Diesel fuel for gardening recipes. Spraying fruit trees with diesel fuel

  • 16.06.2019

The quality of the future harvest depends on how timely the garden is treated for diseases and pests in the spring. The awakening of nature is a crucial stage in the care of fruit-bearing trees and shrubs. Pests not destroyed in time can cause damage for years to come. Spring, especially early, is the most favorable period for spraying the garden.

Preparing for spring processing

With the establishment of heat, pests wake up along with the plants, so the task is to get rid of them before the young leaves are harmed. It is necessary to destroy the larvae before the ovaries begin to appear, so as not to harm future fruits, as well as the insects that pollinate them. Spring processing is a good prevention of diseases of trees and shrubs for the whole.

Treatment suburban area- a set of activities that require careful adherence to deadlines. Until the snow melts, it is necessary to make a round of the garden and remove the remnants of last year's vegetation - the source of infections. Pruning dry, broken, frozen branches in winter. Early spring is favorable for tree crown formation. Places of cuts must be painted over or treated with garden pitch.

Stages of processing a garden plot

Garden protection is carried out in several stages, each has features and tight time frames:

  • early spring;
  • before bud break;
  • before and after the end of flowering;
  • the appearance of bonds.

Early spring

The first event after the snow melts is whitewashing or painting tree trunks. Of course, this should be done in the fall in order to protect the bark from rodents and cracking during the winter. But in any case, in the spring it is necessary to update the color in order to burn out the pests that wintered in the bark and disinfect the trees. In addition, whitewashing effectively protects the trunks from sunburn.

Before staining, they are cleaned of dried bark, exfoliated during the winter, fungal formations, growths. This is best done with a metal brush or plastic spatula, not too zealous to avoid damaging the wood. After removing all unnecessary, treat the exposed areas with paint or garden pitch. Beforehand, it is useful to disinfect with copper sulphate, prepared in a proportion of 10 g per 1 liter of water, or with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. After cleaning, you can start painting.

Trunk whitewashing

2 kg of dry lime is dissolved in 10 l (bucket) of water, 300 g are added blue vitriol. The resulting liquid after thorough mixing is ready for use. The advantage of this processing method is good disinfecting properties (due to copper sulphate), ease of preparation and use. Disadvantage: the layer of whitewash applied to the barrel does not adhere well due to weather conditions.


use acrylic paints, they include fungicides that can protect trees from many diseases. The method is easy to use and provides reliable protection. Disadvantage: high price (compared to lime).

With both methods, the trunk and base of the lower branches are painted. The processing time is after the snow cover has melted and the topsoil has dried out.

Spraying diesel fuel

Adherents folk methods pest control in the spring sprayed trees, shrubs with diesel fuel. It creates an oil layer under which the larvae suffocate for several hours. The method is exotic, but quite effective.

Before bud break

During this period, soil insects, mites, and various caterpillars hatch. At the same time, it is necessary to process trees from scab, black cancer, anthracnose, moniliosis. Pests and diseases must be fought with the help of insecticides: Aktara, Lannat, Calypso, Avant. When using them, you should carefully read the instructions and take the necessary safety measures.

Many use a budget tool - copper sulfate. It is necessary to dilute 100 g per 10 liters of water.

Tobacco processing

Opponents of chemistry use a solution of natural ingredients, such as tobacco. For 3 liters hot water(approximately 70 ° C) 200 g of tobacco, 100 g of garlic, onion peel, needles, orange peels are added. The resulting mixture should stand for a week. Before use, dissolve the volume in 10 liters of water, adding 100 g of finely chopped tar soap. The repeated procedure of spraying with a tobacco mixture is carried out after 10-12 days.

We should not forget about the general "hygiene" of the garden - cut branches, dry foliage, the remains of last year's vegetation must be collected and burned. Pests hibernated there.

