Rules for the life of successful people: Mark Zuckerberg. Golden Rules for Success

  • 24.09.2019

Many people, no matter how hard they try, cannot achieve great success in life. Something is working out, in some places there are certain ups and downs ... But it is precisely to achieve success that does not work out in any way. Why it happens? Let's see what and how to do in order to succeed and learn the golden rules of success.

To achieve some success, you just need to use the experience of others. successful people. After all, there is nothing better and more reliable than using a proven and working one. I did it for you by collecting the experiences of people who have managed to achieve success, and breaking them down into separate points - the rules of success.

This is the main rule of success. Without this, you will definitely not succeed. You must have unshakable confidence in your abilities and the end result. Success is the norm. Remember this and confidently go to this goal.

But don't panic if things don't go the way you planned. After all, from point A to point B there is an ordinary road, short and one that is unknown to anyone. But all three of these roads lead to the same end point. In the same way, you can come to your goal in a different way than you originally planned. The main thing is to understand in time whether this road leads to point B or to a dead end.

Striving to be successful

Let's take the same example with points A and B. After all, if you went to point B not of your own free will, but because your aunt and neighbor so want, then you are unlikely to be able to get there. It may just seem to you that the path is too long, and you like point B much less than your native A. You must want to achieve your goal not only with your head, but also with your soul, heart. And one desire is not enough.

It may seem difficult and not clear at first, but your desire must necessarily become an intention, aspiration. You can want as much as you want, but do not intend to get it.

A simple example. You may wish to have an expensive watch and fancy cell phone to be like everyone else in your work environment. But what you really like is a vintage grandma's watch and your old but reliable phone. In the end, your desire will remain a desire, because the soul will not move your brain in the right direction to achieve what you want.

Work, work, more work

This is not even a rule of success, but an axiom. Yes, unfortunately nothing comes easy. Fate rarely gives us gifts so that we can afford to relax and be successful. The path to success is through work, work and more work.

Exactly three times. The first is work on your thoughts, the second is work on your health, and the third is work on your dream and goal. After all, no one could achieve success just lying on the couch.

Consider Thomas Alva Edison. This man received 1093 patents. Do you think he got them for discovering as many ways to spit at the ceiling? This man possessed simply incomprehensible purposefulness.

What is his invention of the incandescent lamp. While he picked suitable material for the thread, he had to try about 6 thousand materials and their variations! He had to work for almost 20 hours in laboratories, conducting research and experimenting. This is truly a person worthy of praise and deserving of success.

Rely on your own strength

Do not sit and wait for someone to help you or do the work for you. Man is essentially a selfish creature and cares only about his own skin and his own interests. Therefore, if someone does the work for you, then he will reap the rewards. And success will come to him, not to you.


This way of influencing your own subconscious mind will help you properly tune your brain. So, you intuitively will correctly go in the right direction, that is, to success. But self-hypnosis can be both positive and negative. To properly program your subconscious, you can do the following.

Close your eyes for a minute and try to remember what you are doing well, what last things you have successfully completed. You will immediately feel your mood improve. If you do this exercise for one minute, and at least 5-10 every day, then your self-esteem will rise along with your mood.

Love yourself

How you treat yourself determines how others will treat you. Therefore, it is important to love yourself and like yourself. Without this, it is impossible to be a self-confident and successful person. After all, no one will work for the sake of what is not dear to him or whom he does not love.

If you don’t love yourself, then the thought “I don’t deserve to live better” may arise. Then you can put an end to success. Or urgently change the attitude towards yourself. This can be done using the exercises from the previous paragraph.

You can also talk to your reflection in the mirror. This conversation should contain only positive reviews and words. Praise yourself, say what you like about you. Raise your own self-esteem.


By planning your life, you are, as it were, programming your subconscious mind for further actions. First, plan what you want to achieve, and only then, you can start planning to achieve this goal.

If you do not have a clear ultimate goal, then perhaps your whole life will be spent in achieving false goals. For example, at first you will go for a long time to buy a car, but realizing that this is not the main thing, you will begin to strive to travel abroad. And having experienced disappointment, you will try to change jobs, thinking that this is your happiness.

But in fact, happiness for you consisted in creating a family. But while you were achieving false goals, time has passed and now it is much more difficult to start a family. That's why it's important to plan the goal or goals you'll be moving towards.

And of course, the path to the goal itself also needs to be thought out. And not only think it over, but also imagine in pictures how everything works out for you, how you successfully go through all the stages of your plan. This is one of the options for setting up for success.

