How to remove paint from walls. Methods

  • 16.06.2019

Often the beginning of the repair is complicated by the presence of an old layer of paint on the walls. To continue cosmetic procedures, you should carefully study all the nuances of how to remove old oil paint from the walls. Otherwise, further ennoblement of the premises will be impossible, and all the efforts made will turn into a series of failures.

Before you wonder how to clean the walls of paint, you need to decide whether to get rid of it altogether. In most cases, the walls were covered with oil-based dyes. If the relief of the wall remains even, without chips, falling off pieces and bubbles, and further procedures are not associated, for example, with applying wallpaper or a primer, then you can paint over the old layer.

The modern dye market provides a lot of reliable options. Paints based on water, silicone or mixed with acrylic adhere well to the surface, providing a secure fit. But even using quality materials the whole overlapping process will go down the drain if the surface was uneven.

In cases where it is necessary to carry out surface leveling work using putty, removal of old paint from the walls is necessary. This fact is confirmed by the poor adhesion of primers to paint surfaces.

Oil paints are the most difficult to lag behind the surface, and therefore the technology of getting rid of them is the most time-consuming. The more layers that have been applied, the easier it will be to clean. Much also depends on the material on which the dye was placed. Removing oil paint from porous plaster will not create any special problems, but you will have to think hard about how to remove paint from concrete.

Cleaning the walls of old paint requires some training. First of all, to remove paint from the walls, you will need the following set of tools:

  • elements protecting the face and hands - a respirator, a mask / goggles, rubber gloves;
  • blowtorch, and preferably a special hair dryer used in construction;
  • sharp spatula, scraper, knife and chisel;
  • chemical liquid for removing old paint from the walls and a small brush, which is not a pity;
  • a large sharp object like an ax for cutting serifs;
  • electric drill, puncher and grinder;
  • nozzles for puncher and electric drill.

Paint removal methods

How to remove oil paint from walls? There are three ways to remove old paint from the walls. It can be removed through the use of chemical solutions, increased heat, well, or mechanical impact. It remains to choose the most suitable method for removing paint from the walls, and you can proceed.


How to remove oil paint from walls? First of all, you can try the chemical method, in which a special wash is used. How to remove paint from walls quickly and efficiently? Everything is much easier than it seems. You only need to apply the solution to the hated surface and go about your business.

After a couple of hours, the chemical begins to act, and the paint softens. In the end, you just need to tear off the semi-soft substance. When using chemical washers, you can count on removing not only oil layers, they can also clean off acrylic paint.

But, despite the simplicity of the algorithm, this method has a number of disadvantages:

  • Chemical solutions are very expensive.
  • A huge concentration of toxins in solvents is obliged to dispose of waste by special disposal. Just flushing it down the toilet won't work.
  • Removing paint in this way will be accompanied by an unpleasant pungent odor.
  • If the old paint is applied in many layers, you will have to repeat the washing process again and again. Removing paint with such a solution is possible only in one layer.

How to remove old paint without harm to health when using this method? Think safety! Work with chemical materials should be carried out only with full equipment in a respirator, goggles and gloves. Regardless of the additional protection, wash off the remnants of chemicals after the procedure.

The room must be well ventilated. Children, allergy sufferers and expectant mothers should stay away from the poisonous source.

If you are wondering how to wash off oil paint, then the modern market offers a huge range of raw materials. Some you can buy and some you can make yourself. For example, thanks to liquid glass the old dye is removed quite quickly - it covers the desired surface, which, when dried, is covered with a thin transparent film. Together with it, they easily peel off the old paint.

If the task arises, how to remove oil paint from the walls, you can resort to a home-made method. Paint remover is easy to make and does not require a large number of components. This will require quicklime in the amount of 1.2 kilograms and half a kilogram of calcium, mixed with ordinary tap water and applied to the desired object. These components will quickly remove layers of unwanted dyes. After twelve hours, the cleaning of the old paint will go off with a bang.


How to remove old paint from walls with a thermal method? This can be done by heating the dye with a hair dryer to an amazing temperature. This method has been tested by more than one generation and will definitely not let you down.

