Top 10 most dangerous insects in the world. The most dangerous insects on the planet: an invisible threat

  • 28.05.2019

Today there are more than a million different types flying and crawling insects. They make up over 90% of all life forms. Insects live and breed in different conditions, and many of them are biting. Insects during a bite can spread many diseases and stimulate the growth of all kinds of microorganisms, viruses and bacteria. The article lists the most famous biting insects that inject poison by biting and thereby contribute to the spread of many diseases.

1. Fleas

These wingless biting insects feed on the blood of warm-blooded vertebrates. Fleas from rats can spread the plague to people. If the infection spreads to humans, it can become deadly.

Flea bites can cause allergic reactions, swelling and rashes.

2. Bed bugs

From the bite of bedbugs, red bumps remain on the skin, which cause severe itching.

3. Malarial mosquitoes

Female mosquitoes bite the victim's skin with a thin proboscis, at the end of which there are two pairs of cutting blades. It is the blades that help to pierce the thick skin of a person. Biting malarial mosquitoes are carriers of a terrible disease of the same name - malaria. The disease is very severe, often fatal.

The first signs of the disease are common symptoms: nausea, fever and chills.

4. Red ants

The venom of the red ant is not fatal to humans, but it can be very dangerous for sensitive people. Since some people after a bite may experience severe anaphylaxis - an allergic reaction to poison.

Red ant stings are contagious and can therefore develop into welts.

5. Hornets

Japanese and Asian hornets kill about 80 people every year with their deadly poison. The poison contains a high concentration of acetylcholine, which is able to dissolve body tissues, causing severe pain.

These biting insects bite only once in their life, but this is enough to instill panic and fear in people.

6. Yellow wasps

Insects of medium size, very similar to bees. They live in colonies. All female wasps are capable of stinging. The sting, falling into the victim, can cause anaphylactic shock.

Even one bite can be fatal.

7. House mites

Insects are very small in size, so they are not visible to the human eye. The house tick is off-white in color, lives in dust and feeds on human and animal waste. Dust mites do not bite, but can cause severe allergic reactions. As a rule, there are problems with breathing. Allergy symptoms can include lethargy, coughing, sneezing, and a runny nose.

It can also cause watery eyes, a rash, and digestive problems.

8. Forest mites

The bite of a wood tick is known to spread diseases such as encephalitis, lyme disease, typhoid, spotted fever and other dangerous infectious diseases. All types of ticks live and breed in tall grass and shrubs.

In the same places, they expect their victims and imperceptibly attack them.

9 African Ants

African ants feed on spiders, mice, and other flying and crawling insects. These deadly creatures can crawl under a person's clothing and bite when they least expect it. The sting of an African ant acts instantly. Biting ants are especially dangerous for young children and the elderly. The bite causes an instant suffocation attack.

Every year more than 50 people die from the bite of African ants.

10. Tsetse fly

Often the tsetse fly is called a fly, but in fact these insects are more like large midges. Tsetse feeds on the blood of vertebrates; during a bite, a fly with saliva injects the substance trypanosomiasis into the victim. The disease that occurs later is called sleep fever. Symptoms of this disease are: fever, headache and joint pain.

Every year more than 300 people die from the bite of the tsetse fly.

Insect bite protection

All biting insects listed in this article are dangerous to humans. But you can protect yourself from these tiny killers by wearing long sleeves and long pants. Apply deterrent repellents by spraying them on shoes and clothing. Use mosquito nets in their habitats.

You can also protect your home with mosquito nets, coils and mosquito sprays, which will be an insurmountable barrier to biting insects. But remember that repellents should not get on open wounds and that they can cause skin irritation.

Repellents should not be used by pregnant and lactating women, and they must also be stored in a place inaccessible to children. Avoid walking near swamps, dense grass fields and dense forests, this is where biting insects await their victims.

Our Earth is filled with many insects of various kinds. Some are completely safe, some are beautiful and sweet. But there is such a part of these creatures that, despite their small stature or attractive coloration, they can cause considerable harm to humans or other living beings. And so that you can always recognize them when you meet, we present the TOP 10 most dangerous insects in the world.

These ant subspecies live mainly in America. They have a powerful sting, and a fairly effective poison. The bite of such an ant feels like a burn, which you can get from a fire. For this reason, this species was called "fiery".

After a bite, a person may notice that his skin is reddened, blisters have appeared on it. Frequent and lethal outcomes.

9. Tick

This insect lives absolutely everywhere, and therefore the risk of meeting it is very high.

They are the largest group that is in the arachnid class. To date, more than fifty thousand of these creatures have been discovered.

The bite of a tick is very difficult to feel, which is a serious obstacle to its detection. The most dangerous are encephalitic mites, the bite of which is often fatal.

8. Brazilian "wandering" spider

Ranked among the most poisonous spiders in the world.

An adult person bitten by this insect will most likely receive only an allergic reaction, but will remain alive. And if a child suffers, or a person with a weakened immune system, a fatal outcome, unfortunately, cannot be avoided.

