AquaStop system: anti-leak technology. "Smart" protection against water leaks in the apartment - do not flood your neighbor! Partial leakage protection

  • 15.06.2019

Plumbing emergencies - horrible dream any homeowner. In a house or in an apartment, it is equally unpleasant and costly. Only in the case of an apartment, the need for conversations with neighbors from below and the costs of eliminating their losses are added. But here the situation is better in the sense that even if you are not at home, the neighbors below will achieve a shutdown of the water as soon as they notice signs of a flood. In the case of a private house, equipment that threatens to leak usually stands in seldom visited places - in basements, specially equipped pits. As long as the owner decides to visit the equipment, he can come to the pool. To avoid such situations, protection against water leaks is necessary. Although this equipment is not cheap, it is becoming more and more popular. The cost of acquiring and installing it is many times less than the losses that a flood can bring.

What is an anti-flood and how does water leakage protection work?

The anti-flood system consists of several elements: sensors for the presence of water, electrically controlled taps or valves, and a control unit. Sensors for monitoring the presence of water are placed in places of the most likely leaks. Electric taps are placed on risers with water, in key places of the water supply and heating system - in order to minimize the amount of spilled water in the event of an accident. Crane drives and sensors are connected to the control and management unit (controller). It processes the signals from the sensors and, in the event of an emergency signal, supplies power to the cranes. Those work by blocking the flow of water / coolant. Here, in a nutshell, is how water leakage protection works.

These systems are installed both for water supply - hot and cold, and for heating. After all, an accident in the heating system is probably even worse than on the water supply - hotter water causes more damage, and can also cause serious burns. In general, in order for flood protection to be effective, it is necessary to think carefully about the installation locations of sensors and taps.

Where to place sensors

Since water protection is designed to protect against flooding, it is necessary to place sensors in all places where water is most likely to appear. It often happens that the system worked with a delay precisely because of the wrong location of the sensors. By the time the water reached the sensor, it poured out a lot. Based on the experience of the owners, the following places can be recommended for installing water leakage sensors:

When installing water leakage sensors, try to position them so that water hits them first. For example, to control a faucet in the kitchen, you need to put the sensor not under the cabinet, but in the cabinet - under the siphon or somewhere in the area. If something happens to the faucet, the water will first be in the closet and only then will flow under it.

If you need to control leaks in household appliances - a washing machine, a dishwasher - put sensors under the appliances. Not next to, but directly next to the connection point of the drain hose.

Where to put taps / electric valves

With the installation of cranes is not easy. Specific installation locations vary by system design. If this is a small apartment with one or two risers - cold and hot water- everything is simple. We cover the outlets and everything. In more complex systems, it is necessary to think over the installation location of electric cranes.

In apartments

If the water supply is centralized, the taps of the system against leaks are placed at the entrance to the apartment / house. It is much better if the taps are up to the counter and filter. But with such an arrangement, operational services may not agree. They usually require an electric faucet after the meter. In this case, in the event of a leak, the junction of the meter and filter always remains under pressure. It will be impossible to eliminate the leakage at these points. You can stand your ground, but you have to prove your point of view.

Advice! Before installing a leak protection system, contact your management company and find out if there will be problems when sealing meters if electric valves are installed in front of them.

In some layouts, the apartment may have four risers - two cold and two warm water. In this case, there are two solutions - more correct and more economical. That's right - put two modules, each of which will serve its own zone. This is more convenient, since an accident will happen only on one of the risers / devices and it is unreasonable to turn off the opposite part. But two modules are double costs. To save money, you can put one control unit that will shut off the taps for 4 risers. But in this case, do not forget that you will have to pull the wires through the entire apartment.

In the case of heating, too, not everything is simple. In most of the high-rise buildings, vertical wiring is made. This is when a riser passes in every (or almost every) room and one or two radiators are fed from it. It turns out that at least one tap must be installed for each outlet - for supply. But then the water that is contained in the radiator and pipes will flow out. This, of course, is not so much, but sometimes a couple of liters is enough for the neighbors below to have a stain on the ceiling. On the other hand, putting two taps on each radiator is too expensive.

In a private house

In order to prevent the pump from pumping water in case of an accident, it is necessary to use a water leakage protection controller with a power relay. If power is supplied to the pump through the contacts of this relay, simultaneously with the signal to close the ball valves or valves, the power to the pump will be turned off. Why not just turn off the power to the pump? Because in this case, all the water that is in the system can pour out into the resulting gap. And that's usually a lot.

To understand in which places of the water supply system of a private house it is necessary to install taps to prevent water leaks, you need to study the diagram. Most often, shut-off valves with electric drives are installed after pumping station and on the boiler.

Heating is a little more difficult. Do not block the movement of the coolant if it is impossible to immediately extinguish the boiler. That is, in systems with solid fuel boilers water leakage control can only be set if it does not block the circulation of the coolant. If there is a small circulation circuit, it is possible to set the taps so that this small circuit is working and the rest of the system is turned off. If a heat accumulator is installed in the system, it is necessary to install taps so that water does not spill out of it. These are large volume containers - at least 500 liters, and usually many times more. If all the liquid pours out, it will not seem enough.

