Read the rules of conduct in the forest with the help. Abstract of the lesson-conversation "Forest - multi-storey building

  • 15.06.2019

reasonable behavior is the norm of the mushroom picker

✎ Why do we need rules of conduct in the forest?

Communication with wildlife, in which everything is perfect, is the best cure for many diseases. And in order for such communication to be mutual, it is necessary to observe rules of conduct in the forest.
It is quite obvious that any of us would definitely not agree to live somewhere in the "stone desert", where there would not be a single island of wildlife, without which life would be not only unpleasant, but even not safe.
The forest is one of the natural resources and sources of energy, and has a major influence on the formation environment, affecting factors such as air temperature and humidity, and also plays an important role in the biogeochemical cycles of oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur, water and many other elements. And thanks to the roots of trees, the processes of soil erosion slow down, water and air flows are delayed.
And it is impossible to overestimate the great importance of the forest in human life. This natural environmental protector plays an important role in the cleansing of all kinds of physical or chemical pollutants, providing a habitat for plants and insects, reptiles and animals, medicinal gems, berries, mushrooms and nuts. This is a precious resource and its pollution and non-observance of the rules of behavior in it can lead to a violation of the ecological balance on the planet.

✎ What are the rules of behavior in the forest?

This is very simple rules, partially prescribed in the Forest Code Russian Federation, but mainly, they are developed by the mushroom pickers themselves as a result of their many years of use of natural resources.
Of all these rules, the most important are the rules of conduct and the rules of safety, or rules safe behavior.

I. Rules of conduct in the forest :

  • do not make fires and conflagrations in the forest;
  • do not set fire to dry grass, bark and leaf litter;
  • do not throw unextinguished cigarette butts anywhere;
  • do not cut bark from trees and do not break shrubs;
  • do not uproot flowers and wild plants;
  • do not exterminate insects, reptiles and animals;
  • do not destroy anthills, nests and burrows of forest dwellers;
  • do not take home found chicks and wild animals;
  • do not leave (and do not bury in the ground) garbage after yourself;
  • do not drive into forest plantations by road;
  • don't make noise yourself and don't let others make noise.

II. Forest safety rules :

  • do not go too far into the forest;
  • do not go into the forest alone, take a companion (dog);
  • keep a stock drinking water at least for a day;
  • carry matches or a fueled lighter;
  • carry a fully charged communication device with you;
  • notify relatives and friends about your departure to "nature";
  • do not let elderly people and children go picking mushrooms alone;
  • being on a "quiet hunt" report approximate coordinates;
  • go to the forest in the morning and return before dark;
  • having met the beast, do not give out your fear and do not stand with your back;
  • if you suddenly get lost, call the Ministry of Emergency Situations or dial 112.

✎ Findings and Conclusions

Of all the resources on our planet, the most importance in nature and human life have forests - renewable Natural resources from tree plantations that purify the air of cities or towns from dust, harmful impurities, gases, soot and protect their inhabitants from noise. Very many of coniferous trees emit special substances - phytoncides, capable of destroying pathogens, protecting the environment and people from various misfortunes.
The Forest Code of the Russian Federation grants citizens the right to free and free stay in the wild (Article 11), which ensures the satisfaction of their environmental, aesthetic, recreational, nutritional, health or other needs, as well as, and in strict accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, - freedom of movement.
By law, Russian citizens have the right to freely and free of charge visit the forest belts and for their own needs to collect and harvest any wild fruits, berries, nuts, mushrooms and other edible natural (non-timber) resources not listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation.
The opportunity to stay in nature is a subjective right that follows directly from the law, is not associated with obtaining prior permits and, accordingly, does not require any payments whatsoever, but only requires compliance with certain rules of conduct in the forest.
The stay of citizens in forest areas directly related to defense and security, and on lands of specially protected natural areas, as well as other lands, to which citizens' access is either prohibited or limited, may be generally prohibited or significantly limited in accordance with federal laws.
Also, the stay of citizens in forest zones may be limited in order to ensure fire or sanitary safety, or the safety of citizens when performing other work. Prohibition or restriction of the stay of citizens in the forest for other reasons is not allowed.
This is a state law that everyone should strictly observe!

