How to make your own table lamp shade. Do-it-yourself plafonds for chandeliers: original ideas and decor master classes

  • 23.06.2020

We create our own home. And how comfortable it will be depends on us. Even if you are temporary owners of a home, you can make it cozy without global costs. The main thing in this business is to put your soul into it. But having ennobled the walls and windows of the apartment, one cannot leave a lonely light bulb hanging from the ceiling bare. Let's think about how you can make lamps with your own hands.

Advantages of homemade shades

The need for fixtures hand made dictated by various circumstances: someone could not find a chandelier for the updated interior, someone has a difficult financial situation, and someone feels the need to decorate their home with their own hands.

Advantages of homemade ceiling lamps:

  • independence from the store assortment;
  • low budget;
  • self-realization;
  • uniqueness (exclusivity);
  • originality;
  • availability of material for work.


The selected concept should help you decide on the choice of material for the lamp. What is your room like, what kind of lamps are suitable here, where will they be located (on the wall, ceiling, floor)? At the same time, absolutely different things can act as material for the ceiling: threads and veneer, bottles and branches, paper and a basin, a cup and lace, wire and disposable spoons, fabric and beads. From the frame and improvised materials you can make real beauty.

Lace shade

To make it, you will need about 10 knitted identical or different napkins of one or more colors (optional), balloon, wallpaper glue and a container for it, a brush, threads, a light bulb socket, a light bulb, oilcloth or newspapers for bedding. The exact number of napkins depends on their size and the size of the ball.

The sequence of our actions:

  • Dilute the wallpaper paste (one pack should be enough).
  • Inflate the balloon, tie it up.
  • Tie it in such a way that it is approximately in front of your eyes or below. For example, on a clothesline or stepladder.
  • Spread one napkin on the bedding and coat it liberally with glue.
  • Gently glue the napkin onto the ball.
  • Spread the next napkin and glue it so that one napkin lies slightly on top of the other.

  • Glue all the napkins, slightly connecting with each other.
  • Leave a small hole at the bottom without a napkin so that you can later install the cartridge and light bulb.
  • Your ball should dry for about a day.
  • After a day, making sure that the glue has dried completely, pierce the ball and remove it from the ceiling.
  • If you want to give the lamp a different color, before piercing the ball, paint the napkins with acrylic paints and leave to dry again.
  • Pull the electrical wire through the center of the napkin at the top of the ceiling, to which the cartridge will later be attached. Attention! Do not forget to disconnect the power supply from the wires!
  • Install cartridge.
  • Screw in the light bulb.

If you install such a ceiling on an already hanging cartridge, then you can do the following:

  • at the top of the ceiling, leave a circle with a diameter of about 10 cm;
  • hang a cardboard circle on the cartridge to match the napkins with a diameter of about 15 cm;
  • carefully pass the cardboard inside the ceiling and fasten them together with a stapler or double-sided tape.

Plafond from plastic bottles

Most likely, no one will name how many options for ceiling lamps from plastic bottles exist. But there are two principles of use: the bottle is decorated with other materials, or elements for decoration are cut out of the bottle.

To implement the first principle, we need a three- or five-liter bottle. Its neck will be put on the cartridge, and the bottom must be cut off. If the bottle is made of colored plastic, then the simplest chandelier for a simple country house already ready. But plastic can be painted with drawings, glued liquid nails small elements such as buttons, pieces of a mirror, shells. Either cover acrylic paint one color, and on top apply an uneven layer of paint of a different color with a comb. In a more complex version, plastic disposable spoons without cuttings in the form of scales are glued throughout the bottle.

Such a ceiling will be harmonious for retro style.

To implement the idea of ​​the second principle, you need bottles of any size, but different colors. Cut out any figures from them: leaves, flowers, geometry. The main thing is that there are a lot of them. The ceiling will need a frame in the form of wire rings. Connect the different levels of the frame with a vertically located wire. With the help of a fishing line or thin wire, put a huge number of cut out figures on the frame. They can fit snugly to the frame or hang freely from it.

Paper ceiling

Cardboard, rice paper, self-adhesive, corrugated - what kind of paper is not used for homemade ceiling lamps. For the Art Nouveau style, we suggest you make a lampshade from multi-colored cardboard ribbons. Pick your colors. Prepare strips 2-4 cm wide, stapler or good glue. Arbitrarily, threading the strips into each other, fasten them in such a way as if you had a lump of the remnants of different threads in your hands. It should not be tight so as not to interfere with the light bulb.

The size is up to you. Slightly spreading the strips, you can easily hang the ball on the cartridge.

Use an energy-saving lamp - it heats up less and is safer.

