What are evaluative words. What is expressive vocabulary? Usage and examples of expressive vocabulary

  • 02.07.2020

15.1 In Russian there is the concept of an emotional-evaluative word - a lexical unit that includes an element of evaluation. Words with emotional coloring can include various shades: ironic, disapproving, contemptuous, affectionate ... This coloring is usually stable, since it arises as a result of the fact that the very meaning of the word contains an element of evaluation: the name of an object or phenomenon, action, sign is complicated appraisal, the attitude of the speaker to the named phenomenon. This is what the modern linguist I.G. Miloslavsky, arguing: "The main technique expressing the desire of the speaker to instill his own assessment of the situation into the mind of the listener is the choice of words containing an evaluative element."

Using examples from Yuri Yakovlev's text, one can prove the legitimacy of Miloslavsky's assertion. So, in sentence 6 (the Voice renewed the words, filled with warmth), the emotional-evaluative words “renewed, filled with warmth” reflect the attitude of the speaker to the addressee of the message - to the girl Naila. Sentence 9 uses the word "soar", which also expresses the attitude of the narrator to the voice of the heroine. Thus, emotional-evaluative vocabulary is used in artistic and colloquial speech to create emotionality, figurativeness that attracts the reader's attention, turning him to assess the situation and characters. Therefore, Miloslavsky's statement is proved.

15.2 Why does it happen that at the sight of one person inside you suddenly freezes or vice versa begins to flutter, catch your breath or breathe easily and freely? It is difficult to describe the state when you are in love. This is what the final lines of Yuri Yakovlev's text are about. The narrator has a real, great feeling for Naili, so he is ready to listen to her voice for an infinitely long time, and it doesn’t matter what will sound from her lips, even the multiplication table.

The hero is in love with Naila, for him the whole world is enclosed in her alone. In sentence 6, the narrator says about the voice of his beloved: "The voice renewed the words, filled them with warmth." How sublime and insightful!

In sentence 21, the state of the hero is conveyed: a true moment of happiness came, which filled everything around, when the girl admitted that she knew him.

To experience this, of course, it is worth loving. It's wonderful when you meet true love along the way, it means that fate has not deprived you of one of the most beautiful feelings on earth.

15.3 What is love? What meaning do we put into this word? Why do we need it? Is it needed at all? These eternal questions haunt many generations.

Love is a great, bright feeling that is peculiar to only a person on Earth, it is a deep attachment to someone or something, a feeling of deep sympathy and a selfless desire to make a loved one happy.

The hero of the text by Yuri Yakovlev is truly in love with Naila, for him the whole world is enclosed in her alone. How loftily and penetratingly he speaks of the voice of his beloved: "The voice renewed the words, filled them with warmth." With the advent of love, a true moment of happiness came for the hero, which filled everything around.

An example of a real feeling is the love of Romeo and Juliet. The heroes of Shakespeare are ready for anything, just to be together, because without each other the world ceases to exist for them, because without each other life is meaningless.

It's wonderful when you meet true love along the way, it means that fate has not deprived you of one of the most beautiful feelings on earth.

Task 15 No. 7706. Using the read text, complete ONLY ONE of the tasks on a separate sheet: 15.1, 15.2 or 15.3. Before writing an essay, write down the number of the selected task: 15.1, 15.2 or 15.3.

15.1 Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the famous philologist L. V. Uspensky: "Grammar allows us to connect any words to each other in order to express any thought about any subject."

Justify your answer by giving 2 examples from the text you read. When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations.

You can write a work in a scientific or journalistic style, revealing the topic on linguistic material. You can start the composition with the words of L. V. Uspensky.

A work written without relying on the text read (not on this text) is not evaluated.

15.2 Write an essay-reasoning. Explain how you understand the meaning of the final text: “And Lena Popova carried home three tender branches of mimosa in a wet cloth so that they would not wither. She carried them in front of her, and it seemed to her that the sun was reflected in them, that they were so beautiful, so special ... "

Give in your essay 2 arguments from the read text that confirm your reasoning.

