Crate for warming a timber house. The correct method of external insulation of a house from a bar

  • 20.06.2020

New walls made of timber have good heat-saving characteristics. Their insulation consists in caulking the interventional seams. Additional thermal insulation is required after a few years when cracks appear and the building shrinks. When building a house, first of all, attention should be paid to the insulation of the roof, floors, windows and doors.

How to insulate a house from a bar: materials

All heaters can be divided into vapor-permeable and vapor-tight.

For warming wooden structures vapor-permeable materials are required. Their use allows you to effectively remove excess moisture from the walls.

The classic representative of vapor-permeable insulation for a house made of timber is mineral wool based on:

  • fiberglass
  • slag
  • natural stone

The disadvantage of mineral wool is a large water absorption and a decrease in performance when wet. The best choice for insulation wooden houses is stone wool - the most environmentally friendly material.

Vapor-proof materials are used for insulation stone walls and cement floors. When used for thermal insulation of wooden surfaces, measures must be taken to ventilate the wood.

Vapor-tight heaters include:

  • Styrofoam
  • Extruded polystyrene foam
  • Sprayed thermal insulation
  • Folgoizol
  • Other sheet and roll materials

A special type of heat-insulating materials for wooden houses are interventional heaters.

These include:

  • Moss is a natural material with a thermal conductivity of 0.04 W / (m ºС) and antiseptic properties, protects wood from the formation of fungus and rot. Disadvantages - the complexity of harvesting and laying, the need for re-caulking after drying and fire hazard
  • Hemp and linen tow has a thermal conductivity of 0.047 W / (m ºС), is supplied in bales, and is used to insulate gaps between logs, around windows and doors. Tow has the same disadvantages as moss
  • Tape heaters based on jute and flax have a thermal conductivity coefficient of 0.034 W / (m ºС). Their use greatly speeds up the work. Jute insulation is moisture resistant. The best performance has a tape insulation, consisting of jute and flax fibers in various proportions.

Thermal insulation of timber walls

Preference should be given to external insulation, because in this case:

  • Creates optimal conditions for ventilation of the walls
  • The useful volume of the building is not reduced
  • Reduces the chance of water droplets forming on inner surface walls

Facade insulation

Work is performed as follows:

  1. Remove areas affected by rot and mold
  2. Cover the surface of the walls with antiseptic compounds
  3. Caulk gaps between the bars, around windows and doors
  4. Of the rails with a width equal to the thickness of the insulation, a horizontal crate is made, while the distance between the rails is taken 2 cm less than the width of the plates stone wool
  5. A heater is inserted between the rails, installation is carried out in 2-3 layers with a shift of the joints
  6. The insulation is closed with a windproof membrane, the joints of the film are sealed with adhesive tape
  7. A vertical one is nailed to the bars of the horizontal lathing, it serves as the basis for facing materials and provides a gap for ventilation of the thermal insulation layer.
  8. Covering building facades

When warming, the following rules are observed:

  • The bars of the crates are impregnated with an antiseptic;
  • Stone wool slabs are inserted by surprise, there should be no gaps between them
  • The windproof membrane is hung with the rough side inward.
  • For fixing finishing materials, galvanized nails or self-tapping screws are used.

Lining, imitation timber, siding, block house, OSB and other sheet materials can be used as finishing materials.

Simultaneously with the thermal insulation of the walls, the basement of the building should be insulated. For this, it is appropriate to use PSB-35 foam. Its sheets are attached directly to the stone plinth using cement-based glue and dowel umbrellas.

  • The surface is puttied, sinking a reinforced mesh into the putty and plastered
  • On top of the insulation, a vertical crate is made to which plates of artificial or natural stone, stone or brick effect siding panels

Internal wall insulation

When insulating wooden walls from the inside, difficulties arise associated with their ventilation.

One of the ways to solve the problem is to create a gap between the wall and the insulation using a crate.

In this case, conditions must be created for the movement of air in the resulting space. In this case, materials with any vapor impermeability can be used for wall insulation.

At internal insulation it is appropriate to use materials coated with a heat-reflecting foil-based film.

