Hinged ventilated facade - what is it? How to create a ventilated facade with your own hands Suspended facades.

  • 27.06.2020
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"Hinged ventilated facade" is a technology borrowed from the West, which has been actively used by builders in Russia over the past few years

"Hinged ventilated facade" is a technology borrowed from the West, which has been actively used by builders in Russia over the past few years. However, considering her design features, you need to know: this system during operation demonstrates a whole list of shortcomings. Consider the main characteristics of this technology and the consequences of its application in our country.

A typical façade system is a structure consisting of cladding materials (porcelain stoneware, fiber cement boards, composite panels, etc.), insulation (mineral wool), an aluminum or stainless steel frame structure, which is attached to the load-bearing wall of a building or ceiling in such a way that an air gap remained between the outer facing screen and the thermal insulation layer. Because of this air gap, such facades are called "ventilated".

Why don't practical Europeans opt for the technology of ventilated facades? There are many reasons for this, let's look at the main ones.

Structural heterogeneity

Metal fasteners, which are used to fix the ventilated facade, drastically worsen the thermal uniformity of the entire structure, it becomes a "cold bridge" in this system, which is associated with a huge difference in the thermal conductivity coefficients of the bracket material and mineral wool insulation (about 1,000 times for steel and about 5,000 times for aluminium).

It has been proven that the number of brackets significantly affects the value of the thermal uniformity coefficient: with an increase in the number of brackets from one to four, this coefficient decreases from 0.93 to 0.76 in the case of steel brackets and from 0.83 to 0.56 if the brackets are made from aluminium. In practice, the number of brackets will be at least two, in most cases there will be more than three. In such cases, the value of the coefficient of thermal uniformity will be less than 0.8 if the brackets are made of steel, and less than 0.6 if the brackets are made of aluminum.

The calculation results show that providing the required values ​​of heat transfer resistance of facades with a ventilated air gap is not such an easy task. The influence of metal brackets is very significant, which leads to the need to increase the thickness of the insulation layer up to 50%, which means an increase in the price of insulation by 1.5 times.

Shrinkage, thinning and deformation of the insulation layer

Mineral wool used as a heater for the ventilation facade system, under the load of a complex of operational influences, is compacted and shrinks.

Significant change fixed linear dimensions mineral wool boards in the structure of ventilated facades: shrinkage in length and width. According to studies, after 25 conditional years of operation with slab sizes of 1000x500x50 mm, the seams between adjacent slabs, with their average density of 74 kg / m3, can open by 20-40 mm, and with a density of 156 kg / m3 - by 5-10 mm, which leads to the formation of cold bridges. At the same time, the mass loss of mineral wool boards in relation to ventilated facades over 25 conventional years of operation can reach - 18.78% for boards with a density of 74 kg / m3 and - 3.32% for boards with a density of 156 kg / m3.

Shrinkage and deformation, compaction of cotton wool insulation entail a sharp decrease in its thermophysical properties and, as a result, an increase in heat loss of the building. In such a house it will be cold in winter and hot in summer.

Water absorption

Through the cracks in the facade cladding during wet weather, water inevitably penetrates into the system. Loosening of the cotton material during deformation leads to swelling of the plates in thickness, as a result of which the air gap in the ventilation facade system is reduced and ventilation and the process of removing moisture from the insulation worsen.

It was found that 16 conditional years of operation led to an increase in the thickness of the plate by 40%, a decrease in strength and a twofold increase in thermal conductivity.

As a result of the action of all these factors, the water saturation of the insulation occurs and a sharp decrease in its heat-insulating properties: moisture-saturated cotton wool no longer turns into a heat-insulating, but into a heat-conducting material. The result is a decrease in temperature and an increase in humidity in the premises, the appearance of mold, fungi, formaldehyde and rot, a gradual sedimentation of the insulation down the structure of the system under the weight of its own increased gravity. There is a possibility of partial collapse of the heat-insulating material.

The use of special wind and hydroprotective coatings or expensive membranes in the construction of ventilation facades leads to a significant increase in the final cost of the project, and does not completely solve the problem of reducing the thermal insulation characteristics of the building as a result of moisture.

Carrying out harmful fibers environment

As a result of weight loss and a decrease in the strength of the material of mineral wool boards, some of the fibers break and turn into dust. It has been established that the processes of destruction of mineral wool boards are accompanied by the release of dust into the environment. According to an experimental study, over 25 conditional years of operation of a 9-storey building with a ventilated facade, air flows circulating under the cladding panels can carry about 1,900 kg of dust emitted by mineral wool insulation into the atmosphere, i.e. 75 kg of dust per year.

Seismic application

About 30% of the entire territory of Russia are seismic zones, and specialists from RASS (Russian Association for Seismic Construction and Protection from Natural and Man-made Impacts) declare the need for special adaptation of facade systems to conditions of increased seismicity. To ensure operational safety, exterior cladding materials must be exceptionally resistant to aggressive mechanical and atmospheric influences.