7. Lonomy

The most interesting thing is that Lonomia is a butterfly. It would seem that there is no prettier insect. But, it's not.

Being in the caterpillar period, lonomy carries an incredible danger to humans. The poison it possesses can lead to kidney failure, bleeding, and even death.

6. Karakurt

This spider is black, with characteristic red spots on the abdomen. Males of karakurt are absolutely harmless, which cannot be said about their females. The venom of the female of this spider is fifteen times more toxic than a rattlesnake!

When bitten, death cannot be avoided. But, there is a nuance: the karakurt will not attack if it is not disturbed.

5. Androctonus

This is the most poisonous scorpion on the planet. Its length may well reach ten centimeters, and just a couple of drops of androktonus poison can easily kill an adult.

4 Army Ant

The number of these ants in one colony contributed to the name (the number can reach a million). These insects are completely blind, and incredibly aggressive. Their jaws are powerful and huge, which allows them to attack any prey.

Cases have been recorded of whole horses being destroyed by army ants.

3. Gadfly

Scientists have identified more than a hundred species of these insects, among which there is a species related to humans. scary feature gadflies lies in the fact that they literally gnaw their way into human body, while rapidly gaining weight and feeding on the host's flesh.

2. Tsetse flies

Its habitat is mainly in Africa. This creature feeds on blood and is a carrier of many diseases (mainly triapanos and sleeping sickness). In Africa, due to these insects, more than 500 thousand people are infected, and more than 200 thousand have died.

1. Malaria mosquito

Being in nature or in another country, always be careful, because sometimes the bite of a small unfamiliar insect can cost your life. Take care of yourself!

Dangerous insects live on all continents of our planet. Therefore, in our country you can meet some insidious and murderous representative of invertebrate arthropods. People should be aware of which creatures can cause serious harm to their body and even lead to death. Therefore, today we will find out which are the most dangerous insects in the world (photos of these "killers" are presented in the review), as well as what are the consequences of their interaction with humans.

Top 10 insidious creatures

Surely not everyone knows that a caterpillar, a bee, a bug and even a mosquito can be fatal. Now we will find out what are the most dangerous insects in the world. After all, some representatives of invertebrate arthropods can be scarier than terrestrial creatures. Therefore, one should not lose vigilance, but after each trip to other countries, especially after such continents as Africa and South America, it is necessary to be examined just in case.

What is the most dangerous insect in the world, we will now find out. Below are the top 10 such insidious and life-threatening creatures:

  • 10th place - gadfly.
  • 9th place - hairy caterpillar.
  • 8th place - tiger bee.
  • 7th place - triatomic bug.
  • 6th place - androktonus.
  • 5th place - malarial mosquito, or anopheles.
  • 4th place - Brazilian spider.
  • 3rd place - lonomy.
  • 2nd place - karakurt.
  • 1st place - tsetse fly.

10th place: gadfly

There are dozens of varieties of this flying insect: horse, sheep and even human. The gadfly lays its eggs on midges and mosquitoes, which then land on people's bodies. And the larva, getting on the skin, begins to actively mature. Moreover, the gadfly can get into any part of the body, even into the human brain.

The bite of this insect is painful, a large red spot appears on the affected area, it itches, itches, and blood is released from it. If nothing is done, the wound may fester, an abscess will appear, and further infection of the skin will begin. Fortunately, no deaths were recorded, but there are still problems after a gadfly bite. And you should avoid places where this flying creature can be found.

9th place: hairy caterpillar

Some people believe that this is the most dangerous insect in the world for humans, and at the same time the cutest and most beautiful. This is the insidiousness of the hairy caterpillar. Indeed, it can actually harm a person. The venom of this insect causes a burning sensation around the affected area, headache, vomiting, damage to the lymph nodes. In some situations, the bite of a hairy caterpillar can lead to respiratory arrest. Therefore, the insect is considered one of the most dangerous on the planet.

8th place: tiger bee

This is the largest hornet on earth. Its length can reach 7 cm. This insect lives in Japan, China, India, Korea, and even occurs here, in the Primorsky Territory. Because of its size, this hornet was even nicknamed the bee sparrow. If insect poison enters the human body, it will corrode the flesh, cause severe swelling and pain, which at times will be simply incompatible with life. The Japanese believe that these tiger bees are the largest and most dangerous insects. Up to 70 people die from them every year in the world.

7th place: triatomic bug

These insects are carriers of such a dangerous disease as Chagas disease, which is characterized by an increase in lymph nodes, large intestine, and expansion of the esophagus. The insidiousness of triatomine bugs lies in the fact that they can live near living quarters, sometimes even climb into buildings for livestock. For a bite, this insect chooses places near the eyes, as well as lips. Soon a blister forms at the site of the bite, the person feels severe itching. Then he begins to have a rash, nausea, shortness of breath, a strong heartbeat. A month later, the bug, penetrating into the human body, begins to clog its vessels, clog the lymph nodes. And, as a result, after 1-2 months the person dies. And by the way, medical assistance in this case is powerless. And those drugs that exist now only prolong the life of the victim for a short time. This most dangerous insect lives in South America. In the world, hundreds of people die every year from the bite of this arthropod creature.

