Personal egregor of a person. What is egregore, in simple words

  • 29.06.2020

What is "egregor"?

The concept of what an "egregor" appeared many centuries ago. It is believed that this word has Greek roots and means “watchful” or “guardian”. Even the philosophers of antiquity thought that the entire manifested world consists of ether. It is in this spiritual space that “egregors” are located, which are information structures that freely move in the energy field of the planet.

How does "egregor" appear?

"Egregor" appears thanks to the thoughts of millions of equally thinking people. Since there are many religions, teachings, schools and sects on our planet that have their own understanding of God and the world around them, the number of “egregors” is also a great many. Some of them have more power, for example, "egregors" - Christianity, Islam or Buddhism, while others have less, since the number of members professing these directions does not have many adherents. Egregor feeds on human energy. When Buddhists perform meditations, Muslims perform prayers, thereby giving part of their own strength to the “egregore”. In response to this, it can give a person the experience of spiritual flight and energy for further development.

How to get in touch with the "egregore"?

To get in touch with the "egregor" you need to do the practice. Having completely relaxed the body and renouncing worries, one must mentally make a jump behind the back. After that, you need to imagine that a path appeared before the inner eye. After taking a few steps along it, a person may get the feeling that something huge is ahead. It is necessary to imagine that a huge white city opens before a person. It can be entered only by handing over something very valuable to the keeper of this place. This value is the experience and knowledge that a person has accumulated over the years of life. When there is a mental return of all the baggage of knowledge, the keeper will remove the damper that prevents further movement into the city.

Having taken a few more steps through this city, one must imagine that a light pillar appears nearby, which goes high into the sky. Mentally entering it and pressing against it with the area of ​​​​the spine, there will be a feeling that a person is instantly transferred high up. It is here that “egregors” live in the form of energy-informational clouds. It is possible to communicate with them mentally. For example, if a person wants to feel the "egregor" of Buddhism, then one must tune in to the founder of the religion - Gautam Buddha. The experiences that will come after this are like detachment, like a desire to go beyond the limits of the manifested world. Touching other "egregors" will give a completely different experience.

With the help of this practice, you can get answers to questions of interest to a person, as well as gradually form a channel of constant communication with the "egregor", which will help in solving complex life problems.

https://website/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/elephant_and_turtle_in_space_1600x1200-1024x768.jpghttps://website/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/elephant_and_turtle_in_space_1600x1200-150x150.jpg 2018-08-19T22:57:29+07:00 PsyPage Reflection How to get in touch with "egregors"What is "egregor"? The concept of what an "egregor" appeared many centuries ago. It is believed that this word has Greek roots and means “watchful” or “guardian”. Even the philosophers of antiquity thought that the entire manifested world consists of ether. It is in this spiritual space that "egregors" are located, which are information structures, ...PsyPage

Egregors of the human world [Logic and interaction skills] Verishchagin Dmitry Sergeevich

Independent creation of egregor

Actually, we already know enough about egregores to create one of them.

Egregor is an energy-informational organism that exists in the collective unconscious of humanity.

It receives the energy of the emerging needs of people independently of it, directed to it by virtue of the existence of an archetypal tool - a concept that, by its properties, can satisfy this need already when building a mental model.

The success-failure of meeting this need with the help of this archetypal tool means the success-failure of the egregor.

Accordingly, any egregor is based on a cyclic construction, in the simplest case (it is rare, often complex needs, there are several, several and archetypes, there are also inter-egregorial connections supplying energy on secondary archetypes) consisting of a need - waiting for the right way to satisfy it - archetypal instrument - the expectation of satisfaction of a need or just a need - an archetypal instrument - the expectation of satisfaction of a need.

It is easy to see that in the area of ​​need, the cycle is not closed, here our feeling of people who feel the need for one or another embodiment of the archetype to satisfy their needs acts as a closing point. Accordingly, in the normal case, nature itself closes it, ensuring the periodic emergence of human needs, and in the abnormal case, the very satisfaction of the need causes its renewal (drug addiction, alcoholism, any dependence).

And the popularity of such a simple egregor directly depends on the frequency of the need and the effectiveness of its satisfaction. Thirst - water - quenching is more powerful than the desire of truffles - truffle - quenching the desire of truffles, which is why, although the truffle, due to its rarity and at the same time popularity, is more expensive than water, its energy and financial turnover are a grain of sand compared to those positions of water.

Accordingly, any egregore begins with a cyclic expression of some idea that links a specific need with a specific way to satisfy it.

This, so to speak, is the phase of the logical, personal beginning of the egregor.

In this form, it is first born in a person.

It is transmitted from person to person, becoming part of the atmosphere of groups of people, becoming more common and integrated into the collective consciousness.

And finally, in favorable circumstances for an idea, there comes a moment when it becomes part of the heritage of mankind or a people, when even children who do not yet have this need begin to assimilate it, when egregor enters the third phase and becomes an integral part of culture.