Plafond from the vine

To make a ceiling lamp out of wood, you need to pick up a suitable snag or branches and process them properly. In the case of a vine, almost any will do, with stepchildren and even dry leaves. Such a ceiling can be wall, and floor, and ceiling. He needs metal carcass any form through which the branches will be passed. When the ceiling is ready, cover it with furniture varnish - it will be very beautiful.

How to make from threads and a ball?

One of the simplest, but original ideas is a ceiling made of threads wound around a balloon. We need threads (woolen, twine, thick cotton), PVA glue, brush, balloon, petroleum jelly.

  • Blow up the balloon. The larger it is, the larger your ceiling will be. A more familiar option is a round ball, but who said that this is a must? Perhaps your chandelier will be of three oblong shades.
  • If your ceiling lamp has an open lower part, then draw a border on the ball for further winding.
  • In order to subsequently easily detach the ball from the threads, brush it with Vaseline with a brush.
  • As you wrap the threads around the ball, coat them with glue, layer by layer. Don't feel sorry for Clay.
  • The more layers, the stronger the structure. Try using threads of different textures, wind them in different directions.
  • Leave your chandelier to dry.
  • After about 24 hours, pierce the ball and remove its remains from the lampshade.
  • Carefully cut out a hole for the cartridge.
  • Insert a light bulb - the ceiling is ready.
  • If it is monophonic, then it can be decorated with artificial flowers, airy butterflies or other medium-sized elements.


Plafond for a standing lamp: a master class

Such a lamp is not only in the field of view, but also in the field of touch.

To create a pleasant atmosphere, do floor lamp soft:

  1. Choose a boa or fringe with fluffy threads in one or more colors.
  2. On the old ceiling, glue the boa or fringe strictly around the circumference, wrapping around the ceiling several times.
  3. Colored material can be decorated not only in a circle, but also randomly, with spots.
  4. Optionally, you can decorate the leg of the lamp and the base itself.

The design itself will be voluminous, not requiring additional elements.

Making for a wall model

Looks great on the wall lamp-house. He can be absolutely different model. But if you install such a lamp in a child’s room, put the baby’s favorite toy on the door of the house where the light comes from (for safety reasons, not fabric and away from the light bulb).

No less interesting are figures made of dense materials (a cat, a flower, a month), planted on a frame. The light does not go through the figure, but from under it, scattering the beam. As a rule, sconces are used specifically to dim the light, which means that any opaque models will be appropriate here.


Handmade options for street lighting

Speaking of street lighting, we mean the area in front of a private house or cottage. Although if you live in high-rise building, where people take care of what is in the yard, then these ideas may suit you.

Lighting the area in front of the house can be:

  • facade, when the lamps are mounted on the walls of the house and the veranda;
  • landscape, which is able to emphasize the beauty of your site, emphasizing paths, plants, figures;
  • street, represented by lanterns that create diffused light on the territory.

The types of light source are also different:

  • from the mains;
  • from batteries;
  • from solar panels.

Facade lamps can look different: LED strip around the perimeter of the house, sconces made of snags and branches. The power supply will be the source of light.

Much more imagination can be applied in landscape lighting. Mount multi-colored lamps from batteries into several figurines of animals and fairy-tale heroes made of plaster, wood or polystone and place them around the territory - the effect will be stunningly beautiful. But turning it on and off is inconvenient. Try installing solar powered lights. In the evening they will light up on their own.

Throw on trees and shrubs led strip, powered by the mains, in the evening you will find yourself in a fairy tale. Shops and the Internet sell lamps that work on the principle of solar panels, with a stand that you just need to stick into the ground in an arbitrary place. In this way, you can decorate a pond, gazebo. The glass of the luminaire can be pre-coated with a pattern or plain paint.

If there is no electricity and solar panels, then in the evening you will be painted with candle lamps hidden in glass jars and suspended from a gazebo, fence, trees. Banks can be decorated with thread, paint, colored self-adhesive paper, corrugated paper. But be careful with such illumination - open fire loves the careless.

Decorating the lampshade will help create a unique atmosphere of comfort in the house. In addition, it will help to give old things new life. No need to throw away outdated lamps and fixtures, but it is worth showing a little imagination to create a completely new design item. The decor of the lamp can be made from improvised means, creating a lamp that will harmoniously complement the interior of the room.

Decor materials

In order for a hand-made lamp to look original, you can use a wide variety of materials and fixtures to decorate it. Basic materials for work:

  • glue (PVA, silicate or glue gun);
  • twine, wire, twine;
  • beads, rhinestones, beads;
  • scissors;
  • pliers;
  • thick cardboard, sheets of white paper;
  • lampshade frame;
  • bulb holder and wire.

This is not a complete list of materials that are used to create a lampshade. In the work, you can use any improvised means and materials.

The simplest version of the base for the lampshade is the frame from the old lamp. You can use metal frames from old lamps, which are later decorated at the choice of the master. Also, as a basis, you can use glass jars, plastic containers. The frame of the product can be made of wicker or wood panels.

The light bulb holder and wire can be purchased on the market or use the remnants of an old lamp.

From papier-mâché

An interesting solution for interior design is a papier-mâché lampshade. For decoration you will need white paper, old newspapers (can be replaced with thin sheets paper), PVA glue, balloon, water. Before starting work, the ball is inflated to the size that the lamp will then be. The newspaper needs to be cut into long strips, which are briefly left in glue or paste. Wet the surface of the ball with water and lay out the first layer of newspaper. One of the parts of the ball is not sealed, since light will come from it in the future.

An unusual solution: if you do not cover the bottom of the ball with a newspaper layer, the light will be directed towards the floor. You can also leave the side of the ball free, in which case the light will come out to the side.

To create an unusual papier-mâché lamp, you will need to apply 5-6 newspaper layers. Be sure to ensure that before applying the next layer, the previous one is completely dry. After completing the layout with a newspaper, the lampshade can be pasted over with white paper, apply liquid wallpaper. After decorating the lamp, the ball needs to burst, paste over the lampshade with paper inside. Make a hole for the chamber on top of the product.

From cardboard and paper

Another decor option is a paper lamp. This requires thin cardboard in white or other colors. The length of the cardboard sheet depends on the required diameter of the finished product. The selected contour is applied to the cardboard (butterflies, hearts, stars, etc.). With the help of a clerical knife, the selected drawings are cut out of the canvas. The cardboard is glued along the edges and attached to the frame of the future lamp. Along the edge of the lampshade, you can attach ribbons or a fishing line decorated with beads, on which you can hang symbols cut out of cardboard. Such a product looks very original on the ceiling of a nursery or bedroom.

Colored beads can be strung on ribbons, which will alternate with paper figures.

After turning on a lamp with such a frame, funny figures will appear on the walls of the room.
Using fabric to decorate a lamp

Fabric lampshades are easy to make and hold up well to cleaning. as the most simple option lampshade, you can take a piece of fabric that looks harmonious with the interior of the room, and sew its edge. A cord is threaded in the upper part and that's it - the lampshade is ready. Such a product is attached to a metal frame and is also easily removed.

A more complex version of a fabric lampshade can be decorated with ruffles, weave ribbons. Lampshades trimmed with fabric ribbons or embroidered with beads and sequins look quite original.

For the decor of the living room, you can make a lampshade, decorated with fringed ribbons. Ready-made ribbons are sold in sewing stores. A hot glue gun is used to attach the fringe to the frame. The adhesive substance is applied in a thin layer to the frame of the lamp, to which the braid is subsequently attached.

If there is a need to decorate the finished lampshade to make it match the interior, various figures can be cut out of the fabric, which are attached to the lampshade with a glue gun.

From improvised items

In any home you can find a lot of items that can be used to decorate a lamp. And if you look in the garage, you can create a whole studio of designer chandeliers. The most important thing is to show imagination and approach the choice of materials for decor outside the box.

For fire safety purposes, it is necessary to use objects that are resistant to high temperatures or screw in low-power light bulbs before starting work, the surface of the object must be cleaned of dust and dirt, and degreased.

Choosing the style of the lampshade, it is worth considering the interior of the room, its purpose. For example, a lampshade made of plastic spoons would look strange in a living room that is decorated in a frilly glamorous style. At the same time, a lampshade decorated with rhinestones and stones will be completely out of place in the kitchen or in the summer gazebo.

From plastic spoons

This lamp is ideal for decorating the kitchen. It is very simple to make, while the materials for the lamp cost a penny. So, for work you will need the following materials:

  • A set of plastic spoons. A total of 50-100 pieces of fixtures will be required, depending on the desired size of the lamp.
  • Gun glue.
  • A set of acrylic paints and brushes.
  • Lampshade frame. For work will do finished metal frame from an old desktop floor lamp.
  • Scissors.

First, you need to cut off the holder from all the spoons. For each product, you must leave 0.5 cm of the boat for fastening. Further, parts of the spoon are randomly attached to the frame. They can overlap each other, imitating fish scales, or scatter, resembling rose petals. Spoon legs can also be used for decoration. After covering the entire surface of the frame, the surface of the spoon is covered with acrylic paint - plain or multi-colored. Using this decor technique, you can create a lamp in the form of a pineapple, a flower, a goldfish and others. A lampshade made of plastic spoons is suitable not only for a ceiling lamp, but also for decorating a bedside lamp in a nursery.

From plastic or glassware

Water bottles often accumulate on the farm, which can be used to decorate lamps. Before starting work, the bottle must be thoroughly washed and dried. Further actions are the freedom of the master's imagination.

For example, by cutting off the neck of a bottle, you can create an excellent holder for a light bulb holder. Several of these accessories, which are glued together, form an unusual chandelier. Bottles can be used from multi-colored plastic or coated with a transparent colored varnish. So, multi-colored rays of light will sparkle in the room.

To create a lampshade, you can also use glass pickle jars. Hanging lamps from cans at different levels will become interesting design solution in the design of the kitchen. Also, when arranging the kitchen, you can use saucers, cups, fragments from broken dishes to decorate the lampshade.

From twine

Such lamps can often be found as lanterns on the streets or on terraces. Making such a lamp at home is very simple - twine and glue are used to create it.

Before starting work, as in the case of a papier-mâché lampshade, you need to inflate a balloon right size. It is he who will serve as a form for the future product. The string must be soaked in a paste and wound around the ball in random order. The free edges of the twine are tied, while the knot must be placed at the top of the ball, where the chamber will then be located. The product will dry for about 2-3 days. Then the ball needs to burst and you can attach the chamber and the light bulb. The finished product can be decorated with large beads, dried flowers. To decorate the gazebo, you can use several of these lampshades of different sizes.

Thus, there are many options for creating an original lampshade. In work, you can use not only special equipment, but also improvised items. The manufacture and decoration of the lampshade will allow not only to decorate the house, but also to have a great time.

Original lamps and lampshades with their own hands. Ideas, master classes

DIY lamps and lampshades. Ideas, master classes


Creating or decorating lamps and lampshades is not only incredibly interesting, but also quite useful: it allows you not only to create a unique item, and in full accordance with the interior of your home, but also to save a lot of money. It is enough to purchase the simplest lamp for little money and beat it to your liking. And there are a lot of options for what and how to do, in a variety of techniques, using a variety of materials.

I picked up ideas for creating and decorating lamps for you and me, I hope you can choose the right option for yourself :) Enjoy watching!

The lampshade is decorated using decoupage technique, the base of the lamp is made of books

The decor of the metal frame of the lampshade with feathers is very stylish :)

Quite often, fabric or paper flowers are used to decorate lampshades, the result is very romantic :)

Fabric flowers with candle processing

Chintz convolutions are used as flowers here.

Twisted fabric flowers

Flowers used here

The flower is made of a cotton strip of fabric, strung on one side and gathered into a bud.

Spiral newspaper roses

The bottom of the lampshade is decorated with spiral paper roses.

Decor of an IKEA lampshade with paper flowers

Lampshades made of lace and knitted napkins look very beautiful.

Shaped with glue

A balloon is inflated and lace napkins are applied to it with glue. After drying, the ball is pierced, deflated and removed.

Highly beautiful option: used as the base of the lamp bird's cage, the lampshade is decorated using decoupage technique with obsolescence.

Even an umbrella can be used for a chandelier :)

Even shreds-trimmings of fabrics will go into action: wound, tied in a knot. This option will fit perfectly into the design of a country house or a children's room.


For the manufacture of lamps, various glass containers are often and successfully used - jars, bottles. A little lower I gave a master class on the manufacture of such a lamp.

A bottle as the base of a lamp - below is also a similar master class

It is a little more complicated here - a hole is drilled at the bottom on the back of the bottle through which the cord is inserted.

The lamp is made of figured metal sheet

The origami technique has been successfully used to create lampshades

Fabric strips glued to the base of the lampshade

Lampshade from various retro leaves

Lampshade from a basket - why not? :)

The second life of a metal colander

Unnecessary forks-spoons created a very interesting option chandeliers :)

A very nice solution: a metal mesh is stretched over the frame and a poultry house is beaten. I think for a child's room.

And here's another bird theme :)

Painting a lampshade with acrylic paints

Thin veneer lampshade

The base of the lamp is glued with seashells

Knitted lampshades - look very cozy :)

Lampshade decor with commemorative photos and slides

The flowers on this lamp are the bottom of plastic bottles :)

Lampshades covered with paper circles

Vegetable lampshade :) I think it’s still hot for the flower there :)

Lace lampshade

Decoupage technique is also applied here.

Highly interesting solution- wire as an art object :)

The lampshade is decorated with strips of fabric

branch lamp

The lampshade is decorated with crumpled-compressed coffee filters (cupcake molds)

Glass vase lampshade

Lampshade base - unnecessary toy soldiers, glued and painted spray paint

Creative lampshade made of strips of felt

Lampshade made of ping-pong balls :)

Floral decor

And many, many more ideas...

Master class on making a lamp from a jar with a metal lid from Tom & Brit (

Punch holes with a nail to create a hole

We insert the cartridge

Paint in one color

We screw the light bulb and insert it into the jar

The lamp is ready :)

Paper lamps from

We need a picture of a castle

Cut out, cut through the windows, glue

Inside we place a spotlight on batteries

Rope chandelier by Sarah M. Dorsey (

We will need a rope, Mod Podge glue (can be replaced with diluted PVA), a ball

To create the wavy shape, Sarah used wooden slats. We lay out the form, coat with glue for fixing.

After drying, lay out on a ball and coat with plenty of glue

After drying, remove the lampshade from the ball and paint it with white spray paint - Sarah has four layers

Very beautiful lampshade made of grandmother's squares from the author of the resource

We cover the lampshade with fabric

Bend the strip of fabric in half lengthwise and twist it into a roll

Straighten slightly

Apply glue to the fold and glue to the base

Kiri's lampshade base tutorial (

Required accessories

Thoroughly wash the bottle, disinfect and dry

Cover with spray paint

Mounting process


This is how a gin bottle turned into a base for a lampshade :)

As you can see, creating lamps and lampshades with your own hands is quite simple and very interesting. Give free rein to your imagination, create and let your home be beautiful and cozy!

Well, for those who still prefer to buy ready-made lighting fixtures, I recommend looking into a specialized online store, where high-quality and stylish table lamps, chandeliers, sconces, accessories, etc. are presented in a huge assortment. from the best manufacturers and at very flexible pleasant prices:) By the way, according to Google statistics, this online store is the most popular among Ukrainian buyers:) Use it with pleasure!

I wish you all the best and good luck!!

When bad weather is raging outside the windows or on a long winter evening, or perhaps just in moments of solitude, you want to sit in a soft comfortable armchair with your favorite book, drink a cup of sweet tea with a pleasant companion or arrange a romantic date with your lover. At such moments, a familiar and homely interior element such as a floor lamp, a chandelier or a lamp, but always with a beautiful lampshade, will come in handy.

As a rule, floor options are located near armchairs, a bed or a soft sofa, and a lamp with a beautiful lampshade can be located above dining table or in the bedroom.

The lampshade is quite simple to make with your own hands, while you can be proud of its exclusivity, originality and style. Interiors with lampshades fill the atmosphere of the room with sensuality and romance, create comfort and attractiveness.

The lampshade is easy to make from any available materials, textiles, paper and decorative things (beads, rhinestones, ribbons, etc.) are quite suitable for this.

Can be improved or upgraded old lampshade using the power of your imagination and diligence. At the same time, the interior design will be filled with individualism and become truly homely. Varied Options we recommend using the lampshade in our photos.

Frame and base preparation

First you need to decide for which lamps you need to make or update the lampshade. If for the old one, then the frame should be removed and freed from unnecessary parts, if it is missing, then you should buy it ready-made in a building supermarket.

It is easy to make it yourself, with pliers and wire on hand. Frame configuration may vary. It is most convenient to make a lampshade for the base in the form of a cylinder or cone.

The choice of fabric for the lampshade

For the future product, you can use fabrics of different textures: light, hard or dense. Even wool is suitable, the main thing is the harmony of the combination with the entire interior solution as a whole. For example, a table-top version of a lampshade for a lamp is suitable for a classic bedroom, i.e. small size and white color appropriate style.

A frame made of ordinary wire is best hidden behind an opaque material. For example, cotton, taffeta or dark silk.

An important point is the choice of fabric color, as it can be warm (yellow, orange, red, etc.) or cold (blue, green, etc.).

Auxiliary materials

Fabric lampshades can be created different ways. For example, a new lampshade, which is fixed to the old one, does not require any preparation for the main process. A hand-made frame requires coating with paint and wrapping with a cotton tape.

An iron, a pencil, a ruler, fabric, pins, threads to match the fabric, strong paper, universal glue - this is what you may need when working.

How to make a lampshade with your own hands using fabric

To make a lampshade with your own hands, they mainly use: linen, silk, denim and other fabrics.

In the production process, a whole cut or material cut into strips is useful. Their width can be different. The prepared frame can be easily covered with a plain fabric with a pattern.

However, it is necessary to immediately decide on the future location of the lampshade, because it must match its surroundings, and not stand out as a white crow.

Design professionals recommend using the frame of the old one to create a new lampshade model for a floor lamp. Although it is not at all difficult to build it with your own hands from hard wire. Use light bulbs that save energy to avoid fires.

