Project for Victory Day in kindergarten. senior preschool age

  • 20.09.2019

Patriotic education of preschool children.
Synopsis of GCD on design in preparatory group
"George Ribbon"
Educator Lapteva I.V.

Objectives: To instill feelings of patriotism.
Learn to fold paper in four and cut a flower out of it.
To consolidate the knowledge of cutting paper into strips and sticking evenly creating a St. George ribbon.
To cultivate accuracy in work, curiosity, interest in a patriotic holiday.
Motivation: Going to the rally, ribbons are needed, symbolizing respect for WWII veterans and home front workers.
Preliminary work: Listening to the Russian anthem. Excursion to the obelisk and laying flowers. Examination of illustrations about war veterans. Memorizing A. Kolmakova's poem "George's Ribbon". Conversation about the war. Examination of medals and orders of great-grandfathers of children brought by their parents.

Material: Recording of the Russian anthem, colored paper, ready-made patterns,
glue, scissors, oilcloths, sample.
Dictionary work: Anthem of Russia, banners, action, invaders, Fatherland.
Introductory conversation.
(The group is decorated for the holiday. There are orders on the pillow, illustrations about the Second World War hang. Flowers made of paper by children stand in vases. There is a Russian flag with a St. George ribbon tied.)
The teacher reads a poem by A. Kalmykova
"George Ribbon"
I tied it to the antenna,
She shone with a bright light,
Fire and ashes are inseparable -
In the traffic of cars suddenly became a flag
I am the granddaughter of a veteran, and victory
I also consider it my holiday
I am proud of the victory, I rejoice in the victory,
Came to us through soot, death and smoke.
And with this May holiday fireworks
My grandfather seemed to be resurrected.
And a small flag of a big victory
I will knit on a yellow cross on Sunday.
On May 9, a rally dedicated to the celebration of Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War will be held throughout the country and in our village of Kudinovo. Veterans with medals and orders who fought against the German invaders and home front veterans will come to it. For ten years now, the St. George Ribbon campaign has been taking place. On it, people are given ribbons that they attach to their clothes and cars. The ribbon symbolizes respect for the heroes of the Fatherland, a symbol of victory. Previously, such a ribbon was attached to the George Cross. Not all of you have such a tape. Do you want to make a ribbon to go to the rally and show that we honor and respect the holiday and the heroes of the Second World War.
2. The teacher shows the manufacturing method: You have ready-made patterns on your tables. They are black. What needs to be done to make the ribbon look like St. George's? (That's right. Cut orange stripes and stick them evenly on cardboard. Cut the corners of the ribbon with a corner inward. Now let's start decorating, making a flower that we attach to the ribbon. A flower is needed so that the ribbon looks festive, elegant. How to make a flower? (I listen to all versions. I offer my own)... I will make a flower by folding a square into four. I cut out a square, fold it in half, then this rectangle in half again. I got a square of 4 layers, I hold the corner that does not open. And I cut the opening corners in a semicircle and the edge too (this is how we made a snowflake). It turned out a flower of four petals. We make the second flower in the same way, only we take a square lighter in tone and smaller in size. (I show.) I do this in order to make the flower more magnificent. At the end I glue the round core.The flower is ready.You can make your own flower.Now you need to glue it on the tape and the elegant ribbon is ready.We will pin it with a safety pin and let's go to the rally.
Physical education:
Sunshine, sunshine (children walk in a circle).
You get up early
Wake us up early (hands up).
We run to the square
We meet the parade (marching)
(Children sit down at the table. Pay attention to safe work with scissors.)
3. The work of children.
4.Individual assistance.
5. Result: We hang the ribbons on the board. Children tell what they did. How were the flowers cut? What work turned out to be original, interesting? What were the ribbons for?

6. Conclusion: Yes, you guys did your best. The ribbons are all great. In the evening, tell your parents how we made them. With these ribbons, you and your parents will go to the rally.

Draw their attention to the celebration - Victory Day.

  • Make children want to get to know various types equipment in service Russian Army;
  • Learn to design an aircraft from designer parts;
  • To consolidate the ability to use a stencil; make a diagram-drawing in projections.


  • Posters and paintings dedicated to Victory Day;
  • Toys: plane, helicopter;
  • Scheme-drawing of the aircraft.