The third phase, of course, presents a certain difficulty for our work - after all, not every idea is able to get such an independent distribution in order to integrate into culture ... But, looking ahead, I will say that there are certain moves here, and even hint: after all, changes in relationships, manifestations, shades of manifestations of stable ancient egregors cannot be controlled. And the idea that by its existence causes the appearance of these shades can thus be integrated at the cultural level ... but I really got ahead of myself.

We will return to this, but for now, you and I need to learn how to create egregors through at least two initial levels.

And this is quite simple: to learn how to create an idea in such a way that you can control it - and try to transfer it to others, making it transpersonal.

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Egregor - this word is increasingly penetrating the texts of the media and Internet forums. Someone implicitly understands what is at stake, others - most of them - have never heard this term. And only a few people, mostly spiritual practitioners and esotericists, constantly encounter this concept. What does it mean anyway?

What is egregore?

Egregor is an energy informational formation that appears due to the emergence of human ideas. That is, an egregore is a certain non-material entity that arises from a collective concept and grows due to the receipt of human emotions.

When we are concerned about some topic, we begin to attach importance to it, it occupies our thoughts and feelings.

And any emotional outbursts are an excellent nourishment for the egregorial essence. As we live through the consumption of food, for egregore our feelings are food. How more energy receives an egregore, the more extensive it becomes and can capture the consciousness of other people in order to receive more and more new portions of energy.

Types of egregors

Seers and psychics describe these formations as spherical clots of energy from which thin channels stretch to people included in this idea. There are a huge number of egregores in the world. One of the most powerful are the egregors of religions.

There are egregores of states, corporations, organizations, subcultures, cultural and sports sections, families - in a word, everything that has a common basis. All people are connected to many egregors at the same time.

The very existence of egregore depends on the vitality of the idea. If the public begins to be interested in other issues, egregors weaken and may disappear over time. As an example, you can independently analyze the egregor of the USSR.
Egregors are localized in the information field of the world and emit different wave frequencies. Some formations may be similar to branched structures. To better imagine this, you can draw a mental chain: family - city - country - communism (it can cover several countries).

Some formations can absorb others, as well as big company swallows a small one. Other egregors study frequencies so different in range that they can be called hostile to each other: the ideas of socialism and capitalism, conservatism and liberalism, pop music and hard rock. It is not in vain that they say that with their charter and in someone else's monastery ...

Imagine the different vibes that so-called white-collar workers and punk culture exude. If two people of such opposite views meet at night in the gateway, then the intensity of passions may well lead to a fight. People themselves will not understand what happened, but egregors have one benefit: so much energy at once!

How to work with egregor?

Have you noticed how zealously companies promote their brands? In order to introduce the idea of ​​their product into the minds of people, the creators of their "brainchild" do not spare any money or time.

Corporate trainings are held among employees, aimed at increasing the unity and commitment of the company. In order for as many people as possible to learn about the product, large-scale promotions are carried out.

If for one reason or another you decide to connect to any egregor for help, there are several ways:

  • Compliance with the rules of egregor. Feel its spirit! What ideas are at the forefront? How do people living in this egregore live? If you want to join a particular cell of society, start repeating everything that these people do. illustrative example: if you want to become your own in a rock party, start listening to appropriate music, studying idols, adopting the style and norms of behavior.
  • Special paraphernalia. Each egregor has its own symbols and signs. Love has a heart, wisdom has an owl or a snake. Analyze the symbols of the structure you want to join, and begin to surround yourself and your home with souvenirs of the corresponding theme.
  • Turning on through the crown chakra Sahasrara. It is the seventh human energy center and is located at the top of the crown. This method is suitable for those who already have an idea about the chakras and have been involved in their unwinding.
  • Imagine a stream emanating from the depths of the Universe, which enters your body and consciousness through the upper chakra, passes through all energy centers and reaches the root chakra Muladhara, localized in the spine. When you feel the warmth spreading from the top of your head all over your body, turn to the egregor with a request to take you under his protection.
  • Please note that not all egregors can be reached in this way. Some structures are like private VIP clubs, and your desire alone may not be enough.

Remember one thing - the connection with the egregor is two-way. For those benefits that egregor will give you, you will pay with your energy. If you want to become his faithful adherent and earn favor, try to "infect" as many people as possible with these ideas.

Egregor of the clan - testament of ancestors

A family egregor is an energy structure that unites on one family tree a group of people who share a common descent from a single ancestor. The clan forms a powerful formation, which has its own knowledge, values, abilities and aspirations.

Along the blood chain, not only the surname is transmitted, but also views on the world, talents, and profession. A person without the support of the family is like a fragile twig. It is the family that can provide support in difficult times: console, help with advice or material means.

Each subsequent generation carries in its genes generic information and deep memory of ancestors. In order to receive the support and help of the Family, a person must respect the dead and living relatives. Thank your ancestors for giving you life and pray higher powers about their happy death.

Genetic memory includes not only a complex of spiritual wisdom, but also generic programs. And among them very often there are such vices as fornication, smoking, drunkenness.

