What to do to create a fantasy. Magical fulfillment of one's own desires and materialization of thoughts

  • 24.09.2019

After writing the previous article, I realized that for many, a “simple” technique can be quite difficult. Complaints about the lack of imagination in beginners are very common. So - in this article - a few simple "chips" for the development of imagination, fantasy and creativity (creativity).

But first, an important thought. If you think you don't have a sense of humor, imaginative thinking, creativity, or imagination, forget that thought. You have everything you need! Most likely - you just forgot where they live, put your imagination in a canvas bag and put it in the farthest corner of the closet. Well, or look in the bedside table - it’s probably there - your imagination - curled up and sleeping, smiling in a dream. And he does not know that it is difficult for you without him.

Seriously, everyone has an imagination. Can you remember what your girlfriend or boyfriend looks like? What does the metro station you use often look like? If yes, you are all right. It's just that your imaginative thinking is somewhat conserved, and only images of the reality familiar to you live in it. And it's worth a little work to expand the space of imagination. For in the human imagination there is a huge creative force and an inexhaustible creative resource.

It is possible to reactivate the imagination simple techniques.

Long live advertising!

by the most best material for the development of the imagination is ... advertising. Posters with advertising slogans, shop signs - all this is material for us. They can be read backwards. Or you can combine parts of posters and inscriptions.

Another option - ready-made, combined - “Moscow Coffee House. Don't worry, take a dip!

Another option is to look at a box of sweets and the inscription on the notebook - “My cockroaches are a plastic cover: it won’t get dirty, it won’t wrinkle.”

Another option is to combine pictures with inscriptions. A picture of the same ham + an inscription on a bus passing by. We get: Apartments in new quarters ...

I think the idea is clear...

Image + action

A little more difficult than the previous one, but usually after a couple of days of training, everyone starts to get it easy.

We take one object, we take an action from another. As a result, we get the desired absurdity, which develops the imagination.

Examples. Bedside table + notebook. From the notebook we take action. It opens, you can write in it, etc. We get - the bedside table writes in a notebook. Further it is already possible to develop - what he writes, why he writes, to whom he writes ... But for a start - enough. For, in this case, our task is not to make a handsome man, but simply to shake the imagination.

Lamp + bathrobe. In principle - not bad at once - a lamp in a dressing gown. Bann. Looks like he just got out of the bath. So, she also has a turban. But if you strictly observe the letter of technology, then the robe that caught your eye is fluffy. So, another option - the lamp is overgrown with fur. Or fluff. Or laughter. Fur lamp. Shaggy. Laughing.

In this case, as I have already said, we do not pursue the beauty of the image and do not strive for the images to be funny or edge. We just mix everything.

image + image + action

An option similar to the previous one. Only two items are connected by an action from the third.

Example. Linoleum + balcony door + ruler. Linoleum gallantly opens the ruler balcony door. Balcony door measures linoleum. The ruler walks the balcony door along the linoleum.

Another example. Mobile phone+ bus + traffic light. A mobile phone winks at the bus at traffic lights. The bus rings the traffic light on the mobile: "Please turn on the green!"

And here is a simple combination for independent work: Gift wrap+ shop window + zebra (pedestrian crossing).

Half word + half word

This technique comes from childhood. Get new words. The technique is simple, and the imagination develops remarkably. Because behind every word our brain is used to seeing an image. And by creating new words, we encourage the brain to get involved in the work of fantasizing, creating new images. That is, I propose not only to create new words, but also to dream up how “it” could look like.

TV + nightstand = TV

Rhinoceros + cover = oblorog


We pronounce

We take 2 items. The second subject - we declare. And then we come up with how it could look like.

For example: - the scissors are felt-tip, the stapler is notebook, the hairpin is mirrored, the car is battery-operated, the aquarium is candy, and so on.

The main thing is to act

From experience, I can say that many people have difficulty imagining at first. And it is with simple techniques that you can achieve results the fastest.

