How to get rid of hornets? The best pest control methods. Overview of the most effective remedies against wasps and hornets Hornets control methods

  • 13.06.2019

Hornets belong to the social wasps and are their largest representatives. Individuals of certain species reach sizes of 55 mm. On the territory of most of Russia, common hornets (Vespa crabro) live, which feed on sugar-containing foods (juices, nectar). In the article, we will look at how to get rid of hornets in the country if they settled in the ground, wall and if the nest is not visible.

Hornets: benefit and harm

Before destroying the nest, it is worth weighing all the pros and cons. Few people know that representatives of one family destroy up to 500 g of insects per day, and most of them are garden pests. A large amount of protein food is necessary for the rapid growth of larvae and the breeding of new individuals. Adult hornets eat plant foods. So should they be destroyed?

Hornets rarely attack a person away from the nest - only in a hopeless situation. A representative of the species flying to the site separately will not cause harm if it feels safe.

Hornets build nests in secluded places - under the roof of the house, in earthen burrows, in the hollow of a tree. And if the nest is on the territory of a summer cottage, there is no way to do without destroying it, otherwise life will be constantly under threat - a hornet bite, even a single one, can cause anaphylactic shock.

How to find a hornet's nest?

Easier to get rid of hornets in early spring when there are few individuals, and the nest is a structure a few cm.

At the first signs of settlement, one should carefully examine the buildings and openings in them, suitable for possible insect habitation. Hornets can settle not on the territory of the site, but nearby - in the hollows of trees or even on branches, in the ground, under foliage, in abandoned neighboring buildings, walls or vehicles. To determine the location of the nest, one insect is knocked down and a bright thread is tied to the "waist". After that, they let go and watch where the hornet will fly.

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How to get rid of a hornet in a room?

If an insect gets into the room, remember that it is just as scared as you are. You should not wave your arms and make sudden movements - this is perceived as a threat, and the reaction will be appropriate.

Dress first to protect yourself from being bitten. Then take a matchbox or an empty jar, go to the window and move the tulle. The hornet, like any insect, will fly into the light. The tulle is pulled up and covered with an insect trap on the glass, and then closed.

Mechanical methods of protection against hornets

Many ways have been invented to get rid of insects, but the simplest are methods using improvised means:

  • They take a bucket of water and, lifting it, press it against the ceiling so that the nest is immersed in water. From below, the bucket is supported by a stepladder. After a while, the hornets will drown;
  • If the nest is relatively small room, then it is tightly isolated after sunset and a hole is made for the vacuum cleaner hose (the dust collector must be clean). After several minutes of operation of the vacuum cleaner, the hose is connected to the exhaust pipe of the car and the engine is turned on for 5 minutes;
  • Homemade Velcro is made: on ribbons thick paper apply substances that are attractive in smell (thick honey or fruit syrup);
  • Traps provide invaluable assistance in early summer or if the nest is placed outside the site. They should be placed no closer than 20 m from the nest. Here, insects will smell and will not perceive a person as a threat:
Trap Material Bait
Plastic bottle with the top cut off (1/3) and the neck inserted inside Mix of beer with honey
Screw cap jar with cross hole (edges turned inward) spoiled fish
6 liter plastic bottle with a hole in the lid Honey syrup with a little apple cider vinegar
10 l bucket or 3 l jar fermented fruit syrup

Timely placement of traps can save the area from settling - after all, individuals that have arrived for reconnaissance will not return, therefore, this place is dangerous and not suitable for building a nest.

Chemical methods of combating hornets

When a nest is found near or even in a dwelling, the question of safety arises, especially in the presence of small children. The most effective means in this case are insecticides. Choose a drug with a wide spectrum of action and as close as possible in direction to the destruction of hornets. Chemical methods of struggle are chosen if you do not get to the hornet's nest.

The following drugs are popular with summer residents:

Name Validity, days Hazard Class
Dichlorvos Neo 14 3
Karbofos 10 3
Dobrokhim Micro 180 - aftereffect 3-4
Fosban 14 2
Sinuzan 30-60 3
Agran 20 3-4
Executioner 12-15 Safe for people

The use of chemicals is advisable at night, when insects are in the nest. Depending on the location of the dwelling of insects, methods are used:

  • The nest hangs from the ceiling or a branch. The drug is sprayed into a plastic bag and put on the nest, tightly tied at the point of attachment to the ceiling;
  • The nest is attached to the ceiling with a wide surface. The nest is covered with a package with the drug, and the edges are fixed with adhesive tape to the ceiling;
  • Nest in hollow or ground. The drug is poured into the nest, after which the hole is sealed with rags soaked in poison.

After the death of insects, the nest is cut down with a knife and burned or buried.

Folk remedies for hornets

It is advisable to use methods according to folk recipes in early spring or if the nest is located outside the site:

  • Take three fly agaric caps, 100 g of honey and 0.2 liters of water. Crushed fly agaric is boiled with honey for 5 minutes, after which it is laid out in empty cans. Boric acid can be used instead of fly agaric;
  • Bunches of red capsicum are placed near the nest. The smell of pepper is so unpleasant to the hornets that they can even leave the home;
  • A piece of meat is hung near the nest, where insects get used to fly to feed, after which they are treated with an insecticide. A bucket is placed under the hanging piece, where the dead insects fall. The bucket is periodically cleaned so that the birds do not peck at the poisoned hornets;
  • If the nest is located in a non-flammable place, then it is doused with a combustible substance and set on fire;
  • If the dwelling of insects is found in a hole, they take a bucket of boiling water, pour it into the hole and seal it. This method is good with full confidence in small sizes nests.

Safety measures when destroying nests

How to get rid of insects without hurting yourself? Before starting work on destroying the nest, they first put on tight clothes so that insects cannot pierce it with a sting. A special beekeeper's hat with a mosquito net is put on the head. Carefully inspect the joints on the clothing for insect penetration.

They do not take actions that can provoke an attack: knocking on the nest, sticking sticks into the nest, waving their arms when several individuals approach.

If they work with poisons, then they follow the rules for safe work with poisons: separate dishes, special clothing, a respirator and mandatory washing after use.

When deciding to destroy the nest with the help of fire, they carefully monitor so that the fire does not spread to nearby objects and does not cause a fire.

