Partial protection against leaks in the dishwasher. Aquastop - effective protection against water leaks

  • 15.06.2019

Finding a puddle of water under the washing machine is extremely unpleasant, because you will not only have to repair the machine, but also pay for repairs to the neighbors you flooded. However, in case of water leakage, there is special protection and an aquastop system for the washing machine. The methods of such protection should be considered in more detail and understand the disadvantages of each of them.

Protection Options

All washing machines, depending on the presence of a protection system, can be divided into three groups:

  • cars without protection;
  • machines with partial protection;
  • machines, completely protected from leaks.

Most of the cars in the low and medium price category are not equipped with leakage protection. What does this mean? And the fact that water is supplied to the machine from water pipe through an ordinary flexible hose with special nuts at both ends. The bottom of such machines, as a rule, is absent or closed plastic panel. And if the inlet hose breaks, then all the water in such a machine will flow out onto the floor. V high-rise building a similar situation leads to flooding of neighbors from below.

So for this case it is recommended to turn off the tap for water supply after turning off the machine or install an additional protection system yourself in the form of inlet hoses with valves, we will talk about them later. In some washing machines high-end protection already installed. For example, complete protection against water leakage is available in cars under the brands:

  • Asko;
  • Ariston;
  • Bosch;
  • Siemens;
  • miele;
  • Zanussi;
  • Electrolux.

Partial leak protection

What is partial protection Let's see how it works. Machines with this type of protection against leaks are equipped with a special drip tray, such as the one shown in the picture.

A float equipped with an electric switch is installed inside the pallet. The pallet is made of plastic or metal, the float is made of polystyrene foam. When water flows inside the machine, it enters the pan, with a certain amount of water, the float rises and the switch is activated. At his signal, the machine switches to emergency mode, the washing process stops, the pump works and pumps out water.

Important! In such a situation, an error code is displayed on the display of the machine, in different models different designations, for example, an E1 code will appear in an LG car, and E9 in a Samsung car.

If water leaks into the pan, you need to pour water out of it, and then look for the cause of the breakdown and fix it. About all possible reasons and fixing a leak can be found in the article on why the washing machine is leaking.

Inlet hoses with valves

Washing machines with partial protection are called so because the protection only works when water flows into the machine. But if the hose breaks in some place outside, then flooding cannot be avoided. In this case, it is worth considering inlet hoses equipped with protection. They are of three types:

For your information! The Aqua Stop inlet hose is designed for a pressure of 70 bar, which is 7 times the maximum pressure in the pipeline.

Full protection against leaks - Aqua Stop system

Washing machines with full protection against water leaks have not only a tray with a built-in float, but also a hose with a solenoid valve, which we talked about above. In other words, if such a hose is connected to a machine with partial protection, then it can be called fully protected.

Such protection against leaks is considered the most reliable. Undoubtedly, cars equipped with the Aqua stop system have an advantage over conventional cars. Having overpaid several thousand rubles for it, you do not have to look for a high-quality inlet hose and figure out how to connect it correctly. The whole system has already been debugged by the manufacturer.

Note that the Aqua Stop protection is triggered in cases of leakage of the washing machine tank, damage to the nozzles, increased foaming and foam coming out.

In addition, full protection against leaks is accompanied by an emergency water pumping system. It works if for some reason the main and protective valve did not work. The main valve is the valve of the machine, to which the inlet hose with Aqua Stop protection is directly connected. You can read about how the main valve works and how to replace it in the article “Inlet Solenoid Valve”.

Thus, the protection of the automatic machine from water leaks can be complete or partial. How to protect the premises from flooding, you choose. However, it is better not to save on security, and at least install it yourself on washing machine Aqua Stop hose with solenoid valve. Believe me, it's worth it!

These phrases users household appliances Water-based products are heard all the time: in specialized stores, many sellers quite often insert these words into their speech when explaining the merits of the home appliances they sell. What is called the Aquastop system, how it is used to actively protect the dishwasher, what it consists of and how to replace it yourself - we will try to answer all these questions in the article.