If a person had drinking ancestors, the percentage is quite high that he will follow this habit. In this case, the question arises of removing the negative program from the genus. But for this, a person must first purify himself.

Egregor of money - change consciousness

Like attracts like, and money attracts money. In the case of the egregor of money, these postulates perfectly reflect the essence of this energy formation. There are far more poor people in the world than rich people. And all because the egregor of wealth is one of the closed privileged structures.

One way or another, everyone deals with money. But this channel may not be open enough. And people continue to count every ruble, buy cheap clothes, eat incomprehensible foods. If you want money in egregor - behave like a rich man!

Money requires love and respect. Love them with all your heart! Feel their smell, remember their unique rustle, study the pattern on each bill. Here are a few right ways to increase the flow of cash into your life:

  • Buy an expensive wallet made of real quality leather. Well, if it is green. Banknotes should not be bent in half - money loves space and scope. At home, get a box for money and visualize that it is a bottomless pit. Try to put aside an n-th amount every day, even a small one.
    Also, some people add whole words from alphabetic characters on banknotes, for example: bo-ga-ta, na-nya-li-s. To do this, banknotes are laid out in a cache in a certain sequence.
  • Change your image. Expensive clothes and well-groomed appearance- recipe for success.
  • Use paraphernalia - all kinds of netsuke and frogs to help you!
  • Act as if you have already improved your financial situation.

This behavior will psychologically begin to change your way of thinking. You will feel more confident in yourself and discover more opportunities for yourself. And money loves such people!

Egregor of love - tune in to the wave!

Everyone wants to love and be loved. But not everyone manages to find a mate or maintain a relationship in the right direction. Perhaps you are simply not included in the egregor of love! Here are some working techniques:

  • Imagine that you have already found your other half. How will your life change? What's new in it? Try to act like you already have a loved one! It may seem absurd, but if you are eating at home alone, you can set up appliances for another person. The Universe does not like emptiness and will try as soon as possible to determine the person you need for the “vacant place” that has formed.
  • Use all sorts of "artifacts of love": a keychain in the shape of a heart, a figurine of a pair of swans, a bed in red tones, artistic photographs placed around the house or paintings of couples in love - all this will create certain vibrations.
  • Love is pure energy with a positive charge. Imagine how pink energy flow penetrates you from top to bottom. Feel the amazing warmth that spreads through every cell of your body. And when this feeling starts to overwhelm you, let it go. Visualize yourself giving love to someone. Give this person the characteristics you want. Give all the love without a trace. Order is accepted. The universe will return your love to you and bring you the desired person.

It is believed that every living being and other objects on earth have energy, which can have both a positive and a negative charge. It can influence a person, changing his life. One of the most common energy formations is egregors.

Table of contents [Show]

What does egregor mean?

The energy structure, which is created by the people themselves, is commonly called an egregor. There are many of them and any occupation and organization have their own energy. What are egregors and how they work has been of interest to people since ancient times. It is believed that they can influence people's lives, their thoughts and worldview. It is important to note that egregor is not always good, and it can cause problems and failures in a person.

What is a Christian egregor?

Believers and magicians can receive energy thanks to the Christian egregore, which has a direct connection with religion and is considered the most powerful. Many Russian conspiracies in their texts have an appeal to the Lord, angels and saints, and so during their pronunciation a person connects to egregore, the same is done by a believer, saying a prayer. Christian egregor not only gives energy, but also provides protection. Only those who sincerely believe, that is, connect to the egregor, can get results from the pronunciation of prayers and reading conspiracies.

How to find out your egregor?

Each person has several egregors at once, which can be generic, that is, the child connects to them automatically at the time of birth, as well as those that appear during life, and they are associated with interests. Personal egregor directly depends on what a person does and is interested in in life. To understand which energy flows have an impact, you just need to write down on a piece of paper everything that you like and with which a person interacts, these will be personal egregors.

How to connect to egregore?

To get help in achieving different goals, you need to connect to egregor. It will act as a kind of incentive, and also provoke the occurrence of important and useful events in life. Connecting to the egregor can be done in different ways.

  1. The simplest option involves studying the chosen area, obtaining information and sharing interests. It is important that a person knows egregors, what it is and meets their requirements. In some cases, you need to go through a rite of initiation, for example, baptism in Christianity.
  2. Finding out, egregor, what it is, it is worth mentioning another method of connecting to energy-informational formations - performing various rituals that may relate to different magical traditions and currents.

How to disconnect from egregor?

It has already been mentioned that the influence of energy formations can be not only positive, but also negative. There are egregors who, instead of giving a person energy, take it away and control his life. In such a situation, it is important to know how to get out of the egregor, and it is worth noting that doing this is much more difficult than connecting to it.