First aid for hornet bites

The hornet venom contains a high concentration of toxins, and when they enter the bloodstream, they quickly cause severe pain and swelling. In addition, a hornet bite can cause instant allergies. The hornet can sting several times in a row, increasing the concentration of poison in the blood. Therefore, it is necessary to know the first aid measures in case of a bite:

  • Check the wound for a sting (it may remain if the insect is slammed at the bite site);
  • Apply cold to relieve swelling;
  • Treat the wound with a disinfectant;
  • Drink Diazolin (an antiallergic agent) or another drug;
  • Provide plenty of fluids for the victim.

These measures are relevant for a bite in the arm or leg and if the victim is a healthy adult. If a bite is found in the head or chest area, large blood vessels, every lost minute can cause death, so an ambulance is immediately called.

🎥 Video advice from Victor "A working way to get rid of hornets in the country"

Expert gardener Victor (Vinnitsa) tells how easy it is to make a hornet trap with your own hands⇓.

Preventive measures in the fight against hornets

Destroying a nest sometimes does not prevent a new colonization. In this case, you should take preventive measures to protect yourself and the site:

  • Modify the place where the nest was, treat it with long-term poisons, install reflective surfaces;
  • Purchase and hang an artificial nest in the old place, and the hornets will never return - after all, they are territorial insects;
  • Start setting traps in the spring when the queens get there, this will prevent nest building on the site;
  • Examine all secluded places suitable for nesting, carefully close up all possible openings for the entry of insects;
  • Don't leave in open form leftover protein food: in the bin or in pet feeders. This will deprive the hornets of the attractiveness of the site in terms of finding rich food for the larvae;
  • If you decide to destroy the nest with your own hands using insecticides, take care of the safety of your loved ones;
  • In case of lack of confidence in their abilities in the fight against hornets, the most right decision there will be an appeal to a specialist in carrying out the relevant work.

Undoubtedly, hornets pose a threat to human life, however, is their destruction always justified? If several individuals sometimes fly into the site, then their presence is even useful for plants. It is much easier and more humane to prevent settling in the wrong place, and for this, sufficient time should be devoted to prevention.

V Everyday life, especially urban residents, it is much less common to look for an effective remedy for wasps and hornets than, for example, trying to find a drug for cockroaches. As a rule, dacha lovers and especially beekeepers have to think about how to poison hornets (a few dozen hornets in just a couple of hours can completely destroy a multi-thousand bee colony).

Poison for wasps and hornets can also come in handy when especially “daring” insects decide to build their nest inside the utility rooms or in close proximity to them. In this case, such a close proximity of insects to humans can simply be hazardous to health, especially for young children.

Considering that the bites of hornets and wasps (even single ones) can sometimes lead to severe intoxication, and in rare cases even to death, it is advisable to destroy the nests of these insects as soon as possible, without waiting until they suddenly perceive a person as a threat and attack on him. At the same time, hornets and wasps can be killed both directly with insecticidal agents, and by combining them with the mechanical destruction of the nest.

Insecticides against stinging insects

Not every insecticide sold at your local hardware or garden store is capable of killing a hornet or wasp. When choosing, it is desirable to focus on modern insecticides, most of which have a wide spectrum of action.

Among the many universal tools, there are some that are quite suitable for use in practice:

  • Karbofos is an inexpensive and fairly safe drug based on the organophosphate insecticide of the same name, which is often used to control cockroaches, Colorado potato beetles and bedbugs. Requires dilution in water, while it can be sold both in liquid form in canisters and in powder form in bags.
  • Insecticides based on chlorpyrifos with contact action. On the basis of this compound, for example, insect repellents Get, Agran, Xulat, Dobrokhim Micro, Dursban, Fosban, Tzipi Lux, Sinuzan, etc. are produced. All these drugs can also be used as anti-hornets agents in the concentrations indicated in the instructions.
  • The executioner is also a fairly effective insect repellent with a wide spectrum of action. The amount of the drug that will be required to prepare the poison for hornets and wasps will be limited in most cases to literally 2-3 bottles for a total amount of about 200-300 rubles.
  • Tetrix is ​​a professional Dutch-made pest control product. It is sold in our country in bulk and mainly only to professional insect extermination services. In small quantities, it can be problematic to acquire it.
  • Aerosol products such as Raid, Combat, Raptor, Dichlorvos Neo and the like are sold in many hardware stores, but their use involves direct contact with the nest. It will not work instantly to kill hornets or wasps with aerosols, so usually the agent is first released from the balloon into a plastic bag, which is then quickly put on the nest and tied.

Any poison in the fight against hornets or wasps should be used very carefully: remember that these insects are able to defend their nest very actively, attacking in a swarm.

If there is no nest on the site, then it is advisable to use special poisoned baits for hornets and wasps (more on this below).

If a nest is found, it is better to destroy it at night, when insects are inactive: you need to come to the nest at night with an already diluted preparation or aerosol can and a garbage bag of such a size that it can easily fit the entire home of insects.

First possible variant- when the nest hangs on a tree branch.

In this case, poison is poured or sprayed into the bag, after which it is put on a hornet or wasp nest from below. Then the neck of the bag is quickly tied at the place where the nest is attached to the branch, so that its inhabitants do not scatter.

The second option is the location of the nest on the ceiling of the outbuilding. In this case, the technology is almost the same, the main difference is that the garbage bag is not tied up, but is glued to the ceiling with adhesive tape.

The third option (the easiest) is if the nest is in a hollow tree or hole. In these cases, the insecticidal agent is quickly poured into these holes, after which the entrances to them are immediately sealed with synthetic winterizer, tow or rags, which are also slightly saturated with poison.

Regardless of whether you are going to kill hornets with special means at night or during the day, you must first put on gloves, a beekeeper mask and long-sleeved clothes. If at least one hornet manages to fly out of the nest and sting during the procedure, the consequences can be quite severe - depending on the tendency to be allergic to insect bites.

Folk recipes for persecution of wasps and hornets

And wasps can also, using numerous folk remedies. Over the entire history of human destruction of these insects, a lot of such recipes have accumulated, but most of them still turn out to be much less effective than modern insecticides.

Let's take a closer look at some especially popular folk remedies.