When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations.

The essay must be at least 70 words.

If the essay is a paraphrase or a complete rewrite of the source text without any comments, then such work is evaluated by zero points.

Write your essay in neat, legible handwriting.

15.3 How do you understand the meaning of the phrase MORAL CHOICE?

Formulate and comment on your definition. Write an essay-reasoning on the topic “What is a moral choice”, taking the definition you gave as a thesis. Arguing your thesis, give 2 examples-arguments that confirm your reasoning: give one example-argument from the text you read, and the second from your life experience.

The essay must be at least 70 words.

If the essay is a paraphrase or a complete rewrite of the source text without any comments, then such work is evaluated by zero points.

Write your essay in neat, legible handwriting.

(1) In the morning, in a crystal vase on the table, Vitya saw a huge bouquet of mimosa. (2) The flowers were so yellow and fresh, like the first warm day!

- (3) Dad gave it to me, - said mom. - (4) After all, today is the eighth of March.

(5) Indeed, today is the eighth of March, and he completely forgot about it. (6) He immediately ran to his room, grabbed a briefcase, pulled out a postcard in which it was written: “Dear Mom, I congratulate you on the Eighth of March and I promise to always obey you,” and solemnly handed it to my mother.

(7) And when he was already leaving for school, his mother suddenly suggested:

- (8) Take a few sprigs of mimosa and give to Lena Popova.

(9) Lena Popova was his desk mate.

- (10) Why? he asked gloomily.

- (11) And then, that today is the Eighth of March, and I am sure that all your boys will give something to the girls.

(12) He took three branches of mimosa and went to school.

(13) On the way, it seemed to him that everyone was looking at him. (14) But at the school itself he was lucky: he met Lena Popova. (15) Running up to her, he held out a mimosa.

- (16) This is for you.

- (17) Me? (18) Oh, how beautiful! (19) Thank you very much, Vitya!

(20) She seemed ready to thank him for another hour, but he turned and ran away.

(21) And at the first break it turned out that none of the boys in their class gave the girls anything. (22) None. (23) Only in front of Lena Popova were tender branches of mimosa.

- (24) Where do you get flowers from? the teacher asked.

- (25) Vitya gave it to me, - Lena said calmly. (26) Everyone immediately whispered, looking at Vitya, and Vitya lowered his head low.

(27) And at the break, when Vitya approached the guys as if nothing had happened, although he already felt unkind, Valery began to grimace, looking at him.

- (28) And now the groom has come! (29) Hello, young groom!

(30) The guys laughed. (31) And then high school students passed by, and everyone looked at him and asked whose fiancé he was.

(32) Barely having sat through the end of the lessons, as soon as the bell rang, he rushed home with all his might, so that there, at home, he could vent his annoyance and resentment.

(33) When mom opened the door for him, he shouted:

- (34) It's you, it's your fault, it's all because of you! (35) Vitya ran into the room, grabbed the mimosa branches and threw them on the floor. - (36) I hate these flowers, I hate them!

(37) He began to trample the mimosa branches with his feet, and the delicate yellow flowers burst and died under the rough sole of his boots.

(38) And Lena Popova carried home three tender branches of mimosa in a wet cloth so that they would not wither. (39) She carried them in front of her, and it seemed to her that the sun was reflected in them, that they were so beautiful, so special ...

(According to V. Zheleznikov) *

* Zheleznikov Vladimir Karpovich (born in 1925) is a contemporary Russian children's writer and screenwriter. His works devoted to the problems of growing up have become classics of Russian children's literature and have been translated into many languages ​​of the world.

Outline of the native (Russian) language in grade 5.

Subject. Words with a specific evaluative and characterizing meaning.

Planned results:

Subject: to introduce students to the words evaluative - characterizing the value; Regulatory: determine the purpose of the activity in the lesson; Cognitive: to form the ability to determine lexical meaning words; Communicative: to form the ability to listen and understand the speech of others; Personal: to form a cognitive initiative in helping their classmates.