6th place: androktonus

This is a scorpion that lives in Africa as well as the Middle East. The poison of this insect deprives a person of life in 7 hours, and children die even faster. The most dangerous insects in the world, according to many residents of the Middle East, are Androktonus. And their insidiousness lies in the fact that a person may not feel the bite of this scorpion. However, the consequences will soon be irreversible. Within a few hours, a person will feel pain, soon the poison will paralyze the pectoral muscles and heart. If an antidote is not administered to the affected person immediately after the bite, then death is guaranteed. Every year about a hundred people die from the bite of androktonus.

Anopheles are distributed throughout the globe. In Russia, these insects can be found in Western Siberia, but they are not in the eastern part. And all because the climate there is too harsh for them, because malaria mosquitoes simply die in frosty and long winters.

4th place: Brazilian spider

It's time to learn about the largest and at the same time dangerous arachnid - the Brazilian spider. This insect lives in South America. According to the Guinness Book of Records, the most dangerous insect in the world, and specifically from the class of arachnids, is precisely the wandering spider. Its dimensions are quite impressive - the body length reaches 15 cm, given the span of the paws. The danger of these insects for humans is quite understandable: they like to enter people's houses. Therefore, cases of their bites are not uncommon. If the poison enters the human body, then the latter will have breathing problems, inflammation will appear at the site of the bite, and blood pressure will increase. And as a result, the affected child or adult can simply die from suffocation. By the way, for small child The bite of the Brazilian spider is almost 100% deadly. For healthy citizens South America the bite of this insect is not critical, but if the antidote is not administered in time, it can cause serious harm to health. But for people with reduced immunity, weakened and sick, the Brazilian spider can become deadly.

3rd place: lonomy

This caterpillar, which later becomes a butterfly, is very cunning. She always disguises herself as leaves, oak bark. And it happens that a person, having picked a plant, simply does not find lanomia on it. And at this moment she can simply bite her victim and introduce a lethal dose of poison into her body. What can we say, even one touch of this creature is enough for people to lose their health: the work of the kidneys was disrupted, internal and external bleeding appeared, and a brain hemorrhage occurred. If nothing is done, then the bite of lonomy can be fatal. Therefore, if you find that you are struck by this insect, you should immediately contact the hospital for help. After all, there is an antidote, but it can only help within 24 hours after the bite. How else can you protect yourself from a collision with this caterpillar, which the Brazilians call only the most dangerous insect in the world for humans? One should simply refuse to visit South America, and if this is not possible, contact with unknown plants, insects and suspicious objects.

2nd place: karakurt

It is found all over the globe, so it can be found in the vastness of our country. For example, in the Crimea, this spider is quite widespread.

Not just karakurt is one of the 10 most dangerous insects in the world. After all, if you do not start treatment in time after his bite, then a fatal outcome is possible. People should know that this spider never attacks first. It bites a person if he disturbs or tries to crush him. Therefore, these insects should be avoided. The bite of the karakurt itself is painless and does not cause pain at first. discomfort. Soon a small red spot appears, which quickly disappears. And already half an hour after the bite, there is severe pain in the abdomen, chest, lower back. The affected person has difficulty breathing, legs go numb. The patient experiences anxiety and fear of death. If medical assistance is not provided in time, the person may die. The best remedy to neutralize the poison of karakurt is the use of a special serum.

1st place: tsetse fly

Despite the fact that this arthropod does not have venom glands, it is still at the top of our top ten as the most dangerous insect in the world. This fly, feeding on the blood of humans and animals, spreads such a dangerous disease as trypanos. Another name for this disease is sleeping sickness. This is a destructive force of illness, as a result of which a person suffers first from the immune system, and then from the nervous system. Subsequently, the patient develops tumors, and the victim of this fly itself becomes lethargic and sleepy. Hence the name of the disease - sleeping sickness. The infected person dies before our eyes. The most terrible thing in this situation is that it is extremely difficult to destroy the tsetse fly. After all, this insect adapts to almost all medicines.

Now you know which representatives of invertebrate arthropods harm the human body, and which can even cause death.

The most dangerous insects in the world, the photos of which are posted in this article, are found all over the globe, but most of them are in Africa and South America. Therefore, in order to protect yourself, it is better to refuse to travel to these continents, and if there is no way out, then you should be careful, vigilant, carefully examine your body daily for bites.

According to various estimates, there are about 30 million species of various insects in the world, more than a third of which are potential carriers of dangerous diseases or carry deadly poison themselves. Tiny creatures are not taken seriously, and yet most of them can cause serious trouble directly or indirectly: destroy crops, valuable Natural resources, human dwelling, cause mortal harm to the body. The size of killer insects is negligible and creates a deceptive impression.

