Functional styles of literary language. general characteristics

  • 21.09.2019

Functional styles are a subsystem literary language, which is implemented in a certain area of ​​social activity: in the field of science, business communication, everyday communication, etc. They are characterized by a combination of stylistically significant means. The term functional styles suggests that the varieties of the literary language are distinguished on the basis of the function performed by the language in each specific case of the functional style. Each functional style has its own specific features, its own set of vocabulary and syntactic structure.

In accordance with the areas of activity in the modern Russian language, several styles are distinguished.

Conversational style used in the field of everyday communication, service, unpreparedness, spontaneity, the direct nature of the speech act.

Journalistic style a kind of literary language that serves a wide range of social relations.

Main functions journalistic style:



The journalistic style is characterized by appraisal, motivation, which distinguishes it from others.

Formal business style– serves the sphere of business relations between state bodies, organizations,

Features of the official business style:

    Complexity of presentation


    Weak style customization

    The complete absence of emotional language means.

scientific style- this is a style used in the scientific sphere of life, where an important phenomenon expresses the style exactly unambiguously, logically.

Accuracy requirement predetermines such a feature of the scientific style as terminology. The scientific literature uses a special terminological vocabulary.

scientific style is not publicly available in terms of vocabulary.

Polysemantic stylistically neutral words are not used in all their meanings. More often in one sense.

In the scientific style, abstract words predominate over concrete ones, which is associated with the desire to generalize abstraction. According to the lexical composition, the scientific style is relatively homogeneous and closed. This finds expression, for example, in the lesser use of synonyms. Emotionally expressive coloring. There is no colloquial and colloquial vocabulary. The scientific style demonstrates the detachment and objectivity of the information presented. For this, generalized personal and impersonal constructions are used. For example, there is reason to believe, it is considered known, one can say, etc. Complex sentences of the allied type are actively used. The relationship between the parts of which is expressed unambiguously. The most typical are complex sentences with subordinate clauses (conditions, reasons), introductory words and sentences are widely used. More often, these are introductory constructions that indicate the sequence of messages, the degree of reliability of the source of information (firstly, secondly, undoubtedly, according to theory).

Communicative qualities of speech .

1) Accuracy of speech.

2) Comprehensibility of speech

3) Richness and variety of speech.

4) Purity of speech.

5) Expressiveness of speech.

The communicative qualities of speech have an impact on listeners in accordance with the goals and objectives set by the speaker, as well as taking into account the specific situation.

1) Speech Accuracy. The accuracy of speech is the correspondence of words to what they mean. This is the ability to clearly and clearly express thoughts. In order for the speech to be accurate, the speaker must be well versed in what he wants to say. The accuracy of speech is determined by the knowledge of the subject in question, the logic of thinking, the correct choice of the right words.

2) Speech intelligibility. The intelligibility of speech is intelligibility, the availability of speech for those to whom it is addressed. The intelligibility of speech depends on the correct use of terms, etc.

3) Richness and variety of speech depends on the intelligence of the erudition of the speaker. (It is necessary for some words that do not fit in the meaning of the necessary synonyms. Synonyms must be quite accurate and suitable in the meaning of the "synonym". So that the words do not repeat.)

5) Expressiveness of speech. Speech is called expressive if it is able to maintain the interest and attention of listeners or readers. Enhanced the effectiveness of the impact. The expressiveness of speech implies the presence of both quick-witted and expressive means (paths, figures). The means of expression include the proverb sayings phraseological units. Trope - this is the transfer of the name, which consists in the fact that the word phrase sentence traditionally naming one object or phenomenon is used to refer to another object (phenomenon). Common language tropes (metaphor, hyperbole, litote, personification, metamimia) . Metaphor based on the transfer of the name from one object to another according to the similarity of these objects . Metamimia unlike metaphor, it is based on the contiguity of phenomena or objects. Comparison this is a figurative expression built on a comparison of objects or states that have a common feature. Synecdoche this is a kind of trope in which the name of a part of an object is transferred to the whole object or vice versa the name of the whole to its part . epithets these are artistic definitions, (chilling politeness). Epithets are different types(Folk poetic, individually author's). Hyperbola it is an exaggeration an exaggerated view of the subject. personification to an inanimate object, some concept is attributed the properties of action inherent in a person . Litotes this is a deliberate understatement of small sizes . paraphrase this is a replacement of the usual one-word name of an object, phenomenon, person with a descriptive style.

