Benefits of insulating a hangar with polyurethane foam. Insulation of hangars with polyurethane foam and storage rooms with polyurethane foam Insulation of the hangar from the inside

  • 15.06.2019

The hangar is the best choice for a vegetable store, factory production, shop floor and warehousing. Despite the fact that the majority industrial premises has a fairly large area, it is not difficult to insulate them with sprayed polyurethane foam in a matter of days!

PPU - the fastest and easiest way to insulate a hangar

As you know, a hangar is a building structure made using a frame or frameless technology. The complete set of the hangar and its equipment directly depend on the operational tasks that business owners or tenants set for themselves.

Hangar insulation options

PPU is applied to the surface by spraying a special foam under pressure.

When choosing a material for insulation, it is necessary first of all to operate with such a significant parameter as the thermal conductivity of the selected material. If you turn to technical parameters insulation, the thermal conductivity value for mineral wool is 0.06 W / mK with a working layer thickness of 30 mm.

For polystyrene foam, this ratio is as follows: 0.04 W / mK with a thickness of 20 mm, but the thermal conductivity of polyurethane foam is 0.03 W / mK with a thickness index of 15 mm. These are the best characteristics for high-quality insulation. But the thermal conductivity index is not the only parameter that builders consider when making a decision,.

The effect of condensate on the insulation material

Most heaters are afraid of condensation. It is the condensate that is main problem all owners of metal insulated hangars. Moisture, which is formed due to temperature differences and accumulates on the metal ceiling of the room, gradually destroys the performance of the insulation.

In order to extend the term beneficial use mineral wool and expanded polystyrene requires effective wind and moisture protection, special vapor barrier membranes, modern system ventilation. This is especially true for the mineral variant.

Otherwise, if the recommended operating conditions are not observed, mineral wool insulation becomes an unsafe source of bacteria and mold. But such additional measures significantly increase the time for the performance of high-quality insulation of a storage or warehouse.

Advantages of polyurethane foam insulation

10 year labor warranty

Polyurethane foam solves many problems, since the technology of its application and the technical characteristics of the material itself significantly reduce the installation time of the insulation. Indeed, the application of polyurethane foam to the surface occurs by spraying a special foam under pressure.

Polyurethane foam creates a unique smooth coating without cracks and crevices. This material does not require complex and expensive surface preparation. It is unique in its essence. The layer thickness can be precisely controlled down to the millimeter. PPU is not afraid of bumps, bends and complex structures, foam reliably and permanently seals the entire surface intended for insulation.

The thickness of the foam layer is calculated in advance, taking into account the climatic parameters of the area where the shopping or industrial complex is located. The impressive service life of the insulation layer created from PPU is also impressive.

The service life of the insulation for the hangar

The actual service life of polyurethane foam without loss of consumer properties and operational characteristics exceeds 30 years, for more favorable climate this value can reach 50 years. No other modern heaters can compare with such parameters.

For example, a vapor barrier film works effectively for only 10 years, and extruded polystyrene foam for only 20 years, for mineral wool even such values ​​are unattainable. It reliably insulates no more than 5 years. But replacing the insulation for the hangar every 5 years is a significant cost. Therefore, experts have recognized that it is much more economical to insulate a PPU hangar for 30 or even 50 years.

The effect of insulation on structures

Insulating a huge hangar in 3 days is real!

An interesting fact is that the effect on the main structures of polyurethane foam insulation is the least. This foam, when hardened, has a very low weight. It is the lightest insulation material currently known. Since hangars are lightweight structures, insulation, which leads to an increase in the load on the surface, is highly undesirable, as it can lead to the destruction of the entire structure.

Such a threat is impossible if the insulation is polyurethane foam. In addition to being very light, this material is an excellent anti-corrosion material. The most effective, taking into account all the above advantages, Ecothermix polyurethane foam. Competitive advantages PPU Ecotermiks for warming surfaces are obvious.

Main characteristics of polyurethane foam Ecothermix

  • Ecothermix does not require special devices for installation, it is applied by spraying, without creating cracks and irregularities
  • Polyurethane foam Ecothermix is ​​ready to be applied on any surface, complex and expensive preparation for work is not required, the geometric shapes of the building are not important
  • Polyurethane foam is not afraid of condensate, it adheres so tightly to the surface and has no pores that it is not affected by moisture and does not become a platform for the spread of rot and mold
  • Insulation Ecotermix has the best characteristics in terms of the speed of work, insulate a metal hangar big size possible in 3 days
  • Ecothermix material has the most interesting parameters in terms of efficiency and durability of insulation, this is the best thermal conductivity and the most impressive service life, Ecothermix is ​​effective without loss of performance for 50 years
  • Polyurethane foam Ecothermix performs a number of related functions, it is an excellent waterproofing and anti-corrosion treatment, while it is resistant to the aggressive effects of acids and alkalis
  • Despite its lightness, polyurethane foam is very durable, it can withstand significant workloads without splitting or deforming, it is inaccessible to rodents

Economic feasibility of choosing Ecothermix

PPU hardens in minutes

It is also pleasant that the important fact is that the use of polyurethane foam material for insulation of premises allows you to save. Indeed, the service life for several decades without loss of performance makes the cost of PPU Ecothermix the most attractive.

Or order a consultation of a specialist at a convenient time for you!

Application absolutely free and does not oblige you to anything!

The central heating system for hangars is expensive, because the implementation of such work in the area where the hangars are located, involves high costs. For this reason this method considered economically unviable. The only solution to this problem is a set of measures to help maintain desired temperature indoors all year round.

The internal thermal insulation of the hangar with polyurethane foam allows you to optimize heat loss in winter.

Why is it worth insulating a hangar with polyurethane foam?

To answer this question, you need to understand the types of thermal insulation of premises of this type. There are 2 main methods for insulating a hangar:

  • tiled building materials;
  • gradual spraying of polyurethane foam.

In the first method, as a rule, expanded polystyrene, mineral wool and basalt fiber are used. Insulation with these materials can significantly reduce the thermal conductivity of the treated floor, but it will become more susceptible to moisture, which appears due to the formation of condensate. The method of thermal insulation with tile insulation involves the arrangement of a crate into which a slab of the selected building material will be inserted.

Before placing the metal mesh crate, it is necessary to mount a material that protects the structure from wind and moisture, and pull vapor barrier polyethylene over it. It is clear that this method will require a considerable amount of Money, not to mention the complexity of the thermal insulation process. In addition, there is a possibility of rapid wear of the vapor barrier film in winter period, since light weight metal structures tend to deform slightly due to movement under wind pressure.