  1. It is important not only to use magical rites, but also to limit the influence of the energy structure on a person. It is worth limiting contacts and communication with representatives of egregor.
  2. The theory of egregors was studied by the ancient Slavs, who proposed powerful rite to interrupt communication with similar structures. It is necessary to prepare a red thread, scissors, a candle and boiled egg. Light a candle, take an egg and wrap it with thread. Hold one end in one hand, and roll the egg on the table with the other, repeating plot number 1 three times. After that, cut the thread by saying plot number 2. At the next stage, you should burn the thread in the flame of a candle, saying plot number 3. Before dawn, the egg should be buried at the crossroads.

What are egregores?

Generic egregore

The energy field created by the ancestors and taking into account actions and emotions is called the egregor of the clan. In order for life to be problem-free and happy, it is necessary to interact with the energy flow, receiving strength from it. The egregor of the family loves to be interacted with and remembered, so each person should know about their ancestors by studying the family tree. It is necessary to learn to feel yourself and your relatives, and then the connection with the energy formation will only increase.

Many are interested in how to calculate the generic egregore, and so the process is very simple and involves the addition of all numerical values surname letters. The amount must be reduced to a prime number. Example: Ivanov 1+3+1+6+7+3=21=2+1=3. After that, you can find out how the energy of the family affects a person:

  • 1 - contributes to the independent development of internal potential;
  • 2 - it is necessary to share success with strong personalities of the family;
  • 3 - it is important not to sit still and constantly develop;
  • 4 - is a link between other people;
  • 5 - unpredictable people who attract different adventures;
  • 6 - a person constantly strives to maintain harmony and beauty;
  • 7 - unites smart and rational people who are prone to solitude;
  • 8 - it is necessary to establish personal authority and rule;
  • 9 - indicates dreaminess and a rich imagination.

Money egregore

One of the strongest is considered to be the egregor of money, since it is difficult to find a person who would not think about finances and enrichment. It is important to note that each currency has its own energy-information formation, and the more stable the currency, the stronger energy. In order not to have financial problems, it is necessary to take into account some features:

  1. The egregore of money loves order, so it is important to keep track of the money so that it is not scattered in different places and is in an even condition in the wallet.
  2. Show respect for money, for example, do not step on coins scattered on the street and do not serve to idlers.
  3. It is not recommended to lend large amounts of money, as there is a high risk of facing financial problems.
  4. Always mentally thank money when it comes into your hands.

Egregor of love

Not every person is happy personal life, but the situation can be corrected, for example, by learning to interact with the corresponding energy formation. There are some tips on how to create an egregor of love.

  1. A person must understand what the word “love” means to him and what kind of partner he wants to see next to him. It is equally important to realize how to become an ideal for the second half.
  2. Finding out, love egregor, what it is and how to connect to it, it should be said about the need to communicate with the goddesses of love. There are some patrons for pagans, and others for believers.
  3. Great importance in love relationships has aromas such as peach, rose and apple.
  4. Carry out various love rituals aimed at attracting the appropriate energy.

Egregor of sex

One of the oldest energy-informational formations, which is based on a person's need for sex, is a sexual egregore.

  1. For ordinary person The egregor of sex is important in that thanks to it, problems related to the intimate sphere disappear. When connected to this energy-informational formation, there will be no lack of sex.
  2. If the connection with the egregor is not established, then the person will not enjoy physical contacts, will not be able to attract members of the opposite sex, and will consider himself unattractive.
  3. To establish contact with an egregore, it is necessary to get rid of prejudices associated with sexual life. It is important to stop judging others for their preferences. Helps unleash sexual energy different types bodily pleasures, such as massage, bathing, and so on.

Egregor of drunkenness

Alcoholism is a common phenomenon and it is believed that the alcoholic egregore is to blame for everything - an energy structure that is widespread throughout the world and draws a huge number of people into its networks. He not only makes him drink alcohol, but also allows his life and fate. Egregor of darkness feeds negative emotions, and not only the alcoholic, but also his close people. There are several options that help get rid of the action of energy formation. The easiest option is to replace the alcoholic egregor with another similar entity.

Family egregore

It is believed that at the time of marriage and the emergence new family, a new egregor is born. Within 6-7 years, it will develop and strengthen, so any conflicts and criticism will negatively affect its condition. Long-term problems can destroy the egregor of the family.

  1. The main task of the egregor is to provide protection and assistance. It is important for him that people do not make mistakes that can cause the breakup of the family.
  2. Egregor gives hints to a young family through inner voice or dreams so they can avoid problems.
  3. Finding out, family egregore, what it is, it is worth noting that it is adversely affected by hatred between relatives. Mutual curses are especially dangerous, which can cause various problems, failures, accidents, serious illnesses and even death.
  4. In order to strengthen the connection with the egregor, it is necessary to restore ties with their relatives. Psychics say that it is important to know your pedigree in order to understand what your strengths and weaknesses are.


3 years ago. Channel: Astral Pilgrim

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Egregors are part of the Esoteric picture of the world. In the modern picture of the world, they do not exist ... In the modern picture of the world, there is the "Collective Unconscious" and "Archetypes" introduced by K.G. Jung ... Sometimes attempts are made to "tie" them to Egregors ...

