Be physically strong. Strong people and problems of strong people

  • 24.09.2019

People are not born physically strong, and no one is gifted from birth with incredible fortitude. Psychological strength appears over time in people who choose self-development as a priority. In addition to avoiding things that can interfere with them, strong-willed people develop good habits that support their psychological state.

Here are 8 of the things mentally resilient people do every day.

1. Use their psychic energy wisely

It is very easy to get distracted by a lot of unimportant and useless things during the day. Mentally stable people prefer to use their time and energy carefully. They devote their efforts to what matters most to them in order to achieve their goals.

2. Review their negative thoughts

Everyone has negative thoughts sometimes, but psychologically strong people do not allow them to restrain or weaken them. Instead, they respond to their pessimistic expectations and harsh criticism with more productive internal dialogue. They keep themselves motivated by treating themselves like trusted friends or helpful coaches.

3. Strive to achieve their goals

Mentally strong people set clear personal and professional goals that have meaning and purpose. They forego immediate pleasures, remembering their long-term goals, and see obstacles as tasks, not as barriers to success.

4. Keep track of your progress

Strong people reflect daily on how far they are progressing towards their goals. They take the time to evaluate what they are doing well and what areas they need some improvement in. They hold themselves responsible for their mistakes and constantly strive to improve.

5. Tolerate discomfort for big goals.

While some people are willing to go to great lengths to avoid any stress, others endure pain just to prove that they are strong. Strong people endure discomfort when it is necessary to achieve their goal. Whether they are exercising in spite of being tired or performing in public despite being very excited, they use their suffering to.

6. Develop a sense of gratitude

You can't be at your best if you insist that you deserve more. Strong people recognize that they already have everything they need. They consider themselves lucky enough and grateful for all things, big and small.

7. Balance emotions with logic

Mentally strong people know that their experiences play an important role in how they perceive and behave. They pay attention to how emotions can influence their judgments, and carefully balance them with logic to make the most sense. best solutions.

8. Live by their values

While it's tempting to build your self-worth on the basis of comparing yourself to others and competing with them, mentally strong people don't get distracted by such things. They focus on living up to their values ​​and doing their best, no matter the circumstances. At the end of the day, they don't ask themselves if they've beaten everyone today. Instead, they are more likely to ask themselves if they were true to their principles today.

Illustration: Elena Lishanskaya

Our thoughts form actions, actions form habits, and habits form character. Thus, we literally create ourselves.

And here are 13 things mentally strong people don't do:

1. They don't waste time feeling sorry for themselves.

Mentally strong people won't sit back and complain about circumstances and rant about how they've been wronged. They take responsibility for their role in life and accept the fact that life is not always easy or fair. If the situation was not the most pleasant, they may well respond with the phrase "Well, okay."

2. They do not lose power over themselves

They don't let others control them, and they don't give someone else power over them. They understand that they are experiencing the situation with their own emotions, and they decide how to respond. They realize that their strength lies in the ability to control their reactions.

3. They don't run from change.

Mentally strong people don't try to avoid change. Instead, they greet them and are always ready to respond appropriately. Their biggest fear, so to speak, is to get stagnant and lose the taste of life. The environment of change brings out the strongest traits in these people.

4. They don't waste energy on things they can't control.

You won't hear a mentally strong person complaining about lost luggage, traffic jams, or other people because they understand that these factors are out of their control. Instead, they focus on what they can control, and often this is just their attitude to what is happening. And they skillfully use it.

5. They don't try to please everyone.

There are people who are always trying to please everyone. There are people who go against everyone and thus try to assert their "strength". None of these methods are acceptable. Mentally strong people recognize that they don't have to please everyone all the time. They are not afraid to say “No” or to protest if necessary. They strive to be fair, but they respect their time and know how to politely decline the request of another.

