What can bite at night in bed. Bed bug bites - symptoms and treatment

  • 13.06.2019

What blood-sucking insects can be found in a bed or sofa

Bed bugs - their length, depending on age and degree of saturation, usually varies from 2-3 to 8 mm. The photo below shows this using an example of an adult bug:

This is what a bed bug larva looks like:

Fleas - usually bite in the morning. They jump very well, and if you can’t catch an insect in the bed, perhaps it’s them.

The photo shows a flea on the human body at the time of the bite:

Linen lice are insects that are not even attached to the bed, but more to the human body. They bite around the clock, but at night their activity is especially noticeable.

Photo of an adult louse:

And this is what nits look like - lice eggs in a dense shell:

And, of course, mosquitoes - everyone knows them, so there will be no problems with their identification:

Generally speaking, household cockroaches are among the insects that can be found in the sofa or in bed, but such cases are quite rare. Meanwhile, even ordinary red cockroaches, with a lack of water, can eat the epithelium around the lips of sleeping people, especially children. This is just the case when you can say that even cockroaches bite.

A little about bedbugs: photos, behaviors, lifestyle

And in the next photo - a nest of bedbugs in the sofa. These insects prefer to hide as close as possible to human resting places:

“It's kind of a nightmare. We never had any insects in our apartment in our life, but then they began to discover that in the morning some kind of bites appeared on the body. They began to find out and once they caught a bug at night. Such a nasty creature, still fat, it is clear that he sucked blood. I was hysterical, I went to live with a friend, and my husband called some services so that they would poison everything. Now they don’t seem to be there, but I still check myself in the morning. ”

Each bug must feed on blood every few days. Larvae need it for growth, and adult insects need it for reproduction. Their only food is human blood, which they suck, piercing the skin with a thin proboscis and getting to the blood vessel.

The photo below shows bed bug marks. Red dots indicate places where bloodsucking insects were accidentally crushed by a tossing and turning person:

Bedbugs are nocturnal, and you can meet them in an apartment during the day only in exceptional cases. During daylight hours, they hide in sofas, under mattresses, in household appliances, behind skirting boards and on bookshelves, and go hunting at about 2-3 o'clock in the morning. Bed bugs are the most common insect in furniture.

Bedbug bites and their consequences

Bedbug bites look like red spots on the skin with a characteristic dot at the place where the insect introduced the proboscis. Often the bug leaves a whole chain of 3-7 such bites, piercing the skin in several places. It is by such chains (paths) that these insects, which often live directly in beds, are easily recognized.

With a large number of bed bugs in the house and high sensitivity to their bites, a person in the attack field may develop an allergic reaction with profuse skin rashes and generalized symptoms. In children with abundant and regular bites of bedbugs, anemia may even develop. In addition, the constant itching from bites does not make the victim feel normal, and when scratching the wounds, pustular inflammation can develop.

Bed bugs are potential carriers of many infections, but physicians have not recorded cases of their transmission of diseases such as HIV or hepatitis.

How to deal with bedbugs

There are two reliable ways to remove bedbugs:

Self-removal of bedbugs is cheaper, but requires a serious investment of time and effort. When contacting pest control services, you need to be careful not to run into scammers or those who, in fact, do not perform the work.

In the photo - a nest of bedbugs in furniture:

If these insects are wound up in a sofa or other furniture, they can be frozen outside in winter at temperatures below minus 20 ° C. However, this method is rarely effective, since bed bugs often hide not only in the sofa, but also in other places in the apartment.

You can also destroy bedbugs in the apartment with heat by raising the temperature in the room to + 50 ° C, which is usually achieved with the help of industrial fan heaters. Of course, such a procedure must be carried out very carefully and with all precautions.

Fleas: when they bite and how to deal with them

It was fleas and their hosts - rats - that in the Middle Ages became the cause of an extensive pandemic of bubonic plague, during which almost a third of the population of Europe died out.

Flea bites are quite similar to bedbug bites and can also form characteristic paths, only short ones.

In the photo - a flea on human skin:

On white bedding, these insects are clearly visible, but it can be quite difficult to catch them: they jump so fast that the jump itself is not noticeable at all.