In world practice, any leakage protection is called Aqua-Stop or Aqua-Control. In principle, this is an ordinary water supply hose to household appliances, only enclosed in a special protective casing with a device that shuts off the water in case of unforeseen circumstances: a rupture of the hose, its leakage due to a crack, etc. Thus, the built-in protection system protects you from an unwanted flood. Her task is to immediately turn off the water supply to household appliances, a dishwasher or an assistant in washing clothes in order to prevent water from leaking onto the floor.

Many homeowners do not even realize that the pressure in the plumbing system is quite large, and water hammer - a sudden increase in internal pressure - occurs frequently. You simply cannot do without a reliable hose protection system.

The standard Aquastop system consists of the following main parts:

  • block of mechanical or electromagnetic valves;
  • water inlet hose to the device;
  • pallet;
  • float;
  • security wire;
  • water release button.

Aquastop device: A - Solenoid valve, C - inlet hose B - control cable D - Leaks (water hoses)

All modern technology for a house that uses water is protected from unwanted leaks even during the manufacturing process. Each manufacturer wants users to buy only its model, therefore, in addition to the inlet hose, they supply their products with special pallets with electromechanical devices.

The whole system works smoothly and quite efficiently:

  1. Solenoid or mechanical valves (1) are mounted in the water supply hose (2).
  2. When the equipment is connected to the mains, then on safety valve voltage is applied, it opens, and the working valve is still closed.
  3. If the user presses the start button and the machine starts the cycle, then working valve opens.
  4. In the event of a leak, all water enters the sump (3), where its level is monitored float control(4). If the water level rises, the contacts open. The safety wire (5) is designed to cut off the power going to a similar valve, the power supply is interrupted - the valve shuts off the water supply.
  5. After all faults have been eliminated, the reset button must be pressed, and the system is ready for operation again.

Each famous brand household appliances today use just such a leak protection system, because it is of a double type: the Aquastop of the inlet hose is an external protection, and the equipment itself is protected internal system Aqua control.

Inlet hose protection

The industry produces special hoses with built-in mechanisms to shut off the water supply different ways. There are the following systems that are responsible for protecting against unwanted inlet hose leaks:

  • mechanical;
  • with the use of an absorbent;
  • electromagnetic type.

The first option is now used very rarely, but you can find it on budget dishwashers Bosch. The system consists of a valve and springs, designed for a certain water pressure - when a leak occurs, it drops, the spring works and the valve shuts off the water supply. Such a system is not able to recognize small leaks from a fistula, leakage of gaskets, which can cause a lot of harm.

A system with a mechanical type Aquastop recognizes only 147 leaks out of 1,000, and this is only no more than 85% of protection, which today is considered much lower than the norm.

At its core, such a system works like one hose inside another, made of corrugated plastic: if the inner layer is damaged, then the plastic one will be quite reliable protection.

mechanical type

When a leak occurs, the protection system immediately works - the red indicator on the body lights up, the water is turned off.

mechanical valve installed on drain device, after operation due to failure of the hose, it is unsuitable for further operation. Therefore, a new one is installed drain hose, which is the main disadvantage of such protection against leaks.

Application based protection system absorbent it is used much more often, its action is not difficult: moisture from the leak flows into a special reservoir with absorbent, which instantly swells, expanding at the same time, which blocks the access of water to the dishwasher with a valve.

With absorbent

The main disadvantage is the fact that it also disposable: the absorbent inside the body swells and hardens, tightly closing the valve, excluding the possibility of its reuse, including the hose. Absorbent systems come with a plunger or only with a spring, there are no others in world practice.

Electromechanical the protection system with Aquastop works in a similar way as the system with an absorbent, but its basis is a solenoid valve. The body of such a device may have one or two valves. Water flows down the hose into the pan of the Bosch machine, the device with the absorbent begins to absorb it, swells - the valve blocks the access of water to the machine.

Experts say that Aqua-control, working with a solenoid valve, does not provide protection in only 8 cases out of 1000 leaks.

Electromechanical protection system

Possible problems

The main problem with Aquastop hoses is the impossibility of extending them or installing them in hard-to-reach places. Due to the dimensions of a fairly massive body, connecting to a tap can be very problematic. In addition, many users of Bosch machines claim that the case must be installed with the arrow down, so when installing, check your actions with the attached instructions.