6. They are not afraid to take calculated risks.

They do not take reckless or foolish risks, but they are not afraid to take calculated risks. Mentally strong people weigh risk and reward before making an important decision, and carefully collect information about potential losses before taking action.

7. They don't dwell on the past.

Mentally strong people don't waste time thinking about the past and how things could have been different. They acknowledge their past and learn from it. However, they do not relive bad moments again and again and do not remember the days of past glory. Instead, they live in the present and plan for the future.

8. They don't make the same mistakes over and over.

We all know what stupidity is, right? Making the same decisions over and over and hoping it will work out better this time. Mentally strong people take responsibility for their behavior and learn from their mistakes. As a result, they do not repeat mistakes many times. Instead, they move on and make better decisions in the future.

9. They don't envy other people's successes.

Mentally strong people can appreciate and rejoice in other people's successes in life. It is very important. They don't get jealous or feel cheated when others outdo them (but will take note of their experience). Instead, they recognize that success comes from hard work, and they are willing to work hard for their own success.

10. They don't give up after the first failure.

Every defeat is a chance to do better. Even the best entrepreneurs admit that their early attempts led to a large number failures. Mentally strong people are willing to persevere and keep trying until they succeed, if each such failure moves them closer to the goal.

11. They are not afraid of loneliness

Mentally strong people enjoy and even appreciate the moments when they can be alone. They are not afraid to be alone with their thoughts and use this time to reflect and plan. They do not depend all the time on other people and their moods. They can be happy with others, but they can also be happy alone.

12. They don't think the whole world owes them

Mentally strong people don't feel entitled to everything in this life. They were not born knowing that others would take care of them or that the world had something to give them. Instead, they look for opportunities based on their own merit and ability.

13. They don't expect instant results.

Whether they're working to improve their health or start a new business, mentally strong people don't expect instant results. They invest their energy and time in certain doses and celebrate every achievement in their business. They have the "gift of endurance" and understand that qualitative changes take time.

You will never see strong-willed people complaining that things didn't work out. in the best way or that someone has treated them dishonestly. They have learned to take responsibility for decisions taken and the results obtained and are well aware that life is often unfair.

They come out of difficult situations with a clear understanding of what they did wrong and gratitude for the lessons they learned. When something doesn’t work out for them, they say, “Next time.”

2. Letting others control you

Mentally strong people know that they always control their actions and emotions, and will not allow outsiders to interfere in this matter - this is their strength, their advantage.

3. Run from change

They are not afraid and accept the challenges of fate with dignity. They are not afraid of the unknown. Their main fear is to freeze in place and not move forward. They know that any change is always a chance to become better and change the world around.

4. Wasting your energy on things you can't change

Mentally strong people don't complain about traffic or losing their luggage. They don't complain about other people because they understand that other people are out of their control.

They realize that there are situations where the only thing they can control is their own attitude and reaction.

5. Strive to be good to everyone

Do you know people who try to please everyone? Or those who are willing to give up their interests to please others? None of these behaviors are correct.

A strong-willed person tries to be kind and fair. He may say something that will please others, but he is never afraid to sincerely express his point of view. Even if he knows that his opinion can offend someone, he will still do it.

6. Be afraid of justified risk

Mentally strong people are willing to take justified risks. This is the exact opposite of throwing yourself headlong into the pool without first analyzing the situation.

Strong-willed people carefully consider the risks and rewards before making a decision, they are able to look at the whole situation and even imagine the worst outcome.

7. Being obsessed with your past

Not everyone can let go of their past, admit that there were people in it who can no longer be corrected. But strong-willed people can do it. They know that it is useless to complain about their past or cherish it. Instead, they put all their energy into making their present and future better.

8. Making the same mistakes over and over

If a person repeats the same actions, hoping to get a better result, this is madness.

Mentally strong people take responsibility for their past actions and are willing to learn from their mistakes so they don't repeat them in the future.