Learn, learn and learn again

This, like the 3rd rule for success, is very important. Now I will explain why. Let's say your goal is feasible within 2-3 years. You set a goal, visualized it, inspired yourself that everything will work out for you, believed in success. But while you are moving towards your goal, time will not stand still either. Moreover, it will try its best to get ahead of you. So perhaps the methods you set out to achieve success are outdated.

You must keep up with the times in order to successfully achieve the goal. And for this you need to study, study and study again. Study and analyze information on the topic of your business, professional activity.

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There are rules for the life of a successful person, and in fact, everything is not as difficult as it seems. But there are also pitfalls. Before describing the basic rules of success, you need to know the most important rule - you must always be honest with yourself. Remember, if you lie to yourself, you will never be able to accept right decisions, since the original data will be incorrect. Well, now:

Simple rules for a successful person

1. Leave the past behind.

In our past, there is an unprecedented store of experience, by analyzing which we can avoid many mistakes in the future. But it also has a lot of disappointments that can destroy us. Don't give in to regret to avoid it. Never again think: "What if I then." Think only about the fact that the decisions you made have led you to the very place where you are now standing.

2. Decide what you want.

To start moving somewhere, you must first determine the direction. Until you decide what you want to achieve, you will not be able to get a result, so every time before you start doing something, understand what you want to achieve from this action.

3. Don't be afraid to lose.

We've all been taught for so long that it's embarrassing to lose that we've begun to believe it. Doing nothing because you're afraid of losing is stupid. As long as you don't do anything, you won't lose, but you won't win either. And besides, how to understand where your limit is without giving 100% at least once? The winner will never understand what he was or was not capable of, the loser always does.

4. Don't believe in easy ways.

You can't be the best at something if you put in only half your effort. Success comes only to those who painstakingly work to achieve results for months on end. Therefore, there has never been and never will be an easy way to achieve anything. If you want to be first at something, you deserve it.

5. Do only what he himself decided to do.

They will say that you are obsessed with something. They will say that you will die like this, that you cannot do this. They are society. Do not listen to them, because 90% of them were never able to achieve what they wanted. And now they, based on their own fears, will tell you what to do? And that part of society that does not want to look bad against your background? For them, your victories will be a reminder that they too could have done something, but never did, so they will discourage you from doing everything that will lead you to greatness. If you decide to do something - do it, and do not listen to those whom you would not like to be equal to.

6. Don't stand still.

If you have stopped on your way to achieving the goal, then you are no longer standing still, you are rolling back. You can't stop here. There are no points in life where one could save the result obtained and not be afraid to lose it if something goes wrong. Always go to the goal and never stop.

7. Don't put off anything for later.

Unresolved cases are a snowball. The longer you accumulate them, the more then you have to make them in a short time. Therefore, you need to try to solve problems as they come. In addition, it is important to learn how to prioritize.

8. Try to eat healthy food.

Healthy nutrition gives a healthy complexion, vitality and energy. In addition, it will help to maintain a figure, and reduce the risk of cancer. Therefore, you should try to eat as healthy as possible.

9. Be aware of the news.

The most valuable resource of the 21st century is information, so people who own it receive greater recognition in society. In addition, those who receive the news more reliably and earlier than others are treated first.

10. Learn foreign languages.

Knowledge of foreign languages, which are mainly used in the world, will help in a wide variety of situations. Whether it's fellowship on business meeting, or understanding documentation written in a foreign language is not important. This knowledge will come in handy sooner or later.

11. Look neat.

They are greeted by clothes, so you should always dress harmoniously, adhering to a certain style. Do not forget that for office workers strict business style (white shirt / blouse, black trousers) is preferable to casual (t-shirt and denim trousers), and vice versa for non-office workers. You also need to take care of a stylish, but at the same time not defiant hairstyle.

12. Go in for sports.

As practice shows, people with an athletic physique are highly preferred by members of the opposite sex, so playing sports is an integral part of the life of any successful person. It is also worth noting that people who exercise regularly are the most strong-willed, because they force themselves to go to workouts, even when they themselves do not want to. In addition, playing sports, as a rule, helps to release thoughts and relieve stress.

13. Prioritize quality over quantity.

There is a good saying: "The miser pays twice." But he pays not from personal qualities, but from the fact that he buys a less quality product. If you buy something for yourself, for your own use, then immediately buy a quality and reliable product.

14. Do not take a word.

Any information that comes into your possession should be verified before being shared with anyone else. People tend to lie to achieve their goals, so never take anyone's word for it.

15. Until they ask, you need to be silent.

If any discussion is unfolding near you, then you should not interfere in it until you are asked. Sometimes, not knowing the right answer and being silent is much better than intervening in someone else's dispute, and being right, being booed for impudence.