Firstly, it is fly agaric, which is considered by the people to be a fairly effective poison from hornets, but requiring special preparation. How to kill a hornet using this method? To do this, 100 grams of honey and a glass of water are taken for three fly agaric caps, the mushroom itself is cut into small pieces, mixed with the rest of the ingredients and boiled for 3-5 minutes.

After cooling, the product is poured into cans and placed where the hornets are most common (in fact, it turns out a typical poisoned bait for hornets and wasps). It will not work to destroy all insects in this way, but some of them will still die.

Alternatively, fly agaric in this recipe can be replaced with boric acid.

“We always kill fly agaric hornets in the spring. An excellent tool, reliably poisons them and is also affordable. You need to apply it in the spring, when the hornets are just appearing. So you can even destroy the uterus sitting in the nest - the working hornets will bring her poison and feed her. But if you try to poison the hornets like this in August, then nothing will work - by this time there are already a lot of them. It is easier to find and burn the nest itself.”

Vladislav, Tashkent

The second folk remedy for wasps and hornets is red pepper, the bunches of which are hung directly near the nest. It is believed that the smell of pepper repels hornets and wasps, and because of it they can leave the already inhabited nest.

The third way is to use a piece of meat. It is placed near and allowed to hang for a day or two, so that the insects get used to flying on it for feeding. Then the meat is treated with chlorophos or DDT (now, of course, it is better to use any modern insecticide for this purpose, for example, Get preparations, Lambda Zone, Executioner, etc.)

Practice shows that the option with poisoned meat allows you to kill almost all working hornets in just a few days. It is only worth noting that it is advisable to place a bucket under the bait itself, into which poisoned insects will fall, and periodically remove them from there. Otherwise, birds living on the site may also be poisoned, which will actively eat poisoned insects from the ground.

It is important to understand that all these folk methods will give results at best within a few days (or even weeks), so if wasps or hornets need to be destroyed quickly, they, unfortunately, will not work.

Traps and rules for their use

Similar to poisoned baits, special ones can also be used. The simplest such trap is made from a plastic bottle, in which the upper half is cut off with a knife or scissors, the lid is unscrewed, the top is turned over and inserted neck down into the bottom.

Sugar syrup or honey with beer is poured into the lower half of the bottle, on which insects will actively flock. The hornets attracted by the bait crawl through the resulting funnel into the trap bottle, feed there, but they can no longer find an exit hole.

Imported specialized traps for wasps and hornets work on the same principle. With a strong desire or doubt about the effectiveness homemade device it is quite possible to apply them. There are also sticky traps on the market.

However, again, it is unlikely that all hornets can be caught quickly with such a trap.

Fast acting wasp and hornet killer

However, powerful and fast-acting remedies for hornets are still available. Oddly enough, one of the most effective ways to get rid of wasps and hornets is plain water in a bucket that is available to everyone.

Depending on the size of the nest, so much water is poured into the bucket so that when the hornet house is placed in it, the liquid comes to the very edge. The bucket is raised to the nest so that it is completely submerged in water. You should think in advance how to fix the container: for example, prepare a wooden beam or stepladder that is suitable in height, with which it will be possible to support a bucket pressed to the ceiling from below.

Another option is to douse the nest of wasps or hornets with gasoline or kerosene and then set it on fire. The dwelling of these insects is made of a cardboard-like substance, so it burns very quickly, and the whole procedure takes very little time.

However, this method should be used with extreme caution and only if the nest is located outdoors. So you can kill the hornets, whose dwelling, for example, hangs on a lonely tree branch.

When carrying out the operation, care must be taken to ensure that the fire covers only the nest itself and does not spread to the tree or surrounding plants. V ideal When choosing this method of disposal, you need to have a fire extinguisher on hand and, accordingly, be able to use it.

A nest in the ground can be destroyed, for example, by pouring a pot or a whole bucket of boiling water into the hole. It is not recommended to take a smaller container, because the hole may be deep, and boiling water is simply not enough. After the procedure, the exit to the surface should be covered with something so that accidentally surviving insects cannot get out.

You can also kill hornets and wasps with used machine oil: as a rule, they pour it over a nest hanging, again, on a tree. However, it should be understood that this method is extremely unfriendly.

And finally, it should be remembered that hornets and wasps - in spite of everything - are useful partners of man in the fight against agricultural pests. These predatory insects actively exterminate caterpillars, beetle larvae and aphids.

Before you thoughtlessly kill a hornet, watch him - perhaps he only flies over the garden or in the garden, and near the house itself on suburban area doesn't even show up. Stop for a moment and think - after all, this insect helps you in the fight for the harvest, is it worth it to fight?

When you are in close proximity to the hornets, you certainly need to take care of yourself. But they should not be destroyed for no reason either: recently, due to the aimless extermination of gardeners, hornets, alas, have already become quite rare insects.

Be conscious, save for future generations this interesting and important - at least for nature - insect.

Interesting video: detailed instructions for making wasp traps to protect the vineyard

Another example of a trap for wasps and hornets from improvised means

Fighting wasps with WD-40?

How to deal with hornets

Hello! About three months ago, I saw that one hornet was flying in my area.

This is not a situation that should make you worry, but after a couple of days there were already three. Further more. A thorough inspection of my barn led to the discovery of a whole nest.

The situation was starting to look dangerous. Before that, I already had experience of confronting hornets, so I managed to cope with them without any problems. Want to learn how to deal with hornets? What are the best tools to use? Now I will share with you valuable practical experience.

Ways to deal with hornets

Hornets are a genus of the largest wasps. The length of the hornet's uterus is 30-35 mm, males and working individuals have a length of 20 to 25 mm. This is very dangerous insects, whose stings are more painful to humans than the stings of common wasps or bees.

Cases are known when allergic reactions the bites of several hornets were fatal, because medical care was not provided in a timely manner.

Hornets feed on the pulp of fruits, the juice of flowers, and they do not neglect other insects. If the hornets settle, for example, near the apiary, then over the summer they can destroy hundreds of worker bees.

They usually equip their voluminous nests in attics, in sheds, under the edge of the roof, in hollows of trees.

You can effectively deal with hornets in the spring, when in the garden or near country house there are solitary females. After a large family of hornets has started up near the housing or in the apiary, it becomes much more difficult to deal with them.