The method of spraying polyurethane foam is very different from the technology of thermal insulation with tile building materials. First of all, it is worth noting that polyurethane foam (PPU) has a high level of adhesion. This allows you to process the surface without the need to create a crate. Insulation of hangars is carried out by seamless spraying without the presence of cold bridges.

This material does not need separate protection against wind pressure and condensate. It is sprayed either indoors or from the outside. Using the second method of insulation, it is enough to cover the thermal insulation layer with a special mixture that protects it from ultraviolet exposure sun rays.

Mineral wool exerts significant pressure on the metal structure, and polyurethane foam insulation for hangars, on the contrary, without adding excess mass, strengthens the wall structure. This is especially useful for thermal insulation of frameless hangars.

Another advantage of polyurethane foam insulation is aesthetics. Upon completion of the thermal insulation, you can leave the hangar in this form. Of course, if desired, paint of the desired color can be applied over this layer.

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Features of applying polyurethane foam

This type of thermal insulation belongs to the group of gas-filled plastics, which are popularly called foam. Polyurethane foam is similar to resole, polystyrene foam and carbamide type of plastic products.

2 types of liquid are transported to the location of the hangar:

  • isocyanate;
  • polyol.

Connection diagram of the components of the installation for spraying polyurethane foam under pressure.

Using air atomization technology, both liquids are mixed inside the nozzle under the influence of air pressure. Thanks to this method, the smallest particles create a kind of aerosol, which is applied in a uniform layer on the surface of the metal structure, reaching even the most inaccessible areas. All sorts of cracks, holes and cracks are carefully clogged, forming an airtight layer.

In the process of applying to the hangar in the polyurethane foam mixture, chemical reaction- the sprayer foams and begins to harden. After 2 hours, the layer of the applied mixture hardens by 90%, and after 24 hours this figure is 100%.

In the form in which polyurethane foam is applied to the surface, the mixture contains many pores, since its content is 80-90% air. It is thanks to the air polymer properties material acquire thermal insulation characteristics of high strength.

Polyurethane foam shows good resistance to acid, alkali, oil, fuel and oil attack that exists in any hangar. For this reason, it is ideal for rooms of this orientation. Thanks to high level adhesion PPU can be applied to the following types surfaces:

  • metal;
  • reinforced concrete;
  • arched openings;
  • ceiling covering;
  • coatings with recesses and protrusions.

Given that polyurethane foam exhibits high resistance to evaporation and moisture, there is no need for additional surface protection with vapor and waterproofing materials.

Also, PPU does not need to be protected from rodents and mice, since animals do not touch the surface treated with such material. In addition, it does not form mold or fungus. Polyurethane foam is not exposed to atmospheric and temperature effects, it can be destroyed only with mechanical damage.

Effective insulation of hangars, warehouses and vegetable stores. Operational measures and longevity of the result The success of an enterprise, the economic well-being of individual companies, cities or even countries depends not only on the level of development of production, but also on how long they can store their products. On a simple small example it becomes obvious. It makes no sense to store a large amount of vegetables and canned food for the winter if it is impossible to provide them right conditions for storage. They will just spoil.

Therefore, a combination of factors such as temperature and humidity, the presence or absence of sunlight, inflow fresh air, as well as many other nuances directly affect the shelf life of raw materials or products, regardless of their types. Hangars, warehouses, vegetable stores must fully meet certain requirements dictated by the types of products stored in them. It is very important to maintain constant conditions on the territory of a hangar, warehouse or vegetable store at any time of the year. And not everyone can achieve this.

Only proper insulation and thoughtful design can positively affect the operation of the facility.

Only proper insulation and thoughtful design can positively affect the operation of the facility. With minimal energy consumption, the owner of a warehouse or hangar has the opportunity to maintain optimal conditions for storing a particular raw material or product for a long time. But how to insulate such a large structure without missing anything and without miscalculating the materials? The answer is simple - entrust this business to professionals.

Varieties of warehouses, hangars and vegetable stores. Their design features and the resulting requirements for heaters

To begin with, it will be correct to consider the most commonly used types of hangars, warehouses and vegetable stores. This will allow you to better understand what kind of insulation materials you need to use.


This type of facility is often used to store various types of machinery and equipment. It can be agricultural machines, aviation equipment and much more. Hangar features include:

Hangars are often used to store various types of machinery and equipment. It can be agricultural machines, aviation equipment and much more.

  • Differ in large scale - the height, width and length of the hangar should allow to accommodate large equipment
  • The use of vaulted roofs is the optimal design for hangars. In fact, this avoids the need to build walls, but when building large hangars for certain types of equipment, walls can also be raised, on which a vaulted roof is mounted.
  • The use of thin sheet materials - thin sheet steel is often used for construction, which is sheathed with a metal frame. This allows you to reduce costs when building such large objects.

Old hangars can be sheathed with wood. But today it is a rarity. Design features of this type of objects themselves dictate the requirements that the insulation must meet:

  • It should be easy to fix on metal thin surfaces
  • It must tolerate dynamic thermal deformations of the base well, since the metal is very sensitive to temperature changes
  • Should be highly efficient - in fact, it will not only insulate, but make up 95% of the thickness of the entire wall, so it should be as efficient as possible
  • Have a small mass - the vaulted roofs of such hangars are designed for certain loads, so they cannot be overloaded. And given the scale of the structure, the use of heavy heaters is simply unacceptable


This concept is very broad, since a warehouse can be built from almost any building materials, its configuration can be anything, and it itself can be only a small part of any large immovable complex. At the same time, almost any goods, raw materials or equipment can be stored in warehouses. Thus, no less requirements will be imposed on the insulation. In addition to what has already been announced for hangars, we can mention:

Warehouses can store almost any goods, raw materials or equipment. For this reason, more lenient requirements are imposed on insulation.

  • Resistance to moisture and chemicals - the warehouse area can be periodically sanitized with water and chemicals, so the material should not be vulnerable to them
  • Possibility of application on almost any surface - the warehouse can be built of metal, stone, concrete, wood or combinations thereof. The material must adhere perfectly to any substrate.
  • Differ in maximum efficiency with a minimum consumption of the usable volume of the premises - if the insulation layer is too large, and an additional frame is required for its fastening, then its use will be impractical, as this will go to the minus of the useful internal volume of the warehouse
  • Be affordable - a lot of insulation may be required - it all depends on the scale of the warehouse. Therefore, the price of the material must be not only acceptable, but also fully justified, economically justified

Vegetable storage

These are specialized warehouses or hangars designed specifically for storing fresh vegetables or fruits. Here, the temperature regime and the level of humidity are of particular importance. Often they are built of stone or concrete, equipped with systems forced ventilation and refrigeration units. In this case, it is very important to properly insulate the vegetable store in order to reduce energy consumption to ensure its operation. As far as storage is concerned food products, one of the main requirements for insulation is environmental friendliness and chemical neutrality. Under no temperature conditions and influences, the thermal insulation material should not emit toxic substances. In addition, the range of its operating temperatures should be wide enough.