The foil reflects infrared rays that freely penetrate any other insulation. Therefore, such thermal insulation is especially effective near heating devices, for example, between radiators and a wall.

Floor insulation

Thermal insulation of wooden floors is carried out with mineral wool slabs with a density of 120 kg / m 3 or foam plastic PSB 25, inserted between the lags. Previously, a waterproofing film is hung under the lags.

To insulate floors under a cement screed, PSB-35 foam is used. A layer of waterproofing is laid on the base, foam plates are laid and a cement screed is made. Lay on top flooring. When heating according to the warm floor method in a layer cement screed pipes are laid.

Roof insulation

The thermal insulation of the roof of a house made of insulated timber is usually performed with stone wool slabs located between the rafters. From the side of the roof, the insulation is protected by a membrane, from the side of the attic - by a vapor barrier film.

When building a roof from sip-panels, there is no need for insulation.

Roofing sip-panel consists of two OSB sheet, between which a foam plastic 200 mm thick is laid. Panels are laid on wooden base and connected with bars inserted into the grooves at their ends.

If the attic is not heated, insulate the floors. To do this, vapor barrier materials are laid on the ceilings, and a heater is placed on top, between the beams. The type of thermal insulation can be any, including bulk.

So, the house from the timber was externally designed, we proceed to the internal design. You can get acquainted with popular materials for decoration inside the house.

Video about the insulation of a wooden house

When arranging their own private house, many people are wondering how to insulate a house from a bar from the outside. This is due to the fact that most modern buildings are made on the basis of quality wood, but their thermal insulation properties leave much to be desired. To ensure a good microclimate in a log house, you need to increase the thickness of the walls, but not everyone is ready to sacrifice aesthetic appeal for the sake of warmth.

Features of warming a log house from the outside

And there is no point in taking such drastic measures. If you apply the correct methods of insulating timber structures, the question effective thermal insulation will be resolved promptly. You can warm the room both outside and inside. Today we will deal with the topic: “How to insulate a house from a bar outside and how to do such a procedure with your own hands”.

Fortunately, these days there is a wide variety of educational videos and additional material that will make the set of upcoming events easier and faster. If you have the desire and time, you can insulate your room in at its best. So, first things first.

Do-it-yourself insulation of a log house from the outside

Many wooden houses do not have a sufficiently large wall thickness, therefore, it is difficult for them to endure the harsh Russian winters with severe frosts and strong winds . Even high-quality sealing of all cracks in the log house is unable to improve the thermal insulation properties of the building.

Therefore, so that the house does not freeze under the influence of extremely low temperatures and maintains optimal temperature regime, it is necessary to insulate it from the outside. Arrange good system thermal insulation is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. Today you can find a wide range of different thermal insulation solutions built to very simple technologies, which allows you to carry out a number of measures to warm the house without special skills or abilities.

And to simplify the task ahead, you can watch a lot of training videos with a detailed explanation of each step.

Proper outdoor insulation log house implies the application different materials. The main thing is that they meet the following requirements:

  • had excellent fire resistance and were not exposed to high temperatures;
  • have low thermal conductivity;
  • were environmentally friendly and did not emit toxic substances during operation;
  • had good thermal insulation performance;
  • did not accumulate moisture;
  • passed from the room various escaping fumes;
  • differed in good noise-insulating indicators.

As for external insulation, this method has many advantages, namely:

  • the possibility of a quick transformation or renovation of the house;
  • reduction of fuel costs due to improved thermal insulation;
  • security effective protection from any external factors: noise, moisture, dampness;
  • significant savings in free space;

If you follow some instructions, study photos and videos from detailed guide for insulation, the upcoming procedure will be completed much faster and more productively than expected. Experienced experts advise paying attention to such subtleties:

  • when installing insulation, you can not leave this material on the street under open sky. If it is exposed to rain, it is likely that its heat-shielding performance will deteriorate greatly. Therefore, store the insulation in a warm, well-ventilated and dry place;
  • laying the bars of a horizontal crate with a step less than the width of the insulation by 15 millimeters, you can refuse to use fasteners;
  • when laying the insulation, be sure to follow the safety rules and use personal protective equipment. These include a respirator, gloves, goggles.

