Meditation at night is the best. Sleep meditation for relaxation and cleansing

  • 08.12.2020

Meditation for sleep

Meditation for sleep strengthens the nervous system, makes you calm and friendly, normalizes night sleep. With our audio meditation, it is easy to fall asleep, the text and music are selected in such a way that they will comfortably and imperceptibly immerse you in a state of relaxation and peace, sweet slumber and peace, and this state will easily allow you to find yourself in a dream, so long-awaited and healing.

Listen to meditation before bed

The session should be listened to immediately before going to bed, and in no case in circumstances involving attention and activity. The effect increases if the recording is listened to regularly. From now on, your sleep will be pleasant, healing, strong and deep, and falling asleep itself will be serene and calm. Now, in order to fall asleep, you just need to turn on our record. And if you do not want to fall asleep, but there is a need to relax, then listen to our free online relaxation meditation.

The duration of the meditation is 21 minutes.

Get into a comfortable position and close your eyes...

Can our sleep meditation listen online and free through the player.

Sleep is an essential part of human life. Many aspects of this process are not fully understood. Energetically, sleep is a recharge of the body, so it must be healthy.

Without sleep, a person simply dies, because we cannot do something forever. Even the greatest scientists and inventors who wanted to convey their thoughts and ideas to the people slept systematically. Moreover, they were much more reverent about sleep than other people, because they knew that proper sleep is one of the main conditions for victories in life. Some slept for 20 minutes every 2 hours, some slept only 4 hours at night, and some developed more complex algorithms for mental and physical "recharge". They managed their sleep in order to make their brains as efficient as possible.

Preparing for Meditation

In fact, this meditation turns into a dream. This is an ideal option, because it is aimed at relaxation. Preparation for it includes all your usual habits. Do all your chores, wash your face, turn off the lights completely, or leave the night lamp on if that makes you feel more comfortable.

As in any other meditation, no one should interfere with you. Before going to bed, do not watch TV for about an hour and do not use your phone or computer. Electromagnetic radiation causes problems with falling asleep, and the information that comes to you makes it difficult to clear your mind.

All your problems must be left behind. Meditation experts advise you to sit on the bed, think about something abstract, so that all the negativity will go away. Recall your first kiss or a beautiful picture. You should be surrounded by comfort, because nothing should distract you.

Sleep Meditation

You lay down on your bed. Close your eyes and imagine that there is nothing around you. You are in a kind of endless room, devoid of any frills. Your bed is your home for the foreseeable future. You need to find peace and serenity.

Around the boundless infinity. All problems have dissolved in it and they will not dare to disturb you either now or later. Imagine that the lights went out all over the world. The lights went out in your house, on your street, in the city, in the country, on the entire planet. All the stars in the universe went out. Together with them you need to go out. For healthy sleep, you need to let go of all thoughts of worries. You are alone in the universe. There is nothing but you and your bed.

Slow down your breathing and even out your pulse. Breathe about once every five seconds. Inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth. You have no mass, you float in infinity, in which there is no wind, no temperature, no sound. Imagine that this perfect "nothing" and "everything" fills you, starting from the tips of your toes. First, your feet get heavy, so you can’t move your legs, and then you don’t have enough strength to turn around. Then the hands begin to swell slowly. Then the neck becomes heavier, which smoothly passes into the head. When heaviness touches the brain and eyes, you can no longer open your eyes. Now you are completely ready to surrender to the power of sleep.

Breathe slowly, counting to 10. When you count to the cherished number, you should completely relax. If you can't fall asleep, then try again. If you did everything right, then after the first count you will have to fall asleep.

In terms of time, this meditation takes about 15 minutes. The average time for a person to fall asleep is from 7 to 10 minutes. A very important point is that you can use this meditation before bedtime. During the day, it is sometimes also useful to relax, but not between 16 and 20 hours. You need to wake up in about an hour. More sleep will not be so useful. Use the most pleasant and calm alarm melody.

This meditation will teach you how to fall asleep quickly and effectively. Most importantly, dreams will either be pleasant or they will not be at all. It can even treat insomnia and other sleep problems. The most important thing is to repeat meditation every day so that it becomes a habit. According to studies, this takes about 20 days. In a month, your sleep will become, if not ideal, then close to ideal, and your energy will strengthen. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

18.01.2017 03:29

Many have probably heard about the mysterious white noise, which has a beneficial effect on energy and helps to better...

