Find out how to increase your WiFi coverage area. Practical ways to increase the range of a WiFi router

  • 21.10.2019

Now it is difficult to find a smartphone, laptop or tablet that does not support wireless networks - Wi-Fi. Not only they, but also a lot of modern household appliances can connect to the network. Even multicookers are connected to Wi-Fi, so it is important to ensure good reception in all corners of the apartment or house. But a significant problem is the excess of wireless networks. In this article, we will look at how to amplify the signal WiFi router with your own hands.

Causes of a bad signal

Before considering ways to amplify the signal, we will talk about the reasons for its extinction. The main ones include:

  1. Wall material. The most common problem is a significant difference in signal levels in different rooms of an apartment with concrete walls.
  2. Router location. In order for the Wi-Fi signal to be uniform over the entire intended coverage area, you need to place it in a place equidistant from all the far corners of the coverage area. Otherwise, every wall, cabinet, shelf or other piece of furniture will degrade the Wi-Fi signal.
  3. Antenna gain. Cheap wifi routers usually have one 3 dbi antenna - this is a rather weak option.
  4. Incorrect router settings.
  5. Bad Wi-Fi receivers.
  6. Many networks running in parallel.

How to Strengthen Wi-Fi

Now that we already know what leads to a deterioration in the distribution and reception of a Wi-Fi signal, let's look at each problem and its solution separately. To strengthen Wi-Fi you need:

  1. Find the perfect place to install your router.
  2. Set its mode of operation.
  3. Replace antennas with more powerful ones.
  4. Install reflectors.
  5. Install repeaters or strengthen the network with another router.

Correct location of the router

If you want to boost your Wi-Fi signal, before doing anything, make sure you have a properly positioned router and minimize sources of interference and reflections. The router should be located so that a normal signal level is provided in each of the rooms.

If you chose optimal location, but did not get the desired results, pay attention to the recommendations:

  1. microwave ovens, remotes remote control and other equipment operating at a high frequency, in particular 2.4 GHz. If such equipment is located nearby, move either it or the router.
  2. Neighbor Wi-Fi. You can slightly improve the situation if you install the router in a place where the signal level is the lowest. You can determine this if you walk around the apartment with a smartphone and pay attention to the level of signal reception from neighbors. You need to install a router where all signals will have the most low level. The Wifi Analyzer program for Android will help you with this.

Setting up the router correctly

Before running to the store for a new antenna, Wi-Fi receiver or router, let's go to the settings and check what parameters are set there. To do this, you need to enter the address of the router in the address bar of the browser, usually it is indicated on the sheet pasted on its bottom. Most often it is or

First of all, you need to look at the standard in which it works. V different models Wi-Fi equipment settings and web interfaces differ significantly from manufacturer to manufacturer. Therefore, we will try to give general recommendations.

You need to connect to the router via the web interface and find the list of modes. Their names start with 802.11 numbers followed by letters, such as 802.11b/g/n. To strengthen the Wi-Fi signal of the router, you need to select the item with the name of the type:

802.11n only

You should already see an increase in the Wi-Fi signal.

After that, you can try to increase the transmitter power, for this we are looking for an item with the name of the transmit power type in the settings. It can be specified either as a percentage or as:

  • high;
  • medium;

In any case, you need to set the maximum possible percentage closer to 100% or High.

We have completed the basic settings for signal amplification. Now let's check the computer. If you have a laptop, check your power settings. In power saving mode, the signal gain from the built-in receiver is reduced, hence the problems of unstable connection and slow speed. Set the mode to "normal" or "enhanced performance".

Duplicate the network

If you need Wi-fi reception at 100 meters or more, then with a regular router you will not achieve this. Their coverage range also depends on the number of obstructions, transmitter power and antenna gain. On average, you can count on 30-50 meters. The easiest way to boost your signal is to install a Wi-Fi repeater. This is a signal repeater that simply plugs into an outlet.

The outlet should be located in an area where the signal is still not too bad, but not near the router. You can amplify the signal with one or two repeaters to get a larger coverage area. But you need to configure it - select a network and enter a password for it. Such a reception distance is often required in a private house so that there is a signal in the yard.