For a metal subframe and fasteners, it is necessary to calculate the bearing capacity, and select suitable material with appropriate anti-corrosion properties.

The high cost of technology

A comparative analysis of prices shows that the cost of implementing ventilated facades is almost 3 times higher than the cost of other traditional methods, for example: 1 sq.m. m of finishing according to the well masonry method with polystyrene foam plates - about 2,000 rubles, which is three times less. Such a high cost of ventilated facades is due to the high resource intensity of this technology: a significant list of necessary preliminary design calculations, expensive finishing materials, etc. are required.

A heavy construct with a huge amount of fasteners, a large and heavy layer of wet and settling mineral wool, which has lost all its heat-insulating properties, and all this is covered with tons of facing tiles - this is what we are actively offered to do with the facades of Russian cities. Practical and cautious Europeans are in no hurry to apply this construct.

Summarizing all of the above, we can state that the system of ventilated facades is inefficient in Russian climatic conditions and, having a number of significant drawbacks, is definitely not the best choice for the mass construction of high-quality budget housing, clearly losing in comparison with traditional technologies of well masonry with polystyrene foam boards or wet facades.


hinged facade is a technology for attaching any kind of facing material using not a wet method, but a mechanical fixation. The decorative coating can be very different, for example, made of porcelain stoneware or glass. In most cases, when facing cottages using this technique, vinyl siding, which is installed on a galvanized or wooden crate. Office buildings are ennobled with glass facades, while financial institutions are ennobled with porcelain stoneware facades.

Overview of positive characteristics

The hinged facade has many advantages over other types of finishes. external walls buildings for various purposes. Among the first are durability and excellent sound insulation. After completion of the work, the building acquires an attractive appearance. And in order to achieve a positive result, you can take advantage of the wide choice of materials that can have different shades and textures. If you combine a galvanized steel frame with aluminum panels, the latter of which will finishing, then this solution can be called almost eternal. Of course, dust particle erosion will damage the facade over several decades, but the period for which this will happen exceeds the average life of buildings.

Additional benefits

It is worth paying attention also to the fact that the hinged facade prolongs the service life of the main walls. But if work is carried out in parallel with the insulation, it will be moved outside the walls. This indicates that fungus and dampness will no longer attack concrete or masonry. The space formed between the cladding and the wall will perfectly dampen any sounds, but with the use of thermal insulation, the walls become almost soundproof. Being indoors, you will not hear sounds from the street. A hinged facade can significantly reduce heating costs, because even without additional wall insulation under the cladding, the temperature will be several degrees higher than outside. Precious heat will no longer be carried away by the wind.

Overview of disadvantages

The hinged system can be subjected to a change in architectural appearance by varying facing materials, colors and formats. Such systems are usually fireproof. They include products and materials that are classified as slow-burning or non-combustible, as well as preventing the spread of fire. Consumers choose hinged facades also because they are able to provide a healthy microclimate inside the building due to the unhindered diffusion of water vapor. It is possible to install facing material using this technology on old buildings or new buildings. At the same time, such complex preliminary preparation as when staining is not required.

On the contrary, the finish will hide the existing wall defects, allowing the facade to be reconstructed. You can start installation work at any time of the year, completing the manipulations in the shortest possible time.

Design features

Installation of hinged facades is carried out after the completion of the system design. In this case, certain difficulties may arise. For example, horizontal and vertical distances between windows can become critical. This is due to the fact that the facade will be assembled from piece materials. If the mentioned parameters differ, then this will be more noticeable than when carrying out plastering work. Among other things, this can lead to higher prices. As a result, you will encounter material overruns, as well as problems when cutting, since porcelain stoneware has high strength and hardness. If you use a $100 diamond disc to fit the size, it will be enough for 70 running meters cutting tiles. As a result, 1 square meter the increase will be $4.

The design of a hinged facade can also be accompanied by difficulties in the case when highly porous materials are used for laying wall openings, the bearing capacity of which is not so great. During the installation process, it will not be possible to securely fasten the anchor elements. If the facade cladding is made some time after the construction of the building, then when designing hinged system you will be able to understand that the use of the materials described above was not justified, even if only for the reason that the thermal efficiency of wall openings would be less compared to the same indicator of mineral wool, which is recommended to be used as a heater.

What else you need to know about design

When designing curtain wall systems, developers often advise using aluminum fasteners. As practice shows, this can cause some problems. Before installation work, it is best to refuse such a material, which has a melting point in the range of 670 degrees, the final figure will depend on the alloy. This advice is due to the fact that the temperature during a fire reaches 750 degrees, which leads to the melting of the substructure and the collapse of some parts of the facade. This happens just in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe window opening. In order to prevent this situation, it is necessary to install protective screens, replace aluminum elements with steel ones, and also use window frames of a special design. Such an approach can make the system more expensive, but if the recommendations are neglected, then the use of an aluminum subsystem will negate a number of advantages.