Do not damage tree bark.

It is known that some guys often carve inscriptions on the bark of trees, for example, their names, make other marks. This violates the beauty of nature and is very harmful to trees (juice flows through the wound, microbes, tinder fungi can penetrate under the bark, which cause diseases and even death of the tree).

Do not tear in the forest, there are flowers in the meadow.

Let beautiful plants stay in nature! Remember that bouquets can only be made from those plants that are grown by man. Collection wild plants on bouquets - a very powerful factor influencing nature. It is often underestimated, believing that the harm caused by this to the plant world does not deserve attention. However, it is our long-standing habit of picking flowers that has led to the disappearance of so many plants in places often visited by people.

It is important to understand what harm people can do to nature if they pick even a single flower. After all, there will be no trace of the beauty of the meadow if a class of students - lovers of "modest bouquets" visits there. It is important that you guys realize simple truths: a flower grown in a meadow is here "at home." For example, insects fly to it and feed on its nectar. After flowering, fruits and seeds appear. They fall into the soil, where new plants grow from seeds ...

Do we have the right to pluck a flower just to admire it for a while?

Of course not. For this, people specially grow beautiful plants in gardens, in flower beds, in greenhouses. And beautiful wild flowers, plants should remain in nature!

If I pick a flower

If you pick a flower

If everything: me and you,

If we pick flowers -

All fields will be empty

And there will be no beauty.

From medicinal plants can

collect only those that are abundant in your area.

Some plants must be left in nature.

Medicinal plants are the most valuable natural wealth, which must be treated with care. The number of some of them has sharply decreased due to the mass collection (valerian, lily of the valley and others). Therefore, guys, you should harvest those plants that are numerous (yarrow, bird buckwheat, shepherd's purse and others). But even these plants must be collected in such a way that most of them remain untouched in the places of collection. Of course the collection medicinal herbs should be conducted under the guidance of a teacher, and even better - medical worker. It is absolutely unacceptable that the procurement of medicinal raw materials turns into a massive extermination of the local flora carried out “for show”. It is clear that such an "event" will cause irreparable damage to nature.

Many herbs grow useful

On the land of the native country -

Can cope with illness

Mint, tansy, St. John's wort!

Edible berries, nuts, collect so

so as not to damage the branches.

Do not cut down trees in the forest, do not break and do not let others break branches and bushes, remember: forest air contains bacteria 300 times less than city air; one hectare of forest absorbs 2 kilograms of carbon dioxide within an hour, while releasing a huge amount of pure oxygen. Anyone who raises his hand on a tree encroaches on people's health.

Do not knock down mushrooms, even inedible ones.

Remember that mushrooms are needed in nature.

Some of you guys are developing a negative attitude towards inedible, and especially poisonous mushrooms. When you meet such mushrooms, you try to destroy them (knock down, crush), often citing the fact that such mushrooms can poison animals and people.

It is known that mushrooms, including those inedible for humans, are an important component of the forest. His underground part- mycelium - they grow together with the roots of trees, shrubs, grasses, providing them with water, mineral salts, growth substances. For animals, mushrooms serve as food and medicine (for example, fly agarics serve as medicine for moose). Mushrooms are the orderlies of the forest: they participate in the decomposition of plant residues. No less important is the fact that mushrooms decorate the forest. It is the fly agaric, as you know, that is one of the most beautiful mushrooms in our forest. Among the mushrooms there are also rare ones listed in the Red Book, for example, the ram mushroom.

Do not break the web in the forest and do not kill the spiders.

Spiders are a traditional object of hostility, disgust on the part of a person. This prejudice is based on ignorance, inattention to the environment. Spiders are just as full integral part nature, like other living beings. The life of spiders is full of interesting details, many of which are available for your children's observations. Webs of spiders, and they themselves are beautiful in their own way. In addition, these predatory creatures destroy many mosquitoes, flies, aphids and other insects that cause damage to humans and their household.