You need to remove fleas in two stages: first they are poisoned in pets, and then in the whole apartment.

Sometimes fleas have to be poisoned again if the infestation of the premises is especially high.

When baiting fleas in an apartment, they use the same drugs as against bedbugs. But to remove fleas from cats and dogs, you need to use completely different means, more gentle and safe, with low concentrations of insecticides.

Lice in bed are quite rare. For these insects, a fall from the hair or human body is fatal - they are slow and rarely able to climb back (at the same time, it is vital for them to feed on blood very often). Typically, bed lice cannot be called blood-sucking insects.

Lice spend their whole lives on the head (head lice) or other hairy part of a person (pubic lice). There are also linen lice that live in clothes, but today they are found only in vagrants who very rarely change clothes and never wash them.

Lice bites are usually less outwardly visible and less painful than flea or bedbug bites, but due to their abundance, they can also be very itchy.

In the photo of nits in the hair of a child (lice eggs):

Cockroaches rarely bite a person. They are inhabitants of kitchens, eating crumbs from the table and food leftovers in bins. Only with very abundant reproduction and with a lack of water can they crawl onto the bed and gnaw the epidermis around the lips and nose of people. Today, such situations sometimes occur in hostels.

Of course, cockroaches are not blood-sucking insects, so even if they bite, it is completely different from the way fleas or bed bugs do.

In any case, if you are bitten by insects, their bites should be treated to reduce itching and prevent infections:

  • bite sites are washed with soapy water
  • the most painful bites are wiped with alcohol or alcohol tincture of calendula or propolis
  • itching from bites can be reduced with Fenistil gel.

But if, after the bites of blood-sucking insects, the temperature began to rise and a characteristic rash appeared on the skin, it is advisable to show the person to the doctor. An allergy to bites can have serious consequences, and even if at a particular moment it does not manifest itself very strongly, in the future the reaction to bites can be extremely acute.

When bed bugs go hunting...

To the entry "What blood-sucking insects can be found in a bed or sofa" 21 comments were left.

I called a service for staining bedbugs, they treated it with some very poisonous agent. For two days I was not at home, then I washed everything, cleaned it. I went to bed in the hope that, finally, now I’ll get some sleep, and they are creatures, both biting and biting. True, their number has decreased, but this is not for long, because they multiply rapidly. What should I do, I don't know?

Stain yourself, process all the furniture carefully. When I was young, I took a closet from my neighbors, and it was all in bedbugs. She did not spare any money for him, a whole vial: they poured in, but she killed everyone, and did not appear anywhere else. I refused the closet, but others took it and did not complain.

Then relocate

We removed bed bugs with GET.

Go to bed fully dressed, in tight socks and tight leggings tucked into them, a turtleneck with a throat and gloves. You will be funny, but you also need to protect your face! The more often they bite, the more your immunity is shaken, which means that this is a big risk of getting you a stable allergic reaction, which later develops into chronic, and not just for bites. but for everything that the body considers unacceptable for itself (for food, summer herbs, etc.)


In the house of a person, all conditions have been created not only for the comfort and coziness of the residents - this is a great place that attracts various kinds of insects. Ants, bedbugs, fleas, cockroaches and others settle in a person's dwelling in whole families.

This kind of neighborhood modern man not to your liking, so there is a huge variety different recipes, methods and ways to deal with annoying neighbors. One of the most basic preventive measures regular cleaning is against them, although if you already have neighbors, this will not help get rid of them.

If cockroaches and ants are localized mainly in the kitchen, where they have something to eat, then pests such as fleas or bedbugs can start in the bedroom. Therefore, if you find red spots on your body after sleep, take immediate action - bedbugs and fleas are most likely to have wound up in bed.

What kind of insects can get in bed?

If in the morning after sleep you find a lot of small wounds on your body, then do not hesitate - these are the bites that pests left you.

Who could it be?

Depending on the time of year, these can be mosquitoes, fleas, lice or bedbugs. The latter are the most difficult option, since getting rid of them is quite difficult.