Mounting order

If you will install the hinged facade structure yourself, then initially it is necessary to mark and fix the brackets on which the supporting profiles will be mounted. The horizontal step between them will depend on the type of panels used. Do not forget about the presence of mounting seams. For example, for aluminum cassettes that have a square size and a side of 60 centimeters, the recommended seam width should be 6 millimeters. This indicates that the distance between the axes of adjacent profiles will be 606 millimeters. The vertical spacing between the brackets is determined by the type of cladding panel, this time the material is taken into account. For aluminum panels, brackets can be installed in increments of up to a meter, while for glass or porcelain stoneware facades, brackets can be installed at a distance of 800 millimeters.


A hinged facade made of porcelain stoneware, like any other ventilated system, provides for the need for thermal insulation. Insulation sheets are installed from the bottom up, each plate should be reinforced with a pair of fungi. The next layer will be a vapor barrier film, which is laid with a 10 cm overlap. It needs to be turned from bottom to top. Through it, the insulation is finally fixed, while you need to use 5 fungi per square meter.

Installing a Profile

The device of hinged facades provides for the presence of a profile system, between it and the insulation, a ventilation gap should be provided, the thickness of which should be 40 millimeters or more. It is necessary to mount the elements along a plumb line, controlling the distance along the axes of the profiles.

Cladding installation

The method of fastening the facade panels will depend on the material at their base. Clinker tiles and porcelain stoneware are installed on kleimers, which are special brackets. As an alternative solution in the above cases, high-strength adhesive is used. Galvanized steel or aluminum cassettes are fixed with skids or corners that allow you to move the plates of each row horizontally. Glass facades, quite rarely equipped by private craftsmen, are mounted with closed or open profile systems, each of which covers the panel from all sides. This technology provides for the laying of a rubber seal.


The hinged facade, the price of which will depend on the material used, can be installed by you yourself. This will save money. If you decide to use the help of specialists, then the installation of the cladding will cost 450 rubles. per 1 square meter, as for porcelain stoneware. Metal cassettes are installed by professionals for 1115 rubles. per square meter, where the cost of the material is not taken into account.

It took root in Russia at the end of the last century. Early adopters praised the design's performance benefits, aesthetics and versatility. The main advantage of the ventilation facade is its ability to ensure the removal of condensate in the free space between the cladding and the wall. Despite the popularity of this design, the question remains: "Ventilated facade - what is it?" Of course, this is not only a hinged frame and panels fixed on it. The installation involves a whole range of additional fasteners. At the same time, there are various installation schemes and approaches to the choice of materials for component parts.

Ventilated facade design

The design of the ventilation facade system is focused on ensuring reliability, visually attractive appearance and optimal humidity conditions. All of these qualities are achieved thanks to the outer cladding, the base in the form of a frame, as well as layers of insulation. It turns out reliable, efficient in use and undemanding in the care of the "pie", the components of which may vary.

Both the cladding, the metal for the frame, and the means of thermal insulation are selected from a wide range of materials based on the requirements of a particular building. One way or another, this set of components allows you to better understand the answer to the question: "Ventilated facade - what is it?" This is a structure designed to protect walls with high-strength decorative cladding and a metal frame. In this case, the configuration of the placement of these layers can be different and depend on climatic conditions and technical requirements project. For example, if it is necessary to increase the resistance of the facade to vapor permeability, technologists reduce the presence of heat transfer elements.

Ventilated facade subsystems

The subsystem in the design of the ventilation facade is the basis, which is formed by brackets and profiles. This component provides direct fixation to the building and acts as the basis for mechanical fastening. decorative panels. The profile for ventilated facades takes on the greatest loads, which can be represented by aluminum alloy, galvanized or stainless steel. For private cottages, as a rule, an aluminum subsystem is used. It is an inexpensive and easy-to-install material with optimal small houses strength characteristics. Galvanized steel is also advantageous for the price, but its durability leaves much to be desired. Under the influence of corrosion, such profiles become unusable after 6-7 years, requiring replacement. Aluminum and stainless steel are more profitable in this sense.

Not the last place in the frame is occupied by fasteners, including rivets, and various clamps. In this case, hardware cannot be considered as universal methods of fastening, since each subsystem requires an analysis for the compatibility of component parts - including the calculation of a profile-fastener combination. In addition, the subsystem of ventilated facades is responsible for the formation of an air gap between and the heat insulator layer. clearance is necessary condition in the installation of ventilation facades, ignoring which you can get a finish with characteristics that are contrary to the project.

Units of a ventilated facade

For each system, corresponding architectural and structural key points are developed. They also involve the use of fasteners, the technical design of which may vary. Due to the presence of such elements, high strength of the subsystem is achieved. At the same time, the choice of technology for its execution depends on the method of installation, which implements a specific ventilated facade. Nodes for standard structures can be of the following types:

  • Mounting unit to the carrier base. It is carried out using a bracket that fixes the profiles to the wall of the building.
  • Knot for fastening profiles to brackets.
  • Knot for fastening the slopes of the ventilation facade - this system can be represented as a frame for the door and window openings of the house.
  • Fixing points for building corners. Such fastening of ventilated facades involves the use of special corner hardware and racks.
  • Socle knots - are located in the lower and upper parts of the walls.

