What does the name yasmin mean for a girl. Who will be happy? Yasminai her personal life

  • 23.09.2019

A name is a universal code of a person that accompanies him all his life. Knowing what secrets the name of Yasmin holds in itself, its owner will certainly become happy.

The meaning and origin of the name

This name has Persian roots and is related to the name Jasmine, which is familiar to many of us, for example, from cartoons about this oriental beauty. In the interpretation of the name, experts are unanimous: “jasmine flower” and “paradise flower” - this is its meaning. It turns out that the owner of the name Yasmina is a refined and sublime nature.

Sometimes girls are called that - Jasmine. Therefore, the forms of the name can vary greatly in the East and in the West. So, in England, Yasmina will be called Jasmine, and in Tajikistan - Yesuman, but both of them will be namesakes, since their names are connected by a common origin and history.

The fate and nature of the name

As a rule, Yasmina is a bright girl and woman who knows how to charm. Such representatives of the fair sex are remembered for a long time by men, and rivals can only bite their elbows in annoyance. She is no stranger to competition and the desire to possess only the best, so it will be difficult to compete with her.

But do not think that Yasmina's whole life becomes an arena of hostilities for a place in the sun. At home, he prefers comfort and tranquility. She respects and appreciates loved ones and relatives, and conflicts are not typical for her. She is prone to both compromises and dialogue, when the interlocutor disposes her to himself.

Yasmina is very ambitious, so she prefers to work in such areas so that she brings not only pleasure, but also material stability. The range of interests is very wide: she can make a career in the field of medicine, open her own beauty salon, become a sought-after psychologist or connect her fate with a lawyer's business. It is important for her that the work kindles interest and is in demand.

Yasmina is attractive, has an inner attraction and is able to break more than one male heart. Yasmina chooses a life partner, guided, first of all, by the arguments of the heart, but by no means through cunning calculations. Despite the practicality in everyday life and the desire to live securely, Yasmina strives to do a lot herself. She is ready to become her husband and business partner, and the keeper of the hearth, so that further family life largely depends on what her man chooses.

The character of Yasmina often reflects her home well. exotic plants, collection unusual photos, sophisticated minimalism or eye-catching souvenirs from different countries world - her apartment can be very different, but she always gives the impression of a bright person who is ready to discover new things in the world and never ceases to be surprised by his charm.

The meaning of the name for the child: choose a name for the girl

As a small child, Yasmina surprises her parents with obedience, but not perseverance: the girl is carried away by everything around. She can often change hobbies, wish to enroll in all developmental circles at once, and even order her parents the most unpredictable pets.

Already in early childhood, Yasmina develops a strong character, so it is important not to indulge her daughter's whims, but at the same time show that her opinion is listened to. Then Yasmina will quickly learn to negotiate with others, and it will be much easier for her to build relationships in the future. In the case of authoritarian pressure, the girl may grow up, having lost many of the qualities of her name.

As for school success, Yasmina tries to please with her grades, and she succeeds. Poor progress can only be associated with a lack of interest, but usually girls with this name are interested in everything in the world, from a small insect to a huge universe.

You can shorten the name Yasmin to the forms Yasya or Mina or Yasmin - in an oriental manner.

Name characteristic

Name energy: as bright as its owner, but very unstable. Yasmina's outbursts of activity and enthusiasm can be replaced by expectation and long breaks. It is very important to rest in time and alternate activities so as not to “burn out” ahead of time.

To which patronymic the name Yasmina is suitable: it is ideal if the name of the father of the Yasmina girl is of Eastern origin. But a name of Greek or Roman origin can also shade best qualities Yasmina. For example, the names Alexander and Victor, strong in their energy, go well with the name Yasmina.

Lucky number and numerological talisman: deuce.

Zodiacality: Suitable for changeable Zodiac Signs like Gemini, Cancer or Libra.

Element: water, just as choppy and turbulent as it overflows its banks.

Charm stone: Jasper is considered the stone of Yasmina.

Guardian planet: the name Yasmin corresponds to the Moon; she endows Yasmin with a charming female energy.

Metal Jasmins and Moons: silver.

Totem animal: sea ​​Horse.

Charm plant: best flower for Yasmina, of course, there will be jasmine. It is very favorable for Yasmina to acquire a jasmine bush in front of the house or on personal plot. Another decoration of her garden will be lilies.

Color: white is a symbol of purity, the color of the moon and jasmine petals.