Garden protection before and after flowering

Still unopened buds fruit trees must be protected from caterpillars, scab and spotting. the best way is spraying with karbofos 10% concentration, diluted at the rate of 70 g per 10 l warm water. Work should be carried out before the buds open. During flowering, spraying is not recommended.

colloidal sulfur

During the flowering period, ticks awaken. If anti-mite treatment is not carried out before the buds open, they will cause significant harm to the garden. A solution of colloidal sulfur helps well: 80 g of a paste of 70% concentration is dissolved in 10 liters of water, 100 g of laundry soap must be added. You can use insecticidal preparations "Decis" or "Fitokol".

Processing at the appearance of the first ovaries

It is carried out in order to prevent fruit diseases and destroy the remaining pests. It must be carried out carefully, trying to prevent an overdose of drugs. For spraying plants that have entered the vegetative period, use the "Bordeaux mixture".

But it's better to refrain from chemicals because of the risk of poisoning them already formed fruits. You can prepare a natural solution:

  • Tincture of garlic: 200 g of crushed cloves are diluted in 0.5 liters of water. Withstand for a week. The resulting tincture is mixed with water at the rate of 50 g per bucket of water.
  • Mustard tincture. Used during the growing season, is safe means. Used to control pests such as caterpillars, codling moths, sawflies. 100 g of mustard powder is dissolved in 10 liters of water, insisted for two days. One part before use is diluted in two parts of water.
  • Wormwood tincture. An effective remedy for combating caterpillars, aphids, suckers, and other insects. One kilogram of dry wormwood is boiled for 15 minutes in 5 liters of water. Approximately 1 kg is added to the cooled mixture chicken manure, previously infused in 3 liters of water for at least a day. Bred in a bucket of water.
  • Dandelion tincture, in addition to effective protection, helps to "utilize" the weed that appears during this period on garden plot. 200 g of coltsfoot (together with rhizomes) are poured into 10 liters of warm water, let it brew for 2 hours. Only fresh infusion is suitable for processing.

Rules for processing fruit trees

There is no strict technology, but there is a basis that should be followed:

  • Processing is carried out from the crown towards the trunk.
  • After spraying the branches, it is necessary to carefully process the tree itself and the soil under it.

The time of the manipulation is early morning and evening, after sunset. It is not recommended to do this during the daytime - the solution dries quickly in the sun, not having time to be absorbed. For spraying the garden, you need to choose a dry, calm day.

Getting a bountiful harvest is impossible without seasonal gardening activities.

Among the methods used for spraying, has proven itself well folk way how to treat a garden with solar oil.

Like other pest control products, diesel fuel is used twice a year - in spring and autumn.

It is necessary to use the oil product with extreme caution: the wrong concentration can damage the plants and cause them to burn.

To prevent the death of trees, it is recommended to treat the garden with diesel fuel in the spring before the formation of the first buds and leaves.

What's the use?

Destroys viruses, fungal formations and insect larvae. The sprayed solution forms an oily film on the surface of the tree, making it impossible for the larvae to breathe.

Eliminates adult insects. Spraying with an oil product prevents the reproduction of pests and does not allow them to lay eggs. Leaves treated with a solution become unfit for food and cannot provide insects with the necessary supplies.

Processing the garden with solar oil is very effective remedy in the fight against such a dangerous pest as the bark beetle.

The insect prefers to settle in the bark of fruit trees, pears, apples and plums, and thereby finds itself in safe place where chemicals do not penetrate. This rids the trees of the bark beetle until the next spray.


The treatment of the garden with diesel fuel can be carried out not only in the recommended seasons of spring and summer, but also throughout the entire flowering time of the trees.

Spraying methods according to the following recipes have become widespread among the people:

  1. Iron vitriol is bred in water in a ratio of 1 to 10. 10 parts of 10% slaked lime and 20 parts of an oil product are added to the mixture. The concentration of the resulting solution is 50% and is suitable for treatment before the start of bud formation in spring and after the leaves are shed by trees in autumn.
  2. Mix 20 parts of diesel fuel with 5 parts of clay and the same amount of water. The mixture is obtained with the same concentration as in the previous recipe, but does not contain ferrous sulfate, which is a chemical substance, so the solution should be used correctly both during the flowering period and during the formation of fruits.
  3. Connect 10 parts of diesel fuel with 9 parts of water with the addition of 1 part of laundry soap. The concentration of the recipe is 50%.