The technology is very simple: I heated the paint with a hair dryer and took it off. Removing old oil paint will not be difficult, but it will take some time. When bubbles and bulges form on the surface under the influence of heat, the melted layer of paint is removed with a sharp spatula.

For the sake of exception, you can try using an iron through a layer of paper or newspaper. The iron is only suitable for a small thin layer, as it may not give a suitable temperature. Removing oil paint from walls with heat is great for areas near fragile materials.

However, this method also has its drawbacks. These include:

  • Limited space for heating.
  • Do not use a hair dryer or blowtorch near wires or sockets, as well as various fusible materials.
  • You should be extremely careful, because at any time the paint can ignite.
  • When heated, oil paint will emit acrid fumes. Do not forget about a respirator and ventilation.

Don't even think about stripping lead paint off with heat! She has the highest toxicity. Vapors of such material instantly penetrate the body and cause irreparable damage.

On the video: removing old paint with a hairdryer.


How to remove old paint from walls mechanically? First you need to decide on the working tools that you have at home. This method is non-toxic, which makes it possible to clean kitchens, bathroom tiles and various indoor areas. It is divided into manual and mechanical with the use of electrically driven tools.

How to remove paint from walls manually? A method proven over the years will not require you to high costs. You just need to arm yourself with ordinary water and an ax.

First of all, serifs are applied with an ax along the plane of the paint, then it is wetted with water, which is better not to spare. Water should soak the surface for five minutes, after which the paint can be removed with an ax without any problems. They clean it with sharp movements, tilting the tool almost parallel to the wall surface.

For recesses and narrow places, as well as areas for sockets, baseboards and wires, a spatula or chisel is well suited.

Only such a tool should be wielded on a wooden surface. Since the active removal of paint will dull the tools, it is good to have sandpaper on hand, which can be used to sharpen a dull unit. The advantages include cost-effectiveness, safety (but with an ax it’s still more careful), and cleanliness. However, this is a long-term process that requires a considerable investment of physical strength.

How to remove paint from the walls in the bathroom and at the same time save your health, money and time? An electric drill or grinder will also help you with this. It should be said right away that when working with the latter, an incredible amount of dust is formed. After a minute of operation, the visibility of the room will be zero. This is very inconvenient both when working in the kitchen and in any other room. So best tool for removing paint - this is a drill with nozzles that perfectly beats off layers of paint.

The attachments can be a special chain or a grinding wheel, even better if it is framed with hard wire.

How to remove paint from the walls in the bathroom with large layers? For large buildups of paint, a nozzle with a chain is suitable, which will rotate and knock out pieces of dried paint. However, if you clear concrete tiles, this nozzle will not work, its field of work is not rough plaster.

The most versatile option is the grinding wheel. It is convenient for them to tear off any materials and dyes, suitable for all coatings. This method, like the one described above, will also help peel the paint off the walls in the bathroom.

How to quickly remove old paint from concrete? Concrete should be given special attention, since such a surface holds the paint best. Plus, the painter who painted such a wall, most likely, did it in good faith, hoping to put a layer of paint on for centuries.

Do not resort to chemical cleaning methods and wash off the paint with solvents. In residential high-rise buildings poisonous fumes will descend to the lower tiers, poisoning not only you, but also your neighbors.

Most The best way- removing paint from concrete wall using an ordinary drill.

You can also use soda. Hands are protected with rubber gloves, and a small piece is covered for testing. After three to four hours, remove the old paint with a spatula. The paint is characterized by a long softening, but even small changes in its structure are a good sign.

The procedure can be repeated until cleansing is noticeable. Even if after such manipulation it is not possible to completely expel the coloring matter, this will be a good preparation for mechanical cleaning, with which everything is cleared pretty quickly.

How to remove paint from kitchen walls? In kitchens, increased dryness and temperature. Due to this, the paint rarely bubbles, which slightly complicates the process of washing it off. How to wash off the paint from the walls in this case? For this ritual, you can stock up on express gels. These are special washes that corrode the paint layer in a matter of minutes.

They should also be handled in protective clothing. Such a gel is applied for ten minutes, and then smoothly leaves with a spatula. A paint stripper like this is fast and effective.