If you want to sleep peacefully, be able to relieve daytime stress before going to bed, get a boost of energy in the morning, relax your muscles, protect your body from stress, achieve harmony with yourself and the world around you, then you just need learn to meditate. "

I'll tell you about how to meditate properly. I will reveal all the nuances of meditation: what time to choose, how to prepare for meditation, what posture to take, how to enter and exit meditation. You will start your first meditation practice today - meditation example will be given at the end of the article. Meditation is a mind-relaxing technique, release from anxiety and stress, unnecessary thoughts, baptism of the "consciousness of the monkey." Regular practice of meditation at home will teach you to control your mind, get rid of stress, improve your memory and help you gain awareness of existence! So, let's begin!

Before meditation, it does not hurt to warm up physically. It can be anything - yoga, qigong, jogging, gymnastics or even dancing. It is also good to take a shower and put on cozy clean clothes. Some have a special clothing for meditation: as well as the constancy of place and time, it helps to tune in. Candles and incense help create an atmosphere. Someone likes to meditate in complete silence, someone helps - you can experiment with this. You can build a home altar on which there will be flowers, portraits of saints, objects from beautiful or holy places where you have been. The main thing here is not to be formal: everything that you put on the altar should calm and set you up.

Time for meditation

Different traditions recommend different times of the day - qigong speaks of the moment of balance of yin and yang at midnight and noon, yoga advises sunset and dawn. In general, it's not that important. The main thing is that at this time you can completely retire and no one distracts you.

They say that a true master does not come out of meditation even in the center of the market square. But that is a master, and a beginner needs ideal conditions. It is considered that meditate easier, facing east - you can check it yourself. The place, like the time, should be as calm as possible. It is better to always meditate in the same place and at about the same time. Then a persistent habit will form and it will be much easier for you to immerse yourself in the practice.

Traditionally best posture for meditation it is considered “padmasana” (Read the material: “How to sit in the lotus position”) when both feet look up, but few people are comfortable sitting in this position. Both "half-lotus" and legs crossed in Turkish will do. The posture should be comfortable and stable. But the most important thing is a straight but relaxed back. For this, beginners usually need a pillow of medium hardness (for example, stuffed with buckwheat). If you find it difficult to sit cross-legged, you can sit on a chair. When the body is stationary, circulation slows down and you may feel cold. So cover yourself with a blanket - you should be warm and comfortable. Hands can be placed palms up or down on your knees, chin slightly lowered, eyes closed. There is a slight “Buddha smile” on the face, the tongue slightly touches the upper palate.

Meditation duration

You can literally start with a five-minute meditation, increasing its length by several minutes every day, until you reach, for example, an hour. The most important thing here is to feel the taste of the right state, and if you catch it, then you yourself will want to increase the time. In order not to think about minutes, set an alarm clock.

Meditation Process

The whole point is in the calm, impartial and silent observation of the inner and outer world. It is necessary to find in oneself a state of clear, sensitive presence without thoughts, judgments and fantasies. Of course, it is difficult even for a short time to be distracted from thoughts and what is happening around. As soon as silence arises, you will immediately begin to fall asleep. Consciousness is not yet accustomed to being empty and at the same time cheerful. But with each meditation it will become easier. Real deep meditation gives you more energy than regular sleep. So, you completely relax and begin to contemplate your thoughts, feelings, sensations in the body, sounds and smells around. You should not react in any way to what you observe inside and outside. It is as if your consciousness is a clear sky with clouds running across it, or a stream carrying fallen leaves. Whatever you perceive comes and goes, and you go on observing. If a thought comes, you do not think about it, but let it go. Another one comes - you do the same. Etc.


It is better not to make any movements during the entire meditation, but if something is very itchy or ill, make the movement gently, trying not to lose contemplation. Also observe your movement and then return to meditation. If you suddenly notice that you have been thinking about something or fantasizing for some time, forgetting about meditation, just let go of thoughts and continue to meditate. There will be many such moments of “remembering-forgetting”, and through them the muscles of awareness and attention “pump up”.


The main criterion for progress will be the duration of the moments of inner silence. Over time, very pleasant states will appear - peace, lightness and bliss. If you do everything right, then there will be more and more love, awareness and spontaneous creativity in your life every day. There are many techniques that help learn to meditate faster. In the near future I will tell you about the most interesting and accessible of them.

Meditation practice

Start your meditation practice with a simple daily meditation relaxation of the body and mind. Lie down in shavasana or sit in the lotus position. Relax. Then relax all parts of your body. Start with the foot of your right foot, mentally commanding your body, “I am relaxing the foot of my right foot. I relax my right calf. I relax my right knee." And rising higher (thigh, buttocks, abs, hand, forearm, shoulder, etc.) go around the whole body in a circle. You must finish with the foot of your left foot. Pay special attention to relaxing the muscles of the face and neck (relax the forehead, eyebrows, eyes, cheeks, cheekbones, back of the neck and chin in turn).