The most dangerous insects in the world are settled in different parts light, their populations cause discomfort to people around the world.

Insect vectors of disease

Cockroaches are not afraid of nuclear weapons

So, the most dangerous and ubiquitous in this regard is considered to be an ordinary red cockroach. Cockroaches are dangerous because they are able to live anywhere and on any diet, even several months without food. trash can dwellers sewer pipes, treatment facilities, cockroaches bring into the house the most different bacteria, causing intestinal diseases, infecting with viruses, tuberculosis, typhoid, staphylococcus. The experiments carried out showed that cockroaches are able to live for quite a long time without a head, and the conditions of sterile cleanliness, cleaning agents, disinfection and ultraviolet radiation definitely do not scare them. Some scientists say cockroaches could survive in post-apocalyptic conditions nuclear winter and would be the only inhabitants of the planet.

You go beyond the Urals - you need a vaccination against encephalitis

Ticks, inhabitants of Russian forests, carry a huge danger in the form of infection with tick-borne encephalitis. True, in middle lane In Russia, carriers of encephalitis are extremely rare, but in the Siberian regions, about 10 ticks out of 100 are infected with this virus.

Encephalitis tick "takes" from an infected animal - large and small ungulates, birds - and transmits the virus to humans when bitten. When infected with encephalitis, the brain and nervous system are affected; the disease, if it does not cause death, then leads to severe nervous and mental dysfunctions. There are more than 48 thousand species of ticks alone on the planet, fortunately, not all of them are so dangerous. As a control measure, vaccination against encephalitis has become widespread, but the vaccine does not save from bites.

A tick can live from bite to bite for up to 10 years. Sticking into the victim, it hangs on it until it swells up like a bean (a dangerous insect is able to continuously drink blood until it is saturated for about a day). After that, the insect disappears and digests the prey. During periods of starvation, the tick can “turn on” energy austerity, which allows it to exist for years, waiting for the next opportunity to bite. The tick lives in the grass, so when walking through the forest it is important to protect your legs - tuck your trousers into your boots.

The tsetse fly is a silent killer

The main habitat of the tsetse fly is in areas of West and Central Africa, one of the species of a dangerous insect exists in Australia. For the first time, the lethality of bites was discovered about 150 years ago, scientists even tested radiation on these flies, but insects show amazing survivability. The latest invented method, on which scientists have high hopes, is the cultivation and sterilization of male flies. Raised in a laboratory, a male tsetse fly will be able to deal with several rivals in the struggle for a female, but will not be able to fertilize her, due to which the fly population will gradually die out.

The main external feature of the tsetse fly is its brown color and the ability to completely fold the wings on the back one on top of the other at rest.

Tsetse flies live in equatorial and subequatorial climates, they are interested in areas with high average annual air humidity: tropical forests, coastal floodplain areas of rivers - where people mainly live.

The female tsetse mates only once in her life, but after mating she is able to lay several larvae ready for pupation at intervals of several months. The insect is extremely tenacious: even knocked down and with broken wings, it is able to get to the object of its attention and bite.

Interestingly, the presence of flies on the fertile lands of Central Africa saved the mainland from a global environmental problem - trampling fertile land livestock and soil erosion; in countries where cattle breeding was the main focus, they simply abandoned livestock breeding, as it is too risky for workers.


The mosquito is the most dangerous insect in the world in terms of the frequency of deaths: deaths from malaria occur in the world every minute. Malaria, whose virus spreads through the body within half an hour after being bitten, affects the liver and blood. Blood becomes a hostile environment for the body, as a result of which a person dies from damage to the vessels of the brain. Malaria is transmitted only by mosquitoes of the Anopheles genus, which are very similar in appearance to ordinary mosquitoes. The hind legs of the Anopheles mosquito are much longer than those of the common mosquito, due to which, when it sits down on human skin, its rear part lifts up strongly. In addition, the wings of the common mosquito have a few dark spots, the wings of the malarial mosquito are colorless.

There are no malarial mosquitoes in most of the territory of Russia: it is difficult for them to survive too harsh winters. But in Western Siberia, where the climate is humid and winters are mild, these mosquitoes are quite common.

The most poisonous insects in the world

Killer insects of the second type are direct killers, pouring their own poison into the victim. Their goal is to poison you as quickly and as strongly as possible, and poison - perfect weapon which makes them unapproachable. Most poisonous insects stronger in the world poisonous snakes, animals and fish, from the bite of most of them a person either dies instantly, even before the help of the antidote, or becomes disabled.

fire ants

The bite of fire ants is comparable in strength of sensations to the touch of a flame. One bite cannot kill, despite the strong toxic substance, but the problem is that these insects do not attack one at a time. The attack occurs massively, while the ants devour everything living and inanimate: in the wild - insects, chicks and newborn cubs, in urban conditions - plants, things and electrical appliances.

