How to lose weight while pregnant. How to lose weight during pregnancy? Exercises for weight loss during pregnancy

  • 02.07.2020

One of the determining factors in the course of pregnancy without unnecessary difficulties is a balanced diet throughout the entire period of bearing a baby. Losing excess weight is carried out due to a variety of foods, consumed a little bit, but with small intervals in time.

  • Get rid of unwanted body fat effective way: refuse fried foods, sweets (sweets, cakes), salt, smoked meats. At the same time, eat not 3 times, as is customary, but 5-6 times, but in mini-portions, and not lie on the couch, but do a little exercise, corresponding to each trimester of pregnancy. According to American studies, a proper diet during pregnancy with little physical activity benefits both mom and baby.
  • Losing weight for pregnant women doesn't have to be fanatical . For example, you can not stick to unbalanced diets - for example, such as the Kremlin, orange, kefir, etc. The diet of a pregnant woman must contain proteins that are found in fish, lean meat, eggs, as well as in corn, legumes, nuts, and rice.
  • The rate of weight gain for the entire pregnancy , according to various sources, is in the range from 12 to 20 kg and depends on the initial weight of the woman before pregnancy.
  • If a woman decides to lose extra pounds during pregnancy, then diet and exercise should be discussed with your doctor.
  • Doctors advise at the beginning of pregnancy (first three months), eat food rich in proteins, because the protein construction material human body.
  • In the second trimester, you need to give preference to foods rich in calcium. : cottage cheese, sour cream, almonds, oatmeal, barley groats.
  • In recent months, gynecologists do not advise to lean on meat , because meat dishes render Negative influence on the elasticity of the vaginal tissues.

How can you lose weight while pregnant?

Doctors with extensive experience give advice to expectant mothers who do not want to deal with weight:

  • In the diet of a pregnant woman, the main thing is - the quality of the products used, their variety, not their number;
  • Don't drastically change your diet for a short period of time. Gradually introduce your body to rational nutrition;
  • You should not blindly believe and follow the advice of girlfriends, acquaintances etc. Listen to your inner self, your doctor, and the voice of reason;
  • Occurrence of strange desires in food- for example, I wanted chalk or sauerkraut- says that there are not enough substances in the body. It is necessary to restore the vitamin and mineral balance;
  • Eat foods that support normal bowel function: oatmeal, pearl barley, carrots, apples.

Diet and diet for overweight expectant mothers

The daily energy value of the products present in the menu of a pregnant woman should be distributed as follows:

  • First breakfast - 30% of the daily food intake;
  • Lunch – 10%;
  • Dinner – 40%;
  • afternoon tea – 10%;
  • Dinner – 10%.

And it's good to have breakfast after 1.5 - 2 hours after waking up and have dinner in 2-3 hours before sleep.

The daily portion of food must include:

  • Proteins (100 - 120 gr), where 80 - 90 grams should be of animal origin (fish, cottage cheese, eggs, meat);
  • Fats (90 - 100g)% 2G where 15-20 grams of vegetable origin (sunflower, olive oil);
  • Carbohydrates (350-400g)- both simple (instant) and complex. Simple are found in fruits, honey, vegetables. Complex ones are found in potatoes, legumes, grains.
  • Water. The daily rate is 1-1.5 liters, not counting other liquids.

Taboo for pregnant women - this is alcohol, strong tea and coffee, fast food, sweet drinks containing unnatural components.

For a pregnant woman, weight gain is quite common. And if in the first weeks and months of pregnancy new kilograms are added slowly and imperceptibly, then further weight grows more rapidly. As a rule, there is some increase in each trimester, but weight loss during pregnancy is also possible.

A pregnant woman may lose weight for other reasons. If, for example, the last months of pregnancy fall in the summer, and it is hot outside, the woman sweats, her appetite worsens, as a result, she begins to lose weight.

Summing up, we can conclude:

  • Sometimes weight loss during pregnancy is a variant of the norm and has quite understandable reasons. However, a woman needs constant medical supervision in order not to miss unwanted changes. To do this, she needs to regularly visit her gynecologist who monitors pregnancy, as well as timely take the necessary tests and undergo examinations. The expectant mother should closely monitor her condition, and report the slightest changes that bother her to the doctor.
  • When the health of the pregnant woman is normal, the tests are good, and the results of examinations, examinations and ultrasound confirm that the development of the child (for example, his weight and height) correspond to the deadline, then you should not worry, especially since it is harmful expectant mother. Perhaps what does not fit into the generally accepted framework is individual feature her body.
  • If, according to the results of tests or ultrasound, the doctor sees any deviations from the norm, then he will decide what to do next.