To create a masterpiece hanging lampshade on your own, you need:

  • Prepare the frame of the future product (use the design of the old lamp or do it yourself).
  • Choose a suitable fabric, cut into even strips about 5 cm wide, in the amount of 25 pcs.
  • Check the evenness of the edges of the strips.
  • It is good to iron them with an iron.
  • Wrap the ring on top with the edge of the tape and fix (sew).
  • Take the tape down and wrap its edge around the ring at the bottom, then go back and wrap the top around.
  • Wrap the rings until the tape ends, then fasten its edge.
  • Take the next strip and continue wrapping.
  • When the frame is completely covered with ribbons, you need to prepare the belts for the edges.
  • Take two small pieces of fabric of a different color and cut out 2 strips of a certain size, iron them, bending along the edge of the tape 2.5 cm inward.
  • Fold the strip in half.
  • Stick double-sided tape on the frame rings, and a fabric strip on top of it, making light cuts along the edge so that it lies as evenly as possible.
  • Bend the other edge inside the base and also stick adhesive tape.
  • Decorate the upper and lower tiers of the frame with belts.

For edging, you can use crocheted ribbons or well-known ruffles.

Use of textile and plastic materials for the lampshade

This manufacturing option is made of textile and plastic material To update a worn product or improve a new one:

  • we measure the diameters of the rings at the top and bottom, the height of the frame base, adding 2 cm to them to each edge for seams,
  • we take a thin plastic plate of a rectangular or trapezoidal shape, cut off the excess to the desired size, and use it as a base for a fabric lampshade,
  • we cut the fabric in accordance with the required parameters and fix it to the table surface with double-sided tape,
  • glue the fabric to the plastic,
  • with the resulting element we bend around the base and fix the edges with clamps,
  • mark the place of the seams on the fabric,
  • remove the paper clips and strengthen according to the basting with glue, press and leave to dry,
  • glue the lampshade from the inside,
  • glue the place of joining of the rings with the frame,
  • if the product is dry, the clamps are removed,
  • fasten paper tapes at the top and bottom so that one edge is below the location of the rim of the ring,
  • fold the free edge inward and fix it with glue,
  • we take a fabric strip of a different color with a length equal to the height of the frame, and a width of 5 cm, bend it in two, bend the edges and iron it,
  • we coat the inside of the tape with glue and fix it,
  • fix the strip with glue over the seam of the lampshade,
  • prepare paper ribbons 5 cm wide,
  • glue to the upper and lower edges of the lampshade, fasten with clips,
  • Glue a fabric strip on top of the paper.

The process of making this version of the lampshade with your own hands is completed.

Other manufacturing options

In addition to the above options for manufacturing, they use: paper, threads, various tubes, twine, yarn, etc.

DIY lampshade photo

It is very difficult to part with your favorite things, especially if they are still in good working condition, but outwardly worn out. Therefore, many are trying to restore such things to their former gloss and freshness with the help of repairs, or even make them even more spectacular.

In the case of lampshades for table lamps, this is more than possible. There are a lot of options for updating them and even creating them from scratch. You can come up with your own or use the ideas of designers and just creative people who have already implemented them and shared the result.

How to make a frame for a lampshade

In older table lamps, the frame usually does not undergo such irreversible changes and deformations that it cannot be used to create a new lampshade. But a person may not be satisfied with its shape or size, and then you have to make a new one with your own hands. The question is how and from what?

The easiest way is from aluminum or steel wire of such a section that it keeps its shape well. The skeleton of the future lampshade is formed from it.

Stages of workDescription

We cut out templates for all lampshade diameters from cardboard. It can be one if the shape is supposed to be cylindrical, two if it is cone-shaped, three or more if it is complex.

We cut off pieces of wire and form circles from it according to the template. We twist the ends tightly, using pliers if necessary.

We determine the height of the lampshade and the number of vertical jumpers. We cut the wire for them by 8-10 centimeters longer than necessary.
We bend the excess ends of the wire perpendicularly and wrap them around the upper and lower circles. All joints are additionally fixed and masked with electrical tape. It can wrap the entire frame.
If the lamp does not have an emphasis for the cartridge, we finalize the frame. To do this, we first make a wire ring with a diameter slightly larger than the diameter of the cartridge and connect it to the frame racks with horizontal jumpers.

The frame can also be assembled by welding or soldering. When soldering, instead of rosin, it is better to use soldering acid.

Advice. Ready-made things can also become the basis for a lampshade. For example, plastic or metal wire waste baskets, wicker vases or plastic bottles. They only need to cut a hole for the cartridge.

Prices for various types of lampshades

Making lampshades with a wire frame

So, there is a frame, you can think about what to dress it up in. The first thing that comes to mind is new textile clothing.