Preliminary work:

  • A few days before class book corner to place books about the army, about the types of troops, about military equipment, children are invited to consider them.
  • Reading poems, stories, listening to songs about the Russian Army and the heroism of its soldiers during the Second World War
  • Together with parents, it is offered to watch films on a military theme, which reflect the feat of the heroes of the war.
  • Visiting with children the monument to the heroes of the air defense of Moscow in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, the Museum on Poklonnaya Hill.

Lesson progress:

Educator: Guys, we live with you in peacetime, but we all know and remember that on June 22, 1941, our homeland was invaded by an evil and strong enemy- Fascist Germany. The Nazis attacked suddenly. They bombed cities, burned villages, killed civilians. All the people stood up to defend their country. (song sounds "Holy war" , lyrics by V. Lebedev-Kumach, music by A. Alexandrov).

Educator: The soldiers did not spare their lives in battles with the enemy, and civilians helped as best they could: they dug anti-tank ditches, trenches, set anti-tank hedgehogs. The factories worked day and night. They made: shells, cartridges, planes, machine guns, machine guns, repaired tanks, etc. This year we celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. This victory was not easy, many people, not sparing their lives, did not allow the German troops to carry out their plan, so May 9 is a national holiday. This victory came at a great cost to us.

Many wars did not all return home. The worst thing for families was the news of a missing person. Now, search teams are finding the graves of fallen soldiers, they are helping relatives find the place where their relative died. This is a big deal.

On the battlefields, women and children showed their heroism along with men. They were nurses, intelligence officers and signalers. One of these brave women lives next to us, this is Yakovleva Praskovya Ivanovna. During the war, she was a signalman for a separate flight regiment on the Volkhov front. She transmitted information from the headquarters to the pilots, and then, after completing the task, transmitted the results of the flights to the headquarters. Praskovya Ivanovna went through the whole war, has awards: "For the Defense of Leningrad" , "For Courage" . "Order of the Patriotic War" . Now she is 92 years old.

Assistance in the victory and after it, of course, was also provided by fearless sappers. The sappers could not have made mistakes, since it cost their lives. Many of them died during the clearance of roads, houses, bridges, but their descendants will not forget their names. One of these fearless people was Sergei Sergeevich Fedorov. He was a sapper detachment commander and reached Berlin. After the war, he helped rebuild destroyed bridges. He had government awards among them: the Order of Alexander Nevsky, the Order of the Red Star, "For Courage" , "For the capture of Vienna" , "For the capture of Budapest" , "For the capture of Berlin" . The memory of the defenders will always live in the hearts of their relatives.

Educator: In our area there is memorial place. Do you know what this place is?

(The teacher shows an illustration depicting a monument to the heroes of Moscow's air defense in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.)

Children: This is the square on which the monument to the Defenders of the sky is located.

Educator: Right. From ancient times to the present day, there has been such an honorable, but difficult profession - to defend the Motherland. Streets and squares are named in honor of the fallen heroes. In our area there are streets named after heroic pilots. Here are some names:

Aleksey Alekseevich Artamonov from the first days of the war, being a junior pilot of the 168th Fighter Aviation Regiment, he made 37 sorties. One day, he was the first to take off his plane to intercept the Hs-126 air reconnaissance aircraft. "henschel". Several times he flew up to the reconnaissance at a short distance and opened fire, but after a few shots the line ended. Then the pilot sent his fighter to the enemy and rammed him. Upon impact, Artamonov was seriously wounded and was unable to use a parachute. For his feat, Alexei Alekseevich Artamonov was awarded the title of Hero Soviet Union posthumously. One of the streets in our area is named after him.

Not only men fought the enemy in the air, women pilots also fought with them. In September 1941, Ekaterina Vasilievna Budanova volunteered at the formation point for women's aviation regiments. A year of intense study - and she is on Stalingrad front. Courageous, well versed in her "yak" the girl quickly becomes an ace. She often takes off on missions. During one of the sorties, Budanova noticed a group Junkers going to bomb the railway station where our echelons were located. There were twelve Nazis. Having made a decision, she crashed into their system, at close range, shooting the leader, shot down another fascist plane, put the rest to flight. On account of Budanova 11 aircraft shot down by her personally, including a reconnaissance aircraft "Foke - Wulf" Fw 189, which was considered the most difficult target. Ekaterina Budanova died in June 1943. in air combat, when she covered Soviet bombers going to bomb enemy positions. Posthumously, the pilot was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Our brave pilots made a great contribution to the victory. Every day they performed heroic deeds in the name of a peaceful life.