The second way is to increase the coverage with another router. Some models support repeater mode. This can also be done by connecting the first and second routers with a simple network cable with rj-45 plugs, as you would do this when connecting the cable to the computer's network card.

Upgrading or changing the antenna

If the router does not have an antenna, then the only way amplification - software, we have already considered the optimal settings. The next option to boost your Wi-Fi signal is to experiment with antennas.

Experiments can be as follows:

If you are a fan of designing something, then a biquadrat antenna can help to amplify the signal for receiving Wi-Fi at 200 meters, its drawing is shown in the figure below:

And this antenna - a Wi-Fi gun, will help transmit the Internet for 1 km or more (depending on the installation height and the accuracy of the signal direction). Its developer claims that he managed to achieve acceptance at a distance of up to 10 km.

Thus, it is possible to organize a connection between houses remote from each other, or an apartment and a summer house, for example.

Important! Talking about the range of the antenna is not correct. This figure depends not only on its design, but also on the installation location, the number of obstacles, and, importantly, the antenna of the device that will receive the signal. If in the field an ordinary router with a standard antenna can transmit a signal to 50-100 meters, then in concrete buildings there are problems with communication when moving to the next room.

We have reviewed the main available ways, allowing you to organize the strengthening of the Wi-Fi signal of the router, as well as increasing the coverage area. If you follow all the recommendations, you will achieve an improvement in the signal, but you need to take into account the quality and serviceability of all equipment. For example, if after all the manipulations done, the signal reception quality on the phone leaves much to be desired, it may be due to a weak Wi-Fi module and a built-in antenna.


Tips on how to boost your signal WiFi networks, the modern Internet provides a huge variety. But the disadvantage of many articles is that helpful information hides behind mountains of recommendations that are not related to a given problem or have a value, but only indirectly. As a result, the user is trying to increase the range of the Wi-Fi signal using settings that cannot be used to solve such problems. They are simply useless for the network, and even more so for the radius of its activity.

The task of amplifying the signal of a Wi-Fi network involves influencing the change in the radius of its coverage and the distance of Wi-Fi operation. You can often run into a problem when it is impossible to use Wi-Fi in the back rooms of your home, although the router has been restored and no problems with its operation have been identified. Inconvenience may also arise if there is the possibility of wireless data transmission on different floors of the same room.

What determines the range of a Wi-Fi network? There are many answers to this seemingly simple question. An important role in the territory of distribution of the Wi-Fi network is played by the following factors:

  • The number and power of router antennas;
  • The thickness of the walls in the room;
  • Number of wireless data transmission systems located in the neighborhood;
  • The location of the peripheral device that provides access to the Internet;
  • Other hindrances.

Often, when purchasing a router, buyers are asked to choose a device that will provide a stable signal for a home with a different number of rooms or a private house. But it is impossible to advise something specific in such cases, since many conditions must be studied. The area of ​​​​the room may be the only factor that you should pay attention to when buying a router. For an apartment with one room, the option of equipment that is not expensive in price and has one antenna with a power of 3 dBi will be quite suitable. To provide a Wi-Fi signal to rooms with a fairly large area, you need to take into account other characteristics of the router. At the same time, the price factor should not be taken as the basis for acquiring the necessary equipment. For comparison, the device has a number of advantages: several antennas, a function to increase the radius of Wi-Fi activity from Asus. But if you use it along with another model, less expensive, at the same distance, the result of its work is not much different from the router model with a price several times lower. Though last option equipped with antennas located inside the device.

Changing hardware settings to improve wireless Wi-Fi signal strength

If you have and install equipment for Internet access in a residential, office space you can try to independently influence the signal strength of the wireless data network. Next Tips help to do it. First you need to decide on a way to solve the problem:

  1. Reconfigure the router to boost the signal
  2. Recourse to additional devices or devices

Search and change the channel on the router

Step #1: search and change the channel on the router. Networks that are used by neighbors can have an impact on the active operation of your network. They put a heavy load on the channel on which the operation of your network depends. Is it possible to find out if the device installed in your room sees neighbors available networks to connect.

Experiments are indispensable here. There are several options in this case:

  • Set up any statistical channel
  • Select channel Auto
  • Taking advantage additional program select a free channel

What you choose must be fixed in the settings of the device for data transfer (router).