In heating systems with automated boilers, taps can block circulation. If the water leakage protection works and cuts off the circulation, the boiler will stop due to overheating. It's not exactly normal, but it's not an emergency either.

Some technical points

Wired sensors are usually supplied with 2 meter cables. Electric ball valves are sold with the same cable length. This is not always enough. You can increase the length using the cable recommended by the manufacturer. Brands are usually indicated in the instruction manual. Only upon purchase. Unfortunately, very often the actual diameter is much smaller than the declared one.

  • for wired sensors, a shielded twisted pair cable with a core cross section of at least 0.35 mm² is suitable;
  • for cranes - power cable in two-layer insulation with a core cross section of at least 0.75 mm².

It is desirable to make the connection serviceable. That is, if you are laying wires in a wall or floor, the connection must be made in a junction box. - any, reliable (soldering, contactors of any type, since the equipment is low-current). It is better to lay wires in walls or in the floor in or pipes. In this case, it will be possible to replace the damaged cable without opening the strobe.

Protection against water leaks: parameters and selection criteria

Deciding on the number of sensors and stopcocks is not so difficult, especially since many systems easily allow you to expand the area of ​​​​control. It is only important not to exceed the maximum allowable number of equipment. But choosing a manufacturer is much more difficult - you can’t change it. Below we present the most popular systems on Russian market: , " " and " ".


First, let's look at how power is supplied to different parts of the flood protection system:

  • On the control unit, the voltage must be constant.
  • Cranes with an electric drive are powered only for the period of operation - maximum - for 2 minutes (Hydroloc).
  • For wired sensors - only for the period of status polling (very short period of time).
  • Wireless sensors are battery operated.

The water leakage protection can work with 220V, 12V and 4.5V. Generally speaking, 12V or lower is the safest.

Food types

Some systems are built in such a way that the control unit is powered by 220 V, and the electric cranes and sensors are supplied with a safe voltage of 12 V or less. In other variants, 220 V can be supplied to the taps (some of the Neptune variants). Voltage is applied for a short time - only at the moment when it is necessary to turn off the water. This occurs after the detection of an accident and periodically - to check and maintain the health of the system. The rest of the time, the taps are de-energized. Which option suits you best is up to you.

Also pay attention to the presence of a backup power supply. If you have your own backup power system (batteries, generator), this parameter can be omitted. Otherwise, having a backup power supply is highly desirable. And you need to look at how long the equipment can work offline. In this sense, systems operating from 12 V are much more practical: if you wish, you can install a battery with suitable parameters and thereby extend the system's offline performance. Although, some systems (Hydrolock, for example) on backup power (batteries) can work up to a year. During this time, the electricity will definitely turn on ...

Electric cranes: which are better

Let's say right away that there is protection against water leaks based on valves and ball valves. Ball valves are more reliable. They cost more, but they work much more reliably. When choosing, take the one whose water is blocked by ball valves, not valves. It's without options.

But ball valves are different. Here are the requirements they must meet:

  • Made from brass or stainless steel. Of these metals, there should be cases, rods and locking balls. Only in this case they will serve for a long time.
  • Cranes are full bore. This means that in the open state, the cross section of the valve is not less than the cross section of the pipe on which it is installed. In this case, they do not interfere with the flow.

Ball valves "Neptune" can be recognized by the presence of a lever that makes it easy to shut off the water in manual mode

All market leaders - Aquastorage, Hydrolok and Neptun - use only such cranes. They can be produced by different companies, but are made from quality metal. If the cheaper kits don't list the material or type of faucet (full bore or not), look elsewhere.

Durability and closing time

We also need to talk about the parameters of electric drives. How reliable and durable they are depends on how reliable protection from water leaks and the system is operational. Therefore, the gearbox and drive gears must be made of durable and reliable material. The most durable material that can be used here is metal. If we talk about the most famous systems, the following situation is observed on this item:

  • In the Hydrolock system, the gearboxes and gears are made of metal.
  • In the Aquaguard, the gears are made of metal in the latest versions of the system, the gearbox has remained plastic.
  • Neptune does not cover drive materials.

Another important characteristic is the closing time of ball valves. In theory, the sooner the water supply is shut off during an accident, the better. Here the undisputed leader is Aquastorage - ball valves close in 2.5-3 seconds. But this speed is achieved:

  • installation of additional gaskets, which reduces the friction of the ball, but increases the risk of leaks;
  • a small torque, and the small force applied when closing the tap can result in the fact that if a foreign object (sand, scale, etc.) gets in or if it is overgrown with salts, the tap simply will not close.

Ball electric crane "Aquastorage Expert-20". Input voltage 4.5 to 5.5 V

Closing force and manual mode

If we talk about the magnitude of the torque, Hydrolock water leakage protection is the leader here. Its electric drives can develop force up to 450 kg/m. This is a very large indicator, but large-section cranes have such parameters, which are not used in apartments and houses. Nevertheless, half-inch and inch ones are also very powerful - they can develop a force of up to 100 kg / m. Moreover, the applied force increases stepwise - if necessary, increases from nominal to maximum.