Do not catch butterflies, bumblebees, dragonflies and other insects.

Bumblebees are insects, the number of which has recently declined sharply everywhere. The reasons for this are the widespread, inappropriate use in agriculture pesticides, to which bumblebees are very sensitive; destruction of bumblebee nests during haymaking, burning dry grass in meadows. There are known cases of ruining bumblebee nests for fun or for the sake of honey, which, by the way, is tasteless. You shouldn't do this guys.


I live in meadows and gardens and forests.

I fly all day in blue skies.

The gentle light of the sun illuminates my shelter,

To me food and drink are the scents of flowers.

But I do not live long - no more than a day

Be kind to me and don't touch me.

Don't destroy anthills.

The red forest ant is the chief orderly of the forest, and 3-4 anthills provide reliable protection of a hectare of forest from pests. Treat them respectfully, guys, and in no case disturb their “homes”.

Cleanliness, health of the forest -

Everything depends on him.

The ant is the owner of the forest.

Let's protect him!

Do not catch wild animals and do not take them home.

It is known that lizards, hedgehogs, some fish, birds often fall victim to love for “our smaller brothers”, which is expressed in the fact that these animals are caught, brought home (or to school), and they try to keep them in captivity. Most often, such attempts end in the death of animals, since the conditions of captivity cannot replace them with a natural one. natural environment. It is important for you to understand, guys, that the best "home" for wild animals is a forest, meadow, pond. In your home or a living corner of the school, you can keep only those animals that are accustomed to life in these conditions, were born in captivity, which are specially bred to be kept next to humans (aquarium fish, canaries, golden hamsters, guinea pigs).

Don't go close to bird nests, don't ruin them.

In your footsteps, predators can find them and ruin them. If you accidentally find yourself near the nest, do not touch it, leave immediately. Otherwise, the parent birds may leave the nest forever.

Do not leave garbage in the forest, in the meadow, by the river.

Never throw garbage into bodies of water.

Do not leave garbage behind: thrown paper will rot completely only after 2 years, broken glass lasts up to 30 years, an unburned tin can rots for more than 200 years. This misbehavior leads to ecological disaster. Nature is dying!

Make fires properly, do not forget to extinguish them.

Bonfire is the most important element in the life of a tourist. Cooking, heating travelers, drying clothes, lighting the camp - it all depends on a good fire. For a fire, guys, you need to be able to choose a place. You can not make fires in coniferous young forests, on peat bogs. It is necessary to choose a place in a clearing away from trees, preferably not far from the water, in a hole, a fold on the ground. It is better to use old fire pits. The bonfire must be positioned so that the smoke, sparks, and fire are carried by the wind not towards the forest, but towards the clearing. The place of the fire is dug in, the sod is removed from it. Bonfires must not be left unattended so that the fire does not “run away” further than its intended place. Deadwood is the best fuel, softwoods give off a lot of sparks when burned and are dangerous for clothing. Be sure, guys, when leaving the bivouac, it is necessary to carefully fill the fire with water or cover it with earth, lay the turf removed during the preparation of the site.

Do not make noise in the forest, in the meadow, near the water.

With noise, you guys scare away animals, disturb them, and you yourself see and hear much less. You can miss the most beautiful and beautiful things in nature (singing birds, buzzing bees, murmuring streams and much more).

Try to retire in a grove,

Take cover under a coniferous, thick outfit.

Yes, to delve into the life that makes noise around,

Prejudice thrown aside for a while,

And in the heart there will be no place for pride,

Awe and timidity will seize you suddenly.

Chestova O.L., teacher additional education GOU DOD "Belgorod Regional Center for Children's and Youth Tourism and Excursions"

1. Read the poems and draw signs for them about the rules of behavior in the forest. Look at how your desk mate coped with the task, compare.

Nest on a branch - a bird's house

Yesterday a chick was born in it.