Figures of speech. These are special forms of syntactic constructions that enhance the impact of speech on the addressee. These are techniques of stylistic syntax.

Antithesis based on a comparison of opposite phenomena and signs.

gradation This is a figure of speech characterized by the arrangement of words in a sentence in ascending or descending order of meanings.

Anaphora a technique in which several sentences begin with the same words.

Epiphora This is a repetition of the end of a phrase.

Parallelism this is the same construction of neighboring sentences.

Rhetorical address. This is an underlined appeal to someone or something, with the help of which the attitude of the speaker to the object is expressed, his characteristic is given. .

Functional styles of speech - a historically established system of speech means used in a particular area of ​​human communication; a kind of literary language that performs a specific function in communication.

To avoid confusion with language styles, functional styles are sometimes called language genres, functional varieties of language. Each functional style has its own characteristics of using the general literary norm; it can exist both in written and oral form. There are five main varieties of functional speech styles that differ in the conditions and goals of communication in some area of ​​social activity: scientific, official business, journalistic, colloquial, artistic.

Scientific style - the style of scientific messages. The sphere of use of this style is science and scientific journals, the addressees of text messages can be scientists, future specialists, students, just any person who is interested in a particular scientific field; the authors of the texts this style are scientists, experts in their field. The purpose of the style can be called the description of laws, the identification of patterns, the description of discoveries, learning, etc.

Its main function is the communication of information, as well as the proof of its truth. It is characterized by the presence of small terms, general scientific words, abstract vocabulary, it is dominated by a noun, a lot of abstract and real nouns.

The scientific style is a functional style of speech in the literary language, which has a number of features: preliminary consideration of the statement, monologue, strict selection of language means, inclination towards normalized speech.

The style of scientific papers is determined by their content and the goals of the scientific message: to explain the facts as accurately and completely as possible, to show cause-and-effect relationships between phenomena, to identify patterns historical development etc.

The scientific style is subdivided: proper scientific substyle (monograph, scientific article, abstract); educational and scientific substyle (reference books, guidelines); popular science (essay, article)

The scientific style has a number of common features that manifest themselves regardless of the nature of certain sciences (natural, exact, humanitarian) and the differences between the genres of expression (monograph, article, report, textbook, term paper, etc.), which makes it possible to talk about the specifics of style generally. At the same time, it is quite natural that, for example, texts on physics, chemistry, and mathematics differ noticeably in the nature of presentation from texts on philology or history.

The scientific style is characterized logical sequence presentation, an ordered system of communication between parts of the statement, the desire of the authors for accuracy, conciseness, unambiguity while maintaining the richness of the content.

1. Consistency is the presence of semantic links between successive units (blocks) of text.

2. Only such a text has consistency, in which the conclusions follow from the content, they are consistent, the text is divided into separate semantic segments, reflecting the movement of thought from the particular to the general or from the general to the particular.

3. Clarity, as the quality of scientific speech, implies clarity, accessibility.

According to the degree of accessibility, scientific, scientific-educational and popular science texts differ in material.

The difference between scientific and all other styles of speech is that it can be divided into four sub-styles:

Scientific. The addressee of this style is a scientist, a specialist. The purpose of the style can be called the identification and description of new facts, patterns, discoveries. Typical for dissertations, monographs, abstracts, scientific articles, scientific reports, theses, scientific reviews, etc.

Scientific and educational. Works in this style are addressed to future specialists and students in order to educate, describe the facts necessary to master the material, therefore the facts stated in the text and examples are typical. Mandatory is the description "from general to particular", strict classification, active introduction and use of special terms. Typical for textbooks, tutorials, lectures, etc.

Popular science. The audience with this style usually does not have special knowledge in this area. Yu. A. Sorokin points out that a popular science text is written “scientifically, popularly, artistically”, that is, while maintaining the rigor and clarity of presentation characteristic of a scientific text, its feature is the simplified nature of the presentation and the possible use of emotionally expressive means of speech. The purpose of the style is to familiarize with the described phenomena and facts. The use of numbers and special terms is minimal (each of them is explained in detail). The features of the style are: the relative ease of reading, the use of comparison with familiar phenomena and objects, significant simplifications, consideration of particular phenomena without a general overview and classification. The style is typical for popular science magazines and books, children's encyclopedias, messages of a "scientific nature" in the media. This is the most free sub-style, and it can vary from newspaper headings “historical/technical background” or “it's interesting” to popular science books, similar in format and content to textbooks (scientific and educational style).