Equipment: cards, illustrations, portrait of Pushkin.

During the classes


I love the magnificent nature of wilting,

Forests clad in crimson and gold…

A.S. Pushkin

I. Organizational moment

The bell rang for us

The lesson starts.

They stood up straight, pulled themselves up,

And they smiled at each other.

II. Updating of basic knowledge.

1. Spelling minute.

Early autumn, October came, over the foggy land, crimson sunset, gold foliage, rustle of leaves, mountain ash fire, autumn alley, decorate the garden.

ΙΙΙ. Motivation of educational activity.

Autumn is a very beautiful time of the year. You agree with me? Many poets and artists admired this time of year, and autumn inspired the great poet A.S. Pushkin to work.

Pay attention to the words written in the five-minute spelling and look for the phrases and expressions used in figurative meaning.

What are their names? ( artistic means)

How do you understand the words of the epigraph?

What feelings arise?

What words help express feelings?

IV . Setting goals and objectives for the lesson.

V. Assimilation of new knowledge.

Emotional-evaluative words in Russian include such words that help the author convey the emotional component of a speech or letter related to feelings, emotions, a situation, etc. Both a negative assessment and a positive one can serve as an example. Evaluative words are both positive and negative.

Now look at the illustrations that depict the beauties of our nature, what impression did they make on you?

Match examples of assessment to what you see (beautiful time, golden autumn, mirror river ...)

Look at the portrait of A.S. Pushkin, what words will we write to him? (brilliant, talented, smart…)

1. These are words containing an assessment of facts, phenomena, signs, giving an unambiguous description of people, natural phenomena, events.

Consider an illustration of a stepmother from Pushkin's fairy tale "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs"

What words will we choose for our stepmother? What shall we call it (snake...)

2. Polysemantic, neutral in the main meaning, receiving a qualitatively - emotional connotation with the figurative use of the word:elephant, bear (about a person).

We write down the words: son, daughter, health, kid, beard, kind, nice, beauty.

With the help of Which morpheme do we evaluate words? (suffix)

What emotions arise from these words?

Positive: son, daughter, kind, nice, handsome.

Negative: healthy, kid, beards.

3. Words with suffixes and prefixes give an estimated value.

VI. Fixing the material.


Write down and select words in which the relation to an object or phenomenon is expressed grammatically: by special suffixes or prefixes.

Leg, wing, kind, elephant, cat, table, circle, blood, chamomile, mouth, notebook.

Words in which an emotional attitude to an object or phenomenon is expressed grammatically: by special suffixes and prefixes.

Leg - a leg, a knife;

Wing-wing, wing;

kind - kind, kind

Elephant - elephant, elephant;

Cat - cat, cat;

Table - table;

Circle - a circle;

Blood is blood;

Chamomile - chamomile, chamomile;

Mouth - mouth, mouth;

Notebook - notebook, notebook.


What suffixes and prefixes helped to form emotionally colored words, give an evaluative and characterizing meaning? (suffixes - -enk, -isch, -ik, -echk, -points, prefix -pre, etc.)

2. Task.

Work with text. Write and fill in the missing letters, explain the spelling, mark the words with appraisal characterizing value. Continue story.


From the basket .. a muzzle appeared .. with a black .. little nose .. lump, curious eyes .. nkami and standing at .. kami. It was a badger .. nok. Muzzle .. the beast .. was very funny. From the nose to the ears there were black stripes..ki. Borsuch ..nok got out of the basket on the sofa. How busy he was!

3. Write an essay - a miniature of the picture, using emotionally colored words.

VII. Lesson Summary:

-What have you learned?

-What are the words with the evaluative-characterizing meaning?

- What groups are divided into?

VIII. Homework.

-Write from any source words on the studied topic.