If any leakage occurs, the machine gives an E15 error - if the Aqua-control system has worked, check the instructions and everything will become clear to you. But sometimes such a warning is not displayed on the display, but no water coming into the car. In this case, your actions should have the following sequence:

  • close the water supply valve to the device;
  • unscrew the hose equipped with the Aquastop system;
  • look inside the hose - the valve should be visible immediately behind the nut;
  • if there is no gap between it and the nut body, the system has worked and water will not pass through such a hose to the machine.

To be completely sure, you need to unscrew the lower front plate, shine a flashlight into the pan: if there is water, then the protection system has worked, it remains to find a leak.

Self installation

Replacing the old hose is not a difficult job - we turn off the water and dismantle the hose, and install a new one in its place. If a system with a solenoid valve was used, then you need to carefully connect the wiring with a plug to the sensor, which is located next to the filling inlet on the machine.

Any system is quite effective and protects your household appliances from various leaks and troubles ending in a flood. It is not in vain that experts advise installing Aquastop protection systems, they work simply - any user who does not have any technical knowledge can replace them.

V technical description washing machine or dishwasher you can find such a term as protection against water leaks.

What is it? The leak protection system is a complex technical devices, aimed at protecting the premises from flooding with water in the event of an emergency water leak in a household appliance, or if the inlet hose is damaged.

Different manufacturers of household appliances call this system differently: Aqua-Stop (Aquastop), Waterproof (Waterproof), Aqua-Safe (Aquasafe), Aqua-Alarm (Aquaelam), but they are structurally almost the same. Therefore, it will be enough to consider the principle of operation of this system using the example of a washing machine familiar to us.

Leak protection is a really useful system, it will help you avoid the unpleasant consequences of flooding the room.

2. Types of leakage protection

According to the degree of protection against leaks, washing machines and dishwashers can be conditionally classified into several types:
  • No leak protection
  • With partial leakage protection
  • With full leak protection

2.1 Without leakage protection

Most inexpensive washing machines do not have a leak protection system, that is, a standard flexible reinforced hose (high pressure hose) with plastic or metal nuts at the ends is installed to connect to the water supply network. One side of the hose is screwed to the faucet, and the other to the solenoid valve for the water supply of the washing machine.

If you look under the machine from below, you will notice that the bottom is not covered by anything or, as in many models of Candy and Samsung washing machines, it is covered with decorative dustproof plastic. Therefore, when any water leak occurs in the washing machine or the inlet hose breaks, all the water flows out onto the floor.

If the washing machine does not have leakage protection, it is recommended to regularly inspect the condition of the inlet hose, make sure that the washing machine does not have any signs of water leakage during operation, and every time after washing it is necessary to turn off the water tap, which is installed when connecting the machine.

2.2 Partial leakage protection

It is worth paying attention to what exactly the manufacturer or seller means by the term "partial leakage protection". In washing machines with partial or full protection against leaks, one of the mandatory specifications is the presence of a solid plastic or metal pallet. on a pallet, with inside fixed foam float with electric microswitch (Fig.1).

When a water leak occurs within the interior of the washing machine, the tray fills with water, the float rises and activates the microswitch. Upon a signal from the microswitch, the electronic control unit of the washing machine goes into emergency mode and the washing program stops. This turns on drain pump and the water is pumped out of the tank of the washing machine.

The notification of the operation of the leakage protection system is displayed on the display of the control panel of the washing machine in the form of a corresponding inscription or a fault code. In this case, in order to bring the washing machine into working condition, it is necessary to remove water from the pan, identify and eliminate the cause of the leak.

Rice. one Partial leakage protection (only inside the CM case)

Now let's recap: in a washing machine with partial or full protection against leaks, there must be a special tray at the bottom of the washing machine and a float with a microswitch.

It is worth mentioning that some manufacturers have standardized the body of the washing machine, so the presence of a pallet does not always indicate the presence of leakage protection.