Fire ants originally lived in South America, but at the beginning of the 20th century they came to the United States on ships and annually cause multimillion-dollar material damage to the state economy.

Spider karakurt - steppe death

The bright color of the inhabitant of the steppes of the karakurt seems to indicate that touching this creature is extremely dangerous: the venom of the karakurt can kill a person instantly, since it is about 15 times more powerful than the venom of a rattlesnake and one of the most deadly in the world.

The young, not yet sexually mature karakurt has a colorful coloration: there are bright contrasting red and white spots on the black body. When the spider reaches maturity, it becomes completely black. All individuals are deadly poisonous, but only young animals can bite through human skin, adults prefer to retreat when they meet a person.

Lonomia the lazy clown

Lonomia is a poisonous caterpillar that lives in the rainforests of South America. The poison secreted by the caterpillar affects the kidneys to complete failure, destroys the skin and red blood cells. From touching several caterpillars at once, a fatal outcome is possible, since there is a high probability of paralysis from cerebral hemorrhage.

The toxic caterpillar is known locally as the "lazy clown" bright color and bizarre body shape. She disguises herself perfectly environment, resembling either young shoots on the bark of a tree, or twisted dry leaves. The toxic poison secreted by the caterpillar directly through the skin is intended for its natural enemies- insects and birds that could eat it, but not many take the risk.

Lonomia takes on various forms, it is very easy to stumble upon her in the forest, it is not easy to survive.

bullet ants

Bullet ants have a highly toxic venom and strong jaws, the bite of which, according to the victims, is comparable to a gunshot wound. Insects are extremely aggressive towards anyone who seems to them an enemy, and attack swiftly and even with a battle cry that looks like a thin squeak.

The poison of these ants is the strongest neurotoxin, which leads to paralysis, loss of sensation at the bite site. After a bite, endless pain, similar to agony, lasts exactly a day, then it becomes easier.

Among the Indians of South America, the rite of initiation of youths with the help of ant poison is widespread: a guy who claims his rights to become a “real man” is put on special bags infested with ants. For 10 minutes, the young man must hold his hands in ritual bags, after which he will not feel his hands for a long time, and the skin on them will turn black. Applicants for the title of a real tribal hunter must go through the procedure 20 times.

Bullet ants are hardy creatures that prey on arthropods, butterflies, mollusks, and frogs. In powerful jaws they carry drops of water, and on their backs - plant and live prey. At the same time, loaded ants move faster than those who go empty.

Africanized bee - wrong bee

This is a mutant that appeared in the laboratory as a result of crossing European and African bees. The monster turned out to be aggressive and hardy, able to live in any conditions from tropical forests to deserts. At the moment, the Africanized bee is actively developing new territories and killing up to several thousand people a year.

Killer bees, as they are called, have high honey production (in fact, this was the purpose of breeding the species), gravitation towards strict territoriality (a stranger approaching the hive will be pursued by the whole swarm until they are killed), the strongest of all bees toxic poison.

The Africanized mutant looks no different from the European bee.


Most wasps do not pose much direct danger, but certain species, such as the North American German wasp, grow to large sizes and can be incredibly aggressive. If they sense danger or notice an intrusion into their territory, they can sting repeatedly and very painfully. They will mark their aggressors and in some cases pursue them.

Black Widow

Although the sting of a female black widow spider can be very dangerous to humans due to the neurotoxins released during the bite, if the necessary medical attention is provided in time, the effects of the bite will be limited to only some pain. Unfortunately, isolated cases of death from the bite of a black widow still occurred.

Hairy caterpillar

Caterpillars of the Megalopyge opercularis coquette moth look cute and fluffy, but don't be fooled by their cartoony appearance: they are extremely venomous. Usually people believe that the hairs themselves are burning, but in reality the poison is released through the spikes hidden in this "wool". The spines are extremely brittle and remain in the skin after being touched. The poison causes a burning sensation around the affected area, headache, dizziness, vomiting, sharp pains in the abdomen, damage to the lymph nodes, and sometimes respiratory arrest.

Bed bugs

A person does not directly feel the bite itself, since the composition of the saliva of the bug includes an anesthetic substance. If the bug could not get close to the blood capillary the first time, it can bite a person several times. At the site of a bug bite, severe itching begins, and a blister may also appear. Occasionally, people experience a severe allergic reaction to a bug bite. Fortunately, 70 percent of people feel almost no effects from them.

Bedbugs are household insects and do not belong to the group of vectors infectious diseases However, in their body they can retain pathogens that transmit infections through the blood for a long time, for example, viral hepatitis B, and pathogens of plague, tularemia, and Q-fever can also persist. They cause the greatest harm to people with their bites, depriving a person of normal rest and sleep, which can subsequently adversely affect moral health and performance.


The centipede (Scutigera coleoptrata) is an insect that is also called the flycatcher and is thought to have originated in the Mediterranean. Although other sources speak of Mexico. The centipede has become very common throughout the world. Although the appearance of such insects is unattractive, they generally perform useful work, as they eat other insect pests and even spiders. True, with entomophobia (fear of insects), such an argument will not help. Usually people kill them because of unpleasant appearance, although centipedes are even protected in some southern countries.