You can destroy insects with the help of traps that are made from wide-mouthed bottles. In these containers you need to pour water sweetened with honey.

Quite often, minced meat, raw or boiled, is used as bait. It must be decomposed into cans and placed in boxes with holes through which insects can penetrate.

After a day or two, when minced meat will feast on a large number of hornets, it is necessary to mix arsenic-acid sodium or some other poison into it. It is important that the cat, dog and chickens do not have access to minced meat. Poison should be handled with extreme caution.

There are methods of control that involve a "gas" attack, for which dichlorvos or some other insecticide in an aerosol can is used.

Having found a hole from which these insects fly out, spray it, closing the exit for the hornets with a strong cloth. It should be prepared in advance. You can fumigate the nests of hornets with sulfur, this should be done in the late evening, when the insects gather in it for the night.

The problems associated with the independent destruction of hornets arise due to the fact that they navigate in the dark and may well attack a person. These insects often stay overnight in the place where the night will find them.

Arriving home in the morning and finding a destroyed nest, they begin to mercilessly sting the people who come across to them. After a bite, individuals of this species of wasps, unlike bees, do not die, which is why they are able to sting repeatedly.


Independent fight against hornets or wasps in the garden

Wasps, hornets started up in your dacha, attic, on the balcony. How to destroy wasps and hornets on your own?

As soon as you notice a wasp or a hornet in your immediate vicinity, you, of course, want to immediately protect yourself from their possible bite and you try to leave their habitat as soon as possible.

But what if you find a nest of wasps or a nest of hornets in your garden or summer cottage? Now the question is you or them. Of course, you want to immediately eliminate the wasp nest or the hornet nest, remove the source of the potential threat of painful bites from your habitat.

Not everyone can, or not everyone wants to use the services of specialized organizations for the fight against wasps and hornets. Some decide how to deal with wasps and hornets on their own garden plot, or in the country.

As a rule, spontaneous actions to combat wasps or hornets do not always achieve the desired result. The hasty destruction of wasp nests, or hornet nests, not only does not guarantee their complete disappearance from the territory you are interested in, but can also lead to multiple bites that angry wasps and hornets can inflict on you and your loved ones.

Before the start of liquidation measures wasp nests, or hornet nests, you should calmly assess the situation and develop the right strategy for dealing with wasps, or hornets, if possible, in consultation with specialists in the fight against these insects.

Acting hastily, many are ready to eliminate the nests of wasps or hornets almost with bare hands without resorting to the use of protective equipment, without pre-treatment using insecticidal agents.


This is extremely dangerous. The reaction of the organism of this or that person to a possible sting of a wasp, or a hornet is unpredictable. And possible multiple bites, even in an adult, healthy person, can cause severe allergic reactions, anaphylactic shock, and even lead to death.

Therefore, in no case should you approach or touch the nests of wasps and hornets with your hands, without having carried out a preliminary insecticidal treatment, and without making sure that the adults of these insects are reliably destroyed.

How to deal with wasps and hornets on the site. Today, on the free market, you can find a lot of insecticides, incl. wasps and hornets. Means for the destruction of wasps and hornets in the form of sprays containing insecticides of acute action, it is desirable to use, if possible, at the maximum distance from the nest of wasps or hornets. But no further than 3 - 4 meters.

The spray is sprayed, creating a poisonous cloud of insecticide, which, settling, covers all the contact surfaces of wasps and hornets with the nest and what surrounds it. Upon contact with a poisonous insecticide-containing cloud, or surface on which the insecticide has settled, the adult wasp or hornet dies.

But, unfortunately, the effect of the use of such poisonous substances is insignificant in time. A weak concentration of the insecticide in household sprays is not sufficient to reliably destroy the entire population of wasps, or hornets.

The combination of these factors leads to the fact that part of the insect population survives, and the number of aggressive individuals in a certain period of time even increases. This leads to an increase in the likelihood of a wasp or hornet sting.

Another common, but ineffective, method of control is the use of foam to control wasps and hornets. Places and openings through which wasps and hornets penetrate into the premises where they organize their nests (attics, sheds, other outbuildings) are sealed with foam.

First, the foaming process itself is dangerous. After all, wasps and hornets, at this moment, can bite a person applying foam. But even after the successful sealing of a hole or gap through which wasps and hornets enter the nesting room, the success of the event is not guaranteed.

Wasps and hornets, in a short time, can gnaw a hole in a sealed barrier and again get free access to their nest. Or find a new slot not previously used to access nests.

Just as ineffective and dangerous are attempts to deal with nests of wasps and hornets using fumigation, attempts to burn nests (risk of fire), drown, or knock them down with water pressure.

The main mistakes when trying to fight wasps and hornets on your own:
Lack of experience - an incorrectly chosen plan of struggle, attempts to spontaneously destroy nests of wasps and hornets, incorrect or ineffective application of poisonous agents.

Lack of protective equipment - threatens with multiple bites, and even death.

Lack of the necessary preparations for the reliable destruction of the population of wasps and hornets - preparations for wasps and hornets, which are freely available for home use, usually have a low concentration of insecticides and cannot reliably destroy the entire population of wasps and hornets.

So, what is the right strategy for dealing with wasps and hornets on your own?

  1. Before the start of events, we evacuate people nearby to a safe distance. We use protective equipment that prevents possible bites of wasps and hornets. Using, if possible, professional insecticidal preparations, we carry out a thorough treatment of the nests of wasps and hornets, the space surrounding them, the places of penetration into the buildings, inside which insect nests are located.
  2. We wait enough time and make sure that the insect population is completely destroyed. We liquidate the devastated nests of wasps and hornets. We seal holes through which wasps and hornets from other nests can enter your premises and organize new nests.
  3. In the warm season, we monitor the activity of wasps and hornets in your garden or summer cottage, observe their movement and their preferred places. If necessary, we carry out preventive measures aimed at preventing the organization of new nests (treatment with wasp and hornet treatment of attic and utility rooms).

We hope that the above material will help you avoid common mistakes when self combat with wasps, or hornets on your garden plot, or in the country.

If you decide to use the services of a specialized organization for the professional destruction of wasps and hornets, you should know what the cost of services to combat these insects consists of.