Normal weight gain during pregnancy

Overweight is a constant headache modern women. And how can it not appear if the modern lifestyle does not require regular physical activity from us, but we eat high-calorie foods?

Not everyone is able to adhere to, but a balanced diet is one of the main conditions for maintaining good physical shape.

It is balanced, that is, corresponding to the amount of energy expended. But not only this is important: the body must receive all the substances it needs (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals) in order to function properly.

When a woman is pregnant, a balanced diet is especially important. However, many pregnant women are wondering how to lose weight while pregnant without harm to the child and their body?

Digression: if you don’t know how to choose your own diet, we recommend ours.

Therefore, the diet of a pregnant woman should include meat / poultry, fish, as many vegetables and fruits as possible, dairy products, cereals, whole grain bread. But it is better to refuse carbonated drinks with excess sugar content, pastries, sweets - all this goes straight to body fat.

The best ways weight loss

Nutrition of a pregnant woman

Pregnancy is different for every woman. Someone suffers from toxicosis and loses weight because of this, while someone eats "for two", motivating this with the needs of a growing fetus.

However, this approach is fundamentally wrong, because the excess weight of the expectant mother can harm the development of the baby. Therefore, the question of how to lose weight for a pregnant woman without harm to the child seems to be very relevant.

It turns out that it is possible to lose weight during pregnancy without harm to the child, you just have to show some willpower and change your eating habits, especially for those who are used to eating a lot of fatty, fried, salty, smoked foods.

First of all, you should go to helpful ways cooking, that is, not to fry, but to stew, bake, boil (it is most useful for a couple). Salads from fresh vegetables help you cope with such a common problem in pregnant women as constipation.

One more important point- mode of eating. The best option is fractional meals, that is, in small portions and at short intervals.

Of course, working women have fewer opportunities for this, but it is still possible to organize the right nutrition system. Ideally, these should be 3 main meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner) and 2-3 additional meals (snack: fruit, a glass of yogurt, a handful of nuts or dried fruits).

Fasting days

And yet: how can a pregnant woman lose weight without harm to the child? Remember that there can be no talk of any hard diets for weight loss - apart from the fact that they are ineffective, since the weight returns quickly, they can still cause serious damage to your health, and most importantly, the health of the baby.

But it makes sense to spend fasting days, however, only after consulting a doctor. At the same time, the corresponding products are divided into five servings and eaten at regular intervals.

A fasting day can be curd (0.5 kg of low-fat cottage cheese + 0.5 l of kefir), apple, vegetable (1.5 kg of baked zucchini or pumpkin), protein (0.5 kg of fish / chicken / lean meat boiled without salt + 0.5 l of kefir), buckwheat (1 cup of buckwheat, boiled without salt and oil, + 1.5 l of kefir).

How to lose weight during pregnancy and is it possible? Let's look at the features of dieting to maintain a slim figure during pregnancy. And also the most safe ways weight loss while expecting a baby.

Of course, pregnancy is not the most best time for experiments, and even more so for weight loss. Gynecologists and obstetricians around the world strongly recommend that women not focus on their weight during pregnancy, but simply control it. But according to modern research, with a great desire and the right approach, you can lose weight during pregnancy. This is especially true for women who were overweight before pregnancy. But losing weight during pregnancy has a number of contraindications and precautions. This is necessary in order to maximally protect both the mother and the future baby from the negative consequences of losing weight.

Weight loss during pregnancy can also be prescribed for medical reasons. In this case, the gynecologist draws up a list of recommendations for weight loss and monitors their implementation, controlling the result. If you have not yet decided for yourself whether you are ready to take the potential risk of losing weight during pregnancy, we invite you to learn about the benefits that you will receive in the process of shedding extra pounds.

  • Exercise is an essential part of losing weight during pregnancy and helps you sleep better. BUT good dream It is a guarantee of vivacity and energy during the day.
  • Healthy food is the basis of weight loss. Having tried a healthy diet during pregnancy, you will not be able to refuse it after childbirth. Changes in the nutrition system will forever relieve you of problems with being overweight.
  • Regular physical exercise facilitate the period of childbirth and prevent the development of gestational diabetes during pregnancy. This disease is an increase in blood sugar, which is caused by hormonal changes and diet. With such a diagnosis, a woman has a threat of miscarriage, so most of the pregnancy has to be conserved, and there may be complications during childbirth.

Is it possible to lose weight during pregnancy?

Is it possible to lose weight during pregnancy is an urgent question for every woman who is already pregnant or is just planning to become a mother. Let's say right away that it is possible to lose weight during pregnancy, but only under the supervision of a gynecologist and without fanaticism, since all your experiments can negatively affect the birth process and the health of the unborn child.