There is another option than to remove oil paint. You can put an iron cord brush on a drill and walk it over a layer of unwanted paint. Since these nozzles are removable, they can be applied by hand, for very narrow or thin places. It will be dusty, but quickly and efficiently.

After any stripping of paint, the walls look gloomy and unpresentable. But, looking at the fruits of your efforts, you will be able to appreciate your own work and proceed to further repair work with a clear conscience.

Oil paint removal (2 videos)

Tsugunov Anton Valerievich

Reading time: 5 minutes

Just as there is no perpetual motion machine, there is also no eternal interior. There are several reasons for changing the design of an apartment or room - out of fashion, tired, "worn out". When it comes to refinishing painted walls, there are two ways to approach the solution. If the coating has no defects and holds well, then it is carried out on the old paint, and then a new coating is applied - wallpaper or a new paint layer. If there is at least minimal damage to the finish (cracks, peeling), the paint must be completely removed without fail, although this can be quite a difficult task. Consider all possible ways to remove paint, including oil and water-based, using various methods and means.

Four ways to remove paint: features and stages of work

There are several ways to remove old paint. For quality and effective removal obsolete layers, the following factors are taken into account:

  • the type of paint being removed;
  • type of surface material;
  • the presence of an auxiliary tool.

mechanical method

It is used in the case of multi-layer coating of walls with oil or moisture-resistant emulsion compositions.


  • scraper;
  • axe;
  • hammer;
  • putty knife.

Working process:

  1. With light tapping of the hammer, swollen and exfoliated areas should be removed.
  2. With an ax, make small notches at a close distance from each other.
  3. Clean the surface by prying off the notched areas of the painted layer with a spatula.

Advantages of the method:

  • simplicity;
  • availability and low cost;
  • no specific knowledge or tools required;
  • well suited for cleaning walls in the kitchen or bathroom from old multi-layer coating.


  • significant noise during the working process;
  • a significant amount of dust;
  • the need to have a sufficient number of nozzles due to their rapid wear;
  • inability to peel off paint hard-to-reach places, for example, behind the pipes in the bathroom.

thermal method

Mainly used for cleaning of multilayer coatings wooden walls. The principle of operation is based on the property of the paint to soften under the influence of high temperatures. Instruments:

  • hot air gun;
  • heavy iron;
  • putty knife.

Working process:

  1. Direct a stream of hot air to the painted wall, withstand the time required to soften and remove old layers.
  2. When the paint begins to bubble, scrape off the coating with a spatula.

Softened layers of paint are removed immediately. Overheating of the paint is not allowed - the baked composition is difficult to scrape off.


  • fast way;
  • does not require special skills.


  • a special building hair dryer is required;
  • release of a pungent odor;
  • toxicity (it is necessary to use protective equipment);
  • limited use - poorly suited for concrete and brick walls due to the low thermal insulation qualities of the material (heat will quickly spread along the wall and the paint will not warm up to the desired state).
  • should not be used on areas with electrical wiring or melting coating, near glass (may burst).

It is convenient to heat a small area (in the bathroom) with a very hot iron through foil.

Chemical method

It is based on the property of paint to soften under the influence of special chemical solutions (washes). Layer removal tools:

  • paint roller;
  • chemical solution - wash;
  • spatula or brush with metal bristles.

Work progress:

  1. The chemical solution is applied with a roller in a thin layer in one direction. Be careful not to splash the mixture.
  2. The wall is closing in plastic wrap(optional step, used for a certain type of washes, indicated in the instructions).
  3. The time of action of the composition is maintained (follow the manufacturer's recommendations and visually evaluate the appearance of the surface).
  4. The polyethylene is removed, the softened oil composition is removed with a spatula.
  5. Remains chemical composition washed off gently with water.


  • rapidity;
  • availability of ready-made washes.


  • highly toxic method;
  • high cost of washes;
  • special waste disposal is required;
  • long-term preservation of an unpleasant chemical smell in the room;
  • with multi-layer coating, the ideal result is achieved after repeated removal of layers;
  • some old coatings (especially in the bathroom) may not be affected by the wash.