General requirements for insulation for warehouses, hangars and vegetable stores

In addition to those already listed above, there are also some general requirements for thermal insulation materials, regardless of where they will be used:

For heat-insulating materials it is presented whole line requirements that must be observed when choosing them.

  • Fire safety - materials should not adversely affect the level of fire safety, and ideally they should protect load-bearing structures from the effects of fire in cases of local fires
  • Longevity - carrying out regular overhauls warehouse is impractical. Therefore, the material must be characterized by the highest durability.

It is now clear that the market thermal insulation materials very hard to find one golden mean which is being discussed. Of course oh self-insulation a whole hangar is out of the question - this task is too large-scale, requiring professionalism and rich experience, appropriate production resources. Therefore, we will consider what companies can offer today, and what is already a thing of the past.

Thermal insulation materials of the past century

It cannot be said that today they are not used anywhere. These materials are still used today by contractors seeking maximum savings and benefits for themselves during the construction of private and apartment buildings, as well as for the insulation of some industrial and commercial facilities.


This material is familiar to everyone. Today it is still used for outdoor insulation in some countries. However, its use is associated with a number of difficulties and dangers. The negative points include the following:

Today, foam is still used for outdoor insulation in some countries. However, its use is associated with a number of difficulties and dangers.

  • High degree of flammability - foam plastic blazes like high-octane fuel. At the same time, it releases toxic volatile compounds into the air - a pure poison. Extremely dangerous to human life and health
  • He likes only flat planes - he is quite fragile. This is a sheet material that can only be used on flat walls. The lack of flexibility makes it impossible or extremely difficult to insulate irregularly shaped structures
  • Installation is detrimental to the base - requires the use of anchors. You can not fix it everywhere. Violating the integrity of the foundation, specialists reduce the operational life of the entire structure
  • Short-lived - average service life is only 15-20 years

With all the desire to save money, it will not work, and far from everything can be insulated with them. And the presence of joints significantly reduces its effectiveness. Moreover, there is no need to talk about environmental cleanliness either. Requires careful protective finishing. So, we immediately cross it off our list of applicants.

Wizard Tips: When backfilling the soil in 90% of cases, the foam, as well as the waterproofing coating, which is most often ordinary polyethylene, are damaged. So the level rise ground water leads to wetting of the wall, as well as to the loss of the effectiveness of the insulation.

Mineral wool

Compared to foam plastic, it is a safer material, since at least it does not support combustion. However, when exposed to fire or even high temperatures, it releases volatile formaldehydes, which does not make it completely safe. Installation is also associated with a number of difficulties, since the material requires the use of additional fasteners. But this is not the main drawback of this material:

Compared to Styrofoam, mineral wool is a safer material, as it at least does not support combustion.

  • Afraid of moisture - when wet, loses up to 80% of its nominal efficiency
  • It is a heavy and dense sheet material - this indicates not only the impossibility of using vaulted roofs of hangars for insulation, but also the presence of seams, which are the weak point of any insulation
  • Average durability - service life does not exceed 25 years

Even with a stretch, this material also cannot be called the best insulation. But many companies offer these materials for the insulation of warehouses, hangars and vegetable stores. And we strongly recommend that you avoid such "bear" services. After all, there is a modern material that is much more efficient. Why not insulate with mineral wool? The answer can be found in the video:

Foamed polyurethane "Ecothermix" - maximum efficiency and economic feasibility

The company "Ecotermiks" offers the most effective solution problems related to the insulation of warehouses, hangars and vegetable stores with the help of foamed polyurethane. This is a unique material, which is based on natural components obtained in the process of agricultural activity. Unique is not only the composition of polyurethane, due to which it has the highest operational properties but also the way it is applied. But first things first. Consider the key operational benefits foamed polyurethane:

The company "Ecotermix" offers the most effective solution to the problem of insulating warehouses, hangars and vegetable stores with the help of foamed polyurethane.

  • The highest degree of efficiency - foamed polyurethane consists of 90% microscopic air bubbles, which, as you know, are characterized by minimal thermal conductivity. Accordingly, the material itself most effectively allows you to maintain an optimal microclimate inside hangars, warehouses or vegetable stores.
  • Ease - the weight of the material does not exceed 11 kilograms per one cubic meter. For comparison, the same volume of mineral wool will weigh from 60 to 100 kilograms. Therefore, foamed polyurethane from Ecotermix can also be used to insulate light vaulted roofs of hangars.
  • Chemical neutrality and chemical resistance - the only thing that can somehow spoil this insulation is industrial solvents of some brands. Household chemicals not dangerous to him. And the material itself is absolutely chemically neutral, that is, harmless to people and food.
  • Ecological cleanliness - this allows you to use the material for the insulation of warehouses and vegetable stores with food products without any fear
  • Strength and elasticity - a special type of polyurea bonds that form the basis of the material, gives it strength and elasticity. Due to this, the material perfectly copes with thermal deformations of the base and moderate mechanical stress.
  • Polyurethane is not afraid of moisture - polyurea, which is based on the same components and elements, is used for waterproofing, which is unsurpassed today. Therefore, polyurethane foam is also invulnerable to moisture, and its absorption coefficient is a maximum of 1.5% of the total volume.
  • The material is fire resistant - polyurethane foam "Ecotermix" not only does not burn, but is also able to withstand fire, protecting load-bearing structures from its harmful effects. This allows you to significantly improve the level of fire safety.
  • Durability – The service life of polyurethane foam is at least 50 years. There is no such insulation that would last longer
  • Protective effect – the material protects the substrate from corrosive influences and pests such as woodworms or mold

Now let's get acquainted with the technology of applying this insulation. To do this, the masters of the Ecotermix company use a special unit that mixes two liquid polyurethane components in a strict proportion, and then feeds them into a high-pressure sprayer. That is, polyurethane is applied to the base by spraying, similar to conventional surface painting. But the difference is that already a few seconds after spraying, the reaction between the components of polyurethane and air begins. It foams, saturated with microscopic air bubbles, increasing in volume up to 70-100 times!

For spraying polyurethane foam, the masters of Ecotermix use a special unit that mixes two liquid polyurethane components in a strict proportion, and then feeds them to the sprayer under high pressure.