Today we are again talking about the style of the Russian language, and the topic of our conversation will be emotionally expressive coloring of speech. It is no secret that the style of works of art is very different from other language styles (colloquial, journalistic, official business). Its differences lie not only in the range of lexemes used, but also in the categories of quantity/quality of emotionally charged words. In terms of the number of such words, artistic speech is close to colloquial speech, but in no case should an equal sign be put between them: what is permissible in oral communication is not always applicable on the pages of a book. Let's just say that the author is allowed a lot, but not everything.

Therefore, in order to master competent and skillful artistic speech, the author must understand many subtleties, among which, undoubtedly, the use of emotional-evaluative vocabulary is included. Let's talk about her today.

Emotionally expressive coloring of speech.

As you know, many words in the Russian language not only name concepts, but also reflect the attitude of the speaker towards them. For example, admiring the beauty white flower, the author can call it snow-white or lily. The positive assessment enclosed in adjectives differs from the stylistically neutral word " white". This is what makes them emotional. Of course, a variant of a negative assessment is also possible: white - blond. The writer, using this or that word in the context, expresses his attitude, his assessment of the subject, action or sign.

For this reason, emotional vocabulary is often called evaluative or emotional-evaluative. However, it is important to understand that emotional words themselves may not contain evaluation. For example, interjections ah, ooh and others do not appreciate anything. Conversely, words where evaluation is the essence of their lexical meaning may not be related to emotional vocabulary ( good, bad, please, scold). In the second case, the assessment is not emotional, but rather intellectual, logical.

Home hallmark emotional-evaluative vocabulary is still a fact overlaying emotional coloring on the independent lexical meaning of the word. Simply put, such vocabulary expresses attitude of the speaker to the named phenomenon.

  1. Single-valued words with a bright evaluative meaning. The assessment contained in them is so clearly and definitely expressed that the word simply cannot be used in another sense. These include the so-called words-characteristics ( grabber, windbag, henpecked, slob, etc.), as well as words containing an assessment of an action, phenomenon or feature ( predestination, swindle, charming, irresponsible, antediluvian, inspire, shame).
  2. Polysemantic words, usually neutral in their main meaning, but given a bright emotional coloring when used as a metaphor. For example, the following contexts of the use of verbs: nag her husband, miss the bus, sing to the authorities, etc. In this case, the word, originally neutral, becomes emotionally evaluative solely because of the corresponding context.
  3. Words with subjective evaluation suffixes that convey various shades of feelings. They can broadcast as a positive evaluation − buddy, weed, neat, as well as negative fist, kid, bureaucracy, etc.. The evaluative result here is determined not so much by the primary meaning of the word, but by the word formation itself: the same word can be given both a positive and a negative assessment - table, table, table.


Often, in relation to emotional-evaluative vocabulary, the concept is used expressive. What does this mean?

expressiveness(from lat. expressio - expression) - means expressiveness. In practice, this most often means a superstructure over the nominal meaning of the word of special stylistic shades, special expression. For example, instead of the word bad words can be used bad, negative, wrong. In this case, the usual lexical meaning of the word is complicated expression. And as we can see, in artistic speech the number of expressive words sometimes exceeds the proportion of neutral words.

It should be remembered that one neutral word can have several expressive synonyms at once, different in degree of emotional tension ( misfortune - grief - disaster - catastrophe). It happens that expressive coloring is already inherent in some words: solemn ( unforgettable, herald, accomplishments), poetic ( azure, chant, incessant), ironic ( pious, deign, don Juan), familiar ( cute, squirm, whisper), disapproving ( pretentious, arrogant), disparaging ( to paint, pettiness), contemptuous ( slander, servility, sycophancy), derogatory ( skirt, squishy, ​​tarantass), vulgar ( grabber, lucky) and, of course, swear words ( fool, boo). As you can see, expressively colored words can be conditionally divided into words expressing a positive assessment and words with a negative assessment. A similar division is also seen in the example of synonymous series: to be afraid - to be afraid - to be afraid; face - muzzle - face, etc.

