Kostroma reservoir map before flooding. On transport links and communication routes

  • 07.08.2020

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Shown above are the five nearest hotels. Among them there are both ordinary hotels and hotels with several stars, as well as cheap accommodation - hostels, apartments and guest houses. These are usually private mini-hotels of economy class. The hostel is a modern hostel. An apartment is a private apartment with daily rent, and a guest house is a large private house, where the owners themselves usually live and rent rooms for guests. You can rent a guest house with an all-inclusive service, a sauna and other attributes of a good rest. Check with the owners here.

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Trokhachi jetty water 14 km.

The Kostroma reservoir, which the local population calls the “sea” out of respect, arose in 1955-56, Kostroma was blocked by a dam near Kunikovo, forming the Kostroma reservoir. The area of ​​the new reservoir was 175 square kilometers, the length was more than 25 km, and the width was about 15 km. Most of the reservoir is quite shallow, with average depths of 4 to 6 meters. Several rivers flow into the reservoir from the north - Kast, Sot, Kostroma, Meza, Prost, feeding the freshwater "sea" with their waters. In the vastness of the reservoir there are a large number of large and small islands. The river is navigable from the mouth to the town of Bui.

The mouth of the Kast and Vopsha rivers is a shallow bay of the Kostroma reservoir with prevailing depths of up to three meters. There is no pronounced channel, but mounds and pits are present. A lot of large perch and pike up to one and a half kilograms. Travel by personal transport to the village of Bukhalovo. Further - on rowing boats along the Kast River.

For more than 40 years, the Kostroma Sea, or rather a reservoir, has existed on the territory of the Kostroma and Yaroslavl regions. They filled the bowl of an artificial reservoir in 1956. And before that, there were more than 20 settlements on this vast territory.

general characteristics

This is a lake-type reservoir and is located in the lower reaches of the Kostroma River, shallow. It has a complex coastline with interesting hydrological and geographical features.

The Kostroma Sea is about 15 kilometers wide, about 25 kilometers long. There are too many opinions about the area and they are all contradictory. According to some data, it is about 176 square kilometers, according to others - 260. The greatest depth is 8 meters, the average is 3-4. The flow of the artificial reservoir is low, the bottom is muddy and peaty.

The Kostroma reservoir is connected to the Gorky reservoir (Volga) through the Sametskaya ravine and the Sezema River.

Several rivers flow into the sea, the largest being the Vonga, Kostroma, Sot, Kast and others. There are several islands of different sizes in the water area. The largest is called Mokhovaya and the one located at the junction of the Kostroma and Gorky reservoirs.

The coastline is almost completely swampy, so there are settlements near the water itself only in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe southern extension and in the south near the central extension.

In the northwest there is a zoological reserve called "Yaroslavsky".

History of creation and grandiose plans

Enormous funds were invested in the Kostroma Sea project. Thousands of people worked at the facility. More than 20 settlements have been resettled and hectares of forest have been cut down. Some villages were quite large - more than 400 households.

It was assumed that the laced part of the dam would replenish the arable land flooded with water. But in fact the land is empty, overgrown with bushes and trees.

It cannot be said that the artificial reservoir gives a lot of fish, about 60 tons per year, and even then the lion's share of the catch falls on poachers. The reservoir generates a small amount of electricity. Water is taken from this sea for the needs of the city of Kostroma, the quality of which is better to keep silent. That is, it cannot be said that the plans were justified.

Life before the flood

Before the advent of the Kostroma Sea, this area had a unique landscape. The lowland occupied an area of ​​40 X 20 kilometers. Several rivers flowed here, there were lakes of different sizes, but there were a huge number of fish in all reservoirs. And between them were water meadows, hayfields and groves with willows, where currant and blackberry bushes grew.

In the spring, the river flooded. They say that this is a unique sight when the trees sank under the water column and only in some places there were islands of land. Moose and hares remained on some islets, but only the most courageous animals went swimming to the banks of the river.

Indeed, such a natural phenomenon brought a lot of trouble to the local population. But all people prepared in advance. Outbuildings, housing were loaded with heavy objects in winter, and baths were necessarily erected on poles. In the spring, fire engines were always on duty in the villages, and barges were brought in to save livestock, where the animals were placed. And the city of Kostroma could only be reached by boat. But, despite all the difficulties, it cannot be said that the inhabitants of these villages sought to leave here. After all, after the departure of the water, the fields almost immediately became covered with forbs and arable work began.

Before flooding, many wooden buildings were moved, now they are in the Kostroma Museum of Wooden Architecture. A hard fate befell the Savior Transfiguration Church made of wood, which was built in 1628 and taken out of the village of Vezha. It burned down in 2002.

"Kostroma Atlantis"

During the formation of the Kostroma Sea, the unique settlement of Vezha was flooded. It is located on the hill of the Idolomka River. It is believed that this is one of the most unexplored sources of information about how the northern Slavs settled these territories in the 12th-13th centuries.

In 2015, archaeological excavations were carried out on the island by students of the Kostroma, Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod universities. Young students were supervised by specialists in the field of archeology and teachers of educational institutions. For these purposes, a grant was allocated by the Geographical Society of Russia in the amount of 1.8 million rubles.