Notable Representatives: Jasmina Reza is a Frenchwoman, actress, writer-playwright, Jasmina Mikhailovich is a literary critic and critic in Serbia, Yasmin Ver is an athlete from Germany. An unusual fact about the name of Yasmin - it was this pseudonym (Yasmina Khadra) that the Algerian writer Mohammed Mulesula, a nominee and winner of literary awards, took to bypass strict military censorship.

For representatives of the name, it is impossible to create a strict classification and drive them into a narrow framework. She can be the mistress of the house, in her free time making masterpieces of culinary art to order, and a business woman who can handle male competitors. One thing will definitely remain common - when meeting Yasmina, it is difficult not to remember not only her name, but also herself!

Numerology of the female name Yasmin

Two in the name Yasmin symbolizes flexibility and perseverance. There are few such people and all because of the qualities that are now, alas, not many have. This is kindness, responsiveness, understanding. At the same time, she can, when required, show firmness and inflexibility to everyone. Yasmina knows how to reasonably defend her point of view, without reducing the dispute to a quarrel and insults ... A more detailed numerological analysis of the name is possible.

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So beautiful and so unusual, very rare, and therefore attractive female name Yasmina - again begins to gain popularity among parents who choose a name for the child.

In childhood, especially in the company of small peers, the girl named so will try with all her might to stand out, and she will choose the most diverse ways for this - from associating herself with a boy, to exaggerated femininity, flirtatiousness, which is not so bad for a girl, unlike from the first option.

In general, the origin of the name Yasmin from hot countries, from Persia, evokes images of magnificent and mysterious oriental women, and the grown-up girl will express the true beauty of a pure and impregnable soul with all her appearance, behavior, manners.

The interpretation implies the presence in her character of some masculine traits, such as courage, ambition, assertiveness, although these qualities will be very harmoniously combined with femininity, a somewhat bitchy irascibility, and truly animal magnetism.


The girl named so will have more than enough fans, because she loves and knows how to flirt, she presents herself perfectly, which means that not every man can resist her charm, and certainly will never forget a slightly impudent and a little arrogant girl. And she will make special demands on her future spouse, and if he does not fit at least one of the criteria, then he will not be with his beloved Yasminochka.

In men, Yasmina appreciates self-sufficiency very much, the position of the prospective partner in society, his financial self-sufficiency and generosity are important for her. And by the way, she will not hide her slightly selfish intentions, external gloss and brilliance, the ability to afford excesses are very important requirements for her future life partner.


In family life, Yasya will be the head, even if the spouse opposes this with all his might. This means that she is very domineering, and even smart, so it will not be difficult for her to forever bind her chosen one, even if he is not particularly pleased with the constant pressure from his wife.

But, the characteristic of the name Yasmin is such that if she gets really strong, sincerely loving man who can keep his wife’s indefatigable will to freedom and power, then in the end one can expect significant changes in the girl’s position in the family - she will become affectionate, obedient, loving, and even when the kids appear, you can call her an ideal mother.

Business and career

The meaning of the name Yasmin for business and career includes such qualities as assertiveness, the ability to set a goal, and successfully achieve it. As well as love for material goods, coupled with developed intuition they can make an excellent business woman out of a woman, which means that it will be quite difficult for anyone to deceive her.

Another important plus for career development is a very strong energy, great activity, which, in the case of Yasmin's real passion for the idea and goal, even turns into aggressiveness and the ability to go into open conflict.

For her subordinates, the owner of this unusual name will be an indisputable authority, although often a slight whisper of discontent will pass behind her back, as she is very demanding, and wants strict obedience, and exact fulfillment of the requirements from workers.

origin of the name Yasmin

It is not difficult to guess where such a wonderful name came from. Since etymology leads to the consonant word jasmine - the name of a flower from the Arab countries, then, therefore, the origins of the word are in the Persian plains.

What is Yasmin's story? Unfortunately, there is no such information in official sources, although it can be assumed that in the Far East, in ancient times, people admired the flowering beautiful plant jasmine, they began to call so newborn girls. Also, Yasmina Khadra called himself an Algerian writer, whose name really sounds like Mohammed Mulesula.

Characteristics of the name Yasmin

The meaning of the name Yasmin carries pros and cons, however, like everyone else. From positive qualities one can single out a sufficiently strong will, great internal motivation, which allows one to stubbornly and persistently go towards the goal until it is achieved.

A negative quality is too much enthusiasm for the matter, which can lead to a disregard for the needs of other people, overt aggression, the use of any means to achieve the goal. She can be too intolerant of others, so it is very important to teach her from childhood to treat people with respect, despite her age and position in society.