With any removal method, it is important to ensure high-quality ventilation. Mandatory use of funds personal protection(gloves, respirator, goggles or mask).

When removing paint from the walls of an apartment, a combination of different methods is possible. This may be required if various types coatings in different rooms such as bathrooms and kitchens. It may also happen that one wall in the bathroom was covered with different compositions.

Surface cleaning from water-based paint

Not moisture resistant, very simple: all you need is water, a paint roller and a spatula.

USEFUL INFORMATION: How to make a bas-relief on the wall with your own hands: a master class

  • The treated surface is abundantly wetted with a moistened roller. In order for the entire coating layer to be saturated with water, you need to wait 10-15 minutes.
  • The swollen layer is removed with a spatula. It is advisable to moisten and remove the coating on small areas of the wall.

Ways to clean bathroom walls from paint, a practical guide. Analysis of the situation, methods, recommendations for the choice of tools, description of the technology for removing paint.

The task of cleaning bathroom walls from paint is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. For those who do it for the first time, the wrong approach to solving this problem turns the cleaning of the wall surface into an extremely time-consuming and inefficient process. Demolition work, contrary to popular belief, also requires certain skills, special training and considerable effort.

At home, there are two ways to clean the paint from the walls of the bathroom: chemical and mechanical. The chemical method consists in the use of special building washes, which are produced in sufficient quantities by both foreign and domestic manufacturers. Such washes do an excellent job on metal bases, are good on wood, but show rather mediocre results on wall materials.

Washers for removing paint from bathroom walls have not received wide distribution in domestic conditions. However, you should not completely "discount" this method cleaning. It can help you out in restricted areas where use hand tool difficult. The composition is applied to the surface with a brush. After a few minutes, the paint will begin to go into a jelly-like state. To remove it, a regular spatula is enough. It doesn't take much effort. If you are dealing with a wall that is painted in several layers, the procedure will need to be repeated several times.

Mechanical cleaning of walls - theory and practice

For mechanical cleaning of bathroom walls from paint, a primitive hand tool or power tool is used. It makes sense to use a primitive hand tool in case of poor condition of the paint coating, which is expressed in the presence of blisters, cracks or peeling. In this case, you will be helped:

  • axe;
  • scraper to remove decorative coatings;
  • cycle;
  • planer blade;
  • any improvised tool with a wide sharp edge.

Of these tools, the scraper is the least suitable, as it removes paint in a thin layer and quickly becomes dull. You can easily get a scraper for removing decorative coatings at a hardware store, it is inexpensive.

In addition to the condition of the paint coating, an important parameter when choosing a tool is the presence, thickness and condition of the putty under it. A layer of unprimed gypsum putty is relatively easy to peel off the wall along with the paint. If, before painting, the wall was well primed, and the putty layer was completely saturated with soil, then the effective use of primitive hand tools will most likely become impossible.

The worst option is when the paint is applied to concrete base or well-made cement-sand plaster, where the putty layer is minimal. It is very difficult to clean such a surface. In this case, you should not even think about using primitive tools. This is a huge effort with minimal results. Arm yourself with power tools.

Removing paint with a drill

In order to remove a layer of paint from a wall, you can use the following power tools:

  • drill;
  • perforator;
  • angle grinder (grinder);
  • construction dryer.

In order to use a drill to remove paint from the walls of the bathroom, you will need a device that was invented by craftsmen and came into use relatively recently. This device has no official name. It is a metal rod, at the end of which, at an equal angular distance, three chains of several links are fixed. The other end of the rod is fixed in the drill chuck.

By installing the device and turning on the drill, you will unwind the chains, thereby bringing the device into working condition. You get something similar to a propeller, but with flexible blades. These "blades" are working part tool. A series of strong and consistent blows will beat the paint off the wall. A minimum of muscular effort and a completely acceptable result. The device has been tested, found to be quite effective and adopted by master builders.

Be careful! During operation, the chain links are frayed. If you do not remove the worn link in time, it will come off during operation. Be sure to protect your face. Anything that can break must be taken out of the room or protected. You cannot remove a link from only one chain. The number of links on all chains must be the same, otherwise the balance will be upset, and it will become impossible to work with the tool.