Scientific and technical. The addressee is specialists of a technical and technical profile. The goal is to apply the achievements of fundamental science in practice.

Scientific texts are designed as separate finished works, the structure of which is subject to the laws of the genre.

The following genres of scientific prose can be distinguished: monograph, journal article, review, textbook ( tutorial), lecture, report, informational message (about the conference, symposium, congress), oral presentation (at the conference, symposium, etc.), dissertation, scientific report. These genres are classified as primary, that is, created by the author for the first time.

Secondary texts, that is, texts compiled on the basis of existing ones, include: abstract, author's abstract, synopsis, theses, abstract. When preparing secondary texts, information is collapsing in order to reduce the volume of the text.

The genres of the educational and scientific substyle include: lecture, seminar report, term paper, abstract message. Each genre has its own individual style features, however, they do not violate the unity of the scientific and technical style, inheriting its common features and features.

Official business style - a functional style of speech, the environment of speech communication in the field of official relations: in the field of legal relations and management. This area covers international relations, jurisprudence, economics, the military industry, advertising, communication in official institutions, government activities. Substyles: legislative (used in the field of government, the volatility of the function is manifested); administrative and clerical (maintenance of personal business papers, documents of the institution, emphasizes the nature of administrative relations - loans, advances); diplomatic substyle (at the international level, relations between the government and diplomats).

Among the book styles of the language, the official business style stands out for its relative stability and isolation. Over time, naturally, it undergoes some changes caused by the nature of the content itself, but many of its features, historically established genres, specific vocabulary, phraseology, and syntactic turns give it a generally conservative character.

A characteristic feature of the official business style is the presence in it of numerous speech standards - clichés. If in other styles templated turns often act as a stylistic flaw, then in the official business style in most cases they are perceived as a completely natural belonging to it.

Many types of business documents have generally accepted forms of presentation and arrangement of material, and this, of course, facilitates and simplifies their use. It is no coincidence that in certain cases of business practice are used ready-made forms that need only be filled in. Even envelopes are usually inscribed in a certain order (different in different countries, but firmly established in each of them), and this has its advantages for both writers and postal workers. Therefore, all those speech clichés that simplify and speed up business communication are quite appropriate in it.

Official business style is the style of documents: international treaties, government acts, legal laws, regulations, charters, instructions, official correspondence, business papers, etc.

The heterogeneity of the subject matter and the variety of genres make it possible to single out two varieties in the style under consideration: the official documentary style and the everyday business style.

In turn, in the first one, one can single out the language of legislative documents related to the activities of state bodies, and the language of diplomatic acts related to international relations.

In everyday business style, official correspondence between institutions and organizations, on the one hand, and private business papers, on the other, differ in content, genres and the nature of the language means used.

The language of legislative documents includes the vocabulary and phraseology of state law, civil law, criminal law, labor code, marriage and family code, etc. It is adjacent to vocabulary and phraseology related to the work of administrative bodies, official activities of citizens etc.

Journalistic style -- a functional style of speech that is used in the genres: article, essay, reportage, feuilleton, interview, pamphlet, oratory.

Publicistic style serves to influence people through the media (newspapers, magazines, television, posters, booklets). It is characterized by the presence of socio-political vocabulary, logic, emotionality, appraisal, appeal. In addition to neutral, it widely uses high, solemn vocabulary and phraseology, emotionally colored words, the use of short sentences, chopped prose, verbless phrases, rhetorical questions, exclamations, repetitions, etc. The linguistic features of this style are affected by the breadth of topics: there is a need to include special vocabulary requiring explanation. On the other hand, a number of topics are in the center of public attention, and the vocabulary related to these topics acquires a journalistic coloring. Among such topics, politics, economics, education, healthcare, criminalistics, and military topics should be singled out.

The journalistic style is characterized by the use of evaluative vocabulary, which has a strong emotional connotation (an energetic start, a firm position, a severe crisis).

This style is used in the sphere of political-ideological, social and cultural relations. The information is intended not for a narrow circle of specialists, but for the general public, and the impact is directed not only to the mind, but also to the feelings of the addressee.

