How to make a beautiful bouffant for medium hair. How to make a pile on the crown? Comb for bouffant

  • 02.07.2020

The simplest and effective method add volume to any styling, as well as increase its durability - this is a bouffant. However, even such a seemingly uncomplicated action requires taking into account many factors. How to make a bouffant so that it does not catch the eye, but gives the expected result? How not to injure your hair at the same time and after it is easy to disassemble?


Tools, tools and basic principles

First of all, experts focus on the fact that not everyone understands the difference between fleece and blunting, as a result of which the replacement of these concepts leads to incorrect styling. What does each of these words mean?

  • Bouffant- dense and plentiful whipping of the strand, produced from all sides and along the entire length. Thus, a smooth curl turns into a kind of thick “pillow”, significantly reduced in length, but added in volume.
  • blunting- one-sided or partial bouffant, made only with inside or at the root, no more than half the thickness of the strand, which leaves it smooth on the outside. In everyday loose hairstyles, a blunt at the crown is usually used to create the illusion of natural basal volume.

The tools with which both these actions are performed are exactly the same, as are the warnings regarding the condition of the hair; the differences relate only to technology - it will be discussed later.

To make a bouffant or blunt, you will need a comb with very fine teeth. It is best if they are arranged in 2 rows: 1 is shorter than the other. Often, such a tool is marked “for bouffant”, however, it is easy to navigate without it.

The material is usually plastic or metal. Natural hard pile is possible, however, in this case the comb is not thin, but narrow, in 2-3 rows. Which one is more convenient to work with, you can decide only after a personal test of each option.

Why can't you use a regular massage comb? Firstly, it is too wide, as a result of which it will not allow processing small areas. Secondly, its teeth are long enough to pierce through the strand. Thus, you will not get the right, high-quality bouffant.

As for the other means and tools, they no longer play a special role. The use of varnish depends on the purpose for which you perform this styling: it is not necessary for an everyday hairstyle. From foam, mousse, etc. it is better to refuse, because they make your hair heavier- in more or less degree.

Technology for creating a fleece

  • Work only with freshly washed hair. Unlike other styling methods, light, obedient, decaying strands are important here. The slightest fat content, especially at the root, will nullify all attempts.
  • Do not attempt to tease or blunt wet curls: make sure they are completely dry, blow-dry if necessary. The same principle applies here as with ordinary combing - wet hair is easily injured from such actions.
  • Do not comb thin, brittle, damaged hair: this will only aggravate their condition and may even cause them to fall out.

Otherwise, the harm from such technology is a moot point, since it is often caused by the unprofessionalism of the master. Properly performed bouffant is easy to turn back into a smooth strand without losing hairs.

How to comb your hair qualitatively and beautifully?

The most sought after, by far basal bouffant at the crown, which is necessary for owners of thin, not too thick hair, especially if there is a short haircut, which cannot otherwise be laid and collected in a smooth tail that compensates for the lack of volume. How to make a bouffant, regardless of the length of the curls and its location?

  • Work with small areas. Do not try to capture half of the head at once - this will not give any result, except for a negative one. The strand should not be wider than 5 cm ( optimal size consider 3-4 cm), and its thickness should be equal to the length of the teeth of the comb. It is also difficult to deal with very thin strands, since they practically do not stray.
  • Watch the tension. The fundamental moment, which will determine the outcome of the work: with your free hand, you need to position the strand vertical surface of the head without letting it sag. It will be especially difficult for owners of an asymmetrical layered haircut, since some of the hairs will strive to slip out. Regardless of actions working hand with a comb, the other must always hold the strand in a given position.

As for the algorithm itself, how to make a pile, it is very short and simple:

  • Select a strand and stretch it according to the principles described above. Insert the teeth of the comb at a point 5 cm above the roots.
  • Applying pressure with your index finger on the comb, slide the tool down (not to the very root), feeling the resistance of the hairs in both directions. Repeat this action, but already from a point 1 cm higher than the original one. You should feel how the strand under the comb springs when you press the teeth on it.
  • Work slowly: Although you can see in the videos from the pros how they knock down curl after curl at lightning speed, for training, the speed is reduced by 5 times or more. First you need to feel every step and every movement.

If the pile was done correctly, the strand will independently hold a vertical position.