We remove paint with a drill from the wall with a guarantee

If the worst of the paint stripping conditions described above occurs, the chain attachment may not be effective. In this case, you need to use another option. Drill bit for brick through holes large diameter will cope with any task. Here it is important to dose the efforts correctly. The crown must clean upper layer, but do not go deep so that you can drive the drill along the surface.

Naturally, the larger the diameter of the crown, the faster you clean the wall surface. Due to the high speed of rotation and the very principle of operation of the crown, be prepared for the formation of dust. Protect eyes and respiratory organs. This method is effective, fast enough and shows a good end result.

We clean the walls with a perforator

The perforator offers as many as three ways to remove paint from the walls in the bathroom. In the difficult situation you, as in the case of a drill, will help a crown on brick or concrete. The principle of operation is the same. If you do not have a crown, you can use the spatula that is included in the standard punch kit.

Hold the punch at a right angle to the wall. Dose the efforts and speed of the battle. The blows should be strong but shallow so that you can move the tool. Don't be discouraged if you don't succeed at first. The main thing here is to “catch the wave”, be persistent and very soon you will acquire the necessary skill. The perforator will easily break a layer of petrified putty or multiple layers of paint. This method practices big number masters.

The third way to use the puncher is again offered to us by craftsmen. You can look for a special spatula. It is shorter, wider and sharper than the standard blade from the kit. With it, the puncher is held at an acute angle to the wall. Thus, the coating is not broken, but peeled off. The method is effective, but not very common due to the fact that the previous two methods fully solve the problem of removing paint from any wall. But knowing about such an alternative would not be superfluous.

Bulgarian - effective cleaning of walls from paint

An angle grinder or grinder is a very effective tool for removing a layer of paint from a bathroom wall. To do this, it is necessary to use a segmented disc for working on stone, concrete, porcelain stoneware. Different grinding discs will be ineffective. Flap discs for grinding quickly become clogged with dust, discs based on sandpaper are enough for just a couple of minutes of work.

Hold the grinder at an acute angle to the surface and move from top to bottom. Unfortunately, this method has a huge drawback. You have to pay for efficiency and there will be a lot of dust. You will have to work in a gas mask. But if you are ready for a lot of dust, then clean the wall quickly and without much effort.

Professionals use a bowl-shaped diamond disc. This allows you to use the entire working surface of the disk. One square meter of the wall is cleaned in just a few minutes in perfect quality. To do this, you need a grinder with a dust removal function and a construction vacuum cleaner.

Alternative Methods

How to use a building hair dryer - no need to explain. With it, the paint from the walls of the bathroom can be removed quite easily. The method is not fast, but simple and effective. The only catch is that the building hair dryer is a specific tool and is practically not found in the arsenal of home tools.

Another method that professionals use is a gas burner. With its help, I heat the surface area, and easily clean it with an ordinary spatula. This method is also not always available to those who do their own repairs, but if you have access to a gas burner and a partner, then you can clean the surface quite simply. Remember that you are dealing with open fire, so gas burner must be handled with extreme caution.

Video instruction

In the process of repairing an apartment, almost everyone is faced with the problem of removing old paint. There are many, but not all of them are suitable for ordinary person, which is not often engaged in repairs. Today I want to tell you about one interesting nozzle for a drill, thanks to which the process of removing old paint can be somewhat facilitated.

Drill attachment for removing old paint.

You can read and list for a long time various options for cleaning paint, but they are generally not suitable for amateur repairs. This means you won't be buying expensive 2-3 filming equipment. square meters walls with old paint. In the USSR, it was common to paint the lower half of the room with paint, and the second with whitewash. This applies not only to residential apartments. Now, when there is an unthinkable amount of finishing materials, painting the walls, for example in the kitchen, is unlikely to attract anyone. Therefore, during the repair process, it is necessary to remove this half-century-old paint, and this is not as easy as it seems at first glance.