As you understand, a special float and drip tray prevent water leakage only in the washing machine itself. Therefore, such leakage protection can be called partial, since the standard inlet hose for connecting the washing machine does not have any safety system against rupture or damage.

To increase the reliability and emergency protection of the inlet hose itself, its special design has been developed, which we will describe.
Inlet hose with mechanical safety valve (Fig. 2). In the hardware store, it is offered as an additional option. You can purchase and install this hose yourself.

There are two types of such hoses, their purpose and principle of operation are the same, but they differ externally and structurally. We will only briefly describe the device and the principle of operation of such a hose, without delving into technical details.

View 1

Rice. 2 Inlet hose with mechanical safety valve

The standard inlet hose is enclosed in a corrugated sealed plastic sheath reminiscent of a washing machine drain hose. On one side there is a nut for connecting to the water supply valve of the washing machine, and on the other side there is a nut and a protective block for connecting to faucet.

What is the defense system and how does it work?
The main link is a plunger with a spring and an absorbent. In working condition, water flows freely through the plunger into the inlet hose. The spring stiffness of the plunger is chosen in such a way that it does not spontaneously overlap due to the flow of water passing through it, but is in a state of balance.

Let's say that there was a rupture of the inlet hose. Since it is in a closed and sealed protective shell, water will inevitably penetrate the protective block. The special absorbent (located in the protective block), when wetted with water, increases sharply in volume, dragging the spring with it, thereby weakening its effect on the plunger. The state of balance is disturbed and the plunger blocks the access of water under the pressure of the plumbing system.

After the protective system has worked, the control eye turns red. This is due to the fact that the absorbent is in a special container made of red plastic. The disadvantage of such a hose is that after the activation of the protective system, it can only be replaced.

View 2

Rice. 3 Inlet hose with mechanical safety valve (on 2 permanent magnets)

How this hose works (Fig.3) the same as in the first type.
The only difference is that the stable position of the plunger is provided not by a spring, but by the magnetic field of two permanent magnets facing each other with the same poles. As long as the absorbent of the fuse is dry, the distance between the magnets is small and the force of their mutual repulsion is large. As soon as the absorbent gets wet and expands, the fuse magnet moves away and the resistance to magnetic fields decreases, thereby blocking the access of water to the plunger, under the pressure of the plumbing system.

Another difference. The nut of such a hose has a ratchet mechanism (ratchet), which allows you to freely screw it (the nut) to the thread of the water tap, and to unscrew it, you must hold the pawl pressed.
Like in a hose type 1, after the protection has been triggered, it is only subject to replacement.

3. Complete leak protection

Today it is one of the more reliable systems leakage protection.
It is implemented due to the synchronous operation of a special inlet hose with a normally closed solenoid valve and the already familiar leakage protection system of a washing machine with a float on a pallet.

A special hose is structurally provided and installed in the washing machine or dishwasher already by the manufacturer.

Such hoses have a special block in which one or two electromagnetic valves connected in series are installed, or they combine the operation of an electric and pneumatic valve (this scheme is used in some outdated models of dishwashers). Bosch machines and Siemens). The device of such a hose is shown in (Fig.4) This is the same high pressure hose placed in a flexible protective sheath.

The valve block (hose inlet) is connected with a nut to the water tap. The solenoid valve is hermetically sealed with a compound from which the power cable stretches along the entire hose and ends with a terminal block for connecting it to the electrical circuit of the washing machine.

Rice. 4 Inlet hose with solenoid valve (used in full leak proof design)

Now let's look at the diagram (Fig. 5), where the structural elements of complete protection against leaks are presented and we will figure out how it all works.

After the necessary washing program has been selected and activated, voltage is applied to the solenoid valves of the washing machine and the inlet hose valve, they open and water rushes into the washing machine. When the required water level in the washing machine tank is reached (the water level is controlled by the pressure switch and the electronic unit), the solenoid valves are turned off by the electronic control unit and water access is stopped. Valves always turn on and off only at the right time. This is how water is collected in the normal operation of the washing machine.