It makes no sense to focus on the instructions for replacing and setting the frequency range in this article. The easiest way is to use a useful article. It contains information about the nature of the channel and the method of finding an unloaded one. For routers various models the frequency range is changed according to a certain method.

Network transition to 802.11N

Step #2: We transfer our network to 802.11N mode of operation. The b/g/n (11bgn mixed) mode is the standard setting for wireless network operation. For routers with more than one antenna, you can force it to change. The choice in favor of 802.11N is characterized by new advantages of the router: improved Wi-Fi broadcasting, increased speed and expansion of its coverage area.

But if there are devices of the old modification, a problem arises. Due to the inability to maintain this mode of operation, the router will not receive network signals. The best option for a new device will be n mode. No special work is required here. It is enough to reconfigure the router by visiting a specific address. To do this, you can use the special instructions posted here - instructions for all models.

In the tab that opens, find the item Wireless network mode and set the command only in N mode ( N only).

The described technique is clearly displayed below using the example of an Asus router.

The stage ends with saving the settings and a complete reboot of the device. If problems are found while connecting the router, you must return to mixed mode.

Transmission power test

Step #3: We check the transmission power in the router settings. The power of the Wi-Fi network can be set independently. Unfortunately, this possibility is not presented for all devices and serves to a greater extent to reduce power, but it is still worth paying attention to this fact.

For equipment from the manufacturer Asus, you need to use the tab with the item Wireless network- Professionally. At the bottom of it is the following: Tx power transmission power control. The power indicator is regulated by a scale with a unit of measurement - percentage. Visually it looks like this:

For Tp-Link routers, parameters are changed using WirelessWireless Advanced. To determine the signal strength parameters, an item is provided transmit power. The maximum power is indicated by the word High.

Additional devices to increase the area of ​​active coverage of the wireless network

  1. Installation repeater, or setting up a second router in amplifier mode.

This method differs from all others in its special reliability and efficiency. But, along with this, it requires additional material costs to purchase a repeater. This device amplifies the signal and is installed in a place where Wi-Fi can still be picked up, but its signal is already quite weak. It works on the principle of a repeater and transmits the signal to the network further. In the article, you can read in detail about this small device.

To perform the functions of a repeater, you can use additional routers from manufacturers ZyXEL and Asus. It is possible to set the repeater mode in them, guided by the following methods:

  1. Changing the antennas of the router to more powerful ones.

Using this method, the performance of the Wi-Fi network can be increased, but only slightly. The result of changing antennas is not effective. Moreover, as in the first case, it requires additional investments. Yes, the price of detachable antennas for a router is not that high, but is it worth spending money if there is no sense in it?

If you decide to change antennas, then you need to take the most powerful ones.

  1. Buying a new router, switching to 5 GHz.

Since most routers operate at a frequency of 2.4 GHz, a device with a range of 5 GHz. will operate much more efficiently. This is due to the relative freedom of this range and the absence of numerous interference. As a result of this - an increase in the speed and expansion of the range of the wireless network.

Switching to a different range and acquiring a new router is resorted to when your network signal is affected by various other networks. Problems with low speed, constant "glitches" and loss of access are solved with the purchase of a new expensive router with a 5 GHz operating range.

Tip 1. Choose the correct location for your router. It’s worth taking the advice, because most of the router is installed either in remote rooms or in the hallway. As a result effective work don't expect a wireless network.

The best location for the router is in the center of your home or office, and you should also be aware that walls interfere with the Wi-Fi signal.

Tip 2. Homemade amplifiers for Wi-Fi antennas. The device can be made using improvised materials. For this, foil and tin are suitable. Many articles of folk craftsmen repeat this. In practice, you can put foil or a tin near the router so that the signal seems to beat back and change direction, but this is not very effective. Moreover, from an aesthetic point of view, such a solution does not look very good.