Functions of journalistic style:

Informational - the desire to inform people about the latest news as soon as possible

Influencing - the desire to influence people's opinions

Speech task:

influence the public consciousness

call to action

communicate information

Vocabulary has a pronounced emotional and expressive coloring, includes colloquial, colloquial and slang elements. Vocabulary, characteristic of the journalistic style, can be used in other styles: in official business, scientific. But in a journalistic style, it acquires a special function - to create a picture of events and convey to the addressee the journalist's impressions of these events.

Artistic style is a functional style of speech that is used in fiction. In this style, it affects the imagination and feelings of the reader, conveys the thoughts and feelings of the author, uses all the richness of vocabulary, possibilities different styles, characterized by figurativeness, emotionality of speech.

In a work of art, the word not only carries certain information, but also serves to aesthetically influence the reader with the help of artistic images. The brighter and more truthful the image, the stronger it affects the reader.

In their works, writers use, when necessary, not only words and forms of the literary language, but also obsolete dialect and vernacular words.

Facilities artistic expressiveness varied and numerous. These are tropes: comparisons, personifications, allegory, metaphor, metonymy, synecdoche, etc. AND stylistic figures: epithet, hyperbole, litote, anaphora, epiphora, gradation, parallelism, rhetorical question, silence, etc.

Genres of artistic speech: epic (ancient literature); narrative (novels, novellas, short stories); lyrical (poems, poems); dramatic (comedy, tragedy)

Fiction and fiction style has an aesthetic impact function. It most clearly reflects the literary and, more broadly, the national language in all its diversity and richness, becoming a phenomenon of art, a means of creating artistic imagery. In this style, all the structural aspects of the language are most widely represented: the vocabulary with all the direct and figurative meanings of words, the grammatical structure with a complex and branched system of forms and syntactic types.

Conversational style - a functional style of speech that serves for informal communication, when the author shares his thoughts or feelings with others, exchanges information on everyday issues in an informal setting. It often uses colloquial and colloquial vocabulary.

The usual form of implementation of conversational style is dialogue, this style is more often used in oral speech. There is no pre-selection of language material in it.

In this style of speech, extralinguistic factors play an important role: facial expressions, gestures, and the environment.

Conversational style is characterized by emotionality, figurativeness, concreteness, and simplicity of speech. For example, in a bakery, the phrase: “Please, with bran, one” does not seem strange.

A relaxed atmosphere of communication leads to greater freedom in choice emotional words and expressions: colloquial words (stupid, rotozey, talking shop, giggle, cackle), colloquial (neigh, deadhead, awful, disheveled), slang (parents - ancestors, iron, worldly) are used more widely.

In the colloquial style of speech, especially at its fast pace, a smaller reduction of vowels is possible, up to their complete loss and simplification of consonant groups. Word-building features: subjective evaluation suffixes are widely used. To enhance expressiveness, doubling words is used.

Limited: abstract vocabulary, foreign words, book words.

An example is the statement of one of the characters in A.P. Chekhov's story "Revenge":

Open it, damn it! How much longer will I have to freeze in this through wind? If you had known that it was twenty degrees below zero in your hallway, you would not have made me wait so long! Or maybe you don't have a heart?

This small passage reflects the following features of the conversational style: - interrogative and exclamatory sentences, - conversational interjection "hell," - personal pronouns of the 1st and 2nd person, verbs in the same form.

Lexical means

Colloquial words and phraseological units: vymahal (grew up), electric train (electric train), vocabulary with emotionally expressive coloring (class), diminutive suffixes (gray). suffixes of subjective assessment: hard worker, hard worker, hostel, secretary, director, handy. Substantivation, the use of words of contraction - deletion, record-book; truncations - comp.

Style is a kind of literary language, which is traditionally fixed in society for one of the spheres of life. Each variety has certain linguistic features (primarily vocabulary and grammar) and is opposed to other similar varieties of the literary language, which correlate with other areas of life and have their own linguistic features.

Stylistic means are used by speakers or writers consciously. The style of a speech work is associated with its content, purpose, the relationship between the speaker (writer) and the listener (reader).

Consequently, style is a kind of literary language that has historically developed at a certain time in a particular society, which is a relatively closed system linguistic means that are constantly and consciously used in various fields life.

Each functional style has its own characteristics of using the general literary norm; it can exist both in written and oral form. Each style includes works of different genres that have their own characteristics.