The flycatcher is a predator, they inject the victim with poison and then kill it.

Often flycatchers settle in apartments without harming food or furniture. They love moisture, often centipedes can be found in basements, under baths, in toilets. Flycatchers live from 3 to 7 years, newborns have only 4 pairs of legs, increasing them by one with each new molt.

Typically, the bite of such an insect is not disturbing to humans, although it can be compared with a small bee sting. For some, it can even be painful, but usually it is limited to tears. Of course, centipedes are not insects that are responsible for thousands of deaths, but many of us would be surprised to learn that someone dies from these stings every year. The point is that it is possible allergic reaction for insect venom, but this still happens extremely rarely.

tiger bee

The hornet lives in Asia, India, Nepal, China and Korea, however, bees were also seen in the Primorsky Territory on the territory of the Russian Federation. It is recognized as one of the largest hornets in the world, since the body length of individual individuals exceeds 5 cm. The bee has powerful jaws and a 6 mm sting that easily pierces the skin of an adult.

The insect attacks for no particular reason, and fight it off without outside help almost impossible. During a bite, the hornet repeatedly lets its sting into the skin, thereby saturating the tissues with highly toxic poison. This toxin literally corrodes human flesh, causing unbearable pain and suffering.

A Japanese entomologist who was attacked by a hornet compared his bite to a tissue puncture with a hot nail on fire. Death from tiger bee venom is recorded in 30-70 people annually.


Lice are very dangerous, as they are carriers of deadly diseases.

Compliance with elementary hygiene rules will save you from the danger of such an unpleasant phenomenon as lice.


The black scorpion is recognized as one of the most dangerous insects for humans from 25 other varieties of scorpions that have the strongest poison. Androktonus lives in the arid regions of the Middle East and Africa. Scorpion venom consists of a potent neurotoxin that causes the death of an adult human in 7 hours.

Children with an insect bite die much faster. The antidote is produced by only a few pharmaceutical companies, which limits the range of medical institutions where they can provide first aid in case of intoxication. From the bite of Androctonus, up to 10 people die annually.

During the attack, the victim feels only a slight discomfort, resembling a weak injection. After a couple of minutes at the bite site pain grow, the affected limb swells and turns red. In the future, the work of the respiratory center is disturbed, convulsions are noted. Ultimately, the toxin reaches the chest and causes paralysis of the heart muscle. If help is not provided, the person dies.

giant asian shemale

Many of us have seen bumblebees - they seem to be quite small, and there is little reason to be afraid of them. Now imagine a bumblebee that has grown up as if on steroids, or just look at the Asian giant. These hornets are the largest in the world - their length can reach 5 cm, and their wingspan is 7.5 centimeters. The length of the sting in such insects can be up to 6 mm, but neither a bee nor a wasp can compare with such a bite, and bumblebees can also sting repeatedly. Such dangerous insects cannot be found in Europe or the USA, but when traveling through East Asia and the mountains of Japan, you can meet them. To understand the consequences of a bite, it is enough to listen to eyewitnesses. They compare the sensation of a bumblebee's sting to a red-hot nail driven into the leg.

Poison sting has 8 various connections, which cause discomfort, damaging soft tissues and creating an odor that can attract new bumblebees to the victim. People who are allergic to bees can die from the reaction, but there are cases of death due to the poison mandorotoxin, which can be dangerous if it gets deep enough into the body. It is believed that about 70 people die from such bites every year. Curiously, the sting is not the main hunting tool of bumblebees - they crush their enemies with large jaws.

ants siafu

Siafu (Dorylus) - These army ants are mainly found in East and Central Africa, but have also been found already in tropical Asia. Insects live in colonies that can number up to 20 million individuals, all of which are blind. They make their travels with the help of pheromones. The colony does not have a permanent place of residence, wandering from place to place. In the course of movement to feed the larvae, insects attack all invertebrates.

Among these ants there is a special group - soldiers. It is they who can sting, for which they use their hook-shaped jaws, and the size of such individuals reaches 13 mm. The jaws of the soldiers are so strong that in some places in Africa they are even used to secure the seams. The wound may be closed for as long as 4 days. Usually, after a Siafu bite, the consequences are minimal, you don’t even need to call a doctor. However, it is believed that young and old people are especially sensitive to the bites of such ants, and deaths from complications after contact have been observed. As a result, annually, according to statistics, from 20 to 50 people die from these insects. This is facilitated by their aggressiveness, especially when protecting their colony, which a person can accidentally attack.

No matter how dangerous and unpleasant the neighborhood with poisonous insects, they gave a lot to science; study of poisons has shown that zootoxins can be separate components medicines, which means that with their help new drugs are synthesized: painkillers, anti-inflammatory and others. In addition, through the study of poisonous insects and the mechanism of action of poison on the body, many discoveries were made about the human body itself.

Insects are one of the most common species on our planet. And perhaps the least studied. Perhaps they are not found only in very cold places: Antarctica, the Arctic, on mountain peaks. Man made many discoveries by observing these tiny animals: an airplane, submersible pump, Helicopter Vertical Flight, Military Disguise. Some insects have become friends and helpers of man. Silk fabrics are given to us by silkworms. Everyone loves sweet honey, which is collected in apiaries by bees.

But among the insects there are babies that a short time can kill a person. Many, in order to protect their lives, possess poison. And not always the most dangerous insects are the most poisonous.

Spiders are not scientifically classified as insects - they have 8 legs, not 6, like all insects, but poisonous spiders will be included in the list of the most poisonous insects .

Some insects do not have poison, but are capable of causing severe harm to a person, infecting him during the bite. This is a malarial mosquito, tsetse fly, "kissing" beetle, tick and many others. Therefore, it is worth being careful and respectful of the small animals of our planet.

10 Africanized Killer Bee (Apis mellifera)

But man himself contributes to the appearance of dangerous insects. In Brazil, they decided to improve the bees, create a more efficient and strong insect, doubling the production of honey.

In 1956, an Africanized bee was obtained. It is indeed stronger than usual, multiplies faster and brings more honey, but its aggressiveness is incomparable with the usual bees. At first, these bees forced out the simple ones, destroying the bee colonies. Then they began to intensively protect their territory.

Bee venom is more toxic and allergenic; a few bites can put a person in the hospital. But bees do not attack alone. They know how to call reinforcements with a kind of sound signal. Up to 5 meters in diameter from the hive, bees consider their zone and attack any moving object. The attack occurs suddenly, so it is doubly dangerous.

During swarming bees become doubly aggressive. They not only drive away from the nesting site, but are also ready long time chase after any living creature that appeared in their habitats. For aggression, the bees received an unflattering prefix - "killers".

9. Japanese hornet (Vespa mandarinia japonica)

An insect from the wasp family. The largest insect of this family. Its wingspan is up to 6 cm, the insect itself is up to 4 cm. Hornets, like wasps, live in families, feed on nectar, but they can attack other insects and eat them, even smaller ones of their own kind. The hornet's nest is similar to the hornet's nest, only larger. And he can settle near human habitation.

A sting up to 6 mm long carries a nerve-paralytic poison. The bite is very painful, most often causing an allergic reaction. In severe cases, anaphylactic shock develops. From the bite of this insect in Japan, up to 40 people per year die.

The hornet bites, protecting its nest. But huge wasps perceive any movement near their dwellings as a threat.

8. Karakurt (Latrodectus tredecimguttatus)

A small dark, almost black spider from the Black Widows genus is one of the biggest dangers for vacationers on the wild beaches of the Mediterranean, the Black Sea, Azov and the Caspian.

While karakurts are young, they are easily recognizable by red spots on a black background, then the spots disappear and the spiders turn black. Their size is small, males are about 1 cm in size, up to 2 cm - females. With the warming of the climate, karakurt was met even in the southern Urals in the Orenburg region. Karakurt is a predator, he provides his livelihood by hunting.

The bite of this little spider is 10 times stronger in effect on the human body than the bite of a rattlesnake. The danger lies in the fact that a person does not feel instant pain at the time of the bite. After 15-20 minutes, severe convulsions, shortness of breath, vomiting may begin, respiratory arrest is possible. A bitten person must be urgently delivered to a medical facility. Doctors have learned to deal with the bites of these spiders, a number of drugs have been developed that neutralize the poison of the karakurt.

7. Hairy Caterpillar of Coquette Moth (Megalopyge opercularis, Megalopyge crispata)

Moth Coquette is outwardly very beautiful and completely harmless, unlike its caterpillar, like lonomy. Distribution area - North America. The caterpillars of both moth species are covered with dense soft hairs. The opercula is especially beautiful. A charming insect that looks like a soft toy, you just want to stroke it like a fluffy kitten.

These beauties have the thinnest poisonous spikes under their thick fur. When touching the caterpillar, the tips of the spikes pierce the skin and break off. The poison continues to spread throughout the body after contact. The action of the poison leads to a disorder of the body, the lymphatic system is affected, and respiratory arrest may occur.

You should not stroke these beauties - they are touchy, and in every possible way they try to protect their integrity.

6. Spider - hermit (Loxosceles reclusa)

A small light brown or ocher spider got its name from the desire for silence and loneliness. It is distributed in the eastern United States, but there is evidence that it could enter Australia with the goods. Prefers a calm subtropical climate, it may well acclimatize in suitable places.

The spider hunts more often at night. Poison is necessary for hunting. A spider suddenly attacks a resting insect and injects a portion of poison. The venom of the recluse spider is one of the strongest toxic substances on the planet. Its properties are not fully understood.