Features of fleece for everyday styling

Extreme hairstyles, suggesting a lush pillow of knocked-down curls at the crown, are practically not applicable in ordinary life. Therefore, if a girl is wondering how to make a bouffant, she is not interested in its classic technology, but in the everyday blunting of the roots to create a light volume for every day.

  • take thicker strands than for a traditional pile: they should be 2 times the length of the teeth of your comb. Only in this case, the volume will be internal, and from the outside no one will notice that the hair is knocked down at the root.
  • Keep a working curl not vertical, but in the direction that laying suggests: otherwise, he will subsequently stick out, instead of lying down beautifully, slightly rising above his head. This does not eliminate the need for tension.
  • The area to be combed should not be more than 1/4 of the entire length of the curl, if we talk about internal root processing. To comb the canvas into a collected hairstyle, you can knock down the hair to the very tip, if the idea requires it.

After the desired number of curls has been processed, be sure to smooth it with a natural pile front side and fix the hairstyle with hairspray to reduce the likelihood of its deformation under the influence of wind and physical activity.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the above information is basic and does not take into account all the possible nuances of a particular hairstyle. But without knowing these basics, it is impossible to move on and solve more complex problems.

There are many hairstyles for medium length: simply styled loose curls, picked up, using hairpins, headbands and hoops.

But any styling will last longer if it is bouffanted. Not everyone can afford a visit to a specialist, so many girls are wondering: how to make a bouffant for medium hair on their own.

To learn how to do it perfectly, you first need to learn the golden rules for the perfect hairstyle.

Studying the structure

The structure of the strands is different for each person. Someone is lucky with thick hair, and someone gives volume to thin hair in all ways.

Thick curls are usually naughty and tough. They are difficult to put in a neat hairstyle. Therefore, balms, masks and oils are used before styling.

On the contrary, they are easily formed into the desired shape. With brittle and damaged strands, things are more complicated. Before any manipulations with combs, curling irons and a hairdryer, they must be treated with care products so as not to worsen the already damaged structure.


Any styling is done on clean, washed hair. Rinse the curls with shampoo twice. It is recommended to use a balm for easy combing and a mask for silkiness.

  • You can apply any means to get airy and light curls as a result;
  • Use better products, which require rinsing, because “non-rinsing”, on the contrary, weighs down and pollutes the hair;
  • After washing, use a hair dryer and a comb with close-set teeth. You need to dry the curls by tilting your head down, straightening the strands with a comb and paying more attention to the roots;
  • Thus, the hair will acquire additional volume.

What you need to make a pile:

  • Comb with thin and frequent teeth;
  • Comb with rare wide teeth;
  • Comb with thin sharp teeth and a long handle;
  • Comb with natural and soft bristles;
  • Varnish of medium fixation;
  • Foam or mousse.

A comb with fine and frequent teeth is designed for bangs or a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bhair. Sparse and wide teeth will help to comb a large bottom layer. With the help of a comb with a long handle, it will be convenient to separate the strands.

To give a boost beautiful view, the final touch at the end of the styling will be a neat combing with a soft bristle comb.

Initially, the selected area is treated with styling products. The structure of such a product should not weigh down and pollute the hair. In order for the fleece not to lose its shape, it is treated with medium fixation varnish. A strong hold varnish often sticks strands together, and the hairstyle quickly loses volume and falls off.

Beautiful bouffant

To understand how to properly bouffant on medium hair yourself, you need to practice. The easiest styling is loose curls with raised strands at the roots.

For a festive exit, you can. Then they themselves will be magnificent. Then comb the curls slightly at the roots in stages:

  • First we pin the top layers of the hair, leaving the bottom. It is not necessary to treat twisted strands with mousse or foam;
  • With a comb with rare teeth, we comb the strands from the tips to the roots with smooth movements;
  • You need to comb 5 cm, stepping back a little from the roots;
  • Choose thin strands - 2 centimeters each;
  • Separate curls with a comb with a thin handle;
  • So process all layers. There should be about 5 of them. Depending on the natural density;
  • Fix with varnish;
  • Brush gently with a soft-toothed brush.

If a girl prefers even strands, then the hair on the back of the head and their lower layer should be combed, using a comb with rare teeth and means for fixing. To make the bouffant beautiful, brushing with natural and soft villi will help to gently correct it.

Evening hairstyle

For evening outings, hair is usually pinned up, or high hairstyles are made. For such styling, the first thing they do is bouffant on the back of the head.