Expressive coloring is constantly superimposed on the emotional and evaluative meaning of the word, and in some cases expression prevails, and in others - emotional coloring. Therefore, in practice, it is not possible to strictly distinguish between emotional and expressive vocabulary.

The emotional and expressive coloring of the word, of course, is also influenced by its meaning. Words such as fascism, terrorism, corruption, mafia. Behind the words law, order, equality positive color was fixed.

It is known that metaphorization contributes to the development of emotional and expressive shades of a word. In this case, stylistically neutral words used as metaphors are endowed with strong expression: burn at work, collapse from fatigue, flaming gaze, flying gait, etc.. The author must remember that the main factor in determining the expressive coloring of a word is the context in which it is used. It is he who brings additional shades of feelings, and sometimes is able to completely reverse its meaning (for example, make solemn ironic).

Essential for a writer.

From all of the above, it follows that the author, working on the text, can change its emotional coloring, thereby influencing the emotional state of the reader. To this end, he uses emotional-evaluative vocabulary. Thus, if a writer wants to laugh or touch, to inspire or, conversely, to form a negative attitude towards the subject, he is free to choose a separate set of language tools in each case. With this approach, it is possible to outline in advance several variants of speech even within the same text: for example, rhetorically solemn, cold official, intimately affectionate, playful, etc. In contrast, they use neutral speech, which is based on words and expressions that are devoid of a strong stylistic coloring.

The moment of using emotionally expressive speech is one of the most important in the formation of the author's style. I believe that the ability to competently and timely use these techniques in many ways distinguishes novice authors who do not feel the mood and context from professionals.

Continue reading the article " " on the blog "Literary Workshop".

That's all for today. This time we dealt with theoretical basis the use of emotionally colored vocabulary, but the practice of application is in one of the next blog articles. Stay tuned for updates, leave your questions and comments. See you soon!

If you try to figure out what the styles of speech are and by what principle they are distinguished, then first of all it will not be striking how different the vocabulary is in different styles and not the presence or absence of any special speech formulas. First of all, we notice how differently the texts are perceived. different styles in an emotional way.

There is a huge gap in the perception of business papers and artwork. Against the backdrop of a scientific article on a topic that is not of interest to us, not even the strongest and most interesting short story will seem much more exciting. This happens not only due to the plot, the plot can also be found in the annual report of an accountant from some factory, namely due to the fact that the speech of a work of art is closest to colloquial, familiar to us speech.

Where is expressive-evaluative vocabulary used and what is it?

The emotional coloring of speech is related to colloquial and artistic styles. An example of expressive colloquial vocabulary is any dialogue consisting of only interjections:

It may seem that it is impossible to compare colloquial speech in terms of the level of expressive coloring with artistic one, because everyday dialogue is one thing, and high-society conversations in works are another. In some ways, this is true, because in colloquial speech, intonation, gestures, and atmosphere play an important role in conveying an emotional mood.

In artistic speech, one can rely only on the word. This means that for a writer the expressiveness of a word is even more important than for a person in Everyday life. By the sound itself, by the way the word is perceived by the majority of readers, the writer must convey that for which there is intonation in colloquial speech. Fortunately, expressive evaluative words in Russian are not uncommon, it is more difficult to find a “neutral” word.

But, first, let's define what expressive-evaluative vocabulary is.

Expressive vocabulary is expressive vocabulary with a clear subjective connotation, which gives out the attitude of the writer / speaker to something, both positive and negative.

Examples of emotional-evaluative vocabulary can be very different. In such a section of linguistics as text style, it is customary to distinguish four large groups expressive words are words with suffixes that give an evaluative connotation to a previously stylistically neutral word, interjections, polysemantic words that are neutral in their main meaning, but evaluative in a figurative way, and words that initially have an explicit emotional evaluation of the word. Let's take a closer look at each of these groups of words.