About the character of this woman, we can say that his main features are concentration, responsibility, the ability to think logically and coherently. Yasmina is very emotional, feelings often overwhelm her to the fullest, she is able to be very temperamental and passionate.

Due to the above features, a girl, especially in adolescence, can do stupid things that can be irreparable. Having already matured, she can get married a couple of times, and each time with great love - after all, it's all about the feelings that Yasminochka seethes like a mountain river.

Mystery of the name

  • The stone is jasper.
  • Name days are not Orthodox, so there is no name day.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign - Pisces.

Famous people

  • Yasmina Omrani is a French athlete, a participant in the World Cup in athletics in Moscow, 2013.
  • Yasmina Rossi is a French top model who, at the age of 57, remains in demand in the modeling business.

Different languages

The translation is very easy to find - this is the same Jasmine, only in a different pronunciation. Well, you can easily guess how jasmine is translated - this beautiful flower, and, in general, can be interpreted as a "blooming, fragrant branch of jasmine."

V different languages you can find different, quite interesting soundings of this name. For example, in Catalan - Jesmi, Jessami, in Hungarian - Yazmin, in Dutch - Yasmein, in Spanish - Hasmin, and in Italian, in general - Gelsomina. Only here in Chinese and in Japanese there are no analogues of Yasmine.

Name Forms

The most commonly used diminutive meaning of the name Yasmina is Yasminochka or Yasminka. The name Yasenka, Yasenochek, sounds very affectionate and beautiful. There are also other derivatives: Yasmin, Yazmin, Jasmine, Jasmin.

You can call the girl Yasya for short, and also use a short, even somewhat scornful one - Yaska. Absolutely reduced to impossibility - Yas, but here the whole mystery and mystery of the name of Yasmin is already lost. Full name Yasmina has the same case declensions as Marina, Alina, and other variants of consonant Russian names.

The meaning of the name Yasmin is such that according to the church there is practically no consonance with this word, therefore, at baptism, the holy father will call your daughter the name that is used in Orthodoxy, most often it is given by date of birth: whose name day is this day, such orthodox name and your child will receive.

Yasmina is one of the forms of the Muslim name Jasmine (Jasmine), translated from Persian, meaning "jasmine", "jasmine branch", "jasmine flower".

The name Yasmin is widespread not only in the East, but also in Europe. So in Asian countries, most often, the name Jasmine is used, although among the Tajiks you can hear the name Yosuman (Yesuman), which is an analogue of Jasmine and Yasmina. In England, the girl will be called Jasmine, Jesmine, in Spain - Hasmine, in Portugal - Jazmine, Jasmine, Jasmine (Jasmine), in Italy - Gelsomina, Jesmi, Jesmie, Zhesmil, Jasmine, in Hungary - Yazmine, in Bulgaria - Jasmine, Jasmine , Yasmina, Yasmin, in the Netherlands - Yasmein, Yasmin, in Finland - Yasmin, Yasmin, Yasmiina.

The diminutive address Mina is also an independent name. There is also man's name Yasmin.

Yasmina has a strong will, a lot of courage and ambition. She can often be short-tempered, especially when she has a strong intrinsic motivation or she is very passionate about some business that she would not want to break away from. Yasmina has a certain magnetism, it is believed that she original woman, which emphasizes appearance, the situation in the house, hobbies.

Yasmina appreciates material wealth, money, and can turn out to be an excellent businesswoman. She has a great intuition, so it is not so easy to abuse it. Yasmina has exceptional energy, and when she is infected with an idea, she becomes even more, and in passion she can even become aggressive. This girl knows very well what she wants to get. For other people, she will be an authority.

Yasmina has many virtues that will perfectly prepare her for the realities of life. Having met such a girl once in a lifetime, you will not forget her for a long time. One of negative traits that the owner of this name has is irritability, intolerance towards others, great susceptibility. Yasmine should instill respect for others from childhood, teach her to appreciate those people who are around her.

Yasmina loves to please others, charm, conquer. She appreciates the safety of her home, because this is the place where she is comfortable and cozy. Yasmina is often very demanding in finding a life partner. It is important for her that he be rich, attractive, bright personality, educated and appreciate her independence.

Yasmina chooses a profession that will constantly keep her interested. These can be areas of the artistic or aesthetic sphere, you can often meet the owners of this name among doctors. Yasmina is not averse to trying herself in the humanitarian fields (psychology, astrology, graphology, pedagogy). Yasmina prefers a family business or a job where she will receive not only pleasure from work, but also profit from her activities (business, finance, management).