Proper installation of insulation in houses made of glued laminated timber implies use of three main methods:

  1. arrangement of a hinged ventilated facade;
  2. the use of foam as a heater;
  3. spraying walls with polyurethane, for which it is necessary to use special equipment.

According to experts, it is most expedient to apply hinged ventilated facade method, because it has many advantages, including:

What materials will be the most effective in insulating the walls of houses from glued laminated timber

Today, there are many excellent heaters with high thermal insulation properties and durable construction. Among the most popular are:

  • fiberglass;
  • mineral wool;
  • basalt mats;
  • expanded polystyrene and others.

Each of the aforementioned heaters has its pros and cons. They also differ in the method and features of installation, so before you opt for a particular offer, you should make sure that you can install it yourself without the help of a specialist. The main thing is that the selected material meets all the requirements of quality and safety.

A good insulation for the walls of a house made of glued laminated timber should have:

  1. excellent thermal insulation;
  2. incombustibility;
  3. moisture resistance;
  4. the ability to effectively prevent heat transfer between inside indoor and outdoor;
  5. environmental safety.

How to insulate a house from a bar. How to properly insulate

Insulation of a house from a bar - process is painstaking and responsible. But if you take into account all the "pitfalls" in advance, weigh the "pros" and "cons" of each heater, the upcoming procedure will be performed without the slightest difficulty.

It should be noted that today the most popular material for insulating walls made of glued laminated timber from the outside is mineral wool. Its plates have small dimensions, due to which the additional load on the structural parts of the room is significantly reduced. In addition, this option is very cheap, perfectly retains heat indoors and prevents the penetration of atmospheric moisture inside. Also, mineral wool is famous for its incombustibility, and due to its softness and elasticity, it quickly acquires the necessary shape and does not form bridges during installation, while remaining resistant to thermal deformations.

Installation of insulation can be carried out under a block house or with the help of plastic siding, which is used to sheathe the walls of the house from the outside. Complex installation work on warming the house can be divided into several separate stages. Let's talk about each of them in more detail.

vapor barrier

Before proceeding with the installation of insulation, it is necessary to ensure effective system vapor barrier. At this stage, you can use aluminum foil, vapor barrier film or roofing material. The procedure ensures good ventilation properties facade under the film and involves the installation of vertical rails with a thickness of 2.5 centimeters at a distance of one meter from one another. After that, a vapor barrier layer is installed on the underlying rails on the entire surface. Holes with a diameter of 20 millimeters are made between the base rails for successful ventilation..

The presence of such a system will prevent the penetration of atmospheric moisture inside and the accumulation of internal moisture under the film, which can cause decay wooden wall. To fix such a vapor barrier, nails or staples are used, and the attachment points are sealed with adhesive tape to protect them from water penetration.

Mounting the frame for effective thermal insulation. Laying thermal insulation

In order for the final result from the insulation of the walls of a timber house to be as successful as possible, pay attention to such a mandatory procedure as mounting the frame. As a frame, you can use high-quality boards with a width of 100 millimeters and a thickness of 40-50 millimeters, which are mounted on the wall vertically on the edge. The distance between the boards should not be less than the width of the insulation.

The beam is attached to the facade with self-tapping screws. During installation, it is necessary to control the position of the beam using a level or plumb line. If the crate is uneven, the installation of the cladding at the final stage will be ineffective.

To prevent the appearance of gaps between the boards, mineral wool is installed very tightly. Material with a thickness of 50 millimeters is laid in two layers, using semi-rigid, elastic plates with a density of 80-120 kilograms per cubic meter. In this case, the plates hold perfectly between the frame boards and do not slip during operation.

After completing the installation of thermal insulation, you should proceed to laying a waterproofing film, which is designed to pass steam and retain water. The film is laid on a heat-insulating layer and nailed with staples or nails from the frame. When joining the film, it is necessary to leave at least 5-10 centimeters of overlap, and cover the formed joints with self-adhesive tape.

Laying the second layer of the frame

Stuffed on the frame of the heat-insulating layer slats 50 millimeters wide and up to 3 centimeters thick. This step allows free circulation of air between the cladding and the vapor barrier to prevent the formation of condensate that appears on the waterproofing layer. The resulting space is covered with a dense metal mesh to prevent the penetration of insects and rodents.

As for the outer cladding, in most cases it only plays a decorative role, so it's up to you to decide what material will be used for cladding. The main thing is that it meets your design requirements and complements the overall style concept. As a facing material, you can use wooden lining, and plastic siding or any other material.

Ready-made heaters

It is no secret that recently on the market you can find a lot of ready-made heaters for effective thermal insulation of walls made of glued laminated timber. They are manufactured to the highest standards and high technology. The most popular of them is the famous Penoplex”, which is produced by a Russian company. The material is offered in the form of soft and high-quality thermal insulation boards, which are an effective form of foamed extruded polystyrene foam created using a special technology.

Such panels are famous for their high resistance to external influences, durability and long service life. They are able to prevent the penetration of moisture, dampness, bacteria, mold and other microorganisms into the premises, providing the right microclimate and comfortable conditions residence. Now Penoplex is a new word in the world of domestically produced heat-insulating structures.

When purchasing housing from a massive bar, for example, 150x150 mm or more, users believe that they have chosen a fairly warm material. However, in practice, it turns out that even such structures made of natural material need additional processing. We have to decide how to properly insulate a house from a bar from the outside, and what materials to use.

If you do not use the correct additional insulation, then the outer walls to ensure quality protection in this case, they should have a thickness of 350-400 mm. Otherwise, the degree of insulation will be insufficient for a comfortable stay, even if all seams are reliably caulked. With a thin wall, with a significant decrease in temperature, even the beams themselves will begin to freeze.

Objective factors

Today, the insulation of a log house from the outside is not a difficult enough problem, since the market is full of all kinds of materials for such work. Most of the operations can be done by hand, guided by simple step-by-step instructions. To do this, you can use the presented text or video materials.

Before warming up log house, you need to know the positive and negative aspects of the process. The main advantages include:

  • increases the efficiency of use heating systems;
  • the outer surface of a log house receives additional protection from external adverse phenomena;
  • the owner of the house gets the opportunity to give the facade individuality;
  • the room does not take up space.

The disadvantages of processing outside the timber building include the inability to control aging building material. In this case, you must comply mounting technologies to ensure the durability of the building and preserve the wood even without visual control.

When installing thermal insulation, you need a clear understanding of the technology in order to exclude premature aging of wood.

When choosing a finishing material, it is worth paying attention to its physical and chemical characteristics, which must satisfy the operational parameters:

  • external insulation of a house made of timber should be as fireproof as possible;
  • environmentally friendly materials are used;
  • minimum values ​​of thermal conductivity;
  • the material must block the release of heat;
  • the structure of the insulation should not accumulate moisture;
  • steam capacity is provided;
  • the presence of soundproofing characteristics.

VIDEO: How to cheaply and quickly insulate a house outside

Features of warming a log house from the outside

It must be taken into account that the better it is to insulate a house from a bar from the outside, the less money you will need to spend on heating. You should also follow certain rules that contribute to obtaining the desired result. For example, insulation materials cannot be long time leave it outside, as possible precipitation helps to moisten it. This negatively affects the heat-shielding properties.

In some cases, the crate is placed horizontally with a step that is 12-15 mm less than the width of the material. In this case, it is allowed not to use additional fasteners, since the mineral wool block or other material will be held on its own.

The operation is carried out in one of the following ways:

  • a hinged ventilated facade is formed;
  • using a special installation, spraying with polyurethane is carried out;
  • sheets of modern polystyrene are involved.

How to insulate a house from a bar from the outside, each owner chooses for himself. The cost of work and materials, as well as their durability and efficiency, are taken into account.

The most acceptable option is to use the hinged ventilated facade method.

Its advantages are the characteristics:

  • high installation speed;
  • a large selection of modern high-quality materials for insulating the walls of a timber house;
  • the service life is guaranteed by the manufacturer up to several decades;
  • reduction of heating costs;
  • if in this way the log house is insulated from the outside, then the dew point will move beyond the dimensions of the tree.

Use of materials

The most popular materials for external wall protection are:

  • cotton wool from basalt;
  • fiberglass material;
  • mineral wool;
  • expanded polystyrene.

Due to the complex of positive properties, mineral wool is often used. Due to its minimal weight, it does not create a significant load on the walls and foundation. Financial expenses it is also not high. At the same time, it perfectly retains heat and is not a combustible material. Due to the lack of compaction, cold bridges are not created, and its physical parameters are resistant to thermal deformation of a wooden structure.

Often, insulation is carried out according to the type of block house. The outer part is covered with plastic siding decor. Installation includes several steps.

Step by step instructions for home insulation

At the first stage, a vapor barrier is provided for the system. You will need a large area of ​​polyethylene, aluminum foil, rolls of roofing material, vapor barrier film. A vertical rack frame of bars 2.5 cm thick is attached to the walls, forming a grid with a step of 1 m. An oilcloth is stuffed on top of it for vapor barrier. Windows 15 mm in diameter are formed between the base rails to prevent the accumulation of moisture.

It is recommended to hide the places where the film is fixed with nails or staples with adhesive tape to protect the fasteners from moisture.

The second stage of insulation of a timber house consists of the formation of a frame for insulation. Here you will need boards with a section of 100x50 mm or 100x40 mm. Stuffing is carried out vertically on the edge. Since it is necessary to insulate a house from a bar without gaps, we select the distance between the ribs so that it is 1.5-2.0 cm less than the width of the insulation.

The fastening of the beam is carried out with self-tapping screws. We ensure verticality and correctness of installation with the help of a plumb line and a hydraulic level.

At the third step, we carry out a dense laying of the insulating material, eliminating cracks and gaps. If cotton wool 50 mm thick is used, then we put it in two layers. It is recommended to stock up on elastic semi-rigid boards having a density of 80-120 kg/m3. This insulation for housing is well kept in a wooden lattice.

The fourth step requires the creation of waterproofing. For this layer, a waterproofing film is used. She is obliged to release steam, but retain water. At the docking points, an overlap of about 10 cm is created, which must be sealed with self-adhesive (film).

A frame of slats with a section of 50x30 or 50x25 mm is stuffed over the waterproofing. Thus, an air gap is formed, which contributes to drying from condensate. The layer must be covered with a metal fine mesh. She is reliable protection from rodents.

The outer layer performs a decorative function. It can be made from both plastic and lining. Such siding is selected based on the preferences of the owner of the house.

VIDEO: Rockwool - wall insulation from the outside under siding

Features of working with foam

For novice masters, this option of thermal insulation is preferable, since it does not require special skills, and the speed of work is high.

Among the advantages it is worth noting:

  • low price for the material;
  • siding can be attached directly to the material without crates;
  • retains heat well;
  • does not absorb water, therefore it does not freeze.

Among the disadvantages:

  • combustibility;
  • does not allow air to pass through, condensate accumulates under the layers, the walls from the inside can rot and become moldy.

The problem with vapor permeability can be solved by ventilation gaps and the installation of a high-quality membrane. As for flammability, it is worth choosing extruded polystyrene foam, which contains flame retardants. This material will also burn, but much more slowly, and small foci will fade.

Modern Russian insulation

Domestic development for sheltering the outer walls of a timber house is new material"Penoplex". It is offered to customers in the form of plates and is an extruded polystyrene foam.

Penoplex is ideal for the changeable Russian climate

A distinctive quality of the insulation is sufficient mechanical strength and excellent water-repellent properties. It does not develop molds or bacteria. The material can be laid both vertically and horizontally, and plastering is allowed on top of the outside.

VIDEO: The most common and gross mistake in wall insulation

How warm can a log house be? Wood is quite rightly considered a warm material, giving good protection by cold. In fact, wood is about five times warmer than brick, foam concrete - 2-3 times. But what happens in practice and how to make the house really warm?

Heat engineering issues

In order for the house to be warm, it is necessary that its walls and other enclosing structures have a certain resistance to heat transfer. In accordance with SNiP 23-02-2003 heat transfer resistance external walls residential premises is determined depending on the locality.

For example, in the Moscow region, according to new standards, this figure should not be less than 3.13 K m 2 /W. A 150 mm thick wall made of pine timber has a thermal resistance of about 1.25. With a thickness of 200 mm - approximately 1.6 K m 2 / W. In any case, the heat-shielding qualities of a timber wall do not reach modern requirements, although they are quite within the standards in force for buildings built before 2000.

From this we can conclude that in order for a house made of logs to meet modern ideas about minimum energy efficiency, it is necessary to insulate it, and for this there are various materials.

How to insulate a house from a bar?

Before starting work on the insulation of walls from a bar, you need to understand what happens in the thickness of the wall, how it works for heat saving.

In addition to the temperature difference on the inner and outer surfaces of the wall, one must not forget about the difference in humidity. Inside the air humidity is always higher than outside. Steam penetrates into the pores of the wood and moves in the direction of lower partial pressure - to the outer surface.

Most effective method insulation - external thermal insulation. With this method, the wall always remains warm and is not affected by frost destruction. But it is very important that the insulation is sufficiently permeable to steam. High wall humidity can quickly lead to wooden house into disrepair, and inside to create a very unpleasant, pathogenic microclimate.

Among modern heat-insulating materials, mineral wool is the best vapor-permeable material. For comparison, we can bring the vapor permeability of wood and various heaters.

  • Pine across the fibers - 0.06 mg / (m h Pa).
  • Styrofoam (expanded polystyrene) - 0.05 mg / (m h Pa).
  • EPPS - 0.013 mg / (m h Pa).
  • Mineral wool - 0.5 mg / (m h Pa).

From the data presented, it is clear that best material mineral wool is used to insulate a house from a bar on the outside. The advantage of vapor permeability is so great that it outweighs not the lowest cost of mineral wool.

The best conditions for moisture removal are created by a ventilated facade, in which an air gap of 20-50 mm thick remains between the insulation and the outer cladding. It should have air inlet at the bottom and outlet at the top. In this case, a constant air flow is created in the gap, which prevents moisture from accumulating.

To prevent transverse diffusion of air into the insulation, it is closed with a windproof membrane, which does not prevent steam from escaping, but increases the efficiency of thermal insulation. For external cladding, you can use vinyl siding, blockhouse or other suitable material.

Warming step by step

How to insulate a house from a bar: it is possible to cover a new bar house with thermal insulation only after it has completely shrunk. In any case, the insulation of walls from a bar must begin with surface preparation. It is necessary to remove the moss, clean the areas damaged by rot or mold, treat the walls with an antiseptic and caulk the cracks.

The next step is the installation of the crate. It can be made from wooden bars of a suitable section, or from metal wall profiles for drywall. Profiles are installed vertically, every 40 - 50 cm.

First you need to fix the base profile, limiting hinged facade from below. Then brackets are attached to the wall with a step along the profiles of the crate of no more than 80 cm.

After that, thermal insulation slabs are laid on the wall, starting from the base. The plates of the brackets pass through the plates through the slots made in them. Then, in the same way, a windproof membrane is laid on the slabs. On top of the membrane, you need to install umbrella fasteners that will fix the insulation. It is important that the length of the brackets allows you to install the crate with the necessary clearance between the insulation and the cladding.

A crate is mounted on the insulated wall. The profiles are placed on the base profile, set vertically and fastened to the brackets with self-tapping screws or detachable rivets. In this case, not only the vertical of each profile is controlled, but also their alignment in a common plane. Everywhere you need to use only galvanized fasteners.

After installing the crate, the cladding is mounted. It is important that the ventilation gap remains open at the bottom and top, and also that it does not form dead zones under window sills. In addition, it is very important that all kinds of folds or irregularities of the insulation do not block the vertical air flow.

Calculation of the thickness of the insulation

When calculating the thickness of the insulation, it is necessary to take into account the thermal resistance of the wall from the timber in order to bring the total resistance of the wall to the required value. It is better to take the thickness with a margin in order to compensate for the influence of cold bridges and the possible deterioration of thermal insulation qualities at high humidity.

Mineral wool Hotrock

So how to insulate a log house from the outside. Mineral wool Hotrock is European-class basalt thermal insulation. The range includes boards of different densities, designed for insulation of a wide variety of structures, including ventilated facades. Depending on the features of a particular object, you can choose plates with a density of 35 to 90 kg / m 3. The thermal conductivity of all slabs in the dry state fluctuates around 0.035 - 0.038 W / m K. A 50 mm thick slab is equivalent in thermal resistance to a 150 mm thick pine beam.

Basalt wool is completely non-combustible, does not retain moisture, is not damaged by rodents and insects, fungi and mold do not develop in it. By the sum of its qualities, it is recognized as the best material for wall insulation.

Owners of private houses made of timber do not think about comfort in the cold season so often, because wooden rooms are warm enough, although they lose heat over time.

Nevertheless, sooner or later, insulation work will become a necessity, and we advise you to thoroughly prepare in order to ensure the insulation of a house from a bar with your own hands without any problems.

Timely thermal insulation will reduce the cost of electricity and gas, so let's look at the main stages of this process and watch a video on how to insulate a log house from the outside.

Advantages and possibilities of thermal insulation of the facade

Warming a wooden house from a bar is a simple process that does not require specific skills. Moreover, it has several advantages:

  • in parallel, you can transform the facade of your house;
  • reducing the thermal conductivity of the room will reduce your heating costs;
  • walls will be protected not only from the cold, but also from other seasonal factors;
  • do not have to carry out additional interior decoration to keep warm.

There are several options for insulating a timber house from the outside. Foam boards or polyurethane foam spraying can help you with this.

But the most common is a hinged ventilated facade, which involves the use of a heat insulator and outer cladding. Proper insulation houses made of timber will protect you from the cold for a long time and will even help to mask outside noise.

Let's discuss its technology and find out what materials are needed to insulate a log house from the outside with your own hands.

External insulation of wooden houses

When fixing the insulation between the facade of the building and facing material there is free space that performs a ventilating function. It is thanks to the air gap that the bars do not rot, do not freeze and do not accumulate moisture even in adverse weather conditions.

Attention! Most often, a timber house is insulated from the outside under the siding: in this case, a wooden crate is placed to secure the finish. Also for cladding, you can use porcelain stoneware, brick, wood or lining.

It is important to decide what is the best way to insulate a house from a bar from the outside. Many people prefer to use foam, but we do not recommend choosing this material. If he copes with the thermal insulation of rooms made of brick or stone with a bang, then in the case of wooden surfaces additional barriers to air circulation are created.

If you are interested in the walls "breathing", then the best way than to insulate a house from a bar from the outside, these are mineral wool and linen mats. By the way, the second material will have the additional advantage of being completely safe for your health.

Material calculation

We are talking about the standard insulation of a house from a 150x150 bar from the outside, so we will calculate the materials for such an example. Since mineral wool is in the form of slabs or rolls, it will not be difficult to calculate the required thickness.

Advice: choose mineral wool in the form of slabs, as they provide an economical finish and are more securely attached to the walls. Unlike slabs, mineral wool rolls are best used on surfaces that have irregularities and defects.

Before insulating walls from a bar from the outside, it is necessary to calculate the consumption of insulating material.

In conditions of extremely low temperatures, it will be necessary to create two or three protective layers of medium thickness: this option is more reliable than one layer of material with large parameters. The standard thickness of the plate will be 5 or 10 cm.

In the presence of 20-centimeter walls, as well as in conditions of falling temperatures of at least 20 degrees below zero, it will be enough to create one heat-insulating layer.

When temperatures fall below 22-30 degrees below zero, it is necessary to lay out mineral wool in more layers.

In addition to the insulation material, you will have to stock up on slats and bars for the crate. In the case of creating one layer of thermal insulation, you will need slats with parameters of 5 by 5 cm. For two-layer insulation, 5 by 10 cm slats are used. Their number will depend both on the width of the mineral wool layer and on the distance between the “sections” of the crate.

Another material you will need - wind protective film . Such a film has diffuse membranes and promotes the passage of steam and moisture from the insulating material, but prevents the penetration of wind and moisture inside.

The diffuse film is fixed with a special stapler. Also needed for work anchors, screws, and if desired - also an anti-fungal agent. We recommend opting for products with additional protection against ignition.

Worried about heat loss in your home? Find out with your own hands: in detail about the materials, the stages of work on the thermal insulation of the roof and roof in a private house.

Read about how to insulate a container for housing: a container house needs more thorough insulation.

Stages of thermal insulation

Now let's figure out how to properly insulate a house from a bar from the outside.

Insulation of a log house from the outside is carried out in several stages:

  • surface preparation;
  • formation of a waterproofing layer;
  • creating a crate for insulation outside a wooden house;
  • fixing the insulation;
  • installation of the second waterproofing layer.

At the first stage, it is necessary to clean the surface as much as possible and treat it with emulsion agents against fungus, insects, bark beetles and other pests. You should not save on preparations and leave some areas untreated, because after insulating the walls of the house from a bar from the outside, you will no longer be able to influence their condition.

Advice: treat the walls of the house in sunny and dry weather so that the walls dry quickly.

Before you insulate a log house from the outside with your own hands, you will have to protect walls from moisture. For this, special membrane coatings are suitable. The stronger the film, the better., as the walls will be protected for a long time. A high-quality membrane film will allow not only to keep the walls dry, but also to bring accumulated moisture out in a timely manner.

Any film of this type has smooth surface on one side and rough on the other. It is on the fleecy side that all excess moisture will pass through, so glue the waterproofing material with this side to the wall. Place the protective coating with an overlap of 10-15 cm, and also glue each joint with tape.

Next stage - creating a crate. Measure the width of the insulation boards - and start fixing wooden slats: the step between them should be less than these parameters by a couple of centimeters.

The first wooden beam is fixed in the corner zone of the structure. Use self-tapping screws for mounting. After installing it, proceed to fixing the remaining bars at the calculated distance.

To perform this work qualitatively, first leave the markup on the surface of the walls. It should be flat, so use building level and weights. After completing the stage of creating the crate, once again make sure that it is even both horizontally and vertically.

Next stage - insulation installation- is the most important in these works. After it, waterproofing is carried out again, and this is done in the same way as the method already described, so we will not stop at this stage. Let's take a closer look at how to fix the insulation for a timber house correctly.

How to fix the heat insulator

The procedure for installing a heat insulator is not particularly difficult. Firstly, mineral wool can be cut to the required parameters. Secondly, this material is quite light in weight, so fastening in the crate will be quick.

The greatest difficulty will be the insulation of the corners of a log house. Cover the corner with insulating material - and fasten securely on both sides.

When installing mineral wool boards, there is no need to use glue or fasteners: the protective film and facade cladding will ensure the durability of this material. But this is only possible if the recommended ratio between the width of the insulating plate and the distance between the rails is strictly observed.

Important! Make sure that the material “lays down” tightly, and there are no gaps and free spaces on the surface.

And here is a simple way to insulate a house from a 150x150 bar from the outside, if the specified parameters do not meet the requirements. If you cannot fix the plates tightly, use anchors that are mounted in 0.5 m increments. Punch through the mineral wool and fix it on the surface of the wall from the timber. Hammer the wide head core into the anchor to help hold the insulation material securely.

You can proceed to the next stage only after the complete "plating" heat-insulating material the entire perimeter of the building. The waterproofing film, stretched from above, is fixed with staples.

Don't wait a while before starting facade decoration : use clapboard, siding or other cladding to bring the house into a presentable appearance. Technology exterior finish will differ depending on the type and parameters of the selected material, so this issue must be discussed with specialists.

Modern decoration of houses from wooden beams with the use of insulation does not cause difficulties even for those who are not strong in construction and repair work. Just needed perform each of the described steps in sequence. Such insulation does not take much time, and the cost of thermal insulation process you control yourself: the market is represented by protective materials with different operational properties and service life.


A useful video on how to insulate a house from a bar from the outside will help you understand the features of each stage of this process.