This method of application makes it possible to cover surfaces of any shape, fill any niches, joints, even in the most inaccessible places of the structure. But that's not all. The insulation has the highest degree of adhesion, so it can be applied to any base: wood, metal, stone, concrete. At the same time, the base does not require serious preliminary preparation. It just has to be clean. The advantages of this application method include:

  • Full tightness - the coating is seamless, which means that it simply has no weak points
  • Time saving – insulation of even large industrial facilities takes a minimum of time, which allows them to be put into operation faster
  • Maintaining the integrity of the base - this allows you to maintain the nominal operational life of the building, and sometimes even extend it

There are simply no analogues to foamed polyurethane in terms of properties and installation method today, and any alternative is much less effective. Therefore, PPU is successfully used for thermal insulation of real estate objects, namely:, and other structures. It is wonderful , and equipment . Let us consider in detail how the insulation of hangars, warehouses and vegetable stores takes place.

Insulation of hangars with foamed polyurethane

Often, hangars are built on metal frames using sheet steel. Polyurethane is applied directly to it, which allows you to get something like a sandwich panel as a result. The insulation is applied in an even layer with inside, after which it can simply be covered with a protective layer of polyurea, and operated in this form. If desired, it can be sheathed with any finishing material. Often, a layer of about 10 centimeters is enough to insulate the hangar. This allows you to maintain an optimal microclimate inside for the maintenance of equipment, transport, food.

Polyurethane is applied directly to it, which allows you to get something like a sandwich panel as a result.

It is important that when hardening, polyurethane produces an additional strengthening effect, increases the level of sound insulation, and dampens vibrations. This makes staying inside more comfortable and also prolongs the operational life of the hangar. All load-bearing structures are covered with this material, which protects them from any external influences. Insulation with polyurethane foam occurs in a short time. We recommend watching a video where the hangar was insulated in 3 days:

Warehouse insulation with polyurethane foam

Warehouses built of stone or concrete can be insulated both inside and out. External insulation is considered more effective, as it prevents the wall from freezing in the cold winter season. Polyurethane foam is applied directly to the wall itself, and then covered with a layer on top plaster mixture and is dyed. To achieve maximum efficiency, it is possible to carry out complex insulation by covering the walls with an additional layer of polyurethane foam from the inside.

Polyurethane foam is applied directly to the wall itself, and then covered with a layer of plaster mixture on top and painted.

With external insulation, polyurethane foam takes on all the blows of the elements, coping well with them. So the walls of the warehouse will last longer, as they will not be subject to temperature changes and other negative influences. Porous and loose surfaces are pre-coated with waterproofing (polyurea) and primer. Warehouse insulation allows you to significantly reduce the cost of heating or air conditioning. No dampness or mold will occur, which is especially important when storing non-moisture resistant products.

IMPORTANT: PPU is a non-combustible and environmentally friendly insulation, so you can not worry about normative documents. The material is safe for people, and also does not have any effect on the goods or raw materials in the warehouse. Therefore, this will be the best option for you.

Insulation of vegetable stores with polyurethane foam

Foamed polyurethane (PPU) is ideal for warming vegetable stores. Its environmental friendliness and chemical neutrality allows you to keep products in the form in which they were placed in storage. It is here, where refrigeration units or complex air conditioning systems are most often used to maintain an optimal microclimate, polyurethane foam is especially needed.

Foamed polyurethane (PPU) is ideal for warming vegetable stores.

Energy costs can be halved, as the microclimate will be maintained much easier. Both external and complex insulation of vegetable stores is acceptable. It is very important that polyurethane foam is excellent for thermal insulation of communications, such as ventilation ducts, For example. It perfectly fixes them, absorbing vibrations and making the system quieter.

When should work on the insulation of a warehouse, vegetable store or hangar be carried out?

Of course, the insulation of such facilities must be carried out even before they are put into operation at the construction stage. However, the company "Ecotermix" provides services for the insulation of already used objects. With external insulation, there is no need even to suspend the operation of a warehouse, hangar or vegetable store. Thermal imaging survey allows you to identify the weakest points of the building, and therefore, to focus on them.

IMPORTANT: Optimal conditions for external insulation foamed polyurethane will be calm dry weather with an air temperature of +10 to +30 degrees Celsius. After complete solidification, which will take only a few hours, the operating temperature range of the material will be from -90 to +100 degrees Celsius. Internal insulation can be made at any time of the year, regardless of external conditions.

The company "Ecotermix" provides constant information support to its customers and partners. You can contact the specialists of the consulting department using the " contact information". Competent employees of the company will kindly answer all additional questions, provide detailed technical information, talk about the most great deals and discounts. And we continue to answer the questions of our readers, who happened to face certain problems in the process of insulation. Now we are considering issues related to the insulation of warehouses, hangars and vegetable stores.

Questions from our readers

Stepan M., city of Kaluga : "Hello. Faced a serious problem, losing most of the crops in the past year. The construction of the vegetable store started two years ago. The total capacity is 1500 tons. We store mainly onions. Insulation was provided to maintain the required temperature indicators. Our storage facility is semi-basement. The upper - above-ground level, was insulated from the outside with mineral wool, and the lower level was insulated from the outside with foam. As a result, the entire lower level throughout the winter was covered from the inside with moisture - condensate. As a result, the vegetable simply rotted in the storage throughout the winter, as the ventilation could not cope with such humidity. Now we can’t get rid of the fungus and mold, which covered all the corners. The new season is on the nose, so we want to quickly solve the problem. What could be the result of this dampness? Maybe we chose too thin foam? But on the advice of experts, we took the best option. How can we be? Thanks"

Hello Stepan. In some cases, the appearance of condensation on the walls after insulation can indeed be a sign of the low efficiency of the material. But this is far from the only problem that can be the cause of your troubles. Firstly, when installing the foam, you probably used plastic anchors for secure fastening. In doing so, you drilled the base. Often it is these holes that become weak points during operation. If there is an increased level of groundwater in your area, then this condensate may be the result of a banal wetting of the wall. In any case, there is only one way out - it is necessary to dig out again underground part storage. It is necessary to remove the foam and make insulation with foamed polyurethane, followed by the application of a waterproofing coating - polyurea. Outside, such a coating can be plastered over a reinforcing mesh. After that, you can safely backfill and be confident in the effectiveness of insulation. Additionally, we recommend insulating the upper part of the storage with polyurethane foam from the inside. This will guarantee that the temperature will be even, even if the mineral wool insulation was not done professionally.

Vitaly G., city of Petrozavodsk : "Greetings. Finally, he fulfilled his old dream - he bought a small six-seater plane. I will use it for private purposes. A small hangar is currently under construction. He did not become sophisticated - he leaned towards the use of a typical steel structure with metal sheathing. I want to make the hangar heated so that maintenance can be done right there at any time of the year. I also plan to keep a car and two tractors there, so there will be enough work with them, both in spring and in autumn. What is better to use for insulation? Heard about some Ecowool - what is it? They say expensive, but effective. What do your experts recommend? Thanks to"

Hello Vitaly. Great question! Indeed, today on the market there is such a heater as Ecowool. The newfangled prefix "Eco" often speaks of the environmental friendliness of the product, but not in this case. The manufacturer is guided only by the fact that Ecowool is based on cellulose. But to give it the properties that it possesses, a number of chemical binders are used.