Processing technology

How to spray trees with diesel fuel? Processing consists of several stages:

  1. Preparing for the process. Prepare solution and spray pump. Wear protective clothing. Be sure to use goggles, a respirator and rubber gloves.
  2. spraying. Spray the agent on the plants: the preparation should fall on the surface of the trees in small drops.
  3. The final stage. It is also recommended to rinse the devices used during the procedure and the pump with water.
Incorrect dilution of diesel fuel and a high concentration of the active substance pose a threat to plants.

For this one branch is sprayed with a solution and after 2 days look at the results. If there is no negative reaction, then you can safely use the remedy.

For spring spraying, urea of ​​a small concentration in water is used. Soil treatment with a solution of urea in the fall is carried out at a time when the plant has already thrown off most of the crown, this will prevent the development of fungi in the soil in the spring and is an excellent top dressing for the tree.

It is necessary to use urea with caution, excessive concentration can cause foliage burns and death of the tree.

  1. inkstone. Unlike copper sulphate, iron sulphate involves not only effective protection from pests of fruit trees and shrubs, but also enriches the plant with iron necessary for normal vegetation. This is especially important when caring for apple orchards, where iron deficiency can cause low and poor quality yields.
Spraying with a solution of iron sulfate is carried out twice a season. The first treatment should be carried out in the period before bud formation, a high concentration of the drug can cause burns of young leaves and shoots.
Processing the bark and branches of trees will prevent the development of aphids and scab on plants, active active ingredients destroy the larvae of fruit pests.
  1. Oil products. Most often, gardeners use diesel fuel for processing fruit trees and shrubs, which is used for spraying in spring and autumn.
It is worth taking diesel fuel for processing with great care, the substance has a detrimental effect on green plants, so use is possible only if there is a complete absence of foliage. In the spring, all activities with diesel fuel are carried out only during the period until buds begin to form on trees and shrubs.

Excessive concentration of diesel fuel can lead to the death of plants. It is used to inhibit the processes of decay on old and diseased trees.

  1. Preparation 30. This tool is used for processing apple trees, plums and pears. in early spring and late autumn. The drug covers the bark of the plant with a film that prevents oxygen from getting under it, its absence leads to the rapid death of eggs and larvae of pests.
The formation of a film allows you to quickly get rid of pests at all stages of development, but its use more than several times a year is not recommended due to the formation of degradation products of the drug.
  1. BOTTOM To. The drug has combined properties, kills fungi of all types, allows you to get rid of eggs and larvae of pests of fruit trees.

The manufacturers of the product claim that the drug quickly decomposes to safe substances in the soil, but its danger lies in the fact that active substances can penetrate the human body through the skin.
Due to the high cost and danger, the tool is used by large horticultural organizations in areas remote from residential areas.

The products recommended for the treatment of fruit trees and shrubs should be applied at the indicated concentration, but do not forget that the use of modern products for spraying will significantly save the consumption of drugs.
A well-treated plant should be moderately moistened over the entire surface, while avoiding runoff of the drug, this indicates excessive irrigation.
Most gardeners use improvised means to process fruit trees, but for high-quality spraying, it is necessary to use a spraying apparatus.


The essence of the operation of the devices is to build up pressure inside the cylinder with the drug and irrigate fruit plants and shrubs with it. The supply of fluid under pressure can significantly reduce the cost of the product and qualitatively process the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe tree. Processing from special devices reduces the time for spraying, which minimizes human contact with aggressive substances.
There are several types of sprayers:
  • Manual. The cheapest. To work, a person needs to manually pressurize the device.
  • Mechanical. The processing of large horticultural areas is not possible without automatic models. To work, a person needs to fill the tank with the necessary substance and carry out spraying, the device itself controls the pressure in the cylinder, which significantly reduces the processing time and physical costs.