You do not ruin the bird's house,

And don't let anyone.

You can not throw a fire in the forest.

A fire in the forest brings misfortune.

Fire in the forest can happen

Without a home there will be an animal and a bird.

If I pick a flower

If you pick a flower

If everything: me and you,

If we pick flowers

All the glades will be empty,

And there will be no beauty.

To make it pleasant to walk through the forest

No need to throw bottles and garbage,

If the forest is not protected, it will die,

And trouble will overtake all people.

Ants are forest nurses,

That's what people called them for a reason!

Only you, my friend, do not disturb them!

Don't destroy the ants!

Since you are going to pick mushrooms -

Take a sharp knife with you

Carefully cut off the mushroom for them -

Leave the mushroom in the ground!

There are trees - giants

Hooligans do not spare them

And cut with sharp knives

The words on the tree are "for memory".

But it's so hard to do!

You can't hurt trees.

Draw warning signs about the rules of behavior on the water. Explain what they mean.

Make a memo of safe behavior for a hunter, fisherman, picker of mushrooms and berries (optional). Exchange notebooks with a neighbor and read his memo, discuss together.


Consider the signs. Formulate a rule for each sign.

Komi traditional means of transportation

Guess riddles. Draw the clues. Explain which words from the text helped you solve the riddles.

With nose and tail

but not alive.

Goes into the forest - lays,

coming out of the forest - winding the canvas.

They sleep in the summer and run in the winter.

In the mountains - a piece of wood

And from the mountain - a horse.

Dugout (pipu wad) - fishing boat made of aspen. The tree was cut down and made into a blank, gouging and then scraping the wood from the inside. The boat turned out to be small in weight, it could easily be dragged from one river to another. Doschanka - a boat made of boards, more stable and roomy, high sides make it possible to swim along big water and in windy weather. Raft (pur) - a means of transportation on water, consists of 5-6 logs up to two meters long. Used to transport goods. Volokusha (Vuzhd) is the simplest horse-drawn vehicle, which was used to transport logs and other goods along forest roads. Traveling sleigh (koradod) - a sleigh with a high carved back, light, upholstered, decorated. Sledges are long and narrow sledges for riding reindeer and dogs. Skin skis are hunting skis sheathed with skin (skin from the lower part of the legs of deer and elk).

2. Look at the pictures and sign.

Connect the name of the vehicle and its definition with arrows: in blue - water transport, in green- horse transport, in red - reindeer transport, in black - individual vehicle.

Irina Kozhaeva
Abstract of the lesson-conversation “Forest is a multi-storey building. Rules of conduct in the forest»

Abstract of the lesson-conversation

"Forest - multi-storey building. Rules of conduct in the forest»

Program content:

Introduce children to the forest multi-tiered, high-rise building, where all plants and animals occupy a certain ecological niche and are closely related (the disappearance of any link leads to the death of other links).

To teach children to use the existing knowledge about nature, establishing relationships between plants and animals of the forest.

Learn consciously, apply knowledge about rules of conduct in the forest.

Enrich children's vocabulary words: juniper, honeysuckle, wolf's bast, blueberry, stone fruit.

Cultivate love for nature, the desire to protect the forest.

Equipment: picture - model « Multi-storey» forests. Audio recording of bird voices. Envelope with a letter from the Old Man-Lesovik. Schematic drawings rules of conduct in the forest. House details (square-shaped bricks -8 pcs., bricks rectangular shape-8 pcs., prisms -2 pcs.) Planar forest figures residents: bear. Fox, wolf, ant, hare, owl. Woodpecker, squirrel, frog, bird, butterfly.

Lesson progress

(Teacher brings letter)

caregiver: - Guys, we received a letter, look what a beautiful and large envelope. Now we will find out from whom this letter is and read it.

"Hello guys! My name is Old Man-Forester! I invite you to visit me. In the forest. I will introduce you to my friends: birds. Animals. But you should know well rules of conduct in the forest and follow them»

And what do you want go to the forest? (by car, bus, train, boat)

Under the audio recording of the song "car" children move to another corner of the group, decorated as a forest. Sounds like a recording of the voices of birds.