If mosquitoes have bitten you, then a fumigator with plates or liquid will be the best remedy for them. If you turn it on at night, then nothing will disturb your sleep. Another sign that these were mosquitoes is a characteristic sound, you can’t help but hear them, you can find them on the ceiling and walls in the room.

If you have a pet sleeping in your bed, then it is likely that you have fleas. Signs of such - after sleep, the body itches very much, itches in places of bites. They differ in that there are many of them, they look like a rash, these are small wounds that cause a lot of discomfort.

Bedbugs can be another option, they are quite difficult to detect, since they are nocturnal. Usually they settle in whole families, but the nest may not be located in your bed at all, but, for example, in a closet with things, under furniture upholstery, and so on. If you suspect that you have bedbugs in your bed, then you must immediately begin to destroy them. Why are they dangerous? They can carry diseases that are transmitted through the blood. An interesting fact is that during the bite, the bug first releases an anesthetic, so during this action you will not be able to catch it. The bite site begins to itch and hurt very much after the bug has already drunk your blood.

How to detect insects in bed?

Before you understand what to do in order to get rid of annoying neighbors, you need to determine exactly who you are dealing with. The main signs of insects in bed are as follows:

  • on the body, bites are located on smooth areas without hair;
  • usually bedbugs choose thin skin that can easily be bitten through;
  • on the body, the wounds look like an allergy, the skin around the bite turns red and inflamed;
  • if you have bedding white color, then you can find small spots of blood on it;
  • you can notice an uncharacteristic smell in the room, they usually say “it smells like bedbugs”, in reality they have bad smell, which can be determined if you have already encountered this problem;
  • Bed bugs are almost impossible to spot with the naked eye during the day.

Bedbugs are small bugs that settle in secluded places, and go hunting at night. Therefore, you need to look for them in the corners, under the mattress, on the windowsill, on the frames of paintings, and so on.

What insects bite in bed?

If after sleep you find a lot of bites on your body, then you immediately need to determine what kind of insect it is. Often there are bed bugs in the bed. Their presence can be suspected not only by bites on the body, but also by characteristic drops of blood on bedding. After a bite, the blood does not clot immediately, and if a person rolls over, the blood will be smeared.

Bed bugs can attack anyone, but most often women and children are bitten, as their skin is thinner.

If you have determined that insects such as bedbugs have started up in your bed, take action. To relieve itching, use an ointment for allergies to insect bites, and for baiting, use sprays and aerosols against bedbugs.

Insect bites in bed how to treat?

Bites cause severe itching, redness, inflammation and burning, so first aid should be provided immediately. There is a mass folk recipes to help reduce discomfort.
a solution of vinegar and soda;
soap-vinegar solution;
parsley and potato juice, ice is applied;
soda solution.

Treat the bite site and in no case comb it.

How to get rid of insects in bed?

It is best to find a bed bug nest, but this is not always possible, as they hide under the upholstery of furniture, where it is not easy to find them.

In order to get rid of bed insects, it is necessary to vacuum furniture, mattresses, pillows. The bag must be burned after cleaning. After that, process the furniture modern means, it can be an aerosol or a special liquid from bedbugs. After that, vacuum again and clean the furniture. Bed linen should be washed at high temperatures. Be prepared to do this several times.

Insect repellent in bed

The most effective means against bedbugs are modern proven drugs, among which are Tetrix, Fufanon Super, Combat, Forsyth, Zifoks, Executioner.

There are bugs in the sofa, what should I do?

If bugs are wound up in the sofa, then the following measures must be taken:
vacuum the sofa
treat it with a special tool;
clean it.

Insects in the apartment are afraid of too high temperatures and die from frost. So if possible, then the furniture should be treated with steam, and the bedding should be washed in hot water. If this happened in winter, then furniture, pillows, blankets, and so on can be taken out into the cold.

In any case, when insects a large number of, you should call a professional pest control service, which will process all hard-to-reach areas of housing and clean it from pests.

The last drop of patience will burst if a person falls asleep tired after work and someone starts to bite him. Who most often interferes with a person's life? Some insects just bite, and mosquitoes first buzz over the ear. Choose a tasty place. Sometimes you want to say: "Bite faster and fly away, let me sleep." Who bites in bed at night? Mosquitoes, fleas, lice and bedbugs. Blood-sucking insects not only leave marks, cause discomfort, but also carry various dangerous diseases that require expensive treatment.