9. Envy someone else's success

Only strong man able to genuinely rejoice in the success of others. Mentally strong people know how to do this, they do not envy other people's victories, but work hard on themselves to become the best.

10. Give up after failure

Every failure is a chance to get better. Many successful people are ready to admit that their first steps on the road to success were not easy and brought a lot of disappointment. Mentally strong people are ready for the fact that they will have to suffer many defeats, but at the same time they know that each failure will bring invaluable experience and lessons that will bring them closer to victory.

11. Fear of being alone

Mentally strong people know how to enjoy solitude and know how valuable it is. They use this time to reflect and plan. This does not mean that they avoid the company of other people or do not need it at all, but they are self-sufficient: their mood and happiness do not depend on other people.

12. Thinking the world owes us something

Mentally strong people know that, despite their accomplishments, the world doesn't owe them anything: not a big salary, not a social package, not a comfortable life.

They understand that if you want to get at least something, you need to plow every day.

13. Expect immediate results

It doesn’t matter if it’s a diet or starting a new business, strong-willed people initially tune in to the fact that they have a long way to go. They wisely spend their time and energy and never forget to celebrate their results at each stage. They are resilient and understand that worthwhile change comes with time.

We all reach a critical point in life when our psychological strength is tested. It can be problems with friends or colleagues, a difficult job or a difficult relationship. Whatever the challenge, you need to stay strong and take action if you want to move on. Sounds simple. Everyone wants to have good friends Good work And good family. But in reality, this is difficult to achieve. Such is human psychology. It is difficult for us to continue to fight when the result is not obvious. Not everyone can break the pattern of behavior and start moving in a completely different direction. That is why truly strong people stand out in the crowd.
What for the rest is an insurmountable barrier, for them is only a test that can be overcome. You can be that person too! You just need to acquire habits that strengthen your psychological strength. Distinctive features strong people- properties that you can develop in yourself.

Emotional intellect

Psychological strength is determined by emotional intelligence. You can't be a mentally strong person if you don't understand negative emotions, you do not know how to manage them and achieve a productive result in spite of everything. The moments in which your psychological strength is tested also test your emotional intelligence. It is a flexible skill that you can develop with conscious effort. All the most successful people high emotional intelligence. It is relatively rare: only thirty-six percent of people are able to recognize what emotions they are experiencing.


A mentally strong person knows that his beliefs greatly influence whether he succeeds. It's not just a matter of motivation, it's real fact. Researchers have found that more confident people earn more and move up the corporate ladder faster. True confidence is always noticeable, it is not to be confused with the false one that people use to hide their fears. Psychologically strong people are able to inspire others with their confidence, so everything in their life is going better.

Ability to refuse

Scientists have found that those people who find it difficult to refuse others experience more stress. Psychological strength allows you to refuse when it is appropriate. You just lack the self-esteem and communication skills to get your rejection across. A strong person does not disguise refusal with uncertainty, he refuses calmly. He understands that this gives him the opportunity to perform those tasks that are interesting to him. In addition, psychological strength helps to deny yourself. Such a person does not want to act impulsively.

Ability to neutralize problem people

Dealing with unpleasant people is difficult for most of us. A morally strong person knows how to control communication with toxic interlocutors and monitors his own emotions. He does not allow anger or irritation to rule the situation. In addition, a strong person is always able to understand someone else's point of view and find mutual language. Even when the situation gets out of hand, moral strength helps to stay on the sidelines and not let negativity ruin your life.

Ability to accept change

Mentally strong people are flexible and adapt easily. They know that the fear of change only hinders and becomes an obstacle to success. Such a person is ready for change and easily creates a plan of action. Only when you are ready for change do you get the good out of it. You must be open to what is happening, and this will help you.

Prepare for failure

Moral strength helps to cope with failure, because such a person understands that it is impossible without mistakes. Mistakes help you move towards success. Sometimes the biggest breakthrough comes in a moment of desperation.