Fabric lampshades

For the manufacture of fabric lampshades, it is not necessary to have sewing machine and know how to sew. But you will have to make a pattern in any case. Why do you need a newspaper sheet or whatman paper, scissors and adhesive tape.

The newspaper is wrapped around the frame, the joint is fixed with adhesive tape and the excess is cut off from above and below. Then the paper cap is cut lengthwise and the pattern is transferred to the fabric, leaving allowances for the hem.

The edges of the workpiece are tucked inward and ironed. Its dimensions after this operation should remain slightly larger than the newspaper pattern.

We wrap the fabric around the frame and glue the joint or carefully sew it with a needle and thread. We wrap the edges at the top and bottom inward and glue it to the frame.

With tailoring skills, you can make the lampshade more voluminous. And you don’t have to be smart with the pattern. It is necessary to cut a rectangle from the fabric along the height of the frame and the length of the largest circle. Usually this is the bottom circle of the frame. Of course, do not forget about seam allowances.

We sew the fabric from the inside with short sides to make a cylinder, the diameter of which exactly matches the diameter of the bottom of the frame. Then we bend and sew the bottom edge and put the fabric cylinder on the lampshade. We collect its upper part in uniform folds, temporarily fixing them with pins, bend it onto the upper circle of the frame and glue it. It remains to sew a braid or lace strip to the bottom edge and tie the lampshade with a ribbon.

Also, an elastic band can be inserted into the upper part of the fabric cylinder - the look of the lampshade will be completely different.

Lampshade from an old knitted skirt. Rubber band on top

Finally, on old frame you can just put on a children's skirt of a suitable length. It can be sewn from any fabric - chintz, knitwear, jeans, organza, etc. The main thing is that in color and style it is in harmony with the interior of the room.

Lampshade from napkins

Crocheted napkins and capes now seem to many to be completely unnecessary old-fashioned things. Well, or simply inapplicable in the interior of the apartment for its intended purpose. But it is a pity to throw away the products connected by mother or grandmother. But from them you can make a lampshade by analogy with fabric. Only at first all the napkins will have to be sewn into one canvas, in shape and size suitable for fitting the frame.

Advice. So that the metal frame does not catch the eye through the openwork fabric, paint it, wrap it with tape suitable color or cover with paper / cardboard, creating a hard inner layer.

A table lamp with such a lampshade will perfectly fit into a girl's bedroom in Provence style.

Compare these two photos.

The same fabric is used here, but different finishing techniques. And the second lampshade looks smarter, richer. The secret is not to use a solid canvas, but strips cut from fabric and creating the effect of folds.


It is necessary to prepare a frame, threads with a needle, scissors and a durable fabric that does not fray around the edges.

The fabric needs to be cut into long strips 3-4 cm wide. Things will go faster if you just cut it from the edge and tear it with a sharp movement.
The resulting strips are smoothed with an iron. If desired, you can bend the edges and smooth them inside, but this is not necessary. It is enough just to trim the protruding threads.
The first strip is fixed on the top of the frame with glue or thread.

And they begin to carefully wrap the frame in a circle, alternately wrapping the strip over the lower and upper rings. At the same time, it must be stretched and laid with a slight overlap on the previous layer. Then the next one is hemmed to the first strip, trying to get the seam on the wrong side of the lampshade.

Having wrapped the entire frame, the tip of the fabric strip is hemmed from the inside. You can stop there - the lampshade already looks very attractive. And you can make a border with a contrasting fabric.

A strip of this fabric 12-15 cm wide is folded on one side, the fold is ironed and double-sided tape is glued to it.

With the other side of the adhesive tape, the strip is glued to the edge of the lampshade and tucked inward. The adhesive tape must be glued on both sides, so it is bent along the axis.
The other edge is finished in the same way, and the excess fabric is carefully trimmed with scissors.

Instead of one fabric, you can use different ones, alternating stripes in color and width. It is even more convenient to use ribbons - they do not need to be sewn together.

Ribbon lampshade with bows

Alternatively, strips or ribbons of different colors are not sewn, but the ends are left hanging down freely.

Ribbons and fabric strips are excellent material for weaving. Having made the base according to the method described above, it can be intertwined with transverse or diagonal lines.

Plafonds made of braid, yarn, twine look very original. If the frame has many intersecting ribs, they can be wrapped in different directions.

If an existing or hand-made smooth fabric lampshade suits in all respects, but it lacks zest, it can always be decorated. Beads, rhinestones, paper flowers and butterflies, fringe, etc. But there is a more original and effective way to decorate ceiling lamps ... with wood putty. It is best to take ready-made polymer putty. It comes in white and in color different breeds tree. White is perfectly tinted in any shade.