It is interesting that the person himself usually does not really notice that he is changing as his figurative space opens and develops. But from the side it is very interesting to watch.

After all, a person wakes up - his creative beginning.

Many participants in the laughter training noted that when you start practicing these and similar techniques, your approach to life changes very quickly. It becomes an order of magnitude more creative, flexible, able to come up with something, as well as the ability to find ways out of any life situations and solve problems of any complexity.

With love for your fantasy, Yunia

  • What is imagination?
  • How to develop imagination
  • Visualization
  • Count in your mind
  • Silent movie
  • read books
  • fictional stories
  • What if?..
  • Find a creative hobby
  • Sequel, prequel, fanfic...
  • New words

Dreamer - this is the name of the one who is cut off from reality, lives in his dreams and is not able to cope with the vicissitudes of fate. It's practically a diagnosis. Speaking to a friend, “Yes, he is a dreamer!” - a person will most often wave his hand doomedly, as if adding: "There will be no sense in him."

But let's imagine what our planet would look like if people had no imagination. We are the only species that is characterized by fantasy, the ability to imagine objects and phenomena that do not exist at a given moment in time. (By the way, it is worth understanding that fantasy and imagination are synonymous).

So what would our world be like? People still live in caves, there are no cars on the roads, there are no cities, and you, the reader, do not have a computer from which you are viewing this article. And the article, too, of course, no. If man had no imagination, he would not have become a man, civilization would not have appeared, and the Earth would have remained a wild kingdom of animals.

Are we all a product of the imagination? Exactly. Everything that is around us, our self-consciousness and even the ability to read and write - all this exists thanks to the imagination. Therefore, before you say that dreamers are not of this world, think about the fact that it was dreamers who created this world. At least its man-made part.

But I seem to be getting ahead of myself. To understand the importance of fantasy, you first need to understand what it is.

What is imagination?

Imagination is a property of the human psyche to create new images based on those already in memory. Roughly speaking, imagination is a visualization of non-existent events, phenomena, pictures. Non-existent does not mean impossible. This means that a person can imagine an acquaintance whom he does not see at the moment, or draw in his mind a familiar landscape. Or maybe come up with something new that I have not seen before - for example, a triangular blanket that deprives people of sleep.

This is where we differ from animals - none of them is able to reproduce or create images, they can only think about those pictures that are currently in front of their eyes. Imagination is one of the foundations of thinking, memory and analysis - we are able to think, remember, dream, make plans and bring them to life precisely thanks to fantasy.

The creation of new images is based on a combination of already known components. That is, everything that a person is able to come up with is a vinaigrette from what he once saw. The mechanisms of imagination have not yet been studied, few people imagine how it works, what it is based on and in which part of the brain to look for it. This is the least explored area of ​​human consciousness.

There are many varieties of imagination.

active imagination
allows you to consciously call up the desired images in your head. It is divided into creative and recreative . The creative serves to create new images, which can later be embodied in the results of labor - paintings, songs, houses or dresses. Before starting work, any person first imagines its result, then draws a sketch or drawing (if necessary), and only then gets down to business. If there were no imagination, the work would not even begin - what result would a person strive for if he were not able to imagine it /

Therefore it is also called productive imagination, since the images are embodied in the results of labor, inventions and cultural objects.

Recreating imagination is aimed at resurrecting visual images of what you once saw - for example, you can close your eyes and imagine your dog or the situation in the apartment. This kind of imagination is an important component of memory and the basis for creative fantasy.

passive imagination produces images that a person does not intend to bring to life in the near future. It is conscious and unconscious and also has its subcategories.

dreams- conscious creation of images of the distant future. Dreams are plans that a person does not currently have the opportunity to implement, but theoretically they are viable. They may not necessarily be the property of only one person - descendants often fulfill the dreams of their ancestors, described in drawings and literary works.