The ability not to live in the past

A mentally strong person knows that what he focuses on determines his emotional state. If you think only about the problems that surround you, you suffer from negative emotions and stress, which reduces your productivity. If you focus on actions that will help you improve yourself and your situation, you will feel more positive and productive. Moral strength helps to distance yourself from your mistakes, but not to forget them.

Lack of desire to compare yourself to others

A morally strong person does not evaluate everyone around him. He does not need to humiliate someone to feel his own importance. Envy and regret deprive you of energy for life. Instead of wasting time on them, learn to appreciate those around you and learn from them. When you respect someone else's success, you only win.

Regular workouts

Studies have shown that people who exercise twice a week feel more competent socially, intellectually, and physically. They value themselves higher and raise their self-esteem. Finally, physical changes in the body help them to be more confident, and this is the key to moral strength. It turns out that if you want to become mentally stronger, start training your body!

Enough sleep

The importance of sleep for moral strength cannot be overemphasized. When you sleep, the brain gets rid of toxic proteins that are by-products of neural activity. It only happens in dreams. If you don't rest, proteins stay in your brain cells and stop you from thinking. A mentally strong person knows that his self-control and focus suffer from a lack of rest, so sleep is his priority. Keep this in mind and always try to allow yourself to rest.

Positive attitude towards what is going on

If you follow the news, it becomes clear that war, cruelty and failure do not stop. It seems like the world is collapsing. Who knows, maybe it really is. But you should not panic if you cannot control what is happening. Instead, focus your energy on your own productivity. This will allow you to successfully move forward and not succumb to negative thoughts. This approach distinguishes a strong psychological person.

People who have failed, suffered a loss, or are in a difficult situation are usually told: “Be strong!”. Of course, implying not physical strength, but moral. Who are these strong people who can't care less?

Mentally strong people- this ordinary people living among us. However, unlike many, they have the ability to control their passions and emotions, preventing them from taking over and dominating themselves. It is morally strong people who do not give in to their weaknesses and desires and are able to withstand adverse circumstances that achieve success in life.

Their opposites- morally weak people who, even with great talents, end up with nothing, because they are not able to pull themselves together, resist troubles and are most often victims of their own emotions and weaknesses. They lack such a quality as purposefulness, and when faced with difficulties, they tend to “break.

A strong person differs from a weak one in that if something goes wrong in his life, then he blames himself, and a weak person blames those around him and circumstances.

However, it is not uncommon for strong people to be mistaken for people who are rude, insensitive, characterized by boorish behavior, who, in order to get what they want, are ready to “walk over corpses” and step over generally accepted moral values. Such behavior is just a sign of weakness.

At the same time, people who are kind, vulnerable, and sensitive are often considered weak. But seemingly weak people in difficult circumstances can show character and strength. So by the first impression it is impossible to judge whether a strong or weak person before us. What to say about others! Sometimes we ourselves cannot judge what type of person we are until we find ourselves in difficult circumstances.

Of course, being mentally strong is much better than being weak.

Other people are drawn to the morally strong - obviously, to feel support or, to learn from them to be strong. Whether this quality is innate—moral strength—doesn't matter. The main thing is that you can bring it up in yourself. True, in order to overcome your weaknesses and become strong, again, you need moral strength.

What Mentally Strong People Don't Do

This is worth knowing, because in order to know what to fight, you first need to identify the habits inherent in weak people.

1. They don't waste time with useless regrets.

Who has not had to regret the past! “If only I could go back and fix everything,” we think. Then, for sure, figuratively speaking, they would “lay a straw” in order not to hit so painfully.

And so, instead of benefiting from the lesson learned in life and moving forward, we spend time worrying about the past. Moreover, we not only waste precious time, but also allow regrets to corrode our soul and deprive ourselves of the spiritual energy we need, willy-nilly sinking into a depressive state. As one of the greats said: "Do not get bogged down in regrets: let them close to the heart - and they will poison the soul."