Now pay attention to breath. Close the right nostril and inhale through the left. Then hold your breath, count to three, and exhale all the air from your lungs. Repeat this by closing the left nostril. Do this four times. Close your eyes and find any area of ​​your body where the tension is still there. Work on this part of the body.

Then, visualize warm bright light. Feel the light of pure loving energy entering your body through the top of your head, feel the peace and warmth spreading to all areas of your body. You can visualize this healing white light removing toxins from your toes and all negative energy from your cells.

Silently repeat these affirmations to yourself: “This healing white light protects me. Breathing in this light, I connect with divine energy. I am worthy of this healing light. I feel my body being cleansed and healed by this light. I will hold this positive healing energy within me throughout the day. I feel happiness, health and peace.”

Time for this meditation- before bedtime. Do the practice for three weeks.


Meditation before bed does not require concentration. Unlike many other meditative techniques, peace and relaxation are needed here, because often the tension of the brain prevents rapid falling asleep. This soothing procedure helps to move away from problems and obsessive thoughts, plunge into a sound, healthy sleep.

Meditation before bed for women and for men is of no small importance. With the help of simple techniques, it is possible to achieve maximum relaxation and move away from everything secondary. Due to this, it becomes possible to fall asleep quickly, and in the morning feel a surge of energy and cheerfulness. In fact, this is the best way to relax for a good sleep, which will help you relax and free your brain from the information accumulated during the day.

With the daily use of techniques at night, it is possible to easily cope with stress and eliminate insomnia.

Consciousness is turned off from negative thoughts, muscles relax, breathing is restored and blood circulation is normalized. Thanks to this, male and female meditations before going to bed improve not only the psycho-emotional, but also the physical state.


A good environment is essential for healthy sleep. Therefore, before you start meditating, you need to pay attention to the surrounding space and the place of rest. In doing so, you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • in the last hour of wakefulness, active actions, serious and emotional conversations, loud noises should be avoided. It is also required to refuse to eat;
  • Do all household chores ahead of time. Full relaxation is hindered even by the most elementary problems, including unwashed dishes or clothes not folded in the closet;
  • ventilate the bedroom in order to enrich the room with oxygen. In addition, it will be possible to get rid of extraneous odors;
  • choose clothes that do not hinder movement and do not cause discomfort.

For sleep, meditation is performed using essential oils. This is an auxiliary tool used by adding to the aroma lamp, performing a massage in the temples.

Techniques are designed to help master the mind and body. It is impossible to achieve internal comfort in an unfavorable environment where external stimuli are present. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the purification of the aura of space.

Principles and techniques of meditation

There are several effective meditation techniques to restore breathing, calm down, relax, achieve peace and fall asleep. Their basis is the psychological impact on the physical and emotional state.

Performing evening meditation before going to bed, you need to act as follows:

  • a comfortable posture is taken that promotes relaxation;
  • the psychological mood changes;
  • thoughts are focused on something pleasant.

Rapid sleep technique

Soothing, light music for sleep will be useful. The quiet sounds of nature will also help you relax. There are entire collections that promote relaxation. Thanks to them, you can plunge into an atmosphere of bliss and peace. Naturally, falling asleep in this state is much easier.

For peaceful deep sleep, meditation is performed in the evening. At the same time, they occupy a comfortable position and completely focus on breathing, paying attention to all the sensations that appear.

The technique involves the following actions:

  1. Take a deep breath with your mouth until the sound "oh" sounds.
  2. This is followed by a full exhalation with the capture of air through the nose.
  3. You need to meditate in this way for at least a quarter of an hour.

Thanks to this procedure, hyperventilation of the lungs is performed, carbon dioxide is removed. The body is preparing for rest. In addition, it is possible to completely move away from everyday problems, obsessive thoughts.

Relaxation technique

Aimed at sound, healthy sleep, meditation is performed in complete silence or with barely audible music. The main goal is a departure from reality, moving into a fictional space, reincarnation. To do this, take a comfortable, non-discomfort posture. The person imagines what lies in the boat. He floats on the water and feels the approach of dawn. The boat sways weakly, a splash of water is heard. Birds fly by. Gradually, the sounds subside and the person falls into a dream.