Wizard Tips: What is Ecowool? This is a heater that is applied by spraying, like foamed polyurethane. But in the case of Ecowool, the process takes much longer, and even the most inaccessible places cannot be evenly covered. Does not possess Ecowool and high operational characteristics. She is afraid of moisture, reacts poorly to thermal deformations of the base, is not able to withstand fire, and often even supports it.

As you very correctly noted, Ecowool is very expensive. And the worst thing is that it does not justify its price. Foamed polyurethane "Ecotermix" fully pays off several times over a long service life, which exceeds 50 years. Do not forget that Ecowool will not be the best base for many finishing materials. But you can cover the frozen polyurethane foam with almost any finishing material. Obviously, the choice should be made in favor of foamed polyurethane. In addition, it will have an anti-corrosion effect, increase the level of sound insulation, the degree of fire safety and the strength of the entire structure. And, of course, this insulation will allow you to minimal cost maintain an optimal microclimate inside your hangar.

Olga M., St. Petersburg : "Hello. We have such a problem. The warehouse is located in the same building with the production complex - one common wall, as well as with parking for semi-trailers. The latter is not insulated in any way, so it is very cold in the warehouse. Partitions made of ordinary profiled steel sheet. Of course, it is impossible to talk about the efficiency of warehouse activities. It is simply impossible to be in the warehouse, since the temperature in it is almost the same as in the street. What can we do in this situation to ensure the normal operation of the warehouse? We were offered mineral wool, but in those conditions it would be a waste of money. I don’t want to build additional partitions either.”

Hello Olga. Indeed, mineral wool, as well as bulk insulation, will be completely useless in such a situation. We offer you foamed polyurethane "Ecothermix", which will provide complete tightness, will allow you to close all the cracks and joints. This insulation is applied by spraying, after which it increases in volume by almost 100 times. Thanks to this, all joints between individual sheets of corrugated board are completely sealed. The material is applied directly to the metal, perfectly fixing on it. If desired, you can make subsequent finishing with any materials.

Summing up

For the insulation of any warehouse, vegetable store or hangar, you will not find a better material than foamed polyurethane, which in all respects bypasses any alternative solutions. If you value money and time, and are also focused on achieving an impeccable result, then Ecothermix specialists are at your service. These are not only the best prices, but also guarantees of the quality of the result. And this is the key to successful business in any field.

Convince yourself of the environmental friendliness and reliability of Ecothermix polyurethane foam by watching the video below:

External insulation of the hangar

The technology of metal structures has many advantages compared to buildings made of reinforced concrete, brick, wood. Short installation time, saving building materials, the possibility of relocation - dismantling and installation at another site. But in some cases it is necessary to insulate hangars, for example, when using them as storages for paintwork materials, products or workshops. Builders offer several materials for the insulation of metal structures.

Functions of the insulation system

Insulation of metal structures with mineral wool, polystyrene foam, ecowool, polyurethane foam spraying (PPU) makes it possible to expand the scope of their use: sports, trade and exhibition complexes, administrative and amenity buildings. Modern thermal insulation systems guarantee the stability of internal climatic conditions, they are durable, reliable, and meet all environmental and fire safety requirements.
It should be noted that the insulation of hangars and warehouses is quite an expensive undertaking. But to insulate a metal structure means to solve several more problems.

Reduction of indicators of "noise"

It is especially important if the building is planned to be used as a place of work / residence for people or as an element of a livestock complex:

View from inside the insulated hangar

  • workshops;
  • vegetable stores;
  • hostel;
  • trading platform;
  • sports facility;
  • administrative building;
  • pigsty;
  • barn;
  • poultry house, etc.

Moreover, not only the "noise" of the structure during rain, snow, hail is reduced, but at the same time, protection of the interior from street noise is ensured.

overheat protection

The thermal insulation system will prevent heat loss and prevent overheating of the air inside from the metal heated by the sun. The last point is important when organizing inside the hangar refrigerator compartment, warehouse for combustible materials, housing for animals.

Increasing the strength of the metal structure

Modern multi-layer insulation of frameless hangars gives them additional rigidity.

Another function of thermal insulation is that it protects metal elements from condensation, which is the prevention of corrosion.

Important! The cost of insulating the hangar will almost double the cost of the structure, but will improve its technical and operational performance tenfold.


Insulation systems are attached to the internal or external surfaces of metal structures. These can be sandwich panels, sheet or liquid insulation (ecowool, polyurethane foam spraying) - it is determined by the type of structure, the scope of its use.

Sandwich panels

Sandwich panels are moisture resistant and do not freeze through

Standard sandwich panels - expanded polystyrene foam, mineral wool (density from 100 kg / m3) or polyurethane foam (PPU) between steel profile sheets. Manufacturers offer roofing, ceiling, wall, corner "sandwiches" for indoor or outdoor installation.

Wide choice of design - the outer sheet can be painted or imitate wood, plaster, masonry. A good option for buildings, the appearance of which is subject to high requirements.

Plate, roll materials

Flexible boards, rolls of natural or synthetic materials - mineral wool, glass wool, polyethylene foam, nonwoven fabrics(holofiber, from plant fibers) allow you to create an effective thermal insulation system.

Materials for insulation of hangars

The problem of cold bridges is solved by using roll materials overlapped. The use of sheet insulation is complicated only by its installation features:

  • crate;
  • fastener elements - adhesives, self-tapping screws, etc.

The fastening system not only creates additional loads on the metal structure, but also violates the tightness of the waterproofing and vapor barrier sheets. Additional "cold bridges" are created. Foil materials simplify the creation of modern multilayer thermal insulation systems.

It is difficult to insulate surfaces with a complex configuration - with protrusions, recesses. In addition, the "soft" insulation of the metal hangar is subject to mechanical stress, and to protect it from damage, it will be necessary to install a "hard" layer of exterior finish.

Ecowool, polyurethane foam coating

The use of liquid heat insulators is a fairly new trend in construction. They will penetrate into any, most hard-to-reach place, creating a homogeneous continuous coating.

Ecowool - excellent warming of frame constructions. The technology involves the construction of a rigid structure into which cellulose material is blown. Be sure to use moisture and vapor barrier.