  • Having chosen a small area at the back of the head, the remaining strands are stabbed or tied in a tail;
  • Styling products are evenly applied to dried and clean hair. Let them dry;
  • Dividing the area into small strands with the help of a special comb, each curl begins to be carefully combed, stepping back a couple of centimeters from the tips;
  • After combing, fix with varnish, and lay in the desired shape;
  • From above, carefully comb with brushing with natural pile;
  • After such manipulations, the rest of the curls are stabbed with the help of stealth and hairpins with stones.


The most ordinary tail can be transformed with a fleece. In this case, the place of active processing with a comb with fine teeth is the area of ​​​​the bangs.

  • Having chosen the desired part for the pile, the rest are stabbed so as not to interfere;
  • The rest is treated with mousse with a weightless structure;
  • Starting from the lower strands and ending with the upper ones, they are combed with intense movements;
  • After fixing with varnish;
  • To give the desired shape, use a comb with soft bristles;
  • The processed tips are combed to the back of the head;
  • At the back of the head, the tail is tightly tied, without touching the fleece.

Benefits of bouffant hairstyles

Let's take a look at the main benefits.

  • Even the thinnest strands will acquire splendor and volume;
  • The same styling can be improved by combing a certain section of the hair;
  • Even an ordinary daily hairstyle can sparkle with new colors;
  • Women and girls with combed curls look impressive and sexy;
  • Bouffant in the right area will help to hide imperfect facial features.

For those who want to learn how to make a bouffant for medium length hair on their own, you should also remember some of the nuances:

  • Hair must be clean and dry before combing;
  • It is advisable not to overdo it with the application of fixative products;
  • Such daily hair manipulations cause irreversible damage to the hair;
  • Use sprays for easy combing;
  • The varnish should be medium, not strong fixation;
  • A day later, such a hairstyle should be washed off with a gentle shampoo and balm.

Additional video:

Having learned how to make a beautiful bouffant, a girl can surprise others with new styling every time.

In the days of our great-grandmothers, the bouffant was the only way give your hair a beautiful volume. Since then, girlish tastes have changed dramatically. Nowadays, most women eschew this styling, considering it unnatural and even harmful. We are ready to change your mind right now! Learn how to bouffant medium hair and do it yourself.

How to make a bouffant yourself?

Many girls complain about the fragility and harmfulness of the pile, which manifests itself in increased fragility of the strands. Some of them are partly right, because it is quite difficult to make a bouffant on hard and thick hair. But the owners of thin and soft hair are probably doing something wrong, which is why their hairstyle “falls” after a couple of hours. Both those and others can take advantage of a special master class.

So, prepare the following tools:

  • Round hair brush (brushing);
  • Comb with fine teeth.

And now let's move on to creating a fleece:

  1. We wash our hair with shampoo, which gives extra volume to the hair.
  2. We dry the hair using a round brush and a hair dryer. Or you can just put your head down. We try to pull each strand at the roots and direct the air flow against hair growth.
  3. We separate thin strands near the forehead, sprinkle them with strong varnish and comb them at the roots with a thick comb. Moving against hair growth. Actions must be neat and soft, otherwise the strands will tangle with each other and turn into a solid lump.
  4. Repeat the procedure with the hair on the sides.
  5. Spray the already combed strands with varnish.
  6. We remove the pile back.
  7. We smooth the top layer of hair with brushing - it should mask the combed strands.
  8. We fix the finished styling with varnish.

Now each of you knows how to properly bouffant, but that's not all. The condition of your hair after backcombing largely depends on how kindly you will treat it. Here are some tips to keep your hair healthy:

  • Tip 1. The fleece will be beautiful only on fresh and washed strands.
  • Tip 2. Do not comb wet or damp strands - this will damage their structure.
  • Tip 3: Don't overuse styling products. Otherwise, the hairstyle will not look very nice.
  • Tip 4. But you should not refuse sprays for easy combing.
  • Tip 5. Do not use bouffant for daily hairstyles. Appearance hair can be severely damaged, because combing against hair growth leads to delamination of the scales and increased fragility of the strands.
  • Tip 6. Do you want to “disassemble” your hair with a fleece? Rinse styling and fixing products from it first, and then wash your hair with shampoo.
  • Tip 7. Do not comb the ends of the hair, retreat at least 5 centimeters.
  • Tip 8. The teeth of the comb should not penetrate through the strand. Treat only its inner surface.
  • Tip 9. Give preference to natural bristle brushing.