We are with you in forest. The air is fresh. Breathe in a few deep breaths of air. How good! Trees and bushes all around. Let's say hello to forest:

Hello forest, dense forest,

Full of fairy tales and wonders!

And here is the forest clearing. How many beautiful flowers! Let's sit down and admire the flowers. Oh, they are not easy. Look. On the reverse side depicted rules of conduct in the forest. Take each one of the magic flower and tell. What do you have for regulations.

(Children take one flower at a time and list regulations)

Take care of the ants. Don't ruin them.

Stay away from bird nests. Don't destroy bird nests!

Do not knock down mushrooms, even inedible ones. Remember that nature needs mushrooms!

Don't pick flowers!

Do not catch butterflies and other insects!

Don't light the fire!

Do not catch or take home wild animals!

Educator. - guys, what can happen if people do not comply rules of conduct in the forest?

(flowers will disappear, ants will die, trees will dry up, birds will fly away)

-Right the forest and all its inhabitants may perish.

Do you like magical flowers? (Yes)

Let's play a game with them "Who lives in forest

You will take turns calling the forest inhabitants, and laying out a magical path from flowers behind me, let's see where it leads.

Children name the animals and lay out a path behind the teacher.

Well done! Lot you know wild animals. Let's see where the path of flowers has led us.

We came to "Forest School". Sit on stumps. Look at this picture. --- What do you think it shows? (Forest)

Guys, do you know what the forest is called « high-rise building» ?

Look how big the tree is. What is it called? (Pine)

How did you know it was pine? (along the trunk)

Pine is the tallest tree in forest.

What other tall trees grow in forest? (spruce)

Is in forest and low trees, name them. (maple, rowan, bird cherry)

Shrubs grow between trees. What shrubs do you know? (rosehip, raspberry, currant)

-Right, also in forest shrubs such as honeysuckle, juniper grow.

V berries grow in the forest? (Yes)

Name some wild berries you know. (blueberries, strawberries, cranberries)

V blueberries still grow in the forest, bone. These berries are called undersized shrubs.

What grows under stunted shrubs? (moss, grass, mushrooms)

Here it is multistory forest: tall trees, low trees and shrubs, low shrubs, grass, moss.

Educator. The old man - Lesovichok likes to make surprises. Look what he has prepared for us.

The teacher shows the box containing the details of the house and planar figures of animals.

Look guys, what is it? (details, animals)

Old man - Lesovichok asked you to build yourself multi-storey building, and then settled all the forest dwellers on their floors. Children, together with the teacher, lay out the house from the details and count the floors.

So we have a real multi-storey building. V the forest lives a lot different wild animals. Now we'll play a game "The most, most, most..."

Which forest dweller is the strongest? (bear)

What is the most predatory? (Wolf)

Which one is the most cunning? (Fox)

Which one is the fastest? (Hare)

Educator. What floor do you think forest occupy these animals? Why?

(first, they do not know how to climb trees, they find food and shelter on the ground)

The teacher shows other figures of forest dwellers.

What animals and birds occupy the second floor of the forest? (lynx, owl, woodpecker, owl)

Yes, they live in the hollows of old trees, and the lynx and the owl look out for their prey from above.

But the squirrel lives on the third floor of the forest. Because she is a light animal, she can move along thin branches of trees.

Who else lives upstairs? (birds)

Educator. - Guys, look, we got a forest - a big one. multi-storey building. Lot different animals lives in forest. They say that in forest everyone needs each other.

But why in forest mosquito? He's so annoying. (it is needed by frogs and birds)

What happens if all mosquitoes disappear? ( many frogs and birds will have nothing to eat, they will leave, fly away to another forest. will divorce many caterpillars, and they will eat all the leaves on the trees, the trees will die)

Do you think a person can live without a forest? (No)

What does the forest give to a person? (Fresh air, berries, mushrooms, nuts, medicinal plants)

Educator. The forest is our wealth. It must be protected, of course, to observe rules of conduct in the forest.