Hangar insulation with polyurethane foam is the most effective method

Polyurethane foam - insulation of hangars with polyurethane does not require any additional fasteners. PPU is simply sprayed on the surfaces of metal structures - like painting. Several layers are applied. The resulting monolithic surface is not afraid mechanical damage, it can be left unfinished or plastered, painted. Sheets are easily mounted on a dense frozen mass. Decoration Materials- drywall, PVC panels, etc.

The PPU system is resistant to moisture and temperature changes, but if direct exposure to UV, water is possible, then additional protection measures should be provided.

It is difficult to insulate arched hangars or other types of frame and frameless metal structures: tent, polygonal, straight-walled polyurethane foam or ecowool on your own. Technology implies an expensive professional equipment, experienced craftsmen.
Fastening of sheet materials - sandwich panels, rolls, mats can be done on your own.

To insulate the floor surface, there are also several ready-made solutions using loose, sheet, liquid building materials. They can be mounted directly on compacted soil. If necessary, installation of electrical or water systems "warm floor" is possible.

Important! No need to plan to insulate the hangar cheaply! First of all, insulation must be effective.

The method and materials are selected depending on the functionality of the building. When planning a thermal insulation system, ventilation, air conditioning, and other communication lines are provided. It is possible to achieve high efficiency of insulation only by competent calculation of the "pies" of insulation and strict adherence to building technologies.

Frame hangars have proved to be the most efficient and cost-effective buildings in many areas of life - from sporting events to grain storage. But the correct construction of the hangar is associated with many nuances, most of which are associated with the roof. It is the poor-quality roofing that most often causes the destruction of the hangar and the financial losses of its owner. Therefore, information about correct device roofs will be useful both for those who are going to build / buy a hangar, and for those who want to check the quality of the existing building.

Types of roofs in hangars

Depending on the features of the use of the hangar, the roof is made for it:

  • lean-to;
  • gable;
  • polygonal (gable broken line);
  • flat;
  • arched.

The choice of roof structure is also influenced by such factors as the material consumption of the product (and, accordingly, the price), climatic conditions region and location of the structure (permanent or mobile).

Gable roofs are often arranged over large-width hangars

Shed roof hangars

Shed roof hangars - the least material-intensive a budget option. In addition, they are built much faster than their counterparts. Straight-walled structures can be equipped with standard metal-plastic windows and doors, therefore they are universal in use. Such a building can house both a tire repair shop and a warehouse, a production line, trade pavilion. The shed roof is quite resistant to gusts of strong winds, therefore it is suitable for regions with strong wind loads.

With a span of 20 m, it is necessary to install at least one longitudinal row of supports under the roof structure

This roof structure requires the construction of additional supports along the central axis of the building, and with a large width - even in several rows. Therefore, shed roof hangars are not suitable for storing large-sized equipment.

Hangars with gable roof

Structures with a standard gable roof are considered the most reliable. They are able to effectively resist strong winds and are not afraid of a large layer of snow on the roof. The slope angle on both sides of the roof is most often the same (the roof is symmetrical) and ranges from 15 to 27 o. To improve aerodynamics and speed up the process of snow melting in some hangars, the corner is rounded on the ridge and when moving from the roof to the walls.

Hangar with rounded corners resists wind and snow loads better

A gable roof is built on:

The design of a gable roof is in demand when it is necessary to make a wide (up to 10 m) building without internal support pillars. Arched, flat and shed roofs even with a reinforced structure, they require the construction of supports on wide spans.

Due to their simple design, gable roof hangars are quickly manufactured and assembled, so they can be made mobile.

Hangars with a polygonal roof

Hangars with a broken or polygonal roof are used when the structure has very wide spans (about 30 m). Most often, exhibition complexes for large-sized products, workshops with production lines, aircraft storage facilities, and sports facilities look like this. For example, it is more reasonable to place an aircraft with a wingspan of 30 m and a height of 3 m in a wide and low building than in a hangar with more familiar proportions.

This sloping-roofed hangar houses a tennis court with grandstands for spectators.

Hangars with a polygonal roof are squat, the width of the building is usually 3-4 times its height. With such a width, a roof of another design would have turned out to be too high, which would have significantly worsened its resistance to wind loads. Specialists in the manufacture of hangar frames also emphasize that buildings with a polygonal roof have a lower material consumption than their counterparts with a gable or arched roof.

A hangar with a polygonal roof, although it looks squat, can accommodate fairly tall equipment

Hangars with arched roof

Hangars with an arched roof usually have low straight walls, over which a semicircular roof vault is built. Buildings of this type are most often used on the territory of livestock farms (for keeping large cattle) and agricultural complexes (for storing products from the fields).

It is convenient to store bulk agricultural products in the arched hangar

In recent years, arched hangars, which look like halves of huge pipes, have been gaining popularity. In such structures, the roof passes into the walls without joints, so they do not need a separate roof construction. But since it is impossible to place racks or equipment right next to the wall in them, hangars with straight walls will remain in demand for a long time.

Hangar insulation

The roof of the hangar can be insulated or remain cold. Since most of these buildings do not have a separate roof (there is only a common frame), the roof structure is most often insulated along with the walls.

Cold hangars are either temporary structures (placed for the season or assembled for a specific event), or buildings designed to store goods or house equipment with low requirements for temperature regime. Most often, hangars with awning (fabric) sheathing or structures with profiled sheet cladding are left without insulation.

When insulating hangars, the following methods are used:

  • spraying with polyurethane foam according to the finished structure;
  • lining with stone/slag wool inside/outside;
  • use in the construction of sandwich panels made of cotton wool and metal sheets.

Polyurethane foam spraying is one of the most popular methods of thermal insulation of hangars, which are operated in the cold season. Its main advantage is the ability to work on surfaces of any shape; it equally effectively insulates both arched and pitched roofs. In addition, the material is not afraid of rodents and fungi, which makes it the best option for agricultural warehouses.

A layer of polyurethane foam tightly overlaps the frame elements, preventing the appearance of cold bridges

Table: comparison of thermal conductivity of different types of heaters

The data given in the table indicate that polyurethane foam is three times more effective than mineral or stone wool. In addition, spraying technology allows you to create a uniform layer without joints, cracks, cold bridges and the need for an additional vapor, moisture and windproof membrane. As a result, insulation is carried out quickly and as efficiently as possible, which has a positive effect on the payback period of the hangar. Since the spraying method can be used on metal structures of any age (the material sticks well to the base and does not overload the structure), PPU is actively used to improve and reshape old hangars.

When insulating PPU, it is simply not necessary to make a special transition between the insulation and the window / door frame.

The disadvantage of polyurethane foam can only be considered the need for interior decoration of the room, since the material is soft and does not withstand either mechanical stress or ultraviolet radiation. But only sandwich panels surpass it in this indicator. Mineral wool and polystyrene also need protection.