In the esoteric model of the world, there are "organisms" of the third level, formed from the united consciousnesses of people. Together, these organisms form more complex energy-informational formations - Societies, which together form the Consciousness of the Planet (Genius of the Earth).

The functioning of planetary consciousness is inaccessible to human understanding, just as the functioning of human consciousness is inaccessible to the consciousness of a single cell, which is the basic element of the human organism - the organism of the second level.

From the standpoint of human consciousness, one can very simplistically compare egregors and their associations in Sociums with the organs of the body. The human consciousness included in the Egregore, which is part of the Society, can be compared with a cell of an organ - for example, the liver ...

Therefore, statements like “I will leave society” sound like the intention of a liver cell to leave the liver ...

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The main difference between a person, as a part of an Egregor, and a cell, as a part of an organ, is that if the cell of the organ cannot change its belonging to this organ, then the human consciousness can be included in various Egregors ... and pass from one Society (for example, Secular) to another (e.g. Religious)…

Egregor is formed by a certain number (at least 10) of human consciousnesses, attuned to multidimensional energy-informational parameters.

The egregor of the family is a somewhat “special” case, because synchronization is possible in the family not only at the level of consciousness of partners, but also at the level of other chakras.

One of these parameters is the idea embedded in Egregor.

Considering that any Egregor is a part of the consciousness of the Planet, it is possible, again, conditionally, to compare it with a computer team.

If we created computer game with a set of commands that control this game, then each command of such a game can be considered as an analogue of Egregor in our world.

Egregor is an independent energy-informational organism with its own Consciousness. Egregor's Consciousness depends on the number of people forming it, on the level of their Consciousness and other factors.

Any Egregor controls the human mind.

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Egregor - this word is increasingly penetrating the texts of the media and Internet forums. Someone implicitly understands what is at stake, others - most of them - have never heard this term. And only a few people, mostly spiritual practices and esotericists are constantly confronted with this concept. What does it mean anyway?

What is egregore?

Egregore is energy information education, which appears due to the emergence of human ideas. That is, an egregore is a certain non-material entity that arises from a collective concept and grows due to the receipt of human emotions.

When we are concerned about some topic, we begin to attach importance to it, it occupies our thoughts and feelings. And any emotional outbursts are an excellent nourishment of the egregorial essence. As we live through the consumption of food, for egregore our feelings are food.

The more energy the egregor receives, the more extensive it becomes and can capture the consciousness of other people in order to receive more and more new ones. portions of energy.

Types of egregors

Seers and psychics describe these formations as spherical clumps of energy, from which thin channels to the people involved in this idea. There are a huge number of egregores in the world. One of the most powerful are the egregors of religions.

There are egregores of states, corporations, organizations, subcultures, cultural and sports sections, families - in a word, everything that has a common basis. All people connected to many egregors at the same time.

The very existence of egregore depends on the vitality of the idea. If the public begins to be interested in other issues, egregors weaken and may disappear over time. As an example, you can independently analyze the egregor of the USSR.

Egregors are localized in the information field of the world and emit various wave frequencies. Some formations may be similar to branched structures. To better imagine this, you can draw a mental chain: family - city - country - communism (it can cover several countries).

Some formations can absorb others just like a big company takes over a small one. Other egregors study frequencies so different in range that they can be called hostile to each other: the ideas of socialism and capitalism, conservatism and liberalism, pop music and hard rock. It is not in vain that they say that with their charter and in someone else's monastery ...

Imagine what different vibrations radiate the so-called "white collar" and representatives of punk culture. If two people of such opposite views meet at night in the gateway, then the intensity of passions may well lead to a fight. People themselves will not understand what happened, but egregors have one benefit: so much energy at once!

How to work with egregore

Have you noticed how zealously companies promote their brands? In order to implement the idea their product into the minds of people, the creators of their "offspring" do not spare either money or time.

Corporate trainings are held among employees, aimed at increasing the unity and commitment of the company. In order for as many people as possible to learn about the product, large-scale promotions are carried out.

If for one reason or another you decided to join to any egregor for help, there are several ways:

  • Compliance with the rules of egregor. Feel its spirit! What ideas are at the forefront? How do people living in this egregore live? If you want to join a particular cell of society, start repeating everything that these people do. A good example: if you want to become your own in a rock party, start listening to appropriate music, studying idols, adopting the style and norms of behavior.
  • Special paraphernalia. Each egregor has its own symbols and signs. Love has a heart, wisdom has an owl or a snake. Analyze the symbols of the structure you want to join, and begin to surround yourself and your home with souvenirs of the corresponding theme.
  • Turning on through the crown chakra Sahasrara. It is the seventh human energy center and is located at the top of the crown. This method is suitable for those who already have concept of chakras and was engaged in their unwinding.
  • Imagine a stream emanating from the depths of the Universe, which enters your body and consciousness through the upper chakra, passes through all energy centers and reaches the root chakra Muladhara, localized in the spine. When you feel the warmth spread from the top of your head all over your body, contact egregor with a request to take you under his protection.
  • Please note that not all egregors can be reached in this way. Some structures are like private VIP clubs, and your desire alone may not be enough.