Words with an initially bright emotional coloring

This is a very wide layer of the Russian language. What is the fact that all obscene vocabulary, that is, rude, abusive, obscene, refers precisely to the originally expressive vocabulary, and with very strong expressiveness. That is why, by the way, foul language impoverishes vocabulary who use it excessively.

Why use a lot of words, if it is easier to describe the situation in one, bright, expressive, but meaningless word? The lack of semantic content and linguistic motivation in colloquial speech is made up for by the same context of what is happening and intonation, but in fiction, book speech foul language is used very sparingly, even by countercultural writers, and even then not in the author's narrative, but in dialogues, to convey flavor.

Why is that? And try to write something in abusive terms, without giving background, context, characteristics of the speakers. It will turn out to be a very meager and inexpressive text, despite the fact that the most expressive layer of the Russian language was used. This can be considered a lyrical digression about the benefits of moderation, let's get back to words with emotional overtones. This, of course, is not only obscene vocabulary and slang words, but simply any words, the use of which describes an object, situation, person, etc. in any unambiguous light, positive or negative.

Consider examples of emotionally evaluative words of this type.

The words of a high "calm" can only speak of something sublime (except for the ironic coloring in use, but this is a completely different technique): boldness, liberty, praise, forehead, etc.

Why does the word "chelo", for example, have an emotional connotation? For comparison, let's take two expressions "high forehead" and "high forehead". The first sentence is just a description of the details of the appearance. "Forehead" is a stylistically neutral word. But the “high forehead” is a characteristic of a person who most likely has high moral character or an outstanding mind. Why is that? It's just that the specifics of using obsolete words are that they give the text a high tone.

There are specially abbreviated words designed to give an unflattering description of what can be denoted by a neutral word or even a word with a positive connotation.

For example, not a neutral "Jew", but a deliberately lowered "Jew". Interestingly, initially the word "Jew" was neutral, social phenomena gave it a negative connotation.

Polysemantic words

The Russian language, in principle, is rich in expressive vocabulary, but does not stop there, capturing, metaphorically speaking, new territories. This happens, by the way, precisely because of the great popularity of metaphorical expressions. Some stylistically neutral words were so often metaphorically used in meanings that were not characteristic of them that the metaphor became, in fact, another meaning of the word. And, as a result, some words have both a neutral meaning and an emotionally expressive one. Neutral is usually the direct meaning of the word, and evaluative - figurative. As in the case of initially expressively colored vocabulary, polysemantic words can also carry both a positive assessment of a phenomenon and a negative one.

Noun examples:

Examples of verbs:

Suffixes of subjective evaluation

Even if a stylistically neutral word has not acquired a figurative meaning with an expressive coloring, this does not mean that it cannot be betrayed by emotionality.

Emotional coloring can be given to almost any word in Russian with the help of suffixes.

In general, the main role of the suffix is ​​word formation. How to make the adjective "river" from the noun "river" - everyone knows this. This function of suffixes is utilitarian and clear. But sometimes a suffix makes another noun out of a noun, but denoting the same phenomenon - this, it would seem, is completely useless. Here are just new nouns formed in this way, emotional content is very different from the original version. Compare the stylistically neutral word "river" and the word "river" formed from it with the help of the suffix "enk".

There are suffixes diminutives, like the above "enk", but on the contrary, suffixes, betraying weights. Not a house, but a house. Not a beard, but a beard.


This is perhaps the most emotional layer of words, since emotional expression is their main purpose. They do not carry any information load, they only indicate an emotionally strong place in a conversation or text: "ah", "oh", "bravo", "encore".

She sang for an encore, then, to the furious noise and cheers of the audience, she went backstage.

Not all interjections are evaluative, some of them are just a tribute to some formula, for example, saying “hello” when picking up the phone. But most of the interjections are a technique of expressive coloring, more often used in colloquial speech, but often used by writers when creating dialogues and monologues of characters.