Rice. 5 Structural elements complete leakage protection

Now imagine a situation where a reinforced hose began to leak somewhere or a rupture occurred. Water filling the protective shell will rise along it to the drainage hose and the water will already drain into the washing machine tray, where the float with the switch is installed. As a result of the ascent of the float, the switch contacts are activated, circuit diagram will go into emergency mode, that is, all valves will block the access of water. In some cases, even the drain pump of the washing machine is turned on to pump out the water in the tank.

And if a water leak occurs directly in the washing machine itself, then the float pops up in the same way, the switch contacts are activated, the electronic circuit issues an alarm, the valves block the flow of water. It turns out that in all cases there is a multi-level cut-off of water from the water supply network. And as you probably noticed, the activating link in this chain is again the float on the washing machine tray.

In order to resume the operation of the machine, it is necessary to remove water from the sump, identify and eliminate the cause of the leak.
The disadvantages of a hose with a solenoid valve include burnout of the solenoid or damage to the diaphragm, in which it is necessary to change the entire hose or a separate unit, the cost of which can be quite high.

In conclusion, it should be said that all types of protection against water leaks in washing machines or dishwashers are local in nature, but they still help out a lot and fully justify their goals. against damage to fittings and threaded connections no one is immune to water supply systems. Therefore, in order to avoid flooding the entire room, there are more global systems of protection against leaks.

Aquastop system or Aquastop hose - these phrases can often be heard in a household appliance store in relation to a dishwasher or washing machine. But what these phrases mean is not fully understood even by the sellers of dishwashers, who insert euphonious expressions into their eulogy for a red word. As part of this article, we decided to talk about hoses with the Aquastop system, discuss why such hoses are needed, how they are arranged and how to install, replace or check them.

What is Aquastop and what are its functions?

The Aquastop dishwasher hose is a conventional hose enclosed in a protective casing and equipped with special device blocking the water entering the dishwasher during an accident. The system is triggered in the event of a leak or rupture of the hose, protecting your home and the home of neighbors below from imminent flooding.

For your information! The pressure in the plumbing system is quite large and water hammer often occurs, you simply cannot do without a system that will protect the hose.

Modern dishwashers, for the most part, are completely leak-proof. Manufacturers put an Aquastop inlet hose on them, and with it they supply the machine body with a special pallet with an electromechanical device. The device works according to the following scheme:

  • there is a leak inside the dishwasher;
  • the tray begins to fill with water;
  • the float inside the dishwasher tray pops up, raising the lever;
  • the lever closes the electrical circuit, the electric valve is activated and shuts off the water.

It turns out that the hose protects outdoor system Aquastop, and the dishwasher is protected from the inside by the Aquastop internal system. Experts note that the Aquastop system of the electromechanical and absorbent type protects the dishwasher and washing machine by 99%, only in 8 cases out of 1000 the system does not work properly, and a leak still occurs. Aquastop mechanical valves have worse statistics, out of 1000 cases of operation of 147 leaks, approximately 85% of success is obtained. Let's talk about the varieties of Aquastop systems for inlet hoses and their device in more detail.

How is this system set up?

You have already guessed that the Aquastop system that protects the dishwasher hose can have different designs. It is on dishwashers that manufacturers install:

  1. simple mechanical Aquastop;
  2. absorbent mechanical Aquastop;
  3. electromagnetic Aquastop.

A simple mechanical hose Aquastop is now becoming less and less common, but it can still be found on some budget Bosch dishwashers. The basis of the system is a special spring and valve. The spring is designed for a certain water pressure and if the pressure does not change, then the hose works as usual. If the hose is damaged, gust or water hammer, the water pressure changes dramatically and in the same second the spring works, tightly clogging the valve.

Important! A mechanical Aquastop for a dishwasher does not recognize small leaks (fistulas, digging), but meanwhile they can also do a lot of trouble.

A simple mechanical Aquastop valve is not able to completely protect the machine hose from leakage. but what about the rest. Absorbent mechanical Aquastop is more reliable. The mechanism is based on a plunger with a valve, a spring and a special absorbent in the tank. The system works like this:

  • if at least a minimal leak occurs, then moisture from the hose enters the protective casing;
  • absorbent quickly gets wet and expands;
  • this triggers a spring with a plunger and closes the valve.