Remember one thing - the connection with the egregor is two-way. For those benefits that egregor will give you, you will pay with your energy. If you want to become his faithful adherent and earn favor, try to "infect" as many people as possible with these ideas.

Egregor of the clan - testament of ancestors

The family egregor is energy structure, which unites on one family tree a group of people leading a common origin from one ancestor. The clan forms a powerful formation, which has its own knowledge, values, abilities and aspirations.

Along the blood chain, not only the surname is transmitted, but also views on the world, talents, and profession. A person without the support of the family is like a fragile twig. It is the family that can to support in difficult times: to console, help with advice or material means.

Each successive generation carries in its genes generic information and deep memory of ancestors. In order to receive the support and help of the Family, a person must respect the dead and living relatives. Thank your ancestors for giving you life, and pray to higher powers for their safe death.

genetic memory includes not only a complex of spiritual wisdom, but also generic programs. And among them very often there are such vices as fornication, smoking, drunkenness.

If a person had drinking ancestors, the percentage is quite high that he will follow this habit. In this case, the question arises of removing the negative program from the genus. But for this, a person must first cleanse yourself.

Egregor of money - change consciousness

Like attracts like, and money to money. In the case of the egregor of money, these postulates perfectly reflect the essence of this energy formation. There are far more poor people in the world than rich people. And all because the egregor of wealth is one of the closed privileged structures.

One way or another, everyone deals with money. But this channel may not be open enough. And people continue to count every ruble, buy cheap clothes, eat incomprehensible foods. Do you want to egregor of money- act like a rich man!

Money requires love and respect. Love them with all your heart! Feel their smell, remember their unique rustle, study the pattern on each bill. Here are some surefire ways to increase cash flow into your life:

  • Buy an expensive wallet made of real quality leather. Well, if it is green. Banknotes should not be folded in half - money loves space and scope.
  • At home, get a box for money and visualize that it is a bottomless pit. try everyday put aside an n-th amount there, even a small one. Also, some people add whole words from alphabetic characters on banknotes, for example: bo-ga-ta, na-nya-li-s. To do this, banknotes are laid out in a cache in a certain sequence.
  • Change your image. Expensive clothes and well-groomed appearance are the key to success.
  • Use paraphernalia - all kinds of netsuke and frogs to help you!
  • Act as if you have already improved your financial situation. This behavior will psychologically begin to change your way of thinking. You will feel more confident in yourself and discover more opportunities for yourself. And money loves such people!

Egregor of love - tune in to the wave!

Everyone wants to love and be loved. But not everyone manages to find a mate or maintain a relationship in the right direction. Maybe you're just not included in egregor of love! Here are some working techniques:

  • Imagine that you have already found your second half. How will your life change? What's new in it? Try to act like you already have a loved one! It may seem absurd, but if you are eating at home alone, you can set up appliances for another person. The Universe does not like emptiness and will try as soon as possible to determine the resulting "vacant place" the person you need.
  • Use all kinds "artifacts of love": a keychain in the shape of a heart, a figurine of a pair of swans, bedding in red tones, artistic photographs placed around the house or paintings with couples in love - all this will create certain vibrations.
  • Love is clean energy with a positive charge. Imagine how pink energy flow penetrates you from top to bottom. Feel the amazing warmth that spreads through every cell of your body. And when this feeling starts to overwhelm you, let it go. Visualize yourself giving love to someone. Give this person the characteristics you want. Give all the love without a trace. Order is accepted. The universe will return your love to you and bring you the desired person.

The influence of egregor on a person

At its core, egregor is energy cap. If a person ceases to think soberly and allows any idea to completely capture his attention, such a person becomes egregorial puppet Or, to put it simply, a fanatic.

This is best seen among adherents of sects and religious organizations, but other sad examples can be given: football fans, fans of famous people, workaholics who have become slaves to money and organizations.

Remember that the most important thing when working with any egregor is awareness. Always keep a clear mind: only then will the egregore become a faithful servant and serve for the benefit of your goals.

Generic egregor and connection to it through a surname

A person on an unconscious level carries the tradition of the kind to which he is connected through his surname. The surname, transmitted from generation to generation, indicates the vibrational number to which the entire family is connected on energy level, the so-called numerological generic egregor.

Do not be afraid of such esoteric terms. It was in the past that they were frightening and incomprehensible. In the 21st century, a person already explains many things that used to cause horror and misunderstanding from the point of view of wave physics and the energies of the subtle worlds.

Egregor - what is it?

Egregor is an energy object of the subtle world. It occurs when a certain group of people begins to think in the same way, and the energy of thought released by them reaches a certain, large enough size for its sustainable existence. The life of an egregore is supported by the energies that arise when people perform certain repetitive rituals, customs and stereotypes of thinking. Egregors exist very different: families, nations, religions, sciences, arts, politics and others. In sociology, there is the concept of "crowd psychology" - this is a vivid example of the creation of an energy egregor of short-term action. The crowd broke up - the egregor died. But the egregor of the nation is a very stable energy object, created over many centuries and supported by millions of people.