  • Short form of the name Yasmin. Yasminka, Minitsa, Minka, Mina, Yasma, Gelsa, Gelsina.
  • Synonyms for the name Yasmin. Yasmine, Yazmine, Jasmine, Jasmine, Gelsomina, Jasmine, Jesmine, Hasmine, Yasmine, Yasmine, Yasmine, Yosuman, Esuman.
  • origin of the name Yasmin The name Yasmin is Muslim.

Such an attractive and unusual female name takes its origins straight in hot countries. The origin of the name is rooted in Persia, inspired by the images of mysterious oriental women. Initially, the name was widely popular in Muslim countries, but in the form of its interpretation - Jasmine.

Despite the widespread prevalence in Arab, Muslim and Persian cultures, girls are now increasingly called by the name Yasmin in Europe. characteristic feature is the fact that in each country the name sounds differently. For example, in Catalan - Jesmi, in Italian - Gelsomina, in Hungarian - Yazmin. There are no analogues in Chinese and Japanese languages.

The name stone is jasper. And since the name is not Orthodox, he does not have a name day. According to church customs, there is also no consonance with this name, therefore, at baptism, a girl, as a rule, is given an Orthodox name by date of birth.

The meaning and characteristics of the name Yasmin

If translated from Arabic, the name will receive such a meaning as "jasmine flower" or "paradise flower". There is another version, in a figurative sense, - "a girl who will be in paradise", "a gift from the gods." In other words, Muslim culture identifies the bearer of this ancient Persian name with an exquisite, magical and fragrant flower.

Yasmina in childhood fun and unpredictable. What she will do in the next minute is a surprise for everyone around, not excluding the girl's parents. She can be playful and affectionate now, and the next second become irritated. Yasmina definitely doesn’t have the makings of a quiet woman, although she’s all her own. life path she will be cheerful and cheerful. He will never let himself be hurt.

In adolescence, a girl will have to restrain the passion blazing in her soul: authority and romance will constantly oppose each other. Achieving success and winning recognition will be the desired outcome of actions. The goal that Yasmina sets for herself will be won with 100% accuracy, but she will not follow the principle "all means are good in the fight."

The matured owner of the name has not only will, but also ambitions. Hot temper goes hand in hand with masculinity. If some work hooks her, then armed with powerful motivation, she will not move away from it until she finishes it to the end. Along with masculinity, magnetism and charm will become her faithful companions. Originality will manifest itself in hobbies, appearance and statements.

Although Yasmina is unpredictable in childhood, in the future, one should not expect sudden acts from her in love affairs. So, the girl is not one of those who will forget about everything and rush to meet her feelings. Not one of those who will unexpectedly marry. The mistress of the name will first be firmly convinced of her chosen one, of the similarity of life views, and only then will she think about the future. With loved ones, Yasmina is extremely attentive and sensitive. A diligent hostess and caring mother, a good wife, but her companion may lack temperament or sensuality.

Yasmina's relationship with health is similar to her name - just as fragile. He practically does not encounter physical ailments, but often gets sick.

The artistry of your nature suggests a certain pretentiousness in clothing. You like to decorate yourself. To do this, you use jewelry, unusual, eye-catching accessories, all kinds of stylistic delights. Well, this is quite in line with your friendly, open nature. It is only important to observe the measure, not to go to extremes, since the border between brightness and vulgarity is rather ephemeral.

Yasmin name compatibility, manifestation in love

Yasmin, your self-sufficiency makes you a person for whom love is not a “life necessity”. You are extremely choosy in any relationships, whether it be friendship or a closer relationship. In both cases, the partner must meet your ideal criteria absolutely, otherwise you can easily do without him. But if you still find a person who fits the “bar” you set, then you surrender to the feeling completely, selflessly and recklessly, which can be a pleasant surprise for a partner misled by your external closeness and aloofness.


You are a closed person. All aspirations and desires are focused on one's own personality. Therefore, when making any decision, you tend to choose what will most contribute to your growth and improvement. And each such choice increases the distance between you and the outside world.

Over time, this "shell" becomes thicker, and the opportunity to "go outside" becomes more and more unrealistic. But even the most durable shell may one day not withstand external pressure, burst. And then, despite all your outstanding abilities, you will find yourself defenseless, like a newly hatched chick.

Neither intellect nor theoretical knowledge, no matter how significant they are, can replace the ability to communicate with people, the skill of "interpenetration", without which life is impossible.

Try to learn to view your individual qualities not as a commodity that can be “sold”, but as a tool for teamwork. Self-respect, of course, is “worth a lot”, but the location of others is not a trifle.