It is impossible to count the number of devices in which the Wi-Fi module is built-in. Have this technology as smartphones, laptops and desktop PCs, as well as refrigerators, TVs and other Appliances. Many users use routers to connect their devices to the Internet, they can have both a LAN port to connect using a cable, and a Wi-Fi adapter to distribute the Internet to other devices that also have Wi-Fi technology. Unfortunately, the wireless signal propagation area is not very large, and if there are obstacles in the way, then it is generally very small. Of course, there are many standards on which the signal strength depends, and another important parameter is the number of antennas.

If you are using Wi-Fi technology but don't know what you can do to boost your adapter's WiFi signal, then this article is for you. Here I will try to explain the hardware and software ways signal improvement.

But before we start, I want to make one important point.

Pay attention to the location of the router. It would be nice if it was closer to the middle of the room and the whole house, so that the signal spreads evenly and you feel comfortable using the wireless network. Signal degradation can be caused by many factors. At home, these are walls, and if it is also concrete, then it will be much worse to transmit radio waves. Any thing - from a picture, then a drawing or a mirror can degrade signal reception to some extent. Therefore, I want you to try positioning your router in such a way that the signal is available in all areas of the house. If possible, remove things that can interfere.

How to boost WiFi signal reception using programs?

Many users, out of inexperience, leave the default router settings, unless they change the network name and password. This is not entirely correct, and now I will explain why.

Channel frequencies are the same as other Wi-Fi networks

If you live in apartment building, then there is almost a 100% chance that there is a Wi-Fi network that broadcasts on the same channel as you. This phenomenon often interrupts signal reception. In the router settings, you need to change the channel to a free one or one where there are the least other wireless networks.

You can see who is on which channel with the help of the program inSSIDer. Download it from here and install it on a PC with an outbred adapter.

The found wireless networks will be indicated in the program window, and in the column channel the channels they occupy are exposed. In the Russian Federation, only thirteen channels are usually used, in other countries either more or less.

We figured out the channels, then we will begin to change the settings of our router. Usually, the following addresses are used for this, which must be entered in the address bar of the browser: or Next, you will be asked to enter a username and password, if you have not changed anything, then by default it is admin (and username and password).

You need to look for features related to Wi-Fi, it might be written Wireless. There must be a section Channels(Channel), from which you can select a number from 1 to 13.

Change the channel to free and save. After this action, you will suffer much less interference and the signal will be more stable.

Low router transmitter signal

By default, some routers may have a low transmitter power set. But it can be changed. All in the same router settings, find the parameter Transmission power(Transmit Power), and set the value to 100%. Or choose a value high(High).

Of course, this feature is not available on all models. Sometimes special firmware for such models helps, if any.

802.11n is faster

Wi-Fi has many standards by which a wireless network can operate. Fast is, of course, the 802.11n standard, which still gives a larger coverage radius if multiple antennas are used. You also need to take into account the support of this standard by other devices, because if you switch to it, some devices will not detect your network due to the undersupport of the range.

Look in your router settings "Operating mode" or "Wireless Network Mode", or "Wireless Mode" and switch to 802.11n. Reboot your router for the changes to take effect.

Using the 5 GHz band

The use of the 802.11n standard makes it possible in expensive models to use two types of bands - 2.4 GHz (Used by all devices) and 5 GHz(Not used by everyone). The 2.4 GHz band is very busy, it is used by many devices around us, and not only wireless adapters, but even a microwave oven can create problems for us. The 5 GHz frequency range is now practically free, so it is advisable to transfer all devices to it.

Signal improvement in Windows

In this paragraph, more attention is focused on laptops. The fact is that when you set “Energy Saving” in the power consumption settings, this can affect the strength of the Wi-Fi signal. Therefore it is better to put "Balanced" mode, or "High performance". Then you will receive a signal from a greater distance.

Who does not know, the power settings are in the following place: right-click on the battery icon on the taskbar and select "Power Options" and set the desired control scheme.

Signal strength limitation and can it be removed?

I would like to note that all routers have a hard power limit of 100 mW. Of course, in Chinese stores there are adapters that are capable of receiving distances of up to several kilometers, but you will not find this in ordinary electronics stores. Is it possible to increase the signal strength programmatically? Answer: partially possible.

Unfortunately, there is some difficulty - you need to use a Linux distribution, for example, Kali Linux, or an analogue - Backtrack 5r3, whose support has ceased.