For example, the thousand-year dreams of man about eternal life today are embodied thanks to modern medicine, which allowed us to significantly extend our age and youth. What if we compare 60-year-old women of the Middle Ages and the 21st century? The first, most likely, was no longer alive at that age, because at 40-50 she became a deep toothless old woman. And the current granny, with money and desire, may well compete with her granddaughter in figure and marry a thirty-year-old youth.

People's dreams of the ability to quickly transfer information have come a long way from pigeon mail to the Internet, dreams of capturing pictures of the world around them have evolved from rock art to digital cameras. The dream of fast travel led us to tame the horse, invent the wheel, invent the steam engine, the automobile, the airplane, and hundreds of other devices. Everywhere you look, all the achievements of civilization are dreams come true, and therefore - a product of the imagination.

dreams- Another branch of passive imagination. They differ from dreams in that their realization is impossible. For example, if today my grandmother begins to dream that she will go on a trip to Mars, this can be safely called a daydream - for this she has neither the money, nor the opportunity, nor the health, nor the necessary connections.

Daydreams and daydreams are conscious manifestations of passive imagination.

hallucinations - unconscious generation of non-existent images by the brain in cases of violation of its work. This may occur while taking some psychotropic drugs or in the case of mental illness. Hallucinations are usually so realistic that the person experiencing them believes they are real.

dreams are also an unconscious creation of images, but if hallucinations haunt a person in reality, then dreams come during rest. Their mechanism is also practically not studied, but it can be assumed that dreams are of some benefit. They can talk about true attitude to an unresolved problem that we willfully try not to think about.

Here we have talked mostly about visual images, but imagination has to do with all human senses - smell, hearing, taste, touch. Imagine that you are biting into a juicy lemon. Sour? Flattened teeth? Did saliva come out? This is the work of the recreative imagination.

All people's imagination is developed differently - someone can easily invent amazing stories and present unprecedented pictures, and for some even school essay is a real problem.

The thing is how much effort a person and his environment applied to the development of his imagination. If a child grows up in a family where there is no place for fantasies, then over time he becomes as mundane as his parents.

The French psychologist and educator Théodule Ribot described three stages in the development of fantasy in the 19th century. The first one starts at childhood, together with the birth of the imagination. This period covers childhood from three years old, adolescence and adolescence. At this time, a person has the most unbridled fantasy, he believes in miracles, is able to embark on adventures and commit rash acts. The body at such a time is strongly influenced by hormones raging during puberty.

Unfortunately, this period has its own dark side - most suicides occur precisely at this time precisely because young people succumb to their feelings inspired by the imagination. An amazing fact - the stronger a person's imagination is developed, the stronger his feelings. It is people with violent imagination who are able to fall in love before old age and really suffer from unrequited love. And they experience all other emotions more vividly.

The second period does not last long and is the birth of a rational mind in a person, saying that emotions and dreams cannot be a fundamental life guide. In terms of physiology, we can talk about the end of puberty, the formation of the body and brain. At this time, a sensual and sensible personality is fighting in a person - in most cases, the second one wins and the third period begins.

It is final, reason subjugates fantasy and a person learns to live by the rules, and not obeying the call of a dream. Creativity disappears, feelings are considered only ghosts of the past, a person becomes practical and measured. His imagination degenerates, but never completely disappears - it is impossible. There always remains a small spark of fantasy in the soul, which can be blown into a flame again.

So it was in the time of Théodule Ribot - he calculated that the onset of the deterioration of the imagination falls on the age of 14 years. But today everything is much sadder - due to the influence of the media, the Internet and too much a large number information, kids already by the first grade begin to lose their imagination and think in clichés.

How to develop imagination

Lack of imagination makes the inner world dull and monotonous, deprives a person of the opportunity to develop and enrich himself at the expense of images and ideas that our brain is capable of endlessly generating if it is not interfered with. There are numerous imagination exercises to help adults learn to fantasize.