Cladding material

From the point of view of decorative properties, this is the main part of the facade, which represents the shell of the house. The cladding elements are fastened to the profiles in such a way that an air niche remains between the panels and the insulation layer. Again, we can return to the question of ventilated facade - what is it? Of course, in the eyes of ordinary users of the building, this is just the external design. Designers and installers think about the technical device and fastening systems, and at the end, the aesthetic merits of the facing material are first of all evaluated. Metal panels, stone slabs, siding and even glass with wood can cope with this function.

Porcelain stoneware still won the greatest popularity. The mechanical strength of ceramic granite determined its organic place in ventilation facade systems. It protects the surface of the building from atmospheric influences and is wear-resistant in itself, and the variety of textures makes it the best solution for such tasks. Serious competition for porcelain stoneware is made up of composite materials based on lightweight concrete and synthetic fiber. In addition to high strength, ventilated composite facades based on fiber cement also provide a decorative effect. With their help, they imitate rocky and stone surfaces, as well as recreate the texture of traditional cladding - for example, tiles, bricks, plaster and other coatings.

Wooden ventilation facades

In such a responsible enterprise, it is quite justified to use metal structures. However, ultra-high strength is not always the main requirement for the exterior design of the house. So, the cost of the structure, the ease of its execution and environmental properties may come to the fore. For example, for frame-panel buildings, engineers are increasingly recommending the use of a wooden ventilated facade. What it is in terms of economy - the answer is clear (cost reduction on profiles and brackets), but in relation to strength, conflicting judgments still arise. The basis of the design is a beam, which, of course, is inferior in many respects to the same aluminum. Nevertheless, the wooden lathing is subjected to special treatment before use, which brings it closer to the optimal characteristics required for ventilated facades.

Ventilated facade installation

Work begins with marking the attachment points of the brackets on the wall surface. This is followed by the direct installation of supporting fasteners for the subsystem: creating holes, introducing anchor dowels and fixing the brackets. After that, proceed to the installation of a wind and hydroprotective film and insulation. Insulating panels are hung on the surface through the slots for the brackets. Thermal insulation boards are mounted in combination with foil using dowels. At the next stage, the installation of facades involves the installation of guides. To do this, the profiles are installed in the grooves of the brackets and finally fixed with rivets. The work is completed by installing facing plates to the guide profiles - this is done with clamps or

Ventilated facade and solar energy

The way the panels are arranged is beneficial for solar energy processing. This innovative solution is implemented using photovoltaic batteries. Already today there are many projects for private use that provide for "solar" cladding. Despite the apparent complexity of such technologies, the installation of facades with photovoltaic cells is quite simple. The only difference from traditional technology is the integration of solar cells incorporating a photovoltaic system. According to the developers of such models, the facades will be able to generate up to 200% of the energy required to maintain the house.

A question of price

Many factors affect the cost of the structure, but the main ones are the material for the subsystem and the cladding, with which ventilated facades are designed. The price of systems based on aluminum is 500-600 rubles. for 1 m 2. The very same porcelain stoneware for the facade can cost 300-400 rubles. More affordable structures from galvanized subsystems - payment for 1 m 2 rarely exceeds 200 rubles. But it is important to take into account that the cost goes down quite justifiably, since a less strong and durable galvanized steel frame may require reconstruction or a complete renovation of the facade in the future.


Among the facade design technologies, ventilated structures rightly occupy a leading position. In many ways, this is facilitated by a set of materials from which such systems are mounted. High-strength fasteners, aluminum and stainless steel, reliable and aesthetic porcelain stoneware - these are just some of the advantages that ventilated facades have. The price of a quality design is 500 rubles. for 1 m 2, of course, it is not a plus, but it is almost impossible to get a facade similar in characteristics at a lower cost. Ventilated facades have gone far from competitors not only in terms of strength and decorativeness, but also in terms of ease of maintenance, which reduces operating costs.

The problem of building insulation along with their improvement appearance has so far been one of the most difficult to resolve. People every year practiced using various materials, which had to cope with the task of wall insulation as efficiently as possible.

Today this problem is solved. After numerous tests, façade systems were invented. In addition to the issue of energy conservation, these structures do an excellent job with the problem of aesthetic appeal of buildings.

Facade panels are arranged in such a way that in hot weather the penetration of heat into the room is difficult, and in cold weather, on the contrary, heat is retained inside the room. The material also provides excellent wind protection.

Structural structure of a ventilated façade

The design of the ventilated facade consists of a frame, facade decorative metal and various insulating materials. In this design, the effect of a thermal screen is created, which ensures the preservation of heat in the building. All facade panels are different in size, color and installation method.