High bouffant helps to visually lengthen the face of a round shape. For those whose face is elongated by nature, we recommend combing strands all over the head and at the very roots. As for the "triangles", they should take a closer look at the pile on loose strands. But the “ovals” are lucky - any hairstyle with a fleece suits them.

The most popular styling with fleece

Agree, hairstyles with a bouffant for medium hair look much more interesting than a regular bouffant. And yes, they are very easy to do.

Hairy ponytail

  1. We wash our hair, blow dry and comb.
  2. We divide the hair with a horizontal parting at the level of the temporal lobes.
  3. In the part above the forehead, we separate a little hair. We twist them into a tourniquet so that they do not interfere with styling.
  4. The hair in the occipital, crown and temporal parts should be combed well, thrown back and smoothed a little.
  5. We collect all the hair in the tail. If at the same time the styling has lost volume, insert the tip of the comb into the pile and pull it up.
  6. We unwind the tourniquet over the forehead and lay the strands back.
  7. We wrap them around the base of the elastic band and fasten the ends with a hairpin.
  8. Spray the styling with varnish.

Hairstyle with a pile for long hair

  1. Wash your hair and dry it with a hair dryer.
  2. We lubricate the strands with thermal protection and wind the ends with a curling iron.
  3. Separate a strand of hair at the crown and fix it with a clip.
  4. We form a pile immediately behind this strand.
  5. We lay the hair from the clip on top.
  6. We throw all the hair on the left side.
  7. At the back we fix the hairstyle with a couple of invisible ones.
  8. We hide the strand on the right behind the ear.

Another interesting option:

Gorgeous babe with long hair

1. We wash our hair, comb it and use a hair dryer.

2. With the sharp tip of the comb, we divide the hair just below the top of the head with the help of a horizontal parting.

3. We also divide the upper part into two more parts.

4. We twist the section below into a tight bundle and attach it to the main hair with hairpins.

5. Now we make a pile on the section that is closer to the bangs.

6. We cover the tourniquet with a fleece and lightly smooth the strands with a comb.

7. We collect them under the tourniquet and fasten them with invisibility.

8. Spray styling with varnish.

If you are thinking about how to make a pile on long hair, use a special roller or chignon. They will perfectly replace the tourniquet and make the process a little easier.

Stylish bouffant on bangs

Step 1. We wash our hair, dry it with a hairdryer and apply a volumizing agent to the hair.

Step 2. Curl your hair with a curling iron.

Step 3. At the very forehead, we separate a small strand of hair.

Step 4. We comb it at the very roots and attach it invisible to the main mass.

Step 5 We collect the remaining strands in a high ponytail.

Step 6. We wrap the elastic with a curl from the tail. We fix its tip with a hairpin.

Bouffant on loose hair

  1. Wash your hair, dry it with a hair dryer and apply styling mousse and thermal protectant.
  2. We wind strands on curlers and form curls.
  3. Separate part of the hair at the crown and temples.
  4. We comb them with a thick comb.
  5. We throw the pile back, leaving thin strands free.
  6. Lay them on top of the fleece.
  7. We fix the tip with a couple of hairpins.

Club hairstyle with bouffant

1. We wash our hair, dry it with a hairdryer and comb it with a comb. The strands must be perfectly smooth.

2. Separate the middle strand in the crown area and stab it with a professional clip.

3. We do the same with strands in the temporal lobes.

4. We connect the remaining strands in the tail.

5. We comb the hair at the crown with a thick comb.

6. We wrap our tail with strands near the temples.

7. We lower the pile on the tail and smooth the hair with a brush.

Now you know how to make a bouffant for medium hair and create styling based on it. Good luck with your experiments!

Elizaveta Krasnova

Stylist-image maker

Articles written

Lush hairstyle always looks impressive and never goes out of fashion. It is based on bouffant. It is performed by whipping the lock on one or both sides, as a result of which the smooth curl increases in volume, but shortens in length. This technique helps to focus on attractive facial features, to make the look stylish. However, many girls do not know how to make a bouffant on their own, and are even afraid to do it, believing that their hair suffers from such a hairstyle. However, this is not the case if everything is done correctly. Let's find out how to make a bouffant at home without unnecessary difficulties.