In this article, we will look into distinguishing features bites of various insects, so that you can independently identify the pest and take appropriate measures, if necessary.

Mosquitoes are two-winged, long-whiskered insects that are ubiquitous. Man is its main victim.

They attack and suck the blood of the female, because the jaws of the males allow them to feed only on plant nectar. Females cannot live without blood, they need it for normal life and reproduction. Rapidly laying eggs of 180-200 pieces per day, females immediately forget about them. And after a week, adult blood-sucking individuals are formed from these eggs.

Mosquitoes feel their prey several tens of meters away, but they react more to bright light.


If you turn on the lamp in one room, and lie down to sleep in another, the females will rush to the bright light. Males will fly next to a sleeping person, buzzing but not biting.

The characteristic squeak that mosquitoes emit is the language of communication that appears from the movement of the wings. Females squeak more subtly, because their wings are softer. The younger the female mosquito, the thinner her squeak, this allows male mosquitoes to navigate when choosing a partner.

Given that mosquitoes have been around for over 40 million years, it's impossible to outsmart them. They are everywhere, on all continents, it will not be possible to escape from them either.

Mosquitoes prefer damp, warm climates. They have thermoreceptors, so they accurately determine by the temperature of the skin the place where the blood vessel is located and where it is better to bite.

Some types of mosquitoes carry dangerous infections. During the bite, pain does not occur, because. mosquito saliva contains painkillers, blood thinners. In the place where the mosquito has stuck, itchy, painful red-pink blisters appear. Mosquito saliva is an external allergen, so a reaction appears at the site of the bite. A mosquito bite blister resembles a flea. But after a mosquito, pain and itching are more pronounced.

Having sucked blood, the mosquito becomes heavy, lazy, it is easier to kill it than a hungry one.

You can fight mosquitoes at home special devices, devices, fumigators. In open areas, mosquitoes can be dealt with only with the help of professional pest control.

The most dangerous vector of infection is the malaria mosquito, which is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the most dangerous insect on the planet. It flies at a speed of about 4 km/h. has infrared vision, easily finds its prey in pitch darkness. They can travel up to hundreds of kilometers to overtake their prey.

In addition to bedbugs, in houses where pets or mice, rats live, and start up.

An increase in the standard of living in apartments and comfortable houses has led to an increase in the number of rodents. In houses without a garbage chute, in order to get from the basements of the houses to the garbage dumps, the rats have to move through the open area. And in houses with such a power source, they live and eat in the same place, there is no need to run anywhere. One garbage chute can feed about 50 rats. The house mouse loves to live in warmth, so it uses human housing, bakery, and confectionery production for living.

On rodents in 100% of cases live fleas, which are all infected. They can carry dangerous helminths: worms, yersiniosis.

The flea uses rodents and animals as transport, and humans as a source of food. She jumps on clothes, underwear, bites her legs and other exposed parts of the body at night in bed, causing a terrible itch. It can jump more than a meter in height, i.e., a distance of 160 times its length. If a flea is frozen, it will fall asleep, and will be able to live like this in a dream for 12 months. After waking up, he will lead a normal life.

Fleas can bite any person, regardless of social status and origin. King of France Louis XIV, who defeated Spain and Austria, could not cope with fleas, introduced a post at court - a servant for catching fleas.

The most fastidious of all blood-sucking insects is the wingless linen louse, which is a type of body louse. Without food, they cannot live more than 3 days.

The female is larger than the male. They live in folds of clothes, collars, because they cannot resist long time on the surface of the body and on the hair. After a louse bite, an itchy area appears, which becomes inflamed, suppurates, up to the development of furunculosis.

Nowadays, they live on people who suffer from alcoholism, lead an asocial and dirty lifestyle, and ride next to us in transport. Lice love unsanitary conditions, where many people live, and where little attention is paid to hygiene procedures. A large surge in pediculosis is observed during wars, local conflicts, after earthquakes and other disasters, accompanied by the destruction of housing, deterioration of living conditions.