For correct execution for finishing the walls of a house using a ventilated facade system, you need to know the device and.

The hinged facade has an air gap (dimensions can vary between 20-100 mm), an air inlet (in the lower part), an air outlet (in the upper part), and in most cases, as mentioned above, consists of three main parts. Vapor-permeable membranes and heaters may also be present in insulating facades.

Advantages of hinged ventilated facades

Finishing hinged ventilated facades of any structure has a number of advantages listed below:

  • the use of durable materials in the production (non-repair service life can sometimes reach 50 years);

  • high degree of protection against corrosion;
  • reducing the cost of operating climate equipment (air conditioners, heaters);
  • increasing the comfort of living in the room;
  • protection against moisture (the design does not allow waterlogging and subsequent destructive effects on load-bearing walls);
  • a huge opportunity to choose the type of cladding: ceramic granite, flat sheet panels, aluminum sheets, natural stone, composite panels;
  • possibility of installation under any weather conditions;
  • harmonious combination of materials and textures, beauty and aesthetics;
  • the possibility of unlimited choice of design;
  • high degree of fire safety due to the use of difficult and fireproof materials in the construction;
  • smoothing unevenness of load-bearing walls;
  • a greater degree of protection against the effects of external aggressive factors that affect the rate of destruction of load-bearing structures;
  • convenience and ease of installation;
  • reducing the thickness of the outer walls - increasing the additional usable area.

Types of ventilated facades

In ventilated systems, air circulates freely in the air gap between the ceiling wall and the finishing facade material. It removes moisture and dampness that can accumulate on the back wall of the finishing material due to condensation.

The material itself is reliably protected from destruction by moisture, but the wooden structure can begin to rot if this moisture is not removed.

Facade structures are divided into "dry" and "wet".

“Dry” facades include siding and other materials of this type, i.e. materials that are fastened using mechanical fasteners (dowels, nails, self-tapping screws).

“Wet” facades include structures, an integral attribute of which are various kinds of building mixtures. These are facades with clinker tiles, plaster facades, etc.

"Wet" facades make the structure more integral and durable, but the advantage of "dry" structures is the possibility of installation regardless of weather conditions.

By finishing materials hinged ventilated facades are divided into:

  • porcelain stoneware;
  • siding;
  • metal cassettes;
  • fiber cement;
  • a natural stone;
  • metal siding.

Porcelain stoneware

A ventilated facade made of porcelain stoneware consists of a porcelain stoneware slab, insulation, U- and L-shaped profiles, clamps and fasteners. The fastening elements of the outer covering are hidden by the sheathing; they also serve to form the necessary gap between the wall and the sheathing.

The basis of the porcelain stoneware system is made up of horizontal and
vertical profiles. The insulation is usually mineral wool, it is attached directly to the wall. It does not interfere with the ventilated air channel, since it occupies no more than a third of the entire volume of the gap.

The porcelain stoneware facade is all-weather, has a long service life, is resistant to any aggressive external influences, is easy to operate, and is notable for its low cost.

When choosing porcelain stoneware for a facade structure, it is necessary to take into account the size of the tile (it must be a multiple of the size of the facade of the building). It is recommended to choose large tiles (for example, 600x600, 600x1200, 800x800).

You will learn all the subtleties of installation.


Siding for ventilated facades can be vinyl, galvanized metal, wood, plain galvanized. The most commonly used vinyl and galvanized metal materials. Such siding panels differ in reliability, durability, ease, and also the small price.

Siding is produced by extrusion, which gives the sheets the desired shape and unique attractive appearance. Such a coating does not rot, does not need to be painted, and has good operational and technical characteristics.

Siding care is quite simple: such a finish can be washed with water from garden hose. This procedure can be performed no more than 1 time per year. If there is strong dirt, you can use any cleaning agent.

Siding today is very widely used not only for finishing new houses, but also for cladding old buildings, when it is necessary to combine cladding with insulation.

metal cassettes

Metal cassettes are metal panels, the edges of which are bent on all 4 sides. They are made from galvanized metal sheets with polymer coating 1-1.5 mm. Sometimes there are metal cassettes made of unpainted galvanized steel, which are further processed with protective decorative coating.

This material is based on cold rolled sheet coated on both sides with a layer of zinc. On top of the zinc, another layer of primer is applied, which provides protection against corrosion and adhesion of the zinc to the paint. Metal cassettes are used in any climatic zone, they are highly resistant to mechanical damage, have a beautiful shine, aesthetic appearance.

Installation and dismantling of such a coating is quite easy. It practically does not fade and has such a property as self-washing.

Fiber cement ventilated facades

Fiber cement slabs for the facade of buildings reduce the metal consumption of the entire structure. When installing such a finish, a movable bracket is used, which helps to compensate for the curvature of the load-bearing walls.