It is from this exercise that one should begin the development of the imagination - it helps to develop the ability to reproduce and build visual images in detail. Visualization improves not only fantasy, but also thinking and memory.

Imagine an object. For example, a box of matches. Imagine it in all details - brown sides, inscription. Now mentally open and take out the match. Light it up and watch it burn. It seems simple, but at first the visuals will elude you and your brain will try to steer you into its familiar passive observer state.

You can think of different objects, locations and actions, trying to reproduce them in your head to the smallest detail. Imagine how you go home, turn the door handle, take off your shoes, jacket, put the keys on the bedside table ... The interior can be unfamiliar. In general, practice visualization and over time you will notice that you are better at managing your own thoughts.

Count in your mind

Mental counting helps develop imagination, although it may seem unrelated to fantasy. If you are far from mathematics, then at least perform the simplest operations - addition, subtraction, division and multiplication. You can’t count quickly - imagine how you solve a problem in a column on paper, but don’t try to use a notepad. Everything should happen only in the head.

If you have the highest score in mathematics, then you can complicate the task set for yourself - solve geometric and algebraic equations, draw drawings in your mind. Silent movie

Silent movie

Turn off the sound while watching a movie and think out your story to what you see. It is better if these are humorous dialogues of characters that will cheer you up. You can invite friends to visit and make a soundtrack for the film with them, turning a horror movie or a melodrama into a real comedy.

read books

This helps to develop various aspects of personality, including fantasy. Try to vividly imagine descriptions of the interior, landscapes, people you meet in the book. Over time, their vivid images themselves will begin to appear in the head without effort.

fictional stories

Gather a group of friends and tell each other fairy tales. A prerequisite is that fairy tales must be invented independently and preferably impromptu.

What if?..

With this phrase begins the first sentence of the game of hypotheses. You can play it in a company and by yourself. Assumptions should be as unrealistic as possible: “What if our house is now flying in space, and there is a vacuum beyond the threshold?” “What if Count Dracula comes to us now and offers to buy a set of knives from him?” And develop the idea by building stories about what could happen in such a non-standard situation.

Find a creative hobby

All people have a creative streak. Many people think that a hobby that does not bring money and world fame is a waste of time. But this is not true - a hobby develops imagination and makes our life richer. Remember how you wrote poetry in school or loved to embroider before you got bogged down in a routine. Let your crafts be far from ideal, but if the process of creating them is a pleasure, then you need to get the forgotten tools out of the dusty box and start creating again. What it will be - knitting needles and threads, matter and needles, paper and paints - it's up to you.

Sequel, prequel, fanfic...

Are you familiar with these words? In simple terms, this is a continuation, backstory or its own version of the development of events in a film or other work. What happens after your favorite series or book ends? You can come up with it yourself. What kind of life did the characters live while the author did not pay attention to them? And how could everything have been if one of the characters had not committed some key act? You can create your own literary reality. It could exist

A dog with six legs, an ostrich with the head of a crocodile, multi-colored snow that appears flying through a rainbow ... What is there in this world, but it could be! Imagine non-existent animals, objects and phenomena, discuss them with friends - it will be funny and fun. Imagine if people lived underwater like fish. What if oranges were salty? We would eat them as a bite to eat with fried potatoes! This may seem like nonsense to some, so carefully choose friends with whom you can play this game - otherwise some vigilant friend will call the orderlies.

New words

Feel free to play with the language like a constructor. This is a very flexible material, from the disparate elements of which fundamentally new words can be composed. At first it will seem difficult, but over time, new words will pop out of your head on their own, and maybe become the basis for a new secret language in your family. So the table easily turns into a “borshchedrom”, the dog into a “gawkleg”, and the cat into a “mukhozhralku”.

Knowing how to develop imagination, you can significantly expand the horizons of your consciousness. All these exercises are aimed at the complex development of a person - they help him become more liberated, cheerful and extraordinary.