Let the sky be blue
Let there be no smoke in the sky
Let the formidable guns be silent
And machine guns do not scribble,

So that people live, cities,
Peace is always needed on earth! (

Educator: Guys, how do people honor those people who defended our Motherland during the Great Patriotic War?

Children: Books, poems, paintings are written about them, monuments are erected all over the country.

Educator: That's right, monuments were erected to the soldiers who liberated our homeland from the invaders. All people honor the memory of the defenders of our Motherland and bring fresh flowers to the foot of the monuments. One of these places is the tomb of the Unknown Soldier near the walls of the ancient Kremlin - the Eternal Flame.

(The teacher shows an illustration depicting the tomb of the Unknown Soldier near the walls of the ancient Kremlin - the Eternal Flame.)

Educator: In order to save the world, you need a strong army. Our Russian Army has different types troops: ground forces that operate on land, air Force- they protect the Motherland in the air, naval - on duty in the seas and oceans.

Guys, what military equipment do you know?

Children: Tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers, guns, self-propelled guns, planes, helicopters, cruisers, submarines.

Educator: Many types of military equipment are used in the modern army. Today we will be designers, and what kind of military equipment we will design, you try to guess:

Boldly floats in the sky,
Overtaking birds flight.
Man controls it
What is this? (Airplane)

Educator: That's right, guys, this is a plane. Combat aircraft are ready to defend our air spaces if necessary. (The teacher shows an illustration depicting a military aircraft)

Let's consider a military aircraft.

What parts does it consist of? (Children examine the structure of the aircraft, identify the main functional parts, determine their spatial relationship, size and shape.)

Educator: What parts will we need to build an airplane? (Children list the parts needed for construction.)

Educator: Well done, you named everything correctly, and now the guys will start building new combat aircraft. Then the children are invited to make a drawing of the built aircraft (front view and top view) using stencils.

Educator: Well done, you did a good job, how many new combat aircraft we got.


1. Expand children's understanding of the army (during the years of the Great Patriotic War, soldiers fought bravely and defended our country from enemies).

2. Introduce the heroes of V.O.V.

3. To consolidate the ability to answer with a full sentence the question posed on the content of the story.

4. To develop curiosity, broaden the horizons of children, the desire to learn more new, useful, interesting things about the history of their native land.

5. Activate the dictionary of children with proverbs and sayings, enrich it by clarifying the concepts: Russia, Fatherland; defend, defend, be proud, fight; just, popular, heroic war; infantry, tankers, pilots; fascism; generals, marshals, military leaders.

6. To instill a sense of patriotism, love for one's Motherland, respect for the veterans of the V.O.V., a desire to take care of them.

7. Education of tolerance.

Materials for the lesson:illustrations, paintings about V.O.V., a laptop for listening to songs of the war years, a selection of books on military topics, St. George ribbons (made of paper).

Course progress.

Music sounds - children's song "Solar Circle". The teacher, together with the children, discusses what the song is about, why the boy wrote these words: “let there always be sun, let there always be sky, let there always be mom, let there always be me.”

caregiver : Because in the history of people there were such pages when children suffered the most, lost their mothers, did not see a peaceful sky above their heads ... There were such pages in the history of our Motherland. We see them in these pictures. Asks the children who found out what they were talking about.

caregiver : Today we are not just looking at these illustrations. On one solemn day, our country celebrates a very important and memorable holiday. Who knows what kind of holiday this is?

Children: Victory Day.

caregiver : Correctly! This is Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War, which lasted four years and ended with the victory of our people. Let's remember once again what kind of victory it was, over whom?

Educator and children: over the Nazis.

Educator: Yes, it was a very terrible war. The Nazis really wanted to seize our country, enslave our people, but they did not succeed. For four whole years, day after day, month after month, year after year, our people fought against the fascist army. And, finally, he won. Because the one who fights for justice, defends his Motherland, his people, always wins.

Alina: May holiday - Victory Day

The whole country celebrates.

Our grandfathers put on military orders.

The road calls them in the morning

To the parade.