The final price may be affected by: the urgency of processing, the remoteness of the processing object from the city, the difficulty of access to places where wasps and hornets organize their nests. With the combination, or absence of these factors, the cost of processing, at first glance, the same objects, may differ by several times.

To clarify the cost of destroying wasps or hornets at your facility, contact the single control room at the phone number indicated above and our consultants will promptly calculate the cost of destroying wasps, or hornets in your case.


Hornet fight

The hornets that appeared on the site are a serious danger not only for plants, but also for humans. Those who suffered from the sting of a hornet say that the moment of the bite can be compared by pain with a hammer blow.

There are many cases with a fatal outcome after a single bite. Hornets pose the greatest danger to children. The hornet is large, some species reach a length of 55mm.

They feed mainly on plant foods. It can be sweet varieties of fruits, honey, nectar and other sugar-containing products. During the period of feeding offspring, hornets begin to hunt insects - bees, grasshoppers, locusts, etc.

But the hornets do not eat these insects, but in the form of a suspension they are fed to the larvae. Especially dangerous is the neighborhood of the hornet family with bees. One hornet can destroy a whole bee hive in a few hours.

The hornet family, like the bee family, has its own uterus, which hides in a secluded place, laying eggs. The uterus flies out only once, at the beginning of spring - in search of food for the establishment of a new colony.

The fight against the hornet's uterus is the most effective remedy. If you track down and destroy the uterus during its departure, then this way you can completely stop the appearance of hornets on the site.


If the queen survived and began to lay eggs, then it is extremely difficult to track her down. Insects build nests in the most secluded corners; finding their home is much more difficult than, for example, a wasp nest. If you find a nest, in no case do not approach it without a protective suit! This is extremely dangerous!

Hornet stings are very dangerous for people with allergic reactions. In allergy sufferers, even one bite can cause death. The sting of the wasp does not remain in the body of the victim (unlike bees), so the hornet is able to sting a person several times. Bites are most dangerous for children and the elderly.

The greatest danger is the close proximity to the nest, since several individuals of insects can attack a person at once. The pain from a hornet bite is compared to a hammer blow. The pain is so strong that it stuns a person and throws even an adult healthy man into bed for several days.

Wasp food can be any plant that produces juice well. Hornets gnaw at the bark from young birch shoots (pictured), feeding on their sap, eat apples hanging on a tree, and can fly into the house in search of food.

As a rule, flying insects are found in large numbers by the end of summer, when the hornet colony is gaining full strength. It is during this period that the fight against hornets is the most laborious. It is necessary to destroy as many insects as possible in order to weaken the colony.

Even if it is not possible to find a nesting place for the hornets, the colony weakens, and the lack of food that they stop producing leads to the death of the colony. To destroy hornets, systemic insecticides are used, which are sprayed onto plants chosen by insects.

At the time of spraying insecticides, one should not stand in the flight path of insects; it is necessary to use means personal protection. The main difficulty in the fight against hornets lies in the fact that it is necessary to choose the right insecticide.

If the drug is chosen incorrectly, this can lead to the opposite result. Such a struggle will only strengthen the colony, which in the next year may become immune to the entire range of insecticides in this group.

It is important to collect data on what pest control agents have been used on the site before (including garden insecticides, for example, to control aphids) and decide on the use of one or another agent (or a mixture of them).

A good result is given by injections of pesticides into the trunk of trees that the hornets have chosen to feed on. In deciduous trees, the injection spreads through the tree fairly quickly.

The great advantage of this technology can be considered that substances hazardous to humans do not enter the environment. Of course, if injections against hornets are made into the trunk of apple trees, then this season it will not be possible to eat apples from them.


Wasps and hornets: why are they dangerous and how to fight in the garden?

Preventive measures against wasps and hornets should be carried out in the spring.

It is difficult to find a person who has never seen a gray “bubble” attached to any surface in the area, around which wasps or hornets fly.

And often this happens due to elementary negligence. Therefore, prevention should be done in May, so that in July or August you do not get an unexpected surprise at hand in the form of a nest with insects.

Wasps and hornets build nests not overnight, but over several months. For their future home, they choose dark, cool, secluded places. In private houses and outbuildings, these are attics, basements, nooks and crannies that are not monitored by not very diligent owners.

With the help of mounting foam or building mixtures, it is necessary to eliminate not only all the cracks through which uninvited guests can climb into the building, but also block the path to hidden cavities that can form under the floor or clapboard.

V high-rise buildings dangerous insects like to build nests between the joints of concrete slabs.

How to destroy a nest?

On the personal plot a resident of Dobrush got hornets. Gradually they built a large nest. The owner wanted to bring it down on his own. He began to knock on the nest - and then a swarm of hundreds of insects rushed to the attack. The man ran away, but two hornets caught up with him and bit him in the back and head.

The man had only time to tell his wife what had happened, when he immediately began to choke - he instantly developed anaphylactic shock. The ambulance only had to ascertain the death of the victim. In the end, the employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations removed the nest ...

The fatal mistake of the deceased was that he began to knock on the nest. The hornets perceived him as a threat that wants to destroy their home, and went on the offensive ...

In fact, getting rid of a nest of hornets or wasps is not so difficult. Firstly, all work must be carried out late in the evening or at night, since after sunset the activity of insects decreases sharply. Up to 700 hornets can live in one cocoon!

Secondly, you need to protect yourself as much as possible in advance. There should not be a single open area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body, and clothing should be tightly tucked in. One or two tight bags are put on the nest, and with a sharp knife or spatula they quickly separate it from the object to which it is attached.

Deadly bag dangerous goods must be disposed of immediately - drown or burn, while observing fire safety rules. But with the use of indoor insecticides like the well-known dichlorvos, you need to be very careful due to the fact that they are harmful to humans.

Therefore, before spraying a pesticide, carefully read the instructions. And again, after the liquidation of the nest, no one canceled the preventive measures mentioned above. Who can guarantee that another swarm of stinging insects won't like this place?

However, one must be aware of the danger of anaphylactic shock, especially for people with allergies. Many people are also afraid of such insects. Therefore, it is best to entrust the elimination of a dangerous nest to specialists. They will do it safely, quickly, professionally and reliably. By the way, the method of work of rescuers does not differ significantly.

stay alive

But danger can lie in wait not only in the branches of trees or in the nooks and crannies of buildings. Hornets, among other things, can nest in the ground. You can disturb them very simply by accidentally stepping on the nest. In addition, their bite is much more painful than a wasp or bee sting.