The main disadvantage of absorbent Aquastop is that its protective valve is disposable. As soon as the absorbent inside the body gets wet and expands, it hardens and closes the valve and can no longer be reused, as well as the entire hose.

Note! In the world, there are mechanisms for absorbent Aquastops with only a plunger or only with a spring, but these are already subtleties.

Electromagnetic system Aquastop Bosch machines based on the working principle solenoid valve. Either one or two valves are installed in the device body at the base of the hose. As soon as water enters the protective cover of the hose, it begins to flow into the pan of the Bosch machine, and there is an electromechanical device (the principle of operation is described in paragraph 1). The device works and completely shuts off the water entering the Bosch dishwasher (or another).

How to install / replace with your own hands?

Now let's figure out how to check whether the Aquastop hose worked or not. Well, firstly, the most important sign that the hose did work is that the dishwasher will not want to pump water “into any”, it simply cannot do it. Secondly, the Bosch dishwasher will give a system error. it just means that the Aquastop system has worked, it is worth deciphering it, and everything will immediately become clear.

But it happens that the Bosch dishwasher did not issue an error code, but water still does not enter the dishwasher. What to do?

  1. You need to turn off the water.
  2. Unscrew the Aquastop hose.
  3. Look inside the hose, a valve should be visible immediately behind the nut.
  4. If the valve is tightly pressed against the nut and there is no gap between it and the rib, then water will not pass through such a hose - Aquastop worked.

Further, you can additionally verify that the Aquastop of the Bosch dishwasher is working. You need to unscrew the lower front plate of the dishwasher and look into the pan with a flashlight. If there is water there, then the protection has definitely worked and the hose needs to be changed to a new one.

Remember! A simple mechanical Aquastop does not need to be changed, it is enough to compress the spring again until it clicks and it can be operated again.

Installing / replacing the Aquastop hose is not difficult. It is enough to turn off the water, unscrew the old hose, and screw a new one in its place. If we are talking about an electromagnetic system, then here you will also have to connect the wiring with a plug to the leak detection sensor. This is not difficult, since the wiring comes out directly from the base of the Aquastop device, and the entrance is at the filler valve on the outside of the Bosch dishwasher.

In conclusion, we note the hose equipped with the Aquastop system is designed to protect your dishwasher and you from the troubles associated with flooding. The system works quite efficiently, so experts advise everyone to install it. It is not difficult to check and install the system, even a person who does not have any technical knowledge can do it, the whole work will take 10-15 minutes. Good luck!

Error e15- According to the manufacturer's official manual means. Water in base. Which literally can be translated as: Water in the base (case). In short: The float switch in the dishwasher body has tripped. You can remove the water from the case and try restarting the dishwasher. But if there is a water leak. This error code will reappear. In this case, it is necessary to find the cause of the leak and eliminate it.

Bosch dishwasher error e15. Malfunction symptoms.

To answer this question. Let's take a look at the diagram. Where in in general terms the device of the "Aquastop" system in dishwashers Bosch (Siemens, Neff) is displayed

As soon as water enters the housing. (Drip pan) The float pops up and the dishwasher switches to protective mode (leakage protection) and signals error E15

The filling valve is blocked and the drain pump is turned on. It pumps water through the drain hose into the sewer system. First, all the water from the working part of the dishwasher is drained. Then the pump runs already in "idle".

It will continue until then. While there is water in the dishwasher body (tray) and the sensor (float) presses the microswitch button.

Moreover, the dishwasher can turn on leakage protection not only during the washing mode. But also while waiting.

Typical symptoms when this malfunction occurs. The dishwasher activates an audible alarm. The display shows the inscription E15, and "faucet" If there is no display. The faucet indicator flashes and the drain pump turns on at regular intervals.

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During its operation, a characteristic "hiss" is heard. Turning off the dishwasher with the power button will not work.

Bosch dishwasher error e15. What can be done?