The fact is that in most countries the power of a wireless transmitter is limited to 100 mW, but for Bolivia and some other countries there is no such restriction, so you need to enter a number of commands in the terminal:

In this example wlan0 is the wireless adapter you are using, and 100 - set power in mW (milliwatt).

How to strengthen the WiFi signal with a hardware method?

All means are good, which means that together with software methods we can achieve a stable and high transmitter signal. Even if the software methods did not work, maybe the following methods will help.

Improving the Signal with Antenna Upgrades

I have come across many ways to boost the Wi-Fi signal on the Internet. For example, people make a directional antenna that works in all directions, and for this they use foil or a Pepsi or beer can. Of course, the use of such methods is doubtful, but for whom?

Greater efficiency is represented by more powerful antennas that can be purchased at the store. You need to make sure your antenna is 2-3 dBi so you can replace them with 8 dBi antennas.

Using a repeater to boost the receive signal

These devices are otherwise called repeaters, and they can greatly increase the coverage area. The repeater connects to your wireless network and increases its range.

Buying a more powerful Wi-Fi adapter

You can do this: if you have a laptop that does not have enough signal reception on the wireless adapter, replace it with a more powerful one. This also applies to desktop computers. It is best to take an adapter that connects via USB and has an antenna that can possibly be replaced with a more powerful one.

If you have other ways to increase the wi-fi signal of the adapter, write about it in the comments, everyone will be interested.

How to amplify the signal WiFi router handmade and simple available means, it's real and we'll tell you how to improve Wi-Fi in the apartment!

Weak Wi-Fi signal is the most common problem among users. Today, Wi-Fi is available in almost every home. And in most cases, you can improve the situation (increase connection stability, increase data transfer speed) on your own. Let's look at a few effective ways.

How to improve the signal of a Wi-Fi router with hardware?

You can upgrade your home Wi-Fi system in the following ways:

But what if you don't want to spend a dime on improving Wi-Fi? Consider alternative ways problem solving.

How to strengthen the signal of a Wi-Fi router in an apartment?

Let's start with correct location. If you live in a small apartment, then try to install a distribution point in the very center of the room. Thanks to this, you will have the same range in all directions. This is true for those who use mobile devices. If you have one workplace with a computer or laptop, then try to put an end point with the Internet not far from it. Also keep in mind that between the point of distribution and reception of the signal there should not be extraneous equipment, from which radiation also emanates.

How to strengthen the antenna of a Wi-Fi router?

Here we will not talk about ready-made antennas from stores, but about home-made amplifiers. As a reinforcement, it is best to use the so-called "screens". Their task is to direct the signal in the right direction. Most often, such devices are made from foil, cans, or a small sheet of metal. It is possible to strengthen Wi-Fi reception at the router antenna in this way, but not too noticeably. Especially this method is not suitable for those who need an equally good reception throughout the house.

To boost the signal of a Wi-Fi router without an antenna, you can also get repeaters. This device can be plugged into any outlet in the home. Thanks to such devices, the return will be duplicated. you can find a budget option devices costing up to 1 thousand rubles.

How to improve the performance of a Wi-Fi router through the settings?

First, turn off encryption in the settings. This will reduce the load on the device, but your network will no longer be password protected.

Secondly, try switching all your home devices from Wi-Fi to 802.11N, which will increase the speed. Do not forget to update the firmware, especially if you just bought a device. In the store, such devices lie for a very long time, so software no one is updated.

And thirdly, the range of Wi-Fi can only be expanded in a tricky way. Try to put a distribution point in the very center of your apartment or house. In this case, the signal will propagate the same distance in all directions, which will allow you to move freely throughout the room with a smartphone or tablet, doing business on the Internet along the way. As you can see, the stability of a Wi-Fi network depends not only on the characteristics of the device, but also on the environmental conditions.

All tips from our article will also help you to strengthen 3g/4g Wi-Fi routers. If the reception still does not increase, try to find a point in the apartment where. Set up an access point there.

Amplified wi-fi is necessary to improve the quality of receiving and transmitting various data and watching videos over a wireless network. Since the quantity various devices(smartphones, tablets, laptops), whose work depends on the availability of Internet access, is increasing every year, then a weak or unstable radio signal worries almost every owner of a router.