In addition, a hornet can sting a person several times. Last year, these insects raged in the Chinese province of Shanxi, where dozens of people died from their bites ... Winged aggressors are also collecting victims in Belarus.


The summer of 2008 in the Mogilev region turned out to be especially terrible. A Muscovite came to visit relatives. Together they went for mushrooms and stumbled upon a nest of hornets. They didn’t save a man ... In Bykhov, at that time, the hornets took the life of a 40-year-old driver of the local PMK, who, while relaxing on the river bank, climbed a tree for brushwood.

The most important safety rule is to stay away from nests, rescuers advise. - Usually, wasps and hornets do not attack first, if they are not provoked - do not touch the "house", do not wave your arms, trying to drive away the insect.

Keep in mind that you can't run away from them. They fly much faster than you can run. In addition, the object of attack for them is a moving target.

Therefore, if you suddenly stumble upon a nest, slowly move away, do not rush to your heels. In addition, bees and wasps are aroused by the smell of cologne. And be sure to explain the danger to children. For toddlers, the results of stinging insect bites can be even worse than for adults.

If the attack could not be avoided, you need to remove the sting from the skin as quickly as possible. You can do this with any object at hand - tweezers, a fingernail, the blunt side of a knife blade, or even a plastic bank card.

A cold object must be applied to the bite site. If the person is conscious, then give him an anti-allergic drug - suprastin, cetirizine, ketotifen, loratadine. They should also be used for anaphylactic shock, which poses the greatest danger to humans.

The victim's blood pressure drops sharply, the skin changes color, he is thrown into a cold sweat, convulsions begin, and finally the person loses consciousness. In this case, you must immediately call an ambulance.

If a pulse is felt on the carotid artery, then the bitten must be turned on its side. And if there is no pulse, cardiopulmonary resuscitation should be carried out immediately. It is necessary to monitor the state of health of the stung before the arrival of the medical team ...

Issue price

Such a situation is not considered an emergency, so you will most likely have to pay for the rescuers to remove the nest. It should be noted that each case is considered individually.

If wasps, hornets or bees built a nest on the territory of a social facility - a school, kindergarten, hospitals - departure for its destruction is free. In another scenario, the collection of fees will depend on whether the angry insects posed a direct danger to people. As a rule, it is from 200 to 400 thousand rubles.

The final cost is the sum of the number of departures on a particular day. These services can be provided by other specialized organizations. But they work in major cities. In small regional centers, the whole burden falls, as a rule, on the shoulders of the employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.


How to deal with a hornet

Hornets are the largest wasps living in families. In the European part of Russia, the common hornet (Vespa crabro) is common.

The common hornet is 26-30 mm long, the head and front half of the chest are painted in yellow. The first two rings are dark brown with yellow stripes, while the rest are yellow with brown spots.

Hornets live in families that form overwintered fetal uterus. Each uterus creates a nest in the spring in hollows of trees, in fences, under the roofs of buildings, in the ground, etc. Working hornets appear from the first spring generations, and by autumn - males and females

Hornets make honeycombs in several tiers, horizontal, one-sided, similar to chocolate bars, with cells down. building material for honeycombs and nest walls, paper is used, made by them from chewed wood with saliva.

Carnivorous larvae emerge from the eggs laid by the uterus after 5 days. They feed on the chewed mass of captured bees, bumblebees, flies and other insects.

The development of the larvae lasts 9 days, after which they themselves spin a cocoon, which serves as a lid in the pupal stage. The pupal stage lasts 14 days. The largest number of hornets is observed in August and September.

The hornet catches bees at the notch different methods. The first trick is a swift raid of a hornet from the air into a mass of bees flying near a tap hole or drinking bowls, and the capture of one of them with a further continuation of the flight. In such cases, the abduction of a bee occurs unnoticed by other bees.

The second is an attack on the bees with waiting, when the hornet, sitting on the notch or the front wall of the hive, waits for one of the guard bees to approach it, grabs it and quickly flies away. In such cases, sometimes other bees catch up and fight with him, occasionally they kill him.

The third is an attack on the bees from around the corner, when the hornet sits on the side wall of the hive, carefully sneaks up to the entrance hole and grabs the bee.

Fourth - waiting for a bee "from an ambush" under the hive, where he grabs the bee when it flies there.

Hornets usually use the first trick. If it does not give results, then the second and then subsequent receptions.

Hornet stings are much more sensitive and dangerous than bees. They are treated by lubricating with honey, potassium permanganate, ammonia, applying onion, garlic to the place of stings. After several stings, immunity is developed.

Measures to combat hornets. The fight against hornets consists in destroying them in the spring, when more single females fly to the apiary.

A good way to deal with hornets is to set up traps - light wide-mouthed bottles of water sweetened with honey.


A very effective method of dealing with hornets is to search for their nests and smoke with sulfur in the evening, when all the hornets gather in the nest. It is possible to destroy hornets by blowing hexachloran dust into their nests, but it is now problematic to buy it.

But you can buy karbofos or dichlorvos in aerosol packaging, which is much more convenient.

Adult hornets in apiaries are destroyed by laying out poisoned baits. Baits are prepared from raw or boiled finely chopped minced meat.

Minced meat is placed in cans, plates and placed in the apiary in closed boxes with holes into which hornets can penetrate, or in empty hives with open entrances so that this bait is not eaten by chickens, dogs, cats.

Two or three days later, when a massive flight of hornets for minced meat is established, arsenic sodium, Parisian greens are mixed with it, which will cause mass poisoning of the hornets. For 1 kg of minced meat, it is enough to put 1 gr. Parisian green.

Parisian greens are highly potent poisons and require particularly strict precautions when handling them. Empty hives and dishes in which the bait was placed should be thoroughly washed after use. hot water with lye.


The fight against wasps and hornets in the country and in a private house

Wasps that settled in a dacha or in a private, country house spoil fruits and berries, scare adults and children, and can attack a person who is near a hornet's nest.