And let you heal the glory of an eccentric, but this should not embarrass you. Remember that great people did not follow the beaten paths of ordinary people, that all inventors had a wild imagination, and the most successful and wealthy businessmen were able to create their own business by implementing new, previously unknown opportunities. They invented their own world.

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Imagination is a great gift of nature, which every person can use, starting from a very young age. This is the ability of inner vision, which is associated with many aspects of our lives. This quality is designed to serve the benefit of a person and help him in real life achieve what he could see within himself, in his thoughts and dreams.

Why is it worth developing the imagination?

As a rule, adults rarely think about how to develop their creativity and imagination. It so happened - they are taught to be realistic, not to "hover in the clouds", not to build illusions and castles in the air. But by neglecting the development of the imagination, we can deprive ourselves of many advantages. Let's look at some of the reasons why it's worth developing the imagination.

    Firstly, a developed fantasy contributes to the flexibility of the mind, makes a person's thinking more productive. So, it would seem, just the ability to dream, but in reality it turns out that fantasy is closely related to the level of intelligence. That is, by developing your imagination, you become smarter!

    Secondly, imagination is not a useless function that is only needed for preschoolers to make their childhood more fun. Not! Imagination helps us to extract from the depths of our subconscious what we did not suspect. For years, our fantasy accumulates the energy that is given to each person along with his dreams. At the moment when a person is completely ready to realize what his fantasy has drawn, the accumulated energy is released and gives a powerful impetus that allows you to get closer to the goal faster. If you need strength for successful life, you have no right to neglect the development of the imagination.

    Thirdly, thanks to your imagination, you can reach great heights in professional activity or in business. Modern world is developing at a crazy pace, and every year there are so many new things that creative ideas, as it is impossible to come in handy. Therefore, a person with a good imagination, able to give out fresh ideas and solutions, will always have a good position and income.

    And of course - the power of imagination, this is your inner strength, which opens up many opportunities for you. Your imagination is where all your successes begin. Everything that is created today by man was once born right there, in a small part of the brain that generated and allowed a person to see the finished result with his inner vision.

How can imagination be developed?

Child psychologists talk a lot about this topic now. They are concerned that today's children do not have the same developed imagination as toddlers from previous generations. In everything, of course, they blame the action of television and various gadgets. In fact, a TV, smartphone, computer, tablet are useful devices. But, to a growing and developing brain, they can be harmful.

Why? The reason is the way the information is presented! The simpler and clearer the information provided, the less the brain needs to strain. Imagination when watching a cartoon is practically not involved. But, if a child reads a book or listens to a fairy tale, the areas of the brain associated with creativity and fantasy are immediately activated, because the baby needs to activate inner vision in order to visualize the information received.

The same problem applies to adults as well. It is not for nothing that you can often hear that people become less inventive, active and experience difficulties even in the simplest thought processes from TV. Simply put, their brains become less flexible. Therefore, first of all, it is better to refuse or minimize the receipt of information from TV screens and computers. Yes, of course, it's easier to watch a video than to read a book, but if you care about your mind and consciousness, and strive to reach heights in life, you need to sacrifice something. This is the only thing that can interfere with the harmonious development and activation of fantasy.

Consider another list of tips that, on the contrary, will contribute to the development of the imagination.

    There is one simple and yet effective exercise for the development of the parts of the brain responsible for creativity. The simplicity is that it can be practiced anywhere, anytime. The point is this. Try in your imagination to simulate various life situations. Scroll through the plot, improvise, draw the smallest details in your head. For example, imagine that in the evening you and a friend met in a cafe for a cup of tea. Try to hear this light music, feel the smell, see the details of the interior.

    Another very popular way to develop the imagination is reading books. The more often you allow yourself to enjoy a book, the more your brain is loaded, and specifically, the department responsible for the power of imagination. The brain is like a muscle, the stronger and more often you strain it, the more productive it will work.