Students found many artifacts, learned a lot of new and interesting things about the Kostroma region. It was possible to establish that, in terms of the standard of living, the village of Vezha looked more like a city.

There is a version that grandfather Mazai, described by Nekrasov, lived here, and students installed a symbolic sign in memory of him.


The Kostroma Sea is famous not only for excavations, but also for the opportunity to have a great time in your free time. There is a fishing and hunting base here called Belkina Griva.

On the islands and in the surrounding area you can hunt birds, elks and wild boars. And the fishermen can return with an excellent catch of zander, bream, pike and tench.

At the base you can stay in comfortable rooms with all amenities and 3 meals a day.

Islands for sale

Most vacationers bring photos of the islands from the Kostroma Sea, because there are more than 20 of them.

Not so long ago, information appeared that a peninsula and an island near the villages of Rybnoye and Kozeleno were put up for sale, and this is practically a city line. A piece of land in the sea costs 5 million rubles, but this is as much as 85 hectares of untouched vegetation. There are many questions regarding the intended purpose of the land, the current owners have been suing the previous owners for a long time. What will happen next and whether a new owner will appear - we will soon see.

In 2010, there was a similar story, when Khmilniki Island was put up for sale for 40 million rubles.

Where is the Kostroma Sea located?

Getting to the described place is easy. If you go from the city of Kostroma, then you should move to the north-west for about 20 kilometers.

Like the people of Yaroslavl, and of course I mean our entire region, the people of Kostroma also have their own sea. Kostroma reservoir or flood (bay) of the Gorky reservoir. Kostromichi call it the sea. A lake-type reservoir with a complex shore and many islands. If you are interested in seeing the map, please click here.
Despite the fact that this is a neighboring water body, but the shore is ours! Therefore, I include these places in a series of small reviews of Nekrasov places. By the way, dobriy_vasya , you somehow asked the people in one of your posts to show local reservoirs :) Here, keep the beginning.

The history of the spills is as ambiguous as the Rybinsk one. Well, maybe not on such a large scale, but still a vast lowland rich in lakes and rivers was flooded. More than 20 rural settlements were resettled. Some of them numbered from 250 to 500 households! The area of ​​spills turned out according to different data from 176 to 260 km2.

Perhaps because of the population and the abundance of lakes and rivers, the islands of the reservoir were not left without names. Read and listen to how the names of islands, rivers, former villages and lakes sing: Kast, Sot, Vopsha, Idolomka and Idolomskoye, Forgiveness, Vonga, Glushitsa, Meza, Zharki, Buckets, Vezha, Shoda, Baran, Belkina Griva, Hare :) Finno -Ugrians did their best in our area, leaving such a legacy.
On the northwestern shores (on our Yaroslavl) reservoirs there is the Yaroslavsky federal zoological reserve, which now belongs to the Pleshcheyevo Lake national park.

But let's get back to the photos. The Indian summer last autumn was a success and in my free time I tried to visit the Nekrasov lakes more often in order to photograph them and search for places for various types of photo hunting for subsequent seasons. And on one of the warm September evenings, the gently sloping shore let us go straight to the water. And while the evening light was already quite low, it was necessary to have time to fly.


The Volga actually flows near the horizon, and I was on the shore of a small bay.

These aerial photographs show just a tiny fraction of the spills. Lake Sogozhskoye is visible on the left near the horizon, to which in a straight line from the shooting site is about 5 km.

Having landed the battery at Vova, I walked along the shore.







The flatness of the grass along the edges of the islands is interesting. Why did it happen? Storm or tide? In photographs from the air, it looks especially unusual.

Church in one of the Kostroma villages.




The sun went down on one side, and on the other side the moon climbed into the sky.












The evening dawn flashed for a moment and it became quite twilight. We had to make our way back.

The camp of fishermen quietly waited for their owners.

Well, we'll be back here, no doubt.

  • 25.09.2015.

PS. I take this opportunity to congratulate

According to scientists, bream, roach, ram, rudd, crucian carp, silver bream, bleak, dace, minnow, khramulya, barbel, grass carp, silver carp, marinka, verkhovka and some others are susceptible to the disease. In the Kostroma reservoir, bream die in masses - near shallows, marinas, moorings. Stagnant, low-flowing water only contributes to this disease. Affected fish accumulate in shallow water, in the coastal zone, where it is easier for it to get food. Stays in the surface layer of water. Floats on its side or belly up. Some fish, such as whitefish, peled, zander, are immune to this disease. Stocking them with natural water bodies reduces the infection of fish with ligulosis.

True, it is not worth talking about an ecological catastrophe, local fishermen say. If the fish is thoroughly boiled, fried or salted, it will be safe. The main thing in the fight against tapeworm is heat treatment. But the reservoir to get rid of it is almost impossible. It is passed from fish to fish.

And the process itself is still too early to call it irreversible. According to the same fishermen, quite healthy fish are found off the coast of the surviving village of Spas.

The inhabitants of Spas, as well as the flooded nearby villages of Vederka and Zharka, have long been known as noble fishermen. Maybe that's why nature here does not want to "get sick"? Especially nimble and frisky in these places are scavengers, for whom even Muscovites come.