Wasp nests are located in the attics of houses, sheds, baths, garages, less often under sheds and in gazebos. They cannot be confused with other items - they look like paper bags with holes around the perimeter.

Wasps guard their nests, so they bite people and animals that come close. Wasps, unlike bees, do not break their stingers when they bite and are able to sting many times, causing significant damage to human health.

The harm from wasps is not limited to bites - wasps equally love garbage cans and sweet berries, fruits, which means they carry intestinal infections from latrines to the harvest of fruits and berries. Wasps also like to drink, namely to drink, alcoholic beverages: beer, wine, mash, etc. It is the love of drinking that allows them to be caught (details below).

Of course, wasps bring some benefit, exterminating harmful insects (caterpillars, beetles, moths, moths, etc.), bringing them as food to pupae growing in nests. But the harm from the abundance of wasps outweighs the benefits from them. For example, a grape harvest can be completely destroyed by wasps.

Hornets and wasps attack grapes, destroying the crop.
I note that it is possible and necessary to fight wasps and hornets, especially if you have to deal not with stray insects, but with invaders of your territory. In the fight against wasps, all means are good, especially since they will not stand on ceremony with you, in which case.

In addition, wasps and hornets multiply rapidly; under favorable conditions, the number of insects increases several times from spring to autumn.

Therefore, it is necessary to start fighting wasps in the spring, when the overwintered females flew out in search of nesting sites.

Some hornets are so arrogant that they build nests right under the windows of the house. Nests of wasps and hornets are located in the attics of the house, barn, garage; on the veranda; under awnings; under the slate; in the crevices of window blocks of wooden houses and other secluded places.

I believe that it is necessary to fight wasps and hornets by combining folk remedies and chemicals, carrying out comprehensive measures to exterminate insects.

Removal of old and new nests

In the spring, you need to take time to explore the favorite nesting places of wasps and hornets: attics, sheds, roofs of sheds and verandas. You can find nests by watching flying insects - they are not shy in choosing a place.

Wasps "remember" last year's nesting sites, so if you find an old nest, the new one is likely to be nearby. All nests of wasps, including the smallest ones, are removed and burned. And the area around the attachment points of the nests is treated with kerosene or special insecticides.

Nests should preferably be removed at night when the wasps are sleeping and disoriented. Removed nests burn well, so they are burned in a pre-prepared fire. The fire must be hot so that flying insects burn out instantly, otherwise you will not be in trouble.

Setting traps

Traps placed everywhere significantly reduce the number of insects. One alcohol trap from old 1.5-liter beer bottles helps to catch up to 30 wasps per day. Alcohol traps for wasps and hornets are very effective.

Why is the trap alcoholic, but because mash, beer, fermented wine and other alcohol-smelling liquids are used as bait for wasps and hornets. You can pour sweet bait into the trap, but then along with the wasps, bees will also come across.

Making a wasp trap with your own hands is easy - you just need to cut it plastic bottle near the neck, at a distance of 6-10 cm from the end of the neck, and stick the neck into the bottom of the bottle upside down.

Holes are made in the upper part of the structure, into which a wire or rope is inserted to hang the trap in places where insects accumulate. You get a cheap, reliable, convenient and durable trap for wasps and hornets.

When a couple of dozen traps are made, mash, beer or fermented wine is poured into them, right through the formed funnel. Enough 100 ml of bait per trap.

Beer wasp traps work especially well when the sun hits them - the bait heats up and begins to "smell", attracting dozens of insects. Hornets and wasps crawl through the opening of the bottle neck, drink the liquid and do not fly back.


Traps should be regularly cleaned of insect corpses and renew the bait.

deceptive nests. The Waspinator wasp and hornet repellent nest can be purchased at the store.

Wasps jealously protect their territory from aliens, so they do not settle in places where there are already nests. Insects do not understand the authenticity of nests, so you can safely hang something that looks like real nests.

Destruction of wasps with insecticides

Chemical methods should complement folk remedies. In hardware stores, you can find many insecticide preparations for wasps and hornets (for example, Otos), but you can also use universal preparations: Moskitol, Dichlorvos, etc.

Having chosen one or more preparations for wasps, at night, they process wasp nest sparing no effort. Most wasps will die, some will leave their nests in search of a new place to live.

When you are going to the processing, take measures to protect yourself from insect bites - dress like a beekeeper. Be sure to cover your face with a wide-brimmed hat with a mesh.

Modern preparations based on chlorperifos destroy wasps and hornets within a few days. When the paws and bodies of insects come into contact with the treated surface, microcapsules with poison stick to them, which are safely delivered directly to the nests, where the entire colony of wasps dies.

Modern drugs are safe for humans, easy to use in practice, they do not need to be deactivated.

Some summer residents and beekeepers are not spared such a misfortune as hornets. The size of insects can reach 5 cm. When hornet nests are in hard-to-reach places or threaten the lives of children, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations will help get rid of them. But, basically, summer residents who have found these insects on their site have to deal with them themselves. However, on the Internet you can find contacts of specialists in the destruction of hornet nests. And this is the most reasonable option: it is better not to risk your health. But not everyone allows the means to trust professionals, so you have to solve the problem yourself.

  1. Make female hornet bait in the spring. Arrange plastic bottles around your area with a cross-shaped notch on the lids, the edges of which are bent inward. You should get a hole with a diameter of 1 cm. Pour sweet water into the bottles, add a little beer, vinegar or honey to it. This will attract insects, and a kind of cut on the lid will prevent them from flying out.
  2. To prevent the appearance of hornets, cover all the cracks in the attic, roof, shed - places where insects like to settle. In the spring, carefully inspect all outbuildings, the house, birdhouses and hollow trees, you are looking for a fresh nest. Now it is the size of only Walnut, and one female lives in it. Until she gave birth to future builders and soldiers, the nest can be safely removed with a shovel, put in a plastic bag, then buried or burned.
  3. Finely chop the meat, better raw than boiled, put it in a tin can, place it on your site. Let the hornets get used to the food for a couple of days, and then add sodium arsenate: 1 g of poison per 1 kg of meat. Make sure that other pets cannot eat the bait.
  4. When going on a "hunt" for hornets, purchase special chemicals for the control of wasp insects. Put on thick clothes, mosquito nets, gloves, go out in the evening. Fill the found nests with carbon disulfide or chlorophos. Be sure to take soft clay with you to quickly cover the exit from the nest after injecting poison into it.
    The danger of this method lies in its very implementation. It is difficult to spray poison on a large nest in such a way that it has an equally good effect on all the insects in it. Hornets never sleep, they will easily attack a person at night, because they are well oriented in the dark. In addition, insects stay overnight where they have to, and in the morning, when they find a destroyed nest, they will become aggressive and will sting all living things.
Therefore, it is much wiser to try to survive with them until frost and prevent the appearance of next year by covering all the cracks. Hornets, although dangerous, do not attack a person for no reason. Near their nest, you can not make sudden movements, make noise, wave your arms, destroy other insects.