16. Do not have bad habits.

Bad habits, yes, and in principle, any addiction will show others that you are a weak person. To prevent this, do not have weaknesses and know the measure in everything.

17. Think before you speak.

The ability to clearly articulate your thought and express it in a nutshell is much more important than the ability to quickly speak terms that no one will understand. In addition, with a clear and concise answer, the interlocutor will not have questions that he can ask if at least some aspect of your answer is incomprehensible to him.

18. Don't hold grudges or plan revenge.

Anger is too heavy baggage to carry around. Do not be angry, because not finding a way out, anger will begin to destroy you from the inside. As for revenge, don't waste your time on it. Spend time trying to become more successful than others, this will be the best revenge.

19. Don't be afraid to get your hands dirty.

There is no shame in a job where you have to get your hands dirty. It’s a shame not to work at all, referring to the fact that you deserve more. Only those who are not afraid to work at any job, just to provide for themselves and their families, deserve more.

20. Always get enough sleep.

If you don't get enough sleep, then you don't stay awake. You will have a slow reaction and a disgusting look if you do not sleep even an hour to the norm. If you can't get enough sleep one night, try to sleep at least the next.

21. Be ready to prove yourself.

It is not often that you will be given a chance to show your skills and knowledge in any area. Therefore, you must always be ready to prove yourself, and show what you are worth.

22. Do not believe in luck and justice.

Life is not fair, and this is not an opinion, but a fact. You should not expect that you will be treated fairly, but you yourself should always play by the rules, no matter how difficult it may be. You should not believe in luck either, and if you were lucky once, this does not mean that you will always be lucky.

23. Do not be afraid not to fit into the general framework.

If you're not like everyone else, and you don't think like everyone else, that's not bad. To have an opinion means to think about why the opinion of others is false. In addition, if you think differently than everyone else, you can come up with / invent something that others, with their standard thinking, have not thought of.

24. Don't borrow money for no particular reason.

If need and hunger do not force you to borrow money, then you do not need to do this. To be indebted to someone means to depend on him, so you should not borrow money without a special reason.

25. Do not look for the guilty.

If something doesn’t work out for you, you don’t need to look for someone to blame. Only you decide how and what to do, and therefore only you are to blame. Instead of looking for someone to blame, I look for ways to fix it.

Each person has their own unique path to success. But principles success are universal for all. No matter what we do, no matter what area we try to excel in, there are a few general rules that we need to follow.

Rules first. Take full responsibility.
A successful person can only be one who always takes responsibility for himself. Successful man always the blacksmith of his own happiness. To improve your own life, it must be fully controlled. As long as we believe that someone is hindering us or preventing us from achieving success on our own, as long as we shift the blame for our failures to politicians, the state, relatives or the disgrace of fate, we will not be able to succeed. Only those who have complete control over their destiny and their lives can achieve success. To do this, you need to accept the fact that all the events that happen to us are the result of our reactions to previous events. And if we do not like our results, then we need to change our own reactions to these events. Analyze your life - health, career, your financial and marital status and draw parallels with your thoughts, feelings and actions. Ask yourself - can all your failures be a direct result of exactly your thoughts and actions? And if so, then who is stopping you from achieving more? Imagine what will happen if you change own thoughts and actions on the way to success. Represented? Then we move on to the next rule.

Rule two. Believe in yourself.

Having decided that we have the power to change our own lives and succeed, we must believe in ourselves. Doubts about our own strengths and capabilities are just our doubts and nothing more. We surround ourselves with information that matches our moods and expectations. If we have faith in success, then we will surround ourselves with exactly the information that will satisfy our aspirations for success, and we will discard everything that can sow doubt or a hint of failure. If we consider our fate a friend and ally, and not an insidious villain, then she will be our friend. Believe in yourself and believe in your luck. Believe that you have all the necessary qualities and capabilities to achieve all your goals.

Rule three. Attract the good.
What happens to us is what we think about. Therefore, we should not think about what we do not want, otherwise it will definitely happen. If you think about something for a long time, then you attract similar thoughts to yourself, which means that you take actions aimed at realizing your thoughts. So why think about the bad? It is better to think positive and attract good thoughts. Think about what you want, not about what you are afraid of or trying to avoid. Success attracts success. Successful people attract successful people. Try to be in their company if you decide to achieve a good result. And get rid of unnecessary beliefs that you instilled in childhood. Sometimes they completely contradict our desire to become successful, giving rise to fear and doubt in us about the correctness of our choice, forcing us to stop and doom ourselves forever to vegetating in this wonderful world full of possibilities.

Rule four.
Don't be afraid of failure.