Insulation of the roof of the hangar with cotton wool

Slag and stone wool is produced in rolls, so it is easy to work with them even at high altitudes, especially with external insulation of arched structures. These materials do not emit harmful binders when heated, so they can be safely used for thermal insulation of grain warehouses with metal sheathing (even if the region has a sharply continental climate with cold winter and hot summers).

When insulating an arched hangar with rolled mineral wool, the insulation does not even have to be cut

Since the thermal conductivity of stone wool is 0.077–0.12 W / (m ∙ o K), and for slag wool it can reach 0.48 W / (m ∙ o K), these materials need to be insulated with foil material (reflective film, foil with foam layer). Such a tandem will enhance the heat-insulating properties of wool and protect it from water vapor. When the frame is insulated from the outside, the foil can be placed “face inward” and thus save on the decorative lining of the hangar roof. On the walls, you usually have to make a crate and close soft material OSB, plywood, chipboard. A properly equipped cake made of cotton wool and hydro / vapor barriers can retain up to 95% of heat.

When applied wet, ecowool adheres well to profiled sheets and without the inner lining of the hangar

In food hangars, ecowool (cellulose wool) is often used - a safer analogue of stone wool. Its thermal conductivity is 0.037–0.042 W / (m ∙ o K), which is comparable to extruded polystyrene foam. Due to the content of borax in cotton wool, it is fireproof and can be used in hangars with an increased risk of fire. But ecowool, like mineral wool, should be protected from moisture by equipping membranes on walls and ceilings.

Unlike mineral wool, ecowool can restore its properties after getting wet. To do this, it is sufficient to provide constant inflow air to the wet heat insulator. This property is used in the wet method of applying ecowool.

Depending on the form of release, ecowool can be rolled, sprayed with individual fibers (like polyurethane foam) and covered with flakes. In the third case, a cavity is left between the outer and inner skin of the hangar, which is stuffed with insulation flakes. Since for this the inner lining is assembled in stages and it takes a lot of time to install it, this technique is rarely used to insulate hangars. Spraying in such buildings is more appropriate.

Hangar roof made of sandwich panels

Sandwich panels are multilayer blocks that allow you to assemble insulated hangars as a constructor. As a rule, they consist of:

Since all layers are glued with a polyurethane compound, the insulation used in the panels does not need additional moisture insulation. Sandwich sizes can be matched to the frame of the building (or vice versa - choose the panels and calculate the metal frame for them), which makes the assembly of the building as simple and fast as possible. At the same time, construction can be carried out at any temperature, even in winter. Walls, roofs and ceilings made of this material are perfectly even thanks to the ideal geometry of each product and careful fitting of the fragments to each other.

On the other hand, SIPs (structural insulating panels) need especially careful sealing of the joints, because frost will pass through any gap right into the hangar. In addition, they can only be used for hangars with a strict geometric shape.

Hangar roofing device

The roof of a standard metal hangar consists of trusses and girders connecting them. These structures form a roof on which roofing and insulation material is laid. When it is necessary to reduce the distance between the girders, save or provide a gap between the frame and the roof, wooden girders are used, which are attached to the trusses with connector brackets.

The frame of the hangar consists of several transverse trusses connected by longitudinal girders

If the hangar remains cold, corrugated sheets are mounted on the frame front side up. For an insulated roof, you will need to create a roofing pie from:

  • corrugated board face down ( interior decoration and at the same time the basis for insulation);
  • heat-insulating material (in rolls, plates or sprayed);
  • corrugated board face up (decorative roof trim).

If mineral wool is used as insulation, it must be protected on both sides with hydro / vapor barrier membranes. During installation, it is important to prevent the formation of cracks and cold bridges.

For sheathing the walls and roof of the insulated hangar, a structure made of insulation is used, protected by a profiled sheet on both sides.

How to make a roof for a hangar with your own hands

Building a hangar is much easier than building a house and even a bathhouse. Therefore, if you have a similar experience, sheathing the roof of the hangar will not be a problem. But there are some nuances when choosing materials and implementing ideas.

What material to choose for the roof of the hangar

For sheathing the roof of the hangar are used:

  • sandwich panels. We have already talked about the advantages and disadvantages of these products in the section on insulation. They are chosen mainly when it is necessary to equip a warm roof in a short time, as well as to facilitate work during construction with their own hands. But if there is even the slightest doubt about the correct geometry of the foundation and frame, it is worth abandoning the sandwich panels. There are cases when the roof let water through due to the loose connection of the panels, because the height of the supporting pillars of the foundation differed by 1–2 mm;

    Using such long sandwich panels, you can minimize the number of joints

  • PVC awnings. They are used only for non-insulated temporary hangars. The main advantage of sheathing in the form of a cover is quick installation, which allows you to make the hangar as mobile as possible. If you need a hangar that will be set up for 1-2 weeks during the harvest or for 1-2 days for sports matches, you should choose an awning. Due to its low weight, it can be placed on a lightweight frame, which will significantly save on purchase. In addition, with occasional use, PVC fabric will serve for many years;

    PVC awning can be used for sheathing and walls and roof of a temporary hangar

  • profiled metal sheets (profiled). When you need a permanent insulated hangar, choose corrugated board. The service life of this material is 50 years or more, in addition, it provides additional structural rigidity (due to wavy bends of the sheet). Since the weight of the sheets is small, when building a small hangar with your own hands, the crate for corrugated board can be made of wood and thus save on expensive metal pipes. Profiled sheets are combined with all types of heat insulators, so you will not have problems with roof insulation.

    Flexible corrugated board can sheathe any curved structures

More expensive and heavier materials are not used for arranging the roof of the hangar, as this inevitably leads to an increase in the cost of the frame and the entire structure as a whole. Practice has confirmed that corrugated board and awning fabric are the best and most cost-effective options for sheathing for a hangar.

Building a roof for a hangar step by step

Consider the process using the example of a hangar with a gable roof. Keep in mind that they start working with the roof after installing all the supporting columns, their vertical ligaments and struts (runs). A roof is mounted from ready-made trusses, which are welded and painted in advance (in production or at home with their own hands). It is very important that the trusses are exactly the same, otherwise small differences will cause difficulties during installation and joining of the sheathing sheets.

Installation of the roof can begin only after all the necessary elements of the frame have been assembled.

To securely connect the trusses to the supporting columns, you will need a crane and specialists in high-altitude work. For the safety of people, use strong scaffolding and safety ropes.

  1. Raise the truss above the base of the hangar and orient it so that when lowered, the lower part of the truss lies exactly on the supporting heel of the supporting column.

    Such wide trusses are installed immediately on four support columns

  2. Check the correct location of the laid truss with building level. If necessary, ask the crane operator to lift the structure and correct its position.