And thoughtfully from the threshold

Grandmothers are watching after them.

Denis: What is Victory Day?

This is the morning parade:

Tanks and rockets are coming

Soldiers are marching.

Savely : What is Victory Day?

This is the fireworks display:

Fireworks take to the sky

Falling apart here and there.

caregiver : Well done! And now I will tell you how the war began.

The song "Holy War" sounds. We listen to the first verse, then the teacher tells under the barely audible continuation of the song.

Educator: Early in the morning of June 21, 1941, when deep dream the cities and villages of our Motherland plunged, German planes with bombs took off from the airfields. Gun shots rolled like thunder across the western border. The air was filled with the roar of engines, tanks, trucks. Fascist Germany attacked our country without declaring war. Nazi planes bombed cities and ports, airfields and railway stations, bombs fell on pioneer camps, kindergartens, hospitals and residential buildings.

All people rose to defend their homeland. Not only the soldiers of our army went to the front, but even children often ran away from home to fight the Nazis.

During the war, many heroic deeds were accomplished, many warriors and simple people became heroes.

What do you think "feat" is?

Children : it is a brave, courageous, good deed.

caregiver : And what is the name of the person who accomplished the feat?

Children: Hero.

Educator: So during V.O.V. there were also many people who committed heroic deeds.

Both ordinary soldiers and their commanders fought in the war. Why are commanders needed? Who commands the soldiers?

Children : generals, officers.

caregiver : At the head of the army there are always commanders-in-chief, they direct all battles.

During the V.O.V. one of the most talented commanders-in-chief was Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov. (shows his portrait) Where he commanded the front, the army always defeated the Nazis. G.K. Zhukov earned many military awards and medals, was awarded honorary titles. In Moscow, a street is named after this hero: Marshal Zhukov Avenue. A monument was erected to him on Red Square.

Guys, what should be a hero?

Children : strong, brave, hardy, courageous, etc.

caregiver : Correctly! And to become strong, you need to be friends with physical education.

Physical education "Airplane":

We put our hands apart: (Hands to the sides.)

An airplane appeared. ("They flew" like planes.)

Wing back and forth, (Tilts left and right.)

Do one, do two. (Turns left and right.)

One and two, one and two! (We clap our hands.)

Hold your hands to the sides, (Hands to the sides.)

Look at each other. (Turns left and right.)

One and two, one and two! (Jumping in place.)

Hands down (Hands down)

And take a seat! (Sit down.)

caregiver : Guys, so that people do not forget about their heroes, monuments are erected to them all over the country. There are also in our village. How many of them do we have in the village?

Children: Two.

caregiver : Right. So we will go with you on an excursion today to the monuments.

The teacher exposes an illustration depicting the grave of the Unknown Soldier (Moscow).

caregiver : What do you think this monument is? What is it called?

Children : Unkown soldiers grave.

caregiver : What does Unknown mean? (children's answers) This is a monument to those who died on the battlefields. After heavy fighting, the soldiers were buried in one mass grave and it was not always possible to find out their names. To all those soldiers whose names remained unknown, such monuments were erected throughout the country. And the most important monument to the unknown soldier is located in Moscow, on Red Square. The Eternal Flame always burns there. And what does it symbolize?

Children's answers.

Educator: The eternal flame symbolizes the eternal memory of the exploits of our brave soldiers.

The teacher reads the poem.

Educator: "No one is forgotten and nothing is forgotten" -

Burning inscription on a block of granite.

The wind plays with faded leaves

And the wreaths fall asleep with cold snow.

But, like a fire, at the foot is a carnation.

Nobody is forgotten and nothing is forgotten.

caregiver : Look closely at the image of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. On a granite slab near the eternal flame there is an inscription: "Your name is unknown, your feat is immortal." The people have developed figurative expressions about the Motherland, about its defenders.

For example, “For your Motherland, do not spare either strength or life.”

"The enemy wanted to feast, but had to fight."

"Stand boldly for a just cause."

Teacher: What proverbs do you know?

Children: Motherland - know how to protect it.

Whoever comes to us with a sword will die by the sword.

Defend your beloved homeland like a mother.

caregiver : It was hard during the war for all our people: both those who fought at the front, and those who remained in the rear and did everything necessary for victory (grown bread, made shells, tanks, planes, saved and treated our wounded fighters), those who remained in the German occupation, helped the partisans or fought together with them.