A person connected to any egregor not only strengthens this egregor with his thoughts and actions, but he, in turn, gives the person support and protection.

Here is such a simple answer to the question "egregor - what is it?"

Now let's go directly to the topic of the article and connect the surname with the egregor:

Numerological generic egregor

- this is a person's mental attitude towards certain goals in life, ways of their implementation, expressed in numbers natural series from 1 to 9, associated with the mentality of the kind to which the person belongs.

Generic egregore- a very powerful energy indicator. It is formed and polished by many generations and its influence on a person is enormous.

The numerological calculation of the number of the surname indicates the number of the egregor to which the person is connected at the generic level.

And the egregor number imposes on a person a certain task that he must perform in life, in a way modeled by his ancestors, in order to support his egregor and receive protection from him in specific energies supported by the generic egregor.

Any word, including the name of a person, can be represented as a number series. With each number of the natural series of numbers in any alphabet, certain letters-sounds are associated. See the table of correspondence between numbers and letters of the Russian alphabet.

For other languages, you can create such a table yourself or search the Internet.

Important! It is necessary to calculate the number of your surname in the language of your family, which you speak to each other. If you need clarification, ask in the comments.

To determine your numerological generic egregore, write your last name, find the numbers corresponding to the letters in the table and calculate the sum of these numbers. Bring the result to a single digit. This will be the number of your numerological egregore.

Interpretation of the numbers of the numerological egregor

Number 1- an egregor of independent, creative people who patronize other people. People with such an egregor number have been engaged in self-knowledge and self-improvement all their lives, striving for maximum self-realization.

Number 2- egregor of reliable "second". These people are reliable partners, you can rely on them in everything. They are a mirror for other people, they are in great emotional resonance with other people.

Number 3- an egregor of active purposefully active people. Such people cannot sit idle.

Number 4- an egregor of intermediary people who create and maintain contacts between people. They pass on everything they know to other people.

Number 5- an egregor of legal people. These people are outward-oriented social life, seek to expand the horizons of their influence on life, adhere to the letter of the law. They care a lot about their authority. They love to travel.

Number 6- an egregor of people who care about maintaining harmony and beauty in the world. The main value of life for them is love.

Number 7- egregor of a "narrow" clan. People are purposeful and wise, prone to asceticism, they are rational and practical.

Number 8- an egregor of adventurers, unexpected and original people.

Number 9- an egregor of dreamers and dreamers, people striving in life for their ideal.

As always, I remind you that in standard numerological decodings positive values ​​are given. In reality, the range of values ​​of each specific number varies within limits that can be depicted as


and in what part of this scale the energies of a particular person are located, can only be determined by working with him directly.

To make it clearer, let me take an example:

So the numerology of the name Ivanov (3) gives its owner a purposefulness. Such a person always has a goal and he actively strives for it. He does nothing without a purpose. If there is no goal, he will come up with it anyway and justify his desire. In a destructively negative manifestation, Ivanov will manifest himself as a fussy, hyperactive person, in whose head crazy ideas constantly come, which he immediately begins to embody, but in the end everything always ends badly.

This article is written in addition to the main article about the consequences of changing the surname. Read more here: Change of surname. Numerology«

And one more noteworthy point: in Russian, the endings of the surnames of the husband and wife are often different, which leads to the fact that they are tuned to different numbers egregore. As a rule, female surnames end in "-a" (Ivanova, Kuznetsova ...), which makes the number of egregore of women of this kind one higher than that of men. Therefore, in those families that have differences in the spelling of the surname for women and men, their generic egregor is not so obvious. It is blurred between the values ​​of two adjacent numbers. About such a case of surname numerology, you need to write a separate article on generic tasks.

Based on the materials of the "Encyclopedia of the Esoteric Laws of the Universe" by T. N. Zyurnyaeva

Every practicing magician needs knowledge about what an egregore is and how to work with it. Connecting to such energy structures can open up great opportunities. But you should be careful - the first thing you need to know is how to disconnect from egregor.

In the article:

Egregors - how to work with them

The ability to directly manipulate the energy and capabilities of egregors is only the responsibility of the most powerful magicians. These are people who have passed the rite of passage and have sufficient knowledge of ritual and practical magic. All verbal formulas, supposedly intended to be connected to egregores, are only grains of the necessary knowledge, without which it is dangerous to use such spells. With proper experience, a person can really use the power and capabilities of almost any egregore, but this requires years of practice and sufficient experience.

Nevertheless, really everyone can work with egregors in some way. After all, an egregor is nothing more than an energy structure embodied precisely from the thoughts and actions of people.. More details are described in a separate article on our website. Here we will provide you with effective and safe methods of using these entities for your own purposes. Almost everyone can use them. But in any case, it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions, because the power of some of these collective energy entities is much higher than the ability of any person.

