What should be kept secret from others: advice from psychics. What should be kept secret

  • 20.09.2019

This world, although based on truth, still requires balance, and therefore the sages warn us that there are some things that are still best kept secret.

cultured man knows what kind of behavior to use in a given situation. In a word, a secret is not a lie, it is one of the aspects of cultural behavior.

1. The first thing to keep secret, say the wise men, is your far-reaching plans. Keep quiet until this plan is fulfilled. Any of our ideas are not only not perfect, they have a huge number of weak points, which are very easy to hit and destroy everything.

2. The second thing that the sages recommend is not to share the secret about your charity. A good deed is a rarity in this world, and that is why it must be cherished like the apple of an eye. Don't praise yourself for good deeds. Pride will immediately see and take away all the good that came as a result of this charity.

3. The third thing that the sages do not recommend to talk about is their asceticism.. Do not talk left and right about your dietary restrictions, sleep, sexual relations etc. Physical asceticism is beneficial only if it is combined with an emotional component.

4. The fourth thing you should be silent about is your courage, heroism. Someone gets external tests, and someone internal. External trials are visible, therefore people receive awards for them, but no one notices overcoming internal trials, therefore no awards are awarded for them.

6. The sixth thing you should not especially share with others is to talk about your domestic conflicts and about your family life in general. Remember: the less you talk about the problems in your family, the stronger and more stable it will be. Quarrel is getting rid of negative energy, which has accumulated in the process of communication.

7. The seventh thing you should not talk about is the ugly words that were heard from someone. You can get your boots dirty on the street, or you can get your mind dirty. And the person who, having come home, tells everything that he heard stupid on the way, is no different from the person who came home and did not take off his shoes.

1. The first thing to keep secret, say the sages - their far-reaching plans. Keep quiet until this plan is fulfilled. Any of our ideas are not only not perfect, they have a huge number of weak points, which are very easy to hit and destroy everything.

2. The second thing the sages recommend is not to share a secret. about his charity. A good deed is a rarity in this world, and that is why it must be cherished like the apple of an eye. Don't praise yourself for good deeds. Pride will immediately see and take away all the good that came as a result of this charity.

3. The third thing that the wise men do not recommend to talk about is about his asceticism. Do not talk left and right about your dietary restrictions, sleep restrictions, sexual relations, etc. Physical asceticism is beneficial only if it is combined with an emotional component.

4. The fourth thing to be silent about is about his courage, heroism. Someone gets external tests, and someone internal. External trials are visible, therefore people receive awards for them, but no one notices overcoming internal trials, therefore no awards are awarded for them.

6. The sixth thing not to especially share with others is to speak. about their domestic conflicts and about their family life in general. Remember: the less you talk about the problems in your family, the stronger and more stable it will be. A quarrel is getting rid of the negative energy that has accumulated in the process of communication.

7. The seventh thing not to talk about is about ugly words that were heard from someone. You can get your boots dirty on the street, or you can get your mind dirty. And the person who, having come home, tells everything that he heard stupid on the way, is no different from the person who came home and did not take off his shoes.

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1. The first thing to be kept secret, the wise men say, is their far-reaching plans. Keep quiet until this plan is fulfilled. Any of our ideas are not only not perfect, they have a huge number of weak points, which are very easy to hit and destroy everything.

2. The second thing that the sages recommend is not to share the secret about your charity. A good deed is a rarity in this world, and that is why it must be cherished like the apple of an eye. Don't praise yourself for good deeds. Pride will immediately see and take away all the good that came as a result of this charity.

3. The third thing that the sages do not recommend to talk about is their asceticism. Do not talk left and right about your dietary restrictions, sleep restrictions, sexual relations, etc. Physical asceticism is beneficial only if it is combined with an emotional component.

4. The fourth thing you should be silent about is your courage, heroism. Someone gets external tests, and someone internal. External trials are visible, therefore people receive awards for them, but no one notices overcoming internal trials, therefore no awards are awarded for them.

6. The sixth thing you should not especially share with others is to talk about your domestic conflicts and in general about your family life. Remember: the less you talk about the problems in your family, the stronger and more stable it will be. A quarrel is getting rid of the negative energy that has accumulated in the process of communication.

7. The seventh thing you should not talk about is the ugly words that were heard from someone. You can get your boots dirty on the street, or you can get your mind dirty. And the person who, having come home, tells everything that he heard stupid on the way, is no different from the person who came home and did not take off his shoes.

Few people know that we ourselves are capable of completely destroying our lives. By telling others things that should remain our personal secret, we can ward off good fortune and bring misfortune.

From generation to generation, we use a folk saying that reveals the essence happy life: "Silence is gold". Sometimes we don’t even think about how many words we let loose, involuntarily becoming dependent on what we say out loud. Practitioners and psychics name a few things that should be kept silent in any situation.

Love relationship

Family and romantic relationships should remain between two people. Nowadays, discussing family problems and the behavior of a spouse with girlfriends is not considered something shameful. Men, too, are often not averse to discussing the character of a wife or girlfriend in a male company.

However, not everyone understands that by talking about our relationship, we destroy the common, intimate energy of the couple.

The creation of a family and everything that happens in it is a secret, and even in moments of disagreement and quarrels, one should not seek solace in the words of friends. We are not talking about situations where you are threatened real danger or you are thinking about a divorce, but if everything is fine with you, then you should not discuss your personal life with anyone other than your partner.

Health and disease

One of the favorite topics for conversation is numerous diseases and medical subtleties. This topic seems important, arouses interest and sympathy, but at the same time very quickly deprives you of the necessary energy and strength.

The yellow chakra, which is responsible for the will and the ability to cope with difficulties on your own, begins to deplete: the energy necessary for recovery is uselessly spent in the process of complaining about one's health.

To vitality do not go in vain, you should not discuss all the subtleties of your illness with people who are not able to help you. Seeking help is another matter: this goal requires frankness and a desire to return to a healthy state.

Debt and cash gain

The question "how much do you earn?" No wonder it is considered one of the most tactless. At the energy level, a kind of taboo on discussing one's financial situation is easily explained. Talking about your income, expenses and money problems, you yourself open your financial channel to the interlocutor.

In fact, your material well-being at this moment is in the hands of the person you are talking to. Such openness can cause an unconscious pull of money energy: your financial luck can easily pass to another person. Psychics advise you not to talk about your income and talk about financial problems and debts as little as possible with people in whom you are not sure.

Mistakes of your children

This point is considered especially important. We often complain to friends and relatives about the behavior of children, discuss their mistakes and expect support from our loved ones. This can serve as an outlet for parents, but it has an extremely destructive effect on the energy of children.

Regardless of age, children are connected to their parents all their lives. This energy connection does not exist stronger, and parental disbelief, disappointment and resentment exert their influence on the child's energy field.

“Taking dirty linen out of the hut” and discussing your “unreasonable child” with girlfriends or friends, on a subtle plane, you deprive the child of family protection and open the energy channel that connects you. This disruption of communication can lead to numerous problems in your child's life and even the breakdown of family relationships.

Psychics and practitioners advise in no case to complain about your children and solve your problems in the family circle. Careful attitude to the feelings and secrets of relatives will help you keep your family strong and happy.