The reasons for the slowdown in the speed of the Internet can be interior partitions, load-bearing walls, mirrors, household appliances, or other nearby access points to the World Wide Web. There are several ways to solve this problem.

Changing the channel used by the wi-fi router

Anyone who wants to have amplified wi-fi should choose a channel free from the influence of extraneous radio signals. Such a popular program as inSSIDer will help determine the degree of its workload (the official website also has a free version for Android), which you can install yourself on a computer (or laptop) that has an adapter. The utility helps to determine the optimal channel for the network by scanning and diagnosing in real time all those closest to the computer wifi connections. After familiarizing yourself with all the presented networks and channels, you must perform the following actions:
  • select the “Wireless mode” section located in the router settings (“Wireless network” or “Wireless”);
  • click on "Wireless Settings" and change the value of the "Channel" parameter by selecting a free (or least loaded) channel.

Change the location of the router

Due to the correct placement, the wi-fi router transmits an amplified signal, allowing you to expand the network coverage area. To do this, it should be located in close proximity to the device that is used to access the Internet. When several devices located in different rooms are connected to the Internet at the same time, it is recommended to install the router as high as possible, choosing for this the central part of the apartment (or house). Such an arrangement, characterized by the absence of remote rooms, will help to strengthen wi-fi on a laptop, computer, smartphone or tablet due to the even distribution of the signal.

Setting the maximum power value in the router settings

Before use this method to amplify the wi-fi signal, you must study the instructions that came with the router, since the procedure depends on the model and manufacturer. Most often, to increase the power of the router at home, in the "Settings" (or "Advanced settings") section, change a parameter such as "signal strength" by setting the highest value ("100%" or "High").

Systematic router firmware update

Strengthening wi-fi on a laptop, computer or tablet is possible after updating the outdated (or defective) “firmware” of the router. Usually in such cases, manufacturers offer to download the current version of the firmware posted on the official website for free, since wi-fi can be strengthened only after the errors in the “firmware” are eliminated. Please make sure you are compatible before starting the upgrade. new version firmware and router models, and for this it is necessary to determine the hardware and current versions of the “firmware”. Information about the current version can be found through the device interface located in the router settings. The factory settings are listed on the back of the router.

Replacing the standard router antenna with a more powerful one

An amplified wi-fi antenna will help to increase the coverage area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe home network, the coefficient of which is the highest (5 - 8 dBi). This method is only suitable for owners of routers with external (removable) antennas. It is also necessary to remember that if the router model assumes the simultaneous presence of two (or three) antennas, then everything must be replaced. To ensure a stable signal, do not place antennas in different rooms (they should be nearby).
If the router is distinguished by the presence of only a built-in antenna, which cannot be replaced, then to improve the signal and increase the wi-fi coverage area, manufacturers recommend changing the location of the antennas by spreading them in different directions (up and sideways).

Installing a wi-fi repeater

A repeater (or repeater) is such a special transceiver device, the main purpose of which is to increase the coverage area of ​​a wireless router by completely repeating, amplifying and retransmitting all received signals. This gadget is easy to use. It is usually installed between the signal source (router or modem) and the computer by connecting directly to a regular electrical outlet. To configure the device, you only need to know the name (ssid) and password of the network you are using.

Purchasing a router that supports the 5 GHz band

Due to the fact that wireless communication is now installed in almost every apartment, the frequencies of home networks often overlap, leading to overload of the same channel. Household appliances can also serve as sources of additional interference ( microwaves, cordless phones, video surveillance systems, etc.), which, like most routers, operate at a frequency of 2.4 GHz. Therefore, buying a router capable of transmitting a signal in the 5 GHz band can solve this problem. This range is almost always free from various interferences, since it does not intersect with channels using the 2.4 GHz frequency, its coverage extends over a large area, providing channels free from other networks (about 44). But the transition to such a range is possible only when other devices (tablets, radiotelephones) can use it for work.

Using the above effective ways, you can significantly increase the speed home internet via wi-fi, and for this you do not need to purchase expensive gadgets. It is enough to study in detail the settings of the router or use additional inexpensive devices.