Can also bite at night bed bug. arranged in a row at an equal distance from each other along one line.

They hide in the crevices of the plinth, the wooden joints of the bed, the folds of the sofa.

The time of the reign of the bug is the night period from 3 to 6. Before biting the bug with its saliva, it anesthetizes the area into which it will be introduced. Therefore, the moment of the bite itself remains unnoticed for a person. Bed bugs are sent to hunt by companies of several individuals, so a person has numerous, nearby paths from bites on the legs and other parts of the body.

There are many myths about bedbugs:

  1. Bedbugs and cockroaches do not live together. Absurdity - they live in the same territory, because they eat different foods;
  2. The bug needs to bite a person every day. Misconception - the bug eats 1 time in 3 days, the duration of the meal is 3 minutes. In the experiment, the life span of a hungry bug was 1 year;
  3. Bedbugs come to the house with old furniture. Often they live in crevices, baseboards, air ducts and move from one tenant apartment building to another.


  • The female bed bug lays up to 500 eggs the size of a needle eye in beds. The life expectancy of one bug is not more than 1 year;
  • They pass on the experience gained during their life. For example, a generation of bedbugs that survived poisoning leaves a generation immune to the same means.
  • at temperatures below 15 degrees.
  • The bug bite itself is not dangerous. But the saliva of the bug causes an allergic reaction, when combing the bites, they become inflamed and suppurate.

If some insects bother you at night, and when you wake up in the morning, you find bite marks on your body (), most likely, blood-sucking individuals have wound up in your apartment. Most often these can be: fleas, lice (clothes, head), bugs, mosquitoes or other bugs.

But about what insects settle in the bathroom and what to do with them, read

How to detect insects in bed?

Most reliable way, to determine who still bites in bed, it is closer to the middle of the night to spontaneously turn on the lighting and inspect the place of sleep. If the bedding is light colors, you will definitely see small individuals.

Characteristic signs of insects in bed, for example, are small specks of blood on sheets, duvet covers. In addition, by appearance Bedbugs are hard to confuse with someone else. You can also look for traces of the bedbug family under the mattress by carefully examining the frame of the bed or sofa.

Small dots appearing and disappearing again may indicate that . Another sign is the presence of bites and swelling on the body. (Read about what swelling looks like with a midge bite and what to do about it)

If night bites fall on winter time year or summer, but all windows with ventilation inside the house, apartment are protected by mosquito nets, which prevent mosquitoes from entering the room, and during the inspection you did not find these insects, it is highly likely that you live bugs or fleas.

It should be added that sometimes mosquitoes, cockroaches, water bugs, and other bugs can also bite a person sleeping on a sofa, but this happens extremely rarely. If, nevertheless, such wound up indoors, you can get rid of them using the same methods of struggle as for the rest.

Insect bites in bed how to treat?

There are bugs in the sofa, what should I do?

These bugs can start and cause serious damage to your furniture and animal products. Therefore, they must be disposed of immediately. For the fight it is advisable to use modern insecticides against insects.

How to determine which of the insects suddenly began to bite you at night? Who leaves itchy red spots on your body that itch so unbearably?

There are only four types of such blood-sucking: bedbugs, fleas, mosquitoes, lice - head or body lice. You have to quickly and accurately determine which insects bite you in bed. And only after that, take concrete measures or, as it is fashionable to say now, look for an individual approach to the problem.

How to determine which insects bite in bed?

“One time I got into a terrible situation. I was sent on a business trip to one of the cities central Russia, summer. It was hot enough to sleep with the window open. In the morning, when I got up, I could not believe my eyes - one hand was covered in bites. It turns out that there was either a lake or a swamp nearby. And the mosquitoes bit me. For some reason they didn't itch. Of course, the first thing I did was inspect the linen - I didn’t find any stains or insects. I had to wear long sleeves to work. Believe it or not, we counted over 400 bites. Good thing it was mosquitoes and not bed bugs. But then it itched terribly. Elena, Yaroslavl.

If you are very lucky, it will be mosquitoes. Bedbugs are the worst option, although all the others are not very good.