First, let's look at the theory of hairdressing, namely: find out what types of bouffants exist:

  1. Blunting, or blunting - partial or one-sided bouffant, performed near the roots or only on the inside of the curl, so the strand remains smooth on the outside;
  2. By strand - this is a plentiful and dense whipping of a curl, which is performed along the entire length and on both sides.

Recommendations for self-completion of fleece

Hair of different lengths and structures should be combed in different ways. Let's find out the main nuances of the procedure.

By hair type

  1. On dry brittle curls, you should not do voluminous hairstyles very often. The bouffant can harm the hair and aggravate their condition.
  2. Thin strands are recommended to be treated with varnish before styling - this way the hairstyle will last longer and will not “settle” after a few minutes.
  3. Thick and lush hair can hardly withstand voluminous hairstyles; after creating the styling, it is necessary to carefully treat each strand with varnish.
  4. Straight curls are the ideal basis for a fleece.
  5. Rare hair, thanks to the pile, becomes thick, voluminous. There will be no installation difficulties.
  6. Comb wavy curls better method blunting.
  7. For curly hair short length curls are not recommended to be bouffanted: the styling will turn out to be disheveled.

By hair length

Lush styling can be done with any length of hair. On short and medium strands, the fleece holds much better than on long ones, which pull the entire structure down.

For short hair

Bouffant is performed even on a “boy-like” haircut in the presence of elongated individual strands. The effect of splendor can only be given to bangs. Volumetric hairstyles look good on a bob or bob haircut. In this case, only the root zone of the hair is combed.

Lush styling can be done as follows:

  1. Carefully combing clean curls, highlight the parting line.
  2. Start combing strands from the back of the head, gradually moving towards the top of the head, temples.
  3. Give the styling the desired shape, slightly smoothing the strands with the handle of the comb, fix with varnish.
  4. Gently straighten the curls near the temples.
  5. Once again, treat the hair with varnish.

For medium hair

On medium-length hair, lush styling in the Greek style looks good. It is appropriate for solemn events, and in Everyday life. You can do such hairstyles with or without bangs. The main accent of the ensemble can be a fabric bandage or an elegant headband. Putting the accessory on your head, proceed to create a hairstyle.

Elegant voluminous styling awaits you if you follow our recommendations.

  1. Leave the strands from the border of the forehead to the line of the bandage (rim) absolutely smooth.
  2. Comb the curls from the rim to the crown at the roots.
  3. Gently smooth with a massage brush upper layer hair.
  4. Gather the curls into a low ponytail without disturbing the volume of the hairstyle.
  5. Treat with strong hold varnish.

For long hair

Ladies with long curls can choose and make a variety of bouffant hairstyles at home. Classic buns, flowing voluminous curls, ponytails are suitable for them.

From long strands you get an elegant simple “spikelet” with a fleece.

  1. Comb strands strongly from the forehead to the crown area.
  2. From the top of the head, begin to gently braid the “spikelet”, moving down and without crushing the resulting volume.
  3. Fix the pigtail at the bottom with a thin elastic band, cover the hair with varnish.

Instead of the traditional "spikelet" you can use any kind of weaving known to you.

Preparation for the procedure

The secret of a beautiful neat hairstyle with a fleece is in careful preparation. If everything is done correctly, then volumetric styling will last a long time, and you will be irresistible.

What does that require

To create a voluminous hairstyle, no ingenious and complex devices are needed. All tools are available. You will need:

  • a flat comb with frequent teeth (the tool that has a thin pointed “tail” or a knitting needle at the tip of the handle is the most convenient to use);
  • massage brush (it’s good if you find an accessory with natural bristles; it is necessary to smooth the styling done);
  • hair styling products - varnish and mousse (do not use products with super strong fixation);
  • clamps.

Preparatory activities

  1. Rinse your hair well with shampoo in advance - the bouffant will not last long on dirty strands.
  2. Hair should be dried well natural way, since blow-drying will aggravate the condition of the curls.
  3. Use your fingers to carefully comb through the hair, slightly lifting the strands at the root.
  4. Treat the curls with mousse.

It's easy to make your own bouffant. There are several techniques for creating volumetric styling.

Classic way

This option is a platform for retro hairstyles. It has two varieties.