Those who defended our Motherland from the enemy many years ago are still alive today. But they are already very old, many of them are sick and disabled. It is difficult for them to even walk.

They are called veterans. On Victory Day, they put on all their military awards, get together to remember the war years.

A few years ago there was a very good tradition. On Victory Day, people pin a St. George ribbon on their lapel as a token of memory of the military merits of our people.

Guys, what colors are on the St. George ribbon? Children's answers.

caregiver : What do they mean?

Educators pin St. George ribbons to children.

Esmira: Everyone needs peace and friendship,

Peace is the most important thing in the world

On a land where there is no war

Children sleep peacefully at night.

Ilkhan : Where the guns don't roar,

The sun shines brightly in the sky.

We need peace for all children.

We need world peace!

Educator: Guys! In a couple of days there will be a great holiday - Victory Day! Someone will spend it in the family circle, remembering their relatives and friends who happened to meet with the War. Many of you will go to the parade with your parents. If you see a person with orders on May 9, then come up and congratulate him on the holiday, tell him “Thank you!” for the fact that he defended our country, our Motherland from enemies. Veterans will be pleased that we all remember that difficult and wonderful victory.

And now our lesson ends. And finally, I want you to listen to the song "Victory Day"

Lyubov Smirnova

abstract "knowledge" construction.

Program content:

1. Educational

2. Developmental

3. Educational

b) learn to do tulips using waste material.

Material for work: plastic spoons, plasticine

Integration of educational activities:


Equipment: A photo « Brest Fortress» , inscription "I'm dying but not giving up", painting "Defense of Sevastopol", Crossword, Photo "Eternal flame", "Letter Triangle" "Holy war", "Soldiers on the road!", "Last letter"

"Holy war"

Lesson progress:

And menacing lines cry out from granite:

victories victories


Today we will do bouquet of tulips

abstract directly educational activities. Educational area "knowledge" construction.

Program content:

1. Educational: fostering respect for the defenders of the Motherland on the basis of vivid impressions, specific historical facts accessible to children and causing them strong emotions, pride in their people, love for their homeland.

2. Developmental: to develop an understanding of different kinds troops, to consolidate knowledge about the national holiday of warriors, to clarify who the defenders of the fatherland are; develop speech, thinking, support the initiative of children.

3. Educational:a) continue acquaintance with proverbs about the war, teach to understand and explain their meaning, bring up feelings of pride in your people, army, desire to defend your country.

b) learn to do tulips using waste material.

Material for work: plastic spoons, plasticine, acrylic paint, brush, scissors, decorative grass, two fruit vases, adhesive tape.

Integration of educational activities:

"communication" Conversation about the Motherland, memorizing poems, looking at albums, books, illustrations. Making albums about museums of military glory.

Equipment: A photo "Brest Fortress", inscription "I'm dying but not giving up", painting "Defense of Sevastopol", Crossword, Photo "Eternal flame", "Letter Triangle". Tape recorder, audio cassettes with songs "Holy war", "Soldiers on the road!", "Last letter". White sheets of paper, colored pencils for writing letters.

Listening to a song and watching a video about the war "Holy war" music A. Alexandrova sl. V. Lebedev-Kumach.

Lesson progress:

Replacing each other, generations go, But the memory of the past does not know oblivion.

And menacing lines cry out from granite:

"No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten" In 2010, Russia celebrates the day of the great victories over Nazi Germany. We must never forget the feat of our warriors-defenders who defended the world in a cruel war. On this great holiday - Day victories We remember all those who gave their lives for our future. The memory of the war of 1941-1945 is kept in people's hearts and passed down from generation to generation. Many memorials and monuments dedicated to the heroes of the war were built. Many streets in Russian cities are named after them. Many songs, poems, stories, novellas and novels were written about the Great Patriotic War.

At 4 o'clock in the morning, without a declaration of war, the German troops did not fall on our Motherland, ”people heard such an announcement on June 22, 1941. The peaceful life of the people was stopped. The great Patriotic War. The war destroyed the lives of millions of people. Everyone felt the breath of war Human: an extended howl of sirens, volleys of anti-aircraft guns, explosions of bombs. But people were not afraid, they got up and went to meet dark forces. By sacrificing their lives, they became the defenders of the fatherland.