This is all the theoretical knowledge that you need to have in order to understand what expressive vocabulary is. Much more writing experience, taste and a sense of proportion are needed to competently and convincingly use this vast resource of the Russian language, creating a literary text, and not an official document or shorthand for everyday conversation.

EMOTIONAL EVALUATION WORD. A lexical item that includes an evaluation element: rain, white, etc. Words with emotional coloring can include various shades: ironic, disapproving, contemptuous, affectionate, solemnly upbeat, etc. This coloring, as a rule, is stable, since it arises as a result of the fact that the very meaning of the word contains an element of evaluation: the name of an object or phenomenon, action, sign is complicated by evaluativeness, the attitude of the speaker to the phenomenon called (lip-slap, slob, idler). Estimated words can be in a figurative sense (for example, they say about a person: bear, crow, eagle). Evaluation can be achieved with the help of suffixes: granny, sun, flower. There are lexical units for which evaluativeness is traditionally fixed: vitiya (orator), broadcast (speak, proclaim), cry out (appeal), etc. Emotional-evaluative vocabulary is divided into two large categories: 1) words with a positive characteristic; 2) words with a negative (negative) characteristic. Emotional-evaluative vocabulary is used in artistic and colloquial speech in connection with the creation of emotionality, in journalistic style- to express passion. In style: Emotionally evaluative words reflect the emotionally expressed pragmatics of the language [from the Greek. πραγμα deed, action], i.e. the attitude of the speaker to the reality, content or addressee of the message. There are three groups of emotional-evaluative words: 1) in the very meaning of the word there is an element of evaluation (to glorify, daring); 2) the assessment is contained in the figurative meaning of the word (about a person: eagle, boil);
3) subjective assessment is expressed by suffixes (grandmother, little man). Stylistic marks with emotional-evaluative words: polite, vulgar, rude, ironic, affectionate, disapproving, playful, etc.
EMOTIONAL-EXPRESSIVE FUNCTION OF LANGUAGE. One of the basic functions of language: the purpose of language is to be one of the means of expressing feelings and emotions.
EMOTIONAL [ EMOTION [fr. émotion empathy. The property of the interpreter, which consists in: 1) acceptance of the speaker's point of view (a look at things "through the eyes of others"), the presumption of the author, which is associated with the stock of knowledge of the interpreter; 2) in readiness to legitimize real and potential intentions in someone else's speech, to accept the author's intentions as an axiom, which is connected with the interpretation strategy.
EMPIRISM [dr.-Greek. έμπρειρίά experience, experience]. 1) Direction in the theory of knowledge, focused on sensory experience; 2) in linguistics: the direction underlying such an approach, when observations over the language prevail, completely replacing logical generalizations, as a result of which the rational structure of the language is ignored.
1) previous dictionaries; 2) file cabinet of examples; 3) machine database.
EMPHASA. Highlighting any element of a statement with the help of intonation, repetition, syntactic position.
ENALLAGA in rhetoric: a rhetorical figure of comprehension based on a shift in the meaning of a word or phrase from one defined to another: not “a flock of strong-winged pigeons”, but “a flock of strong-winged pigeons”.
ENANTIOSEMIA. Intra-word antonymy, opposition of meanings within a word, combination of opposite meanings in one word: view: 1) carefully looked through (did not miss anything) the whole book; 2) viewed (missed) a few errors.
ENDOGLOSS LANGUAGE SITUATION. A language situation in which subsystems of the same language function.
ENDOSCOPE IN ARTICULATION STUDIES. A thin tube equipped with an optical system and a light bulb at the end.
ENDOPHORIC GRAMMEMS. Grammemes that mark the speaker's inner feelings: fear, hunger, intentions, etc., which the speaker can only feel, but cannot perceive them from the outside in a visual-sensory way. Grammemes express direct sources of information.
ENERGY. Language as an activity, as something inextricably linked with speech, existing only in speech and through speech. The term was introduced into scientific use by W. Humboldt.
ENCLITIC. See: Clitics.