    Start writing your thoughts, impressions, emotions. Keep a diary, or just do it periodically when you have a free moment and inspiration. Every time you write down something from your experience, or just your thoughts, you experience it in a new way, and your imagination is again involved.

    Effective and effective method development of fantasy - communication with people who have already managed to develop this quality well. Such people are full of energy and ideas, they have many plans and dreams that they would like to realize in their lives. No matter how strange it may sound, but this energy is transmitted. Allow yourself to be “infected” with this, plunge into the atmosphere of creation and creativity, soak up this energy.

    And of course, do not forget about other creative activities and hobbies. Perhaps you have an old dream - to learn how to draw or crochet. Make up your mind and start doing some creative activities that activate your brain, making your imagination run wild.

Remember that by reaching heights in the development of the imagination, you can break ahead in many areas of life. Do not stop and do not let any circumstances get in your way, and then you will have great success!

What are fantasy and imagination? In fact, these are types of thinking with the help of which a person imagines non-existent objects or recreates in memory what he once saw. That is, on the basis of old experience, we create something new precisely thanks to fantasy and imagination. But how is one different from the other?

Via imagination we represent, unite and change what we have already seen, what in principle exists in the world. Fantasy but it helps us to create in our consciousness something new, unreal, something that no one has seen yet and that does not exist. However, both the first and second processes are based on human experience, the richer it is, the more active fantasy and imagination function.

Imagination is divided into three main types:

  1. Recreating imagination: representation of certain objects or phenomena according to the algorithm. So, for example, our imagination works when we read a book. We represent exactly those images that are described in the narrative, in poetry, song and the like.
  2. Creative: create images without an algorithm on your own. It is the creative imagination that is important to develop in children.
  3. Unguided imagination: We often observe this process in children. They just tell all sorts of tall tales that are absolutely not connected by logic or sequence.

Why fantasy can not help in solving real problems?

This is because when fantasizing, the child draws his own world, which means that he invents tasks himself. When solving them, he can come up with a way that impossible to implement in the real world, which means that if a child is given a serious task, he will not be correct with its solution, because he will offer absolutely fantastic answers. Solving adult problems also requires creativity, however, such an approach must have some limitations, and fantasy, as you know, has no such limits. Therefore, a child needs fantasizing, but later it is necessary to teach the child to manage it.

Fantasy or stupidity?

Is there any way to separate fantasy from stupidity? Any fantasy that starts to hurt or is simply wrong can be called stupidity. I.e stupidity is an inexpedient, harmful, unreasonable act or the same idea. Naturally, depending on the age of a person, the criteria for distinguishing between fantasy and delirium shift somewhat.

Is fantasizing always a good thing? Is it worth limiting the fantasies of children, or are they always beneficial?

The fantasies of a child cannot be considered as a lie, because when he tells his fables, he absolutely does not care whether this event is real or not, he is interested in the very process of composing. The most important thing in the process of fantasizing is that the child's brain is able to create new interesting images, generate ideas, actively absorb experience to create something new.

However, parents still need listen to what specifically the child often fantasizes about. If all his stories are about his imaginary friends, maybe this is how he tries to tell you about his loneliness? That is, the child's fantasies can also be a signal for help, which you must hear.

Why should a child develop fantasy and imagination?

There is a very wise catchphrase: "Without imagination, there is no thought". Many great scientists have argued that imagination, the ability to create new ideas, is sometimes much more important than a large stock of encyclopedic knowledge. Moreover, any most complex mathematical calculations must be preceded by imagination.

Most people understand imagination and fantasy as something meaningless, useless in real life. This is due to insufficient awareness of people about these functions of thinking. 'Cause it's really good developed imagination and fantasy - pledge of original non-standard thinking which in turn makes it easier to solve problems.

It is difficult for any child to act and think according to the rules, so you need to inspire the child to think outside the box, to fantasize. In no case do not criticize the child for "fiction".