According to the instructions (for any of the models). It is necessary to turn off the water supply tap, and call the master. Actually, this is what the flashing faucet signals.
But as you know, this option does not suit all users, and then there may be options:

  • call the master- The most correct option is to call the master. If you live in an apartment. And it's not the first floor. There is a small chance of flooding residents from below. It is advisable to turn off the water. From the network, you can turn it off, subject to your presence in the vicinity and control of the dishwasher.
  • Try to fix it yourself.- In this case.(At your own risk) You must tilt the dishwasher. The water will spread over the pan (perhaps some will spill out), and the float will fall into place. The device must first be de-energized. After this procedure, the dishwasher needs time to dry, and only then it will be possible to apply voltage (usually from several hours to a day)
  • Try to repair it yourself, but as a result call the wizard. If the error reappears. If after error E15 and "repair" errors appeared: E01, E04, E09 Call the wizard to fix related problems.

Why does the e15 error appear?

  1. Dishwasher leak. Water leakage occurs due to depressurization of gaskets, seals, hoses, etc. In this case, repair is not enough. (If the leak is weak) the error will appear and disappear again and again.
  2. Increased foaming. When using products not intended for dishwashers. Possible formation of excess foam. Foam penetrates through door seals. And flows into the body. Subsequently, it settles down and activates the "Aquastop" system.
  3. Door not tightly closed. Some 2-3mm squeezing the door from the sealing gum. Enough to get water into the pan. You need to make sure that when you close the door. Nothing stuck to her.
  4. Water entering the dishwasher through the drain hose from the sink. If the dishwasher is not connected correctly. Some of the water from the sink drains into the drain hose of the dishwasher. As soon as the level exceeds the allowable level, the water overflows into the tray and activates the "Aquastop"
  5. Malfunction of the water supply valve. If the valve itself (aquastop valve) is faulty. Water will spontaneously enter the dishwasher until overflow occurs. In case of valve failure. Be sure to turn off the water supply to the dishwasher. If there is no such possibility. Do not unplug the dishwasher (to turn off Aquastop)!
  6. Water ingress from external sources. (Accidentally spilled water. A pipe burst. Neighbors flooded)

In cases 1,4 and 5, repairs are indispensable. In the rest, the dishwasher, after drying, will most likely successfully turn off Aquastop on its own and switch to operating mode.


How to fix the error? (Is it possible to reset the e15 error?) - To eliminate the error, it is necessary to remove the water. And fix the leak. The error resets itself if you remove the water from the sump

I don't have access to an outlet, and the machine is constantly buzzing. Won't something burn down before the master arrives? - This is one of the operating modes of the dishwasher. (Although not regular). There are cases when the dishwasher was in this mode for several days. After fixing the leak, the dishwasher successfully started working.

I have no water in the pan and no leaks on the floor. But the dishwasher is still "buzzing" - To see the water in the pan, you need to partially disassemble the machine. The place where the filter is inserted is not a pallet.

Why is the faucet flashing and the dishwasher "buzzing"? - If there is no display. This is characteristic features error e15

Is there water in my machine, in the salt container?! - Water is always there. This is fine. Do not worry.

What could be the consequences?

If repairs are not made in a timely manner. The consequences of constant water entering the tray can be detrimental to the dishwasher. As known. All units and the power module are located inside the dishwasher. Just at the bottom of it.

Often about error e15 will appear, then disappear and reappear. This suggests that water is getting in systematically. Eventually. The float, due to the constant presence in soapy and greasy water (the consequences of leakage during operation), simply sticks to the body and ceases to signal a problem.

This continues until the water gets on the electrics. As soon as it happens. The RCD usually kicks in. Or "knocks out traffic jams." Then the machine may not turn on at all. Or the water stops heating. Or it works intermittently.

If you need quality repairs for your Bosch dishwasher. If you need guarantees. Call!
To repair a Boosch dishwasher efficiently and correctly. It is necessary to identify: Where and for what reason did the water leak occur.? Why did the system work? How much water got into the pan?
Diagnosis is best done directly at the time of the problem. Since traces of water will simply dry out in a few days. And the location of the leak will be more difficult to establish.
Repairs are carried out strictly according to the manufacturer's technology. That guarantees a reliable and durable result....


float stickingBowl leak point (junction with tank)Burnout of heating element after leakage