And this is Hydrolock's trademark trick - a crane breaks a pencil ... Impressive!

There is one more point: the ability to shut off the electric valve in manual mode. Aquawatch and Hydrolock have parity in this regard: you need to remove the drive by unscrewing a few bolts (Hydrolock has 2, Aquawatch has 4), then manually turn the valve. Neptune is ahead in this regard: there is a lever on its drives, by turning which you manually open or close the water. But these cranes are equipped with the most expensive of the kits.

Faucet Neptun Bugatti Pro 12 B 1/2″ with a lever on the body. If the drive housing is green, then the power supply is 12 volts. For faucets rated for 220 volts, the drive housing is blue

Features of the work algorithm

The principle of operation of any protection against water leakage is the same: when an alarm occurs, it shuts off the water supply and turns on the alarm. In this, all systems are similar, but there are certain features that some like, others do not.

The first feature is related to the processing of signals from sensors and cranes. Some systems monitor the integrity of the wires that go to taps and wired sensors. In addition, if there are wireless sensors, they are polled regularly. This is all great and such systems are more reliable, but the reaction to a “missing” sensor or a faulty wire can be different:

  • on the Hydrolock control panel, the alarm for the loss of sensors or malfunction of taps lights up, but the water does not shut off;
  • The water watchman, if any of the sensors or taps are lost, shuts off the water;
  • at Neptune, only the response of the sensors is controlled and, based on the results, an alarm lights up without specifying the location.

Here everyone chooses for himself which of the options suits him best. Both ways of reacting are not ideal, so there is no single answer.

The second parameter for choosing a leak protection system is the frequency of checking the performance of taps. Because we don't have much water best quality, with a long idle time, the shut-off ball can “overgrow” with salts or, as they say, “become boiled”. To prevent this from happening, the controllers periodically “move” the cranes. Periodicity is different:

  • protection against water leaks Gidrolock (Gidrolock) tests once a week;
  • any Aquaguard controller turns ball valves once every two weeks;
  • some variants of Neptune do not have this function, there are those that open / close the taps once every two weeks.

Some fear that faucet performance checks will find them in the shower. Of course, it is not pleasant to be soapy without water, but none of the owners has yet complained of such cases. So it's not as dangerous as it seems.

Some features of popular systems

In order to somehow highlight their protection against water leaks, manufacturers are trying to increase reliability or come up with other moves. It is impossible to systematize these features, but it is better to know about them when choosing.

Features of one block

For different manufacturers, one control unit can control a different number of devices. So it doesn't hurt to know.

  • One Hydrolock controller can serve a large number of wired or wireless sensors (200 and 100 pieces respectively) and up to 20 ball valves. This is great - at any time you can install additional sensors or put a few more cranes, but not always such a reserve of capacity is in demand.
  • One Akastorgo controller can serve up to 12 wired sensors. To connect wireless, you need to install an additional unit (designed for 8 pieces of "Aquaguard Radio"). To increase the number of wired - put another module. This modular extension is more pragmatic.
  • Neptune has blocks of control different power. The most inexpensive and simple are designed for 2 or 4 cranes, for 5 or 10 wired sensors. But they lack a crane health check and no backup power source.

As you can see, everyone's approach is different. And these are just the leaders. There are even smaller campaigns and Chinese firms (where to be without them), which either repeat one of the above plans, or combine several.

Additional functions

Additional - not always unnecessary. For example, for those who are often on the road, the ability to control cranes from a distance is far from superfluous.

  • Hydrolock and Aquatorozh have the ability to turn off water remotely. There is a special button for this. front door. Come out for a long time - press, turn off the water. Aquawatch has two versions of this button: radio and wired. Hydrolock has only wired. The Aquastorge radio button can be used to determine the “visibility” of the wireless sensor installation location.
  • Hydrolock, Aquaguard and some variants of Neptune can send signals to the dispatching service, security and fire alarms, and can be built into the "smart home" system.
  • Hydrolock and Aquaguard check the integrity of the wiring to the taps and their position (some systems, not all). In Hydrolock, the position of the locking ball is controlled by an optical sensor. That is, when checking in the tap there is no voltage. Aquaguard has a contact pair, that is, at the time of checking, there is voltage. Protection against water leaks Neptune also monitors the position of taps using a contact pair.

The hydrolock can be controlled using a GSM module - via SMS (commands for switching on and off). Also, in the form of text messages, signals can be sent to the phone about accidents and “disappearances” of sensors, about cable breaks to electric cranes and from a malfunction.

Being always aware of the state of your home is a useful option

On the issue of reliability: power and other points

Reliable operation does not only depend on the reliability of cranes and controllers. Much depends on the power supply, on how long each of the blocks can work offline.

  • Aquawatch and Hydrolock have redundant power supplies. Both systems shut off the water before the standby power supply is fully discharged. Neptune has batteries only for the last two models of controllers, and then the taps do not close when discharged. The rest have earlier and less expensive models- 220 V power supply and no protection.
  • Neptune's wireless sensors operate at a frequency of 433 kHz. It happens that the control unit “does not see” them through the partitions.
  • If the batteries in the Hydroloc's wireless sensor run out, an alarm lights up on the controller, but the taps do not close. The signal is formed a few weeks before the battery is completely discharged, so there is time to change it. In a similar situation, Aquaguard shuts off the water. By the way, the Hydrolock battery is soldered. So changing it is not easy.
  • Aquawatch has a lifetime warranty on any sensors.
  • Neptune has wired sensors installed "flush" with the finishing material.

We have considered all the features of the three most popular manufacturers of water leakage protection systems. In short, the worst thing about Aquastorage is a plastic gearbox on the drive, while Hydrolock has a large system power and, accordingly, the price. Neptune - Inexpensive systems are powered by 220 V, do not have a backup power source and do not check the performance of cranes.

Naturally, there are Chinese leak protection systems, but they should be chosen with care.

A leak is not only an unpleasant phenomenon, but also dangerous, capable of causing harm to health and property, leading to conflicts and litigation with neighbors affected by flooding and always associated with a considerable loss of nerves and finances. And all that is worth putting is protection against leaks!

Leaks are dangerous in any home, but only a smart home can "take care" of safety and stop the leak at the very beginning, blocking the flow of water. Of course, this will not save you from a wet floor, but the amount of damage will be minimal. To do this, in a smart home, leakage protection systems are designed, produced by various manufacturers, but working on the same principle.

The principle of operation of the leakage protection system

The design of most leak protection systems on the market today consists of four main elements:

  • sensors that signal the appearance of water
  • servo-driven taps that shut off the water supply
  • signaling device that notifies of the appearance of leaks
  • controller that processes the information received from the sensors and activates the system

The system can be supplemented with a GSM module that transmits a distress signal to a mobile device.

In order for the protection system to work, the sensor must become wet. A few drops of water or contact with a damp mop is not enough. Water should moisten the surface of the sensor, thus closing its contacts and creating conditions for transmitting a radio signal to the controller.

The controller, upon receiving a radio signal from the sensor, activates a servo that closes the taps and turns on a leak notification.

Place of installation of leakage sensors

Install sensors in places where leaks are most likely to occur: under the washing machine, on the floor behind the toilet, bathroom water and sink. Connection of sensors to the control unit can be wired and wireless. Wireless is more convenient, but their performance cannot be controlled. Wired sensors are connected to the wire management unit, which can be somewhat inconvenient, but the controller "sees" the sensors and will send a warning signal if they are lost.

The control unit is placed on the wall in any convenient place, trying to reduce the length of the wires used during installation.

Shut-off valves are installed at the water inlet to the apartment immediately after the meters. The system can be operated from a conventional 220V power supply (considered unsafe) or (preferably) from a 12V power source.

Which protection system to choose?

Leak protection systems are produced by many companies, but in our country the most widely used are Aquaguard, Aquastop, Neptun and Gidrolock.


Aquaguard is an innovative water leakage protection system

The scope of delivery of the Aquaguard anti-leak system includes

  • Main control box
  • Gulf sensors
  • Two taps with actuators for cold and hot water
  • External power supply

A distinctive feature of the controller is the possibility of its expansion. In this case, the device is assembled like a designer. So, for example, by adding a panel of sensors, you can increase their number to the desired number, by purchasing a radio unit, to make a wireless system from a wired system, and by adding GSM module, receive messages about leaks on your mobile phone. However, you can be content with the basic version and what is included in the package.

The device is equipped with an uninterruptible power supply on ultra drives, thanks to which you can be sure that in the event of a leak, the taps will be closed even on discharged batteries. Moreover, to resume the water supply, you do not need to urgently change the power source, just press the start button on the controller, and then calmly go for new batteries.

Connection of wired sensors parallel to each other. The number of them can be any. A pleasant moment is a lifetime warranty for sensors from the manufacturer and the possibility of free replacement of three sensors that are out of order.

The Aquastorage system uses ball valves with low friction, which require little force to close. The faucet is closed by a metal gear (in earlier models, the gears were made of plastic) driven by an electric motor mounted on the faucet body and connected to the controller.

To bring the engines into operation and close the taps, a radio signal from the control unit is required, which is directed by the leakage protection system when the corresponding signal is received from the water sensors.

The device of the sensor is quite simple and reliable: the body and the plate with contacts are made of fiberglass, the contacts are coated with immersion gold to protect against corrosion. To increase the reliability of the system, you can use a sensor with wire break protection, which allows the controller to more accurately determine the status of the sensors and inform about problems in the system in a timely manner.

The sensor is only triggered if the water level is above 1 mm. Protection against erroneous operation is a gap of 1 mm between the lower part of the sensor housing and the floor surface.

The radio sensor can be installed in two types: a simple one, which works only in case of a leak, and a remote sensor, by pressing the button of which you can turn off the taps at any time.


The Neptun Leak Protection System is a Russian development manufactured by Special Engineering Systems.

The principle of its operation is similar to that of the Aquaguard: the delivery set also includes a control unit, two ball valves with servo drives and wired sensors. The difference is that the system only works when it is permanently connected to a 220 V power supply.

The operation of such a system is possible only if the sockets are grounded.

A nice addition to the Neptune system is the cleaning mode, which allows you to wash the floor with plenty of water for 45 minutes without worrying about the operation of the leak protection, as well as the ability to choose kits with taps not only ½ inch, but also ¾ inch.

Aquastop - protection against leaks

Aquastop uses an unusual way to detect a leak. It does not have sensors in which contacts close under the action of water. But a sensor is installed that determines the water pressure. This sensor works on the principle of a pressure gauge - the higher the pressure, the stronger the effect on the valve. When the pressure in the hose or line is stable, the influence of the sensor is compensated by the internal spring and the valve is opened. When a hose breaks or a pipe bursts, the pressure in the device drops and the spring shuts off the water supply until the pressure is restored to normal.

The principle of operation of this device is simple. The special shape of the internal channel of this device reduces the throughput, due to which the pressure during normal water consumption (up to 10-12 liters per minute) practically does not change. When the hose suddenly breaks, the water supply increases greatly, the pressure at the outlet of the device drops sharply, however, remains unchanged at the inlet. This causes the valve to actuate. The valve response time does not exceed 10 seconds. This allows you to turn off the water, prevent the flood and the troubles caused by it - damage to the floor, walls, furniture and conflict with neighbors from below.

Aquastop is used as one of the elements of protection against water leaks. The low throughput of this device does not allow it to be installed at the entrance to the home water supply network. If you open several faucets,

Aquastop will work and shut off the water supply. Therefore, it is used to protect end users - washing machines and dishwashers. This device is not afraid of water hammer and can withstand pressure up to 10 atmospheres. For his effective work water pressure must be at least 2 atmospheres. If the water pressure is less, then the pressure difference is not enough to operate the valve.

The cost of the device starts from 180 rubles. It is produced in both plastic and metal (most often steel) cases. Both ends of the device are threaded - internal at the inlet, external at the outlet. Thanks to this configuration, it is installed without any alterations in the gap between the pipe adapter and the hose suitable for the washing or dishwasher. Aquastop in a plastic case is used for tapping into polyethylene pipes. It is equipped with standard fittings at both ends, so it is enough to cut the pipe, put Aquastop on it and tighten the fixing nuts.

Gidrolock (Hydrolock)

The delivery of the Gidrolock anti-leakage system also includes two ball valves, water control sensors and a control unit.

If desired, you can choose a version of the protection system specifically designed for use in an apartment, in country house, in public or production building, in a hotel or warehouse. The difference in the kits is in the number of water sensors and the number of connected taps.

The manufacturer's warranty for Hydrolock systems is 4 years.

As you can see, protect yours from leaks, and yourself from the troubles associated with emergencies in the house, it is not difficult, you just need to choose the right protection system.

Any washing machine is a potential source of leaks. However modern manufacturers considered this problem. The solution was called "aquastop for the washing machine." It is designed specifically to protect your and your neighbor's apartment from unexpected incidents.

The term Aquastop refers to a device that is able to protect the premises from flooding occurring as a result of damage.

The inlet hose of the washing machine can be damaged for various reasons:

  • burst;
  • be cut by objects with a sharp edge;
  • spoiled by pets.

You can not discount the banal breakdown, from which no one is immune. A crack in the fitting of the pipe leading to the washer can also lead to flooding. But whatever the reasons, they lead to significant financial losses, because you will have to repair not only your own, but also your neighbor's apartment.

Technically, the aquastop system is a valve with a spring. Such a device will work under the condition of a pressure drop. For example, if a leak is detected, the incoming water is immediately blocked. This allows you not to worry about closing-opening, which supplies water to the hose.

Bosch WFT2830 Leak Protection System

One of the main features of such a system is a very thick water supply hose - it will withstand a pressure of about 70 bar (by the way, a conventional pipeline can only withstand 10 bar). It is in it that electromagnetic element valve, which is similar to the same in the apparatus of the machine itself.

This element is called the safety valve, and its normal position is when it is closed.

Manufacturers have thought through the structure of this system down to the smallest detail: for example, the hose itself is leaky - water leaves it in a special pan. And already in the pan there is a sensitive element that will close the valve contacts, and the water will simply stop flowing into the machine.

By the way, another function of the valve is to close the water supply when it is incorrectly calculated. This is due to the fact that the soap suds will overflow the lower tank and begin to come out. In some models, pumping out of water is also provided, but it will happen if the emergency or working valves do not work.

Types of aquastop for washing machines

The developers of Bosch washing machines were the first to introduce an aquastop for a washing machine back in the early nineties of the last century. Since then, many varieties of such valves have appeared - each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages:

How to mount an aquastop yourself

If your washing machine does not have such a device “from birth”, you can install it yourself. You can do this in the following way:

      1. The unit is disconnected from the water supply and electricity.
      2. The water supply hose is disconnected from the machine. It may be necessary to replace the o-rings on it and at the same time rough cleaning.
      3. The sensor itself is installed on water tap- in this case, the device should be turned clockwise.
      4. An inlet hose is connected to the aquastop.
      5. Before finishing work, it is necessary to check the quality of installation by carefully letting water into the hose - this will allow timely detection and elimination of malfunctions.

Additional Flood Prevention Measures

There are other methods to prevent leaks, in addition to installing special means in the washing machine.

      1. For installation of supply lines to the unit water pipes can be used different material. Mainly metal-plastic or polypropylene, but there are also copper and steel galvanized pipes. Just at last version the shortest service life (no more than 30 years). As for metal-plastic, it is best to put it on molding molds. Polypropylene has proven itself well, but such a pipe will not withstand strong mechanical damage. Experts advise: it is better not to take aluminum taps and fitting systems. There is enough pressure in the system for such a part to burst, and this will already lead to possible leaks.
      2. The bathroom floor can be waterproofing material. This will secure the flow of water to the neighbors from below. Competent bedding will ensure the independent flow of water into the sewer. The only negative is that the level of the floor in the room will rise a little.
      3. The correct solution would be overlap all riser valves when the owners are not at home. This is necessary, first of all, in case of existing damage to the washing machine: if water seeps somewhere, it can break through and flood. By the way, this recommendation is given in any instruction for such a unit, but not everyone clearly follows what is written in the manual.

Aquastop for washing machine is a significant breakthrough in the field of improvements for washing machines. The presence of such a system will prevent serious water leaks, and, therefore, reduce the risk of serious financial losses.

These phrases users household appliances Water-based products are heard all the time: in specialized stores, many sellers quite often insert these words into their speech when explaining the merits of the home appliances they sell. What is called the Aquastop system, how it is used to actively protect the dishwasher, what it consists of and how to replace it yourself - we will try to answer all these questions in the article.

In world practice, any leakage protection is called Aqua-Stop or Aqua-Control. In principle, this is an ordinary water supply hose to household appliances, only enclosed in a special protective casing with a device that shuts off the water in case of unforeseen circumstances: a rupture of the hose, its leakage due to a crack, etc. Thus, the built-in protection system protects you from an unwanted flood. Her task is to immediately turn off the water supply to household appliances, a dishwasher or an assistant in washing clothes in order to prevent water from leaking onto the floor.

Many homeowners do not even realize that the pressure in the plumbing system is quite large, and water hammer - a sudden increase in internal pressure - occurs frequently. You simply cannot do without a reliable hose protection system.

The standard Aquastop system consists of the following main parts:

  • block of mechanical or electromagnetic valves;
  • water inlet hose to the device;
  • pallet;
  • float;
  • security wire;
  • water release button.

Aquastop device: A - Solenoid valve, C - inlet hose B - control cable D - Leaks (water hoses)

All modern technology for a house that uses water is protected from unwanted leaks even during the manufacturing process. Each manufacturer wants users to buy only its model, therefore, in addition to the inlet hose, they supply their products with special pallets with electromechanical devices.

The whole system works smoothly and quite efficiently:

  1. Solenoid or mechanical valves (1) are mounted in the water supply hose (2).
  2. When the equipment is connected to the mains, then on safety valve voltage is applied, it opens, and the working valve is still closed.
  3. If the user presses the start button and the machine starts the cycle, then working valve opens.
  4. In the event of a leak, all water enters the sump (3), where its level is monitored float control(4). If the water level rises, the contacts open. The safety wire (5) is designed to cut off the power going to a similar valve, the power supply is interrupted - the valve shuts off the water supply.
  5. After all faults have been eliminated, the reset button must be pressed, and the system is ready for operation again.

Everyone famous brand household appliances today use just such a leak protection system, because it is of a double type: the Aquastop of the inlet hose is an external protection, and the equipment itself is protected internal system Aqua control.

Inlet hose protection

The industry produces special hoses with built-in mechanisms to shut off the water supply different ways. There are the following systems that are responsible for protecting against unwanted inlet hose leaks:

  • mechanical;
  • with the use of an absorbent;
  • electromagnetic type.

The first option is now used very rarely, but you can find it on budget dishwashers. Bosch machines. The system consists of a valve and springs, designed for a certain water pressure - when a leak occurs, it drops, the spring works and the valve shuts off the water supply. Such a system is not able to recognize small leaks from a fistula, leakage of gaskets, which can cause a lot of harm.

A system with a mechanical type Aquastop recognizes only 147 leaks out of 1,000, and this is only no more than 85% of protection, which today is considered much lower than the norm.

At its core, such a system works like one hose inside another, made of corrugated plastic: if the inner layer is damaged, then the plastic one will be quite reliable protection.

mechanical type

When a leak occurs, the protection system immediately works - the red indicator on the body lights up, the water is turned off.

mechanical valve installed on drain device, after operation due to failure of the hose, it is unsuitable for further operation. Therefore, a new one is installed drain hose, which is the main disadvantage of such protection against leaks.

Application based protection system absorbent it is used much more often, its action is not difficult: moisture from the leak flows into a special reservoir with absorbent, which instantly swells, expanding at the same time, which blocks the access of water to the dishwasher with a valve.