Secrets of processing fruit plants in spring

  • The first treatment of fruit plants should be carried out before the start of the growing season.
  • When using Bordeaux liquid, it is recommended to add a solution of laundry soap to it. The soapy film will allow the preparation to gain a foothold on the surface of the bark and prevent it from being washed off in the rain.
  • Iron sulfate should be used in different concentrations for all plants. Young trees and plants with thin bark should be treated with a low concentration.
  • Do not confuse iron vitriol with copper sulfate and mix it with slaked lime.
  • Spraying must be carried out not only on the surface of the trees, but also on the soil around them. The approximate radius of processing is equal to the radius of the tree crown.

“I heard from fellow gardeners that they treat shrubs with solar oil (diesel oil), as well as bleach. I beg you to tell me how (in what proportion) to do the treatment with these drugs.

Sincerely - I.POlishchuk.

Bleach is a disinfectant and is not used in horticulture. And ordinary lime is part of the Bordeaux mixture used to protect the garden from pests and diseases, - explained the agronomist and experienced gardener Gennady BREUS. - To prepare the Bordeaux mixture, you need to take quicklime, dissolve it in water and add copper sulfate to the resulting solution.

For spring processing of garden plantings, it is necessary to prepare Bordeaux liquid at the rate of 300 g of lime and copper sulfate per 10 liters of water. During the summer treatment of trees, the dosage of the active substance (lime and copper sulfate) can be reduced to 100 g. The Bordeaux mixture, when sprayed, adheres well to the plantations and is poorly washed off by rain.

Diesel fuel (waste solar oil) in its pure form is not used in gardening, but is part of preparation No. 30. This preparation, in addition to solar oil, consists of a solution of white clay and an adhesive (any adhesive substance). To prepare preparation No. 30, 500-600 g of white clay should be dissolved in water, well moved and filtered. Then add 300 g of waste oil products (diesel oil) to the resulting solution, mix everything well and use it to spray trees against pests. By the way, now they can process plantings.

The principle of operation of drug No. 30 includes two points. Firstly, when spraying trees, it destroys openly wintered pests due to the fact that the oily film clogs their respiratory tract, resulting in suffocation.

Secondly, preparation No. 30 repels insect pests, which choose only clean leaves, branches. And the oily liquid deprives their offspring of a source of nutrition.

It is very important to treat trunks, skeletal branches with porous bark with diesel fuel with clay. At the end of May, bark beetles usually pupate under the bark, butterflies emerge from the chrysalis, which again lay bark beetle eggs. Preparation number 30 will prevent their reproduction.

Why does the nut not bear fruit?

“A walnut (pistachio) has been growing in my dacha for five years. The tree is large, healthy, but does not bear fruit. What needs to be done in order for the nut to bear fruit?

E. Solovyova.

Pistachios are a self-fertile variety of nuts, a pollinating nut must grow next to this tree. And if it is not there, then the tree will not bear fruit, - said an amateur gardener Georgy ANDREEV. - Therefore, you need to plant another variety - a pollinator, while remembering that not every nut can be a pollinator.

It also plays a role that this nut (pistachio) is a southerner, in our region it is not zoned and is not cultivated. By virtue of cold winter the tree may freeze and not bear fruit.

How to plan a site

“My land is five acres. Tell me how best to plan it: at what distance from the boundary should a tree, a bush, a building be located; where should the toilet be located; Is it possible to store boards, old bedside tables or other materials near the fence along the boundary?


Usually, all these issues are regulated by the charter of the gardening partnership, which is adopted by the general meeting of gardeners of this partnership, the Land Use Rules (for a private courtyard). In accordance with the charter, the house should be located on the side of the street three meters from the boundary of neighbors. Large trees (walnut, apricot, cherry) are planted five meters from the neighboring boundary, and so that the shadow of the tree does not cover the neighboring plot. Medium-sized (apple, pear) are usually placed at a distance of three meters, and low-growing (plum) - two meters from the boundary, shrubs - a meter from the neighbor's fence.

Under the fence, you can store boards, etc., but so that the height of the masonry does not exceed one and a half meters and does not obscure the neighboring area.