It's time for us to return to the group.

Under the audio recording, the children go to the place where the basket with treats is hidden in advance.

Guys, where have we been today?

What do you remember most about our trip?

Did you follow all rules of conduct in the forest?

Educator. Old Man - Lesovichok always treats his guests. Here we are sent meal basket. Let's eat her. (children are looking for a treat).


DC 1-2. Here comes the summer.

Here comes the long awaited summer. Came time for outdoor activities outdoors. Summer time is always consonant with travel, travel, vacations.

How much sun!

How much light!

How much greenery around!

What is this?

Finally hurries to our house.

Sl 4.-5-6. Summer rules.

In the summer, with the start of the holidays, you guys are in increased danger on the roads, near water bodies, in the forest, on playgrounds, in the garden, in the yards: in order for you to be rested, healthy and alive, you need to remember a number of rules and conditions. During your stay at the school camp, you will get acquainted with some rules of behavior in the summer. You probably already know them all. But remembering them doesn't hurt either. But you will have a rest and come home healthy and unharmed from the holidays if you know how to give yourself and someone first aid and if you follow the RULES of behavior:

In the town

On the roads

DC 7. Forest Rules

What is the short word "forest",

And how many secrets and miracles are hidden in it!

How cool it is to wander through the forest in summer,

At the same time, dream, observe and love ...

To love everything living, everything in the forest:

A birch and a Christmas tree, a hedgehog and a fox,

And the air, and the sounds, and the box of miracles,

Which gives us our good forest

But we show love to the forest in different ways,

We endanger the green friend:

And our forest groans from people: “Help!

Save trees, animals, birds!”

Think again, people, save the forests,

Otherwise, they will disappear forever!

Live wisely, preserving nature,

And take care of the forest, loving tenderly!

1. Do not break the branches of trees and shrubs without exceptional need.

2. Do not damage the bark of trees! Do not carve inscriptions on the bark of trees

Trees are a living being, branches together with leaves play an important role in his life. For example, the leaves are involved in the respiration of the plant. It is possible that the teacher will find an opportunity to inform the children about the nutrition of the plant "from the air" with the help of leaves: in the light (from carbon dioxide and water), they form the nutrients necessary for plants, animals and humans (starch, oxygen). What right do we have to senselessly break off branches, to interfere with the life of a plant? In addition, the leaves release oxygen into the air, trap dust, and it is no coincidence that where there are many plants, it is easy to breathe. We must also remember the beauty of plants, which we can break by breaking off branches. This rule also applies to flowering bird cherry, other trees and shrubs, which especially often suffer because of their beauty.

Do not damage the bark of trees! Do not carve inscriptions on the bark of trees, for example, your names, make other marks. This violates the beauty of nature and is very harmful to the trees (juice flows out through the wound, microbes and tinder fungi can penetrate under the bark, which cause diseases and even death of the tree).

3. Do not live in the forest, in a meadow of flowers, the distribution of which you do not know

Do not live in the forest, in the meadow of flowers, the distribution of which you do not know. Let beautiful plants better remain in nature! Remember that bouquets can only be made from those plants that are grown by man or widely distributed. The collection of wild plants for bouquets is a very powerful factor in human impact on nature. it was the long-standing habit of picking flowers that led to the disappearance of so many plants in places often visited by people (sleep-grass, lady's slipper, starodubka and others). After all, there will be no trace of the beauty of the meadow if a class of students visits there - lovers of "modest bouquets", a flower that has grown in the meadow is here "at home", it is associated with other inhabitants of the meadow. For example, insects fly to the flower, which feed on its nectar "After flowering, fruits and seeds appear. They fall into the soil, where new plants grow from seeds ... Do we have the right to pluck a flower just to admire it for a while? Of course not. Beautiful plants are specially grown in gardens for this , in flowerbeds, in greenhouses, etc. And beautiful wild flowers should remain in nature.