Classic scraper spatula. Weapons of an unenlightened amateur repairman in the fight against old paint

For example, here is a photo of a wall on which I tried to clean off old paint using a regular scraper spatula. As you can see, the results are not encouraging. It took me about 1 hour for this, during which mountains of curses were expressed against those who painted this wall in three layers according to all the rules for painting on a primer. The cleared area was less than 0.5 meters. Hands dropped. Of course, you can always get a paint stripper for $600 and a professional vacuum for the same amount. But is it justified enough to remove a meter of another old coating? I think no. You can try other methods, but it will usually be dusty, unhealthy, or very time consuming.

Experience using a nozzle for cleaning old paint.

So, we are not talking about standard steel wire brushes or nozzles with sandpaper. An interesting solution came up with Vladimir Parshin. The device consists of three small chains fixed on the central one at an angle of 120 degrees to each other.

Thus, the paint stripper is mounted in impact drill or puncher on the central axis. In a conventional drill, such a nozzle should not be installed, since the use is not accompanied by weak vibration and you can simply disable the equipment.

The nozzle was successfully purchased from the manufacturer and it's time to put it into practice. I want to note that it is mandatory to use safety glasses. Gloves will also not be superfluous. In the process of using, fragments of old paint fly out from under the moving parts of the nozzle at high speed, and if they do not pose a danger to the skin, then if they get into the eyes, they can cause significant harm. This is immediately warned in the instructions.
The first copy was not very successful (4 samples were purchased in total). In the first half hour, 2 chain links from each end flew off the nozzle (there are three jokes in total), that is, the length of the leashes from the chain has almost halved. This did not make me very happy, since only about 0.5 m2 was filmed during this time. The links did not fly quite dangerously, despite the high speed, they mostly flew into the wall opposite to the beaten one or into the floor. The direction in which the paint breaks off should also be taken into account.

This is how the nozzle on the perforator looks like for removing old paint from the walls. As you can see, it is impossible to install it in a standard mount, so it is fixed in a classic chuck.

Most rotary hammers and some drills have the ability to produce torsion in two different directions. This is quite convenient, because in this case you can comfortably work both left-handed and right-handed. Also, if the rebound and the direction of torsion is from top to bottom, then the probability of a dangerous separation of the chain link becomes less likely.
The second copy turned out to be more successful and with the help of it it was possible to remove about 2.5 m2 of a triple layer of old paint. True, even here several links of the chain managed to fly off, this affected the quality and speed of the beating, but the work could be continued.

As you can see in the photo, 2 links flew off from one end, one link from the second, the third remained intact. The end links are a little burnt. During operation, there was a slight smell of burning, which suggested that the perforator might have overheated, but most likely it was the nozzle links that were burning. This nozzle is unlikely to withstand the same volume. At the expense of the design, I would like to note that such a product can be made independently.

The results of using the nozzle to the drill to clean the paint.

Now I want to talk about the results. In three hours, about 3 square meters of the wall were processed, the first nozzle was used to the point of unsuitability and the second one was worn out by half. Dust from this method of cleaning old paint is really much less than from a grinder, milling cutter, grinder or planer. It is quite difficult to beat off the paint near the floor, especially if you do not want to damage it, so beat off the paint before you level the floor. The popular rotary hammer Makita HR2470 was used as a twisting tool, which worked perfectly. I would like to note that the nozzle does not have any attachment and must be clamped using a classic cartridge, which does not exist in perforators, so a standard clamping cartridge for a perforator was purchased additionally.

It was quite difficult to get to the paint near the floor. the first thing that stopped was the fact that as the rotating links approached, a huge cloud of dust rose up. The second is the fear that it is possible to damage the floor, which was recently filled with self-leveling floors.

Around the sockets and in the corner, it turned out quite successfully and carefully to remove the paint, without damaging anything. To remove the layer behind the pipes, it is unlikely that it will be possible to use a nozzle, so you will have to use coarse sandpaper and a scraper spatula.

This photo has been specially processed a little to show how different the wall is cleaned with a scraper and with a nozzle. As you can see, where the perforator with chains worked, there were small irregularities that would favorably affect the adhesion to the plaster.
If you need one-time work on cleaning old paint from the walls, then this nozzle will really suit you. It may be longer than with a special router, but it is quite suitable as a budget solution to the problem of removing old paint. The wall after processing it with a nozzle becomes rough, which is very suitable for further priming and plastering.