    To work with metal structures, it is worth purchasing a magnetic level

  3. Grab the truss to the heels with a welding machine or bolt it (preferably on both sides at the same time). Make sure the metal is not twisted and the truss keeps the correct horizontal and vertical orientation. Make an even seam.

    In order for the connection to be strong and reliable, it is necessary to make an even weld

  4. Place the rest of the trusses on each of the supporting columns.

    For light construction, trusses without reinforcement can be used

  5. Connect the trusses to each other with runs from pipes of the same profile that were used for the frame. Make sure that the run in the ridge area is exactly along the long central axis of the hangar.

    After installing all the farms, they must be connected with horizontal runs

  6. After welding, remove the formed slag on the seams and apply a paint with an anti-rust effect.

    To cover the frame, you must use paint intended for outdoor use.

In the same way, polygonal, arched and shed roofs are mounted on metal hangars.

Video: construction of a metal frame for a small hangar

Sheathing with corrugated board of the arched roof of the hangar

Necessary tools and materials:

  • cordless screwdriver with a spare battery;
  • self-tapping screws with rubber / polyurethane sealing washers;
  • building level for checking horizontals, verticals and angles;
  • electric or conventional metal shears for cutting corrugated board / sandwich panels (do not use a grinder, the material is afraid of overheating).

To complete a task:

  1. Clip on metal frame sheet of metal face inward.

    The corrugated board is fastened with special roofing screws with sealed rubber washers.

  2. Place a wind and vapor barrier on top of the metal, carefully glue the seams with tape.

    Membrane joints are fixed with staples if possible.

  3. Place two layers of mineral wool sheets in the prepared cells with an offset of half the length of the block.

    The displacement of mineral wool blocks allows you to qualitatively insulate the seams

  4. Cover the insulation with a waterproofing membrane and seal the seams. Fasten over the metal crate wooden bars to provide ventilation clearance.

    For roof waterproofing, you can use a superdiffusion membrane that will let steam through from the side of the insulation

  5. Sew up the roof with corrugated board face up.

    For the outer skin of the hangar, you can use corrugated board of any color.

When installing the roof sheathing, use shoes with soft soles.

Video: lining the arched roof of the hangar with a profiled sheet

Installation of a pitched roof of a hangar from sandwich panels

Panel manufacturers emphasize that the product has a high windage, so you can work with them only on fine days with wind gusts of no more than 9 m / s. The temperature during installation should not fall below +4 ° C, otherwise it will not be possible to seal the joints with high quality.

Preparation for installation:

  • Read the technical documentation and recommendations of the panel manufacturer and strictly adhere to the described rules. Please note that for the installation of standard panels, the batten spacing should be 0.8 m, and the distance from the edge - 0.6 m;
  • Check the slope of the roof, it should be 5-7 degrees depending on the presence of rooflights and dormer windows. If necessary, correct the slope by placing wooden wedges of the desired length on top of the trusses;
  • Check the horizontality and verticality of the frame elements, the absence of corrosion on the metal, the performance of the tools used.

Let's get to work:

  1. Raise the panel onto the roof with a crane, taking care not to damage the locking joints. If using long panels - make some support belts from lines. Remove from panel protective film, check that there are no film fragments on the panel.

    Before installation, it is necessary to remove the protective film from all surfaces of the sandwich panel

  2. Install the panel in place and secure it to the crate special self-tapping screws. Adjust the tightening torque so that the sealing washer fits snugly against the casing, but does not deform. The minimum distance from the self-tapping screw to the edge of the panel is 5 cm.

    It is advisable to choose a self-tapping screw head to match the facing profiled sheet

  3. Dock the following panels with those already installed clearly along the lock, avoiding cracks and distortions. Fasten the end panels to the girders through the stiffening ribs protruding on the panels.

    For longitudinal connection of sandwiches, it is necessary to use the longest self-tapping screws

  4. Fill joints between panels mounting foam from a spray can or a special silicone sealant that does not contain acid (the usual one deteriorates from the sun and blackens from the fungus).

    The metal ridge is mounted with self-tapping screws of medium length

  5. Mount the ridge strip - the finishing part of the roof.

If, during assembly, all the gaps are carefully foamed and the sandwich panels are not skewed, the roof will last at least 25 years.

Video: how to cut sandwich panels

Hangar roof repair

As already mentioned, the roof is one of the most vulnerable parts of the hangar, so it is she who has to be repaired most often. Consider the most common roofing problems.

Hire experienced industrial climbers to repair the roof of the hangar.

Roof leak

The ingress of water into the roofing pie not only leads to damage to the materials or equipment stored inside, but also destroys the roof itself. Metal parts begin to rust, and when wet, cotton wool loses its heat-insulating properties and rots.

If the leak is noticed in only one place, a spot repair can be performed. If water passes through the seam of the sandwich panel, it should be expanded and the condition of the insulation and corrugated board should be assessed. In cases where they did not have time to suffer, the joint is resealed according to the technology described above and sealed with a polymer tape. If the panel is severely damaged, a fragment is cut out of it or the sandwich is completely replaced. After that, the joints are also sealed. If the roof is damaged from corrugated board with insulation, it is also possible to build a patch according to the described algorithm.

Thanks to the PVC awning, the hangar not only does not leak, but also looks more aesthetically pleasing

If there are a lot of leaks, they can be eliminated by covering the hangar with a PVC fabric awning. Thanks to the welded connection of the seams, it will not let water through even in the worst weather. Since the awning does not allow air to pass through, during installation it is necessary to ensure a tight joint between the fabric and the elements protruding from the roof ventilation system. This technology is best suited for non-insulated hangars, as well as structures insulated with a waterproof thermal insulator. If, however, stone or glass wool was used during the arrangement of the hangar, after the leak is eliminated, it will be necessary to disassemble the inner lining and replace the insulation (ecowool can simply be dried).

Truss deformation

The load-bearing elements of the frame begin to sag after heavy snow loads if:

  • for sheathing, a heavier material was used than originally planned;
  • High-quality repair of hangar trusses can only be carried out using lifting equipment

    To fix this problem, you will need to strengthen the frame, eliminate all damaged fragments, carry out welding and painting work. This task is for a team of specialists who are able to carry out architectural calculations, measure the level of metal fatigue, and carry out high-quality repairs. In difficult cases, it may be necessary to dismantle and completely replace some trusses and runs. You should not do this on your own, because without proper buildings and equipment you will not be able to ensure not only the durability of the corrected frame, but also your own safety.

    We hope that the information provided will help you adequately assess your capabilities and skills and avoid mistakes when arranging the roof of the hangar. If you have doubts about your own abilities, order a hangar from professionals, because now you can control the quality of their work.