Even if the problem arose in autumn or winter, the appearance of mosquitoes in the apartment is quite possible - through the ventilation grilles they may well fly into the apartment from the basement. How do we check? We carefully examine the upper part of the walls and the ceiling - mosquitoes prefer to sit there. Small insects are especially unpleasant, they are difficult to detect, and they bite no less.

  • What do bed bugs look like in the photo -

Another sign is that all bites are located on those parts of the body that were not covered at night. Here you must decide for yourself which arm or leg you have on top of the blanket. Compare and draw conclusions. If, nevertheless, the suspicions are strong enough, turn on the fumigator at night and treat the ventilation grilles with an insecticide.

If you were bitten by insects at night in bed and it's definitely not mosquitoes, we examine the bed linen. In the presence of characteristic smeared blood spots, you can be sure that you have bedbugs. If the laundry is colored, change it to white. You will have to get up at night for a couple of nights in a row and check the beds for insects.

Bedbugs are nocturnal, and it is easiest to detect them at 2-3 in the morning - it is at this time that they go hunting. On a white background, dark brown shells of bedbugs are clearly visible. They do not move as fast as cockroaches and you will be able to catch them quickly enough. Pay attention - to catch, but not to withdraw. This is already a separate story, and we will return to it a little later.

  • What do bed bug bites look like on the human body -

Bedbugs leave marks on the human body in the form of a chain of bites located next to a friend. You can even find them under pajamas or a nightgown - the bug can crawl under the blanket and under the clothes.

Ranking of the most effective means against bed bugs

domestic fleas

The next contender is fleas. Here one can highlight the following features bites:

  • There are many bites and they are scattered.
  • Very intense itching.

For the appearance of fleas, the presence of animals in the house is absolutely not necessary. They can be accidentally brought on the soles of shoes. They are most active in the morning, it is at this time that fleas attack a person.

It should be noted that their bites are quite painful and you need to sleep very soundly in order not to notice them. Moreover, if you find red spots on the ankles or shins, then this is definitely and without a doubt - fleas. Catching insects is almost impossible, they move very quickly and have the ability to jump to a height of up to one meter.

  • What flea bites look like on the human body and how dangerous they can be -

Fleas have a strong chitinous shell that can be crushed only with some effort. Therefore, you will not find dead insects in the bed.

When buying, you should pay attention to the inscription on the bottle - from fleas. You can also use insecticidal crayons near front door. This simple measure will help prevent fleas from entering the apartment from the entrance.

Lice feed on human blood every three to four hours. To do this, they crawl onto the skin from the hair or clothes where they live. With a strong infection, scratching may form, which can tint. In such cases, we are talking about the fact that insects get into bed with a person.

  • What do linen lice and their bites look like on the human body -

It is necessary to carefully examine the head, if there are bites on the body, then the clothes, especially the seams. These simple actions should not be neglected, based on the principle “it just cannot be.” Maybe, and even very much, moreover, regardless of you and your desire.

You need to start fighting lice immediately. If the dress louse can be removed quickly, then you will have to suffer from the head louse - except for washing your hair by special means regular combing of nits with frequent combs is necessary.

Insects in furniture

If you find blood-sucking insects in bed, you will definitely have to check the furniture. We will look for bedbugs and cockroaches. We were not mistaken, we are talking about cockroaches. There are cases when insects ate dry crusts from the lips of a person at night. It's unfortunate, but it's a well-known fact.

Cockroaches live not only in kitchen furniture but also in wardrobes, sofas, chests of drawers. Especially where there are a lot of old magazines or newspapers.

  • Can cockroaches bite a person and what do their bites look like -

In order not to poison yourself, your household and animals, you can use gels containing baits and potent poison. The most versatile in this respect are Globol gel and Maxforce gel.

Globol Gel

German drug of contact action with high efficiency. Designed specifically for cockroach control. The active substance is chlorpyrifos. Available in a tube, weight - 75 grams. One package is enough to process approximately 60 square meters.

The principle of action is to infect insects upon contact. A cockroach, getting on the gel, becomes a carrier of a poisonous substance. At the same time, he does not die immediately, and manages to infect several individuals before this time.

The price of the drug is from 140 rubles.