Most often, styles are compared on the basis of their inherent word usage, since it is in word usage that the difference between them is most clearly manifested. However, grammatical characteristics are also important here.

Words and constructions should be selected in accordance with the chosen style, especially in writing. The use of different stylistic language means within the same text leads to the appearance of stylistic errors. Often there are errors associated with the inappropriate use of clericalism, as well as the abuse of special terms in a non-scientific text and the use of colloquial and colloquial vocabulary in book texts.

scientific style

The goal is to communicate objective information, to prove the truth of scientific knowledge.

Function - informative

The sphere of functioning is science, communication between specialists of a particular field of scientific knowledge.

Genres in which it is implemented: articles; monographs; reports; term papers, abstract, diploma; protective word.

Style features:

1. Emphasized logic (M. N. Kozhina).

2. There are no figurative means. There are sciences where imagery is used, for example, astronomy ( Sick bear, Bucket).

3. Hidden emotionality or unemotionality.

4. Semantic accuracy, unambiguity, which is expressed in the use of linguistic means that do not allow ambiguity.

5. Abstractness and generalization.

6. Objectivity of presentation, dryness.

7. Conciseness of the statement, genres are limited by the number of pages.

Language features:

1. Scientific terminology. A term is a word or phrase that is used to designate scientific concepts ( Integral, factorial in mathematics).

1. General scientific vocabulary - terms that are found in different fields of science ( Function, genus, species).

3. Abstract nouns ( property, relationship).

5. In syntax: participial and adverbial phrases.

6. Compound conjunctions, introductory words, prepositions of a logical nature ( During, due to the fact that, firstly).

Formal business style

The goal is informative.

The sphere in which it is used serves the sphere of business relations, the style of institutions.

Function - the message of pragmatically significant information.

Genres in which it is implemented: state acts; contracts; instructions; statements; official announcements, etc.

Style features:

1. Conciseness, compactness of presentation.

2. Emphasized standardization - documents are drawn up according to a certain scheme, from which it is impossible to deviate, constant changes occur in their design.

Documents printed in advance: forms in the mail; statement; references.

Language features:

1. Neutral vocabulary.

2. Official terminology ( Protocol, lawsuit).

3. Cliche - stable combinations are used ( In accordance with the established procedure, the certificate is given at the place of residence).

4. Nominal parts of speech predominate: adjectives and nouns na - nie, few verbs ( Not to carry out, but to carry out, carry out, deliver).

5. Simple complicated sentences predominate, long, large in volume.

6. Many repetitions so that there is no ambiguity, there is clarity and accuracy.

Conversational style

The goal is communication.

The area in which it is implemented is Everyday life, used in casual conversations with familiar people (with strangers - a mixture of styles).

Function - information exchange, communicative.

Genres in which it is implemented: conversation (interpersonal - contact, by phone - distant); conversation (business, personal); story.

Style features:

1. Ease and informality of communication.

2. Freedom in the choice of words and sentences (we don’t think about what words to pronounce).

1. The law of economy of speech efforts is in effect (Sash, Mash, San Sanych).

Language features:

1. Widespread use of everyday vocabulary ( vocabulary) and phraseology (stable phrases). Well, you also waved (grew up). Everydayisms: electric train (electric train), potatoes (potatoes), window (window).

2. Emotionally evaluative words, more often with diminutive or petty suffixes: Red, salty, hands, little hand. a pen, a hand, a big one. Well, what are you hacking. Someone is chirping behind the wall.

3. The inclusion of particles in speech, introductory words, interjections and invocations. Oh, my God, who came!

4. Predominance simple sentences all types: interrogative. exclamatory, direct speech. In oral speech - no more than 5 ± 2 words in a sentence.

5. Participle and participial phrases are not used.

6. The use of non-lexical means (intonation, pauses, facial expressions, gestures, postures).

7. Abbreviation of words ( Ma, pa, student, student, university, canteen).

Literary and artistic style

It occupies a special position in relation to other styles, because the language means of all other styles can be used there, but in a modified function - aesthetic, and literary in general, since it combines dialogue, monologue, oral, written speech, non-literary varieties of the language can be included: vernacular, slang, slang, dialects. Therefore, Graudina and Shiryaev do not single it out as a special style, since functional styles are distinguished within the limits of the literary language, while artistic speech, something broader and freer, absorbs the entire national language. M. N. Kozhina believes that this is a special style. Arguments for highlighting as a special style: there are style-forming factors, therefore, the phenomenon is of the same order with other styles.