Excess weight during pregnancy is a diagnosis of many women, which significantly worsens the nine months of expectation of a child. Extra pounds can also appear in those women who follow a diet, but lead a sedentary lifestyle. And this is not surprising, since the main position of a woman during pregnancy is lying on a sofa with a minimum of mobility. Let's look at the negative consequences of being overweight during pregnancy:

  • Body fat and stretch marks (some women get more stretch marks not from the growth of their tummy, but from fat that has appeared on a once slim body).
  • Excess weight is an increase in the size of the fetus. And this, in turn, is a problem during childbirth. Some women cannot give birth on their own and have to use surgical methods; in others, children are born with disorders or asphyxia. And this is all just because of the excess weight of the mother.
  • Appearance - be that as it may, but extra pounds do not adorn anyone, and even more so a pregnant woman. Just imagine how difficult it will be to get rid of sagging skin on the arms and legs. What about stretch marks? They will stay with you forever.

Diets during pregnancy

Diets during pregnancy are based on eating healthy food, not on not eating. But how to lose weight during pregnancy, so as not to harm the baby and yourself. You can’t go on strict diets, but you can:

  • Include more vegetables and fruits in your diet.
  • Completely eliminate artificial food and drinks.
  • Eat dairy products, foods fortified with vitamins and minerals.
  • Eat small meals throughout the day. Do not eat at night or before bedtime.

These simple rules help you lose weight during pregnancy without dieting. In addition, such nutrition will benefit your baby and will be the key to a successful outcome of childbirth. But, despite this, in many families to this day there is an opinion that it is impossible to deny a pregnant woman her culinary whims, and this is not right.

So, the desire to eat herring or pickles is caused by a lack of potassium in a woman's body. But the use of the above products will cause an excess of salt in the body and lead to swelling and due to the fact that a woman will consume a lot of water. And the sharp taste of the marinade in the salinity will cause an appetite to break out, which means it will lead straight to extra pounds. Therefore, if you want to eat salty, it is better to include in the diet foods that are rich in trace elements that the body lacks. Potassium is found in dried fruits, watermelon and all orange-colored fruits.

In order for the diet to not only take care of the figure of the expectant mother, but also bring her pleasure, it is necessary to include fresh vegetable juices, fruit juice mixes, boiled vegetable soups, low-fat meat delicacies, fresh vegetable salads, cereals (buckwheat, bean ). But due to hormonal changes in the body, a pregnant woman may face the problem of constipation, even with a diet and a balanced diet. You can solve this problem in folk ways:

  • Tea spoon vegetable oil before eating.
  • A glass of kefir at night or in the morning.
  • Taking castor oil.
  • Small enema.

Every diet should include exercise. Women need to visit as often as possible fresh air, more walking and moving. A regular shower will allow you to remove toxins from the body and give you good health for the whole day. But there are a number of prohibitions that every pregnant woman who decides to go on a diet should remember. During pregnancy, it is strictly forbidden to use synthetic food additives, dietary supplements and teas that promote weight loss. It is forbidden to take pills and other drugs aimed at weight loss. Because it is a direct threat to the life of a pregnant woman and her child.

Proper nutrition during pregnancy

Proper nutrition during pregnancy is the key to a slim figure and the absence of problems with being overweight. Proper nutrition is based on eating healthy foods that are rich in proteins, vitamins, carbohydrates, minerals and fats. Proper nutrition of the mother is also necessary for the unborn baby. Balanced Diet has a positive effect on the course of pregnancy and protects against the threat of miscarriage. Let's take a look at the features proper nutrition in each trimester of pregnancy.

  • First trimester - during this period in female body hormonal changes begin, so toxicosis affects the nutrition process. During this period, it is recommended to eat more fresh vegetables, as they normalize the state of the body and give an excellent start to a healthy pregnancy.
  • The second trimester - during this period, the baby is actively developing and growing, taking all the nutrients, vitamins and minerals from the mother's body. In the second trimester, it is very important to eat more apples, eat meat and drink tomato juice. These products enrich the body with iron, which is depleted by 5-6 months of pregnancy. The main vitamin at this time is folic acid. It is found in green plants that can be consumed in the form of salads or vegetable juices.
  • The third trimester is the period before the birth of the baby, so nutrition should be as balanced and correct as possible. You will have to give up spices and spices, reduce the amount of salt consumed, as this can cause late toxicosis and swelling. You need to drink more fluids and monitor the number of meals. You need to eat 5-6 times a day, but in small portions.

How to lose weight during pregnancy, each woman decides for herself. Some do not dare to experiment with the body, others adhere to unauthorized diets that lead to disastrous results. And still others, they follow the rules of proper balanced nutrition, lead an active lifestyle, give birth to healthy children and do not have problems with excess weight after childbirth.