Some plants must be left in nature. Medicinal plants are the most valuable natural wealth, which must be treated with care.

There are rare flowers

White and soft:

You are greeted with a nod

Lilies of the valley, snowdrops...

Just do not tear them -

With them, the forest is kinder, brighter.

After all, now such flowers

Very few on earth...

5. Collect edible berries, nuts so as not to damage the twigs.

Remember that mushrooms are very necessary in nature. It is known that mushrooms, including those that are inedible for humans, are a component of the forest. With their underground part - the mycelium - they grow together with the roots of trees, shrubs, herbs, providing them with water, mineral salts, and growth substances. For animals, mushrooms serve as food and medicine. Mushrooms are the orderlies of the forest: they participate in the decomposition of plant residues. No less important is the fact that mushrooms decorate the forest.

7. Do not break the web in the forest and do not kill the spiders

Spiders are a traditional object of hostility, a squeamish attitude on the part of a person. This prejudice is based on ignorance, inattention to the environment. Spiders are the same full-fledged part of nature, like other animals. The life of spiders is full of interesting details, many of which are available for children's observation. Webs of spiders, and they themselves, are beautiful in their own way. In addition, these predatory creatures destroy many mosquitoes, flies, aphids and other insects that cause damage to humans and their household.

8. Do not catch butterflies, bumblebees, dragonflies and other insects.

Bumblebees are the only pollinators of legumes. Without them, there would be no clover, alfalfa, ranks, peas and so on in the forests and meadows.

Butterfly colored

Flying over you...

dragonfly frolicking,

Dancing, having fun...

Everyone is so happy to fly!

You don't have to catch them...

Let them fly

Decorate the earth...

9. Do not ruin anthills.

Ants are forest orderlies;

That's what people called them for a reason!

To make the forest beautiful and healthy,

Without harmful larvae and beetles,

Ants on guard day and night:

Drive different bark beetles away!

Only you, my friend, do not disturb them!

Don't destroy the ants!

These nurses are so necessary

For the forests of your native country!

10. Take care of frogs, toads and their tadpoles.

11. Do not catch wild animals and do not take them home.

It is known that lizards, hedgehogs, some fish, birds often fall prey to the love of children for "our smaller brothers", which is expressed in the fact that these animals are caught, brought home (or to school) and try to keep them in captivity. Most often, such attempts end with the death of animals, since the conditions of captivity cannot replace their natural environment, the best "home" for wild animals is a forest, meadow, pond, etc., and in our house or a living corner of the school you can keep only those animals that accustomed to life in these conditions, were born in captivity, which are specially bred to be kept next to humans.

For hedgehogs and squirrels

The forest is home.

They live there bravely

Both summer and winter:

Find food

They raise their children

And leave the forest

They don't want to...

So it's not worth it

Take them to the city

Believe: they are in captivity

They won't eat and sleep...

12. Don't ruin bird's nests

In your footsteps, predators can find them and destroy them. If you accidentally find yourself near the nest, do not touch it, leave immediately. Otherwise, the parent birds may leave the nest for good. often children bring home or to the classroom already fledged, but not able to fly, chicks, which they consider "fallen out of the nest." Usually these are the so-called fledglings, i.e. chicks that have already left the nest (having flown from it) and growing up, who are learning to fly. Parents feed them. Chicks caught by children, as a rule, die quickly in captivity.

Children must remember

And understand:

Birds' nests

Can't be destroyed!

Don't get close

Don't go there

And don't worry

No birds, no nest.

13. Do not leave garbage in the forest, park, meadow, river

Never throw rubbish into bodies of water. This is one of the simplest and at the same time the most important rules. Garbage left by people literally everywhere disfigures the face of nature. Throwing garbage into water bodies, or even just leaving it on the shore, from where it then easily falls into the water, we can bring misfortune to other people. .