Among the meditation techniques that promote relaxation, one more deserves attention. It is performed as follows:

  1. A comfortable position is taken, the muscles need to be relaxed.
  2. Wait until breathing becomes even.
  3. A person imagines that he is looking at himself from above, associating himself with a cloud.
  4. The cloud floats, gradually connects with the neighboring ones, dissolving into them.
  5. If you get involved in this associative process, relaxation sets in and sleep comes imperceptibly.

Calming Meditation

Meditation is performed in bed. With its help, it is possible to achieve peace, there is a complete relaxation before going to bed. A person imagines that he is on the bank of a river. He distinctly feels his feet touching the warm sand. Water splashes, birds chirping can be heard nearby. Before your eyes appears a staircase that leads to the water. You need to move down and down the stairs, taking a step while inhaling. When exhaling, they imagine that negative emotions leave the body. Mentally continue to descend until the desire to fall asleep appears.

Simple meditation techniques will help eliminate insomnia and nervous tension. There are many of them, but their essence is the same - detachment from thoughts, relaxation and appeasement.

Sleep problems worry a lot of people in the modern world - the fast-paced life of megacities, frequent stress and unrest make it simply impossible. When she first declared herself, it is not necessary to go to the doctor and, because you can try to overcome this condition on your own. Invaluable help in this is provided by a special meditation for deep sleep.

Why is it needed

Unlike standard concentration techniques, meditation for falling asleep quickly allows you to relax, prepare your subconscious mind for rest. Having mastered one or more techniques, you can achieve excellent results:

  • Learn to stop negative thoughts and obsessions;
  • "Dump" the load of unnecessary information accumulated during the day;
  • Overcome depression, cope with stress;
  • Achieve harmony between the physical and psychological states.

All this leads to relaxation, sets you in a peaceful mood and guarantees a good rest, during which there is a complete restoration of strength. In order to achieve the desired effect, you do not need to sit in the lotus position for hours.

For beginners, it takes about 20 minutes to relax the muscles and rid the mind of negative impressions, setting it up for positive dreams. Guru technician for the same process takes no more than 5-10 minutes.

Basic Techniques

There are five basic meditation techniques that are suitable for most practitioners. Not everyone likes additional options, but in particular cases they are very effective, so you should not completely neglect them. After studying in more detail each relaxation technique, you can choose the method that suits you and practice every day before going to bed.

Technique 1. Mindfulness

The practitioner should take a comfortable sitting position, close his eyes, isolate himself from external noises and stimuli and imagine the place where he would like to be. It can be a forest edge, a sea or river coast, a valley of waterfalls. To help, it is recommended to include an audio track on which the corresponding sounds are written.

Beginners who practice mindfulness meditation often feel lonely. You should not worry about this - over time, the feeling will come along with the realization that in this small fictional world a person achieves peace. All extraneous thoughts should not penetrate into it - they flow past, moving on to the next day and not affecting the subconscious at the moment.

You should end the session gently, gradually withdrawing your thoughts from conscious fantasy. Then you should go to bed without being puzzled by any pressing problems. Mindfulness is not a spiritual practice. This is just a way to release thoughts from the many problems and tasks that interfere with a good rest.

Technique 2. Dreamer Pose

Sleeping postures are suitable for those people whose insomnia is caused by the desire to fall asleep as early as possible. In some cases, such a desire leads to the exact opposite effect and a person suffers without proper rest for a long time. The secret of the technique is to stop waiting for sleep to come and enjoy the moment.

To do this, lie on your back, put your hands on your head, stretch your legs so that it is comfortable. Then you should close your eyes and imagine yourself relaxing in a peaceful place - on the ocean, in a summer meadow, maybe in a hammock on a distant island. The sun is gradually sinking towards the horizon, twilight is falling on the earth, and a sweet languor is enveloping the body. No need to rush anywhere - relax here and now. Gradually, the body itself will fall into sleep.

In this case, one should not expect the onset of dreams. Even if the first times are not successful, the body will rest, being at rest for some time. Getting rid of anxiety allows you to relax and just enjoy the moments of rest. Gradually, the dreamer's position will naturally move into a full sleep.

Technique 3. Breathing

You should prepare for meditation - wash yourself at night, dim the light, spread the bed. Breathing exercises are recommended to be done in close proximity to the place of rest, so that you can quickly go to bed.

The main pose is lotus. If not comfortable, you can take a half-lotus position or just sit on your feet so that you are comfortable. The back is kept straight for the unobstructed movement of air currents. Hands are placed on the knees. For the first few minutes, all attention is focused on breathing - they regulate it in such a way that the volume of air flows does not change with each inhalation and exhalation. Beginners are advised to limit themselves to such a technique, maintaining it for 15-20 minutes. The eyes are left open or closed as desired. You can turn on the night light and fix your eyes on it so as not to be distracted from the main process.