Other ways to deal with hornets:

  1. Spray the nest with diesel fuel.
  2. Fill the nest with mounting foam.
  3. Use dichlorvos if there are no others special means for wasps.
  4. Light a gray crack and hollow where they settled.
  5. Place watermelon rinds coated with Colorado potato beetle around the nest.
  6. Connect two extension tubes to the vacuum cleaner, bend the hose a little, turn on the vacuum cleaner and bring the tube to the socket. The hornets begin to attack the tube, but cannot cope and are sucked in. Knocking on the bend of the hose, they cease to orient themselves in space. Then burn the hornets collected from the dust collector.
  7. Bring a bucket of water to the nest, if it will fit in it, so that the entire nest is in the water. It will quickly get wet, and the hornets will not have time to fly out.
Don't kill hornets in small numbers. When they die, they secrete hormones that attract their relatives. They can attack the violator of their peace for a long time, and sting several times. A bite of a large hornet in the head is fraught with death, several bites in a row - too.

If you are still bitten by a hornet, then apply ice soaked in cold water towel or heating pad with cold water. The cold will slow the spread of the poison further through the body. Experienced people are advised to attach a piece of sugar to the bite site to weaken the local toxic reaction. And doctors recommend not applying damp earth or clay to the affected area in order to avoid blood poisoning or tetanus. You can treat the bite site with ammonia or honey, attach garlic or onions to it. The victim needs to drink a lot, while alcohol is strictly prohibited.

Remember: even one bite of a hornet can cause anaphylactic shock, heart failure and nervous system: loss of consciousness, convulsions, lowering blood pressure, difficulty breathing. In this case, urgent medical attention is needed.

Outwardly, the hornets look like huge wasps (in fact, they belong to this type), the appearance of individuals or entire families near the house or in the summer cottage should alert. Firstly, giant wasps ruin apiaries, attacking peaceful bees, and secondly, they aggressively defend their possessions.

A sting of a hornet of a small thing, which is much more painful than a sting of the same wasp, is also much more dangerous: severe headaches, swelling, allergic reactions, malfunction of the cardiovascular system - this is an incomplete list of complications.

habitation features. For living, hornets choose a warm and calm place: an attic, an attic, a niche under a roof, a balcony, above a porch, a hollow or a dense crown of a tree. The nest is a large (up to 70 cm in height) spherical structure made of chewed bark, which looks like wet cardboard.

If you notice only one hornet in the house or on the site (not to mention a group of individuals), do not try to drive it away with a fly swatter or newspaper, so only provoke and anger the insect, provoking an attack. We need to take drastic measures.

If you do not take action in time, the nest can grow to an incredible size and become a threat to the family.

Hornet control methods

1. Single individuals often appear in an apartment or house, where they are attracted by the smell of sweet food. In this case, an elementary trap will help get rid of the hornets.

For construction the simplest design cut a plastic bottle (volume 1.5-2 liters) across. Pour the bait on the bottom: honey, jam or beer. Insert the upper part into the lower one with the neck down (pre-remove the lid) - the “trap” is ready! Having climbed into the bottle for food, the hornets will not be able to get back. Once all insects are trapped, pour inside hot water or burn the bottle.

The simplest bottle trap

2. Poison baits work no less effectively. Spread watermelon peels next to the place chosen by the hornets or place a container with pieces of any raw meat. Renew the bait for several days so that the insects get used to the "feeder". After that, you can safely add insecticides designed to kill hornets to food (follow the instructions). Be sure to keep pets or children away from the bait!

How to Destroy a Hornet Nest

Precautionary measures

  1. Plan to destroy nests in the late evening, when the hornets are not as active as during the day, and therefore are less dangerous and aggressive.
  2. Wear tight clothes with long legs and sleeves, a mask hat with a mesh that protects the face and neck, gloves, and comfortable shoes. If you plan to work with poisons, do not forget about a respirator.
  3. If you are still bitten by a hornet, do not hesitate - drink an antihistamine and consult a doctor.

Methods and means against nests

1. To eliminate the hornet nest under the ceiling or in the attic, draw water into the bucket (about 2/3). Gently "put" the bucket on the nest from below so that the "house" is completely immersed in the liquid. Then support the container with something like a stepladder or tripod and leave it for a few hours.

2. Use a spray gun to treat a large piece polyethylene film insecticide ("Dobrohim FOS", "Kukaracha", "Taran", "Karbofos", "Masterlak", "Cifox", Get). Wrap the nest with foil, leaving no loopholes for the hornets. Secure with tape to secure. The time of action of this or that means is indicated on the packaging or in the instructions.

Get poisons designed specifically for hornets! Means from mosquitoes, ticks, fleas will not help. After flooding or poisoning, carefully remove the nest, place in an airtight bag, bury or burn.

You can only destroy the nest in the attic with water or poisons.

3. The nest, which is located in the ground, is easiest to fill with boiling water, used engine oil (a less environmentally friendly way) or burn it, dousing it with kerosene or gasoline. Make sure that there are no flammable substances nearby. And of course, refrain from this method if the hornets settled near the house or outbuildings.

4. Insecticides and polyurethane foam. Treat the hollow with poison from a spray bottle, fill the hole with foam or putty.

Prevention. To prevent the appearance of hornets in the house, pay attention to the cracks in the walls and roof in a timely manner. In the spring, when insects are just starting to breed, a very small nest in which the queen lives can be seen in the corner of the attic or under the roof.

Hang bunches of hot red pepper near the likely places of "settlement" of insects, the bitter smell of which scares away uninvited guests.