The goal is to paint a living picture, convey feelings.

The sphere is art.

Genres: prose (novel, story, etc.), poetry (poem, poem, etc.).

Style features:

1. Specificity.

2. Imagery ( The bells argued, the mountain ash lit up).

3. Emotionality.

Language features:

1. Specific vocabulary.

2. Emotional-evaluative vocabulary ( key, star).

3. Interrogative, incentive, exclamatory sentences.

4. Use of vocabulary in figurative meaning, figurative means (tropes and rhetorical figures) ( Sea of ​​lights).

5. The use of the vocabulary of all functional styles (V. M. Shukshin used the vocabulary of the colloquial style).

Thus, bookish styles are opposed to colloquial styles, in which the means of all styles can be used. Functional styles do not form a closed system, there is interaction, there are no clear boundaries.

Journalistic style

The goal is impact.

Functions: 1. informational; 2. influencing, (information-influencing).

Field: media, public speaking on socially significant topics (speech at a rally).

Genres: articles (newspaper and magazine); reportage; review; public speaking.

Style features:

1. Conciseness of presentation with information richness

2. Emotionality.

3. The use of figurative means (tropes and rhetorical figures).

Language features:

1. Emotionally colored vocabulary ( Genocide, frenzied, new Russian, mafia).

2. Socio-political phraseology ( Standard of living, food basket, gang attack, put an end to).

3. Publicistic style speech stamps ( White death, white gold, black gold).

4. Short sentences with intermittent information - "chopped phrase".

5. Repetitions and inversions (reverse word order in a sentence).

6. Rhetorical questions.

7. Incentive, exclamatory sentences that contain an assessment (irony, contempt).


Each functional style of the modern Russian literary language is its subsystem, which is determined by the conditions and goals of communication in some area of ​​social activity and has a certain set of stylistically significant linguistic means. Functional styles are heterogeneous; each of them is represented by a number of genre varieties. The variety of genre varieties is created by the diversity of the content of speech and its different communicative orientation, i.e. goals of communication. It is these goals of communication that dictate the choice of stylistic devices, the compositional structure of speech for each specific case. In the leading genres of each functional style of speech, the standard of language means finds its most vivid expression. Peripheral genres are more neutral in terms of the use of linguistic means. However, each functional style of speech has its own typical features, its own range of vocabulary and syntactic structures, which are implemented to one degree or another in each genre of this style. In accordance with the spheres of social activity in the modern Russian language, the following functional styles are distinguished: scientific, official business, newspaper and journalistic, artistic and colloquial everyday.

scientific style

The sphere of social activity in which the scientific style functions is science. The leading position in the scientific style is occupied by monologue speech. This functional style has a wide variety of speech genres; among them, the main ones are: a scientific monograph and a scientific article, dissertations, scientific and educational prose (textbooks, educational and methodological manuals, etc.), scientific and technical works ( different kind instructions, safety regulations, etc.), annotations, abstracts, scientific reports, lectures, scientific discussions, as well as genres of popular science literature.

The scientific style is realized mainly in the written form of speech.

The main features of the scientific style are accuracy, abstractness, consistency and objectivity of presentation. It is they who organize into a system all the linguistic means that form this functional style, and determine the choice of vocabulary in the works of the scientific style. This functional style is characterized by the use of special scientific and terminological vocabulary, and recently international terminology has occupied more and more space (today this is especially noticeable in economic speech, for example, manager, management, quotas, realtor, etc.). A feature of the use of vocabulary in a scientific style is that polysemantic lexically neutral words are not used in all of their meanings, but, as a rule, in one (count, body, strength, sour). In scientific speech, in comparison with other styles, abstract vocabulary is used more widely than concrete vocabulary (perspectives, development, truth, presentation, point of view).