The technology is extremely simple: a flexible stencil is glued onto the lampshade using adhesive tape, and then a uniform layer of putty is applied to it. After it dries, the stencil, together with adhesive tape, is carefully removed along with excess putty.

Other types of lampshades

If you do not want to mess around with wire, fabric and paper, you can use completely different materials and techniques for making lampshades. Here are some examples.

To make an eco-style ceiling, you will need a wooden or plastic embroidery hoop, fast-setting glue and slats.

The slats are cut along a length equal to the height of the future lampshade. And stick to the hoop. Everything, the lampshade is ready. It can be turned into a full-fledged table lamp if several slats are made longer and used as a support.

Any work with wood is always exciting, because there is an opportunity not only to show own fantasy, but also to make a thing that fully meets your needs and tastes. Agree, it's nice when the house has a thing made by hand. Read on our website about how to make a wooden box with your own hands.

Lampshades from disposable spoons

As a frame for such a lampshade, it is most suitable plastic container volume of 5 liters. It was she who was used in the proposed master class for the manufacture of the original ceiling in the form of a pineapple. But you can take any other container of a suitable size.

With a sharp knife, cut off the bottom and neck of the bottle, leaving a hole into which the bulb holder will pass.

We cut the cuttings from plastic spoons, leaving "tails" 1.5-2 cm long. The convex side of the spoons is painted in yellow odorless paint. Acrylic is best.

We put a drop of hot glue on the cuttings and glue the spoons with the painted side out to the bottom cut of the bottle close to each other.

We glue the second and subsequent rows of spoons overlapping the previous one with an offset, in a checkerboard pattern. There should be no gaps between them.

Thus, we paste over the entire container.

From thick paper or thin green cardboard, cut out a circle with a hole in the center that matches the hole in the top of the bottle.

Cut the outer edge into large cloves and bend slightly down. We glue it to the lampshade. Cut out long leaves from the same paper and insert them into the upper hole in a bunch, after installing the cartridge in the lampshade.

Note. Shades made of materials that are not resistant to fire or high heat can only be used with LED or fluorescent lamps.

Using this technique, you can create lampshades in a completely different style. If "Pineapple" will look great in the children's room, then the lamp, the manufacture of which is shown step by step in the following photos, will decorate the bedroom.

Lampshade "Pineapple" with feathers

Lampshade "Tiffany" from a plastic bottle

Big plastic bottle can be an excellent basis for making a lampshade that imitates the Tiffany style - a multi-colored stained glass mosaic.

Cut off the bottom of the bottle. The cut can be straight or curly. Then a drawing is applied to it and the contours are outlined with a special contour paint of golden or silver color. And after it dries, paint the plastic inside the contours in different colors.

Paper plate lampshade

If the old table lamp dense cylindrical lampshade, it can be changed beyond recognition using disposable paper plates. Their number is easy to calculate by measuring the circumference of the cylinder: one plate is needed for each centimeter.

Manufacturing instructions are below.

Bend each plate in half, step back from the fold line in both directions by 5 mm and draw two parallel lines.

Attach a ruler to these lines and, with a little effort, draw along them with the blunt side of a knife or other pointed (but not sharp!) Object.

Bend the plate along the sagging lines and glue it to the lampshade with hot glue.

Glue gun prices

glue gun

Close to it and at the same height, glue the second workpiece and all subsequent ones.

Here's what the end result should be.

This method is known, if not to everyone, then to very many. The instruction is attached.

We inflate the balloon to the desired size and grease it with petroleum jelly so that the threads soaked in glue do not stick to the rubber. You can also wrap it with a thin cling film.

In a jar of PVA glue we make with an awl through hole slightly above the bottom.

We thread the needle and pass it through the jar, after which we remove the needle.

We wrap the balloon with thread with glue in random order until we get the required winding density. The area around the tail of the ball is best left free so that you can then put the lampshade on the lamp.

We wait for the glue to dry completely and pierce the ball. Before this, the lampshade can be painted with spray paint from a spray can.

We decorate a ball of thread with paper, wire or fabric flowers, if there is such a desire, and put it on a lamp.

Video - How to make a beautiful lampshade with your own hands

Highly unusual material to decorate a table lamp - metal locks from tin beer and other cans.

For the first row, they are bent in half and fixed on the upper ring of the frame lampshade.

For all other locks, one ring is cut in half and the second row begins, catching the lock with cut ears for two adjacent rings of the first row.

Having reached the lower ring, the locks are again crocheted inward and hooked to the frame.

These are such different, but very beautiful and original lampshades that can be made from traditional and, it would seem, materials not intended for this at all.

Video - Origami lampshade