What to do with garbage, everyone decides for himself. But remember that if you do not clean up after yourself, the next time you go out into nature, you risk not finding clean place recreation. It is not recommended to burn garbage made of plastic, polyethylene and other similar materials, it is better to bury it. But paper wrappers, napkins, cloth rags can be burned.

You're on a hike guys...

Rest, of course, you need:

Play and frolic

And eat and drink...

But there are banks around

Cellophane, pieces of iron, bottles...

Let's not be lazy, friends:

Garbage here in the forest, someone else's,

Let's take it with us!

Don't make noise in the forest. Listen to her. (phonogram of forest sounds)

The forest has its own music...

Listen to her friends!

Here are the trills of birds,

Here is a squirrel jumping up and down,

But the grasshopper crackled,

A woodpecker knocked on a branch ...

How many sounds here and there!

The forest does not need noise and din:

No noise, noisy, shouting

And turn the music up loud!

Do not spoil mushrooms and even inedible

Don't hate snakes

DC 12 If you get lost in the forest. A few tips.

Summer and autumn are the time when nature generously begins to endow us with mushrooms and berries. Many rush to the forest to collect these gifts in order to prepare them for the winter, or sell them. In any case, heading into the forest, you must remember the rules of safe behavior. When picking mushrooms or berries, you need to be careful not to harm nature, and most importantly, you should observe the measure. It is easy to get lost if you are fascinated with harvesting the forest harvest.

So what to do if you get lost. First, don't panic. Take a few deep breaths, calm down and sit down to think. It is possible that, having stopped nervously rushing about and crunching leaves and branches under your feet, you will hear saving sounds, such as the voices of your companions, the distant train whistle, the noise of the highway. Or anything else that might help you find your way.

But if you do get lost, you will have to make an important decision, namely, whether you will stay in place or will get out on your own. In the first case, such a decision may be due to objective reasons, such as trauma. Well, if you decide to get to civilization on your own, it would be useful to remember a few tips from professional rescuers:

Always go with the flow of water.

That is, if you do not observe any river or spring nearby, then proceed as follows: pour some water on the ground and go in the direction where it will flow. If you looked at the map before the trip and more or less imagine which way you need to go, remember several ways to navigate:

By the stars.

Find the constellation Ursa Major, mentally draw a straight line upwards through the front edge of the bucket for 5 distances equal to this edge. At this point is the North Star, which points to the north.

Do not leave in the forest, in the park, in the meadow, by the river of garbage

For trees, moss and plants:

mosses and lichens grow on the north side of the trees;

annual rings on stumps are thicker on the south side;

crowns of trees on the south side are thicker.

By quarter columns. The quarterly pillar can be found at the intersection of 2 glades; it is a quadrangular wooden pole with numbered sides. The angle formed by the faces with the 2 smallest digits will point due north. This is the most reliable and accurate way to navigate.

Lack of water during the day adversely affects the morale of a person, reduces his combat effectiveness, strong-willed qualities, causes fatigue . With limited water supplies, the body loses a lot of fluid with sweat and becomes dehydrated, it is very important to reduce sweating. This can be achieved by protecting yourself from direct solar radiation with the help of a simple sunshade, limiting physical activity during the hot part of the day, moisturizing clothes, etc.

  1. 1. Rain water. To collect rainwater, dig a hole and line it with large leaves so that the collected water does not soak into the ground.
  2. 2. Dew. When it rains, tie a cloth around a tree. Water flowing along the trunk will linger and drip into a container placed below.
  3. 3. Water from natural sources. Before drinking water from a river, stream, etc. it must be (if possible) boiled.
  4. 4. All plants constantly evaporate at least a small amount of water, it can be caught with an ordinary polyethylene bag. The bag is put on a bush, a tree branch and tied at the base. The water evaporated by the plant settles in the form of droplets on inner surface polyethylene, which accumulate at the bottom of the bag. In an hour, depending on the size of the plant, you can collect up to 50-80 ml of water. It is important that this method practically does not require any physical effort.

DC 15. Keep the forest from burning.

DC 16. in the forest is prohibited:

throw burning matches and cigarette butts;