  • thick option
    1. Separate a few wide strands in the forehead area, fix them so that they do not interfere with work.
    2. Select a curl 1-2 cm thick, lift vertically up. With a thin comb, start combing from the roots, first from the inside, then from the outside.
    3. Treat the rest of the strands in this way.
    4. Cover the combed curls with strands on top, smooth the hair with a brush, and varnish it.
  • Easy option (blunting)
    1. After separating the curl, beat well with a thin comb only from the inside (about half the thickness).
    2. Work the rest of your hair in this way.
    3. Smooth styling with a massage brush, sprinkle with varnish.

With the help of ironing (corrugation)

  1. Draw a parting line across the head.
  2. On both sides of it, select thin strands, secure with clips.
  3. The rest of the hair is corrugated with an iron in the root zone.
  4. Perform blunting on corrugated curls.
  5. Cover the bouffant with smooth strands.

With the help of curl

  1. Use a curling iron or curler to curl your curls.
  2. Comb each curl, starting from the bottom, using the blunt method.
  3. Beat the strands with your hands, sprinkle with varnish.

With a bang

  1. Highlight the hair in the bangs.
  2. Comb the curls in the traditional way.
  3. Lay the bangs to one side or back, fix with varnish.

Who will suit the bouffant and for what hairstyles is it intended

Hairstyles with a pile are good in any situation. They are suitable for all women, regardless of the appearance, type of face. Bouffant styling allows you to create both everyday and festive looks.

  1. Babette is a popular retro style voluminous hairstyle, which is based on a bouffant.
  2. Braids with fleece. It is better to braid them loosely, creating a hint of negligence.
  3. The tail with a fleece can be of any height - low or high.
  4. A bouffant bun looks simple and elegant.
  5. High hairstyles are suitable for festive events.
  6. Full length bouffant allows you to create an unusual lush styling that is popular among young ladies.
  1. Do not bouffant on wet, damp strands.
  2. Do not touch the ends of the hair - you need to indent at least 5 cm.
  3. Do not make sudden movements with the comb, work slowly.
  4. Pull the strands well, avoiding sagging.
  5. Important point! Combing hair after combing. First you need to wash off the styling products with shampoo, then apply a balm or mask, the strands must be combed gently from the tips up.

If you make a pile according to the rules, carefully disassemble it, styling will not harm your hair.

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This way of creating any hairstyle, like combing strands, came to us from ancient times. Despite such ancient history This method of collecting hair and giving volume to the hair, correctly made bouffant, is still especially popular today. With it, you can get the perfect volume and style your hair beautifully no worse than Hollywood divas. However, the correct execution of this trick requires some skill. The instructions in this article will tell you how to make a bouffant yourself, even if you plan a hairstyle using corrugated curls or curlers.

Bouffant for long hair is especially popular if you want to make the so-called retro hairstyle style, which will give the most necessary volume even to corrugated hair. Bouffant for medium hair can also be used to create an evening hairstyle with your own hands. And here is the bouffant short hair perfect for getting beautiful flowing hair with maximum volume. Most often, bouffant is practiced on the top of the head, however beautiful option in any case, it can be carried out over the entire head.

Some rules

Before the execution technique is presented, thanks to which it is possible to make a basal pile to any length, some rules should be outlined.

  • You should not bouffant hair on short strands, as well as on hair of any length, if their structure leaves much to be desired. Brittle and lifeless hair can suffer too much from such mechanical stress. To carry out the perfect side or straight bouffant should be carefully and only on perfectly healthy hair.
  • To make the correct and beautiful volume on the hair “corrugation” or ordinary straight curls, a comb for bouffant will help. It is with its help that you can carry out a pile on long hair or strands of any length without harming them.
  • The “corrugation” should be carried out on long hair only on clean and completely dried hair, since wet hair will not be able to withstand the specified volume for too long. In the event that do-it-yourself combing for short hair was carried out on light and clean strands, you will not need to use any styling products to hold the given volume.
  • It is impossible to carry out bouffants in any style at home on the upper part, since the lower layer will be covered with it, which will be combed.
  • In no case should you start the procedure for forming the volume of the “corrugation” from the tips, since the correct pile in any style is made out only at the roots. Approaching the tips should be gradual, smoothly moving back, doing everything right at home will allow a brush for a perfect pile.
  • After the bouffant has been made back like a corrugation, the intended styling can be done, however, it is advisable to spray the hair with varnish beforehand. Bouffant long bangs should be carried out last.