With absorbent

The main disadvantage is the fact that it also disposable: the absorbent inside the body swells and hardens, tightly closing the valve, excluding the possibility of its reuse, including the hose. Absorbent systems come with a plunger or only with a spring, there are no others in world practice.

Electromechanical the protection system with Aquastop works in a similar way as the system with an absorbent, but its basis is a solenoid valve. The body of such a device may have one or two valves. Water flows down the hose into the pan of the Bosch machine, the device with the absorbent begins to absorb it, swells - the valve blocks the access of water to the machine.

Experts say that Aqua-control, working with solenoid valve, does not provide protection in only 8 cases out of 1000 types of leaks.

Electromechanical protection system

Possible problems

The main problem with Aquastop hoses is the impossibility of extending them or installing them in hard-to-reach places. Due to the dimensions of a fairly massive body, connecting to a tap can be very problematic. In addition, many users Bosch machines they assure that the case must be installed with the arrow down, so when installing, check your actions with the attached instructions.

If any leakage occurs, the machine gives an E15 error - if the Aqua-control system has worked, check the instructions and everything will become clear to you. But sometimes such a warning is not displayed on the display, but no water coming into the car. In this case, your actions should have the following sequence:

  • close the water supply valve to the device;
  • unscrew the hose equipped with the Aquastop system;
  • look inside the hose - the valve should be visible immediately behind the nut;
  • if there is no gap between it and the nut body, the system has worked and water will not pass through such a hose to the machine.

To be completely sure, you need to unscrew the lower front plate, shine a flashlight into the pan: if there is water, then the protection system has worked, it remains to find a leak.

Self installation

Replacing the old hose is not a difficult job - we turn off the water and dismantle the hose, and install a new one in its place. If a system with a solenoid valve was used, then you need to carefully connect the wiring with a plug to the sensor, which is located next to the filling inlet on the machine.

Any system is quite effective and protects your household appliances from various leaks and troubles ending in a flood. It is not in vain that experts advise installing Aquastop protection systems, they work simply - any user who does not have any technical knowledge can replace them.

AT technical description washing machine or dishwasher you can find such a term as protection against water leaks.

What is it? The leak protection system is a complex technical devices, aimed at protecting the premises from flooding with water in the event of an emergency water leak in a household appliance, or if the inlet hose is damaged.

Different manufacturers of household appliances call this system differently: Aqua-Stop (Aquastop), Waterproof (Waterproof), Aqua-Safe (Aquasafe), Aqua-Alarm (Aquaelam), but they are structurally almost the same. Therefore, it will be enough to consider the principle of operation of this system using the example of a washing machine familiar to us.

Leak protection is a really useful system, it will help you avoid the unpleasant consequences of flooding the room.

2. Types of leakage protection

According to the degree of protection against leaks, washing machines and dishwashers can be conditionally classified into several types:
  • No leak protection
  • With partial leakage protection
  • With full leak protection

2.1 Without leakage protection

Most inexpensive washing machines do not have a leak protection system, that is, a standard flexible reinforced hose (high pressure hose) with plastic or metal nuts at the ends is installed to connect to the water supply network. One side of the hose is screwed to the faucet, and the other to the solenoid valve for the water supply of the washing machine.

If you look under the machine from below, you will notice that the bottom is not covered by anything or, as in many models of Candy and Samsung washing machines, it is covered with decorative dustproof plastic. Therefore, when there is any water leakage in the washing machine or the inlet hose breaks, all the water flows out onto the floor.

If the washing machine does not have leakage protection, it is recommended to regularly inspect the condition of the inlet hose, make sure that the washing machine does not have any signs of water leakage during operation, and every time after washing it is necessary to turn off the water tap, which is installed when connecting the machine.

2.2 Partial leakage protection

It is worth paying attention to what exactly the manufacturer or seller means by the term "partial leakage protection". AT washing machines with partial or full protection against leaks, one of the mandatory specifications is the presence of a solid plastic or metal pallet. on a pallet, with inside fixed foam float with electric microswitch (Fig.1).

When a water leak occurs within the interior of the washing machine, the tray fills with water, the float rises and activates the microswitch. Upon a signal from the microswitch, the electronic control unit of the washing machine goes into emergency mode and the washing program stops. This turns on drain pump and the water is pumped out of the tank of the washing machine.

The notification of the operation of the leakage protection system is displayed on the display of the control panel of the washing machine in the form of a corresponding inscription or a fault code. In this case, in order to bring the washing machine into working condition, it is necessary to remove water from the pan, identify and eliminate the cause of the leak.

Rice. one Partial protection against leaks (only inside the SM housing)

Now let's recap: in a washing machine with partial or full protection against leaks, there must be a special tray at the bottom of the washing machine and a float with a microswitch.

It is worth mentioning that some manufacturers have standardized the body of the washing machine, so the presence of a pallet does not always indicate the presence of leakage protection.

As you understand, a special float and drip tray prevent water leakage only in the washing machine itself. Therefore, such leakage protection can be called partial, since the standard inlet hose for connecting the washing machine does not have any safety system against rupture or damage.