Never give up if you have been visited by failure. Remember, failure is not our enemy who wants to destroy us. Failure is our friend who wants to teach us. Teach what not to do and teach how to do it. So do it - as failure taught you. Any negative event that you met on your path to success, analyze and mark on paper: what is positive in this failure, what did it teach you, how can you correct the situation. This approach to failure will allow you to solve any, even the most difficult problem and at the same time gain invaluable experience.

Actually, a lot. Richard St. John, a businessman and millionaire, conducted a large-scale study during which he interviewed more than 500 of the most successful people in the world, including famous writers, businessmen, researchers. Over the course of 10 years of research, Richard analyzed the results and deduced 8 basic principles for achieving success, and described them in his book The Big Eight.

Faktrum brings you the most important of them.

Do what you love

Most important rule success - do what you love. So many people are unhappy just because they don't believe that what they love can bring them money. There are so many unrealized writers or singers in the world who work, for example, as engineers! But, if you really want to be successful, never be afraid to follow your passion. Bill Gates said that he got into software because he loved doing it: “I never even considered that it could bring in a lot of money. I enjoyed learning software and was willing to spend hours doing it." It's not uncommon for successful people to say they don't understand what it means to work. Because they really do what they love and just make money on it.

Know how to overcome self-doubt

Every person is tormented by self-doubt, insecurity. For some people, this stops them and they give up halfway through. Successful people get things done, they know how to hit the mark. Our environment does not always want us to be successful. “You won’t succeed, why are you trying?”, “Do you seriously think that this business will be successful?” - such words are sometimes poured every day. They undermine self-confidence and sow doubts in a person's head. Most importantly, never give in to their influence. Try and try until you succeed. Get over yourself every time. Only such an approach will help win where others lose. Golf star Tiger Woods also says: “Before every competition, I get nervous. But every time I pull myself together and say, “You've done this a thousand times already. You can do this one too."

Focus on strengths

The third personal quality that all successful people have in common is the ability to focus. A successful person focuses on what he does best. The famous film director Norman Jewison told me, “I think everything in life depends on your ability to focus on one thing and devote yourself to it. I am sure that the ability to do one thing well gives not only satisfaction, but also a feeling of self-confidence. A person cannot do everything at once and at the same time, so you need to focus only on your strengths.

Serve people

One of the rules for achieving success is that a person and his cause serve people. It should be about people and taking care of them. Service is when a person does not think about personal gain. Service is when he wants to bring maximum benefit to other people so that his product really has value. If the product does not improve people's lives, does not bring benefits and does not give pleasure, why is it needed at all?

Chris Kilham travels the world researching and collecting medicinal herbs and plants. He says, “My job is to serve people. I travel to find natural and healthy substances. I help preserve and protect wildlife. I help the local people. So I'm all in service. This is my calling. That's what drives me."

Put yourself in the place of others

Another secret of successful people is that they know how to put themselves in the place of others. They think about what customers might like, how to solve their problems, how to act in such and such situations so that the person leaves satisfied. They want to understand how other people feel. And when a person understands what the need of other people is and how he can satisfy it in his work, he cannot but become successful.

Henry Ford said: “If there is a secret in business, it is the ability to listen to the opinions of others and see the world through their eyes as if it were your own.” That is why the ability to put yourself in the shoes of customers is another necessary condition to achieve success.

According to the book "

Simple success rules, which will help to make a small breakthrough in your life, to budge. Start moving towards your goals and dreams.

It has been very relevant in the last 5 years. In general, forget what it is, never go near it. TV is evil!

Many people cannot imagine life without TV. There is a TV in every house, and more often there are several of them in every room and in the kitchen. TV can be compared to a kind of family hearth, which gathers the whole family in the evening at its screen, familiar situation?! Forget about TV as a source of information. If you feel sorry for throwing away the once valuable zombie, then treat it simply as an interior item, as a bedside table on which you can put something and nothing more. If you absolutely cannot refuse TV, then watch exclusively educational and educational channels: Discovery, Viasat History or National Geographic. But please forget about coming home after work and relaxing with the remote by clicking on all the channels.

The second rule of success and you have heard about it many times - do not stop, move forward no matter what.

Very simple and very effective, the main thing is to try, the main thing is to try to go forward no matter what. Remember an example from your life when you resisted and did something no matter what. Remember?! And now answer - did you succeed in what you wanted ?! I am sure 99.9 percent of you have achieved the desired result with the motivation " Do not give up no matter what".

Act against everything and everyone, act no matter what! Achieve success, break through the walls with your perseverance and focus!

The third rule of success is to write down the ideas that come to mind.