The basis for fiber cement boards is fiber cement sheets, which, under high pressure, form a frost-resistant, durable material with high density. The fiber cement facade is non-flammable, non-combustible, resistant to microorganisms, and has a maintenance-free service life.

The installation of fiber cement boards takes place using the “dry” method, which allows for almost year-round installation. In the design, it is very easy to change the thickness of the lathing, due to which surface flaws are eliminated and the facade geometry is restored.

All about the device, characteristics and installation of fiber cement panels.

A natural stone

Ventilated facade structures with natural stone finish not only enhance the protective functions, but also extend the life of the entire structure. Another indisputable advantage of such structures is a high level of sound insulation, which is quite significant for people living in megacities, near highways, etc.

Such facades are double moisture protection. The technological ventilation gap inside the structure ensures regular removal of moisture from the heat-insulating layer, and the external screen made of natural stone is a barrier to all kinds of atmospheric influences ( strong wind, rain, hail).

Facades with natural stone finish do not burn, have three working brackets and narrower rustication, freeze through much less often, and are easy to install.

Learn the benefits in the next article.

metal siding

Metal-backed siding is one of the simplest yet most attractive materials available on the building materials market. This material can be used for exterior finish structures of any functional purpose. This is where its versatility comes into play.

The siding itself and all additional elements are made of steel with a special coating (plastisol, polyester, pural). Such a coating does not lose its physical characteristics at a wide range of temperatures (from -50 to +80 degrees Celsius).

The material used to make metal siding is non-flammable and non-toxic. It can be safely used in any sphere of life, as it does not contradict the requirements of environmental safety.

Learn more about the types, characteristics and installation of metal siding.

TO hinged ventilated facade, consisting of an aluminum subsystem and a set of rectangular decorative segments, riveted the attention of most design and construction organizations. The ventilated suspended facade as a method of increasing the energy efficiency of buildings was discovered more than 20 years ago. During this period, manufacturers of facade components have worked out dozens of techniques for applying technologies in aggressive environmental conditions.

Finishing methods

Decorative finishing is a method of shaping architectural style. Several utilitarian functions are assigned to the decorative layer. It is the outer cladding that should:

  • determine the price of the ventilation facade;
  • ensure reliable protection walls from adverse effects;
  • visually decorate an inconspicuous, at first glance, building.

To form a clear understanding of the advantages of different types of finishes, it is necessary to consider each of them separately.

Porcelain cladding

Artificial material. For the manufacture of ceramic granite are used:

  • a mixture of two types of clay;
  • dyes;
  • product of screening of milky-white quartz and rock-forming minerals from the class of silicates.

Tiles are formed from the obtained raw materials, which are pressed onto hydraulic presses and fired in specialized kilns at a temperature of about 1300 ° C.

Porcelain stoneware has a strong, durable structure. Plates are used in construction, decoration of structures, for interior finishing work.

Composite panels

The composite is flexible enough to create rounded corners and curved shapes. The panel itself is a heterogeneous product with many layers in structure. Panel production technology different materials involves the preparation of aluminum and components (rectified aluminum is subjected to chemical synthesis), painting, priming, thermal bonding and pressing. The process of joining metal, polymers and mineral materials is carried out under the influence of high temperatures.

Composite panels are an outwardly stylish and modern way of arranging the outer layer of walls. Their surface does not contain an electrifying component, and therefore dirt and dust are washed off during the first precipitation. The panels are resistant to corrosion, wind, ice loads, are not afraid of sudden temperature fluctuations. Purposes of use:

  • design of architectural elements of houses;
  • building restoration;
  • setting up billboards.

Natural or artificial stone

Facades made of natural stone are recognized as the most practical. IAF made of stone is still the same multilayer system, including a heater, a windproof membrane, a frame base, a finishing layer.

According to the technical characteristics, the ventilated stone facade complies with the standards for the design of buildings of any purpose. Facing made of granite, sandstone, and other rocks is used to make a structure:

  • unique;
  • "expensive";
  • with high status.

Fiber cement panels

Fiber cement-based slabs with a textured paint coating are a vivid example of a high-quality exterior design of an object. The structure and chemical composition of fiber cement make it possible to mount a decorative layer regardless of the season, climate, or air temperature.

Fiber cement parts perform a heat-saving, decorative function. The material is durable, not affected by flames, does not corrode over time. Mounted in a horizontal, longitudinal way.

Facade cassettes

Facade decorations, called metal cassettes, are flat metal parts with edges bent inward around the perimeter. The manufacturing process of metal cassettes involves the use of composites or thin metal (brass, aluminum, copper) sheets, with or without a protective coating.

The use of galvanized metal cassettes in tandem with a galvanized subsystem allows you to decorate the facade with inexpensive materials. Steel cassettes have light weight, do not ignite, are easily repaired, do not miss sounds.

Technical details

Ventilated facades occupy a large segment of the building materials market. The design of the façade has several advantages:

  • Fire resistance. Of the finishing materials developed for the decoration of the facade parts of buildings, only those that do not support combustion are used;
  • Heat preservation. Due to the properties of the insulation, a comfortable temperature for a person is maintained in the internal space of the building;
  • Natural soundproofing. The function of protection against the penetration of extraneous noise into the building is performed by a layer of thermal insulation;
  • No condensation. The air gap between the wall and the decorative coating does not allow vapors to form. Because of this, moisture is removed from the insulation, leaving it dry. m;
  • Saving money when preparing walls.The system is mounted on a substructure, helps to hide construction defects. Therefore, it is not necessary to spend money on plastering in order to equalize dimensional deviations;
  • Corrosion resistance. Panels, which include anti-corrosion materials, protect load-bearing walls from changes in air temperature, chemical influences from the outside;
  • Implementation of any design idea. A large selection of textures, colors, shapes, types of finishes, allows you to play with shadows, combine colors;
  • Minimum substructure weight. The NVF system is lightweight and easy to install. Work on construction sites is carried out even in the winter months.

Types and characteristic qualities of heaters

    Mineral wool (stone wool).

    Mineral wool is called thermal insulationyator, created from molten rocks of minerals. Advantages of insulating material:

    • universal application;
    • good insulating qualities;
    • good specifications.

    Among the shortcomings of heaters indicate the appearance of a "cold bridge" (technological joints), a relatively high price, and the formation of mineral dust.
    Specifications stone wool:

      • Maintains temperature without destruction - 1000 hail.;
      • Shrinkage 5%;

    • Density - from 30 to 100 kg/m³;
  1. Cotton wool with a basalt component.
    • thermal conductivity - from 0.032 to 0.048 W / mK;
    • density - 30-100 kg / m3;
    • does not burn.

    Of the shortcomings:

    • does not tolerate moisture;
    • price.
  2. A thermal insulator obtained by chemical means - extruded polystyrene foam - has a mass positive qualities:

    • high insulating qualities;
    • ability to repel moisture;
    • resistance to the chemical environment;
    • does not shrink, does not deform.

    Of the shortcomings - flammability, toxicity of combustion products. Also for installation it is necessary to use an adhesive composition.

    • closed pores no more than 0.2 mm;
    • thermal conductivity - 028 - 0.03 W / mK.

    The material withstands more than 1000 freezing cycles!

  3. Glass wool.

    Inexpensive and often found in the sale of insulation - glass wool, a traditional insulation material, both in private homes and industrial premises. Of the shortcomings - fragility of fibers, harmful dust. Glass wool is made from glass waste.


    • thermal conductivity - 0.039-0.047 W / mK;
    • sound absorption - 35 to 40 dB;
    • density - 11-25 kg meter cubic.

Design scope

Ventilated facades are increasingly seen as decorative design the following construction projects:

  • Private housing construction. Building materials for the organization of ventilation facades are environmentally friendly, they provide everyday comfort, the safety of the residents of the house. Mounted systems are widespread in multi-storey housing construction. Simple installation allows you to periodically update the architectural image of a multi-storey building, ensure its fire safety;
  • Commercial building. When building from scratch and restoring commercial facilities, ventilated facades solve many problems;
  • Industrial engineering. Increased requirements are put forward for the lining of industrial facilities. Multilayer ventilation facade neutralizes noise, vibrations;
  • Registration of structures of the architectural and planning organization. The versatility of the device of the hinged system allows you to design structures adjacent to buildings, fences. Building materials for facades are given to small architectural forms modern look, increase the period of use.

Types and variants of subsystems (structures)

A subsystem for ventilated facades is a set of mounting devices used for reliable fastening panels to the walls of the building. The mounting system consists of guide profile segments used for fastening the decorative layer, brackets and additional fasteners (anchors, dowels, rivets, clips, clamps, self-tapping screws).

Vertical subsystem

A vertical subsystem is used for horizontal layout of the material selected for facing work. The method of fixation is often used for cladding buildings, structures with facade panels, siding, profiled sheets. In this version of the subsystem, anchor angles of different heights are used, which depend on the required thickness of the decor used for insulation. Along with this, cold-bent corners of the required height are also used in order to neutralize distortions and irregularities in the structure.

Vertical-horizontal subsystem

For the arrangement of the crate, horizontal and vertical guide profiles are used. The vertical-horizontal system increases the rigidity of the structure due to the even distribution of the weight of the facing layer.

The main technological difference of one subsystem from another is the direction, the location of the profiles, which is set on the basis of the dimensions, characteristic differences in the material used for facing. Apply a horizontal, vertical or cross method, forming cells. The best result is obtained by combining vertical, horizontal guides. This is how plates of any material are fixed.

There are several options for such subsystems: aluminum, steel and galvanized. The main task of the ventilated facade is to insulate the building while simultaneously performing a decorative function. Steel, galvanized, aluminum subsystems also cope with this. Each of the options has pros and cons.