In a sense, working with certain such entities is included in the daily activities of every person and without any practice. For example, an egregor of a particular families remembers established traditions and habits, but bringing something new into it is the work with such an essence. However, if you consciously manage the development of such an energy structure, understanding the principles of its operation, then you can achieve much better results, getting rid of any negative and getting only positive results.

How to create an egregore and why is it needed

Football fans are the basis of a powerful egregor that feeds on their emotions

It will be useful for many magicians to learn how to create an egregore. After all, having in your hands a powerful energy structure, fueled by several people, you can achieve a lot. Especially if you know all the features of this entity and its essence. In such a situation, it is almost impossible to be exposed to the negative factors of egregore and to minimize any risks associated with working with this structure.

However, it should be remembered that it will be impossible to create an egregor alone. Otherwise, the resulting energy structure will simply be an unnecessary waste of the magician's strength. Therefore, egregors are usually created by groups of people - the conscious creation of such an energy entity makes it much more manageable and controlled. This is useful, because a group of people in any case will create a similar energy structure - and it is better to do this with an accurate understanding of their actions and goals.

Ritual magic is best for creating egregores. Solemn ceremonies and collective rituals in this case make it possible to really effectively direct the power of magicians to obtain the desired result. During the rituals, in one way or another, goals are set for the energy structure and the principles of its work are laid down. Subsequently, those who did not take part in the ritual can also connect to the egregore created in this way, if it was provided for by the magicians who created it.

Such rituals do not have any special features - they can refer to any magical tradition. The main thing is the purposefulness of the participants and the presence of common goals. But you can create egregors not only with good intentions - many societies, by creating their own energy construct, lure followers to themselves, from which energy and, in many cases, money are pumped out. This is how many destructive sects work.

Connecting to egregor - how to do it

For people who strive to achieve any goal, connecting to an egregore can be a good help. Due to the fact that many such collective entities feed their supporters and stimulate the occurrence of certain events, this helps to achieve results in both the spiritual and material world. So, connecting to will surely attract additional money to you. And by connecting to certain religious collective structures, you can get knowledge and support from above.

Images of managing people by egregor

by the most in a simple way, which is used to connect to the egregor, is the replenishment of the ranks of its participants. Separation common interests, algorithms of behavior and principles of life invariably connects a person to any particular energy entity. However, in this case, the energy exchange is not always equal. In addition, many energy structures are opposite in meaning and do not allow simultaneous connection to others. For example, one cannot simultaneously use the power of both the egregor of drug addiction and the collective energy structure of a healthy lifestyle. Especially zealously protect their followers from strangers.

At the same time, an experienced magician can avoid any negative consequences of connecting to an egregore and only use their power to achieve their own goals, even when they do not fully comply with the principles of this energy structure. Thus, there are two main ways to connect to egregorial entities, and based on this, there are two principles for working with these energy structures.

In the first case, to connect to an egregor, it is enough to meet its requirements. This may be the passage of the rite of initiation in the community - for example, conversion in Judaism or baptism in Christianity. Or maybe just communication with other people connected to the energy structure, as is the case with much softer egregors of various hobbies and hobbies, such as the collective essence of fishing or surfing.

As mentioned above, the impact of collective energy systems can not be positive in every case. Especially when you consider that many existing egregors conduct an unequal energy exchange and literally feed on naive people who have fallen into their networks, without giving anything in return. And in this case, you need to know how to disconnect from egregor in order to improve your life, and not turn into an obedient slave for other people's desires and ideas or into a simple source of energy.

And the puppeteer can be someone's puppet.

It is worth noting that getting rid of egregor is much more difficult than becoming part of it. Almost without exception, these energy structures cling tightly to people who feed them with their thoughts and actions. Any attempts to get rid of the power of the egregorial energy structure will cause an aggressive reaction from both the egregor himself and his followers.

But nothing is impossible. When getting rid of the influence of egregor, it is necessary to combine both magical methods and direct limitation of the influence of such a structure on consciousness. No rites, spells or rituals will help if a person himself constantly communicates with representatives of egregor or, out of habit, performs the actions necessary for this energy structure. In the same way, even if you isolate a person from visible influence energy field, it will affect him subconsciously and mentally - not on the physical, but on the spiritual plane. Therefore, deliverance must be comprehensive.

There is one old Slavic rite that can be used specifically to destroy the connection with the egregore. It is held exclusively at night on the new moon. For him, you need to take a red thread, scissors, a candle and a boiled egg. The egg must be wrapped with thread and put on the table. Candle - light. Further, rolling the egg with one hand on the table, and with the other hand holding the other end of the thread, you should read the plot three times:

How can this egg not come to life
Don't be a chicken and a chicken
So no one knows the power over me

After that, you need to cut the thread with scissors with the words:

I cut someone else's yoke,
I free myself

Then - burn the thread to the ground in the flame of a candle, slandering it:

The king-fire collar burns
And blows in the wind
Key, lock, tongue