There is absolutely nothing complicated here, just keep a notebook and a pen with you at all times. Always carry one with you in your clothes, let one lie in the workplace, put one next to the bed, because the most brilliant thoughts come in a dream. Before going to bed or in a dream, a huge number of random interesting thoughts come to mind. Write down the generated ideas immediately, do not try to keep everything in your head, you will forget!

The brightest ideas visit us at the most unexpected moment, the less we expect them, the better these ideas are, and therefore it is especially important to always have a notebook and a pen with you. Do you want to succeed and not miss a single brilliant idea that can make a giant breakthrough in everyday life?! Then write down whatever comes to mind!

It is difficult to keep one idea in mind, the process of developing this idea immediately begins, consideration from different angles, thinking through perspectives. If you do not immediately write down the idea while it is still hot, then there is a chance to lose it in its original form, in the form in which it impressed you, aroused the desire to act.

It is these hot ideas that lead to success. To achieve success in life, it is not enough to have one, two, three or ten ideas. There should be a lot of ideas, a huge number, it should be an endless source. And in order not to miss any of them, you need to write down!

By writing down an idea, you will never have to push and strain to remember one brilliant idea that came to mind yesterday before bed or at breakfast.

Your ideas are invaluable. In your notebook you can always find something interesting and "fresh". The internet or books won't have that effect because those ideas are not yours. Native ideas are more conducive to development and success than imposed ideas.

There are ideas for the implementation of which everything needs to be eaten and you can start implementing them right now, but there are ideas for the implementation of which something is still missing, be it skills, time, money. Such ideas are postponed for "later". It is very important not to forget about them when their time comes and a notebook will help you!

So! Do you want to be successful?! Record everything! Come in handy.

The fourth rule of success is Punctuality.

Punctuality, many know. what it is, but let's give a definition to talk about the same thing. From the Latin "punctum" - point. This is a character trait that implies a systematic adherence to the rules, as well as extreme accuracy.

In almost all languages, punctuality is understood as the ability of a person to fulfill his obligations on time. For example: to come to a meeting at the appointed time, to hand over the work by the deadline.

Some cultures of the world generally do not allow all sorts of delays (Germans and Japanese). In Western culture, being late for 10-15 minutes is considered the norm (including Russia), we do not see this as a terrible disaster, unfortunately we are brought up this way, this is our mentality. And let's compare the standard of living in Japan and Germany with Russia, I don't even need to give any figures, everything is obvious, the Germans and the Japanese are much more successful in business than the Russians.

Punctuality is an essential attribute of a successful person.

Punctuality is not only internal self-discipline, it is also respect for others.

Punctuality is a characteristic of a person's reliability as a friend, as a business partner, as a life partner.

If you want to be appreciated and respected, if you want to have serious business with you, then be punctual, write punctuality into good habits, and you will definitely succeed.

The fifth rule of success - do not make fun of other people's dreams.

Don't laugh at other people's dreams. As a child, each of you dreamed of something, for example: to visit something, to go somewhere, many wanted to go to space, jump with a parachute and many other things that cannot be called everyday things. When you tell a friend: "Let's go skydiving", and he answers you: "Yeah... it's dangerous... my wife won't let me go...". At such a moment, you also have doubts about doing something, making your little dream come true. It will be much worse if they laugh at you when they hear what you want to do.

Units out of a thousand are ready to bite the bullet and do it to spite everyone and prove that it is possible, but there are few such people. There are many more people who themselves laugh at other people's dreams and at the same time are afraid to seem ridiculous in the eyes of others. Do not laugh at the dreams of other people, do not create complexes and obstacles for them on the way to a dream. On the contrary, support the dreams of others, then other people will support you in the realization of your dreams.

If you want to be surrounded by successful people, then do not laugh at their dreams and dream yourself.

The sixth rule of success - Don't go back to the people who betrayed you.

Do not return to those people who betrayed you, she will definitely do it again. "Once a thief, always a thief." Such people do not want to spend their time helping others, they want to invest their strength in you. They want to be in their comfort zone and not get out of it, to help their neighbor. They live for their pleasure and only for themselves. Try to stay away from such people, with them you will never achieve success in life, they will pull you back, slow down your undertakings. But the worst thing in this situation is if they betray you and profit from you.

The reasons for betrayal can also be banal egoism and unwillingness to problems for oneself. If they need help, they ask everyone for it, but they themselves do not respond to help. Hidden resentment may also be the reason, this is characteristic of petty low people.

You should not be biased towards people, always try to find out the true reason that prompted a person to betray, maybe he just got confused or made a mistake.

To succeed, surround yourself with reliable, proven people who will always support and help in difficult situation. Avoid contact with vengeful people.

6 rules for success from Arnold Schwarzenegger: