What is the dream of a black and red spider. Runs on water

  • 21.09.2019

Not only those who suffer from arachnophobia can see a spider in a dream, but also people who are not afraid of these arthropods. What do spiders mean in a dream and why do spiders dream? The interpretation of spider dreams can be different. A lot also depends on what emotions you experienced when you saw a spider in a dream: positive or negative, admiration or contempt. All this and much more will help you find the correct interpretation of your dream. All known dream books are collected here and answers are given to the most common questions that may arise after seeing the “Spider” dream.

Miller's dream book

  • What does Miller's dream book say: why do spiders dream? A dream about spiders indicates that you are active and diligent in your work, and this will definitely have a positive effect on your activities.
  • Why dream of a spider weaving a web? To the fact that your family will have peace. Why dream of killing a spider in a dream - to a quarrel with loved ones. To poison spiders in a dream - think about your behavior in relationships with loved ones.
  • spider - perhaps betrayal or failure in business. If a big spider bit in a dream, then the scale of the impending failure will be corresponding to its size. Dream Interpretation: spiders and the web on which they hang means there will be support from your friends or people close to you.
  • Miller's dream book: a big spider - there is a lot of work to be done.
  • Seeing a huge spider in a dream is a quick success or a dangerous relationship. To dream of many large spiders or to dream of many small spiders crawling towards you is good luck in business. But if a spider bites in a dream that crawled up to you, then this indicates that luck will quickly turn away from you.
  • Little spiders biting you in a dream speak of trifles that you should not pay attention to.
  • Why does a woman dream of a spider - friends. Dream: running away from a spider portends humiliating circumstances.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

  • Wangi's dream book: a spider is a warning. I dreamed of a spider, which means there will be an unpleasant conversation. I dreamed that I was bitten by a spider - you need to beware of gossip that can harm your work or even your career.
  • I dreamed of a tarantula spider - there is a person who is unfriendly to you. Dream Interpretation: a spider that attacked - someone will seek to hit you on pride.
  • A dream about spiders on Saturday speaks of an impending victory over enemies. Catch a big spider in a dream - luck will turn to face you.

Loff's dream book

  • The meaning of the dream "spider" has found its interpretation in Loff's dream book. Spiders dreamed in a dream - changes for the better are possible in work. Two spiders in a dream - there will be luck in business or business.
  • I had a dream that I was bitten by a spider - envious people will make claims to you. Why dream of running away from a spider? This dream suggests that luck can turn into humiliation.
  • Seeing a tarantula spider in a dream is respect in the service. Dream Interpretation: the tarantula spider you killed - respect at work will be ensured thanks to your efforts.
  • Seeing a big spider in a dream is a serious job. Seeing a large black spider in a dream is a difficulty in business.
  • Sleep "big spider in the mouth" prophesies you gossip. Why do a lot of black spiders dream - trouble. Why dream of a light spider - news or change. (cm. )

Freud's dream book

  • Freud's dream book: spider - subconscious fears. Freud gives his explanations of why spiders dream in a dream. Seeing a spider in a dream is worth thinking about your relationships and the fears associated with them.
  • Why does a woman dream of a big spider? Most likely, to the fact that there is a fear of being abandoned by your beloved.
  • If a woman often dreams of spiders, then she underestimates her abilities. Such ladies should overcome their fears and look at themselves from a different perspective. A black spider in a dream is a hidden resentment or fear.

Aesop's dream book

  • What does the dream in which the spider had a dream mean? I dreamed of spiders and beetles - you need to seriously think about your behavior. Aesop's dream book: interpretation of dreams "spiders" - they dream when a person is confused in his affairs. Seeing spiders and cobwebs in a dream - most likely you have met in your life a greedy and despotic person who has to obey on duty.
  • What does a big spider mean in a dream? You will have to face an insidious and cruel person. There is also the possibility that something bad is planned against you. Why do small spiders dream - to numerous minor troubles. Many small spiders in a dream can also portend an easy victory.
  • Dream Interpretation: why do spiders and cobwebs dream - this dream suggests that your boss personifies an evil person. A spider weaves a web - Aesop's dream book warns that circumstances are not in your favor. Dream: spiders and the web that you brush off portends efforts on your part to get out of a difficult task. A lot of cobwebs and spiders are dreaming, you are entangled in it - these are your affairs in which you are also entangled, as in the web. You need to concentrate and be patient in order to correctly solve all complex issues.
  • Why dream of killing a spider? Dream Interpretation: kill a spider in a dream - you will win or refute all gossip.
  • Dream Interpretation: a spider crawling over the body is a warning that someone close is plotting against you. To see a lot of spiders in a dream - you have a lot of envious people and ill-wishers.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

  • Dream Interpretation of Tsvetkov: a spider is a loss. Beetles and spiders in a dream, according to the esoteric Tsvetkov, dream of the loss of a friend or good luck. But if you have a dream - a spider weaves a web, then this is for profit. Why dream of spiders on the walls? To success in any endeavor. To kill a spider in a dream is the news that it seemed impossible.
  • Russian folk dream book: dreamed of a spider
  • Why do spiders dream and? A spider attacks in a dream - you have contacted a cruel and despotic person. To be afraid of a spider in a dream is a fear of the authorities.
  • To dream of small spiders crawling along the wall is a lot of minor troubles. Why dream of spiders on your head? You are confusing your own affairs.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

  • The meaning of spider sleep, according to Hasse, can be different. As her dream book says, spiders in a dream personify your enemies who are preparing to attack you. To kill a black spider in a dream is to defeat the enemy.
  • Dream Interpretation: a big spider is a serious enemy.
  • The dream "spider hanging on a web" screams: be careful.
  • Why dream of different spiders? For trouble or money.
  • Seeing a black spider in a dream is an evil enemy.
  • Why dream of a yellow-black big spider - problems related to money.
  • I dreamed of a red spider - a cunning enemy.
  • and spiders - gossip, rumors, slander. Why dream of a giant spider - a serious enemy. Why do spiders dream big and a lot - a conspiracy. Why do spiders dream small and a lot - unpleasant news, conversations. Why do little black spiders dream - minor troubles.

Family dream book

  • What is the dream of a spider in a dream? Dream Interpretation: spiders in a dream - there will be changes in the family.
  • What is the dream of a spider on the face? To good news.
  • The dream "spider crawling on the arm" is a dream for profit.
  • The dream "spiders crawling over the body" tells you: wait for an addition to the house, a baby will be born.
  • Dream Interpretation: a spider crawls up in a dream - to recovery. What does it mean when a spider dreams from Monday to Tuesday? This dream portends torment due to perfect deeds.
  • Dream Interpretation: a white spider in a dream - to the good news.
  • Why dream of multi-colored spiders - empty talk.
  • Why do big spiders dream in an apartment - be careful.
  • Why dream of a spider in the bathroom - gossip.
  • I dreamed of a tarantula spider - a rival or rival.
  • Dream Interpretation: dreamed of a big spider in a dream - a big change.
  • Why dream of a big hairy spider - comfort in the house. A toy spider in a dream is a lie of the second half.
  • Sleep: there are a lot of spiders in the house - they will try to break your comfort. (cm. )
  • Why dream of a huge black spider - treason, betrayal.
  • What is the dream of a spider going down - surprise, news.
  • Why average spiders dream - to a change of scenery.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

  • What does a spider mean in a dream? Psychologist Meneghetti offers a peculiar interpretation of what it means to see a spider in a dream. He claims that if spiders dreamed in a dream, then this is a sign of the presence in your life of a person who programs you for specific actions.
  • Why dream of a web without a spider? She points to a dark past.
  • Why do big spiders dream? A dream about a big spider speaks of large energy losses.
  • What is the big black spider dreaming of?
  • I dreamed of a huge black spider - there is a hidden fear in you that needs to be overcome.
  • If you dreamed of a spider that bites, you are suffering from the influence of another person.
  • The dream "spider bite in the hand" says: they are trying to manipulate you.
  • The bite of a large spider in a dream - you are dependent on a powerful person.
  • Why dream of a lot of spiders?
  • I dreamed a lot of spiders - yours negative thoughts prevent you from moving forward.

French dream book

  • Why do spiders dream? Dream Interpretation: seeing a spider is a harbinger of treason or betrayal, but the color and actions of the arthropod matter.
  • Dream Interpretation: kill a spider in a dream - financial losses are possible.
  • Dream Interpretation: to catch a spider in a dream is yours money problems will be resolved soon.
  • Spiders attacked in a dream - they are plotting against you.
  • Why do spiders and cobwebs dream? I dreamed of spiders and cobwebs - there is a risk of getting into legal trouble. I dreamed of a big spider and a web - your affairs require an urgent review. I dreamed of a lot of spiders and cobwebs - expect trouble, be on your guard.

Modern dream book

  • Dream book about spiders: I dreamed of a big spider - you are too indecisive. A spider in a dream is a sign that it's time to seriously reconsider your positions and stop avoiding difficult situations. If you constantly dream of spiders, you may have female or maternal power over you.
  • Dream "spider crawling on the arm" - good sign, perhaps a speedy fulfillment of desires or success at work.
  • Dream Interpretation: there are a lot of spiders - it all depends on their color and actions. Dream Interpretation: little spiders - get dividends or business offers. Dream Interpretation: cockroaches, spiders - profit. If there are a lot of black spiders, the dream book warns that this is for gossip or envious people. Dream Interpretation: a lot of spiders around - something is planned against you or you will find yourself in an unpleasant situation.
  • Red spiders in a dream - good luck in business. Dream: yellow spider - news. Seeing a big green spider in a dream - your hopes are in vain. Why is the brown spider dreaming? You are dominated close person. Why is the pink spider dreaming? I dreamed of a pink spider, which means that pleasant chores await you.
  • Dream Interpretation: kill a big spider - eliminate the enemy or solve the problem. Dream Interpretation: spider attacks - beware of enemies. Crushing a spider in a dream - the problem is easily resolved. In a dream, I was bitten by a spider, what is it for? Expect trouble. A dead spider in a dream is empty chores.
  • The dream "spiders in the house" says: take a closer look at your surroundings. Spiders in your mouth in a dream - you slander too much and you may have to answer for it. In a dream, a spider on a leg - beware of hasty conclusions and actions. Why dream of spiders on the body - think about your health.
  • Why dream of running spiders? If they run to you: blacks - problems, whites - news. If from you - you are too indecisive in important matters. Dream Interpretation: a flying spider is an enemy that should not be taken seriously.
  • Dream Interpretation: hairy spider - expect profit. Dream interpretation spider tarantula - you have a powerful friend. Dream Interpretation: why is the black spider dreaming? I dreamed of a black spider - they envy you. I dreamed of 2 spiders - you are facing a difficult choice. I dreamed of a poisonous spider - beware of evil tongues.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

  • What does it mean if a spider dreamed? Spider, dream book, meaning - to see a huge spider in a dream - to feel the impact from someone's side or to try to influence someone yourself. In a dream, I dreamed of a big spider on a web - a hoax.
  • Why dream of crushing a spider - conflict situations at work or personal life.
  • Dream Interpretation: spider on hand - get a gift. Why dream of a web with spiders in the house? To family comfort. Dream Interpretation: a spider descends on a web - perhaps they are building a trap for you.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

  • What is the dream of a spider descending on a web? This is a sign of illusions, which are expressed in the symbolic meaning of the web. Sleep: a big spider on a web - they are building a trap for you.
  • Sleep: a spider climbed on the stomach - the maternal principle. Perhaps an addition or care for children is coming. Flies and spiders in a dream - for profit. Sleep: a big spider is deceit. (cm. )

Noble dream book

  • What a spider means in a dream is a good event that will require preliminary work. A spider descends a web in a dream - a gift. I dreamed of beautiful cross spiders - despair in matters of the heart.
  • Dream Interpretation: a lot of spiders in a dream - your soul is closed from the environment. Dream Interpretation: running away from a spider is a humiliating passion. Interpretation of sleep spider on the body - your body is fighting the disease. What is the dream of a spider on a hand? To betrayal or profit. Why dream of crushing a spider is a nuisance.
  • Why is the big red spider dreaming or why is the big red spider dreaming? Sadistic desires are hidden in you or you have problems with blood circulation. Why dream of a blue spider - hopes for a quick profit. Why do big light golden spiders dream - to good news and good luck in business.
  • I dreamed of spiders and cockroaches - good luck in business, profit. I dreamed of a dead spider - beware of laziness. A lot of black spiders in a dream - you are surrounded by envious people. To kill a big black spider in a dream is a victory over the enemy.
  • Dream Interpretation: a spider on your head - your bad thoughts can be harmful. I dreamed of a spider on my head - rummage through your mind.
  • Why does a woman dream of a black spider - to gossip or melancholy. Why do white spiders dream of a woman - pleasant family chores. Why spiders dream of a pregnant woman - you have to be careful, this is a sign of caution. Why do spiders dream of a man - to the domination of a woman over him.
  • Why dream of a big spider descending on a web - well-being. To see a spider and a web in a dream is a close family relationship.

Gypsy dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: dreamed of a spider - there will be luck. Why dream of a big spider with a web - the prosperity of the business and the satisfaction of ambitions. Why dream of spiders sitting on a web - profit from various sources.
  • Dream Interpretation: black spider - you are striving for success on a “dark” road. Dream interpretation big white spider - you are waiting for a change for the better. Sleep spider tarantula - your work will be appreciated.
  • Worms, larvae and spiders in the hair in a dream are a dangerous love affair. Why snakes and spiders dream - patience in business will lead you to victory.
  • Dream interpretation colored spider - bright moments of life await you. Dream interpretation spider big green - a signal to pay attention to your health. Dream interpretation big yellow spider - success in your endeavors. Why dream of a big brown spider - work will bear fruit. Why the red spider is dreaming is a strong passion. Why do red spiders dream - for money.
  • Why does a girl dream of a big spider - luck or a new relationship. I dreamed of a lot of black spiders - they spread gossip about you.
  • Dream interpretation black widow spider - you are too dependent on your mother or another woman.
  • Dream interpretation afraid of a spider - miss your chance. To kill a large spider in a dream is a victory over enemies. A spider bite in a dream is a betrayal.

Muslim dream book

  • Spider in a dream - a Muslim dream book interprets this in its own way. Muslim dream book: black spider - miss some opportunity. Why is a crawling spider dreaming - your wish may come true.
  • Why dream of killing a big spider - a quarrel with a loved one. Why dream of a spider bite in the hand - to treason. Why dream of killing a black spider - you will take an advantageous position.
  • Why dream of spiders in food - expect problems. Islamic dream book: spider on the wall of the house - wait for the news. (cm. )
  • Dream Interpretation: a giant spider is a profitable business. Sleep: a large hairy spider is a gift.

English dream book

  • Seeing a spider in a dream is a nuisance. Dream interpretation big black spider - betrayal or failure. If you dream of a red spider, the dream book warns that you are in danger of some kind of dangerous meeting. Dream Interpretation: a lot of big spiders - they want to harm you.
  • If you dream of a golden spider, the dream book says that this is good luck.
  • Dream Interpretation: multi-colored spiders - chores that will be associated with different areas of your life.
  • Dream Interpretation: big brown spider - hard work.
  • Seeing black spiders in a dream - bad sign.
  • Green spider in a dream - empty talk.
  • and spiders - they spread gossip about you.
  • Sleep: there are a lot of spiders - be careful in communicating with people around you.
  • A person eats spiders in a dream - health problems.
  • Catching spiders in a dream - you yourself create problems for yourself.
  • Crushing spiders in a dream is a victory over enemies.
  • Catching a spider in a dream is a good deal. What does it mean when a spider bites in a dream - defeat, failure.
  • If in a dream a spider bit your hand - failure in business.
  • The dream "spider on the head" dreams of melancholy, depression.
  • Sleep "spider on hand" says that you will be burdened with a difficult task.
  • Sleep "spider in the hair" warns: they feed on your energy. (cm. )

Esoteric dream book

  • Seeing a big spider in a dream - trouble, tears, drunkenness.
  • The dream "beautiful spider" warns you: beware of deception.
  • The dream of "seeing spiders being killed" says that you will be able to overcome problems.
  • Feed a spider in a dream - you are surrounded by envious people.
  • Seeing a lot of small spiders in a dream is a chore.
  • Why do spiders and cockroaches dream - unpleasant events.
  • Why do black spiders dream, a lot of gossip.
  • What a big white spider is dreaming of is good news.
  • Why dream of a yellow spider - a disease.

Assyrian dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: spiders, insects in a dream - a sign of the state of your affairs.
  • Dream Interpretation: bitten by a spider on the hand in a dream - unforeseen expenses.
  • Dream Interpretation: to be afraid of a spider in a dream - your fears interfere with your business.
  • Dream Interpretation: a big red spider in a dream is a disease.
  • Dream interpretation: spider black dead big is a waste of time.
  • Dream Interpretation: a spider crawls along the leg - enemies will interfere with you.
  • Why dream of a biting spider is a bad sign. Dream Interpretation: a spider bite in the leg in a dream is a warning about danger on the road.
  • Dream Interpretation: kill a big black spider - solve an important problem.
  • Dream Interpretation: a spider in a cocoon in a dream - your enemy is hiding under the mask of a friend.
  • Dream Interpretation: Catching a poisonous black spider is a dangerous connection.
  • Swallowing a spider in a dream is a health problem.
  • Seeing a lot of spiders in a dream, why is it trouble.
  • Sleep "light spider" - a good sign, your work will be justified.
  • The dream "red spider" prophesies good luck. A huge black spider in a dream is a disaster.
  • The dream of "two big spiders" is a difficult choice.
  • Sleep with a spider carrying its egg - they will want to set you up.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

  • Why dream of spiders and insects? Spider and web - a sign of betrayal, deceit, confusion, long business.
  • Why do big spiders dream in the house - there will be trouble in the house.
  • Why dream of big spiders that bite - insidious enemies.
  • Why dream of driving away a black hairy spider - to avoid trouble.
  • A big spider in a dream is a dream book - your enemy is strong. Dream: big black spider - expect trouble.

Dream Interpretation of Azar

  • Why dream of a huge spider - a very strong and dangerous enemy.
  • Why dream of 2 spiders - you have ill-wishers.
  • Why is a flying spider dreaming - your enemy is in doubt.
  • Why do a lot of spiders dream - hard times await you.
  • spiders - you are surrounded by evil people.
  • Why dream of a beautiful spider - flattery, deception is possible.
  • Why dream of a golden spider - sometimes such a spider dreams of pregnancy.
  • Why dream of spiders and bedbugs is bad news.
  • Why dream of a big poisonous spider - a cruel enemy.
  • The child dreamed of a spider - he was tormented by fears.
  • I dreamed of a spider bite - betrayal. I dreamed of a black spider and bit it - you will be greatly harmed.
  • I dreamed of a spider on my leg - the turn of affairs is not in better side. I dreamed of a spider on my face - deception from relatives.
  • and spiders - many envy you with black envy.
  • Why dream of a spider on your back - an unexpected betrayal of a friend. Why dream of a big spider on the wall - a lie in the house.
  • Seeing a red spider in a dream is deceit.
  • The dream "a spider crawls through your hair" says that you will get confused in business due to the influence of a bad person.

Slavic dream book

  • A huge spider in a dream is a lost cause.
  • Dream Interpretation: beetles, spiders, cobwebs - intrigues are weaving against you.
  • Dream Interpretation: catching a spider is a search for a new relationship.
  • Why do spiders and cockroaches dream - a dream book portends a confusing relationship.
  • The bite of a small spider - a dream book portends a nuisance, a minor failure.
  • Dream Interpretation: to be afraid of a spider in a dream is a quarrel with a loved one.
  • A big hairy spider running away in a dream is a hidden enemy.
  • Why dream of killing a spider in a dream - a quarrel with the second half.
  • Why dream of spiders crawling over the body - to the disease.
  • Why do spiders and rats dream - financial losses.
  • Why dream of a spider attack - problems.
  • What two big spiders dream about is a difficult choice in love.
  • Why do colored spiders dream - fun in the house.
  • Why dream of a gray big spider - separation.
  • What a big yellow spider is dreaming of is good news.
  • Why dream of a big blue spider - longing, despondency.
  • A big white spider in a dream is a good sign.
  • Why dream of a spider with long legs - intrigue, gossip.
  • If you dream of a black spider with a red cross - bad health.
  • Why dream of a spider in your mouth - a slander that will harm you.
  • Why do tarantula spiders dream a lot - enemies.
  • Why dream of spider larvae - minor chores.
  • If you see a spider on the road in a dream, you are starting a dangerous business.
  • Dream Interpretation: spider on leg - they want to stop you on the way to the goal.
  • Dream Interpretation: a spider in bed - a break in relations.

Indian dream book

  • What does it mean if a spider dreamed in a dream? In a dream, I dreamed of a big spider - depending on the type and actions, it will tell about the state of affairs or family relationships.
  • I had a dream that I was bitten by a spider - a bad sign, you are influenced by a powerful person.
  • I dreamed of a lot of little spiders - there are urgent matters.
  • Why do cockroaches and spiders dream together - they want to confuse you.
  • Why dream of a spider crawling over you - the approach of a quarrel, scandal.
  • Why dream of spider eggs - gossip.
  • Why dream of a green spider - wealth acquired by hard work.
  • Why dream of dead spiders is a very bad sign.
  • Why dream of a spider in your hair - you are an energy donor.
  • Why dream of an attacking spider - an enemy.
  • Why does a spider dream about a girl - a chosen one.
  • What is the dream of a white spider - the news of the wedding.
  • Why dream of a tarantula spider - a powerful woman is nearby.
  • Why dream of a black spider - failure.
  • Sleep "golden spider" prophesies a sign from above.
  • Dream Interpretation: a spider crawls along your arm - they are trying to manipulate you.
  • Dream Interpretation: a spider has bitten a finger - harm in work from another person. (cm. )
  • Jumping spider - the dream book speaks of a sharp change in the state of your affairs.

Persian dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: a huge spider is an insidious enemy.
  • Dream Interpretation: spider eggs are the anger of your ill-wishers.
  • Dream Interpretation: a spider on the body is a disease.
  • Dream Interpretation: spider on the face - you are being deceived.
  • Spider in the hair - a dream book warns of a cunning and evil enemy.
  • Dream Interpretation: a spider on the back is a blow from a loved one.
  • Dream Interpretation: two spiders - they want to betray you.
  • Dream Interpretation: crush spiders - wave gossip.
  • Dream interpretation spiders in the house - a family scandal.
  • Spiders in the water - the dream book warns that you are wasting your time.
  • To see a black spider in a dream is a bad sign, deceit and cruelty of an evil person.
  • see in dream of the dead spider - you will be able to defeat the enemies.
  • Why do spiders big and small dream - you have a lot of enemies in the environment.
  • Why dream of stroking a spider - you will pacify someone else's anger.
  • Why dream of a big spider bite - an attack by a cruel enemy.
  • I dreamed of a big white spider - an imperious friend.
  • I dreamed of a yellow spider - flattery.
  • I dreamed of a red spider - a gift.
  • Why does a woman dream of a big black spider - betrayal.
  • Why dream of a spider with spiders - a misfortune that will entail a series of unpleasant events.
  • Why does a pregnant woman dream of a spider - the threat of miscarriage.

Love dream book

  • If spiders dreamed in a dream, be careful with the opposite sex. Why do spiders and worms dream - gossip about your personal life. Why dream of catching a spider - you dominate the relationship.
  • I dreamed of a big black spider - slander. I dreamed of a white spider - a pleasant date. Why do a lot of white spiders dream - good news from a loved one. Why does a girl dream of a big black spider - an imperious and cruel husband.
  • I dreamed of two spiders - you have to make a choice in a relationship. I dreamed of little spiders - pleasant chores. Why dream of a spider on a bed - a dangerous passion. Why dream of a black widow spider - you are subject to some woman.
  • Why dream of a toy spider - your relationship is feigned. Why dream of an orange spider - fun in the house. Why dream of killing a big black spider - a quarrel with a loved one. Bitten by a spider in a dream on the leg - you will be humiliated.
  • What does it mean to see a lot of spiders in a dream for a pregnant woman - a threat to health. Dream Interpretation: the cat ate the spider - your chosen one (chosen one) is tormented by doubts. Tear off the paws of a spider - the dream book warns of the possible failures of your half.

Dream Interpretation of Kopalinsky

  • Why do flies, spiders dream - a lawsuit, treason, betrayal. Why dream of a lot of spiders in the house - a family scandal. Why do spiders and mice dream - losses. Why dream white little spider- minor annoyances.
  • Why do big black spiders dream, a lot - you will be betrayed more than once. Why dream of a spider crawling on the floor - you will be embroiled in litigation. Why dream of killing a spider - a solution to the problem. Why dream of a big hairy spider - financial problems.
  • Why dream of spiders that bite? Dream Interpretation: a spider bites - enemies will interfere with you. I dreamed of two large spiders - a controversial matter. A pregnant woman dreamed of a spider - a threat to health.

Chinese dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: dreamed of a big spider - a profitable business. I dreamed of a huge spider - a good sign for business people. Dream Interpretation: poisonous spider - difficulties in work. Dream Interpretation: a dead spider is a missed happy opportunity. Dream Interpretation: a lot of black spiders are bad news.
  • Dream Interpretation: large spiders on the ceiling - gifts from guests. Dream Interpretation: a spider in the mouth is an unpleasant conversation. Why dream of a spider bite? Dream Interpretation: bitten by a big spider - an unexpected unpleasant incident. Bitten by a black spider in a dream - they feed on your energy.
  • Blue spider - the dream book says that this is a sign from above, it will help you the strong man who can be trusted. Dream interpretation yellow spider is a good sign. To eat a spider in a dream is to gain strength. In a dream, a white spider is chaos in business. Why dream of a big green spider - a gift from a good friend.
  • Why dream a lot of spiders? Dream Interpretation: a lot of spiders in a dream is a long job. Why do running spiders dream - a mess in business. Why dream of a spider in the water - a period of harmony awaits you. Why dream of a black and white spider - confusion.
  • and spiders - your work will bear fruit. Why dream of a hairy spider - financial well-being. Why do small spiders dream - troublesome days will come. Cut off a spider's paw - a dream book warns of senseless spending.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

  • Dream Interpretation: why a big spider is dreaming - the omission of a profitable business.
  • Dream Interpretation: bitten by a spider - betrayal.
  • Dream Interpretation: big hairy spider - do not miss the opportunity to earn.
  • Dream Interpretation: why do spiders dream a lot - enemies.
  • Why do spiders big and small dream of a lot - trouble.
  • Seeing a small spider in a dream is an empty business.
  • Dream Interpretation: there are a lot of small spiders - be more economical.
  • Dream Interpretation: spiders crawl over me - they spread gossip about you.
  • Dream Interpretation: spiders on the ceiling - a quarrel in the house.
  • Dream Interpretation: crushing a spider is a nuisance.
  • Dream Interpretation: eating a spider is a bad sign, to failure.
  • Dream Interpretation: a red spider is a good patron.
  • Dream Interpretation: green spider - temporary difficulties.
  • Black spider in a dream, why dream? Dream Interpretation: a big black hairy spider - beware of a powerful person in your environment.
  • Dream Interpretation: friendship with a spider - there is an energy vampire in your environment.
  • Dream Interpretation: the tarantula spider is a cruel enemy.
  • Dream Interpretation: a spider on the wall is a nuisance.
  • Why dream of a spider crawling on a wall is a bad sign.
  • Dream Interpretation: a black spider bit - treason.
  • Why dream: a spider has bitten? Dream Interpretation: spiders bite a lot - betrayal or intrigues of enemies.
  • Dream Interpretation: a lot of spiders on the floor - expect unpleasant guests.
  • Dream Interpretation: a beautiful spider - you are flattered.
  • Dream Interpretation: kill a tarantula spider - overcome your fear.
  • Why do big spiders dream in a dream? Dream Interpretation: watching a big spider - you yourself missed your luck.
  • Spiders and cockroaches - a dream portends money earned by hard work.
  • Sleep "dead spider" - a bad sign.
  • The dream "poisonous spider" says that you will be harmed by an evil person.
  • Being afraid of spiders in a dream is a problem with the opposite sex.
  • Why do spiders dream in a house or why do spiders dream in an apartment - to a quarrel or scandal because of people from outside.
  • Why dream of spiders on the ceiling - trouble.
  • Why dream of poisonous spiders - cruel and evil enemies. (cm. )
  • Why do falling spiders dream - they are plotting something against you.
  • Why do two spiders dream - the choice of a partner.
  • Why dream of a gray spider is a thankless job.
  • Why dream of a spider crawling over the body - a disease.
  • Why dream of a spider on a leg - a dangerous meeting.
  • Why dream of a spider in a jar - the impotence of the enemy.


Summing up all of the above, I would like to say once again that a spider in a dream dreams mostly of bad things, but, like any rule, there is also an exception here. Therefore, before looking for an interpretation of your dream, pay attention to the details of the dream.

Dreams are just an unknown world that many generations of people on earth have studied. Why spiders dream and how dream books interpret dreams with their participation: today our article is about this. We will try to analyze in as much detail as possible all the options for dreams involving spiders!

Any interpretation of sleep depends on many factors: gender, age of a person, his mental health, sleep comfort, etc. But there are main explanations for dreams, symbolizing certain changes in a person's life. They should be listened to in the same way as your inner voice.

Spiders in a dream are harbingers of good or bad news? Why do spiders dream in a dream for a woman, girl or man?

To understand what spiders dream of, you need to remember what they are in natural environment. Spiders come in black, white, red, brown and other colors. They are also different in size. But the main feature that unites all spiders living on the globe is the web. It is woven by spiders on the ground, and on the grass, and on trees, even in the air.

Many people are afraid of spiders in life, so they believe that they symbolize some kind of trouble.

In fact, if in a dream you saw an ordinary spider, you will soon become successful person although it will take a lot of effort to do so. So the spider will bring you happiness, but only thanks to your personal efforts and diligent work.

big spider

Dream Interpretation: the meaning of a dream about a big spider. What is the harbinger of such a dream?

It happens that a huge spider comes into a dream, and even with a web. He weaves and weaves, and a person wakes up and does not know whether to cry in horror or rejoice. Indeed, why dream of a big and scary spider? It turns out that it portends serious luck in all your endeavors and projects. Higher power support you with this message. You can safely start any business and everything will turn out favorably.

But if you suddenly saw a large cross-spider in a dream, then this is a warning about an upcoming problem. You will find yourself in a dead end and complete despair. But you should not give up, you need to get out of life's labyrinths, no matter what it costs you. The appearance of a cross in a dream warns you and encourages you to fight.

If you have an unpleasant aftertaste from a dream with a big spider, then you will have a conflict with a big person, perhaps your boss. It is associated in your imagination with a spider that “drinks blood” from you like a fly.

It is very unpleasant to feel contact with a large spider in a dream, because a person’s dislike for these insects is stored subconsciously. Contacts with a spider are different and are also explained in different ways:

  • A huge spider that has made its nest on your head speaks of your inexplicable fantasies that you need to fight and live a full life.
  • Fighting a giant spider in a dream will not bring you anything good. You are prone to unbridled passion, which drives you crazy and does not allow you to develop. Do not succumb to temptations, because soon you will be exposed and disgraced in public.
  • The big spider gave you a chase, from which the heart stops even in a dream. Some kind of horror! But in fact, you are overcome by sinful desires. Try to get rid of them as soon as possible, otherwise you will be ashamed of your actions in front of loved ones.

Spider web in a dream

  • A huge spider weaving a web indicates the complete well-being and prosperity of your home and your family. You have a profitable time of prosperity and harmony.
  • A simple web in a dream always brings prosperity to the house.
  • But if the web has a certain color, then you can get seriously ill, so do not hesitate - take care of your health.
  • If you want to remove the web from your path, it means that you are determined, but you cannot avoid problems.
  • By breaking the web, you defeat your enemies and your doubts.

Interpretation variations depending on the color

Find out the meaning of sleep: “what does a big spider dream of” in our article

Black spider

Spiders come in different colors, but why a black spider is dreaming, you need to figure it out. After all, black already looks menacing. Basically, it is.

  • If you dreamed of a black spider, no matter big or small, this already speaks of trouble. You will fall into the epicenter of lies, deceit and gossip. You will have a very sad period in your life with negative emotions. But nothing - and this can be experienced. The main thing is not to get depressed after sleep!
  • If there are a lot of black spiders, then expect trouble in the family. Someone is clearly jealous of your happiness!
  • If a woman dreams of black spiders, then she should not worry - this is to complete family prosperity. And if these black spiders also weave their web, then soon your house will become a full bowl, and you will not need anything!

white spider

Spiders white color we meet much less often, but in dreams they are like that. Why the white spider is dreaming is not entirely clear. In general, its color already indicates a good value. There are several versions and interpretations of sleep:

Big black spider

A person has long needed to free his mind from various phobias in relation to spiders. Although it doesn’t hurt to figure out what the big black spider is dreaming of.

  • If in a dream a big black spider overtakes you, you don’t have to run away from problems. It is worth waking up in the morning and taking on their decision calmly and judiciously, otherwise you will be ashamed of your weakness.
  • If you managed to kill a huge black spider in a dream, then the situation in society may change for the better. But if the spider rises and starts chasing you again, then you can get sick or lose all your achievements.
  • A large web woven by a black spider expresses the true face of an imaginary friend. Soon the web will fall and you will be able to get to know the hypocrite better.
  • A black spider will bite in a dream, which means you will quarrel with a work colleague.
  • If a woman dreamed of a big black spider, then she should watch her tongue so as not to lose her reputation.

brown spider

The color of the spider accurately indicates your problem. If you are wondering what the brown spider is dreaming of, then check the quality of your products. Maybe you have food poisoning.

A small brown spider crawling under your clothes indicates impending troubles.

If the spider has a dark color Brown, then people treat you like a careless person and you should think about your appearance.

A light brown spider announces unexpected changes in your plans.

To see a brown spider on the bed means that a loved one is unhappy sexual relations with you, but does not want to admit it.

Fear of a big furry brown spider in a dream speaks of the appearance in your life of a person who incites horror.

red spider

Even more amazing in nature is the red spider. It is very rare, but why does the red spider dream:

  • A red or yellow spider in a dream warns a person of a serious problem with the heart or blood vessels. You need to take care of your health immediately.
  • A red spider portends news and not always good.
  • The red spider symbolizes troubles in the family, for married woman even a divorce.
  • If a girl dreamed of a red spider, then she would be left alone for a long time.
  • A red spider in the palm of your hand indicates an upcoming gift from an unpleasant person. There will also be bad gossip about you.
  • Running small red spiders symbolize the chores that will upset your nervous system.

Why dream a lot of spiders?

If you dreamed of a white spider in the house and you killed it, what does such a dream mean?

If there are many, many different spiders in a dream, then certain conclusions must be drawn in one's professional activity.

Why do spiders dream, a lot of spiders that swarm and eat each other?

  • Most likely, this completely paints a picture of your business, where competitors are devouring each other. While they are having a showdown, you will be in the winners.
  • When a lot of spiders weave a web around you, then expect favorable changes in life, where your friends will always be with you.
  • If the experience of sleeping with a lot of spiders is unpleasant, then you need to beware of the mean and low people around you. They are ready for any intrigue to get their way.
  • For a man, a lot of spiders in a dream means that his love affairs have gone too far. Offended women are capable of cruel revenge.

Other sleep options

little spider

The interpretation of sleep with small spiders also depends on their number, size, color.

Why do small spiders dream, just like big ones?

  • Little spiders that appeared in a dream predict a lot of problems for you that do not give any benefit.
  • But if you dreamed of small white spiders, then you need to rush to the aid of relatives who are embarrassed to openly ask you for help.
  • Little spiders in a man's dream speak of his status as a womanizer.
  • If little spiders crawl everywhere and block even daylight from you, then hurry to overcome your depression, otherwise it will alienate you from relatives and friends.
  • When small spiders massively accumulate in a certain place on your body, it is worth paying attention to the condition internal organs in this place. Spiders warn of a serious illness of the organ, but also of its speedy recovery. The body fights itself, don't worry!

Kill a spider in a dream

In general, spiders are not only unpleasant insects, but they also bite. Humans have a subconscious fear of arthropods. Therefore, even in a dream, we try to get rid of them. Why dream of killing a spider?

If a spider bit you in a dream, then this is a symbol of your enemy or an evil person who wants to annoy you.

The next possible image in a dream will cause a desire to crush the spider. Of course, such an attempt means obstacles and difficulties on your way, which you are trying in vain to overcome. If you still kill the spider, you may be able to overcome worst enemy in life.

If a spider dies under your hand, then it does not mean anything good. You will soon quarrel with loved ones, and maybe even get a divorce.

Killing a spider in a dream often means an unexpected loss of money.

huge spider

Spiders of huge sizes in a dream should not be afraid at all. In most cases, such spiders dream of good events. A huge spider portends career growth and praise from your superiors for your diligence at work.

To find out why a huge spider is dreaming, you need to determine all the circumstances in which he dreamed.

  • If the spider is on the web, then there will be happiness and prosperity in your family.
  • The bite of a huge spider will lead you to a quarrel with your loved one.
  • If you are surrounded by a lot of huge spiders, then in life you have true friends and you have excellent health.
  • Many huge spiders descend to you along the web - you will soon have favorable circumstances for solving many issues.
  • If you stumbled upon a huge spider in a dream, then success and recognition in society await you.
  • A huge spider that has bitten you warns of the betrayal of people close to you.

Interpretation of dreams in various dream books

Egyptian dream book

The spider is a sign of distant news. Possible letters or messages from distant relatives or old acquaintances. To see a lot of spiders - to learn a lot of new things, a flow of unfamiliar information, confusion. Web - complex tasks, questions without answers.

A person who has such a dream will soon receive a lot of information that will help to sort out controversial issues. Spiders are a positive symbol, especially if you see them on the web - this promises quick material profit.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

Many spiders on the web - build a career. Many randomly swarming spiders - forced to starve, beg. Many spiders attacking you - you have to ask for the protection of strong people from your environment.

The spider symbolizes diligence and creation. A spider in a dream means an improvement in your well-being through diligence, diligence and hard work. A spider descending on the web will bring you a pleasant surprise. Weaving a web promises harmony and prosperity.

Russian dream book

The spider and the web personify a person’s fear of dependence on his partner, when, on the one hand, the thought of breaking up relations with subsequent loneliness is unbearable, and on the other hand, the need to “dissolve” in another person is painful.

You have finally completed the time-consuming and lengthy process of creating your living space. It was done at the right time and in the right place. Now you just have to reap the fruits of what you have done. But don't rest on your laurels!


Spiders generally come to dreams of insecure people. To draw the right conclusions, you need to start changing your life. But why do spiders dream in the house? After all, you do not live alone in the house, most often with people close to you.

  • The spider is a symbol of maternal power that supports the whole family.
  • If a spider crawls along the wall in your dream, it means that very soon all your plans will come true.
  • A spider weaving a web brings happiness, prosperity and peace to the house, and even money.
  • If a spider fell on his face in a dream, then soon a newborn baby will appear in the house.
  • I just dreamed of a spider - to the guests in the house.

Although spiders in life and in dreams cause us negative emotions, pay attention to their symbolic meaning. Most often in our dreams, a spider is a good omen.

To be sure of the good news, analyze your state after sleep. If you woke up in a cheerful mood, it means that no evil harbingers will overshadow your life.

Our experts will help you find out what the red Spider is dreaming of in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

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    Hello! Please help me interpret this little dream. I see my feet in slippers. I start to take them off and small red spiders jump out onto the floor. There are so many of them (I'm afraid of them in real life), and they all jump out and jump out on the floor. I try to slam one and what I see is that before my eyes they all, as if on command, turn into a red spring, a spiral. I see that among the red spiders there were also black ones. from living spiders they turned into inanimate spirals, like toy steels. And then the alarm clock woke me up. A strange dream ... But in a dream I experienced both horror, fear for them, and some interest. I wonder what my subconscious mind wants to tell me? Thank you in advance!

    hello !!! today I dreamed of a huge red spider on long legs, in a dream we were with my husband, but he only jumped on me (((on my head, on my shoulders ... .. I screamed to my husband to get him away from me !! I’m pregnant now, I’m very worried about this unusual dream! Thank you very much in advance if you help me figure it out!

    my friend saw a small red spider on her hand (I don’t remember who) threw it on the floor and started to crush it. We thought that she crushed it, but it suddenly came to life and became bigger. I started to run away from us and hid under the floor. I'm afraid of spiders, I started to run away from the house to the street. When I turned around, I saw that he was catching up with me, jumping after me with big jumps. I started screaming in panic. Then I saw some guy and it turned out. this spider is guarding this guy. he crawled onto his arm and froze.

    I dreamed that I was holding a very large spider in my hands - with a red abdomen, a black head and black long legs. It is slightly larger than the palm. I show it to my friends, persuade them to pet it or pick it up, explain that it is harmless. People look at me very tensely, they are not happy with the spider, they are afraid of it, but someone touches it to give me pleasure. In the process, I suddenly realize that the spider is dangerous, poisonous and bites painfully. And I either have something like an agreement with him, or he is trained ... But I still begin to experience tension: some fear and disgust for the animal. When those who want to communicate with the spider run out, I put it on the ground, somewhere on the lawn. And I say something like "bravo, well done, and now go, free." And I'm leaving. But along the way I meet some other acquaintance, I remember that she works either in a zoo, or in a terrarium, and that’s what I need to give my spider to! It’s not a fact that he will be fine in the wild, it’s better to let him live under the supervision of a specialist. I run back, only to find that the people I showed the spider to, as soon as I left, crushed it. I look at the crushed spider and feel a mixture of guilt and disgust.

    Hello! Please help me interpret the dream: in a dream I wake up from an incomprehensible touch, opening my eyes I see a huge red-black spider with white stripes in front of me, he stroked my face with his paws, and periodically released his claws

    Good afternoon. I had a dream Thursday to Friday. I am attacked by snakes (cubes) of different colors (dark, yellow, red), bite for right hand, I drop them and crush them with my foot (I kill them). After that, 2 spiders jumped on the same hand, one black, the other red, and also bit them very painfully, I also dropped them and crushed them.

    A red spider crawled past me, I'm afraid of spiders, after I told my husband about it and he killed him, but at first I didn't want to kill him, my 3 year old son just came up and I was scared for him that the spider would bite him

    i dreamed of a black spider on the back of a red-yellow pattern. he was poisonous like a scorpion. he wanted to bite me but threw the poison into the air. I wanted to kill him but he bit me and there was no poison then he ran upstairs and hid and I couldn't get him

    Went down to the basement. I wanted to turn on the light, and there was a spider, not black, but some kind of brown-red. He began to jump, fell to the floor and quickly crawled towards me and I woke up! There were many doors in the basement!

    I dreamed of a dry raspberry bush and bypassing it I came across a web with three spiders, but I noticed this when this web was already on me (and the web was roundly woven and not damaged anywhere), the spiders were calm and I carefully removed them from myself along with the web, one of the spiders was brown-yellow, I don’t remember the second, after removing the web from myself, I found a third fart small size and red, so she took it off without difficulty. During this dream, I was not afraid of spiders and did not scream.

    Good afternoon! i dreamed that in the room where I was and 2-3 other people a spider was running, for some reason his body was red, he ran across the floor, and then he suddenly ended up on my leg and seemed to even bite me .... I I threw it off as best I could and it seemed to work out. I woke up in a terrible nightmare. Please explain what is it? Thank you!


    Hello! I don't remember my dream specifically. But I remember a red spider, most likely it was a tarantula. It was clearly different from everything and was red, even bright red. But I wasn't afraid of him. I stood still looking at him, and thought that I had never seen such a tarantula before. He just stood, even stood sideways. after a while he left!
    Look like that's it. I will be glad if you interpret this unusual dream!

    There is a small red spider in the room at first. After a while I see one bright red spider, then another one, they strongly cling to things, I try to unhook them, one of them is clinging to me. But there weren't many, two at the most. Then I see a scorpion sitting on the curtain - the usual greenish indefinite color, I shout that "This is an epidemic, it's better to get out of here" and my wife and I leave the room.

    I had a dream that Borya went to live in the Crimea to work, and I flew to him for a ride, he had a hotel with spiders, there were a lot of red spiders that touched terribly, and you got married, I just saw you in a dress, but for some reason for my friend childhood, Reese was also in a dream, he swam constantly and called me on Skype, he told me something, but Kostya, as usual, was not to be found, a madhouse in general, you eventually figured out how to kill spiders, and your wedding dress was like at a wedding, your hair back removed under the veil, such a strict hairstyle)

    At first I dreamed it felt like someone was crawling under the dress, I began to shake it off, and I saw a medium-sized spider fall, but of an unusual burgundy color, then I saw a second spider of the same kind on the floor, I began to slap it with a slipper, trying to kill, spanked, hit, he was gone, but I didn’t see him dead, which was strange, because I hit him several times. I woke up on this in great excitement.

    First, there were 8 small red spiders sitting on the ceiling, my friends were lying on the dip under them, so to speak, then we are going to go outside, they seem to have been removed from the ceiling, but these are already large sulfur spiders and they are very verbose in a bunch, I say, you need to remove them somewhere, otherwise they will scatter throughout the apartment and cover them with a bag, a big pile somewhere waist-deep, maybe a little lower. I can’t clean it myself, I don’t like insects. All

    I was attacked by a spider with a big red belly, not furry. I threw him off me many times, and he jumped on me again. the last time I threw it far away and woke up. except for the red spider, there were no bright colors, it happened in some kind of darkness.

