling, and due to its other features, this creation, depending on external conditions, can be either an accumulation of independent unicellular organisms or a single multicellular organism.

When the environment is rich in food, the cells live independently of each other. When reserves are depleted, some cells begin to receive an alarm signal - they secrete a special substance (cyclic adenosine monophosphate), which is perceived by microorganisms as a kind of "SOS".

The rest of the cells crawl to the signaling leader, forming a single plasmodium, which begins to move, and much faster than individual cells were capable of. The formed organism is looking for food. If it finds it, it again falls apart into its components. If not, it forms a fruiting body (stem) at the end of which a sac with spores grows. They catapult at a distance of up to 12 meters - if you compare in relative size for people - you get a shot from Moscow to Paris.

Spores that have fallen into favorable conditions give rise to new cell colonies.

Analogies in the human world are exploratory expeditions and military campaigns. Here we can recall the dying Ancient Rome, which sent armies to distant lands in search of new financial, human and natural resources...