The lexical composition of the scientific style is characterized by relative homogeneity and isolation, which is expressed, in particular, in less use of synonyms. The volume of text in a scientific style increases not so much due to the use of different words, but due to the repeated repetition of the same ones. In the scientific functional style there is no vocabulary with colloquial and colloquial coloring. This style, to a lesser extent than journalistic or artistic, is characterized by evaluativeness. Ratings are used to express the author's point of view, to make it more understandable and accessible, to clarify a thought, to attract attention, and are mostly rational, not emotionally expressive. Scientific speech is distinguished by the accuracy and logic of thought, its consistent presentation and objectivity of presentation. In the texts of the scientific style, strict definitions of the concepts and phenomena under consideration are given, each sentence or statement is logically connected with the previous and subsequent information. In the syntactic structures in the scientific style of speech, the detachment of the author, the objectivity of the information presented is maximally demonstrated. This is expressed in the use of generalized-personal and impersonal constructions instead of the 1st person: there is reason to believe, it is considered, it is known, one can say, one should pay attention, etc. This also explains the use of a large number of passive constructions in scientific speech, in which the real producer of the action is indicated not by the grammatical form of the subject in the nominative case, but by the form of a minor member in the instrumental case, or is generally omitted. The action itself comes to the fore, and dependence on the producer is relegated to the background or is not expressed by linguistic means at all. The desire for logical presentation of material in scientific speech leads to the active use of complex allied sentences, as well as constructions that complicate a simple sentence: introductory words and phrases, participles and participle turns, common definitions, etc. The most typical compound sentences are sentences with subordinate clauses of reason and condition.

Texts of the scientific style of speech can contain not only language information, but also various formulas, symbols, tables, graphs, etc. Almost any scientific text can contain graphic information.


Social reality is a spatio-temporal structure that represents the links between social positions at a certain point in time. Social space is the broadest concept used to describe social reality. Most sociologists define it as the resultant of social ties. For example, Pierre Bourdieu believes that social space is a systematized intersection of links between social positions that have a forceful impact on people occupying a given social position. Piotr Sztompka believes that social space is a network of events at a certain point in time.

M. Foucault created the concept of disciplinary space: a way of organizing social space is a way of manifesting social control, a form of power. Yu. Lotman considered social space as a distinction between internal and external. This is a semiotic process. The inner space is perceived as ordered, organized, meaningful, and the outer space is the opposite. The border is symbolic and manifests itself through language, knowledge, rituals.

I. Hoffman analyzed microsocial spaces and divided social spaces into two planes - the front, corresponding to the norms, and the back, non-normative.

This passage provides a general definition of social reality. The words social, space, system are repeated many times in the text. There is no vocabulary with colloquial and colloquial coloring. The passive verb (perceived) is used. The passage contains many complex sentences, homogeneous members, clarifications.

Formal business style

The main area in which the official business style of the Russian literary language functions is administrative and legal activity. This style satisfies the need of society for documenting various acts of state, public, political, economic life, business relations between the state and organizations, as well as between members of society in the official sphere of their communication. Texts of this style represent a huge variety of genres: charter, law, order, order, contract, instruction, complaint, prescription, various kinds of statements, as well as many business genres (explanatory note, autobiography, questionnaire, statistical report, etc.). The expression of the legal will in business documents determines the properties, the main features of business speech and the socially organizing use of the language. Genres of official business style perform informational, prescriptive, ascertaining functions in various fields of activity. Therefore, the main implementation of this style is written. Despite the differences in the content of individual genres, the degree of their complexity, official business speech has common stylistic features: accuracy of presentation, which does not allow for the possibility of differences in interpretation; detailed presentation; stereotyping, standardization of presentation; obligatory prescriptive nature of the presentation. To this we can add such features as formality, strictness of expression of thought, as well as objectivity and logic, which are also characteristic of scientific speech.

The function of social regulation, which plays the most important role in official business speech, imposes a requirement for unambiguous reading on the corresponding texts. An official document will serve its purpose if its content is carefully thought out and the language design is impeccable. It is this purpose that determines the actual linguistic features of official business speech, as well as its composition, heading, selection of paragraphs, etc., i.e. standardization of the design of many business documents. The lexical composition of the texts of this style has its own characteristics associated with the indicated features. These texts use words and phrases of the literary language that have a pronounced functional and stylistic coloring (plaintiff, defendant, job description, supply, researcher, etc.), among them a significant number of professional terms. Many verbs contain the theme of prescription or obligation (prohibit, allow, decree, oblige, appoint, etc.). In official business speech, there is the highest percentage of the use of the infinitive among the verb forms. This is also due to the imperative nature of official business texts.

Speech in a formal setting (speech at a scientific conference, at a business meeting, at a meeting of parliamentarians, a lecture, a lesson at school) differs from that used in an informal setting (talk for festive table, friendly conversation, dialogue at lunch, dinner at home). Depending on the goals and objectives that are set and solved in the process of communication, there is a selection of various language means. As a result, varieties of a single literary language are created, called functional styles .