Advanced practitioners of the breathing technique can improve it a little. After 5-10 minutes of concentration, gradually slow down breathing, bringing all body processes as close as possible to the level of a sleeping person. Then you should immediately go to bed until the drowsiness subsides.

Technique 4. Autotraining

Autogenic training implies a gradual complete physical relaxation. To do this, you need to lie down in bed, close your eyes, imagine yourself on the sea or ocean in such a way that your feet lie directly next to the water's edge. Then the waves begin to roll in:

  • The first warm wave covers the toes and mortars;
  • The second reaches already to the calves;
  • The third relaxes the legs from the knees;
  • Then comes the turn of the abdomen;
  • The last waves affect the chest and neck.

Receding, the water takes with it all the fatigue, heaviness and negative energy. Usually one full episode is enough to fall asleep. If this was not enough, you should repeat the process first in reverse order, and then again in a straight line, ending with the body immersed in water up to the neck.

Technique 5. Mantras

Special voice formulas for falling asleep and Sanskrit chants allow you to relax and free your mind from negative thoughts. A beginner can turn on the audio recording at a low volume and fall asleep under it. It is best if it is a track 20-30 minutes long, which is not included on repeat - this time is enough to fall asleep.

More advanced practitioners do not reproduce ready-made mantras. They pronounce all the formulas to themselves, at the same time falling into a dream. This technique is more effective, but difficult for beginners and requires certain skills in the correct reading of mantras.

The most popular texts are quite simple:

  • Om Agasti Shainah is a simple formula that must be repeated until you fall asleep completely;
  • Ri A Hum - accompanied by the presentation of a black dot between the eyebrows and helps to overcome even prolonged insomnia;
  • Shudhe Shudhe Mahanidre Svahaa - reading that calls for good dreams;
  • Om Sushupti Om - adjusts the body for proper rest and healthy sleep.

Additional techniques

Simple types of meditation techniques are usually less effective, but they do not require special skills and are suitable for treating people of all ages, including children.

For relaxation

After airing the room, you need to go to bed and imagine yourself lying on the bottom of the boat, which is rocking on light river or sea waves. To help, you can turn on a recording that reproduces the splash of waves and a slight breeze.

All thoughts gradually recede, the body exists outside of time and space - there is only here and now, and this time is intended for complete relaxation and peace. Gradually, the state passes into a deep sleep.

To cleanse the energy of negativity

The unique technique of "Reincarnation" is based on imagining yourself to be what or who you want. You can visualize a sea wave, melodic music, a graceful dance, or a scene you like from a book or movie.

This is done directly while lying on the bed, since very often fantasy turns into dreams, the plot of which develops in an unpredictable way, but insomnia recedes.

Meditations for children

Relevant in cases where the child cannot fall asleep or has nightmares. The baby himself is not able to imagine a calm and peaceful world, so parents should help him. We must ask the child to close his eyes and imagine everything that he will hear from mom or dad. Describing a fabulous place, one should not forget about the orientation to the children's subconscious - in a quiet forest there should be light and good animals should live, birds should sing and there should be no shadows or other places where monsters from nightmares could hide.

General Methods

If you don't have the time or desire to use meditation, there are some easy ways to unwind before your night's sleep.

  • Music

It is best to focus on oriental motifs, as they have a good relaxation effect. It is enough to listen to them for 15-20 minutes before going to bed.

  • aromatherapy

Bergamot, lavender and sandalwood contribute to the improvement of the quality of relaxation. But citrus and other "energetic" aromas should be abandoned. Instead of oil, you can use a special pillow that contains a set of herbs - just put it next to your head to get a healing effect.

  • Muscle contraction

Improving blood circulation before bedtime regulates the quality of rest. In the prone position, separate muscle groups are strained for 10-15 seconds, and then they are relaxed. It is necessary to move in the direction from the head to the feet. After such an exercise, the likelihood of insomnia is sharply reduced.


In order to plunge into the arms of Morpheus, it is very important to follow all the rituals for preparing for sleep. Simple tips will help get rid of insomnia even without meditation.

The best way to fight insomnia is to prevent the disease. The organization of healthy sleep every day helps prevent the development of the disease and has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the body. If sleep problems still appear, then it is recommended to try less drastic methods of treatment that do not cause side effects, such as meditation, before taking medication.