Almost all craftsmen will agree that it is much easier to build something new than to repair an old one, since you have to get rid of old finish that takes extra time and strength. So, to prepare the surface for holding painting works, you may need a nozzle for removing paint from the walls, which can be powered by a grinder, drill, puncher, or just by hand.

Below we will talk in more detail about such devices that you can buy in a store or make yourself, and also, as additional material, watch a thematic video in this article.

How to get rid of the paint layer

Note. To figure out what kind of nozzle you need to clean the surface, you will have to find out what paint it is painted with.

What can be the coloring

  • Very often, in old houses such as "Stalinka" or "Khrushchev", the walls were painted with synthetic paints like nitro enamels, which were applied directly to cement-sand, cement-lime, and even. If you have come across just such a finishing option, then you can be said to be very lucky - the film in this case will be removed relatively easily, in layers, since synthetics cannot penetrate deeply into the plaster. Of course, if the painting was done on a primer, then the process will become much more complicated, since adhesion there is several orders of magnitude stronger.

  • Oil coatings, unlike nitro enamels, are removed much worse, since they are more elastic and cannot lag behind in layers, and often they simply rub over the surface when they are scraped off. The same can be said about polymers, which are quite elastic, especially since they were applied over primers, which greatly complicates dismantling.

Variety of nozzles

For such processing, you can use a small hatchet, a hard metal spatula, or a set of nozzles, as in the photo above, but such sets are extremely rare in stores, therefore, it is much easier to purchase them via the Internet.

It is also convenient to use the old Soviet ones for such purposes - there is a fairly thick blade, it does not bend and, with good sharpening, turns into an excellent scraper. But such a tool can also be made from a modern metal spatula, only for this you will have to shorten the blade (so it will turn out to be more rigid), leaving only 2-3 cm in length.

But a scraper, even if it is a factory nozzle, is not always suitable for cleaning, and there is practical evidence for this. The author of this article had to deal with a situation where the bathroom was painted with oil paint.

So, the coating had to be removed with a hatchet, centimeter by centimeter (the paint was smeared from the scraper), which had to be spent two days with the work of two people!

Some use the nozzle on the perforator to remove paint, but this method is too ineffective and main reason here is the impact force, due to which the plaster is more destroyed than its coating. And this cannot be avoided, even if you sharpen a chisel or spatula very sharply - they will cut even deeper into the surface of the wall, and not pry off a thin layer of coating.

The only option when this method brings tangible benefits is when the wall is painted with nitro enamel - there, small-sized layers simply fly off from the force of impact, and after that the surface will only need to be treated with a spatula in some places.

Whatever they say and invent, the most reliable and proven at the moment remains manual way paint removal - here you will not miss a single millimeter of coating, moreover, you will do it with high quality. The main problem of do-it-yourself surface cleaning is a very low productivity and a huge laboriousness of the process, since the layer is not always easily removed, one can even say that easy dismantling is an exception to the rule.

Very often you have to scrape or knock down the surface literally one centimeter at a time, as the old paint holds very well.

Often nozzles are used on a drill for removing paint, although they are exactly the same, only with a different method of attachment, they are also put on an angle grinder (grinder).

Such a device is made in the form of a rotating brush with metal bristles, and while the wire is new (not bent), the processing is quite effective, but not for any paint - it happens (especially with oil coatings) that the metal bristles are not able to peel off the paint, but only smoothes it over the surface.

For such complex coatings, it is better to choose brushes with a shorter pile, then the grout turns out to be more rigid, although even such actions do not always provide one hundred percent cleaning.

At the moment, many consider the best nozzle for automatic cleaning to be a chain on a rod that is inserted into a drill instead of a drill (the price of such a nozzle is perhaps the lowest). During operation, the drill is held along the plane of the wall and the chains are methodically and at high speed hitting the surface, breaking the paint on it.

Advice. After processing the surface with any nozzle in an automatic way, it is best to go through the scraper again, especially if the installation instructions for the cladding require a clean rough base.


In addition to nozzles, paint is also removed from the surface by chemical means, using for this different types washes. But these methods are toxic and hazardous to health.