Subsystems made of aluminum


  • due to their lower weight compared to metal subsystems, they are used in high-rise construction;
  • minimum load on the load-bearing walls of the building (it is possible to clad buildings with a 20-30-year period of use);
  • resistant to UV radiation, humidity and climatic features of the area;
  • easy to use.


  • have a low melting point, which has a negative impact on the degree of fire safety.

Subsystems made of galvanized steel


  • least expensive option;
  • easy to install, effectively mask the irregularities of the bearing walls of the building;
  • used for cladding made of natural stone, porcelain stoneware and fiber cement panels, as well as metal cassettes and matching materials;
  • have a long time of use (over 50 years);
  • environmentally friendly, highly durable, non-flammable.


  • are susceptible to corrosion, but by painting and applying a layer of polymers, this problem can be partially solved.

Subsystems made of stainless alloys


  • resistant to frost, temperature extremes;
  • can be successfully used for high-rise construction (carried out at a height exceeding 50 m);
  • environmentally friendly, resist corrosion;
  • durable in use (the service life of such subsystems is more than 70 years);
  • have the highest fire safety index in comparison with the rest.


  • high price.

Stainless steel is chosen for mounting the ventilation facade subsystem. The steel profile is not subject to rotting, and the time of use of steel subsystems is commensurate with the life of the building.

Mounting device

During the design of the facade of the building, it is necessary to carry out a systematic quality control of the execution of work at the facility. The sequence of installation of ventilation facades looks like this:

  • Installation of brackets. Cantilever support parts are attached to dowels or anchor bolts. The type of fastener is chosen, taking into account the configuration, the weight of the structure. Experienced installers additionally install gaskets made of paronite or plastic between the wall of the building and the metal, which eliminates the risk of a thermal bridge;
  • Insulation lining. The next step in the installation of the outer part of the building involves fixing the thermal insulation. Mushroom-shaped dowels, composite flexible connections are used for fasteners. A membrane is installed on top of the thermal insulation. Some types of modern heaters are equipped with film protection in production;
  • Mounting guides. The frame base, consisting of vertical posts and horizontal lintels, is built after observing the clearance parameters. Connect the frame elements with cylindrical rods. The configuration of the threshold between the guides depends on the parameters of the decor;
  • Installation of facing panels. The air gap between the lining is different in size. Its value depends on the design and project of the object. Panels are installed on mounting slides, metal brackets, corners.

Construction cost per m2

Section 1. Design and preparatory work
No. p.p. Name Unit Change
1.1 Carrying out work on testing the bearing capacity of walls (pull-out anchor), static calculation of the load on the building set 0,00
1.2 Geodetic works, formation of the scheme of facades m2 25,00
1.3 Design work, preparation of a detailed design for the installation of a ventilated facade m2 65,00
Total for section 1, including VAT 18%: 90,00
Section 2. IAG materials
No. p.p. Name Unit Change Price per unit of measure, ₽.
2.1 ESTIMA porcelain stoneware slabs, taking into account cutting costs 6% m2 730,00
2.2 Galvanized steel substructure kit (vertical version). m2 740,00
2.3 Insulation boards Rockwool VentiButts H 100 mm. (coefficient of expenses 1.06) m2 406,00
2.4 Insulation plates Pen-roll Techno Nicole 100 mm. ( upper layer, coefficient Expenditure 1.06) m2 238,00
2.5 Facade dowel for fixing insulation boards 100 mm. PC 6,90
2.6 Facade dowel for fixing insulation boards, pen-roll Techno Nicole 100 mm PC 6,90
2.7 Window frames (sills and slopes) made of galvanized steel 0.5 mm, painted according to the RAL catalog m.p. 310,00
2,10 Parapet covers made of 0.7 mm galvanized steel, up to 900 mm in size, painted according to RAL m.p. 780,00
2,11 Substructure for parapet covers (set with fasteners) m.p. 280,00
2,12 Delivery of materials to the object (%) %
Total for section 2, including VAT 18%: 2114,00
Section 3. Means of paving, consumables for the production of works
No. p.p. Name Unit Change Price per unit of measure, ₽.
3.1. Rental of construction cradles ZLP-630 months 180 000,00
3.2 Depreciation of hand equipment m2 60,00
Total for section 3, including VAT 18%: 180 060,00
Section 4 Installation work
No. p.p. Name Unit Change Price per unit of measure, ₽.
4.1 Installation and dismantling of building cradles m2 80,00
4.2 Marking, mounting brackets m2 210,00
4.3 Installation of insulation boards m2 290,00
4.4 Installation and adjustment of the system guides m2 430,00
4.5 Installation of window frames (window sills and slopes made of galvanized steel). m.p. 280,00
4.7 Adjustment and installation of porcelain stoneware slabs m2 510,00
4.8 Installation of parapet covers on the subsystem m.p. 680,00
Total for section 4, including VAT 18%: 1520,00
TOTAL PER m2 (Without slopes): 3 957,36
TOTAL per m2, taking into account slopes and low tides: 4 247,07