To increase the reliability and emergency protection of the inlet hose itself, its special design has been developed, which we will describe.
Inlet hose with mechanical safety valve (Fig. 2). In the hardware store, it is offered as an additional option. You can purchase and install this hose yourself.

There are two types of such hoses, their purpose and principle of operation are the same, but they differ externally and structurally. We will only briefly describe the device and the principle of operation of such a hose, without delving into technical details.

View 1

Rice. 2 Inlet hose with mechanical safety valve

The standard inlet hose is enclosed in a corrugated sealed plastic sheath reminiscent of a washing machine drain hose. On one side there is a nut for connecting to the water supply valve of the washing machine, and on the other side there is a nut and a protective block for connecting to faucet.

What is the defense system and how does it work?
The main link is a plunger with a spring and an absorbent. In working condition, water flows freely through the plunger into the inlet hose. The spring stiffness of the plunger is selected in such a way that it does not spontaneously overlap due to the flow of water passing through it, but is in a state of balance.

Let's say that there was a rupture of the inlet hose. Since it is in a closed and sealed protective shell, water will inevitably penetrate the protective block. A special absorbent (located in a protective block), when wetted with water, increases sharply in volume, dragging the spring with it, thereby weakening its effect on the plunger. The state of balance is disturbed and the plunger blocks the access of water under the pressure of the plumbing system.

After the protective system has worked, the control eye turns red. This is due to the fact that the absorbent is in a special container made of red plastic. The disadvantage of such a hose is that after the activation of the protective system, it can only be replaced.

View 2

Rice. 3 Inlet hose with mechanical safety valve (on 2 permanent magnets)

How this hose works (Fig.3) the same as in the first type.
The only difference is that the stable position of the plunger is provided not by a spring, but magnetic field two permanent magnets with the same poles facing each other. As long as the absorbent of the fuse is dry, the distance between the magnets is small and the force of their mutual repulsion is large. As soon as the absorbent gets wet and expands, the fuse magnet moves away and the resistance to magnetic fields decreases, thereby blocking the access of water to the plunger, under the pressure of the plumbing system.

Another difference. The nut of such a hose has a ratchet mechanism (ratchet), which allows you to freely screw it (the nut) to the thread of the water tap, and to unscrew it, you must hold the pawl pressed.
Like in a hose type 1, after the protection has been triggered, it is only subject to replacement.

3. Complete leak protection

Today it is one of the more reliable systems leakage protection.
It is implemented due to the synchronous operation of a special inlet hose with a normally closed solenoid valve and the already familiar leakage protection system of a washing machine with a float on a pallet.

A special hose is structurally provided and installed in the washing machine or dishwasher already by the manufacturer.

Such hoses have a special block in which one or two solenoid valves connected in series are installed, or they combine the operation of an electric and pneumatic valve (this scheme is used in some outdated models of Bosch and Siemens dishwashers). The device of such a hose is shown in (Fig.4) This is the same high pressure hose placed in a flexible protective sheath.

The valve block (hose inlet) is connected with a nut to the water tap. The solenoid valve is hermetically sealed with a compound from which the power cable stretches along the entire hose and ends with a terminal block for connecting it to the electrical circuit of the washing machine.

Rice. 4 Inlet hose with solenoid valve (used in full leak proof design)

Now let's look at the diagram (Fig. 5), where the structural elements of complete protection against leaks are presented and we will figure out how it all works.

After the necessary washing program has been selected and activated, voltage is applied to the solenoid valves of the washing machine and the inlet hose valve, they open and water rushes into the washing machine. When the required water level in the washing machine tank is reached (the water level is controlled by the pressure switch and the electronic unit), the solenoid valves are turned off by the electronic control unit and water access is stopped. Valves always turn on and off only at the right time. This is how water is collected in the normal operation of the washing machine.

Rice. 5 Structural elements complete leakage protection

Now imagine a situation where a reinforced hose began to leak somewhere or a rupture occurred. Water filling the protective shell will rise along it to the drainage hose and the water will already drain into the washing machine tray, where the float with the switch is installed. As a result of the ascent of the float, the switch contacts are activated, circuit diagram will go into emergency mode, that is, all valves will block the access of water. In some cases, even the drain pump of the washing machine is turned on to pump out the water in the tank.

And if there is a water leak directly in the washing machine itself, then the float pops up in the same way, the switch contacts are activated, the electronic circuit gives an alarm, the valves block the flow of water. It turns out that in all cases there is a multi-level cut-off of water from the water supply network. And as you probably noticed, the activating link in this chain is again the float on the washing machine tray.

In order to resume the operation of the machine, it is necessary to remove water from the sump, identify and eliminate the cause of the leak.
The disadvantages of a hose with a solenoid valve include burnout of the solenoid or damage to the diaphragm, in which it is necessary to change the entire hose or a separate unit, the cost of which can be quite high.

In conclusion, it should be said that all types of protection against water leaks in washing machines or dishwashers are local in nature, but they still help out a lot and fully justify their goals. against damage to fittings and threaded connections no one is immune to water supply systems. Therefore, in order to avoid flooding the entire room, there are more global systems of protection against leaks.