The hermit loves warmth and dryness, therefore he settles in sheds, attics, empty summer houses, garages. It attacks if it feels threatened or if its nest is disturbed. The bite is not painful, so it may not be noticeable. After a few hours, a burning sensation is felt in the area of ​​​​the bite, tissue cells die off, and tissue necrosis begins. With the spread of poison throughout the body, failures in the work of the heart occur.

In the US, approximately 7 thousand people suffer from the bites of this baby, about 2500 of them get very serious body disorders.

5. Thick-tailed scorpion (Androctonus australis)

Scorpio is one of the oldest inhabitants of our planet. For 400 million years, these arachnids have existed, and they feel great. Predators among insects, they prefer to hunt at night. Strong front claws grab and hold prey, and the tail sting injects poison into the caught insect or small animal.

The bite of a scorpion is always unpleasant, but there are those whose poison is comparable to that of the most dangerous snakes. Meeting and contact with such an insect is very dangerous!

In the Middle East, in northern Africa, in arid regions, there is a thick-tailed scorpion, a drop of poison which can kill a person in 5-7 hours. This is a powerful animal, up to 10 cm long, dark brown or black in color. It bites a person most often in case of protection - when penetrating into his zone of influence.

The venom of a scorpion has a paralytic effect, comparable to the bite of a cobra. After a few hours, general paralysis of the muscles begins and everything can end in cardiac arrest if the antidote is not administered in time.

4. Bullet ant (Paraponera clavata)

A large dark-colored ant, up to 2.5 cm, is the most poisonous among ants. Place of residence - South America. Anthills are most often built near tree trunks, live in a colony, feed mainly on nectar, and in search of food they can move tens of meters away from their homes.

The length of the ant's sting is up to 3 mm, the poison is stored in a bag in the form of a ball with a diameter of about 2 mm. The pain from the bite of this insect is similar to the pain from a gunshot wound, so they called these ants - a bullet. And also the peculiarity of falling from above, from the branches of a tree, onto a victim and biting quite suddenly determined the name of the insect. Ants bite if they think that the approaching living creature is dangerous for the anthill.

The pain from bites lasts for a day, and sometimes longer. Poison - the strongest allergen, includes a paralytic toxin. Even a healthy person can hardly tolerate the bite of this insect. If there is an allergic reaction to the venom, the effects of the bite can be fatal.

3. Brazilian wandering spider (Phoneutria)

Most poisonous spider in the world. Among spiders, it is of medium size, its size is about 10 cm. The color is brownish or greenish, covered with short hairs. The eight-legged predator loves to change the situation, wander around different places. Permanent habitats, nests does not start. This creates an additional danger - you can meet him anywhere. Hunts mainly at night, uses poison to kill victims. Distributed in South and Central America.

The poison is one of the strongest in nature. Like many poisons in small doses, this toxin can be used for medical purposes. Poison binds muscles, paralyzes a person, after a short time, breathing stops. In case of infection, death occurs in 80% of cases. However, there is an antidote, it is only necessary to quickly deliver the bitten to the hospital.

2. Lonomia

Pretty attractive butterfly. Widespread in the jungles of South America. And not at all dangerous to humans. But her caterpillar is a completely different matter. Lonomy caterpillars hatch in a bunch, in the same way they sit on tree trunks, wonderfully disguised as moss. Moreover, they can change their color depending on the environment - on gray moss they will be gray-brown, on green - brown with green branched processes. Spotting caterpillars is extremely difficult.

The poison of lonomy is considered one of the strongest, it has a destructive effect on the blood, practically paralyzing the possibility of coagulation. When in contact with an animal, a person gets hemorrhages of the liver, a stroke. It is especially dangerous if contact has occurred with several caterpillars. The toxin has an antidote, but it can only help if introduced into the body no later than 15-18 hours after infection. Death may follow.

Rare cases of infection are due to the short time of existence - from hatching to pupation, lonomy lives for about three spring months. The caterpillar never attacks a person - poisonous processes are needed only for protection.

1. Diamphidia (Diamphidia locusta)

This is a small bug of light brown color with dark spots. Distributed in Central and South Africa. It is believed that this particular insect has the strongest poison. However, it is not the bugs themselves that are poisonous, but their larvae. African tribes have been using the poison of the larvae for a long time. Arrows treated with this toxin kill an animal of about 500 kg within a few hours. The poison retains its lethality for a year.

The toxin strikes nervous system, who received a portion of the poison, is deprived of the ability to move and breathe, therefore the meat of the killed animals is not infected, it can be eaten, it is only necessary to cut out a part of the carcass near the arrow.

Poison kills a person almost instantly, there is no antidote yet. However, death from this toxin is very rare. The larvae have an unsightly appearance and are found in remote places. They are protected, but do not show aggression towards the living world.

Poisonous but not dangerous

It is worth noting that natural insects do not seek to attack humans. Insect poison is necessary for protection or for hunting. Even the most poisonous creatures do not show any aggression towards the living world. And only killer bees bred by man seek to destroy even their own kind, just like their creator, man.