Today we will do bouquet of tulips in memory of those who died in the war.

1) fix two vases together with the convex side up with tape

2) Wrap with artificial grass and secure with tape.

3) prepare spoons.

4) give children acrylic paint, brush water.

5) cut off the painted part.

6) blind out plasticine ball and insert spoon shaping tulip(petals) out of three spoons, then insert the second part of the spoon (stalk).

7) compose bouquet.

8) compose a composition.

Crafts for Victory Day in kindergarten. preparatory group

"Our white-winged dove" - ​​application for children 6-7 years old

Galimullina Nastya, 7 years old, pupil of MKDOU d / s "Kolosok", p. Kalinino, Malmyzhsky district, Kirov region.
Supervisor: Rukavishnikova Olga Leonidovna, music director of MKDOU d / s "Kolosok", p. Kalinino, Malmyzhsky district, Kirov region.
This workshop is for educators. preschool institutions, primary school teachers, educators additional education, parents, children of senior preschool and primary school age.
Purpose: a gift to a veteran, work for an exhibition, interior decoration.
- to expand children's ideas about the events of the Great Patriotic War.
- learn to compose a composition on a specific topic;
- fix the technique of cutting out of paper folded with an accordion;
- educate accuracy, perseverance, independence.

May 9 - Victory Day! This is a wonderful holiday of the world!
The victory was not easy. In difficult years, those whom we call our smaller brothers fought alongside the soldiers at the front: animals and birds. They just did what people taught them - and died, like people. But, dying, they saved thousands human lives.
Pigeons also took part in the war.
A pigeon named Mary Exterskaya entered the pigeon service in 1940 and delivered top-secret messages throughout the war, despite all the trials, she found her way home every time.
The second episode from the front-line service of pigeons.
One of the Belarusian partisan detachments was surrounded, a message was sent to the headquarters with a dove to call for help. The faithful winged postman barely flew to the headquarters and fell dead in front of the entrance to the dugout. Wounded, with broken paws, he nevertheless conveyed the message.
Pigeon mail was widely used in Russia. During the war, the Nazis had a special order to shoot pigeons found in flight.

Since ancient times, people have considered the dove a symbol of peace on Earth.
For example, in ancient Rome, the doves of Venus, which built their nest in the overturned helmet of Mars, were considered a symbol of peace, and the god of war, in order not to destroy their nest, abandoned another bloody undertaking.

Sun of the beloved Motherland
Illuminates everything around
And the white-winged takes off
Dove of peace from our hands.
You fly, fly around the world
Our dove from end to end,
Word of peace and hello

Pass it on to all nations!
The heroes defended the world,
We swore to remember them.
Flying in the blue distance
Go down to the obelisks.
To keep the explosions from shutting down
The sky is black,
Our white-winged dove,
Fly around the entire globe!
(T. Kolomiets)
- colored paper
- scissors
- glue
- markers
- pencil
- brush for glue

Step by step work
Outline the child's hand with a pencil

Draw the pigeon's head and cut it out

Fold a strip of white paper (4-20 cm) like an accordion, draw a flower, cut it out

Decorate the flowers (draw the middle of the flower and stamens)

Prepare stencils for numbers and letters

Cut them out of red paper

Fold a strip of green paper like an accordion, draw a leaf, cut it out

For the St. George ribbon you will need: a black strip (25-4 cm), two orange strips (25-0.7 cm)

Glue the orange stripes on the black strip

We glue all the elements of the application, as shown in the photo.

We cut the ends of the St. George's ribbon

On a rectangle white color(4-6 cm) draw the wing

We cut strips of 0.5 cm on the wing and twist them slightly with scissors

Glue the wing, draw the pigeon's eye.
We frame the work.

May 9 - and balloons fly into the sky.
May 9 - smiles, flowers everywhere.
May 9 and tears, and joy in the eyes,
And the happiness of Victory will remain in our hearts.
May 9 - let the doves circle in the sky.
May 9 - we remember your feat of soldiers.
May 9 - Orders glisten in the sun.
Thanks for the world! Let the country salute you!

(Z. Root)
Children's work

(St. George ribbon can be used in finished version, we attach the tape to the work with a stapler or glue gun)

Thank you for your attention!