From the earliest age, a game- the main way of the child to gain experience, to adapt in society. It is in the game that they learn to think, which means that from childhood they need to be helped to develop their imagination. Let them create own worlds generate ideas and images.

How to develop children's imagination?

Basic rules for the development of creative thinking:

  • The richer the human experience, the more active the imagination and the richer the fantasy. That is why it is necessary to help the child accumulate life experience, to absorb all the events and phenomena that occur around him. It is on the basis of what he saw and heard that the child will then create new images and ideas. The erudition of a child is also a guarantee that he will become a creative person.
  • Other people's experience can also serve as a basis for fantasies. That is, you can imagine something that you have never seen, but read or heard about it. Of course, this also needs to be learned and trained in such skills.
  • Fantasies and emotions are mutually dependent. What we fill with imaginary images will depend on our emotional state and vice versa, what we imagine will affect our mood. Therefore, emotions and feelings are powerful engine fantasy.

Ways to develop fantasy

In order to successfully form and develop the imagination and fantasy of a baby, you need to know the basic ways and techniques for developing creative thinking. So, what needs to be done so that a child learns to dream?

One of the most important forms of reflection of the surrounding reality is imagination. The ability to imaginative thinking, to mentally recreate any object or phenomenon, to solve problems without direct practical action, to abstract modeling - that's what imagination is.

How to develop imagination or fantasy?

First, let's figure out when a person needs such an ability. Human memory and play, creativity and planning, dreams of the future, memories of the past, even an elementary reflection of the world visible to the eyes and transformation into images of specific external objects - all these mental processes are impossible without imagination, they are imagination itself. What happens to a person deprived of the gift of thinking figuratively? Probably, he will be able to live only according to pre-built templates for him. It is impossible for him to think of the situation, to think at least one step ahead. Deprived of abstract thinking, he will not be able to understand art, enjoy music or poetry, he will not even dream. A world devoid of color - isn't it a terrifying prospect? Like any ability, even innate, imagination can and should be shaped.

Imagination development is a creative, interesting and complex process. We have already noted that the image and thought are an inseparable whole, and the human imagination itself is connected with thinking by the closest ties. Therefore, any exercise aimed at developing thinking will also help the development of imagination. Creative imagination also implies the upbringing of an independent personality, because it involves the creation of new, original, unparalleled things, images or signs.

Ways to develop creative imagination

  • accumulation vivid images through thoughtful communication with nature and fixing the results of observations in verbal form, in drawings and crafts;
  • attempting imaginary "journeys" through places hidden by the schematic representation of lines on the map;
  • careful reading of books with "immersion" in the details of the descriptions of the appearance of the characters, interiors and landscapes, with a purposeful desire to recreate in the imagination what the authors describe;
  • the formation of imagination in games: role-playing, with words, with fantastic proposed circumstances.

Imagination games

From an early age, it makes sense to pay attention to the development of imagination in children. Here, a playful, entertaining way is most suitable, for example, tasks-games

  • inventing riddles about terrestrial objects for aliens who have never heard of these objects and have not seen them;
  • writing poems and fairy tales on arbitrary topics;
  • drawing and modeling fantastic animals, plants, stones;
  • a fantasy game that starts with the question: what would happen if...
  • word game: a word is chosen and each letter is made the beginning of a new word, and then lines with rhymes are made from the received words or a story is made up based on them.

Psychologists say that by the age of three, a child has accumulated sufficient experience and demonstrates the first manifestations of imagination. Development of imagination in children preschool age The task is very delicate and important. Toddlers often mix the real and the imaginary, and if the child is not helped in time, if his imagination is not directed in the right direction, he can begin to live in a fantasy world, moving away from reality. Educators attach great importance to role playing when, taking on a role, children strive for the most accurate similarity of invented images with really existing characters. Fine art (sculpting, drawing), building and constructive activities, accompanied by stories and explanations of the child - all this gives scope to the child's imagination and develops conscious thinking.