Strong people see mistakes as "the bridge between experience and wisdom."

2. They don't lose control or allow themselves to be manipulated.

As you know, there are people who can be called provocateurs. Pursuing personal goals, they force others in some way, as a result of which these others sometimes begin to manifest themselves not with better side. Usually weak people succumb to such provocations and “lose their heads”. A strong person keeps himself in control and does not allow people to give free rein to emotions.

In addition to provocateurs, there are also. Manipulators are quite common in our lives: among friends and relatives, at work, in business. They use their techniques, influencing people so that they change their minds, behavior, or perform the action that the manipulator needs. Lies, pity, blackmail, flattery, guilt, etc. can be used as techniques.

A strong person is not amenable to manipulation, because he realizes that he is being forced by manipulative means into actions that he should not do or do not want to do.

True, they say that in business they are inevitable, so every businessman must master this art, remembering the rule: "If you do not manipulate, you will be manipulated."

3. They are not afraid of change

Some people tend to, because they are afraid of the unknown, which is fraught with change. They prefer stability, even if it does not particularly please them, and expect the worst from change. They are satisfied with the comfort zone that they have created around themselves, and everything that is outside of it scares them. These are weak people who are afraid of the need to make new decisions, take responsibility and act, perhaps despite the circumstances.

Strong people, on the contrary, are afraid of stagnation, and they see change as moving forward.

After all, as Anatole France wrote, “Change is the basis of life.”

4. They don't try to be nice to everyone.

They value their individuality and do not see the need to adapt to others. After all, trying to please everyone means trying to please everyone. And this is the path to self-destruction. Or, as American actor Bill Cosby said, "I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everyone."

A strong person lives his life, realizing that he did not come into this world in order to meet someone's expectations.

As he wrote, "I'm not a chervonets to please everyone."

5. They don't feel jealous

Everyone knows that envy is not a constructive feeling.

To justify their own envy of other people's success, beauty, money, etc., people often say that they envy white, that is, "good" envy. True, someone noticed that "white envy turns black from frequent use." Well, if we are talking about black envy, then beware: the one who is envious wishes evil to the one who has achieved more, and is able to sweep away all obstacles in his path in order to get the object of envy! As the saying goes, "Watching how some accumulate good, others begin to accumulate evil."

It is said that of all passions, envy is the most disgusting, and it corrodes the soul like rust on iron. A strong person is not familiar with envy. Other people's virtues and successes for him are an occasion to think about what can be done to make it even better.

6. They don't stop when they fail.

They know that life consists not only of victories, but also of defeats. Of course, victories make you happy, and defeats upset you. But just as without evil we would not know what good is, so without failure we would not know what success is. As they say, a negative experience is also an experience, so this is another milestone on the way to victory. The main thing is to learn a lesson from it, not to give up and not make the same mistakes in the future.

As the famous said, “Failures give only a reason to start again and smarter. Honest failure is not shameful; the fear of failure is disgraceful."

7. They don't "tread the same rake twice" or "stumble twice on the same stone"

Strong man - a wise man. Having made a mistake, he realizes it, never to repeat it again. An Indian spiritual leader remarked, “Make as many mistakes as you can, just remember one thing: don’t make the same mistake twice. And you will grow."

8. They don't waste energy worrying about things they can't change.

People have a habit of complaining about things beyond their control, such as weather, traffic jams, etc. Strong people prefer to direct their energy where their efforts will benefit, guided by the words: “What cannot be fixed should not be mourned.” ".

9. They don't think they owe everything to them.

There is a category of people with overestimated self-esteem, who put personal interests above all else and consider themselves almost the center of the universe, which is why those around them should “dance to their tune”. They achieve what they want, guided by the principle: "Insolence is the second happiness."

However, this is not about strong people. Strong people rely only on themselves - on their own knowledge, skills and experience. “You can hope for anything, but rely only on yourself” is their rule of life.