In the modern Russian literary language, book functional styles are distinguished: scientific, journalistic, official business, which are predominantly in the written form of speech, and colloquial, which is characterized mainly by the oral form of speech.

Some scholars also distinguish as a functional style artistic (fiction), that is, the language fiction. However, this point of view raises fair objections. Writers in their works use the whole variety of linguistic means, so that artistic speech is not a system of homogeneous linguistic phenomena. On the contrary, artistic speech is devoid of any stylistic isolation, its specificity depends on the characteristics of individual author's styles.

The styles of the literary language are first of all compared on the basis of an analysis of their lexical composition, since it is in the lexicon that the difference between them is most noticeable. If we compare synonymous words ( appearance - appearance, lack - deficiency, misfortune - misfortune, fun - entertainment, alteration - transformation, warrior - warrior, eyeball - ophthalmologist, liar - liar, huge - gigantic, squander - squander, cry - complain), it is easy to see that these synonyms differ from each other not in meaning, but in their stylistic coloring. The first words of each pair are used in colloquial and everyday, and the second - in popular science, journalistic, official business speech.

In addition to the concept and stylistic coloring, the word is able to express feelings, as well as an assessment of various phenomena of reality. There are two groups of emotionally expressive vocabulary: words with a positive and negative assessment. Compare: excellent, wonderful, superb, marvelous, marvelous, splendid, splendid(positive assessment) and vile, vile, disgusting, ugly, insolent, insolent, obnoxious(negative score). Depending on what kind of emotional-expressive assessment is expressed in a word, it is used in various styles of speech. Emotionally expressive vocabulary is most fully represented in colloquial and everyday speech, which is distinguished by liveliness and accuracy of presentation. Expressively colored words are also typical for journalistic style. However, in scientific, technical and official business styles of speech, emotionally colored words are usually inappropriate. In everyday everyday dialogue, characteristic of oral speech, mostly colloquial vocabulary is used. It does not violate the generally accepted norms of literary speech, but it is characterized by a certain freedom. For example, if instead of expressions blotting paper, reading room, dryer use words blotter, reader, dryer, then, quite acceptable in colloquial speech, they are inappropriate for official, business communication.

Lexical meaning book words, their grammatical arrangement and pronunciation are subject to the established norms of the literary language, deviation from which is unacceptable.

The sphere of distribution of book words is not the same. Along with words that are common to scientific, technical, newspaper-journalistic and official-business styles, in the book vocabulary there are also those that are assigned only to any one style and constitute their specificity. For example, terminological vocabulary is used mainly in scientific and technical styles. Its purpose is to give an accurate and clear understanding of scientific concepts (for example, technical terms - bimetal, centrifuge, stabilizer; medical termsX-ray, angina, diabetes; linguistic terms - morpheme, affix, inflection and etc.).

The journalistic style is characterized by abstract words with a socio-political meaning ( humanity, progress, nationality, glasnost, peace-loving).

In a business style - official correspondence, government acts, speeches - vocabulary is used that reflects official business relations ( plenum, session, decision, decree, resolution). A special group in the official business vocabulary is formed by clericalisms: hear (report), read out (decision), forward, incoming (number).

Unlike colloquial vocabulary, which is characterized by concrete meaning, book vocabulary is predominantly abstract. Terms bookstore and colloquial vocabulary are conditional, since they are not necessarily associated with the idea of ​​only one form of speech. Book words typical of written speech can also be used in oral form (scientific reports, public speaking, etc.), and colloquial words in written form (in diaries, everyday correspondence, etc.).

Colloquial vocabulary is adjacent to colloquial, which is outside the styles of the literary language. Colloquial words are usually used for the purpose of a reduced, rough description of phenomena and objects of reality. For instance: lads, glutton, junk, nonsense, throat, shabby, buzz and others. In official business communication, these words are unacceptable, and in everyday colloquial speech they should be avoided.

However, not all words are distributed among different styles of speech. The Russian language has large group words used in all styles without exception and characteristic of both oral and written speech. Such words form a background against which stylistically colored vocabulary stands out. They are called stylistically neutral .

In order to more clearly present the features of each functional style of the literary language, we will give examples of texts belonging to different styles.