    I was in some kind of house, I only remember that we were sitting and smoking with a person I didn’t know, but in a dream I talked with him freely, there was still a boy of about 7 when we finished smoking we went to the hall by that time his wife and my parents had already arrived we sat down at the table after dinner, we were going to go to bed, they told me to sit down and I saw how out of the chair there was an old chair with fabric upholstery, so bunches of them crawled out from under the upholstery, there were a lot of bunches, as if they dropped a jar, they were black with a red belly, red streaks were visible and one clung to my leg I tried to shake it off it didn’t work the tenacious arthropod continued to sit then I used the carpet and wiped it on the carpet this is the last thing I remember

    I dreamed of a spider crawling on the floor. Then he began to crawl over my dad, I threw him off. Then I had a blanket on the floor, apparently it fell and the spider crawled there, I was scared because how I would need to hide myself with this blanket .But then he crawled under the parent's bed. And that's it.

    Hello, this night, from Friday to Saturday, I had a dream.
    In the garden, it seems, in the village, I was with my brother. I saw a big, red spider there (with the size of a middle finger, in general, a big spider) I don’t remember much more, I was probably scared and everything was in a dream.
    Notes: I’m really afraid of spiders, sometimes I think about them, well, so that no spider crawls into the house) And recently I sometimes worry about my enemies, about 2 months ago an unpleasant situation happened a little, a close friend set me up, but since then we didn’t communicate anymore, and now I’m thinking it happens that there will be some kind of trick from him, whatever meanness.
    Is this dream connected with my enemies, is everything good or bad?

    Hello. The action took place in the apartment that we are renting, a bright red spider pulled out my things, I tried to kill him, but after the impact, he emitted sparks and did not die, asked my husband, he didn’t succeed either, I threw a knife at him but missed then threw an ax, he stuck on the floor, I pulled him out and at that moment the spider fell on its back and I realized where its weak point was and hit the white belly with an ax and woke up

    A spider lives in my apartment, the day before yesterday I noticed that he was gone
    On the same day I dreamed that in my room, above computer desk there is a spider with a large body, square in shape, I talked to him about something, making it clear that he is safe
    Then, in a dream, 2 new details appeared, such as elongated capsules, reminiscent of the durian fruit with their protruding, non-sharp spines. These capsules were some kind of pumpkin color and the size of a quail egg, I could see their contents. There were a lot of small spiders there. Later, under some circumstances, I carry these capsules in my hands (there are 2 capsules in one hand, this red spider sits on the other), I drop them on the floor and the capsules break, the spiders start to spread free
    A sharp disgust begins to appear in me and I crush this red spider on my arm and begin to stomp the scattered spiders with my feet.

    Today (from Saturday to Sunday) I dreamed of a big dark spider with red bulging eyes. He ran up the wall of my apartment. I was not afraid of him and wanted to kill him with a slipper, he ran away, but another ran from the same area where the first one ran, this second spider was an ordinary dark one and his eyes were normal like all spiders I began to try to kill him with a slipper but now I don’t remember did she kill him. I see spiders in a dream for the first time, but the dream was like in reality, I had a dream in the morning. Larisa

    I had a very unpleasant dream, a feeling that everything happened in reality, that I didn’t even fall asleep. A huge red spider was slowly descending from the ceiling on a web, and instead of 8 legs it had 6, when it descended it strongly clicked with chelicerae.
    I immediately threw up the blanket and, as if on the fly, wrapped the spider in it (and this was in reality and in a dream), after which I threw it on the floor. In the dark, I saw how he showed half of his body, after which he turned on the light and he was not there. In a dream, I seemed to have lost the border between dream and reality, this had never happened before.

    Today I was fat in the floor sleep because I had to get up early. At first I dreamed of some kind of film with actors, then in their place was me and my two sisters, one of my age, and the other was 4 years old. They brought me to a 2-storey house, earlier my sister told me a story when one grandfather killed a girl, we went to this house, my sister showed me what was inside. After that, the most disgusting thing happened, a merry web on which a large red spider was merry, with thin legs and a body, but a large back body.

Seeing a spider in a dream means that you will be attentive and active in your work, and good luck will thank you for this.

To see a spider weaving its web in this means that you will be calm and happy in your home.

To kill a spider in a dream portends that you will quarrel with your wife or lover.

If a spider bites you in a dream, you will become a victim of betrayal, and your work will suffer through the fault of your enemies.

If you see in a dream that you are surrounded by a lot of spiders hanging on their webs, this promises you an unusually favorable combination of circumstances: good health, good luck, support from your friends.

To dream that you have stumbled upon a web with a huge spider means, despite dangerous connections, quick success in life.

A dream in which very large and very small spiders are approaching you at the same time means that you will succeed in business and will rejoice at your immense luck more than once; however, if a huge spider bites you in a dream, the enemies will steal your luck. If a small spider bites you, then minor attacks and envy will bother you.

If you dream that you are running away from a big spider, it means that luck will leave you under circumstances that are humiliating for you. If you kill this spider, then perhaps you will take a worthy position. However, if he later comes to life and again chases you, then you will be oppressed by illness and the volatility of fortune.

If a girl dreams that golden spiders are crawling around her, then her happiness is just around the corner and soon new friends will surround her.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Interpretation

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Seeing a spider in a dream means that you will be attentive and active in your work, and good luck will thank you for this.

To see a spider weaving its web in this means that you will be calm and happy in your home.

To kill a spider in a dream portends that you will quarrel with your wife or lover.

If a spider bites you in a dream, you will become a victim of betrayal, and your work will suffer through the fault of your enemies.

If you see in a dream that you are surrounded by a lot of spiders hanging on their webs, this promises you an unusually favorable combination of circumstances: good health, good luck, support from your friends.

To dream that you have stumbled upon a web with a huge spider means, despite dangerous connections, quick success in life.

A dream in which very large and very small spiders are approaching you at the same time means that you will succeed in business and will rejoice at your immense luck more than once; however, if a huge spider bites you in a dream, the enemies will steal your luck. If a small spider bites you, then minor attacks and envy will bother you.

If you dream that you are running away from a big spider, it means that luck will leave you under circumstances that are humiliating for you. If you kill this spider, then perhaps you will take a worthy position. However, if he later comes to life and again chases you, then you will be oppressed by illness and the volatility of fortune.

If a girl dreams that golden spiders are crawling around her, then her happiness is just around the corner and soon new friends will surround her.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Interpretation

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